
Products on the buffet table. How to set a buffet table in the office? Sweet table for a children's birthday: menu planning and recipes

Menu for a children's birthday party at home.

Many parents strive to make their baby's birthday unforgettable. That is why they look for interesting dishes and ways of decoration. The organization of a children's holiday is fundamentally different from an adult birthday. After all, there will be many children at the holiday who need to be entertained.

In general, the menu for celebrating a children's birthday differs from an adult with a minimum content of harmful products. Therefore, it is better to season all mayonnaise salads with fresh yogurt, and smoked meats with boiled meat. In the summer, it is easiest to organize a sweet table with lots of fruit. It can be a variety of salads, cuts, pastries with berries and fruits.

List of sweet dishes:

  • Salad in watermelon
  • Pineapple baskets
  • Open cake with apricots and jelly
  • strawberry soufflé
  • Natural compotes
  • Ice cream with fruits

List of salads and main dishes:

  • Caesar salad"
  • Vegetable salads with boiled meat
  • Puree with baked meatballs
  • Sandwiches with red fish
  • Gefilte fish

In winter, there are not many fresh fruits and vegetables. Basically everything is imported and quite expensive. That is why in winter the basis of any table is potatoes and meat, as well as pickles.

Sweet options:

  • Milk jelly or soufflé
  • Cottage cheese casseroles or cheesecakes
  • Ice cream
  • Cakes with protein cream or condensed milk
  • Cupcakes with jam or jam

Main course and appetizer options:

  • Potatoes with mushrooms and baked meat
  • Chicken chops with cheese
  • Beet salad with beef
  • Cabbage salad with corn
  • Seafood salad

It is quite difficult to prepare meals for such small children. The thing is that many are allergic to citrus fruits and honey. Such children should not be given dishes from the common table. That is why adults and kids will have to cook separately.

Sample menu:

  • Mashed potatoes with chicken meatballs
  • Chicken chops stewed in sour cream
  • pumpkin puree
  • Liver pate
  • Curd soufflé
  • Baked apples with cottage cheese

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 1 to 2 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 1 to 2 years old: ideas, menus, tips

At this age, babies can already eat food from the common table. But still, you should not put a lot of junk food on the table. Try to replace mayonnaise salads with some dressings. It can be butter or homemade yogurt, sour cream. The main task of parents is to make the holiday fun. Children of this age are very mobile, so if possible, use the services of animators. It is best to take a company of children to a children's entertainment complex, where they can jump on trampolines, run in labyrinths and participate in interesting competitions.

Sample menu:

  • Cartoon character cupcakes
  • cheesecake
  • Cupcakes with cream
  • Ice cream
  • Various cakes

Although at this age you can please the children with McDonald's french fries and delicious McFlury. In any case, the main task of parents is to make the holiday fun or moving. Kids this age love themed birthday parties. That is, you can arrange a day with fixies. In this case, all the kids put on caps with fixies, on cups, balls and plates, there are also images of the corresponding theme. You can complement the holiday with peñata with sweets and surprises.

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

This is a rather difficult age, since the child has a certain circle of friends and hobbies. When organizing a holiday, you should pay attention to the preferences of the child. For boys, you can take the idea of ​​Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Minions, Madagascar. Girls will appreciate the theme of princesses or My Little Pony. Be sure to ask your child how to organize a holiday. Unlike younger children, schoolchildren can sit for a while. Accordingly, the holiday itself can be half in motion. The rest can be held at the table and be intellectual. It can be games for erudition or desires.


  • fruit pizza
  • Yogurt ice cream
  • Dessert with fruits and jelly
  • Cakes without baking
  • Homemade sweets
  • cupcakes
  • B-B-Q
  • Grilled vegetables
  • vegetable salads

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

The buffet table implies a huge variety of food and a large amount of it. In this case, most often children are not given chairs. Usually a buffet table is combined with active games and competitions. Therefore, dishes should be as varied and interesting as possible.

Sample menu:

  • Homemade candies on sticks
  • cupcakes
  • cakes
  • Zephyr
  • Lemonade
  • Smoothies
  • Variety of drinks
  • cheesecake

Most often, a sweet table is organized for children. It can be a variety of lemonades and drinks. In addition, sweets are welcome. It can be a homemade cake or jelly. Homemade sweets would also be appropriate.


  • fruit jelly
  • Thor without baking
  • cupcakes
  • fruit skewers
  • fruit salads

If you plan to entertain children for a long time, then they should be thoroughly fed. For these purposes, a hot dish is suitable. It could be potatoes with a meat dish. It all depends on the time of year. Older children will appreciate the barbecue. If the birthday is in winter, then cook a roast.

Roast in pots

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 1 kg meat
  • 0.5 kg mushrooms
  • 100 g cheese
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • Spices
  • Bouillon
  • 3 onions


  • Cut the meat into strips and fry them in a hot pan
  • Enter the onion and fry a little more
  • Add mushrooms and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Divide the meat mixture among the pots and place the potatoes on top.
  • Pour in the broth and place in the oven for 40 minutes
  • Remove from oven, add salt, spices, sour cream and sprinkle with cheese
  • Keep in the oven for another 5-7 minutes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

It is best to prepare salads that are dressed with oil. Ideally, if it is a mix of vegetables and meat.

Salad "Summer"


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 1 pickled onion
  • 100 g boiled chicken meat
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • Mustard
  • Oil


  • Cut the vegetables into pieces and place them in a large bowl.
  • Chicken fillet and cheese cut into cubes
  • Mix mustard with oil and salt
  • Dress the salad with the mixture and add the greens

Children's salads for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

An ideal option for snacks is dishes in tartlets or in pita bread. Canape sandwiches are also suitable.

Snacks in lavash


  • Grated carrot
  • Canned fish
  • Yogurt
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 lavash
  • Greenery


  • Crush the sardines in the oil with a fork and add the greens
  • Spread the pita bread on the table and lay out the fish puree
  • Cover with another sheet of pita bread and top with grated carrots, eggs and yogurt
  • Roll everything up and leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator
  • Cut into thin slices

Children's snacks for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for a children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's pizza: ideas, recipes

It is best to prepare a children's pizza with fruit. The basis can be purchased shortcrust pastry. For more information on how to make pizza for children, see the video.

VIDEO: Children's pizza

A great salad serving idea is tartlets. They can be fruit or vegetable with meat.

Tartlets with meat


  • 10 tartlets
  • 300 g chicken boiled meat
  • jar of corn
  • 3 cucumbers
  • Yogurt


  • Boil the breast until soft and cut into cubes
  • Wash and peel cucumbers, cut into cubes
  • Mix chicken with vegetables and corn, season everything with yogurt
  • Put the salad in tartlets and garnish with herbs

Birthday Tartlets for Children: Ideas, Recipes

Sweet tartlets


  • 10 shortcrust pastry tartlets
  • Whipped cream
  • 300 g seedless grapes
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 3 peaches


  • Cut the peaches into cubes, and disassemble the grapes into berries
  • Mix peaches, strawberries and grapes
  • Fill tartlets with assorted fruit and garnish with whipped cream

Birthday Tartlets for Children: Ideas, Recipes

You can cook both fruit and meat canapes.

Canape with shrimps


  • Handful of large peeled shrimp
  • 0.5 kg cherry tomatoes
  • 200 g cheese
  • skewers
  • Sour cream


  • Cut the tomatoes into two halves
  • Cheese cut into thick slices
  • Brush each tomato half with yogurt
  • Place cheese and shrimp on top of one half
  • Cover with the second half and secure with a skewer

In terms of composition, sandwiches can be the most common. You'll have to mess with the delivery. It is best if you make decorations in the form of birds or hedgehogs. Below are interesting options for sandwiches for the children's table.

It is best to initially choose the concept of the holiday and stick to it. Often used purchased children's glasses, plates with images of cartoon characters. This will help save time on decorating dishes. If you are preparing salads, do not be too lazy to arrange them in tartlets or decorate them so that the children are interested and have fun. Below are interesting design options for children's dishes.

To make a children's holiday unforgettable, do not be lazy, spend some time organizing fun. Invite animators or prepare some competitions.

VIDEO: Children's birthday at home

A buffet is an organized reception, guests eat standing up, choose any snacks and drinks on their own and serve themselves. A fork is most often used as a device. Chairs are not provided.

The main advantages of the buffet:

  • More space for dancing, competitions, games;
  • Free movement and communication of people;
  • Possibility to invite more guests;
  • The amount of furniture is not related to the number of guests;
  • Savings in the cost of conducting;
  • Short time spent (several hours);
  • Self-service;
  • Large selection of food and drinks;
  • Lack of change of dishes and their heating.

This option for organizing a feast is great for youth parties, business events, mini-holidays.

Important! The main rule of a good buffet is a wide variety of snacks and drinks!

Organization of a buffet table

Proper organization of the buffet table is important! Appetizers should look attractive and appetizing, and guests should feel relaxed and at ease.

On a note! Even knowing the exact number of guests, set the buffet table, taking into account at least a double supply of dishes and cutlery.

  • Choose high buffet tables so that people have to bend over for snacks.
  • Cover the buffet table with a plain tablecloth of a muted and calm shade. For example, white, beige, light gray. In addition, burgundy and black colors look rich on the table. Plates with appetizers on bright tablecloths will simply get lost and look gaudy and ugly.

  • Decor. The festive table can be decorated with fresh flowers, candlesticks with candles. If the buffet table is dedicated to a certain holiday, then the table can be organized thematically. For example, on New Year's Eve, put Christmas trees, snowmen on the table, take a tablecloth with micro-glitters, creating the effect of snow. And if this is a wedding, then beautiful wooden inscriptions, hearts can be put on the table. All decor ideas depend on imagination and give the holiday a special warm atmosphere.

  • It is advisable to use dishes and cutlery in the same style and color so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth and decor. Crumbly snacks can be placed in small glass jars by tying the containers with a ribbon.
  • Multi-level dishes will save space on the buffet table and decorate its overall appearance.

  • In addition to bottles of alcoholic beverages, you will need beautiful decanters or lemonades. If they are transparent, then slices of lemon, orange and fresh mint leaves can be added to the decanters.
  • A lot of glasses for drinks will come in handy, as the whole evening guests will not drink from one glass. Therefore, they must be prepared in advance. You can buy multi-colored stickers for wine glasses, on which you can write the name of the invitee
  • Do not serve snacks that cannot be eaten with a fork or hands

  • List the dishes that last the longest for the longest time first.

  • Serve appetizers with mayonnaise and caviar last, so as not to wind up

Rules for serving a buffet table

Serving a buffet table is of 2 types:

  • Unilateral. Tables are served on one side, leaving room for guests of honor. A table with food is placed perpendicular to the main table or one side to the wall. Most often, this type is used at wedding celebrations.
  • Bilateral. Tables are served on both sides with appetizers in equal quantities, guests move freely between tables, choosing what they want at any time. This serving option is the most popular and convenient.

Regardless of the serving, the table must be large to accommodate all the dishes. You can also move two tables and cover them with a common tablecloth, as long as they are at the same height.

The legs of the buffet table should be covered with a tablecloth or buffet skirt.

The table, covered with a festive tablecloth, begins to be served from glass. Glasses, wine glasses and glasses, when served on both sides, are displayed in a snake, herringbone or groups.

Glasses with drinks are placed to the right of the plate. If their number is more than three, then they are placed in 2 rows. It is important that large glasses do not overlap small ones. The size of the container depends on the strength of the alcohol.

On a note! Red wine is served with meat and red fish. And for white wine - low-fat fish, fruits and snacks.

Important! All plates, saucers, wine glasses and napkins should be in an accessible place so that guests can take what they need at any time.

Dessert and snack plates must be placed in piles at the edges of the table, or along the table at regular intervals. Their number is determined at the rate of 2 dessert and 1 snack plates for each guest.

Snack plates are laid out in piles of 10 pieces along the festive table on both sides, 2 cm from the edge. The distance from the end of the table to the dishes is 1.5-2m.

Dessert plates are placed in stacks of 3-4 in front of the eateries on the right side. All emblems on dishes should face the guest.

Forks placed on edge are placed to the left of the plates with the sharp side up, and knives are placed to the right.

Napkins in beautiful holders are placed along the table. You can put toothpicks and decorative skewers next to them, put them in beautiful jars or cups. Salt, pepper and other spices are placed around the edges of the table. If a dish needs a special sauce, then it is placed next to this dish.

Alcoholic drinks are poured in advance into jugs or glasses. The remaining drinks are placed on the table so that the labels are visible. For tea and coffee, delimit a separate area on the table.

The rest of the glass and dishes are removed to the auxiliary serving table.

Advice! If the same dishes were not found, then distribute the plates in homogeneous groups on the buffet table.

Appetizers themselves, salads and sliced ​​​​bread are placed closer to the edge. At the back of the table are hot and multi-tiered dishes, fruits, sweet desserts and pastries. Place the appropriate cutlery on each dish.

Advice! Leave a separate edge of the table free so that guests can put dirty dishes there or select a utility table.

Assortment of dishes

A competent buffet menu includes snacks, decorated in small portions. They must be presented effectively. For convenience, snacks are best served in baskets, tartlets, on crackers. Thread canape onto skewers. In addition, spread the skewers next to the sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fruit plates.

  • Tartlets with caviar and salads

  • Various canapes. Consider the canapes for each alcoholic drink, some will bring out the taste of white wine, and others - red.

  • Toast in batter. Suitable for dessert types, served with herbs and olives.

  • Lavash rolls with fish;
  • Small pies with savory fillings.
  • Light salad on homemade chips;
  • Grilled king prawns or mussels;
  • Snacks;
  • Meat and vegetable cuts;

  • Cheese plate

  • Berry and fruit assortment;

  • Light desserts;

  • Confectionery;

  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;

How to revive the buffet table

Each organizer of the holiday wants his party and table to be remembered by the guests.

If various contests can be included in the program to entertain guests, then for the exclusive serving of the buffet table, you need to come up with something unusual.

Recently, the chocolate fountain has come into fashion. Melted chocolate slowly flows down the tiers in smooth cascades. Such a dessert does not leave guests indifferent, they tend to dip pieces of fruit in warm chocolate mass.

Next to the fountain, put pieces of fruit and berries in advance. Strawberries, chopped pineapple, banana, marshmallows, ice cream balls are perfect. There should also be enough skewers.

If you are tired of ordinary cakes, then they will be perfectly replaced by cake pops. These are mini cakes on a stick, designed to look like lollipops. Inside they are made of biscuit with different fillings, and topped with chocolate or icing. This dessert delights guests. Cake pops can be styled according to the theme of the holiday, for example, at a bachelorette party they can be decorated in pink and nude colors. And at a children's holiday in the form of figures of heroes.

A slide of champagne looks bewitching on the buffet table.

Glasses are sequentially placed on top of each other, forming a pyramid. Bottles of champagne are poured into the topmost glass, from where the drink is poured into the lower glasses. A golden drink with white foam slowly flowing down the glasses is a very beautiful sight. The hill itself can be decorated with berries, pieces of fruit, fresh flowers.

If you are looking for snacks for a buffet table, recipes with photos are simple and delicious, our section will give you an idea of ​​the many snacks that will decorate the buffet table and make the holiday great. What is a buffet table and where did this fashionable word come from? It was invented by the French, for those cases when not gatherings at the table are arranged, but some kind of presentations, business negotiations, or meetings where free movement between people and communication is important, and snacks and drinks fade into the background.

The essence of the buffet table is tiny snacks that can be eaten by putting in your mouth, without cutting, in one bite. Therefore, to find out which snacks to choose for a buffet table at work inexpensively, see our recipes. For an office version of a birthday, a buffet table is a great way out. Bulky tables do not take up space, there is no need to prepare hot and cold complex dishes, everything is simple and elegant.

Consider buffet snacks on the festive table, recipes with photos, simple, beautiful, interesting, and not complicated, and choose the most suitable options for each. First of all, pay attention to tartlets - in these small baskets you can serve anything in portions - salads, cheese toppings, crab meat, caviar, desserts and so on. You can bake the baskets yourself if a small number of guests are expected, or buy them, now there are many variations of tartlets in stores.

Further, if a buffet at work for a birthday is supposed, all kinds of canapes are excellent from inexpensive options, crackers, chips, small pieces of bread can be used as a base. Canapes can be with seafood, meat, cheese and dessert. Such a buffet appetizer will look very nice: a small piece of bread, a bit of cream sauce in the middle, a shrimp is pinned on a skewer, literally a few eggs on the side. A simpler option: a canape with herring - on a mug of black bread, oiled, a sprig of dill and a piece of herring are placed. Simple and delicious.

For a buffet table at work, this snack option is perfect: a circle of bread is cut out, smeared with mayonnaise, a thin piece of salami is folded into a tube, wrapped across with a thin slice of cucumber and pierced with a skewer, a small sprig of dill will complete the decoration. The buffet table will look great with cheese slices, cold cuts, fruit vases. Also perfect are glass goblets in which sauce can be served, portioned small salads, fruits in yogurt.

Buffet dishes are varied: small pies, puff mini-buns, sandwiches, mini-kebabs on skewers, laid out on a dish with lettuce.

You can just plant 1-2 pieces of meat on each skewer and place a cherry tomato between them, it will be beautiful and tasty. Look at the snacks at the buffet table, recipes with photos will give you ideas, the rest will be complemented by fantasy, and the possibilities of the wallet. You can buy a herring, make an imitation of red caviar, a tasty and economical buffet dish will turn out. The herring is sorted into fillets, ground with a pack of butter, raw carrots and processed cheese, and you get an excellent spread for mini-sandwiches. Decorate with greens and quite beautifully can be laid out on plates.

Also, a budget option for a buffet table snack can be made from mushroom caviar, eggplant, grated cheese - this is laid out in tartlets, or on crackers, pieces of fried bread, millet and satisfying. Any buffet appetizers, as long as they are miniature and beautifully presented, will be acceptable. Do not forget about pita bread, you can cook a bunch of goodies from it if you plan a buffet at work for any holiday or birthday. For example, grease pita bread with mayonnaise, put Korean carrots, lettuce, chopped sausage, roll tightly. Then just cut into small oblique portions, cover the dish with lettuce leaves and lay out the appetizer. Beautiful, satisfying, budget friendly.

How to independently set tables in the office so that it is not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing in a restaurant? How to treat a large company if the area of ​​​​the apartment is more than modest? What snacks and aperitif at the wedding to offer guests so that they do not get bored while the newlyweds are busy with a photo session? Finally, how unusual is it to set the table on New Year's Eve so that all guests can not only have a hearty meal, but also dance, sing, arrange quizzes and play games? The answer suggests itself - you need to arrange a festive buffet.

The main thing in the article

Buffet: when is it appropriate and irreplaceable?

It was the practical and sophisticated French who coined the term "buffet", which means "fork". That is, all food served at the buffet table should fit on one fork. A distinctive feature of the buffet table is that people are not seated at tables, but move freely around the hall with a glass and a small plate in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other. Before arranging a buffet table, you need to familiarize yourself with its first rules, one might say, commandments:

  • the number of dishes that will be on the tables (plates, glasses, spoons, forks and napkins) should be two or even three times more than the invited guests;

  • sometimes it makes sense to buy disposable tableware, but only of the same type and decent quality, stylized and aesthetic;
  • at the entrance it would be nice to have a “hospitality table” with an aperitif: champagne, cognac, liqueurs or liqueurs;

  • tables with treats should be located so that it is easy and simple to get to them;
  • buffet tables should be slightly higher than ordinary kitchen tables: usually their height is slightly more than a meter.

Traditional buffet dishes: what snacks are suitable?

All kinds of cold appetizers are very popular on the buffet table: small sandwiches, multi-layer canapes, stuffed vegetables, and especially rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings.

Not a single buffet is complete without exquisitely decorated meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, as well as fruit platters.

Beautifully decorated tartlets with different fillings, various sandwiches, snacks on skewers, in slices or chips - all this will not only be part of an excellent menu for any holiday, but will also be great for any corporate holiday, business reception or friendly party.

If you want to have a fun holiday, be sure to take care of alcoholic beverages in advance. Basically, guests at the buffet table are offered champagne, table wines, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

What should not be served at a buffet table?

According to the rules of the buffet table, all dishes and snacks served on it must be "one bite", that is, decorated very concisely, but capaciously and compactly. At the buffet table are not welcome at all:

  • a variety of first courses, in particular soups, in any case, in their usual serving;
  • traditional hot dishes - potatoes, meat, roasts, all kinds of stews and casseroles - are categorically not welcome. It should be convenient for the guest to place snacks on a plate and eat them with just a fork;

  • the fish must be carefully deboned and thinly sliced: guests should not experience discomfort, picking their hands in a plate in order to separate the bones from the pulp;
  • layered salads in traditional salad bowls are not allowed on the buffet table: there are many other ways to serve your favorite, sauced dishes at such an event.

Cold snacks for the holiday: a tribute to the classics

Basically, the buffet table consists of cold appetizers, which should be light, unobtrusive, for every taste. At the same time, they should be portioned so that guests do not have to cut or separate the dish, trying to take a piece for themselves.

Before a buffet table, you should carefully consider the menu and serve universal snacks that will be good both cold and hot, since it is not customary to warm up food at such an event. Food should be in harmony with the drinks offered to guests. So, we offer you several popular and proven options for buffet dishes.

Hslices and rolls for the festive table

Traditionally, at the buffet table, it is customary to serve a variety of cuts: meat, vegetable, cheese and fruit platter. Sliced ​​dishes look very nice, especially if you do not just put meat and sausages on a dish, but combine them with other products, such as olives, wrap them in rolls, string them on skewers.

The cheese plateau looks very advantageous: several types of cheese are cut in various ways: hard cheese is cut into plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes.

Together with cheese, it is customary to put grapes, honey and nuts on a dish: these products are in perfect harmony with each other.

Cold snacks for the festive table in the form of rolls are not only nutritious, but also very beautiful dishes that diversify and make the menu of any feast original. You can make such rolls from almost any product: pita bread, cheese, fish, zucchini, pieces of meat or ham, as well as wrap all kinds of stuffing in pancakes, scrambled eggs and crab sticks.

The most popular buffet rolls are:

  • cheese rolls with meat or mushroom filling;
  • ham rolls with "Jewish" salad and herbs;
  • twists from pita bread or puff pastry (meat, red fish, caviar, melted cheese with salmon or mushrooms are suitable as a filling);

  • zucchini or cucumber rolls stuffed with spreadable cream cheese;

  • herring rolls with chopped gherkins or Korean carrots as a filling. This version of serving herring looks much more original and festive than a banal fillet cut into pieces, and is eaten by guests in a matter of minutes.

Very unusual is a cheese roll with chicken and mushrooms. To make it you need:

  • boil chicken fillet and one chicken egg;
  • cut and fry mushrooms;
  • chop all the ingredients, mix them and season with mayonnaise, adding a little greenery;
  • grate 500-700 grams of hard cheese, send it to the microwave or oven for a couple of minutes: the cheese should melt and acquire a viscous, pasty consistency;
  • lay a cling film or parchment for baking on the table and “pour” cheese on it, smoothing the edges with a spoon;
  • after waiting for the cheese to dry a little, evenly distribute the filling on it;
  • roll a tight roll of cheese;
  • wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  • nicely cut into slices and serve.

Lavash or omelet rolls are made in the same way. They can wrap any products that are in harmony with each other to taste.

Do not forget about fruit slicing: fruits and berries must decorate the buffet table, and they can be served in an original and elegant way:

Sandwiches and canapes

Sandwiches are the simplest buffet snack. They can be prepared innumerable, and all of them will be finally and irrevocably eaten, the main thing is to serve them beautifully and effectively, using a variety of products for cooking. It is convenient to use different breads as a basis for them:

  • white toast - for club sandwiches, sandwiches with caviar, red and white fish;

  • black - for sandwiches with herring, bacon and pickles;

  • crackers - used to serve canapes: cheese with olives and herbs is served on unsweetened ones, sweet cream with berries is served on sweet ones.

Pancakes are suitable as a basis for sandwiches: any salted fish is good with them. Even from simple products such as brown bread, lettuce, cream cheese, small tomatoes and olives, you can make very spectacular and mouth-watering sandwiches.

Take note of a few more outstanding ways to prepare canapés.

Snacks on skewers and in tartlets

The simplest, however, no less tasty, are cold appetizers served in tartlets. You can bake them yourself, or you can buy them ready-made at any store. These little baskets can be filled with any salad, garnished with a sprig of parsley or a few eggs, and the original, delicious appetizer is ready.

Combinations are great as fillings for tartlets:

  • processed cheese and seafood;
  • liver, carrots and pickled cucumbers;
  • chicken, prunes and fresh cucumber;
  • cheese with garlic and olives;
  • smoked meat or chicken and pickled mushrooms.

These same snacks can be served in a different way by placing them on large potato chips of the same size or alternatively on savory crackers.

The most popular food for the buffet table is snacks on skewers, as they are very convenient to eat and very easy to prepare.

On skewers, you can put any products that go well with each other. They can be strung with cubes of meat, thin slices of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, as well as various seafood - mussels, shrimp and others.

The appetizer is very original and tasty. "Taste of Italy" and it is very easy to prepare. For this you will need:

  • 200 g mozzarella in small balls;
  • 2 sprigs of cherry tomatoes;
  • a bunch of green basil;
  • a handful of dried basil

We take out the mozzarella from the brine, dry it and roll it in dried herbs. A tomato, a leaf of green basil and a ball of mozzarella are strung on a skewer.

Stuffed dishes at the buffet

Stuffed dishes are an excellent option for a cold appetizer, because a lot of products can be stuffed, the contents of which can be taken out and filled with something tasty, resulting in an appetizer with a harmonious, refined taste. An excellent option for a cold holiday snack will be:

  • eggs stuffed with canned salmon and garnished with red caviar;

  • tomatoes stuffed with crab salad;
  • halves of sweet bell pepper with the core taken out, filled with any salad.

An original and elegant appetizer that will decorate any table is Fly Agaric. For its preparation you will need:

  • several cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 200 g of ham;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Steps for making appetizers:

  • in a separate dish, mix diced ham, grated cheese and eggs;
  • dressing the salad with sauce;
  • cut the cucumber into medium-sized rings;
  • we collect fly agaric mushrooms: first we put the cucumber rings on a flat dish, put the balls on them, which we “roll” from the ham and cheese salad, and put the halves of the tomatoes on the balls - the caps of our mushrooms.

In order for the appetizer to acquire a finished, believable look, you need to put dots of mayonnaise on the fly agaric hats.

Mini pastries: what to serve at the buffet table?

Baking is very welcome at the buffet table, but all of it should be in a mini format: if pies, then miniature, if pies, then cut into tiny portions. Eclairs with cheese and liver filling and small puff buns, which can be stuffed with any salads, are very relevant.

At the buffet table, it is customary to serve pancakes stuffed with everything you like, in several serving options:

  • we roll the pancake greased with the filling into a roll, cut into small pieces, decorate with herbs, caviar;
  • fold the pancake with filling in a neat envelope;
  • put the minced meat in the middle of the pancake, collect the edges to form a bag, and connect the ends with a green onion feather.

Today, muffins are very popular at buffet tables - miniature cupcakes with or without filling. Such an appetizer successfully replaces even a cake, because you can serve several options for muffins and guests will try them all.

Hot buffet dishes

Although the format of such a holiday as a buffet table does not imply warming up food, hot food is a must at such an event. As hot dishes will be ideal:

  • chicken or pork skewers on bamboo sticks;

  • mini skewers of mussels, shrimp or chicken hearts;
  • chicken or seafood julienne in portioned bowls or tartlets;

  • meat rolls with various fillings (mushrooms, ham, cheese, bacon);
  • as a side dish at a buffet table, you can serve boiled young potatoes sprinkled with herbs and strung on skewers.

Fondue is perfect for a buffet table: hard or processed cheese is heated and brought to a liquid consistency in a container for sauce, to which greens and spices can be added. Anything is dipped in such a sauce: small sausages, cubes of sausage and cheese, croutons, miniature potatoes, pastries.

Recipes for "fashionable" buffet snacks: modern ways of serving dishes

Over time, not only new recipes for buffet dishes become popular, but also ways to serve them are improved.

Snacks in transparent glasses : a very fashionable kind of treat even for the most sophisticated buffet receptions. Everything can be placed in a glass: from thick sauces (guacamole, sour cream, to which garlic and dill are added, eggplant pulp, mashed with herbs, garlic and cheese in a puree, to creamy soups).

In such glasses, you can dip skewers with lightly salted herring strung on them, boiled or baked meat, ham, croutons with vegetables.

Surprise guests with an original serving of simple products, prepare a snack "Chinese chopsticks". To prepare it, you will need a package of ordinary straws and 300 g of lightly salted red salmon. The fish is cut into very thin slices and overlapped on each straw. If necessary, the base of the straw can be tied with a green onion feather.

Thinly sliced ​​ham and salami can be served in the same way, and cheese sticks can be used instead of straws. These sticks are served by placing them in glasses.

club sandwiches - unusual sandwiches from familiar products. They are prepared from toast bread and any ingredients (ham, meat, fresh cucumbers, melted cheese and others). It is noteworthy that such a sandwich is a "multi-story", bread closed on top, and cut into several small triangles. Sometimes tiny buns are used for their preparation.

And, of course, rolls are an insanely popular appetizer that has become just a trend at modern buffet tables.

buffet table design options

To make your buffet table unforgettable, you need to approach with imagination not only the preparation of dishes, but also the design of the festive table. So, we offer you some tips that will help you create an unusual, original holiday:

  • to save space on the festive table and in order to create the effect of abundance, use special multi-storey dishes, that is, put snacks in tiers so that they are easy to take;

  • for a buffet table, white or light linen tablecloths decorated with lace or classic cotton tablecloths with or without delicate embroidery are relevant: it is easiest to pick up dishes for such a tablecloth, besides, it will suit any celebration format;
  • for table setting, actively use glasses and glasses: not only for drinks, but also for snacks, in particular salads and desserts. Glasses can successfully replace plates and salad bowls, and it looks very impressive;

  • serve dishes in special ceramic spoons. This technique is used at the most sophisticated receptions; “snacks” are usually served in such spoons - beautifully decorated balls rolled from a variety of salads.

We invite you to consider more options for the original design of dishes on the buffet table:

For more details on how to decorate buffet dishes, see our video:

In certain situations, there is nothing better than a buffet for celebrating significant events. Your guests will deal with food and drinks themselves, serve themselves, and the host of the holiday will be free to accept congratulations and communicate with his friends in a relaxed and easy atmosphere.

Children are always non-standard personalities. As a rule, they:

  • prefer sweets to other foods;
  • delighted with beautiful food, which is like from a fairy tale;
  • they like to have fun and learn new things more than to eat;
  • won't pretend to like something if they don't.

Based on these points, we will form a menu for a children's birthday.
Of course, parents and other adult family members want, first of all, to feed the child with healthy and nutritious food, and sweet food after that. And this also has its own conditions, because no one will deny that food should be:

  1. from quality products;
  2. if possible not fried;
  3. with a minimum amount of different spices.

In addition, when children gather in a company, they will not behave like adults in such situations: peacefully (or not so) talk, serving each other the dishes that are on the table. Because of this, it is best to serve the food that you will treat your little guests to, divided into portions. Menu for a children's holiday with a photo

Children's menu for the holiday recipes

Pizza for kids

Pizza is perfect for a main course! Is there anyone who doesn't like pizza? There are hardly any! Therefore, pizza is the best option for a children's birthday. It can be cut into all sorts of pieces and then laid out for the children to whomever they want. Vegetarian pizza is a good option. She must be:

  • without mayonnaise;
  • with good quality cheese;
  • with colorful vegetables.

That said, if you have organizational skills, it's a great idea to make pizza with the kids! Most likely, little cooks will get themselves dirty, so you should notify your parents about cooking and stock up on small aprons.

kids party menu

Impressions after such a master class will be indelible! So:

Of course, what the child made himself, he will eat with pleasure.
And a great solution would be small pizzas that look like flowers! They look impressive, besides the size is suitable for children's hands. To learn how to cook such a charm, you need.

A la pizza

Many kids love pasta. And from them, too, you can build portioned pizzas! This dish looks like pizza because of the cheese and vegetables, and not in its preparation, but it tastes very similar! The preparation is as follows:

All this must be done without slowing down so that the cheese can melt from hot spaghetti and make the dish undivided.

In this version of pizza, already fully prepared products should be used, since the formed dish will not be subject to heat treatment:

  • mushrooms fried or boiled;
  • chopped sausages into mugs or boiled sausage cut into thin strips;
  • pickled cucumbers (you can take baby cucumbers) and everyone's favorite corn;
  • rings of tomatoes (cherries will look good) and sweet peppers.

Baked vegetables in a pot

Quite easy to prepare. At your discretion, you can bake vegetables with or without meat. But the design should be as unusual as possible! Form a circle and thin sausages from the dough - this will be an octopus, which should be used as a lid. For such a dish, it is better to use small pots - it is unlikely that children will eat everything. This meal option is perfect for the Sea Pirates holiday theme.

Another option for decorating baked vegetables is with cheese and cream sauce. You can lay out the top in the form of faces from fresh vegetables - here you should try and turn on your imagination. In order for your art to remain the way you intended it, you should decorate a ready-made dish.

Garnish and sausages

Definitely, the side dish also needs to be made festive. For example:

  • deep-fried potatoes;
  • colored pasta;
  • boiled corn and green peas from a can;
  • mashed potatoes.

To make it interesting, we don’t just boil sausages, but serve them in the form of octopuses. It is very easy to make them, just look at the photo. Of course, you need to buy sausages of the highest quality and freshest!

Mashed potatoes

Basically, kids love mashed potatoes. And if it is prepared according to all the rules with good butter and natural milk, then even more so. And of course, it also needs to be presented beautifully and with fiction!

Vegetable Engines

It may be a good idea to cut into trailers a train from bell peppers. The trailers themselves are unlikely to be eaten by children, but this does not matter - after the holiday, use them for cooking either.

fly agaric eggs

Such "fly-agaric mushrooms" can be served both on skewers, and simply by placing them on a plate, as an independent dish or even as a decoration for mashed potatoes or the same trains. To compile these mushrooms for children, quail eggs would be preferable - and there are more benefits and look more childish.

Tartlets with filling

There are a myriad of fillings for these dough baskets, both sweet and salty. The most important thing is that the dough in tartlets is very tasty and tender. Here is the link for an incredible assortment of toppings -!

Children's sandwiches

There is already a place for fantasy to roam! But in order for sandwiches to be beautiful, you need to cook them slowly and carefully.

Consider those types of canapes that are likely to please children. A good option would be to put sandwiches separately in the form of a buffet table.
Ladybug sandwich: long loaf, spread-paste, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, black olives. The spots on the back are also from olives.

This option is best offered to older children to make sure they don't drop their food.
For the birthday of a little princess, sandwiches in the form of hearts will be wonderful. The girls will appreciate it!

Boat sandwiches

These boats are just amazing!

Option 1: Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and fill the cucumber with a ready-made salad (at your discretion). From a whole cucumber with a vegetable peeler (or on a grater with the appropriate side), we cut thin slices. After that, we fasten the sail slices to the base of the boat with skewers. These boats look great!

Option 2: This requires bread with a dense texture. Butter is spread on it, cheese on top, and red fish on it. We fasten the sails from cheese onto skewers.

You can also put a cheese and sausage plate on the table, where the products will be laid out in the form of an animal or something else on the theme of the holiday. Of course, parents who care about their children should carefully choose cheese and sausage for a child. And, of course, this idea is not suitable for kids.

Cheese plate original

These Christmas trees can be built more than one, using different types of cheese. But keep in mind that children do not always like cheese, so do not particularly accelerate if your holiday is for younger children.

Layered salad with mice

The puff salad will also be of interest to children, and we will also decorate it in a childish way! You can lay out in the form of a cheese head any salad that is laid out in layers - just keep in mind that all products should be suitable for children. And mice of different sizes will please your guests!

Fruits for children's birthday

The serving of sweets needs to be approached in a special way. After all, it is a well-known fact that sweets are on a special note for children. No one will argue that fruits are an order of magnitude more useful than cake, pastries and other industrial sweets. And beautifully served fruits quickly want to try.

Bananas in the form of pirates. You can make a bright bandage from large paper napkins or from small pieces of thin tissue. Draw faces, eye patches and various vegetation on the “face” with a marker. This drawing will be absolutely safe - because it will be on the peel.
The theme with pirates is the simplest, because almost everything can be played in it.

For competitions, you can use the following games:

  • draw an SOS signal on the surface strewn with semolina (as a rule, this idea goes with a bang);
  • pluck bananas tied to a "palm tree" (without hands) so as not to starve to death on a desert island;
  • look for a treasure with a bowl of flour, semolina (or something else suitable for this, turn on your wit).

Homemade ice cream on the children's table

It takes a bit of work to make ice cream yourself, but the result is worth it. There are also different options for decorating it.

A butterfly cake would be perfect for this scenario. The base should be cut out of a biscuit, covered with your favorite cream on top and various fruits should be laid out beautifully on it. Very bright, beautiful and original!
