
Sample menu for a festive table at home. Fluffy biscuit in the microwave

Chicken fillet rolls with curd cheese and tomatoes, wrapped in bacon.
for 6 rolls:
- 3 chicken breast fillets
- 1 medium tomato
- about 100 gr. curd cheese
- thin strips of bacon
- 3 garlic cloves (pass through a press)
- 2 tsp your favorite chicken spices
- salt
1. Cut each fillet in half lengthwise to make plates, lightly beat off.
2. Salt, pepper, coat with garlic and spices. Let lie down at room temperature for min. 30.
3. Preheat the oven to 200g.
4. Grease the cheese along the width of the fillet, put the tomato.
5. Wrap each roll tightly with bacon slices.
6. Put the rolls in a heat-resistant form (oil is not needed) and bake for min. 20-30.
Serve hot with your favorite sauce. (I have it garlic with dill)
Bon appetit!)
P.S. Rolls can be prepared in advance for the night / day, put in the refrigerator, covered with foil, and then simply put in the oven, for example, before the arrival of guests)

Snack sandwiches with cod liver.
Cod liver
eggs-3-4 pieces
grated hard cheese - quantity as desired
french loaf
2 cloves of garlic
green onion for garnish
Cut the loaf into slices and fry in a dry frying pan.
Grate the eggs, crush the cod liver with a fork.
Combine with cheese, chopped dill and mayonnaise.
Grate slices of loaf (if desired, with garlic on both sides),
put stuffing on them.
Serve sprinkled with green onions and dill.

Cabbage rolls with chicken and mushrooms in muffin tins
300 gr chicken fillet;
1/2 cup rice;
1 small carrot;
1 onion;
1 clove of garlic;
3 tomatoes (or 2 tablespoons of tomato paste);
300 gr sour cream;
1 small fork of young cabbage;
5-6 champignons;
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
butter, for greasing molds;
salt, pepper to taste.
We wash the rice under running water and soak for 15-20 minutes in boiling water so that it swells a little.
We lower the cabbage forks into boiling water for 2-3 minutes. We get, we separate the leaves.
If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the mushrooms. Saute the onion in vegetable oil for a few minutes. Add carrots with mushrooms and fry for a few more minutes. Then add finely chopped garlic.
We skip the chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Add the onion-carrot mixture, rice, spices to it, and mix everything thoroughly.
We're preparing the sauce. Tomatoes need to be ground on a grater, then passed through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix tomato mixture with sour cream.
Grease muffin molds with butter. Put the cabbage leaves in molds so that there is a hanging edge. Put minced meat in each mold, and put 1-2 tablespoons of tomato sauce on top. Close the mold with the free part of the cabbage leaf, or cover it with a separate leaf on top. Drizzle with remaining sauce.

Pancake pie with canned fish (mmmmmmmmmm, my husband just loves it).
We bake ordinary pancakes, any of your favorite canned fish, knead well, add greens, a little mayonnaise, and grease each pancake, let it soak, and before serving, I cut it like a cake, so that it is more convenient to take

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cheese potatoes.

Composition and preparation:
Lay this salad in layers and grease each with mayonnaise
1 layer - chicken breast cubes
2nd layer - fried mushrooms with onions, salt and pepper
3 layer - grated boiled carrots on a coarse grater
4 layer - grated apple
5 layer - chopped walnuts
6 layer - yolks, grated cheese
7th layer - squirrels
Cut thin ribbons (fresh) from carrots and decorate the salad with a bow and chopped dill and parsley.

Composition and preparation:
For the base:
500 g salted salmon, 4 boiled eggs, 4-5 tbsp. l. boiled rice, 1 package crab. sticks
For cream:
100 g Philadelphia cheese, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 8 g gelatin
For decoration:
Greens, red caviar.
Grate the yolks, proteins and crab sticks on a fine grater (in a separate bowl).
Cover the form with cellophane film. We cut the fish into strips, put them on the bottom and walls of the mold. Then lay out layers of rice, eggs, crab sticks, spreading with cream.
We send the salad-cake to the refrigerator for the night. Then we take it out, cover it with a plate on top, turn the salad-cake onto a plate. We decorate the top with greens and red caviar.

Canape with herring:
1. Borodino bread cut into small squares
2. Mix butter with herbs, spread on slices of bread
3. Put a piece of herring on a greased slice, on top of a small circle of onion, pre-soaked in: water + a little vinegar + salt + a little sugar
4. Pierce the whole thing with a beautiful skewer.

To make a menu for a birthday at home for 10 people, you must have at least a basic knowledge of home economics. Receiving guests, even if there are few of them, is a troublesome business. But, with proper preparation for the holiday, each guest will be full, happy and satisfied in the evening.

Important! You can start cooking on the eve of the holiday, for example, in the evening of the previous day. This will help the hostess save her strength, as well as reduce the total cooking time directly on the gala day. You need to go to the store in advance, boil vegetables, meat for salads. If you are planning a birthday cake, then it is best to make it in the evening.

Menu for a birthday at home for 10 people budget

Sandwiches with meal

Canned sprats are not expensive, and other ingredients for this simple snack are required to a minimum. We also need a French loaf, a clove of garlic, a pickled cucumber. So, slice the loaf thinly and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Lay the bread out on paper to soak up the oil.

Now rub each piece of bread with garlic, put a circle of pickled cucumber, and on top - two fish. You can decorate sandwiches with herbs or lemon. To prepare sandwiches for a company of ten people, two cans of fish are enough. It will be a good snack.

Tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic

A traditional snack that many people love and are waiting for at every feast. It will take a kilogram of tomato, 300 grams of hard cheese, a couple of cloves of garlic and tablespoons of mayonnaise. First you need to prepare the filling: grate the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic into it, season with mayonnaise and salt. Cut each tomato into medium-sized circles and put cheese with garlic on each circle. Do not cook this appetizer in advance, because the cheese can become weathered.

Salad of carrots and cheese with croutons

Without fail, even the menu for a birthday at home for 10 people should include several options for salads.

Required Ingredients:
300 grams of crackers. They can be made from a long loaf by cutting bread and frying it in a dry frying pan;
300 grams of cheese;
250 grams of carrots;
Two cloves of garlic;

Peel and grate the carrots on a fine grater, grate the cheese in the same way. Mix the ingredients, add garlic (pass through a press) and dress the salad with mayonnaise. Crackers should be added to the salad just before serving it, otherwise, they can get soggy and simply lose their taste.

Salad "Sunflower" (puff)

Required Ingredients:
300 grams of chicken fillet (boil);
150 grams of champignons;
Three chicken eggs (boil);
150 grams of cheese;
Three boiled carrots;
Large chips and pitted olives for decoration;

Cut the fillet into cubes, grate the eggs and carrots on a coarse grater, also grate the cheese. Finely chop the mushrooms, fry with chopped onions in vegetable oil until the mushrooms are fully cooked. Spread the salad in layers, each will need to be smeared with net mayonnaise.

First comes the chicken, then carrots, mushrooms and onions, eggs, cheese. The last layer is cheese, it is not necessary to grease with mayonnaise. On it you need to lay olives, cut into two parts. It is good to cook the salad in the evening so that it has time to soak. Before serving on the festive table, put chips around the salad to make a beautiful sunflower. A good option: .

Radish salad with sour cream

Simple and budget, but vitamin salad. It is good to cook it in autumn and winter, because seasonal vegetables are especially valued in haute cuisine, and why is your holiday worse?

Required Ingredients:
500 grams of radish;
200 grams of sour cream;

Peel and grate the radish on a coarse grater. Mix with sour cream and salt to taste. The radish has a specific smell, if you want to avoid this awkward moment in front of the guests, you can buy Chinese radish (daikon).

Baked chicken with mashed potatoes

Required Ingredients:
Two kilograms of potatoes;
150 grams of broccoli (you can use frozen);
Chicken carcass for two kilograms;
A kilogram of coarse salt;
Black pepper to taste;

First you need to do the chicken, put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees Celsius in advance. Cut the carcass in the center and open it like a book. Rub generously with black pepper on all sides. Sprinkle salt on a baking sheet in an even layer and place the chicken so that it lies on its back. The chicken will not be over-salted, because it will absorb exactly as much salt as it needs for great taste. The crust will be crispy. Cook for about two hours, look at the readiness of the meat.

To prepare mashed potatoes, peel and boil. Boil broccoli and add to cooked potatoes. Add a little butter, a decoction of vegetables and make a puree. Thanks to the broccoli, the side dish will have a nice green tint.

Sweet pancake cake (no bake)

Required Ingredients:
12 large pancakes. You can bake on (at least on the simplest, on the water);
A kilogram of apples;
Two tablespoons of cream or milk;
Two tablespoons of rum (cognac);
Half a glass of sugar;
Half a cup of chopped almonds;
Two tablespoons of butter;

Pancakes need to be allowed to cool, they can be baked in the evening, and the cake can be formed in the morning on a holiday. Cut the apples into slices and put in a pan under the lid. Simmer until the fruit turns into a puree. Add sugar and butter, cook for another five minutes. Then remove the puree from the heat and add milk, rum, almonds.

Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Put a pancake on the bottom, and then grease it with applesauce. Do this with every pancake. Before serving, send the cake to the oven for literally 30 minutes, because it must be served exclusively hot. You can also make it easy.

In this birthday menu at home for 10 people, you can include different drinks. Both vodka and cognac go well with chicken, wine goes well with poultry. The dessert is quite sweet and can be supplemented with the same sweet cocktails with or without alcohol. May the holiday be successful, and each guest will remember the exquisite and delicious festive table for a long time.

For all recipes there is a result in the form of a final photo and of course a description. If there is no description with step-by-step photos in the text itself, but there is a link in the recipe on another page. Just click on the highlighted text and you will be taken to the detailed recipe of the dish you like. Choose!!!


First, let's start with what is really fast and really not expensive. And, of course, snacks. The simplest birthday option is a buffet table, and next to it is music and pleasant communication. What can fill the buffet table? We offer several recipes.

Don't skip the usual ham sandwiches either. The modern industry says that people buy pleasure. If the sandwich is decorated beautifully (and this can be done simply), then your guests will get double the pleasure. Here is an example of a beautiful sandwich with ham, laid in a wave and stabbed with a skewer.

Filled tarts! The tartlets themselves are sold in any more or less small supermarket and they are not expensive. So there is no need to mess around with the test. you can start with anything, from rice with mayonnaise and herbs to minced meat with cheese, you can also cook fruit. A huge selection of toppings for tartlets -.

Chicken and potatoes would also be very good. The cooking time is minimal, the same as for the previous chicken + to peel the potatoes. Potatoes are better to choose not large. Sauces can be served separately (if there are several, it will also decorate the festive table).

The next inexpensive and quick option for a birthday is stuffed champignons! We offer you a recipe with minced meat. This is the most satisfying dish. But you can fill it with cheese and boiled egg and even boiled rice mixed with herbs. The main thing is to choose large champignons.

Here is a recipe for simple and delicious mushrooms - ““.


Well, firstly, vegetables can be served simply sliced. It's not a lot of money, even less time. Arrange these chopped vegetables in the form of small skewers. Very elegant!

Salad with beans! Yes, it is very tasty and very economical. Beans are hearty and very soft in a salad. The easiest option: boiled red beans (or canned) + boiled chicken breast + croutons + herbs + mayonnaise ....

There are a lot of variations - choose any: salads with beans on the festive table.


Ear Napoleon. Ears are the so-called cookies in the form of two circles, it is tender and crumbly. Preparing such a cake is very easy: buy cookies "Ears" 800 grams and cook from 1 liter of milk. Lay out the ears in layers and lubricate each layer with cream. Be sure to let it brew and soak.

Fried bananas. Bananas are peeled and cut into 3-4 pieces. Then roll them in flour, and then in a beaten egg. And then again in flour. And deep-fry for 2-3 minutes. Very original and very satisfying. This dish is also suitable for a buffet table.

Pancake cake. This is a modern invention, although it has not yet gained popular popularity, but the dessert is very tasty. Pancakes should be fried with a minimum amount of oil. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable deodorized oil to the pancake batter. grease the pan 1st time and then without oil. Any cream for such a cake is suitable, but the best for my taste is from semolina or custard.

Your guests will not even guess that these are pancakes if you serve sliced ​​cake in portions.

outdoor birthday party

Summer and autumn are the time for organizing friendly meetings in garden plots, in the garden, in nature. The menu at these receptions should not be overly sophisticated. The treat usually consists of appetizers, meat dishes cooked in the open air, seasonal salads and salads from raw vegetables, fruits, and cakes.

Table setting is usually modest. Dishes with food, baskets of fruit, jugs of drinks, plates of cakes are set on multi-colored, often oilcloth, tablecloths. Approach the table setting with imagination, use stylish design, interesting little things and nuances that will make the reception interesting and memorable. Serve fruits and vegetables not traditionally, but colorfully and unusually.

“Garden bouquets” of vegetables and fruits look unusually impressive.

A vegetable bouquet is slices of cucumber, tomato, radish, red pepper, planted on sticks and stuck, for example, in a head of cabbage.

Fruity bouquet - slices of apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches planted on long sticks and stuck in some large watermelon, pineapple or pumpkin. They wonderfully decorate the table and attract the eye with their shape and various colors. They are also very good tasting and healthy. By experimenting with the height of the sticks used for “bouquets”, you can get an unexpected solution in the form of three-dimensional figures from vegetables or fruits.

An excellent solution for a "picnic in nature" is to prepare various types of salads and offer them to guests a la buffet. The rest of the dishes must be prepared so that they can be eaten standing or sitting and only with a fork.

Sandwiches prepared in a bizarre shape, interestingly or funny decorated, will help to add a touch of humor.

Outdoor dining can be made more inviting by serving food from the grill. They are not only exceptionally tasty, but also spectacular. They have the advantage that they are prepared practically without fat. Due to the high temperature, the outer layer of the meat thickens, a crispy crust forms, which protects against the loss of juice, aroma and nutrients.

All types of meat, offal, fish, vegetables, such as potatoes, red peppers, eggplant, are suitable for grilling. You can also experiment here by trying grilled tomatoes or onions.

In all receptions, in addition to the principle of proper nutrition, it is important to adhere to one more thing, namely: do not force anyone to eat, do not forcibly place dishes on the guests' plate. The same applies to the reception of guests in the fresh air, or a picnic.

Birthday is a fun and everyone's favorite holiday. Therefore, at least once a year, housewives have to organize either their own birthday, or a holiday for one of the family members. And the question of what to cook for a birthday is relevant for every woman. Inviting guests to the house, the hostess dreams of treating them with delicious, unusual and original dishes. Searching for recipes and compiling menus sometimes takes whole days. But the result is worth the effort, energy and time spent.

Making a menu for a birthday is not an easy task and you need to approach the choice of dishes wisely. To do this, you need to clearly define the venue of the holiday, the number of guests and their age category. If there are kids present, you can cook a few dishes especially for kids (with funny decor, for example). Also, if you know the tastes of this audience well, then try to compose a menu so that everyone would be pleased to taste dishes from their favorite products.

Do not think that the more food on the table, the better it will be for the guests. This is an old misconception, because eating a lot at once is bad for the stomach, and the abundance of dishes does not allow you to enjoy their taste. The best option is when a gala dinner consists of several salads, two or three appetizers, a main second course with a side dish, and of course, dessert. If you're on a tight budget, don't try to save on everything anyway. Then cook just one of the dishes using delicious and expensive delicacies. For example, sandwiches with caviar, baked red fish, a salad using expensive cheese, or other options.

Starting to prepare salads, give free rein to your imagination. There should not be three of the same type of puff salad with mayonnaise on the table. Let one dish be with mayonnaise, cook the second with vegetables or with the addition of various hard and processed cheeses and grapes.

The choice of dessert should also be approached responsibly. If you are not limited in time, then it is better to bake a cake or pie yourself. far from always requires a lot of time and effort, and it will never be compared with store-bought sweets. You can bake an ordinary sponge cake with your favorite cream and make a chic birthday cake decoration. You can make several servings of cupcakes with different fillings and a cream cap.

If you have to organize a birthday, then we invite you to visit our section called "Birthday Recipes", and you will find everything you need here. We have collected in one place the best recipes for this holiday, you just have to choose something suitable for you. And remember, you need to take care of everything in advance in order to have time to cook each dish for the holiday and at the same time look not tired and not exhausted. It is necessary to create the impression that all these fragrant and delicious dishes have prepared themselves.

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The symbol of the coming year is the Snake, and many housewives prepare a gala dinner based on the taste preferences of the symbol of the year. It is believed that the Snake loves refined and at the same time luxurious dishes. Therefore, all snacks should be arranged in tartlets, serve the usual puff salads in portions or elegantly decorate them. On the festive table will be appropriate... ›
