
Making apple cider vinegar at home. Homemade apple cider vinegar: how to cook an easy and healthy product

Apple cider vinegar is a unique product. It is used for the treatment of diseases, cosmetic procedures and body shaping. Dr. Jarvis was committed to the use of this healing liquid in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. He believed that using this product correctly and regularly, people will be able to solve health problems. Only real fruit vinegar, obtained by fermentation, has useful properties. How to make natural apple cider vinegar at home? There are different recipes for obtaining this healing liquid from apples.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home?

A bottle of natural vinegar is a must in the home. It is great for dressing salads and preparing other dishes. Homemade vinegar is used to prevent many diseases and lose weight. When using this product, the metabolic process improves, appetite decreases, the body is cleansed of toxins, the aging process slows down, immunity is strengthened. Apple cider vinegar is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the condition of hair and nails.

And wraps and rubbing with homemade fruit vinegar perfectly help to solve the problem of being overweight. What makes this product so useful? Vinegar preserves all the vitamins and useful trace elements that apples are filled with. And during the fermentation process, apple raw materials are saturated with additional useful substances. The quality of vinegar depends on the way it is produced. Consider 3 popular and easy ways to get fruit vinegar.

From apple juice

At home, the easiest way to make fruit vinegar is from apple juice. For this you need only a few kilograms of apples. It is desirable that the fruit be from your garden or grown in clean conditions without the use of chemical processing. To prepare vinegar at home, you must do the following:

  1. To prepare vinegar according to this recipe, sweet apples are chosen, which must first be washed.
  2. Fruits are cut into large pieces and allowed to stand for some time in daylight so that they darken from this.
  3. Juice is squeezed out of pieces of fruit, which is then filled into a glass vessel.
  4. A rubber glove or ball is put on the top of the container.
  5. The juice container is placed in a warm and dark place for the fermentation process for 1-6 weeks. During this process, the rubber glove will inflate and inflate. When the glove inflates strongly, it means that it is time to pour the liquid for the 2nd stage of fermentation.
  6. The liquid is poured into a clay or enameled wide container to increase the fermentation rate. The level of the poured apple liquid should be 9 cm below the edge of the dish. Be sure to pour the mixture along with the gel-like film on the surface of the liquid. This film is a colony of acetic acid bacteria that support the fermentation process. When the product is ready, the film is collected for the subsequent preparation of another portion of apple cider vinegar.
  7. The liquid container is covered with a simple towel on top. To continue fermentation, the dishes with liquid are placed for 1.5 -2 months in a dark, warm room, in which a room thermometer shows at least 27 degrees.
  8. When a precipitate appears and the mixture becomes transparent, the liquid is filtered through a layer of gauze and bottled.

It is advised to store the finished product in a cold place. It is recommended to use it only by diluting it with water. It is advisable to drink the drink through a straw and / or rinse your mouth thoroughly with water afterwards to prevent the destructive effect of acid on tooth enamel.

Homemade apple cider vinegar

At home, according to this recipe, apple cider vinegar is made, which is rich in potassium and other trace elements. For its preparation, it is best to take environmentally friendly fruits of late varieties. Taking 1500 g of apples, you will get up to 0.85 liters of natural vinegar. The process of obtaining vinegar consists of 12 stages:

  1. Wash ripe or overripe fruits thoroughly and clean from spoiled areas.
  2. Grate apples or meat grinder. It is convenient to use a juicer for this purpose.
  3. Transfer the resulting apple mass to a large glass container or enamel bowl.
  4. Fill the mass with non-hot boiled water (1:1).
  5. For 1 liter of apple mixture, add 100 g of honey, 10 g of yeast and 20 g of dry black bread to speed up the fermentation process.
  6. Do not close the container with the apple mixture tightly, but cover it with gauze or a napkin.
  7. Put the mixture for 10 days in a room where it is dark and warm.
  8. For 10 days, stir the mixture three times a day with a wooden spoon.
  9. After 10 days, strain the liquid through cheesecloth.
  10. Add honey to the filtered liquid (50-100 g per 1 liter).
  11. Put the container covered with gauze in a dark room to continue fermentation.
  12. After 1.5 months, when the liquid becomes transparent, carefully pour it into bottles and close.

The healing liquid prepared at home is drunk, diluted with water. For this, 1 tbsp. l. fruit vinegar is mixed with a glass of water. It is allowed to add a small spoonful of honey to the sour drink. Increased acidity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are contraindications to the use of cider.

Photo-recipe for making apple cider vinegar without yeast

Fruit vinegar is made at home without the addition of yeast. To do this, you will have to use a lot of sugar, as well as chop the fruit. The process of preparing a healing apple liquid is divided into 6 stages:

Is it possible to make homemade apple cider vinegar in a city apartment? Easy! Today I will share with you not only the recipe for natural apple vinegar, but also my impressions of the cooking process. Products for apple cider vinegar will always be found in the kitchen of any hostess, so all you need is patience. Time will do its job and you yourself will be surprised how simple and easy everything is, and homemade apple cider vinegar will certainly please.

Prepare apple cider vinegar at home from apples of any variety. In general, it is advised to choose sweet fruits - then fermentation goes better. To speed up the process (fermentation and souring), yeast (quite a bit) or rye bread (literally a piece of bread) is added if desired. Plain white sugar or natural honey to feed the bacteria - the choice is yours.

Conceived, you can find a lot of information on the benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar. Undoubtedly, the benefit can only be from a natural product. I will not tell you about the miraculous and healing power of homemade apple cider vinegar - it is better that you choose the necessary information for yourself on the Internet (there is a lot of it, believe me).

In general terms, I can only say that the use of apple cider vinegar is wide and multifaceted: it is used not only in cooking, but also for weight loss (I have not tried it myself), as a cosmetic product for the face and hair, they make compresses for colds, they are treated for headaches ...

I have made homemade apple cider vinegar for culinary purposes only. It can be used as part of marinades and sauces, acidified salads and snacks, added to preparations for the winter ... Natural apple cider vinegar prepared by oneself is much tastier, more aromatic and healthier than a synthetic store product.


Cooking step by step with photos:

In a saucepan, lightly heat 1 liter of drinking water. Add 50 grams of natural honey and 1 teaspoon (without a slide, that is, under the knife) of yeast. Mix everything thoroughly so that the honey and yeast are completely dissolved.

We cover the neck of the jar with a dense natural cloth or gauze (in 5-6 layers) and tighten it with an elastic band. It is very important that air penetrates into the jar, while midges and other insects cannot penetrate. We put the jar of apple mass in a dark, dry place (away from sunlight), where the future apple cider vinegar will ferment at room temperature for 10 days.

Every day, the contents of the jar will need to be shaken or stirred with a wooden spoon for a more even fermentation. After 10 days, you will see (although you will see changes daily) how the apple mass will rise, and apple juice will be at the bottom.

Carefully squeeze the apples with your hands so that the cake remains dry (it is no longer needed, so just throw it away). In total, from the indicated amount of apples and water (there is also 50 grams of honey with a teaspoon of yeast), I got 1460 milliliters of apple mash (or maybe it’s not called that).

Tighten again with a cloth and an elastic band. It is very important here that insects cannot penetrate inside - I don’t know how, but even tiny midges easily find secret paths.

But then the real magic begins - the apple base will turn sour! At the same time, our participation and even presence is no longer required. We put a jar with a dark, dry and warm (not to the battery, of course, but somewhere where it is really warm in the apartment) place for 40-60 days. It is clear that for the first 20 days I constantly went and checked what was happening with the contents of the jar. At first, no special changes were observed: the turbid liquid gradually began to delaminate into sediment and the juice itself, which became more and more transparent. And then a thin light film appeared on the surface - an acetic uterus (a film of yeast-like fungi) was born. Over time, it became thicker and thicker - such a jellyfish-like substance.

After 40 days, the vinegar uterus became as thick as my index finger and I waited for it to sink to the bottom - this is a sign that homemade apple cider vinegar is ready. However, time passed, and it not only did not fall, but grew by leaps and bounds. A couple of times I wanted to move the jar to the kitchen in order to film the ongoing processes, but according to experts, you should not disturb apple cider vinegar during the souring process. The fact is that the vinegar uterus is a living organism, which should hardly like being disturbed. For example, he will be offended and die ... It probably sounds ridiculous, but I decided not to risk it.

On the contrary, it seems to me that she was so comfortable in apple cider vinegar that she decided to grow to the fullest and fill the entire jar with herself. But I was already tired of waiting, especially since, judging by the characteristic pleasant smell and sharp sour taste, the vinegar was ready. It became light and absolutely transparent, and at the bottom there was a rather decent layer of cloudy sediment.

Autumn... Apples have been harvested, now it's time to make apple cider vinegar. Its benefits and applications are described in another article, but here we will only consider the recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home.

Natural apple cider vinegar is so called because it is made exclusively from apple juice with a little honey or sugar added. The principle is this: the juice is fermented during the manufacturing process and alcohol is obtained, and acetic acid is formed during further processing.

For the preparation of apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to take sweet varieties of apples, as they give more alcohol and require less sugar. You can take both whole fruits and ready-made juice from them.

apple cider vinegar recipes

Easy apple cider vinegar recipe

It will take 1.5 kg of apples. Grate them whole on a coarse grater, without discarding the core, put in a glass jar or in an enamel bowl and pour 2 liters of boiled cold water.

Then put in a container a piece of rye bread, approximately 50 - 60 g and add 150 g of natural honey. Do not cover with a lid, but only cover with a towel or gauze on top, keep warm for 10 days, the apples should ferment during this time.

The recipe is a little more complicated.

Take 2 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of pure raw water, for sweet apples take 100 g of sugar, and for sour ones - 300 g.

Apples of any variety are suitable for cooking, it is enough to grate them on a coarse grater along with the peel and seeds, put them in an enamel pan and pour water, adding half the sugar and mixing everything well.

Cover the container with the vinegar being prepared with a towel or gauze, as fermentation should occur with air access. Leave to ferment for 3 weeks. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.

After 3 weeks, strain the mass, add the remaining sugar, stir so that it dissolves, and pour into jars, covering them with gauze. Wait another 40-50 days, let everything ferment. Over time, the liquid will brighten, and then completely become transparent - this means that the fermentation is completed and the vinegar is ready for use.

Filter it, bottle it, cork it and place it in a dark, cool place for storage.

An old recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar

In principle, it is also simple. Vinegar is prepared from overripe apples. Wash them, chop and crush them finely. Transfer the resulting slurry to an enameled pan and fill with hot water (about 70 degrees). The water level should be 3-5 cm higher than the gruel. Add sugar at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of sweet apples or 100 g per 1 kg of sour apples.

Put the pot with gruel in a warm dark place, and do not forget to occasionally stir the contents. After 2 weeks, strain and leave for further fermentation. After another 2 weeks, homemade apple cider vinegar is ready, it must be poured into the container in which it will be stored. Drain without shaking, and strain the sediment. Store vinegar in a dark, cool place, sealing well.

How to make apple cider vinegar from juice

Natural apple juice without pulp is taken. Yeast and sugar can be omitted, but to speed up the process, it is better to take quite a bit of dry yeast, about a quarter of a teaspoon, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and dilute in a small amount of warm water, this will turn out to be dough. When the dough begins to foam and rises a little, it is poured into a container with juice. To speed up the fermentation process, you can also put a crust of rye bread in a bowl with juice.

A medical glove is usually put on the neck of the container with the vinegar being prepared so that air does not enter the vessel. Carbon dioxide, which is formed during the fermentation process, will gradually fill the glove, and if it breaks, you need to put on a new one. So the juice should stand for 4 weeks, during which time the fruit sugar will completely turn into alcohol.

The result is something like a young wine, but we need vinegar, so we leave the contents to ferment further, only now open. It is best to pour the liquid into a saucepan, cover with something and ferment for 1.5-2 months at room temperature.

The vinegar is ready when the strong unpleasant odor that usually appears during the process of converting alcohol into vinegar has disappeared.

Making apple cider vinegar - video

If you have your own methods and recipes for making apple cider vinegar, please write them in the comments. Which apples make the best apple cider vinegar (in your opinion).

The other day I wondered how to replace the vinegar from the store (essence) for canning vegetables for the winter.
Almost everyone knows about the harmfulness of store-bought vinegar. And about the fact that this is naked chemistry - too. "Lemon" or "citric acid" - also raises doubts about its natural origin ...
On the Internet, it is advised to replace chemical vinegar with natural vinegar - apple or grape. And not only in canning! In general, now putting store-bought essence in dishes is a bad form in good cooking!)) And even Yulia Vysotskaya would threaten such perversions as throwing vinegar into a borscht or salad, and James Olivers and all sorts of Ramseys would definitely go into a deep swoon.
Until your own grapes have grown, making vinegar from a purchased one is somehow unprofitable, but from apples - you can try!))

There is a legend among the people that apple cider vinegar is a hefty medicinal weight!))

"Apple cider vinegar is credited with many healing properties. It is believed to promote weight loss, burn fat, thereby reducing weight. In addition, apple cider vinegar is used to combat cellulite and stretch marks, as well as to strengthen hair and treat a number of diseases."

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:
Unpasteurized and unfiltered apple cider vinegar has cleansing, healing, rejuvenating and toning properties. Raw apple cider vinegar contains many beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, as well as essential enzymes and tannins."

Well, I don’t know about the therapeutic effect, but I’m sure it’s much less harmful than from a chemical store. Yes, and it is very easy to do.

Industrial apple cider vinegar is usually made from apple peels and core, that is, from the leftovers of production. Homemade vinegar is usually made from whole apples of sweet varieties. The alcohol content in the must and the rate of formation of acetic acid depend on the sweetness of the fruit. If vinegar is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, then it is necessary to take only a high-quality natural product, preferably prepared with one's own hands at home.

Making apple cider vinegar is easy. It's basically fermented apple juice. There are several recipes for making apple cider vinegar at home. To make vinegar, for 1 kilogram of pureed apples you will need:
- 1 liter of water;
- 100-150 grams of granulated sugar or honey;
- 10 grams of bread yeast or 20 grams of dry black bread.


Wash the apples thoroughly, chop finely and remove all rotten and wormy slices. Then grate the prepared pieces of apples on a coarse grater or crush in a mortar. Transfer the resulting slurry to an enamel or glass bowl, add granulated sugar or honey (at the rate of 50 grams per 1 kilogram of mass). To speed up fermentation, put bread yeast or a slice of rye bread. Then fill the mass with hot, but not boiling water - approximately 70 ° C. Water must completely cover the apple mixture and be 3-4 cm higher.

Then put the dishes open in a warm place (avoid direct sunlight). This is a prerequisite for making homemade vinegar. The optimum fermentation temperature is considered to be from +15 to +25°C. The first stage of souring lasts 10 days. During this period, mix the apple gruel well 2-3 times a day. On the 11th day, strain the apple mass through a gauze filter. Strain the resulting liquid again and pour into a suitable container with a wide mouth. While stirring, add another 50 grams of granulated sugar or honey per liter of liquid. Then cover the throat of the dish with gauze and tie it.

During the second period of souring, keep the dishes with the vinegar being prepared also in a warm place, away from sunlight. This period will last 30-50 days. The souring process will end when the liquid "calms down" and becomes transparent.

Pour the finished vinegar into bottles. This should be done carefully, without shaking and keeping the precipitate formed at the bottom of the dish. Then it can be filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into bottles of vinegar. After that, cork the bottles tightly and store in a cool, dark place.

To prepare apple cider vinegar from juice, ripe sweet fruits must be selected, cut into large slices and left for a while in the light so that the apples darken. Then squeeze the juice from the apples, pour it into a clay or glass bottle and put a rubber glove or ball on the neck.

Place the container with juice for fermentation for 1-6 weeks in a warm, dark place. When the ball is completely inflated, remove it, and pour the fermented juice together with the resulting film (the so-called “vinegar queen”) into a wide earthenware or wooden bowl. Make sure that the liquid does not reach the top of the dish by 7–9 centimeters. This is done so that the liquid does not overflow during fermentation.

Cover the dishes with a napkin or tie with gauze and leave for the second stage of fermentation.

Leave the dishes with liquid in a warm, dark place for another one and a half to two months. When the liquid stops bubbling and becomes clear, filter through a gauze filter, pour into bottles and cork them tightly.

It is recommended to store homemade vinegar in a dark place at a temperature of 6–15 ° C. It is believed that the longer apple cider vinegar is stored, the more useful it becomes. Over time, red flakes may form in it. This is acceptable, in this case, the vinegar should be additionally filtered before use.

Here are recipes from another source:

Making apple (cider) cider vinegar at home or industrially involves fermenting ripe apples or fresh apple juice. During the fermentation process, raw apples go through the stages of sweet cider, dry cider and eventually turn into vinegar. Natural apple cider vinegar is raw because it does not go through the pasteurization process. Pasteurization (heating) destroys most of the enzymes and destroys the beneficial substances contained in vinegar.

To make apple cider vinegar at home, use fully ripe late sweet apples. Such apples ferment better. It is better to take organic apples, or at least grown without the use of synthetic pesticides.

Homemade apple cider vinegar. Recipe #1

Squeeze juice from domestic apples and strain it. Pour the resulting juice into a wooden (best option), glass or enamel bowl with a wide top and place it in a warm place at home, covering the top of the container with gauze or a paper towel. Fresh air and warmth (at least 16-20 degrees C) are necessary conditions for active fermentation in the home-made apple cider vinegar process. The fermentation process can be accelerated up to 3-4 weeks by adding wine starter or ready-made natural apple cider vinegar to the juice and stirring the liquid every day. However, even without sourdough and mixing at home, apple juice will turn first into wine and then into homemade apple cider vinegar, although the process can take 9-12 weeks.

Taste the liquid periodically. When it reaches your desired acidity, you can bottle homemade apple cider vinegar. Before bottling homemade apple cider vinegar, be sure to stir it so that the starter is evenly distributed in the bottles, and in any case do not filter. Store homemade apple cider vinegar in a dark, cool place.

Apple cider vinegar at home. Recipe #2

Take late ripe apples of sweet varieties (preferably homemade) and wash thoroughly. Chop the apples (cut or crush, no need to cut the core) and put in a wooden, glass or enamel bowl with a wide top. Pour apples with warm water to the top, add sugar (about 50 g per 1 kg of apples) or honey.
You can add a piece of black bread or a pinch of yeast to speed up the fermentation. Place the vessel in a warm place at home, covering it with a towel, which should be secured so that midges, which are sure to gather near the cider, do not penetrate into the vessel.

In the process of preparing homemade apple cider vinegar, active fermentation of apples should begin. To prevent the apples from drying out on the surface of the container, periodically stir the mass. If active fermentation does not occur, you can add the same amount of sugar. After 2 weeks, separate the apples from the liquid. Pour the liquid into the same vessel and leave for another 2-4 weeks in a warm place at home for fermentation. At this stage, you can notice the vinegar queen on the surface of the homemade apple cider vinegar (see photo above). At this point, part of the vinegar uterus can be separated and used to make another batch of apple cider vinegar. After a couple of weeks, the vinegar queen may sink to the bottom, which is a sign that she is dying and natural homemade apple cider vinegar is ready.

From 1.5 kg of apples of dessert varieties (coke, royal gala, etc.), about 850 ml of apple cider vinegar is obtained.

Properties of apple cider vinegar:

The acidity of natural homemade apple cider vinegar varies depending on the apples chosen. However, in any case, the percentage of acidity of homemade vinegar is much lower than the "regular" vinegar from the store.

A cloudy precipitate is always present in natural apple cider vinegar (usually at the bottom of the vessel). This cloudy cloud is called the mother of vinegar or sourdough. It is this sourdough that is the concentration of vinegar enzymes and it can be reused for the production of natural vinegar from fresh apple raw materials.

And for ordinary dishes, not preserves, store-bought vinegar can be replaced:

lemon, lime and other citrus fruits;
Red or black currant;

Dry wine, brine of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes;
Sauce of sour tomatoes or plums...

But this is already, as you know, haute cuisine!)))

No, you definitely shouldn't drink it. But to cook vinegar with your own hands for salads there, marinades and other culinary delights - why not? It will turn out, if not useful, then certainly less harmful than purchased diluted acid, and besides, it will be tasty, fragrant, “with character”. Moreover, there is not so much fuss with the preparation of this natural product - everyone can handle it!

Apple cider vinegar, along with wine, remains one of the most popular culinary spices. There are a lot of recipes for how to make apple cider vinegar at home - and, as usual, most of them are no good. What network “experts” don’t recommend: they put alcoholic yeast into the wort and boil it, and they try to build something out of store-bought chemical cider - fear! We will not produce essences, but we will try to deal with the theory first, and only then we will find out a simple, but the only true way to make apple cider vinegar at home.

By the way, about vinegar for weight loss. Women's sites produce information about the benefits of vinegar by the kilotons, it's already scary! Say, you drink a glass or two of healing slurry a day - and the waist just melts, and the appetite disappears nowhere. Of course it disappears! You just added acetic acid, where is there already?!

Vinegar will help to lose kilograms in only one form - in a green salad without oil under the chicken breast, after a good workout. And real, home-cooked apple cider vinegar will try to make such salads not only healthy, but also very tasty! And please don't drink vinegar on an empty stomach as the "experts" advise! This is the most harmful, especially for people with high acidity, of whom most of us are! Gastritis and ulcers, of course, contribute to weight loss, but do you need it?

How to make apple cider vinegar at home - recipes and problems

Want to make natural apple cider vinegar? Then immediately refuse store-bought ciders and apple wines - they, with a high degree of probability, are crammed full of preservatives. Best of all, “live”, recently made apple wine is suitable for making vinegar, even one that has just finished vigorous fermentation will do. Therefore, if you want vinegar, you will have to get confused with production or, read about them in the relevant articles. However, the technology for preparing the base for homemade vinegar allows some liberties compared to wine.

I emphasize again - to make vinegar, we definitely need alcohol! The thing is that Acetobacteraceae - acetic acid bacteria - "eat" ethyl alcohol, turning it into acetic and other acids, just as alcohol yeast eats sugar, forming alcohol. Only the process of wine production is anaerobic - without access to oxygen, but acetobacteria need this oxygen - ha ha- like air, otherwise no vinegar will come out.

Making vinegar can be fraught with a number of difficulties - however, they are all removable. We will try to determine how to make apple cider vinegar at home if you are faced with one of these problems.

  • Vinegar souring does not start . More than one week has passed, and the expected sour smell and cloudy film on the surface still do not appear? There are several solutions: a) wait some more; b) add to the wort yeast uterus(read about it in the corresponding section of the article); V) raise the temperature- the optimum temperature for the formation of vinegar - 26-35 ° C; d) forced infect the wort acetic acid bacteria.

Infection with acetobacteria is carried out with the help of fruit flies, which carry these microorganisms on their paws. You can breed flies by cutting an apple and simply leaving it on the table. The method is radical and not acceptable for everyone, but effective.

  • Vinegar turns cloudy . It happens, and quite often. Options for solving the problem: filtration through a cotton wool, exposure, filtration, again and again filtration. If you are too lazy to mess with the filter, take only clear, well-clarified wine. However, cloudy vinegar is in no way inferior to light vinegar except for aesthetics.
  • Insufficient content of acetic acid . The reason is either the souring is not over yet, or you took too weak wine. Acetobacteria feed on alcohol. So how do you make homemade vinegar from apples that haven't fermented enough ethylene? Regular sweet apples contain about 12% sugar, which gives us about 7% alcohol in wine. With further vinegar souring, these 7 ° will turn into 5% vinegar - what you need for kitchen purposes! Accordingly, with the right technology, vinegar will not require any yeast or additional sugar.

And a little about yeast. In most cases, these very 7 ° can be fermented without yeast - that is, on wild yeast contained on the apples themselves and in the air. If for some reason the “savages” refuse to work, the must will have to be infected artificially. Only I ask you, do not take baker's yeast - they are only suitable for sugar moonshine! Buy specialty wines or ciders from the wine shop - 1.5 grams of CFA per liter of juice will be enough.

How to make homemade apple cider vinegar - a time-tested recipe!

I give a complete recipe, including the manufacture of young apple wine, and its subsequent transformation into vinegar. If you already have apple wine, just skip the first five steps.

So, we take ordinary sweet apples, for a start we will try to do without sugar and CKD. About 600 ml of vinegar should come out of a kilogram of such apples - the rest will go to “shrinkage and shrinkage”.

  1. We extract juice from apples in any convenient way. You can squeeze it through a juicer, gauze, a colander, you can grind it, for example, with a meat grinder and leave it for a couple of days until the wort ferments, and only then squeeze it out - as you prefer.
  2. We try the resulting juice. It should be sweet enough and not too sour. If there is a lot of acid, add a little clean unboiled water, up to half a liter per liter of juice. If there is little sweetness, feel free to add sugar, 50 grams per liter will be enough for a start.
  3. Cover the must with gauze and leave in a warm place. After 1-3 days, signs of fermentation should appear - foam, hiss, kvass smell. If this does not happen, you will have to buy wine yeast or, at worst, make raisin sourdough - you can find out everything about it.
  4. We cover the fermented wort with a water seal, in extreme cases - with a rubber glove with a hole in the finger. We leave in a warm (18-23 °) dark place until the end of fermentation, this process can take from a week to four.
  5. When the shutter stops bubbling or the glove is deflated - the liquid should be decanted - removed from the sediment with a tube.

You have received young apple wine. If it is light, you can immediately start making vinegar. If turbidity is observed, before making apple cider vinegar at home, it is better to keep the drink under a water seal in a cool place for another month, periodically repeating decanting, until the wine is completely clarified.

  1. We put the finished raw materials for vinegar in an open container with a wide neck, covered with gauze, in a warm (26-35 °) place. After 3-7 or even more days, vinegar souring should begin by itself - the wort will begin to emit a characteristic sour smell, and a film will appear on its surface, resembling a film on a cooled tea, with dirty "kerosene" stains - that's right!
  2. Then everything is simple - time will work for us. After 2-4 weeks, the smell of the liquid should intensify, become completely unpleasant - which means that everything is going according to plan, we just have to wait.
  3. After 3-5 weeks, the souring process should end. This can be determined by the precipitation of a dense dark precipitate, clarification of the liquid and a change in smell - now it will already resemble vinegar. Time to filter the almost finished product and pour it into a sealed container - there is nothing for him to weather for nothing! Before use, vinegar is recommended to be kept in a cool place for a month or two.

How to store homemade apple cider vinegar? Just like any other - just in the pantry or kitchen cabinet. If the product came out not acidic enough (this can be checked by taste) - it is better to move it away from sin in the refrigerator.

A little about the vinegar uterus

Sometimes when preparing apple cider vinegar, the so-called "womb" or "vinegar mushroom" appears in the container. It is formed from the same “tea” film on the surface, gradually grows and turns into some kind of dense jelly-like substance. Although this “mushroom” looks like rubbish rubbish, you shouldn’t throw it away in any case - connoisseurs of vinegar for a vinegar uterus, pardon the pun, they will sell their mother - a valuable thing.

If you are lucky and the uterus has grown, you need to carefully collect it from the surface, place it in a jar, pour a small amount of vinegar (only apple) and store it like the apple of an eye at room temperature. In the future, it will be possible to prepare vinegar from this jelly using a simplified technology - just add a little mass to the wine that is supposed to be acidified, then the souring process will begin and go much faster, and the vinegar itself will be of better quality and tastier than usual.

You can use the uterus repeatedly, but under certain circumstances it can die - a “lethal outcome” is diagnosed by the darkening of the mass and by its position in a jar of vinegar - a dead “mushroom” falls to the bottom. At the same time, vinegar does not lose its taste and other qualities.

So we learned how to make apple cider vinegar at home - the recipe, as we see, is not at all complicated, accessible even for beginners, the main thing is to have high-quality raw materials and a solid supply of patience. Remember - to be sure that you are consuming an exceptionally high-quality product, it is best to make it yourself!
