
Cooking nettle soup. Necessary ingredients for making nettle soup in a slow cooker

We are all familiar with nettles from childhood, and our first acquaintance can hardly be called successful. This pungent plant is considered by many to be a weed. But if this burning grass grows in your garden or in the country, do not rush to pull it out by the roots and throw it away. This "intractable" plant is very useful for humans. It is used in various fields, in cosmetology it is used in masks, shampoos and creams, it is also used in traditional medicine. Nettle has also been widely used in cooking - for example, the popular nettle soup with sorrel and egg. Don't know how to make nettle soup? It doesn't matter, we will share with you a step-by-step instruction for preparing this dish, and your green nettle soup will turn out very tasty.

Briefly about the benefits of nettle

Perhaps we have not yet convinced you how useful this burning herb is, so we decided to pay attention to its amazing properties. By the way, the most useful nettle is the very first one after the snow melts, namely May nettle. Young nettle soup is the most delicious and healthy. Just look how much this plant contains: calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, chlorine and phosphorus. It also contains lignins and vitamins C and K. By the way, it contains 4 times more vitamin C than lemon. And yet this burning herb is a rich source of protein. In general, it is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of this plant.

In contrast to the beneficial properties of our burning plant, there are some contraindications. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with heart and kidney failure, and hypertension and atherosclerosis can also be the reason for refusing it. If you do not have such diseases, this plant will be very useful for you.

Which nettle to choose and how to prepare it?

Before cooking nettle soup, it must be collected and processed so that it does not burn. Yes, we can't reveal the nettle soup recipe until we make sure you at least know how to harvest it.

  • For starters, do not collect it along roads, near landfills, industrial plants, and generally do not understand where. It will be most reliable to collect "grass" in your own garden.
  • Cut off young and healthy leaves, as well as the upper stems.
  • If you collect this grass in May, when it has just sprouted, you can collect all the leaves.
  • Be sure to work with gloves, otherwise a burn is guaranteed.
  • Since the young leaves are almost devoid of burning villi, there is no need to pour boiling water over them, just rinse it thoroughly with water and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe for nettle and sorrel soup with egg

It will not be difficult to cook soup with nettle and sorrel at home, especially since we offer you a recipe and a diagram of the cooking process with a photo.


  • Any broth or water - about 2 liters;
  • Small potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Sorrel and nettle - a bunch of about 200 gr.;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Various greens;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Sour cream - to taste.


  1. Since the soup with nettle and egg will also contain sorrel, it must also be prepared for consumption. Rinse the sorrel leaves under water, remove the damaged leaves and chop finely.
  2. If you want a lighter and low-calorie soup, then you can cook it on water, but if you want a hearty meal, cook chicken or beef bone broth.
  3. Boil hard boiled eggs.
  4. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and put to simmer in boiling water or broth.
  5. While the potatoes are cooking, finely chop the onion and carrots. Pass the vegetables in vegetable or olive oil until half cooked.
  6. Once the potatoes are cooked, add the roasted vegetables to it. Also add finely chopped garlic and boiled eggs. At this stage, put in pre-cut nettles. You need to cook the soup over high heat for about three minutes, no more, otherwise you will get green porridge. As soon as you turn off the heat under the pot, chopped sorrel can be added to the nettle soup.
  7. When your soup is ready, you can serve it to the table. It is better to salt the soup with nettle and egg before serving.
  8. Pour nettle soup into bowls, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, chopped egg in half and a spoonful of fresh sour cream.

Mmm! Overeating! Bon appetit! As you can see, cooking this dish does not take much time, half an hour will be enough and you can enjoy a healthy and very tasty soup.

  • Since both nettle and sorrel are very boiled down in the broth, take more of them.
  • Hot herbs can be added when frying onions and carrots, so the soup will be even more aromatic.
  • Since nettle soup is a summer dish, it is often eaten cold, but this is a matter of taste.
  • If you have a stomach ailment, then pour boiling water over the sorrel before cooking, so the amount of acid in it will decrease, therefore, in the soup too.

Video: Grandma's Nettle Soup


Culinary Etude 06/08/2018

It's great that the abundant summer is generous in the harvest of not only garden, but also wild-growing edible greens. Ramson, dandelions, gout, lungwort, nettle - this vitamin "pasture" is a sin not to use in the daily kitchen of residents of large cities. And what a delicious nettle soup with an egg!

A few days ago I gave you, dear readers, some simple recipes. Today we will continue to talk about what else can be prepared from the "burning" beauty. We will look at how to cook soup from young fresh nettles with an egg.

Irina Rybchanskaya, well-known to all of you, the leading heading, brought us her homemade recipes for nettle soup with an egg today. Further, the story will be led by Irina.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog! I live in a private house, away from the roads. Therefore, I can have dishes from fresh young nettles on the table all summer long. We often mow the lawn near the house. It grows along the edges of the meadow. As a result of mowing, it is always renewed - new tender shoots grow in place of coarse old plants. Here we are preparing them in different ways.

Omelet, salad, pie, focaccia-type tortillas, homemade noodles, all kinds of salads - these are just some of the dishes that I cook with nettles. And we eat soup with nettle and egg during the season at least once a week.

There are many recipes for nettle soups. Let's start with the simplest, and then move on to some interesting little-known variations.

The easiest recipe. Nettle soup turns out to be completely dietary - there is no “frying” in it, which means there is no fat. It can well be afforded by "losing weight" ladies, if potatoes are excluded from the composition of the products. The calorie content of such a soup is low - about 40 kcal per 100 g.


  • A large bunch of fresh young nettles (about 200 g);
  • 800 ml of water, chicken or meat broth;
  • two medium-sized potatoes;
  • one egg;
  • small bay leaf;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

  • Nettles should first be rinsed in running water, and then blanched for a couple of minutes in boiling water, cooled in cold water, chopped with a knife.
  • Wash the egg with a brush with neutral soap, dip in cold water, heat to 100 ° C. Close the container with a lid, turn off the heat, leave for ten minutes.
  • Remove the egg from hot water, immediately place it in ice water for a quarter of an hour, peel it from the shell.
  • Remove the skin from a thoroughly washed potato, chop into cubes.
  • Boil the liquid, send the potatoes into it, continue cooking.
  • As soon as the potatoes reach almost complete readiness, add blanched nettles to the container. Salt, put "lavrushka", black pepper. Cook on a low burner flame for about 90 seconds.
  • When serving, serve nettle soup with an egg cut in half. Serve sour cream separately - let lovers put it on the plates themselves.

My remarks

If you do not have enough “sourness” in the soup, then season it with lemon juice.

Nettle soup with poached egg and potatoes

My grandmother always used the poached egg version of the soup. She said that it was pure pampering and a waste of wood to boil eggs separately from soup.


  • 200 - 300 g of nettle;
  • 800 ml of water or broth;
  • two eggs;
  • one small carrot;
  • two medium potatoes;
  • a small "ball" of celery;
  • 30 g butter;
  • small onion;
  • chopped greens;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

We rinse the collected nettle in clean water.

We bring the water to 100 ° C, put the nettle in it for one to two minutes, take it out, cool it, finely chop it.

Cut cleanly washed roots with a thin julienne, chop the onion peeled from the husk. Brown everything in slightly warmed butter.

Peel clean potatoes, wash again, cut into small pieces.

In the broth or water heated to a boil, send potatoes, toasted vegetables, salt a little, add spices. Cook until potatoes and roots are almost done.

Break the egg into a small ladle, place in a container with potatoes and roots, carefully pour it out, add nettles. Pour the rest of the protein over the surface with threads.

Cook for 60 seconds on a low flame. When serving, cut open the egg so that the yolk flows out a little. Serve with greens. Pour sour cream into a gravy boat so that each eater, if desired, can add it to his plate.

Fresh nettle and sorrel soup with egg

Many people love sorrel soup. The combination of sorrel with nettle in soup has long been a real classic. Sorrel gives the taste a little sourness, piquancy and expressiveness.


  • Five - six handfuls of nettles;
  • medium bunch of sorrel;
  • 700 ml of water or broth;
  • three medium potatoes;
  • two eggs;
  • one carrot;
  • one small root of parsley;
  • 40 g butter;
  • chopped greens;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Rinse freshly picked "burning" grass, blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Chop with a knife after cooling.
  2. Sort the sorrel, wash, cut.
  3. Wash the potatoes, cut off the skin, cut into cubes.
  4. Rinse the parsley root, carrots with a brush, cut off the peel, cut into a thin julienne.
  5. Chop the peeled onion with a knife.
  6. Brown the roots and onion in melted butter.
  7. Bring the liquid to a boil, send the potatoes, after a minute add the “frying”.
  8. When the vegetables reach almost full readiness, throw in the sorrel.
  9. Cook on a small burner flame for two minutes, lay the processed nettle, black pepper, pour salt. Cook for one and a half minutes.
  10. Boil the eggs, as indicated in the very first recipe, clean, put half for each serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Soup - puree of young nettle and spinach with egg - recipe

A very tender soup that will successfully diversify your summer menu. You can eat it warm and chilled. A handful of crackers and a spoonful of good sour cream will add satiety to the meal. I highly recommend this recipe!


  • 200 g of nettle;
  • 150 g fresh or frozen spinach;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • one medium onion;
  • a tiny pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • half a liter of water or broth;
  • 220 ml sour cream or cream;
  • two eggs;
  • 40 g flour or starch.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the collected nettle, blanch in boiling water, chop with a knife.
  2. Chop the peeled onion, lightly fry in a mixture of olive and butter, add frozen or chopped fresh. Cook for two minutes.
  3. Add nettles, cook for two minutes.
  4. Put the flour, with constant stirring, cook for a minute.
  5. Pour warm boiled water or broth, stir, cook for three minutes. Add salt, a pinch of nutmeg.
  6. Puree the mixture with a blender, pour cream or sour cream, mix.
  7. Hard-boil eggs, cool in ice water, peel. We put half in each serving of soup.

Chicken soup with nettles, quenelles and egg


  • One liter of chicken broth or water;
  • 400 g of nettle;
  • one small carrot;
  • 130 - 150 g chicken fillet;
  • one piece of baguette without crust;
  • one egg in minced meat;
  • four eggs in the soup;
  • 50 ml cream (20 - 33%);
  • chopped greens;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a small pinch of nutmeg and utsho - suneli (optional);
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. First, prepare the minced meat for chicken dumplings. To do this, soak a piece of baguette in cream.
  2. We put the soaked baguette, egg, chicken breast cut into small pieces in the blender bowl, salt, put black pepper, nutmeg, ucho - suneli.
  3. We work until a viscous mass is obtained. If the stuffing is too liquid, then you need to add half a teaspoon of semolina and let it stand for a while so that the semolina swells from the absorbed excess liquid.
  4. Peel the carrots, cut into thin julienne.
  5. Blanch the nettle in boiling water, chop with a knife.
  6. Bring liquid to a boil. Pick up minced meat for quenelles with a teaspoon, with another teaspoon, level the mass and throw it into a saucepan with boiling liquid.
  7. Boil chicken dumplings for five minutes, put carrots, cook for another four minutes, add nettles, carefully use a small ladle to send broken eggs, chopped greens, a little salt into the soup.
  8. Turn off the fire after a minute and a half. Let the soup stand for another minute and a half. When serving, break the egg with a fork so that some of the yolk flows out.

Soup with nettle and egg in milk - recipe

I suggest you watch a wonderful video in which we are offered to cook soup with nettle and egg in milk. Interesting and unique recipe.

Country-style nettle and egg soup recipe


  • 800 ml of water or broth;
  • 300 g of nettle;
  • 4 medium young potatoes;
  • four eggs;
  • one bulb;
  • one medium-sized carrot;
  • one parsley root;
  • 150 ml of good sour cream;
  • bay leaf;
  • any chopped greens;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Nettle blanch, cool, chop.
  2. Rinse the potatoes with a brush, cut off the peel from it, cut into slices;
  3. Cleanly washed, peeled carrots and parsley root cut into thin julienne.
  4. Finely chop the peeled onion.
  5. Put the potatoes in the liquid brought to a boil. After a couple of minutes, add carrots, chopped raw onion. Cook until potatoes and vegetables are almost done.
  6. Add nettles, cook for one and a half minutes, add salt.
  7. Remove one potato from the soup, mash, and return to the pot.
  8. Peel the pre-boiled hard-boiled eggs, remove the yolks, grind with a tablespoon of sour cream, send to the soup. Finely chop the proteins, add to the container.
  9. Whip sour cream or cream with a whisk, pour into soup. Bring to a boil again over low heat. Sprinkle greens and serve.

Dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog! I hope that you will certainly use my recipes and treat yourself and your family to a delicious and healthy soup. If you have any questions about cooking technology - write them in the comments. I will definitely answer everyone!

With unfailing warmth and good wishes, Rybchanskaya Irina is the author of the blog Essay of a culinary amateur.

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Everyone knows that nettle is But it has healing properties and is recommended for both external use and for ingestion. And nettle, cooked in combination with sorrel, is a source of vitamins and microelements necessary to restore and maintain health.

Nettle soup and for the body

In folk medicine, "burning" nettle has been used for a long time. With the help of this plant, they stopped the blood and quickly healed wounds. But nettle is no less useful for internal use. In the spring, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins, the young stems of this plant will help make up for their deficiency. Nettle contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene.

In folk medicine, nettle is used as an effective blood purifier. It promotes an increase in the number of red blood cells, is useful for anemia, and quickly increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is proved that this "burning" plant is useful in any form. You can make infusions and decoctions from it, add it to salads or cook nettle and sorrel soup, the recipe of which is inherited in many families.

They appear even stronger in combination with sorrel. This plant was also once considered a weed. But later it was proved that sorrel is a source of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and group B. It is widely used in cooking. The most popular dish from this plant is green cabbage soup. But it will be much tastier and healthier if you cook nettle and sorrel soup. Such a vitamin first course will surely appeal to even the most demanding gourmets.

How to choose nettles for soup

Nettle is a "burning" plant, on the leaves of which there are special hairs. It is in contact with them that small burns appear on the skin, disappearing after a short time. After the plant is plucked, the stinging hairs will no longer be dangerous. Collect nettles should be away from highways, street yards and city squares. You should choose young shoots no more than 20 cm long. Both the stems of the plant and its leaves are suitable for use and useful.

Preparation of ingredients

Sorrel is a more popular and common plant in cooking. Its leaves are used for cooking. They are thoroughly washed, cut into small enough pieces and added to soups at the end of cooking.

Nettle is used in cooking much less frequently. To completely get rid of which burns remain on the skin, you need to scald it with boiling water before use. Further, the plant is used for cooking any dishes. from nettle and sorrel, you can find out from the recipes below.

Russian cabbage soup with nettle

This is a classic spring soup with nettle and sorrel. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the recipe and cook with it. Only in this case, the cabbage soup will turn out to be really tasty. Nettle and sorrel soup, the recipe of which is offered below, is a dish served in restaurants of traditional Russian cuisine.

The sequence of cooking Russian cabbage soup with nettles:

  1. Beef shoulder (1 kg) pour 4 liters of water, add 1 onion and one whole carrot. Boil the broth for 2 hours over low heat.
  2. After the specified time, remove the meat, cool, remove from the bone, cut into portions, and strain the broth.
  3. Hard boil 8 eggs. Cool and cut into large cubes.
  4. In vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry carrots, diced, and onions, chopped in the form of half rings. Then add chopped nettle and sorrel (400 g each). Pour vegetables and herbs with broth and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.
  5. Cut potatoes into cubes. Send to cook in a saucepan with broth for 20 minutes.
  6. When the potatoes are cooked, add stewed vegetables with nettle and sorrel to it. Salt, pepper. Boil 5 minutes.
  7. Nettle and sorrel soup is ready. Serve with sliced ​​beef shoulder, boiled eggs and sour cream.
  8. Bon appetit!

This is a folk version of nettle and sorrel. Below are some other interesting recipes for this dish.

Nettle and sorrel puree soup without potatoes

Young nettle is a source of vitamins and useful elements. Therefore, in your diet, you must definitely include dishes with it. How to cook nettle and sorrel soup?

Pour half a kilo of young nettles with boiling water. Immediately after that, fold it into a colander and substitute it under cold water to preserve the bright green color of the plant. Then fry finely chopped onions, nettles and 400 g of sorrel in vegetable oil. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

While the dressing is simmering, prepare the “thickener” for the puree soup. To do this, fry the flour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Salt, pepper. Add a liter of hot water, 5 egg yolks and 150 ml of sour cream. Constantly stir the soup, not allowing it to boil. Beat hot soup with a blender and garnish with finely chopped parsley. It will be delicious to serve crackers or croutons with the soup.

Light sorrel and nettle soup with egg

It will not be difficult to prepare a delicious nettle soup with sorrel if you follow a certain sequence.

  1. Prepare 500 g of nettle. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over it and leave it in hot water for a couple of minutes. After that, chop the nettle in a blender, transfer to a pan and simmer with butter for 5 minutes.
  2. Chop onions, carrots and parsley root and fry in vegetable oil.
  3. Boil 3 liters of water in a saucepan. Add diced potatoes, and after 10 minutes - vegetable dressing and nettles.
  4. At this time, prepare the sauce from a tablespoon of flour, 60 g of butter, two tablespoons of sour cream and 50 ml of water.
  5. Prepare 400 g of sorrel: sort it out and finely chop.
  6. After 15 minutes from the start of boiling potatoes, add flour sauce and sorrel to the soup. Boil 5 minutes.
  7. Add bay leaf, add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Hard boil 3 eggs. Cool, cut into large pieces.
  9. Add the eggs to the soup, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Sorrel and nettle soup with egg is ready!

Recipe for lean beetroot soup with nettle and sorrel

Even in strict fasting, you can make the diet varied. Another option for preparing the first course is beetroot soup.

To cook it, you will need 2 liters of water, a couple of potato tubers, 2 beets, 2 onions, medium carrots, 200 grams of young nettle and sorrel, vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook nettle and sorrel soup?

Boil water. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and send it to the pan to boil. Peeled vegetables - onions, beets and carrots - must be cut into strips. Fry alternately in vegetable oil. Then add a little water and simmer the vegetable dressing under the lid for 5-10 minutes. After the specified time, transfer the fried mass from the pan to the pan. Salt, pepper, cook for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped nettle and sorrel. Beet soup is ready. Bon appetit!

Summer is a great time when you can enjoy plenty of fresh herbs, even if they are as “biting” as nettles. Nettle is commonly added to salads, hash browns, or pie fillings, but is most commonly used in soups. Nettle soup will please you not only with its excellent taste, but also with health benefits.

First of all, nettle is one of the champions in terms of vitamin C content - in the leaves of young nettle it is twice as much as in blackcurrant. Nettles also contain vitamins A, B1, B5, E and K, beta-carotene and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and manganese. Thanks to this, nettle perfectly strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood clotting, improves vision and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is worth noting that nettle does not lose all these healing properties during heat treatment - is this not a reason to cook an appetizing and healthy nettle soup for the joy of the whole family?

Collect "biting" grass should be in environmentally friendly areas away from highways and street yards. If nettle grows in abundance in your backyard, you are extremely lucky. To prevent the plant from "stung" you, use gardening gloves, while it is best to collect young nettles, the leaves of which are more tender and not as stinging as the old ones. It is only necessary to pluck the leaves from the tops of the stem, after which they need to be scalded with boiling water so that the greens no longer burn the skin.

Nettle can be used as a vegetarian soup based on water or vegetable broth, as well as a meaty version of the soup using chicken, lean pork or beef. Potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, mushrooms and beans are usually added to nettle soup, but the cooking options for this dish are limited only by your imagination - you can add melted cheese to the soup, making it creamy, or seafood (shrimps and mussels), turning the soup into a real gastronomic masterpiece. In soups, nettle pairs wonderfully with other herbs such as sorrel, spinach, dandelions, parsley, dill, chives, quinoa, etc. The more greens you add to the soup, the more healthy your dish will be. Nettles, like other greens, should be put into the soup at the very last turn, a few minutes before cooking, in order to preserve all its beneficial properties. When you calculate the required amount of greens for soup, keep in mind that the nettle is significantly boiled down. Nettle soup is perfectly complemented by sour cream and chopped boiled eggs. And now "Culinary Eden" brings to your attention a selection of delicious recipes for this wonderful soup.

400 g chicken meat,
250-300 g of nettle,
3-4 potatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
1/2 tablespoon flour
5 green onions,
vegetable oil,
salt and ground black pepper to taste
sour cream and boiled eggs for serving.

Place the chicken fillet in a saucepan and pour in 1.5 liters of water. Cook until cooked through, about 20 minutes, then remove the meat and cut into pieces with your hands. Add diced potatoes to the broth and cook for 15 minutes. Fry chopped onion and grated (or finely chopped) carrots in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Mix with flour and add to soup, cook for about 10 minutes. Pour boiling water over the nettle and chop together with green onions. Add greens and chicken meat to the soup, salt and pepper to taste and cook for a couple more minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and let the soup brew, covered, for 10-15 minutes. Serve soup with sour cream, adding boiled eggs (halved or chopped).

Nettle soup with green peas

300 g beef or lean pork
300 g nettle,
5-6 potatoes,
2 bulbs
2 carrots
250 g canned or frozen green peas
4 eggs,
vegetable oil,
salt and seasonings to taste
sour cream for serving.

Peel one onion and cut into 4 pieces. Peel and cut one carrot into several pieces. Put the washed meat in a saucepan along with vegetables and add 1.3 liters of water. Cook until the meat separates easily from the bones. When the broth is ready, take out the vegetables and meat. Cool the meat and cut into pieces. Add chopped potatoes to the boiling broth and cook for 15-20 minutes, then add onions and carrots fried in vegetable oil until soft. Add the roast to the soup along with the green peas and cook for another 5 minutes until the potatoes are tender. Add scalded and chopped nettles and pre-beaten eggs - they must be poured into the soup in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Salt and add spices to taste. After a few minutes, remove the soup from the stove and let it brew for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle soup with chopped parsley and serve with sour cream.

Green soup of nettle, spinach and sorrel with beans

1 cup dried beans
1 bunch (100 g) nettles
1 bunch (100 g) spinach
1 bunch (100 g) sorrel
2-3 potatoes
1 carrot
1 onion
2 liters of broth (vegetable or mushroom) or water,
4 bay leaves,
6-7 peas of allspice,
2-3 green onions,
3 garlic cloves,
salt to taste
a few sprigs of dill
sour cream for serving.

Soak beans overnight and boil in lightly salted water until tender. Scald nettles with boiling water and finely chop along with spinach and sorrel. Bring the broth or water to a boil in a saucepan (you can take the broth in which the beans were cooked by adding additional water), add the potatoes cut into cubes and cook for 10 minutes. Add finely chopped onions, grated or chopped carrots, bay leaves and allspice peas. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the beans and cook for another 10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add chopped greens to the soup. Salt the soup to taste, add the garlic passed through the press and mix. Sprinkle the soup with green onions and dill and serve with sour cream.

Nettle and celery soup

300 g nettle,
4-5 stalks of celery
500 g potatoes
1 onion
1.5 l of broth,
4 bay leaves,
dill greens,
vegetable oil,
salt and spices to taste,
sour cream or heavy cream for serving.

Bring the broth to a boil, add the chopped potatoes and bay leaf. Cook for 20 minutes. Add chopped celery and chopped onion fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cook for about 5 minutes until potatoes are soft. Remove the bay leaf from the soup, add pre-scalded and chopped nettles and after 2-3 minutes remove the soup from the stove. Using an immersion blender, puree the soup until smooth. Salt and add spices to taste. Serve soup with sour cream or heavy cream, sprinkled with chopped dill.

Nettle soup with melted cheese

300 g nettle,
2 large potatoes
2 melted cheeses
1 small onion
3 garlic cloves,
vegetable oil,
dill greens,
coarse salt and black pepper to taste
boiled eggs for serving.

Randomly chop the potatoes, put in a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. Lightly salt and cook until done. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion until golden brown. 5-7 minutes before the potatoes are ready, add the processed cheeses to the pan, stirring constantly until they are completely dissolved. After a few minutes, add the fried onion and pre-scalded and chopped nettles. Remove soup from heat, season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir with the garlic passed through the press. Pour the soup into bowls, add chopped boiled eggs, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.

Use our recipes to prepare a delicious and healthy nettle soup, and it will undoubtedly become one of your favorite dishes. Bon appetit!

With the onset of spring, the weakened human body, more than ever, needs a lot of vitamins. And not those that are sold in a pharmacy, but those that you can cook yourself from the products available on your own personal plot. In the spring months, clover, nettle bushes, dandelions appear there. We need nettles! From it you can make a number of healthy and tasty dishes - pies, soups, various salads. from nettles? Its recipe is simple. In this article, we will look at a couple of its options.

First of all, I would like to remind you what benefits will be from the mentioned dish. In addition to the fact that nettle is saturated with trace elements and vitamins, it also increases hemoglobin, and even cleanses the blood. To taste, this soup resembles an ear, and it is prepared in a very similar way.

Before we begin to solve the problem of whether from nettles, we need to decide what products we need. By the way, do not forget to wear cotton gloves so as not to get burned. Although, if the nettle is tender and young, it can be torn with bare hands.

Required Ingredients:

  • a small bunch of nettles (100-200 grams);
  • a couple of carrots;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • one small head of onion;
  • three liters of water;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

And now the nettle soup itself! The recipe for its preparation is as follows: we peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and put them in boiled water. While it is cooking, peel the carrots and rub them on a grater. Add to saucepan. Then finely chop the onion and send it there. If there is such a desire, you can first fry the carrots and onions a little in vegetable oil.

It is advisable to rinse the nettle well with cold water and scald it with boiling water in order to prevent burns during further processing. We cut everything - both stems and leaves.

Waiting for the potatoes to cook. After that, pour nettles into the pan, salt and add spices (to taste). Cover with a lid and cook for a couple more minutes. Then turn off the stove - everything, the soup is ready. It can be served immediately, adding a little linseed oil. In this case, the dish will turn out much healthier and tastier.

Now consider the second option - how to cook nettle soup with the addition of Adyghe cheese. For this we need the following ingredients:

  • water - two liters;
  • potatoes - three pieces;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • young nettle - a bunch;
  • Adyghe cheese - 200 grams;
  • coarse salt - one tablespoon;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • two pieces of bay leaves and black ground pepper.
  • To dress the finished dish, prepare sour cream.

Let's start cooking the dish "Soup with nettles." Its recipe is as follows: we also start preparing soup with potatoes.

As soon as the broth with potatoes boils, remove the foam and lay the carrots, cut into small cubes. Then add bay leaf and butter. We cut off the leaves from a well-washed nettle, and remove all thick stems. We cut it not too small. We choose younger nettles so as not to douse with boiling water (in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins). If she stings, use Cubes, cut After 10 minutes of cooking vegetables, add cheese, nettle and salt to them. Cook for another five minutes after boiling and turn off the heat.

The soup can be served on the table, after sprinkling with black ground pepper and flavored with sour cream. Try to cook nettle soup, its recipe is quite simple and will not take you much time. Many housewives prepare such a dish in meat broth, and at the end of cooking they add a little more sorrel. But this is already a matter of taste.
