
Cooking loin on the bone in the oven. Pork loin on the bone in the oven (recipe with photo) in the sleeve

For most hostesses, pork is not a meat that is easy to handle, if only because it is not always clear which part of it to buy for which dish. For example, what can be cooked from pork loin in the oven? With what recipes is it better for beginners to work with pork, with what to serve such dishes? And it is useful for supporters of a healthy lifestyle to know how to cook a low-calorie pork loin in the oven.

Pork loin on the bone: a recipe in the oven in foil

The most tender meat is a priori obtained in airtight containers or packages. These can be ceramic pots, where the joints are closed with dough, or special sleeves for baking. And if there are no such devices, foil will help out: it will not allow moisture to evaporate, and if you do not open it, the meat will turn out to be more stewed than baked. Pork loin in foil is best steamed, as a result of which the cooking time is reduced. In addition, this allows for a fairly light meal as no additional fat is required.


  1. Pork loin - 3-4 pcs.
  2. Garlic cloves - 8 pcs.
  3. Salt - a pinch
  4. Oregano - ½ tsp
  5. Cherry tomatoes - 7-10 pcs.
  6. Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  7. Young potatoes - 6-7 pcs.


  • The meat is soaked in cold water and laid out in the middle of a large piece of foil, bone down. On its surface, you need to make several long transverse cuts, after which the meat is rubbed with salt and oregano.
  • Cherry tomatoes are cut into circles or semicircles, then they are inserted into the cuts of the loin, it is advisable to deepen them as much as possible. 2 cloves of garlic are crushed and also pushed into the cuts in the meat.
  • Pork loin should be pierced with 2-3 wooden skewers, or 4-6 toothpicks should be stuck on the sides, on which, close to the meat, the rest of the garlic cloves are placed.
  • Peeled and cut into halves (quarters for large specimens) potatoes, a whole pod of hot pepper, the remaining cherry tomatoes are laid out around the meat. The foil is pulled together at the top center, the seam is tightly clamped so that no air is released.
  • In preheated to 170 degrees without convection, the pork loin will be baked for 50 minutes. at the lower level, after which it must be set higher - to medium, increase the temperature to 190 degrees, and set the timer for 30 minutes. In ovens with low power, it is possible to increase the cooking time up to 45 minutes.

If you watch the calorie content of the dish, you can refuse potatoes, replacing them with fresh vegetables, which will make up a side dish for baked pork loin.

Pork loin on the bone baked in the oven with an apple

Any meat can be successfully combined with sour fruits or berries, and apples are most often used for this, as the most versatile fruit. In this case, there will be no question of choosing a side dish, as well as additional ingredients: pork loin and green apples will “sound” equally well with any product.


  1. Pork loin on the bone - 4 pcs.
  2. Green apples - 5 pcs.
  3. Salt - a pinch
  4. Dill - 1 bunch
  5. Onion - 1 pc.
  6. Carrot - 1 pc.
  7. Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  8. Adjika - 1 tbsp.
  9. Seasonings for meat - to taste


  • Excess fat is removed from the loin, the meat is washed and laid out in a baking dish. You can cook on a baking sheet, but it is better to use a container with high walls or a lid - this will allow you to steam the meat first, and only then create a crust on it. Pork loin should be rubbed with herbs and salt, after which it is given 15-20 minutes. to rest".
  • The onion is chopped in half rings, the tomatoes are cut in halves or quarters, the carrots need to be broken into long and thick bars, and the apples should be cut into wide slices. All the ingredients are laid out between pieces of loin, which is smeared with adjika, cold water in a volume of 50-70 ml is added to the baking container, and the bowl must be covered with a lid or foil. When the dish is placed in the oven, it should not be preheated.

At a temperature of 180 degrees, pork loin with apples will be baked for 80 minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish with a sprig of dill or other herbs. Grilled zucchini and bell peppers are the perfect side dish.

Pork loin baked in the oven with cheese

If you are cooking pork loin off the bone, you can serve the meat in small portions, making it a great appetizer. And in order to change the native taste of the product, you should choose a marinade - the main “sound” of meat will depend on it, which will be shaded by additional components of the dish.


  1. Pork loin - 800 g
  2. Soft cheese - 230 g
  3. Mayonnaise - 35 ml
  4. Wine white semi-sweet - 20 ml
  5. Saffron - ½ tsp
  6. Pomegranate juice - 2 tsp
  7. White mushrooms - 120 g.
  8. Leaf lettuce - 1 bunch
  9. Cherry tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  10. Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  11. Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.


  • White wine, pomegranate juice and saffron are combined in a small container. Portioned pieces of pork loin, previously beaten off with a wooden mallet, are also laid here. They are pressed down with a press, the bowl is covered with a lid and put away in the cold for 2-3 hours. Ideally, leave it all night if you are cooking in the evening.
  • Porcini mushrooms are cut into thin slices, the cheese is passed through a grater and mixed with mayonnaise. The pickled loin is laid out on a baking sheet, covered with plates of mushrooms, the mayonnaise-cheese mixture is distributed on top. The baking sheet is transferred to a hot (180 degrees) oven on the lower level, where the meat will be baked for 1 hour.

For 3-5 min. before serving the dish, the cucumbers are chopped into slices, the pepper is cut into thin strips, the cherry tomatoes can be left whole. Salad leaves are laid out on plates, on which a baked pork loin is placed, and cucumbers and peppers are located nearby. The dish can be served both hot and cold.

Pork loin is quite easy to work with. This part of the pork, cut from the chest area, is great for roasting and stewing, in addition, it does not require cutting - it is easy to bake it whole. The simplest recipes for its preparation involve only marinating meat and baking it in foil alone, while more complex ones are limited only to a set of products in the refrigerator - pork loin goes well with most vegetables and fruits.

Delicious and juicy pork loin is easy to prepare if you know a few subtleties. Learn the secrets and delicious recipes for cooking at home.
Recipe content:

Pork is the most versatile, sought-after and popular meat. Of the many parts of the carcass, pork loin is classified as the first grade. This is the most ideal meat on the bone for baking in the oven, grilling and frying in a pan. This is the dorsal part of the pork carcass, which has ribs, part of the spine, meat and fat.

How to cook pork loin - the secrets of cooks

  • When choosing meat, pay attention to the smell. Quality product smells good. The presence of sourness or rotten meat is a sign of spoilage.
  • Buy a pork loin with a bone, then you will be sure that this is the dorsal part.
  • Look at the layer of lard, it should not be more than 3%.
  • The color of the loin over the entire surface should be light pink. The presence of spots and bruises is a sign of spoilage of the product.
  • The bacon must be white. Yellow shade - the animal is old.
  • Check the quality of the meat by pressing on it with your finger: the surface should recover quickly. If the hole remains, do not buy the product.
  • There is no need to store fresh loin. If you do not plan to use it right away, then wipe it with a paper towel, wrap it with parchment and put it in the freezer.
  • You need to defrost the product without auxiliary means, such as a microwave and hot water. It is best to soak in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning leave for a couple of hours at room temperature.
  • To reduce the fat and calorie content of the dish, cut off all the fat.
  • For taste and aroma, use spices that rub the loin or marinate in the marinade.
  • For extra juiciness, and if you like meat thinner and softer, then you can beat off the loin.
  • Fry it over medium or high heat on each side for 4-5 minutes on each.
  • Don't use a lot of oils. It is better to wipe the pan with oil with a brush and coat the meat itself so that it is absorbed into the piece. A large pool of oil will burn and release carcinogens.

Pork loin in the oven in foil will be a wonderful family lunch or dinner with a friendly company. It differs in satiety, aroma and juiciness.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 184 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Pork loin - 600 g
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Salt - a large pinch
  • Oil for frying - 1 tbsp.

Step by step cooking pork loin in the oven: a simple recipe:

  1. Cut the loin between the bones. The slices are thicker, so the meat will be juicier.
  2. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Grease the pan with oil and heat well, then a crust will form on the meat, which will retain all the juice.
  4. Put the loin on it.
  5. Fry the pork on both sides until golden brown for 2-3 minutes on each side.
  6. Put the meat on a baking sheet and send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. It bakes well inside and remains very juicy.

Pork loin in the oven in foil: a recipe in a honey-mustard marinade

Chop on the bone baked in the oven is an amazing tasty and mouth-watering dish. The secret of the dish lies in the marinade. After preparing this dish, you will feel like you are in an expensive restaurant serving the best dish from the chef.


  • Pork loin - 1 kg
  • Bacon - 100 g
  • Quince - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch
Step by step cooking pork loin in the oven in foil: recipe in honey mustard marinade:
  1. Trim the fat from the loin and remove the bones.
  2. Make deep cuts along the bones.
  3. Salt and pepper the meat.
  4. Remove the seeds from the quince and cut into slices, which are inserted into the cuts in the meat.
  5. Cut the bacon into thin slices and wrap the loin in it.
  6. Wrap the pork in foil and put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  7. Meanwhile, mix honey and mustard.
  8. Remove the meat, unfold the foil and grease with impregnation. Wrap it back up and put it back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Pork loin can be cooked not only in the oven. From this type of meat, barbecue on the grill is very tasty. Golden brown, fragrant, juicy, with a baked crust, a thin layer of fat and an appetizing bone ... this is a real delicacy!


  • Pork loin - 2 kg
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • A mixture of "Provencal herbs" - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp or to taste
Step-by-step cooking barbecue pork loin on the grill:
  1. Cut the meat across the grain into steaks 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.
  4. Combine olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and Provence herbs.
  5. Rub the mixture over the steaks and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  6. Set a grate over the coals, on which put the meat and season it with salt.
  7. Fry on both sides, turning occasionally, until golden brown.

For lovers of experiments, I offer a surprisingly delicious recipe for cooking pork loin in a slow cooker immediately with a potato side dish.


  • Pork loin - 600 g
  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Seasoning for meat - 1 tsp
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
Step by step cooking pork loin with potatoes in a slow cooker:
  1. Cut the pork into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings.
  3. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Fry / Meat” mode for 12 minutes and put the ribs.
  5. Fry the ribs on both sides for 10 minutes.
  6. 2 minutes before the end, add the onion and stir.
  7. Put in the potatoes and pour in the water.
  8. Salt and add seasonings.
  9. Turn on the "Extinguishing" program and cook for 1 hour.

We used to call a minced meat dish a cutlet, but initially this term meant “meat on the bone”. If you want to know how to cook delicious pork loin, French origin. Then this recipe is for you. A simple and quick recipe for a juicy kebab in the oven is useful when there is no possibility for long marinating and going out into nature.


  • Pork loin with bone - 400 g
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Marjoram - 1 tsp
  • Curry seasoning - 1 tsp
  • Sunflower oil - 70 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Pepper - to taste
Step by step cooking cutlets of pork loin on the bone:
  1. Cut the loin into ribs, lightly beat off, pepper and salt.
  2. Combine vegetable oil, mustard, garlic cloves and garlic passed through a press.

Incredibly tender meat. Nice long steak. With the skin, which then gives flavor to the meat, or without it. On the bone and without it. Yes, yes, it's pork loin. And even there is nothing to list - we have so many opportunities to cook this gorgeous piece of meat. And I'm not talking about smoked or cooked in some non-homemade way.

Namely, we can bake, pickle, chop, finally, make it. But there is another option - to cook using several of these methods. Namely - pickled, fry! And to make the dish brighter? You have to experiment. Say, with spices, that is, with a marinade. And in general, try to cook to the state of Well done. The meat cooked in this way turned out to be incredibly tasty and restaurant-like.

So let's cook. And you won't regret it! Fast. Tasty. Unforgettably!


  • 0.5 kg pork loin
  • 3-4 tbsp breading
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  • 1 tsp fennel
  • 1 tsp zira
  • 0.5. tsp ground pepper
  • 0.5 lemon
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp soy sauce

Cooking the most tender pork loin in marinade - exquisite taste

Do you want to get a soft and juicy loin at the exit? Try to keep some nuances. I didn’t even know about it, but I planned pickling. Specialists advise to marinate the meat before baking. What can be a marinade? It depends on many factors. Including on preferences, on the availability of ingredients, and finally, on the state of health. Let's get the marinade ready, shall we? To do this, first mix all the dry ingredients. The recipe says what I have. But everyone can have their favorites.

Step 1. Mix the dry ingredients for the sauce

Garlic, in principle, can not be added to the marinade. But he, as I was convinced, adds such charm to the dish! Therefore, we will clean a few cloves, although it does not happen much. Let's wash them. And then we chop smaller. I later realized that garlic could be safely passed through a garlic press! You can do this, then more juice and flavors will stand out.

Step 2. Chop the garlic

It is desirable to take a thin-skinned lemon. If this does not happen, it will not be a tragedy. After all, in this version you can simply take the zest by rubbing it on a fine grater. So, first we cut thin slices of lemon. And then we chop them up. I liked that the crusts remained whole - it turned out beautifully, and then it was delicious. The crusts were nicely crispy.

Step 3. Finely chop the lemon

So, in the bowl we already have dry ingredients. Adjust the amount yourself - it all depends on the size of the piece. To them you need to add already chopped garlic and lemon.

Step 4. Add Garlic and Lemon to Dry Ingredients

Dripping soy sauce and vegetable oil here, mix everything. Our marinade is ready! And we'll take the meat. I had it on the bone. For baking, it's ideal. But I deleted it. After all, the frying was coming, and the bone would not have allowed the loin to fry the way I wanted. In a word, we will cut fat, film and bone. The steak turned out great. Coat it with marinade on all sides. If you find it dry, add oil.

Step 5. Coat the loin steak with marinade

How long can meat be kept in the marinade? It's your decision. It took me 15 minutes. Although you can hold it for half an hour by sending the meat to the refrigerator. By the way, the meat can be baked. But I wanted a fried loin. Therefore, after 15 minutes, I was already pouring oil into a heated pan. While it was warming up, I decided to lightly beat the steak. Firstly, the meat will be softer, I thought. Secondly, the marinade is literally absorbed into the texture. Before beating, I rolled a piece in breading.

Step 6. Roll the breaded steak and lightly beat the loin

By the way, if you bake meat, make cuts in it deeper, stuff with garlic, cheese, vegetables, etc. Has your oil warmed up? If yes, then let's send the meat to fry. By the way, it does not need to be poured a lot. In general, I lightly brushed the bottom of a thin frying pan with a brush, but warmed everything up well and put the piece to fry.

Step 7. Send the steak to the hot oil

Frying time individually. Someone has a thick frying pan. Someone fried, like me, in thin. But I want to warn you right away - I regretted that I did not use an old cast-iron skillet. The desired degree of frying was never achieved by me, alas, alas ... But this did not harm the meat. It came out well cooked but not dry. By the way, when meat is cooked in a large piece, it can be served not whole, but cut. But it is advisable to do this only before serving. Garnish to it can be modest. But it's better if it were vegetables.

Today we’ll talk about how to cook pork loin in the oven juicy and tasty. To do this, take a small cut without a bone, quickly fry it in a pan, and then bring it to readiness in the oven. The preparation is simple. The main thing here is not to overdo and not overdry the tender meat. Perhaps the most difficult thing in the recipe is to wait until the already prepared baked pork loin will “rest” for the time allotted to it and reach full condition. Do not violate the above recommendations, and your dish will turn out delicious, like in a restaurant!

Total prep time: 28 minutes + 30 minutes rest
Yield: 4 servings


  • boneless pork loin - 500 g
  • salt - 3 chips.
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 3 chips.
  • rosemary and thyme - 1 chip each.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 teeth

How to cook pork loin

I washed the loin and dried it with paper towels. Sprinkle generously on all sides with salt and pepper.

In principle, you can limit yourself to only pepper and not add any more seasonings in order to maintain the purity of taste. But I decided to add another pinch of dried herbs - rosemary and thyme. If desired, you can use Italian seasonings, garlic powder, or buy ready-made pork mix from the store.

I heated a frying pan with thick walls and a bottom, preferably cast iron. It must be hot to the touch. I poured 1 tablespoon of oil into the pan, warmed it up and laid out the pork loin - the fat layer down. Continue cooking over high heat, uncovered, for 2 minutes.

When the fat was rendered and the loin was browned, I turned it over to the opposite side. Fry for 2 minutes, the fire should still be strong.

To “seal” all the juices inside the piece, you need to fry the loin not only from above and below, but also the sides - about 1 minute each. In general, roasting the entire loin takes 7-8 minutes.

It remains to bring the meat to the condition so that it cooks inside the piece. I left the loin in the pan I was frying in (you can transfer it to a baking dish, slightly warmed up in the oven). The fat layer should be on the bottom. For flavor, I added a couple of garlic cloves to the pan, peeled and crushed with the flat side of a knife. Cover the meat tightly with foil on top. And immediately sent to a hot oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.

Baked for 20 minutes, then removed from the oven, but did not open the foil. Let the baked loin “rest” for 25-30 minutes, then the juices inside the meat will evenly distribute, and will not flow out if you try to cut a piece that is too hot. Cooking time may vary depending on the size of the loin - if it is more than 500 grams, then it will take 30-40 minutes. Also keep in mind that a short and thick piece will bake longer than the same weight, but thin and long. A meat thermometer will help determine the exact time. Inside the piece, the temperature should reach 70 degrees before resting and about 75 degrees after rest.

After the meat has stood for 30 minutes, it can be cut and served. You can serve with any side dish of your choice, with vegetables, spicy or sweet and sour sauce. Bon appetit!

The loin is one of the most delicious appetizers that can be served as a separate dish, as well as with vegetables, herbs and spices, and the baked loin in the oven is doubly delicious. Choose one of the baked loin recipes and spoil your loved ones with delicious meat. The baked loin in the oven in all four recipes is very juicy.

Baked loin in the oven: 4 delicious recipes

First option

To prepare, take:

- salt,
- a large head of garlic
- black pepper,
- 1.5 kilograms of loin.

Peel the garlic cloves, chop in a press, salt and add pepper. Rub the top of the meat well with the garlic mixture, wrap in foil, cook for one hour in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Do not remove the meat from the foil immediately, leave it for half an hour. The juice will be absorbed into the loin, and it will be juicy. It will take a little over an hour to prepare without waiting.

Second option

To prepare, take:

- salt,
- 40 grams of sugar,
- a glass of frozen cranberries,
- black pepper,
- 1.5 kilograms of loin.

Rub the loin with pepper and salt, then defrost the cranberries, transfer to a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and add a couple of large spoons of water. Boil until the cranberries start to burst. Beat the mass in a blender, coat a piece of meat with it, put it in cellophane and leave it in the cold for three hours. Then wrap the loin in foil and bake for exactly an hour. It will take an hour and a half to prepare without waiting.

Third option

To prepare, take:

- four cloves of garlic,
- salt,
- 50 grams of hard cheese,
- 40 grams of mayonnaise,
- 40 grams of mustard,
- 1.5 kilograms of loin.

Cut each peeled clove of garlic into four parts, make cuts all over the piece of loin, place the pieces of garlic in them, rub the meat with salt. Mix mustard with mayonnaise, grease a piece of meat with a mixture, put in cellophane and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Bake the meat for forty minutes, then sprinkle it with grated cheese, continue to bake for another three minutes. It will take one hour to prepare without waiting.

Fourth option

To prepare, take:

- one and a half large spoons of oriental spices (you can take a set for pilaf),
- salt,
- bunch of cilantro
- black pepper,
- 10 grams of adjika,
- 100 grams of tkemali sauce,
- 1.5 kilograms of loin.

Grate the loin with pepper and salt, add spices and adjika to tkemali, mix, grease the meat with the resulting sauce. Wrap the loin in cellophane, leave to marinate in the cold for three hours. Sprinkle the marinated meat with chopped herbs, transfer the loin to the culinary sleeve, make several holes in it on top and bake for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Remove the finished meat from the sleeve only after half an hour, when it has cooled down. It will take one hour to prepare without waiting.
