
Making sparkling wine at home. Delicious wine champagne

Almost any alcoholic drink can be prepared independently. Champagne, despite its noble origin, is no exception. This can be done with the help of any type of wine and a certain skill. For greater convenience, it is recommended to cook together. Thus, the process becomes easier and more fun.

In order for the wine to become sparkling, it must be saturated with carbon dioxide. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Artificial, using a balloon with carbon dioxide.
  2. Natural when the wine ferments in tightly sealed containers.

In this article we will consider the second method, as the most interesting and creative.

Homemade champagne recipe and cooking technology

To prepare a bottle of champagne you will need:

  • wine (standard volume) - 0.75 l;
  • granulated sugar - a tablespoon;
  • large raisins - 3 pieces.

Capping wine bottles

Any wine is suitable for making homemade champagne. The best is homemade products. But if you are not engaged in home winemaking, you can buy the necessary product. When purchasing store-bought wine, give preference to goods of an average price category. It makes no sense to turn expensive wines into sparkling ones, and cheap goods contain a lot of preservatives, so fermentation will be difficult.

Having decided on the choice of raw materials, the wine must be poured into containers. The ideal option would be bottling from champagne. They are specially designed for the storage of highly carbonated drinks and therefore have thick walls. If such a container is not available, any dark glass bottles. In the Alkopribor store you can purchase all the necessary packaging. It is not recommended to use plastic dishes for these purposes. Plastic has a negative effect on alcohol, so it is never used by home winemakers.

Pouring wine is best done in a cold room. Raisins and sugar are added to the bottles. Without these components, fermentation will not start. Bottles must be filled to the brim and capped. For greater reliability, corks can be wrapped with wire, as is done with factory champagne. Some fill the cork with wax, while others have the opportunity to use sealing wax.

Fermentation of homemade champagne

The fermentation process of homemade champagne lasts about three months. Consider this fact if you want to complete production by a certain date. Bottles should be stored horizontally, at a temperature of 18-25 degrees Celsius. Compliance with the temperature regime contributes to the better development of yeast cultures. 2 weeks before the expected completion of the process, the bottles are transferred to a vertical position - neck down. Thanks to this trick, the yeast accumulates near the cork, lagging behind the walls.

Sludge removal

This rather time-consuming stage, which is called disgorgement. Remember, at the beginning of the article there was a recommendation to make homemade champagne together? This advice applies specifically to this stage of production. The presence of a partner will reduce the loss of wine. The essence of this procedure is to remove fermentation products from the bottle. To do this, you need to open the bottle, drain the excess, add fresh wine and cork tightly again. Agree that doing it alone is very problematic.

If there is a partner, disgorgement looks like this:

One person takes the bottle in the “upside down” position and uncorks it. As soon as the remaining yeast has drained, he corks the neck with his finger, returns the bottle to its normal position and passes it to his partner. He, in turn, intercepts the neck with his finger, tops up the required amount of wine and tightly clogs with a new cork. A sea of ​​positive during this procedure is guaranteed! But do not forget about security measures. Under the pressure of the gas medium, a poorly fixed plug can fly out, causing injury.

Storing homemade champagne

The resulting champagne needs a certain exposure. The minimum period for this is three months. The longer you keep the drink, the higher its quality will be. The recommended storage temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius. Champagne, obtained at home, is not much different from purchased.

Sparkling wine is considered the most festive drink, which in common people we call "champagne", although it is most often very different from a real drink from the French province of Champagne. However, many lovers of experiments manage to make very worthy sparkling drinks at home, proudly called homemade champagne.

What kind of do-it-yourself champagne recipes you will not find on the Internet - this is champagne from grapes, blackcurrant leaves, from young grape leaves, from apples and raspberries, etc.

In this article, we will reveal some of the secrets of experienced winemakers in the production of champagne from grapes at home.

Homemade champagne

Champagne can be made from any grape variety you like. Professionals mix several varieties to achieve the best color and aroma. But there is a rule that you can mix no more than three different varieties.

At home, you can make a wonderful natural sparkling wine that will delight you and your guests and, in addition, will benefit your health.

There are various technologies for making homemade champagne. However, it is important to know the basic necessary components of any technology:

  • Prepare wine material. This is fermented grape juice, aged after being removed from the pulp for about 35 - 40 days.
  • You should also prepare the bottles into which you need to pour the wine. They should be dark with a thick bottom. Store-bought champagne bottles work best, but new plastic bottles can also be used. Be sure to wash the entire container well before pouring the wine and scald it with hot water.
  • A very important point is the selection of caps for capping sparkling wine. Since in the process of maturation of the drink there is a continuous fermentation and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the bottles, the lids must be strong and tight. Currently, there are plugs with sedimentation tanks for sale, where wine sediment enters. But regular cork oak wine corks are also suitable.

It's important to know: Bottles of sparkling wine always have sediment. In the factory, it is removed along with the cork using a special technology, freezing the neck of the bottle at a temperature of -25 degrees. This process is very traumatic, as there is a high probability that the bottle will explode.

  • Prepare a place for bottles in a cold cellar with a constant temperature. According to French technology, sparkling wine matures in the cellar, being in the cold, for 3 years, but homemade champagne can be tasted after 1-3 months.
    How to make champagne at home

How to make homemade champagne from grapes recipe step by step:


  • grape;
  • sugar.


  1. Crush the grapes with a special crusher or other method into a large container (cadus). Filling the container with grape pulp should be carried out no more than two-thirds, so that it has room to rise when fermentation begins.
  2. After about 2-3 days, when the pulp begins to rise, drain and strain the juice through a fine sieve into another container with a narrow neck, where further fermentation processes of the wine material will take place. You need to fill the bottle almost to the top and put it in the basement. Under it, place a bowl or basin in which boiled yeast will be collected.
  3. After 35-40 days, the finished wine material must be poured into a bowl, where sugar will be added to it. To do this, carefully using a thin hose, pour the settled liquid into a prepared clean container. We try not to touch the sediment.
  4. The liquid must be measured in order to know how much sugar to add to it. To make champagne sweet, 40-50 grams of sugar should be added to 1 liter of wine material, depending on the sugar content of the grape variety. Semi-sweet champagne from grapes will be obtained by adding 30-35 grams of sugar, and semi-dry by adding 20-25. In dry champagne, add 1 tablespoon of sugar per liter of wine.
  5. Sugar is measured for the entire volume of wine material and dissolved in a small amount of warmed wine.
    For example, for ten liters of wine material, to prepare sweet champagne, we take 500 grams of sugar and dissolve it in 1 liter of hot wine. Then pour this mixture into a container with the remaining wine, after mixing it, pour it into bottles, which we immediately cork. Interesting Facts: Some winemakers add 1-2 grains of barley or raisins to the bottom of the bottle to speed up the maturation of champagne at home and to form more carbon dioxide.
  6. The necks of champagne bottles are wrapped with wire, like a factory muzzle, so that the cork does not break. You can make it yourself.
  7. Install bottles of champagne horizontally in the basement on a separate shelf. So that in the event that a bottle explodes (which happens often), others are not affected by fragments, they are shifted with straw or cardboard.
  8. After about a month, there will already be enough carbon dioxide dissolved in wine in the bottles and the drink can be tasted.

Advice: In order not to lose the long-awaited homemade sparkling wine while opening the bottle, it must be cooled well in the refrigerator or freezer and opened quickly, trying not to shake it.

Leaf Champagne Recipes

A refreshing fizzy drink is prepared from young leaves of the vine. It tastes more like a good grape soda, but if you drink a couple of glasses, it starts to turn your head. How to make champagne from the vine according to proven recipes, we will tell further.

Ingredients for champagne from grape leaves for 1 serving:

  • Grape leaves and young green shoots - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - 0.85 kg.


Interestingly, champagne prepared according to this recipe does not deteriorate if stored properly for several decades.

Cooking grape leaf champagne second option:

  1. Pour 2 kg of sugar into a large enameled pan and put 1 kg of grape leaves into it.
  2. Fill all this with 6 liters of boiled water. We remove the resulting mixture for three days in the basement, where the ingredients should be infused.
  3. After three days, squeezing the leaves well, filter the liquid into another container and add 30 grams of wine yeast to it, after activating them in a small amount of must heated to 50-60 degrees.
  4. We install a water seal on the bottle and pour it into bottles after a week.
  5. Within a month, an increased formation of gases occurs in bottles, after this time it is already possible to enjoy a wonderful fizzy drink.

A sparkling drink (champagne) can really be prepared at home! This does not require rare ingredients and high costs.

As a result, you will get a champagne that is no different from those that are on store shelves. In some cases, it will turn out to be even better, because it is prepared without the addition of preservatives and chemicals.

Ingredients for homemade champagne

Effervescent wine is made in two ways.

  1. In the first, store-bought wine is bought, poured into a siphon and filled with carbon dioxide. This champagne dries out quickly and doesn't have the subtle, sophisticated flavors associated with drinks that are naturally enriched with bubbles.
  2. In the second, homemade wine is left to ferment in tightly closed bottles for a certain amount of time and then purified.

To make delicious champagne at home , you will need:

  • Wine made from grapes or any other fruit. Suitable currants, cherries, apples, gooseberries. You can choose fruits for every taste.
  • Sugar and raisins, which are necessary for the fermentation of wine.

Good champagne is good for the body. In small doses, it lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves digestion and improves mood. Therefore, to master the technology of its manufacture will not be superfluous.

Classic technology for making champagne at home

For cooking, wine made at home or bought in a store is suitable. If you are purchasing a drink, choose a good quality product. Cheap wine is full of preservatives and this makes it poorly fermented.

  • Pour the wine into bottles of dark thick glass with a capacity of 0.75 liters. Add a tablespoon of sugar, 3-5 pieces of raisins and close tightly. If there are no quality plugs, fill the hole with wax or sealing wax.

Take the storage bottles to a cool place and lay them on their side there. The room temperature should be stable and fluctuate between 18-25 ° C. Leave the prepared champagne to ferment for three months.

  • When 2-3 weeks remain before the end of the indicated period, turn the bottles upside down and slowly twist them clockwise several times a day. This is necessary so that the yeast gradually accumulates at the neck. Then it will be easier to extract them in the future.

The hardest thing to remove from champagne is sediment. For this crucial moment, prepare new corks in advance to immediately close the cleaned bottles. Do not transfer containers so as not to shake them.

  • Uncork the hole and quickly drain the cloudy sediment from it. Some sparkling wine will be lost. Try, as soon as all the excess has poured out, close the bottle with your finger, turn it over and top up the container with fresh wine. Then immediately close with a new cork.

Place the bottles in the cellar and store the champagne at 8-10°C for three months. After that, the drink will be ready and you can uncork it and try it. But you can withstand more, three months is the minimum period.

Homemade champagne recipes

You can make sparkling wine in another way. When using this method, the cooking time will be slightly reduced, without spoiling the quality of the product.

Try to make wine not only from grapes, but also from other seasonal fruits collected from your garden. You will get a wonderful homemade champagne!

Recipes for an amazing drink are presented below.

birch champagne


  • birch sap, 12 l;
  • vodka, 1 l;
  • sugar, 3 kg;
  • a kilogram of lemons, this is about 4-5 pieces;
  • fresh yeast, 200 g


  1. Pour the juice into a large saucepan, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Add sugar to a boiling liquid and cook over low heat, stirring constantly for several hours.
  2. When the contents boil away by a third, remove the pan from the stove. Cool slightly and pass the juice through several layers of gauze.
  3. When the liquid becomes slightly warm, pour it into a glass or wooden barrel, dissolve the yeast in it and pour in the vodka.
  4. Finely chop the lemons, remove the seeds from them and put in the juice.
  5. Put the container in heat for 10-12 hours. During this time, the components will ferment and the dishes with wine can be transferred to a cool room.
  6. Close the barrel tightly. After 7 weeks, strain the drink through gauze with a piece of cotton wool, pour into dark glass bottles, and seal the neck with sealing wax.
  7. Store in the basement, laying on its side.

Raspberry champagne


  • raspberries, 2.5 kg;
  • vodka, 1 liter;
  • sugar 2.5 kg.


  1. Fill an 8 liter bottle with water, dissolve sugar in it and pour vodka.
  2. Wash, remove cuttings from raspberries and add to water.
  3. Cover the bottle with a clean cloth and take it to a dark warm place for 14 days and stir constantly.
  4. When the raspberries begin to rise to the neck of the container and fall down, filter the liquid through a cloth and pour into a clean bottle.
  5. Take out the dishes in the cold and keep there for 3 days.
  6. Strain again and pour into champagne glass bottles. Close the neck with wax and take it to the basement for storage.
  7. After 3 months, homemade raspberry champagne can be served at the table.

There is no limit to perfection! In home winemaking, there is no limit to the study of new ways to improve the taste and other organoleptic characteristics of the drink. Today we will talk about how to make homemade wine sparkling using simple methods and tools. There is a natural way to make sparkling wine by continuing the fermentation processes. To do this, it is important to choose an airtight cork and fix it in a quality manner in the neck like a champagne bottle. There is an opportunity to make homemade champagne based on citric acid and soda. Everyone knows that if these two components are combined in water or other liquid, then a large number of carbon dioxide bubbles will be released.

House sparkling wine

At the end of rapid fermentation, when the wine begins to lighten, it is poured into champagne bottles, corked with champagne corks and secured with wire, screwing it to the neck.

Bottles with homemade sparkling wine are stacked in rows, shifting with straw or shavings so that they do not touch each other. Bottled wine continues to ferment (quiet fermentation), saturated with carbon dioxide. At this time, it is important to maintain a cool temperature in the room - 7-12 ° C.

When the fermentation comes to an end, the carbon dioxide formed in the bottles should create a given pressure in them. However, if, before the wine was bottled, the sugar content in it was more than 3%, during the fermentation process, the pressure becomes excessive, and then the bottle may burst.

Normal fermentation lasts from 2 to 4 months. Moreover, the best taste qualities, as well as sparkling and foamy properties, will be in wine that fermented not for 2, but for 4 months. At the end of fermentation, sediment forms on the walls of the bottle. Approximately 1.5-2 weeks before use, it should be put in the refrigerator and cooled to 0-1 ° C. Then put on the table and, lightly tapping on the walls with a wooden mallet, knock the sediment to the bottom. However, when pouring wine into a glass, the disturbed sediment will still slightly cloud the wine.

How to make sparkling wine at home


  • 750 ml vintage wine
  • 2 g soda
  • 1.5 g citric acid
  • 25 g sugar

Before you make sparkling wine at home, you must first mix soda, citric acid and granulated sugar, pour into a bottle of high quality vintage wine, cork and shake well. After 10 minutes, the wine can already be consumed.

Homemade champagne ("lemon kvass").


  • 7 medium lemons
  • 400 g raisins
  • 400 g honey
  • 15–20 liters of water
  • a pinch of yeast

Finely chop the lemons, and remove the zest from each slice and peel the white skin and seeds, add clean, sorted and washed raisins and honey. Mix everything thoroughly so that the juice comes out of the lemons and the honey dissolves. Then pour the mixture with water, put the previously cut zest there and boil everything. Separately, in a cup, dilute the yeast with a batter made from the best wheat flour. When the dough has risen, pour it into a container in which the wine will ferment, preferably in a wooden tub. Cool the finished lemon syrup a little and pour into the tub, stirring constantly. Leave the drink to ferment until the raisins, zest and lemon pulp rise to the surface. They must be taken out, and the water bottled. In each bottle, put 2 raisins and a piece of zest, cork the drink as tightly as possible, it is advisable to pitch the cork, and put in a cold place.

The number of people who have been to Champagne is much less than those who have tried champagne. For each of us, especially solemn moments of life are associated with a foamy drink sparkling in tall glasses. Therefore, it would be a good idea to think about having a supply of a wonderful drink at home. Buying high-quality champagne wine is quite expensive, let's try to make it ourselves. Believe me, a novice lover can get a good sparkling wine. Even from grape leaves, with some effort, you can create an excellent drink.

Grape Features

The advantages of grapes are indisputable: high nutritional value, antioxidant properties, high glucose content. Pectins exhibit anti-radical and anti-carcinogenic properties, it is indispensable for the nutrition of people with weakened immune systems.

The only category who needs to eat these wonderful gifts of summer in very small doses are people suffering from diabetes. The sugar level is too high for an organism lacking an insulin machine.

Secrets of the drink

There is such a variety of technologies for making wine drinks that it is simply impossible to choose one for yourself. Champagne is obtained in several ways. There is an option to saturate it with carbon dioxide artificially, which is much easier to implement technically. By injecting carbon monoxide under pressure, the drink acquires a carbonated structure.

At home, it is still preferable to prepare a natural effervescent drink using the methods of natural saturation with fermentation gases and the disgorging procedure. This enriches the taste palette, the structure of gases does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even from young leaves, you can make champagne for a solemn moment and surprise sophisticated connoisseurs. They contain very valuable tannins that will help make the taste of the drink more pronounced, give a special touch of strength. Contained citric acid, its quantity is greater only in lemons, can be used as a natural preservative agent, prevents premature souring of products.

If prepared from leaves, you will need several kilograms of the most tender, freshly blossoming leaves. Varieties of berries in this case do not matter much, since the main thing is that the leaves are not affected by the disease.

Varieties of grape berries are also important for making drinks directly from them. The sweetness, sparkling, the amount of alcohol in the final product, and of course, the degree of its carbonation depend on this. Homemade champagne can be pink, white, red, mixed, almost anything. The only limit here is your imagination.

Recipe #1

  • Light grapes of any variety - 10 kg.
  • Prepared water - 2 liters.

Cooking instructions:

It turns out quite strong, but at the same time gentle wine. The amount of sugary substances depends on the variety of berries originally taken.

Recipe #2

You will need:

  • Grapes of any variety - 8 kg.
  • Scalded leaves - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - as needed.
  • Water prepared (for infusion) 2 liters.

Adding an infusion of grape leaves adds flavor and quality to dry wines. Excellent with fish, white meat, grilled vegetables. Can be served with desserts of ice cream or whipped cream. It is stored up to three years, after this period it can give a slight sour aftertaste.


To replenish your own collection with fine wine, which we all used to call champagne, is a rather tempting prospect. No holiday is complete without the magical taste of sparkling wine, prepared with love.
