
Preparation of anise tea and decoction of seeds. Anise tea is a medicinal tea made from common anise

For centuries, mankind has actively used anise to treat a variety of diseases. The greenish seeds of this plant were highly valued in ancient Greece and Rome, and in the East they were even used to pay taxes. Today, anise seeds help people all over the world fight diseases ranging from digestive disorders to low libido.

What is anise?

Common anise, Pimpinella anisum, Anisum vulgare, Anisum officinarum, Anise - this is the whole name of one plant, which, however, should not be confused with another anise - Chinese, or also known as real star anise. It is the Chinese plant that bears fruit in the form of an asterisk. But now we are talking about a completely different grass. The fruits of the common anise are seeds called cumin.

This herbaceous plant belongs to the celery family and can grow up to a meter. Corrugated stems and leaves sprout from thin spindle-shaped roots, which form pinnate lobes. In spring, white flowers with a delicate sweet aroma appear on the plants. In late August - early September, seeds are formed. Native lands for this plant are Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece. Although at present, when favorable conditions are created, anise is able to grow in almost any corner of the Earth.

Active Ingredients

Anise seeds are 18 percent composed of, 8-23% - from, 2-7% - from essential oils, 5% - from, 12-25 percent of the composition - this, the rest -.

Anise seeds have a delicious aroma due to the high concentration of anethole essential oil. They also serve as a source for , . These minerals are essential for heart function, proper blood circulation, healthy bones, and help turn food into energy. , which are part of anise seeds, are important for the functioning of the brain.

Anise: benefits and harms to the body

The history of human use of anise as a medicine with a spicy aroma goes back at least 4,000 years. As historians suggest, it all started from Egypt. There, according to ancient records, the plant was used as a diuretic and to treat toothache. In ancient Greek medical records, there is a mention of anise as a means to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, an analgesic, as well as a diuretic and a thirst-squeezing plant.

From the 1800s, the era of commercial use of cumin oils began. Then anise was noticed by manufacturers of cosmetics and detergents. In the food industry, it is known as a spicy additive to a wide variety of product categories, including spirits, dairy, jellies, puddings, meats, and sweets.

Anise essential oil, as well as teas from it, are widely used in medicine. For what purpose? This is what we are trying to understand now.

Medicinal properties of anise:

  • facilitates expectoration;
  • relieves bloating (including in children);
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothes cough in bronchitis and asthma;
  • relieves pain in laryngitis and pharyngitis;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • relieves abdominal cramps;
  • reduces nausea.

In addition, anise oil in folk medicine is used to treat pediculosis, scabies, psoriasis. And for nursing mothers, this remedy is suitable for improving milk production.

Other useful properties of anise

In addition to these medicinal effects, other properties of this plant are also known. In particular, due to its antibacterial action, it is introduced into the composition of some toothpastes. And the anti-inflammatory properties are compared with the effect of aspirin.

Anise essential oil protect DNA cells from free radicals, prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

There is also an opinion that anise is able to reduce. A 60-day experience showed that daily consumption of seeds in powder reduces blood sugar levels by 36%, and also regulates the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Crushed cumin seeds, applied to the forehead, neck or temples, relieve headaches, in particular migraine attacks. An experiment on rats showed that anise promotes the absorption of iron, thereby serving as a prophylactic against anemia.

This plant also has calming properties. Thymol, linalol, terpineol, eugenol, which are part of the anise, reduce the manifestation of nervousness and anxiety. Interestingly, cumin (seeds) belongs to the group of aphrodisiac plants. In addition, it has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. In combination with sassafras oil, it serves as a means for the destruction of pests (moths, bedbugs, cockroaches, lice). Fishermen introduce anise into the composition of the bait.

In the food industry, as a seasoning, it is added to meat, fish, soups and sauces, pickles and confectionery.


To date, there are no clearly defined norms for the consumption of anise, as well as daily norms for it have not been calculated. But most often for the treatment of disorders of the digestive system, from half to 2 grams of seeds or 0.2-0.3 ml of essential oil are used.

In the form of an infusion, usually take 1-2 teaspoons of crushed seeds in a glass of boiling water. In the form of oil, herbalists advise consuming 1 drop of the substance with half a teaspoon of honey.

This plant is considered safe for humans, meanwhile, the abuse of seeds or essential oil can give side effects in the form of an allergic rash, complicating the work of the respiratory and digestive systems. An overdose of essential oil causes vomiting, convulsions, and sometimes pulmonary edema, paralysis, mental disorders, coma.

The main contraindication for taking funds from anise is pregnancy. Since this plant has abortive abilities.

How to prepare seeds

After harvesting, anise seeds are dried in special trays until they turn grayish brown. Then you can grind to a powder state and store in a hermetically sealed container or use whole. This is the well-known anise seasoning - cumin.

Anise oil is obtained from the seeds of the herb by steam distillation. The highest quality product is obtained from ripe seeds located in the center of the umbrella. The range of application of anise oil is extremely wide - from the food industry to pharmacology.

The chemical composition of anise oil varies depending on where the herb is grown. But in most cases, 80-90 percent of the substance is anethole, which gives a specific smell to the product, as well as some other chemical elements.

Anise oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, expectorant properties. Therefore, it is often included in cough syrups and lozenges. Due to its special composition, it loosens sputum in the respiratory tract, facilitates breathing in asthma and SARS. Antibacterial properties make it effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli. In the list of fungi that are afraid of anise, there is Candida. The relaxing abilities of the oil help relieve cramps and spasms of various origins.

How to make anise oil

Industrial production of anise oil is a labor-intensive multi-stage process. But small portions of the product can be made at home. For this you will need:

  • cumin seeds (dry);
  • base oil (for example, almond);
  • mortar for grinding seeds;
  • gauze;
  • glass container.

Grind dry seeds in a mortar so that oil comes out (but do not bring to the consistency of a powder). Pour into a glass container and add the base oil (the liquid should completely cover the seeds). Close the container tightly and put it under the sun's rays (this will speed up the release of oil from the crushed seeds). Strain through cheesecloth. Store prepared anise oil in a cool, dry place.

Common anise tea

When the disease has tightened the throat and it is difficult to swallow, a cough of any origin (bronchial, allergic, asthmatic or after smoking) pesters, anise tea will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is prepared from fresh or dried seeds of the plant.

Another useful property of tea is the treatment of flatulence, getting rid of the feeling of heaviness after overeating, and, like ginger, anise relieves nausea.

If you sweeten your drink with honey, you can get an alternative to high-calorie drinks, and the antibacterial properties of anise will freshen your breath after drinking tea.

seed tea recipe

To prepare anise tea, you need a teaspoon of seeds and a glass of boiled water. Put on fire and boil for no more than a minute. Let it brew. Drink anise tea in a glass after each main meal. This decoction is effective for bronchitis, asthma, slow digestion.

Other anise recipes

General strengthening tincture

Pour 40 g of seeds with a glass of vodka. Insist from a week to 10 days. Take 20-25 drops three times a day.

Mouthwash infusion

2 tsp seeds mixed with a glass of boiling water. Strain after an hour. Rinse your mouth and throat several times a day.

A decoction of cumin

20 g of cumin seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, then insist another 20 minutes. Strain, add 20 g of honey and the same amount of cognac. Take warm 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Anise in cosmetology

Anise oil is an excellent remedy for improving the condition of sagging skin. The remedies below are easy to prepare yourself at home.

Mask for aging skin

In 1 tablespoon of base oil (any vegetable oil), add 2 drops of anise essential oil. Mix thoroughly and apply with light massaging movements to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Rejuvenation mask

In 2 tablespoons of sour cream, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 drop of essential anise oil. After applying to the face, keep for 10 minutes. Remove residue with a paper towel.

Mask for skin elasticity

For this remedy, you will need 1 tablespoon of grated carrots, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of anise decoction. Mix all ingredients until a paste is obtained. Keep on the face for about 10 minutes.

Moisturizing mask

Prepare a gruel from 2 tablespoons of grated cucumber and the same amount of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of decoction of anise seeds. Apply with light movements on the face, after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for very dry skin

Peel and chop still warm potatoes in their skins, add warm milk and 1 drop of essential anise oil to it. Mix until the consistency of thick sour cream and apply on the skin of the face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Despite its outward simplicity and wide distribution, anise has a whole range of useful properties. It is a pity that many see only a weed in this plant and mercilessly eradicate it, forgetting that cumin plays an important role in maintaining health, and in some cases can serve as the most effective medicine, which has no analogues in pharmacies.

The beneficial properties of anise, or, in other words, star anise, were well known in ancient Rome, China and Greece, and today the seeds and fruits of this plant are mostly used as a culinary spice. Anise is added to pastries and cocktails, to punches and meat dishes, and as part of teas, decoctions and tinctures, its fragrant star-shaped fruits can bring relief from many ailments.

So, drinks, which contain star anise, help with stomach and intestinal cramps, bloating and other digestive problems, and anise-infused water, no worse than dill, relieves adults and babies from colic. It has tea with anise and antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, thanks to which it is useful for flu and colds, fills you with energy in the morning, and when used before bedtime, on the contrary, it calms. In addition, anise tea can relieve dizziness, headaches, sore throats and even an asthma attack. For coughs and bronchitis, tea with anise is recommended as an expectorant.

Despite the tangible benefits for infantile colic, anise tea is still contraindicated for pregnant women, it is also not recommended to drink it for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea with anise, ginger, cinnamon and orange

To prepare 4 servings of tea you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 star anise;
  • zest from ½ orange;
  • 10 thin slices of fresh ginger root;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 4 teaspoons of honey.

In boiling water, add all the ingredients in turn, including anise, cinnamon, orange zest and ginger. After the drink simmers for about 10 minutes, it is removed from the heat, covered and allowed to brew for another 15 minutes. Before serving, tea is filtered, poured into cups and honey is added.

Black tea with anise and lemon

To prepare 4 servings of this drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 sprig of fresh mint;
  • 1 slice (circle) of lemon;
  • 4 teaspoons of black tea;
  • 4 teaspoons of honey;
  • 4 star anise (star anise).

Black tea is brewed in the usual way, let it brew. Before serving, a quarter of a slice of lemon and a star of anise are placed in each cup, then tea is poured, honey or sugar is added to taste and garnished with mint leaves.

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Common anise (Anisum Vulgare) is an annual herbaceous plant. The plant is native to the Eastern Mediterranean. It is successfully cultivated in our country, grows in Bashkiria, in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions, in Ukraine. Anise fruits are used as a medicinal raw material.

Description of anise and its preparation

Anise is often confused with various plants that look like it. You need to be careful if you collect raw materials yourself. You can confuse the fruits of anise with the fruits of spotted hemlock, common kokorysh, black henbane. The most common confusion is between common anise and star anise (anise star anise).

Anise ordinary has an erect stem, a thin root. The lower leaves are on long petioles, deeply toothed, rounded kidney-shaped. The upper leaves are sessile, wedge-shaped. The plant has complex umbrellas, small, white flowers. Fruits are egg-shaped with protruding ribs. The taste of the fruit is sweetish-spicy, have a strong spicy aroma. The plant is a good honey plant, it is very fond of bees. Fruits in August.

Even Pythagoras described this medicinal plant, saying that it freshens breath, improves sleep and rejuvenates the face. Anise was also used by Hippocrates to treat various diseases. Dioscorides used anise to formulate antidotes. Anise is highly valued in Egypt and on the island of Crete.

Gray-green fruits are harvested in August. After collecting, the seeds are left to ripen for 5 days in a dark place. During this time, they dry out. You can use a dryer or oven. Fruits should decrease in volume by half. Then the fruits are threshed, impurities are removed, placed in a sealed container.

Useful properties of anise

The main active ingredient of anise is essential oil. The composition of the essential oil contains anethole, it is he who gives the fruits such a spicy taste. Also in the fruits there are proteins, fatty oil, pentosan, caffeic and chlorogenic acids, furfural, sugars.

Anise tea is used as an expectorant and antitussive, it enhances the function of the bronchial apparatus. This medicinal plant is effective for tracheitis, laryngitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract. Anise is a part of antitussives, expectorant mixtures, chest collections. They are often used with antibiotics.

Anise fruits have antispasmodic properties, because of this they are included in the composition of laxatives, gastric, diaphoretic fees. They have an anti-inflammatory, carminative effect. Successfully used for bloating, to stimulate the liver and pancreas. Anise preparations act on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, have a therapeutic effect on gastritis, flatulence.

Anise decoction helps improve vision, relieve inflammation of the eyes. The fruits stimulate the motor function of the uterus, support the activity of the mammary glands.

Anise contraindications

Anise is contraindicated:

  • with allergies and individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • children under three years old;
  • with increased blood clotting.

Making tea with anise

Classic anise tea recipe

1 teaspoon of seeds should be lightly ground in a mortar, put in a teapot, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let stand under the lid for 10 minutes. Strain thoroughly. Such anise tea improves lactation if you drink it half a glass half a glass before feeding or in the morning and evening.

Anise tea with walnut

To prepare a tea drink you will need:

Water - 1 liter

Anise seeds - 1 teaspoon

Walnut - 40 g

Boiling water is poured over the seeds and insisted for ten minutes. Grated walnuts are added, after five minutes the infusion is filtered and added to regular tea to taste. Tea with anise is very fragrant, with an interesting aftertaste. It is very beneficial for the body.

Tonic anise tea

0.5 teaspoon anise seeds

cinnamon stick

lime peel

ginger root

All components of the drink must be put in a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 30-40 minutes. Pass through a strainer, pour into a mug, cool slightly, add honey. The use of the drink twice a day will help give the body vigor and strength, raise the tone.

The use of anise in traditional medicine

Anise cough decoction

1 st. a spoonful of anise fruits is ground into powder, poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes over very low heat. Then the decoction is left to infuse for one hour. After filtering, the decoction is taken 100 ml four times a day.

Medicinal expectorant collection

Anise - 10 g

Violet roots - 5 g

Leaves coltsfoot - 5 g

1 teaspoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused.

Anise fruit infusion

5 g of fruits are poured into an enamel bowl, pour 250 ml of hot water. Heated in a boiling bath under a closed lid for 15 minutes. Then leave to cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. This remedy is taken as a laxative in a quarter cup half an hour before a meal.

During the times of Ancient Greece and Rome, anise seeds were very popular among the population of various social statuses. They were used as an ingredient that improved appetite and promoted deeper sleep.

Most of the inhabitants assumed that it was this plant that helped to normalize sleep patterns and make it stronger.

Anise seeds are used to make anise tea. It should be noted that the fruits are obtained from a small plant known as Pimpinella anisum (a relative of cumin, dill, fennel). It is noteworthy that the plant is used not only in the process of cooking, but also in medicine. Visually, these seeds resemble fennel fruits.

Anise tea is a medicine that has become very popular in different parts of the world, it is especially popular in the countries of the Middle East. There is an opinion that even the priests of ancient Egypt knew about the healing properties of the drink and used it to treat a large number of diseases. As for the European tradition of tea drinking, anise tea is used mainly as a carminative. The plant is traditionally consumed in the form of regular tea.

Taste features

From this article you will learn:

Anise tea is characterized by a very rich and very pleasant aroma with distinct sweet notes. The plant blooms from mid-June to the end of July, but it is customary to collect the fruits only in August. The plant is distributed mainly in the territory of modern Greece, but recently it has been successfully grown in other countries with similar climatic conditions.

Beneficial features

Anise tea has the following beneficial properties:

  • improves the function of digestion;
  • eliminates the risk of gastric indigestion, bloating;
  • effectively resists respiratory diseases (bronchitis, cough and cold);
  • helps relieve menstrual pain;
  • enhances lactation in breastfeeding women;
  • in some cases, anise tea is used to treat male impotence.

Anise is also used in modern pharmacology. The tool has a disinfectant, analgesic and antipyretic effect. Also used for rinsing the mouth.

Anise tea has a huge number of useful properties. The drink is used not only for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of certain ailments. It is very important to brew tea properly.


  • kettle with a volume of 0.5-1 l;
  • boiling water in the same volume;
  • walnut - from 20 to 40 g;
  • anise seeds - 1 teaspoon.

The seeds of the plant are poured with boiling water and infused for the next 10 minutes. After that, the tincture is carefully filtered and added to regular tea. You can decorate the plant with ordinary chopped. The tea is characterized by an extremely tasty and very pleasant aroma. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

Side effects when consumed

Anise tea can also cause certain side effects. In some cases, anise seeds cause allergic reactions. Cases of skin inflammation after drinking an anise drink have been repeatedly recorded. Do not forget that the seeds of the plant are characterized by a pronounced diuretic effect, which automatically increases the risk of dehydration. Before using tea, you should consult with a professional herbalist. Please note that the plant should really be anise, and not its close counterpart - star anise, which can provoke a huge number of side effects.

An amazing remedy with an ancient history - anise tea - is available to everyone. Not grandmother's tales or old scrolls, modern doctors confirm the beneficial effects of tea with anise seeds. Body rejuvenation and a long list of cured diseases are far from the entire track record of an amazing plant.

Anise tea: spice from antiquity gives youth

Anise is such an ancient spice that there is hardly a document with exact information about when and where it was first used. In Egypt, it was used as an incense. In Rome, they knew about the benefits of the plant for the digestive system. In Greece, tea with anise was prescribed for colds. Modern medicine recognizes the amazing properties of the herb - it is a component of many medicines.

Anise tea is an easy way to turn tea drinking into a healing and rejuvenation procedure. The main thing is to brew it correctly.

The wisdom of brewing

Anise drink is prepared from the seeds of the plant. It is easy for a novice tea drinker to confuse it with star anise (star anise). Spices are similar not only in names, but also in aromas. The visual difference is that star anise seeds are shaped like stars. Anise for a wonderful drink is the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant, pear-shaped with a brown-gray color. Star anise is not suitable for a fragrant drink, as it does not tolerate long heat treatment.

Available cooking options:

  • Buying ready-made tea bags: the easiest option.
  • Brewing tea from seeds: the magical effect begins from the moment the tea is prepared.
  • Mix with regular tea: the opportunity to feel like a real magician.

Recipe 1

What will be required:

  • Anise seeds - 2 teaspoons.
  • Water - 180 ml.

Cooking process:

Grind the seeds in a blender or a special mortar. Pour into a teapot or cup. Boil water. Pour in the seeds and close the teapot or cup with a tight lid. If you wrap it with a napkin on top, the effect will be better. Infuse for a quarter of an hour. Strain. Add sweetener.

Recipe 2


Cooking method:

Mix thoroughly chopped fruits with water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Boiling time - 5 minutes. Be sure to insist 20 minutes. Strain. Tea is ready!

Recipe 3


  • Anise (seeds) - 2 teaspoons.
  • Tea brew - 4 gr.
  • Water - 400 ml.


In parallel, brew tea and anise in two different teapots. Strain the infusion of seeds and add to the teapot with tea leaves. Infuse for at least 15 minutes. Fragrant and healthy drink is ready!

Who and what is useful tea from anise

Tea with anise is extremely beneficial for the human body. Indisputable proof is the thousand-year history of the use of this drink.

  • Respiratory system: has an expectorant and disinfectant effect, useful for coughs or bronchitis, diseases of the respiratory tract (upper). Anise freshens the breath.
  • Digestive system: stimulates digestive processes, has a beneficial effect on the secretory, motor functions of the digestive system. You can forget about nausea and flatulence if you add anise infusion to your diet.
  • Genitourinary system: fights microbes that provoke inflammatory processes.
  • Women's health: with painful menstruation, anise infusion is useful, in addition, it normalizes the cycle.
  • Breastfeeding: plays the dual role of increasing the quantity and quality of milk. Receiving milk enriched with anise, the child does not suffer from colic and bloating.


The effectiveness of tea in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases is indisputable, but there are also contraindications.

  • Anise drink will not be useful for chronic diseases of the digestive system. The plant increases the production of gastric juice, so the use of the drink for ulcers and gastritis with high acidity is contraindicated.
  • It is not advisable to drink this drink during pregnancy. The medicinal herb has a stimulating effect on the uterus, which will negatively affect the bearing of the fetus.
  • Anise is an allergen. Therefore, having noticed signs of individual intolerance to the drink, it is better to refuse it.
