
Festive candy bar with your own hands. What is Candy Bar at a wedding

Western Candy bar (candy bar) for a wedding is, in our opinion, a sweet table, only beautifully decorated. Such a corner of sweets is appropriate at any solemn banquet, including a wedding. You need to start by choosing a festive menu: for dessert, it is recommended to choose sweets that will not go bad in a couple of hours and will not create heaviness in the stomach.

  • Fruits in chocolate and cuts. A favorite of the summer season, berries can make stunningly beautiful and delicious combinations. Fruits in caramel or chocolate, cuts, mousses, jelly with pieces of fruit and much more will satisfy even picky guests. You can serve sweets in elegant dough baskets, on long skewers or on special napkins;
  • cupcakes. They appeared at our weddings not so long ago, but have already gained immense popularity. If you cover mini cakes with bright icing, they will also become a great decoration. Cupcakes are more convenient than traditional cake slices, and the fillings in them can be made to suit every taste;
  • cake-pops. One of the favorite treats of children, cake pops attract attention because they look like lollipops. In fact, it is a small cake covered with icing and beautifully decorated. Served on wooden skewers, so it is very convenient to take it;
  • Cookie. More recently, macaroons, a multi-colored French dessert, are increasingly being served at weddings. During cooking, food coloring is added to the dough to give the delicacy a bright color. If the wedding is themed, it is quite possible to order macarons in a suitable color;

  • Marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow. The advantage of this delicacy is that it can be eaten by both children and pregnant women. You can serve it in small bowls or on toothpicks;
  • Sweets of the peoples of the world. If the wedding is themed, then the treats should match the theme. For example, if this is an oriental style, then one cannot do without Turkish delight or churchkhella. Explore the traditional dishes of your favorite country - and surprise your guests;
  • Chocolate fountain. It looks very beautiful and at the same time adds a special flavor to the wedding. From it you can not only drink chocolate, but also dip, say, a strawberry or an orange. Amazingly delicious!;
  • Candies, lollipops, nuts. All your favorite sweets that can be divided into small portions may well be placed in a candy bar;
  • Cake. You can put it separately or ask to take it out only at the end of the holiday - the choice is yours. Be that as it may, a tasty and beautiful delicacy will decorate the hall;
  • Beverages. To support the style of the wedding, drinks can also be chosen in the appropriate colors. It can be colorful cocktails, beautifully decorated fresh juices, compotes, punches, juices and much more.

At the end of the celebration, in order not to bother with bonbonnieres and gifts, you can give your guests a sweet surprise. Stock up on an extra set of sweets, pack them up and give them to guests to take away.

Candy bar decor

The main task of the designer is to draw attention to the candy bar. Sweets of 2-3 tones look great, then against the background of such a sweet table you can take beautiful photos. Anything can be used as decorations - beautiful dishes, vases, soft toys, figurines, trays, coasters, ribbons, textiles. All kinds of signs, flags and posters with inscriptions look interesting.

Natural flower arrangements are a win-win option for any wedding theme. There is no need to overdo it: 2-3 bouquets in beautiful tall vases, flower petals randomly scattered on the table - and it will be impossible to take your eyes off the candy bar!

Balloons and garlands are also quite appropriate. If the theme allows, you can put elegant long candles. Then at the end of the evening, when the birthday cake is brought out, it will be possible to create a romantic atmosphere with subdued lighting.

Suppose you have picked up a sea of ​​​​goodies, but now it would be nice to sign the dishes, especially if they are exotic. Place cards with detailed information about the dish next to each tray.

The quantity needed is calculated by 1-2 products of each type per guest. Dishes are arranged at different levels: first, flat trays, then - vases and coasters, and in the background - high cakes and multi-tiered sweets. If the dishes are repeated, the layout may be symmetrical. For example, a cake or a stand with cupcakes rises in the center, and other dishes are on both sides. Lay out spare spoons and skewers on the edges of the table, put glasses on the side of a small table.

The dishes should be stylish, light and unbreakable. Desserts are placed in it in portions so that the guest can come up, choose and quickly take the delicacy they like, and not create a crowd at the table. It is best to place lollipops, marshmallows, marshmallows, etc. in transparent containers, then people will immediately see what is where.

Creams, mousses, jellies are served in small glasses: just put a few spoons of food, because guests will want to try everything. Cakes and cupcakes should be in corrugated molds so that people do not get their hands dirty, serve skewers for sticky sweets, paper bags and a scoop for loose dragees, with which you can pour the right amount.

Candy Bar Design Styles

The easiest option is to make a small coffee shop or tea shop. Pick up several varieties of tea and coffee, juices and other drinks. Guests will be able to come and choose something to their liking in their free time. An interesting solution and a fruit bar: fruit slices are served with ice so that they do not become weathered.

Also on the table may be cream, caramel, gravy and more. You can put a juicer nearby so that the guest can make a fresh juice. If children are present at the wedding, a separate sweet table with healthy delicacies will be organized for them.

A separate conversation is the stylization of the candy bar. The most popular styles are French, Oriental, Rustic, Vintage, Country and others. Choose the theme closest to your wedding - and experiment.

Candy bar is a trend of modern celebrations, it is not only a wonderful selection of sweets, but also a festive decor that creates an amazing mood!

Candy-bar is an alternative to our sweet tables. It is customary for us to take out dessert after a feast, for Americans - to put it on the table at the beginning of the holiday, as part of the decor!

That is why in many of our articles we recommend our readers to pay attention to the candy-bar and its components!

If you have already done something similar, we offer you interesting alternatives that you will find.

In order to create a candy-bar (candy bar) with your own hands, you don’t need so much:

  1. Surface (table, cabinet, chest of drawers, folding tables, etc.)
  2. Beautiful bright tablecloth
  3. Various dishes made of glass, wood, porcelain, clay or plastic. Choose not only beautiful, but also practical items. You can also choose the style of dishes for the holiday. If you plan a simple celebration in the country, then you should not put an expensive service 🙂
  4. Sweets
  5. Homemade cakes, cookies
  6. Small labels for inscriptions, cut out of cardboard or printed on a printer
  7. Balloons, paper garlands, ribbons and other decor that you can afford.

How to make a children's candy bar?

Start by picking decorations for your sweet table!

After that, the children's candy-bar and its design are completely in your hands! You can fill the vases with all the available treats, you can arrange light sweet snacks or decorate the table with a large cake!

The main thing is to use the treats in the selected color scheme, which will create the perfect picture!

As treats, use marshmallows, macaroons, dragees, chewing gum, lozenges, bars, homemade cookies, gingerbread and other sweets familiar to everyone!

The main thing is to show imagination and then you won’t have to buy anything! The dishes can be taken at home and covered with napkins in the same style, the decor can be cut out of paper and cardboard!

Do-it-yourself candy-bar for a boy is best done in blue, green, brown, orange colors. Use in the subject his favorite films and cartoons, heroes, cars, construction and other activities inherent in a real man :).

Of course, do-it-yourself children's candy-bar is a time-consuming process, but, you see, how spectacular and bright the result is!

Candy-bar for a party

In fact, there are no differences between a children's and an adult sweet table. The only difference is the content!

You can treat your guests with alcoholic cocktails or non-standard pastries, pizza or other more serious products :). However, remember that this is already a FoodBar (FoodBar), which has a completely different look :).

We are sure that our tips will help you make the brightest holidays!

A candy bar (candy bar) can be organized anywhere: in an apartment on a coffee table by the window, at an outdoor event in a tent specially set up for this purpose, on the street near the house. The main condition for this is a bright serving format: the candy-bar should catch the eye.

Buy or bake

There are no clear recommendations on this matter - put on the table what you want. It can be both purchased sweets and homemade dishes. But products should not be perishable: for example, if the event takes place on a hot afternoon, then ice cream and a cake with a cream layer will be superfluous.

The traditional candy bar is:

  • sweets: loose and chocolates in boxes;
  • cookies and gingerbread;
  • macarons;
  • liquorice;
  • marshmallow and marshmallow;
  • muffins, cupcakes, muffins.

How to arrange

Sweets in the candy bar can be served as you like - on bright napkins, on disposable tableware, on traditional cake stands, in fruit bowls. Refuse conventions - take everything that is available on the farm:

  • pour M&M's lollipops and dragees into ordinary 1, 2 and 3 liter jars;
  • serve cookies in a large round container (an aquarium shaped like a glass is suitable);
  • pour multi-colored marmalades into a tall glass vase.

Try to use a tier system - then even on a small work surface of the candy bar you can place a lot of sweet treats.

What else…

Often, in addition to sweets, containers with lemonade and sweet compote are placed on the table. Show your imagination and make colorful water: raspberry and blueberry compote, lemonade based on lime and mint, chilled black tea. It is not necessary to buy store-bought dyes - both in summer and winter, you can color the drink with natural ingredients.

And fruit - bring fruit! Children love oranges, bananas and apples. Buy a couple of mangoes, put pineapple and coconut in the center of the table - delight is guaranteed!

If funds allow, order a chocolate fountain for a candy bar (photo)

Warm chocolate flowing like a waterfall over a special container is stylish, unusual and tasty. Such a delicacy is not eaten with a spoon - fruits are dipped into a sweet liquid. To do this, place plastic cups with toothpicks or multi-colored skewers next to the fountain - let the guests prick slices of banana, cherries and strawberries, slices of oranges and apples.

If it is not possible to buy (or rent a chocolate fountain), make fondue yourself: take a deep bowl or plate, organize a stand, place a lit candle under the container, crumble pieces of bitter chocolate into the bowl.

Simple and stylish - from improvised means: do-it-yourself candy bars for children

The birthday boy wished a bright holiday? No problem - create a candy bar for this day together with your child.

Boys will be delighted with the automotive theme:

  • Bake gingerbread in the shape of cars. Cover them with multi-colored glaze, drawing windows and doors, car body, wheels.
  • Hang garlands with paper vehicles strung on a rope over the table.
  • It will not be superfluous to decorate a candy bar: “lay” an autobahn on the table. To do this, cut out the route from black (gray) cardboard, and make road markings from yellow (white) paper. And don’t forget about the traffic lights: fill a glass vase with balls of “sea pebbles” dragees or your favorite M&M’s: it’s important to keep the color balance – green candies first, then yellow ones, and red goodies at the top.

Girls will definitely want a party in the style of princesses or fairies:

  • Try to make decor in the same color scheme. It is better to give up white and pastel - choose rich colors (red, purple, hot pink).
  • Print three-dimensional figures of fairy-tale characters loved by everyone Barbie and funny ponies from the cartoons of the same name. An alternative option would be balls made in the form of all these heroes.
  • Take care of the fairy wings for the little guests - they will become a bright decor for a photo shoot.
  • To “fix” the spectacular result, do not forget to arrange the zones above the table - bright paper lanterns and helium balloons will help you with this.

Exquisite splendor: creating a candy bar for a wedding (photo-illustration)

Decorated in an unusual way, the candy bar will become an excellent photo area for guests. Therefore, be sure to put a large poster or a huge photo frame next to the sweets with thematic wedding inscriptions (name of the bride and groom, wedding date, words about “tili-tili dough”, etc.).

Put the props for photographs on the candy bar in a special stand. You don’t have to buy them - you can do it yourself: stick a paper mustache, glasses and huge cardboard lips, a thick beard, a man’s bowler hat on long skewers (the so-called kebab sticks). Funny inscriptions cut out of colored paper should be fixed on sticks.

And don't forget the big colorful lollipops! Undoubtedly, few people will eat them (except for bored kids), but they will be a bright addition to funny pictures. Also, for the sake of beauty, you can put a bouquet of sweets in the center of the table: exquisite from Raffaello or vice versa - unusual from "Squirrels" and candies.

By the way, you don’t have to buy a cake stand for a candy bar - you can make it yourself. For this you will need:

  • several plates of different sizes (it is not necessary to take porcelain - plastic disposable tableware is also suitable);
  • glasses or paper cups;
  • glue.

Glue a stand to the back of the plate - a glass, a candlestick, a cognac glass or a wine glass. If you chose a paper cup, fill it with something (otherwise, under the weight of sweet dishes, the stand may break). And then, layer by layer, build a “plate tower”. The main thing at the same time - after adding the next "floor" check the structure for stability.

Themed Candy Bars at Home: Sample Designs with Step-by-Step Instructions

Candy bar can and should be decorated with additional accessories. At the same time, there are no clear rules and strict recommendations in decorating a sweet buffet - be guided by your taste and desires. An excellent solution would be the design of a candy bar on the theme of the holiday.

  • We recommend that adherents of the rustic style stock up on wooden coasters for hot dishes (or banal saw cuts of small trees) - place jars and flasks with colorful dishes on them.

Borrow large wicker baskets and baskets from your grandmother in the village - they will also fit for decoration. And of course, do not forget about the straw - you will need a small amount of hay, but such a decorative element will be the central "character" of your candy bar.

  • Does the celebration take place in the summer in the courtyard of a private house? Then make decor from improvised means - an old box, pallet boards. Place the box on its edge: place bottles with drinks inside, place containers with sweets at the top. And knock down a multi-tiered cake rack from pallets.

And don't forget the candles! They can be placed anywhere and in any way (the main thing is that the flame does not ignite the tablecloths and paper decorations at the candy bar). Candles can be placed on an inverted glass or inside a glass filled with coffee beans. Place the burning splendor in hanging glass lanterns specially purchased for this purpose.

  • Fruit-themed parties such as apple or orange are very popular now (when the room is decorated with decor of the appropriate color, fruits are sent to guests as invitation cards). If you are planning a party in this style, stock up on canvas bags - you can put the same apples or oranges in them.
  • Fans of Soviet style can get a real siphon for soda from the bins ... There is no siphon, but there is a samovar with a tap? ... Take it too - it will do.

After I collected sweet tables for the birthdays of many close children: nephews, nieces, crosses and babies of friends, I finally got around to writing a big post about it. I’ll tell you how, without resorting to expensive decorators, to make a stylish Candy Bar, decorate a photo zone and cook unusual sweets. The first part is just about sweets. Get inspired and decorate!

Now Candy bar, and in our opinion, a sweet table, as they say, is in trend. Indeed, if everything is done in the same style and thought out for original decorations and treats, then the children simply squeak with delight. My niece, for example, when meeting guests, warned everyone: “I have such a gorgeous table there!”

The tradition came from America, small buffets with goodies are extremely popular there. Every detail must be thought out to the smallest detail, everything is in tune, under a single style. There are even traditional sweets for the kids bar. They are bright, elegant, serve not only as food, but also as decoration.


cupcakes- cupcakes decorated with whipped cream, cream, mastic or chocolate. It is considered a special chic to make such sweets in the theme of the holiday or in the colors of the general decor.

Tip: in the grocery store you can buy a pastry pencil with jam or boiled condensed milk and make inscriptions and drawings on the cupcakes. Experiment with mastic, it is freely sold in large supermarkets (a video on how to work with it is just above).

Cake pops are cakes that taste like the traditional potato delicacy (by the way, it will also work). The principle of preparation is similar, but a little more complicated. From the biscuit mixed with cream, small balls are made, which are then decorated with icing and planted on a wooden skewer. By the way, instead of a cake, you can also put an apple on a peak, dipping it in caramel or chocolate.

The quickest option, if there is no time to cook cake pops, is chocopacks. The sticks in them are held very confidently, it looks dignified.

Cake pop recipe

For test: butter - 40 grams, sugar - 80 grams, egg - 1 pc., milk - 70 ml, baking powder for dough (or soda), flour - 4–5 tbsp. spoons (with a slide), tangerine zest - 3 tbsp. spoons.

For balls: powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons, butter - 20 grams.

For glaze: milk chocolate - 50 grams, butter - 10 grams, sprinkles for cakes.


1. Beat the egg into a bowl, add sugar and continue to work with a whisk until foam forms.

2. Mix 40 oils with the same amount of sugar and grind until smooth.

3. Pour milk into a bowl with an egg, after stirring, add a mixture of butter and sugar. Stir vigorously and add the tangerine zest to the mixture.

4. Combine baking soda/baking powder with flour and add to bowl. Mix everything until smooth.

5. Place the resulting dough in a mold and bake until golden brown.

6. Grind the cooled biscuit, put in a bowl, add butter and powdered sugar. Connect everything. Roll the resulting mass into small balls.

7. Insert skewers into the balls and put the dessert in the refrigerator.

8. To prepare the glaze, mix chocolate (or sugar with dye) with butter and melt in a water bath.

9. Dip each chilled ball in glaze, roll in confectionery powder and again in the refrigerator. Dessert is ready!

marshmallow- marshmallows in small airy pieces. Such is roasted at the stake by scouts in American films. Remember? You can buy it now in almost any major supermarket.

Liquorice- bright licorice sticks are not only colorful, but also useful. At the heart of the delicacy is licorice juice. Find it in pastry shops.

Gingerbread. There are many recipes and types of decorations. You can order from craftswomen or bake yourself. We published a wonderful one, on the basis of which you can build any gingerbread figures.

Use special confectionery items like silicone or iron molds, multi-colored fondant, ready-made sprinkles and sugar decorations.

Cake. There are a lot of masters who create real culinary masterpieces. Before placing an order, be sure to check out their portfolio. The home version will look no less solemn.

Cookie. The more original it looks, the more popular it will be with children. A couple of times I baked cookie-buttons. They look great and are quick and easy to prepare!

Ingredients: 200 g flour, 100 g butter, 80 g sugar, 2 yolks, 2 tsp. vanilla sugar, 2 tsp cocoa powder (or food coloring "by eye" to the desired shade).

Cooking: Grind the yolks well with regular and vanilla sugar. Add soft butter, mix thoroughly. Sift the flour in parts, kneading the dough with a spoon each time.

Set aside half of the mass in another container, blind with your hands into a lump. Add cocoa / dye to the second part, knead a little and also mold into a bun. Put both types of dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll out the light dough into a layer about 5–7 mm thick. Cut out circles with a mold (for this I used an inverted glass with a diameter of 5 cm). Then, on each circle, make a dent, but do not cut through to the end (it was crushed with a cap from a plastic bottle with a diameter of 3 cm).

Then make two or four through holes in the center, as in a button. For this purpose, take a straw from the juice (you can use a match or other suitable object). Roll the rest of the pastry back into a ball and roll out. Make blanks until the dough runs out. TDo the same with the painted half.

Prying with a spatula or knife, transfer all the mugs to a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.

Cool the finished cookies completely. You can pour chocolate, decorate with ribbons.

Macarons. These are small multi-colored cakes made from airy dough.

Traditional meringues are also perfect for their role. But the original recipe is still attached ...


Can be poured into colored paper cups or baby juice bottles. I make a festive sticker on them, tie a ribbon and ... the beauty is ready!

On the Internet came across small elegant children's mini-coolers. For a sweet table - a wonderful option.

As for the drinks themselves, it is convenient to buy juice immediately in bottles. Although, as practice has shown, homemade fruit drinks and lemonades are an excellent alternative to any store ones.

Table paraphernalia

Look great coasters for cupcakes. Paper ones can be bought online, on sites like Ebay, or you can make your own. detailed master class.

Look original piece sweets in banks. You need to find beautiful glass or plastic transparent containers and fill them with sweets, dragees, marshmallows, marmalade, chocolate slices, cookies, corn sticks ... Whatever your heart desires. Little lovers of sweets will look at such designs with curiosity and with pleasure get a treat for themselves.

I took the usual inexpensive high glass vases. They look very stylish, but cost only 100-200 rubles. I bought silicone cups as lids.

Until the next holiday, the vase stands in the kitchen and acts as a cookie jar. Convenient, by the way!

For berries, you can use colored paper cups. Beautiful and in portions. Sometimes I put small cookies in them. Ergonomically, if the table is narrow and there is a catastrophic lack of space for plates with treats.

Chocolate fountain. If fruits do not compete well with sweets, a design with flowing warm chocolate will help. It's beautiful and very tasty. Pieces of fruit planted on skewers, in contact with a fragrant waterfall, become an unusual and exquisite delicacy. Can be rented or bought.

Can be used instead of spoons wooden sticks(like on a popsicle), which are best designed in the same style as the entire table.

cymbals take colorful and bright ones. In the theme of the holiday, they can be ordered on different sites or found in large stores.

Have a wonderful holiday!

No matter what format was chosen for the wedding celebration, the candy bar will become an original and noticeable detail of the holiday. Candy-bar (in translation - "sweet table") is an elegantly served buffet table, which contains sweets, fruits, juices. Such an unusual element of the celebration, which is one of the fashionable wedding trends, will not only delight guests with delicious sweet dishes, but will also become a spectacular element of decor.

If you think well and properly organize a candy bar at your wedding, you will be able to:

  • create an excellent festive mood and an indescribable atmosphere;
  • it is beneficial to emphasize the style of the celebration;
  • create an original corner for photo shoots;
  • surprise your guests with treats, give them the opportunity to get acquainted with new tastes;

In order to impress your guests with this surprise, you need to take into account a number of important points.

Decoration is no less important than the sweets themselves.

One of the main tasks of a candy bar is to attract attention. That is, visually, it should have such a design so that each of the invitees has a desire to approach this beautiful and full of delicious treats table. A sweet table at a wedding should match the theme, style, color scheme of your celebration, that is, be a unique continuation of the main concept of the wedding. Therefore, when designing it, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of color palette, textiles, dishes, accessories, floristry.

Candy bar for weddings in different styles

The design of the buffet table should be designed in the style chosen for the wedding. There are many decor options, it all depends on your imagination.

- Rustic style
For a rustic wedding table with sweets, natural fabrics can be used: cotton, linen, wool, burlap, coarse threads. Well, if the table itself is made of wood. Plates, trays, coasters can also be wooden. An excellent decor will be knitted napkins, candles. From treats can be presented biscuits and cookies with various types of jam, honey, small pieces of pies with berry-fruit filling.

- Provence style
For such a wedding candy bar, white, pink, lilac tones, beautiful picturesque plants, natural materials, lace napkins, elegant trays, dishes with floral patterns are preferred. Cookies, cupcakes, croissants, gingerbread cookies are suitable as treats.

- East style
At a stylized oriental wedding, for decorating a candy bar, you should give preference to red, white, emerald colors. Textiles should be distinguished by the richness of the fabric and the luxury of patterns. In this case, such oriental delicacies as Turkish delight, baklava, halva, sherbet are perfect.

Choosing a color palette

To make the sweet table bright, noticeable, newlyweds often prefer white, emerald green, different shades of red, purple, pastel blue, pale pink. Of course, the choice of basic tones for decorating a candy bar is a matter of taste. But the main thing at the same time is that the chosen colors and shades correspond as much as possible to the style of the wedding celebration. The treats themselves, as well as the tablecloth, napkins, dishes, signs with inscriptions, flowers, etc. are decorated in the chosen colors.

Original and stylish dishes

It is better to choose beautiful, light dishes, preference is for transparent glass, because all vases or dishes should even “show” their contents from a distance. Depending on the chosen wedding style, you can also use ceramic and plastic dishes, bowls, jars with lids, bowls, multi-colored trays, caskets, baskets, etc. The main thing is that all these elements are combined with each other.

For different types of treats, dishes can be selected in round, square, triangular, elongated, twisted shapes. Such a variety of forms will help emphasize the abundance of a sweet buffet table. It is worth noting that it is not necessary that the dishes be the same. To make an accent and combine all the containers for sweets into a stylish composition, they can be decorated with the same ribbons, flowers, and any other thematically suitable accessories.

It is better to arrange sweet dishes on the table at different levels. The first level - flat plates, the second - vases with legs, the third - multi-tiered coasters. If desired, you can make a symmetrical layout, when in the center of the table there is a high multi-tiered stand, for example, with cakes, and other sweets are placed in the same order to the left and right of it.

decorative elements

A stylish modern candy bar should have its own unique twist. Various additional accessories can become such a special note:

- Natural flowers
Elegant floral arrangements will give tenderness to the candy bar, make it stylish and attractive. In order not to get away from the chosen theme and create a single space for the holiday, for a sweet table it is worth preparing bouquets of the same flowers that are used on the main banquet tables or in the bride's bouquet, groom's boutonniere.

- The background
A beautiful background will help your sweet table not to get lost among the bright colors of the celebration. For its design, you can use light curtains, helium balloons, light elements, inscriptions from three-dimensional letters, flowers.

- Photo of the newlyweds
You can put several pictures of the bride and groom on the table with sweets so that guests can admire them when choosing treats.

- Candles
Long or short elegant candles will decorate the table and help create a romantic atmosphere.

- Plates
For each sweet dish, you can prepare plates. In order for these cards to harmoniously fit into the overall design, they should be made in the same style as all wedding printing. The inscriptions on the cards can be very different, for example:
- names of treats ("Chocolate cupcakes with lemon cream");
- explanatory inscriptions about the composition of the delicacy;
- funny inscriptions (“We are the most delicate cakes. Do you want to know what we have inside? Then take a bite!”)

What sweets and drinks to include in a candy bar

First of all, it is worth highlighting the basic requirements for sweets that will be present on your sweet table:

  • They should keep their great appearance at room temperature;
  • They should be varied enough so that the candy bar looks rich, and the guests can choose a treat to their liking;
  • It is advisable to make portions of sweets small so that it is easy and convenient for guests to try different types of desserts.

What sweets to choose for a candy bar depends on the personal preferences of the newlyweds, the style of the celebration, the season (when planning fruit desserts). To please all guests, it is worth picking up several different types of treats. A variety of cakes, cookies, tubes with filling, portioned sweet pies, marmalade, cream baskets, lollipops, glazed nuts will certainly please your guests. In addition to these well-known candy bar treats, they also often choose:

- Cookies "Macaron"
A small light cookie baked from proteins, almonds, sugar and sealed with a delicate cream. These cookies are varied in taste, thanks to which they won the love of many sweet teeth.

- Cupcake
A mini-cake can be with cream, mastic, fruit filling. The advantage of a cupcake is a very appetizing look and delicate taste.

- Meringues
Air meringue, executed in different colors.

- Fruits in caramel
For this dessert, guests can use strawberries, bananas, oranges, tangerines, cherries, grapes. Fruit with a crispy caramel crust can be served on skewers.

- Chocolate fountain
This dessert looks amazing and tastes amazing. Near the fountain itself, you need to put dishes with different fruits, which guests will “dip” into melted chocolate.

You can complement the candy bar with a variety of juices, alcoholic or non-alcoholic punches.

Important practical points

When filling trays and vases, you need to remember the number of guests. After all, prepared sweets should be in abundance so that all those invited can try every kind of treat. In this case, it is desirable to use several varieties of dessert, so that there is a choice for every taste.

Features of a candy bar for a wedding in nature

Candy bar can be organized not only in a restaurant or cafe, but also in the case of a wedding in nature. Since it is rather problematic to know the weather on the wedding day in advance, it is worth considering where the table will be located in good and bad weather.

In order for sweets to please your guests with both appearance and taste, it is desirable:
- set a table with desserts in the shade or in a pre-prepared tent;
- it is better to cover sweet dishes with transparent glass lids for serving dishes;
- you can place bowls of ice on the table to cool the sweets a little;
- for decoration, you can use all kinds of natural materials: as coasters - cut wood, for decoration - flowers, moss, leaves, twigs.

What can replace the buffet table for a candy bar

If the style of the wedding allows, then instead of the usual table, you can use an old chest of drawers, decorative coffee tables, barrels, vintage dressing tables, shelves and even a piano.

Guests can take their favorite sweets with them.

You can make sure that guests can take some sweets with them after the wedding. This will be a certain sign of attention from the newlyweds, which will surprise and add a big plus to the overall impression of your wedding. For sweet gifts, prepare small boxes, bags, bags with the initials of the newlyweds or with words of thanks.

For what period to think about ordering a candy bar

The sooner you start choosing desserts and decorating the sweet table, the better. After all, it takes enough time to develop a candy bar that should be combined with the unique style of the wedding. It is better to think over and prepare all important issues in advance, at least a month in advance, so as not to solve the difficulties that have arisen hastily on the eve of the celebration.

Candy-bar is a trend of modern weddings, which serves as an excellent element of decor, while giving a good mood and reminding guests of the romance of your celebration. Listen to our advice, and you can organize it in an interesting, unusual and very beautiful way.

Photos: matthewchristopher.com, weddingfrance.files.wordpress.com, frenchweddingstyle.com,

weddingnewsday.com, thesweetestoccasion.com, weddingwire.com, weddingsromantique.com, bridalguide.com, thatcutelittlecake.com
