
The right choice and evaluation of the quality of butter. Choosing real butter

Butter should be present in the diet of every person, as it is a healthy and tasty product. Even our grandparents treated him with great respect: "Without butter, porridge is not tasty", "Old cat, but loves butter." And so that porridge is always satisfying and healthy, we will tell you how to choose oil that does not contain preservatives.

The following inscription should be indicated on the packaging of butter: “made according to GOST standards”. There must be such figures: R 52969-2008 - foreign butter. GOST 32261-2013, STR - in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.

For example, such inscriptions can also be used: R 52178-2003. The use of such GOST is intended only for the manufacture of margarine and spread. It happens that manufacturers write on the packaging: “butter”, and GOST is indicated by numbers for the manufacture of margarine, so it is not recommended to purchase such a product, it is not natural.

Many types of high-quality oils are produced according to specifications. This means that all requirements regarding quality are met.

The composition of butter in accordance with state standards should be as follows:

  1. Whole cow's milk.
  2. Sour-milk microorganisms.
  3. Salt (in rare cases).

There should be no other ingredients in the composition.

Also on the package must be one of the following inscriptions:

- Creamy;

- Peasant (some manufacturers write: "Peasant");

- Amateur.

Butter composition 82.5%

Butter fat content of 82.5% is the most suitable fat content for first-class butter. This ratio of fat content in butter is considered traditional.

If the package indicates a fat content of 61.5% or 50%, then such a product is not natural and contains vegetable fats.

It is also important that the abbreviation on the oil packaging is: STR. If there is such an inscription, it means that all the requirements according to GOST are strictly observed.

The composition of butter with a fat content of 82.5% should include only natural pasteurized cream.

Butter composition 72.5%

Basically, this oil is called "Peasant". This product is considered useful, but is not considered any dietary, despite the fact that its fat content is less than that of traditional oil.

There is a lot of controversy that 72.5% butter is not natural. A product with such a fat content is the same tasty butter, only with a low content of fatty acids.

In this situation, it is best to pay attention to the date of storage of the product and the composition. If the expiration date is less than a month, then this is a quality product. If more than a month, vegetable fats are definitely present in such an oil.

The composition of the oil 72.5% - natural pasteurized cream.

Which butter is healthier 72.5% or 82.5%?

A quality product should have a fat content of 72.5%, but not lower. The most delicious and healthy butter with a fat content of 82.5%.

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% contains the following vitamins:

  • A (needed to improve vision);
  • D (twice better absorbs calcium);
  • E (beauty and youth of the skin);
  • K (strong and healthy bones).

For an adult, the norm is 20 grams per day. During the period of viral infections, doctors recommend increasing the portion of butter. But the daily portion should not exceed 45 grams. Do not forget butter is quite high in calories. On average, one package (200 grams) contains 1500 calories.

In butter, 72.5% of vitamins and trace elements are less, but it also contains all of the above vitamins, only in smaller quantities.

In butter, 82.5% and 72.5% are the following minerals:

  • magnesium (improves the nervous system);
  • phosphorus (necessary for the life of the body);
  • manganese (allows better absorption of B vitamins);
  • copper (necessary for mental and physical activity of a person);
  • zinc (to maintain the vitality and beauty of the human body).

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% has more beneficial substances, so it is considered healthier than butter with 72.5%.

Which oil is better butter or vegetable?

Vegetable oil and butter are two products of completely different origin.

Butter is a product made from cow's milk.

Vegetable oil is oil that is made from the seeds of plants.

Among vegetable oils, the most common are sunflower and olive.

If we talk about the usefulness of the oil, then each oil is useful in its own way. For example, vegetable oil has less vitamin K, while butter has more of it. Also, there is more vitamin E in vegetable oil than in butter.

Which oil to use - it all depends on the preferences of the consumer, but it would be better if two types of oils (vegetable and butter) are always in the diet.

Which oil is better butter or ghee?

Ghee is made using heat treatment. Thanks to this processing, the level of fat increases, but the vitamins are preserved.

Ghee is very popular in folk medicine and is used for such diseases:

  1. Frequent migraines. You need to take 5-10 grams of the product and slowly rub it into the whiskey.
  2. Joint pain. Rub 5-10 grams of melted butter in places where pain is localized.
  3. Respiratory diseases. For prevention, it is required to rub the palms and feet.
  4. With severe weakness. You should consume 10-15 grams of the product before going to bed.

The only and big plus of ghee is that it can be stored for a long time.

It is believed that butter is healthier, as it contains less harmful fats, including harmful cholesterol.

Butter can always be purchased fresh, as the shelf life is much shorter compared to ghee.

How to choose butter?

The choice of butter in the package:

  1. Buy butter in foil, as such packaging prevents the destruction of vitamins.
  2. Shelf life up to 35 days. If the expiration date is longer, then this oil contains preservatives. If you freeze butter, then its shelf life increases to 7 months.
  3. The package must have an inscription: GOST R 52969-2008, 32261-2013, TU.
  4. The fat content of butter exceeds 72.5%.
  5. Butter should contain whole cream from cow's milk.
  6. A good and tasty oil should be solid. If the oil is soft in the package, then this indicates the presence of herbal supplements.

How to choose butter in the market?

  1. To taste. Natural butter melts in your mouth.
  2. The color of the oil should not be yellow.
  3. Frozen butter should crumble when cut.
  4. Natural oil has no pronounced odor.

How to use butter to get benefits and not harm?

Butter is harmful when there is too much of it in a person's diet. And too much butter is overweight and high cholesterol.

How to benefit from butter:

  1. Use butter in moderation. The daily norm is 15-20 grams.
  2. The fat content of the oil must be at least 72.5%.
  3. Butter should contain natural whole cream.

The benefits of butter for the body of children

In children and adolescents, butter must be present in the diet. First, it is a natural source of energy. Secondly, the bones become strong. Thirdly, the vitamin D contained in it contributes to the full growth and healthy development of the child. Fourthly, thanks to manganese, the cartilage and bone tissue of the child develops properly.

The oil is also good for the brain. Thanks to its use, the child remembers better and absorbs information faster.

Children do not develop rickets and osteoporosis if they constantly consume butter.

A natural product made from whole cow's cream can already be given to children from 7 months, making the first complementary foods (add to cereals).

But everywhere a measure is needed. Butter is harmful when there is too much of it in the diet. For children over 7 years old, it is recommended to use 15 grams per day, up to seven years old - 5-10 grams.

The benefits of butter for women.

Butter provides the woman's body with the following substances:

  1. Folic acid. During pregnancy, it contributes to the full development of the fetus.
  2. Vitamin A. This vitamin promotes skin rejuvenation.
  3. Calcium. It is essential for strong and healthy bones.
  4. Cholesterol. Normalizes the balance of female hormones.
  5. Vitamin E. Protects the female reproductive system from negative influences.

The use of butter for women is very large. Do not be afraid to use butter because you can gain weight. Yes, you can get better from it, but if you use it excessively.

The benefits of butter for men.

Butter should be present in the diet of men who are engaged in heavy physical exertion. It has a high calorie content and therefore compensates for all the energy expended. For athletes, oil is an indispensable product.

Thanks to fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements, the human body (female, male or child) is enriched with the necessary substances for health and well-being.

How much butter should be eaten so as not to harm the body?

The best option for using oil per day is 15-20 grams. Thanks to this proportion, extra pounds will not be gained and obesity will not occur. "Everything useful - in moderation."

Butter can harm the body if you use it immensely.

How to identify fake or low-quality butter when buying?

How to identify a defective product:

  1. Butter should contain whole cow's milk.
  2. The color should be soft milky "creamy".
  3. Price policy. Good butter costs from 100 rubles per 200 grams.
  4. Shelf life. The longer its shelf life, the more preservatives it contains.
  5. Hardness. Natural butter is solid. It does not stick to the knife, and its surface is smooth and hard.
  6. Fat content. Oil must have a fat content of at least 72.5%.

Of course, it is difficult to determine natural butter, since this is the very product under which various preservatives and dyes can be well disguised. Using such not tricky and affordable methods, it becomes possible to purchase a high-quality and tasty product.

Butter in folk medicine recipes.

This tasty and healthy product has found its application in traditional medicine. It is mainly added to various ointments and mixtures.

Examples of prescriptions, if there are no suitable drugs on hand.

  1. With bronchitis. Heat 200 ml of milk so that it is not very hot, add a teaspoon of honey and 10-15 grams of butter to it. Such a cocktail will soften the inflammation in the bronchi.
  2. For burns, lichen and urticaria. Apply a small amount to the affected area.
  3. Dry and chapped skin. Make an overnight face mask.
  4. Immunity boost.

For this you need:

  • aloe juice (50 ml);
  • honey (50-70 gr);
  • butter (75 gr);
  • walnuts (100 gr).

Infuse the ointment for two days. Consume 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

Summing up, it can be noted that it is difficult to choose natural butter, since this is the very product under which preservatives can be well disguised. But, having shown quite a bit of care and using such not tricky methods, it becomes possible to purchase a high-quality, tasty and healthy product for the whole family.

Larisa Abdullaeva

Head of the Standardization Group of the Dairy Union of Russia

Unfortunately, there are manufacturers who call the product very close to butter words. Before buying butter, carefully read the name of the product. For example, “butter” and “butter” can be written in large print on the package, and the word “vegetable” is added in small print. Thus, the manufacturer is trying to mislead the buyer. As a result, a person who is not very attentive will buy such a product, thinking that it is butter, but in fact he will get practically margarine. Therefore, when you buy a product, first pay attention to whether it says “butter” or “butter from cow's milk” on the package. Look, of course, at the documents. If “GOST 32261” is written, then you should have classic butter in front of you, with a fat content of 72% or more.

What is inside?

The second stage - pay attention to the composition of the product. Classic butter should contain nothing but cream - this is a premium version of butter. By the way, the word "composition" may not be on the packaging. This should not confuse you. On the pack it can be written like this: “made from cream” or “made from pasteurized cream”.


Throughout the world, butter is a product in which there is more than 80% fat. Among such classic products, we have sweet cream butter, now it is called “traditional butter” or “traditional sweet cream butter” according to GOST. In Russia, this oil is produced with a fat content of 82.5%. In addition, there is Vologda butter. It is produced not according to GOST, but according to the standard of the Vologda region, and only enterprises in this region produce it.

Permissible Additives

If this oil is salty, then, naturally, it may contain salt. In the composition of sour cream butter, in addition to cream, there is a ferment of lactic acid organisms.

Additives are also allowed in Krestyansky oil, the most common product in Russia. Unlike the traditional one, there is 72.5% fat in the "Peasant" oil. For example, dyes of natural origin are allowed: carotene (from carrot extract) and annatto.


Annatto (additive E160b) - dye of vegetable origin, from yellow to dark orange; receive the E160b supplement from the seeds of the Bixa orellana tree, which grows in tropical forests

These additives are used when they want to give the butter a slightly yellowish tint, because the butter cooked in winter can be almost white due to the fact that at this time of the year the cows do not graze in the meadow; accordingly, milk does not have that yellowness that occurs in summer.

In butter, the fat content of which is less than 72.5%, even food additives are allowed, such types of butter are called, for example, "sandwich", "tea".


The pack must not show any damage and must be stored on the store shelf at the temperature specified by the manufacturer on the label.

If the pack is damaged, then under the influence of light, photooxidation of fat will begin in the product - as a result, the process of rancidity and the formation of a transparent bright yellow film on the surface of the oil - staff will “turn on”. This oil should not be smeared on a sandwich. Use it in cooking (in baking), but be sure to remove the staff layer first.

Who did it?

Sometimes on packs of butter it is written that it is made by one enterprise and packaged by another. In other words, the manufacturer makes butter, packs it in 20-kilogram boxes. Then another company buys these boxes, packs the product in packs and sells the oil.


In this story, it is important that the second company (packer) indicates the true manufacturer of the monolith itself, the date of packaging and expiration date within the period that the first company set.

It's a long and sometimes complicated story. In addition, anything can happen with butter on the way to packaging: for example, it will melt on the way, and then it will be frozen, which is not very good, or non-dairy ingredients or nutritional supplements will be added to it.

Therefore, I would advise giving preference to the oil that is both manufactured and packaged by one company. This is a kind of guarantee that the manufacturer observes microbiology, does not defrost and freeze the oil several times and is fully responsible for the quality of the product.

Price matters

Don't go for cheap oil. The manufacturer will not sell oil for nothing, that is, cheaper than its cost. Therefore, a pack of butter cannot cost 30 or 50 rubles, this is unrealistic. Most likely, it will be either a fake or a product removed from long-term storage.


The oil can be stored for up to three years at a temperature of -18 degrees. As a rule, this is how oil is stored in Rosrezerv. Two years later, such oil is withdrawn from the reserve and can be sent for industrial processing, and, of course, the cost of such a product will be lower.

The information on the label allows you to learn at least something about the product, which sometimes cannot be seen without a magnifying glass (this is the “passport” of the product available to every buyer). First, they study the name - only the word “butter” must be present without fail (peasant, Vologda, creamy) ... “Oils” and “oil-containing products” should alert. There are other specific subtleties.

  1. Dairy products are often counterfeited, especially butter. That is why the regulatory authorities require the passage of the necessary quality tests. It is enough for consumers to remember the numbers - GOST 37–91. For spread - GOST R 52100-2003.
  2. Attention - to TU. In the composition - only cream (no vegetable fats, flavors, thickeners).
  3. "Age". The date will tell you how to choose butter - it is not stored for more than 35 days.
  4. Appearance. Uneven surface, dents, untidy appearance are signs of improper storage, defrosting. It is better to give preference to packaging made of opaque materials - foil, darkened paper (sunlight destroys the beneficial substances of fats).
  5. Numbers should encourage or alert. The "threshold" of ideal butter remains 72.5% and above.

Margarines and spread also have the right to exist, but overpaying for their purchase, giving money away like butter, is robbery in broad daylight. By the way, the cost of a pack of natural oil cannot be called cheap. But if you use it at 20 g per day (as nutritionists allow, if you exclude other fats from the daily diet), then it will last for a longer period.

If the advice on how to choose the right butter failed at the purchase stage, you can watch the purchase at home.

  • Perfect butter melts in your mouth (and at naturally high temperatures). You can throw a piece in hot water and let it stand. Natural will not give sediment or grains.
  • A quality product placed in the freezer for an hour will definitely freeze. It will be difficult to cut it, the oil will begin to crumble.
  • The protruding droplets of liquid on the surface during defrosting are a signal that manufacturers have not missed their chance to add water to the product.
  • It is better not to choose too pale or, conversely, yellow oil - this indicates the absence of animal fats required by GOST or the presence of dyes.
  • Yellow spots and a suspicious aftertaste (staleness, mold, rancidity) will tell you about improper storage of the oil.
  • In a frying pan, a quality product will form a uniform yellow mass with a small amount of foam.

And you need to trust your taste: pleasant, with a creamy aroma, sweetish or sour (it all depends on the possible addition of lactic acid bacteria to the composition), the oil will become a favorite product on the table. But if disappointments come one after another, the product is not to be blamed. But you need to take control of manufacturers. Nobody canceled the rights of consumers yet!

A variety of dairy products in stores and on the market, on the one hand, makes it possible to enrich the diet with new flavors, and on the other hand, it attracts unscrupulous producers who seek to sell a product that is not butter under the guise of butter. According to experts, every second pack of oil can be considered a fake, so today we will talk about how to choose high-quality natural oil, tasty, fragrant and healthy. A good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, strengthening blood vessels, preventing arthritis and boosting immunity. Our ancestors respected butter and repeated: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” or “Cow’s butter - eat it to your health!” However, in order not to actually spoil the porridge with oil, you should buy only high-quality products!

How to choose the right butter in the store

Since it is not possible to taste the products in the store, we can only deal with the information indicated on the packaging. In this case, we trust the manufacturer, and the final “testing” of the product is already carried out at home.

Be sure to pay attention to GOST - at the same time, the inscription “made according to GOST” is not enough, since spreads and margarines can also be produced according to state standards. Butter GOST - R 52969-2008, but you can see other numbers, for example R 52253-2004. The last number indicates that you are holding real Vologda butter in your hands, which is produced by only three factories in the Vologda region. In addition, by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2134-st, another interstate standard GOST 32261-2013 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015 (ed. note 02.02. 2016).

Remember that GOST margarine is R 52178-2003, and even if “butter” is written on the package, do not believe your eyes! However, some types of high-quality butter are produced not according to GOST, but according to TU - technical conditions, so you should pay attention to the composition.

Make sure that the packaging has the abbreviation STR - "compliance with technical regulations." Study the composition of the butter - it should contain only whole milk and cream, sometimes salt. If the packaging says vegetable oils (peanut, palm, coconut) or some ingredient with the cryptic name "dairy fat substitute", you can be sure that it is margarine, even if the manufacturer tries to convince you otherwise.

The packaging should be directly and unambiguously written: “butter”, “peasant butter” or “amateur butter”. At the same time, keep in mind that the fat content of butter starts from 82.2%, amateur - from 78%, and peasant - from 72.5%. All other types of "butter" - sandwich (from 61.5%) and tea (from 50%) - are not natural, and somewhere on the package you can find the inscription "sandwich mass" written in small print. Typically, a sandwich product includes all kinds of flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives.

The cost of a pack of good butter is never less than 75 rubles, since the preparation of 1 kg of butter requires at least 20 liters of milk. If you see a suspiciously inexpensive oil on the counter, most likely it contains cheap vegetable fats.

Try to choose oil not in paper, but in foil packaging, since paper does not protect such a delicate product from exposure to sunlight that destroys vitamins.

Another criterion for the naturalness of creamy is the expiration date, which usually does not exceed a month. If preservatives or vegetable fats are used in the production of butter, the shelf life is extended to a year or more. Which butter to choose: natural perishable or unnatural, but "long-lasting", it's up to you!

How to choose real butter on the market

The undoubted advantage of the market is the opportunity to taste the product and evaluate its quality right on the spot, although it will not be possible to make a final verdict right away, since many of the features of the oil appear only after a while. So, you came to the market - what should you pay attention to?

Try the oil, hold it in your mouth, listen to your feelings. Natural butter has no smell, it is pleasant, gentle and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a milky-creamy aftertaste. Margarine, on the contrary, can melt for a long time, sticking to the teeth. If you absolutely do not like the taste of the oil, it means that low-quality products or vegetable oils were used in the production.

The color of natural butter is light yellow, not bright yellow or white - in the first case, dyes are most likely added to the product, and in the second case, vegetable fats may be in the composition. When choosing butter on the market, also remember that summer butter is stored longer than winter butter.

Checking the oil at home

High-quality butter spreads well on a sandwich, and if it crumbles, then there is too much water in it. Butter also does not leave traces of fat on paper, unlike vegetable oils.

Put a piece of butter in hot water - the natural product will dissolve evenly, and the margarine will fall apart into separate pieces. If you leave a piece of butter on the table at room temperature, then drops of water that appear on its surface are considered strong evidence that you have a regular spread in front of you. By the way, after the freezer, natural butter slowly thaws and remains solid for at least half an hour, and margarine and spread can be spread on bread in five minutes.

Due to the high content of whey in the manufacturer, it is necessary to subject it to intensive freezing, so ice crystals form on the cut of the oil. If you see drops of water on the cut, this indicates that there are margarine impurities in the oil. Also observe how butter behaves when heated: a natural product will melt without foaming and water is released.

Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). The second type of oil is characterized by a slight piquant sourness and a longer shelf life. How to choose a good butter? You need to be careful when buying and not save on health!

Many are sure that the best butter is rustic. But even in farm food stores there is a danger of running into a fake, and even in stores you even come across butter, which can hardly be called butter.

The best butter, what is it?

First of all, pay attention to how it is made and what it is called, whether it really says “butter” on the label, or whether the inscription “oil-containing product” or the like is hidden somewhere.

Choosing Butter, do not forget that it is not always worth believing large inscriptions like: “natural”, “dietary”, “light”: they are needed, first of all, in order to attract attention.

Experts consider the best butter made according to GOST, and not according to technical specifications (TU).

Carefully study the composition of the product, written in small print. Quality butter It is made only from cream and whole cow's milk. It should not contain vegetable fats (palm, peanut, coconut oil, hydrogenated oils, or simply an ingredient called "dairy fat substitute").

The shelf life of butter according to GOST is no more than a month. If the expiration date exceeds several months, the manufacturer has added preservatives, it is better not to choose such butter.

It is better to buy butter in foil. Wrapped in parchment paper, as is often the case with farm paper, it loses its vitamins and deteriorates faster, since parchment lets light through - and oil does not like it.

Which butter to choose?

Butter comes in two varieties: higher(he is considered the best) and first and two categories of fat content: classical(mass fraction of fat 80-85%) and low fat(mass fraction of fat 50 -79%). In the second, respectively, there are fewer calories, but for many it seems not so tasty.

In addition to the fact that butter is divided into salty And unsalted, depending on the production technology, the oil can be sweet creamy And sour cream. The first is made from pasteurized cream, almost all domestic butter is made using this technology. The second is made from fermented cream, it tastes slightly sour, such butter is in use in European countries.

Which butter is better: determined by appearance

Good butter dense, dry, shiny on the cut, although single droplets of moisture are allowed to appear. It spreads easily on bread and melts quickly.

If the oil crumbles and crumbles, this should alert. On the cut of good butter, there should not be a crumbled layered consistency, it is typical for creamy-vegetable combined oils (spreads) or margarine.

by color best butter- slightly yellowish if it is bright yellow or snow white - or it is with added vegetable fats, or tinted.

How to test butter?

Pour hot water into a transparent glass or half-liter jar, then add a spoonful of butter to this water. Stir the oil in water until completely dissolved. If the butter has completely dissolved in the water and the water has acquired a white tint, close to the color of milk, the butter is really butter. If sediment has fallen on the walls and at the bottom, most likely, vegetable fat or other extra components have been added to the oil.
