
Fry in vegetable oil. Meat and fish

1) Frying is generally harmful in principle, since during strong heat treatment, fats turn into trans fats. If you don't know what it is, you can google it, but in short - they lead to cancer. Also, if you are frying, then you are using a lot of oil and adding it to the fats that you already eat, that is, there is too much fat, and you are unlikely to be skinny.

2) Butter in any form is worse than vegetable oil, because these are saturated animal fats, and they are more harmful. They contain a lot of cholesterol, and cholesterol, if abused heavily and for a long time, leads to serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Now they will begin to actively argue with me, so I will immediately explain: I'm not talking about the instant harm of cholesterol, I'm talking about its accumulation over the years. At 20, no matter what you eat, you are unlikely to have a heart attack, but at 50 it is already common in terrible quantities. On this occasion, I advise you to look at the statistics of countries on the level of CVD and reflect on how diet is related to this level (hint: countries where traditionally less animal fats and dairy products are traditionally on the table will be far below in this rating).

Therefore, for me, “fry” and “butter” are incompatible concepts (and I treat them separately with caution). If you need to fry, do it in vegetable oil (sunflower or olive, for example). It is very important that the oil refined(Never fry in oil that says Extra Virgin). I advise against frying and generally abusing palm and coconut oils (these are the only two vegetable oils that contain saturated (as in meat) fats). Good luck and stay healthy!

Vegetable oils turn into trans fats when frying (these are the only unhealthy fats). Animal products also contain trans fats in small amounts, but they are few and they are essentially different (there is even a positive effect on health) and they should not be feared.
There is no association between heart disease and saturated fat intake. Cholesterol-rich foods do not increase cholesterol levels, but regulate cholesterol. With age, everyone increases cholesterol due to the aging of the body, its need for the body increases. Sunflower oil is the worst choice for frying. There is a huge amount of unsaturated fats, which means there will be a lot of trans fats.
Heart problems are basically related to lifestyle (eg physical activity, vitamins), cooking method and preference to buy foods containing trans fats (eg margarine and other foods with unsaturated vegetable oils processed at high temperatures). Not observing the above tips, the amount of bad (oxidized) cholesterol increases, and the vessels are also disturbed, in which cholesterol then accumulates. But cholesterol itself is not something bad, on the contrary, you can’t do without it.

I often get asked what oil is best for frying. I decided to consecrate this topic and tell you more about frying oils. So,



The best oil for frying is clarified butter (ghee), which has been used by people for frying since ancient times. No wonder the grandmothers of the 70-80s fried their pies only in such oil. Today, grandmothers have died out, some don’t even know how to fry pies at all))).

Unlike vegetable and other animal oils, this oil can be fried twice or even three times, because ghee does not contain lactose, water and impurities, antioxidants and other additives, it does not form carcinogens and does not spoil food. Regular butter burns at high temperatures, while ghee does not, and it retains its nutty flavor. You can read about the benefits of ghee

However, before buying ghee, you need to carefully study the label, because ghee is sold under the guise of ghee on the shelves in the store. Real ghee has only one ingredient: butter.

Now let's deal with vegetable oils, what is the best oil to use for frying?

The main thing to look at when choosing vegetable oil for frying is how easily the oil oxidizes or goes rancid when heated. Oxidized, the oil turns into a product that is harmful to health and contains carcinogens. Therefore, the lower the oxidation temperature, the less suitable the oil for frying.

The oxidation temperature, in turn, depends on how saturated the oil is. The temperature of active oil oxidation is also called the smoke point - it is at this temperature that oxidized volatile substances become visible to the naked eye. Accordingly, the higher the smoke point, the better the oil is suitable for frying. This temperature should be taken into account when you cook and choose an oil that does not start to smoke at the temperature you need.

When you fry or bake at high temperatures (around 180 degrees Celsius), the molecular structures of the fats and oils you use change. They go through oxidation - interact with oxygen in the air and form aldehydes and lipid peroxides. At room temperature, something similar happens, only more slowly. When lipids go rancid, they are oxidized. If the oil on which you are cooking has heated up and started to smoke, then you cannot even breathe such smoke, not that there is such an oil.

Many chefs recommend changing the vegetable oil during frying, and you need to do it like this: suppose you are frying cutlets (no matter what, even vegetarian), you have fried one batch of cutlets and want to add oil to the pan and fry the second batch, so, this absolutely impossible to do. After the first batch of cutlets, you need to drain the oil from the pan, wash it and only then fry the next batch of cutlets in new vegetable oil.


Coconut oil is 92% saturated fatty acids, making it very heat resistant. The smoke point of coconut oil is from 170 to 230 degrees. It is semi-soft at room temperature and can stay fresh and not rancid for months. It contains the beneficial lauric fatty acid. According to some reports, it improves the cholesterol profile and helps control disease-causing bacteria. Compared to other oils, coconut oil makes you feel full longer. The main thing is to choose organic cold-pressed oil (virgin).

Did you know that coconut oil can be easily prepared at home. In this video, you can learn how you can simply and easily make coconut flakes, coconut milk and first-class coconut oil from one coconut.

NUMBER 3 - OLIVE OIL, cold pressed.

According to some studies, the use of olive oil for frying is more preferable than the use of sunflower and corn oil, since the molecules produced by frying olive oil are less harmful to the human body than the molecules from sunflower and corn oil.

This is, generally speaking, a subtle point. Many cooks are sure that olive oil should not be used for frying, and all its beneficial properties turn into harmful ones when heated. This is not entirely true. Indeed, olive oil is only 14% saturated fat (monounsaturated acids in it 75%, and polyunsaturated - 11%), but its smoke point is relatively high - from 200 to 240 degrees, depending on the purity. The great Jamie Oliver on his blog strongly recommends the use of olive oil for both deep frying and frying.

Next comes the refining of the oil - depriving it of useful resinous and sticky substances. The hydration process removes lecithin (an essential element for every cell in the body), chlorophyll, vitamin E and minerals. Actually, everything that is most important for our body is removed, for the sake of which this oil was produced.

But that's not all. Since the oil has not yet been completely “killed”, for the final separation of important nutrients, which are an undesirable substance, an alkaline solution is added to it, and for discoloration, diatomaceous earth (this is an integral part of the dynamite that made Alfred Nobel famous, which is diatomite impregnated nitroglycerin).

The diatomaceous earth is then filtered from the oil along with carotene (vitamin A), chlorophyll and other nutrient residues to complete the oil purification process.

After that, the oil is subjected to deodorization at a temperature of over 230 degrees, then it is purified by cooling. This process is called demargarization. The result is a product that is devoid of everything that nature has endowed it with, as well as color, smell, taste and does not have any nutritional value for the body.

In the process of such “cleaning” of oil, fatty acid molecules are broken and twisted, which leads to the creation of molecules - freaks - trans fatty acids, or trans fats. Refined oils contain up to 25% trans fats, simply toxins! These substances do not exist in nature! Therefore, the body does not know how to deal with them and cannot bring them out. Over the years, they accumulate and create big problems for the owner of the body: trans fats are extremely toxic and cause serious consequences - stress, atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart disease, cancer, hormonal disruptions (for example, obesity), etc.


Most housewives have long understood that frying, stewing and baking is much more profitable and tastier with natural oils. But which one to choose for each type of cooking? There are many varieties of vegetable oils that are used in food. However, not all oils can be used for frying.

Recent studies by European scientists have shown that in no case should you fry in linseed oil. The fact is that during the frying process, the fatty acids contained in linseed oil turn into trans fatty acids, which are very dangerous for health.

These substances can provoke the development of cancer and indigestion.

It is best to fry in sunflower, corn, mustard or olive oils. Some nutritionists recommend frying in oil with the highest boiling point. From the point of view of medicine, of course, not cooking. These include palm, but it is more common to fry on olive, corn or soy (but special for frying). Their boiling points are: sunflower - 120-140, olive - 160, corn, soybean - 180.

Vegetable oils:

Sunflower oil is the most familiar and affordable in our country. Even the phrase “vegetable oil” itself is associated with sunflower oil, although the choice of vegetable oils is actually much richer. It contains vitamins (E, F), phosphatides and other useful substances. In its unrefined form, it is only suitable for quick frying, while refined is recommended for frying. However, in general, unrefined oil is more beneficial, as it contains more beneficial compounds (vitamins A and E, antioxidants).

Olive oil is rich in vitamins and oleic acid, which increases the level of “good” lipoproteins. Useful as a salad dressing. It is impossible to fry in unrefined oil. For this, it is better to use extra virgin or refined olive oil.

Corn oil - has a rich set of vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids and is considered more useful than sunflower oil. It is used in dietary and baby food. Also used for frying refined.

Flaxseed oil contains vitamins (A, B, E, K, F) and a large amount of very useful alpha-linoleic acid. It is impossible to fry on it, since its specific taste can spoil any dish, but it is recommended to use it in a “raw” form. The high saturation of this oil with useful substances leads to the fact that it goes rancid very quickly. Therefore, you need to store it in the refrigerator in a carefully closed container.

Walnut oil, coconut oil are not easy to find on sale, but they have valuable properties. They contain vitamins and a large amount of omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Ideal for dressing salads, but you should not fry on them.

What do Western healthy people fry on

Do you know why coconut oil has such a good reputation and sells so well on all sorts of health food websites? Not at all because of the taste of the Bounty, or rather, not at all because of it. Among vegetable oils, this product contains the highest amount of saturated fats (about 91%), and is the least destroyed during cooking.

True, frying in coconut oil requires manual dexterity and a very good frying pan / crepe maker. Take a pan with a fairly thick bottom, and reduce the heat so that the oil does not start to smoke. The challenge is to quickly flip what you're frying. Constantly and quickly, until it is ready. And do not heat the oil until smoke appears. By the way, lazy Americans came up with an electric pancake maker with a given temperature, in which even protein powder pancakes are normally fried.

“Number two” among saturated fats is ghee or ghee, or nothing more than the good old ghee that you picked out of porridge carefully prepared by your grandmother as a child. Due to its "already-roasted" origin, ghee almost does not burn at normal heating temperatures, and is suitable for cooking almost all vegetable dishes.

Number three is olive oil. It is rich in olein, and does not break down as much when heated as regular sunflower.

Well, thoughts about the fact that refined oil is more useful for frying than “oil with a smell” are more likely to be under the heading “note to the hostess”, and not to the achievements of dietology. Even if the oil does not smell of anything during cooking, this, unfortunately, does not mean at all that it will be extremely beneficial for your health.

Melted butter

Ghee, or ghee - the same butter, only refined from impurities. Such oil can be stored for a long time and is actively used in Indian cuisine and other cuisines of Southeast Asia, as well as in traditional medicine. Like regular butter, ghee contains a high amount of saturated fat, but unlike its cousin, it has a high smoke point of about 250 degrees, which makes it suitable for deep frying. In general, it can be a good idea to keep a small jar of ghee in the fridge for occasional frying – like butter, it works great for sautéing or simmering vegetables, but won't burn if you accidentally overheat the pan.

When to fry in clarified butter (ghee):

  • when you need to quickly get a golden crust;
  • when you need to slowly simmer foods in oil;
  • when you need to give the product a pleasant nutty flavor;
  • when the roasting temperature can be high.

Examples of unsuitable oils that you should not fry with at all:

  • from grape seeds
  • sesame
  • linen
  • soft margarine

When frying, heterocyclic amines are formed, which adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Do not overheat oil and products to minimize the absorption of harmful substances.

If the oil smokes heavily in the pan, it is better not to use it and replace it with new one.

Sunflower oil is quite versatile, but for cold dishes it is better to use unrefined oil with a more distinct aroma of seeds.

In order to increase the shelf life of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed), you can add grape seed oil to them - it is resistant to oxidation.

Olive oil easily absorbs all kitchen odors, so it should be stored in a cool, airtight container.

Sesame oil is widely used to prepare exotic dishes of Oriental and Asian cuisine. It is better to fry in light oil, and dark oil should be used cold.

Use oil in reasonable doses, because the most important advice from chefs is that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy!

Butter is a long and well-known product made from milk fats, rich in vitamins A, D, E, K, macro- and microelements, phospholipids and many other useful substances. Smooth beautiful skin, strong nails and gorgeous hair - all this is the merit of the vitamins contained in butter. And, despite the high content of cholesterol in it, its use is necessary for the body.

Butter in cooking

But can you fry food in butter? The answer is unequivocal - yes! Not only possible, but necessary. The most delicious, ruddy and crispy crust is obtained only with butter. You can never get such a crust when frying in vegetable oil - any professional chef will tell you this. As one movie star of the last century said: “ When I retire, the first thing I will do is go to a restaurant and order a huge portion of potatoes fried in butter.».

By the way, any master of culinary art will confirm that the famous Viennese schnitzels, classic English roast beef and natural steaks, as well as the famous ones, are cooked only in butter. The use of vegetable oil in the process of preparing these dishes is considered the height of unprofessionalism.

It is better to fry in butter products that do not need long processing.

Also, all recipes for frying meat in Norman cuisine, included in the "Golden Fund of Culinary Art", are built on butter. For frying, you need to choose only high-quality natural butter.

However, there is one big “BUT” - if you are not a master cook, then it is better not to cook dishes in butter. It has a completely different frying temperature regime, which must be strictly observed - otherwise the oil burns, smokes and spoils the taste of the dish.

True, if you need to fry scrambled eggs or heat up cooked food, then within 3-5 minutes the oil will “behave decently” and you will get a delicious dish. Thus, for everything that cooks quickly, you can use butter, but when you need a long heat treatment, it is better to use vegetable oil.

What to use for long frying?

  • Do not use unrefined vegetable oil or oil labeled "for salads" for frying. Such oils are intended for direct consumption only, so they will smoke and foam in a pan.
  • For long frying, it is recommended to use refined vegetable oils, because refining is an additional purification that helps remove moisture and other substances from the oil, as well as increase its temperature range of use. That is why refined vegetable oil is most suitable for long-term heat treatments.

But it will be much healthier not to get involved in fried foods at all - this is not only harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, but also to the figure. It is better if fried pies and potatoes, meat and fish with a crust, scrambled eggs and pancakes become a rare exception on your table. This will make them even tastier!

Milk fat is often used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It not only has excellent taste, but also contains many vitamins and elements necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. But the answer to the question of whether it is possible to fry in butter is still uncertain. There are facts proving the negative impact of milk fat, but they come into force mainly when this product is used incorrectly. Before making a choice in favor of butter or other oil, it is recommended to understand how it is right and what can be fried on it.

Butter choice ghee or butter?

Fat from milk in solid form contains vitamins of groups A, K, E, D, various macro- and microelements, as well as phospholipids, sterols and other important substances. Therefore, natural animal oil is often used for cooking various dishes, both in finished form and during heat treatment. But such a useful product also contains harmful cholesterol, which is formed after the melting process. Some housewives simply do not know how to properly fry using this ingredient, and how to choose natural ready-made milk fat, which brings not only benefits, but also the desired taste.

A creamy treat differs from a ghee treat by having a lower smoke point, which is important for long frying. The baked product also gives the dish a nutty flavor and creates a golden crust on the surface. The use of such ingredients will depend on their quality and the impurities included in the composition.

Is it possible to fry minced meat or cook whole meat in butter, and also, is it not harmful to eat such a dish? It is possible to use solid milk fat, like lard, for preparing meat snacks, if certain rules are followed.

Advice! It is not necessary to melt the product too much, otherwise it will not only lose its useful properties, but also begin to smoke, “shoot” and cause burning.

It is also necessary to take into account the opinion and experience of culinary experiments, which urge not to bake with ingredients of animal origin that require a long toasting time.

What foods can be fried

Is it possible to fry several eggs in butter to enjoy a tasty and healthy scrambled egg, where the eggs will not be burnt, but will acquire a crispy crust? Preparing such a breakfast will be quite simple and easy, and the result will please with its attractive aroma only if you use a good solid product without harmful inclusions. When natural milk fat was not found in your kitchen, it is better not to use spreads or margarine, as they contain a lot of low-quality vegetable oils.

Experienced housewives assure that in order to be able to fry pancakes in butter until golden brown, and to give them a special taste that distinguishes fried pancakes on a different type of fat, you must not only choose the ingredient responsibly, but also observe a low level of heating of the pan. Natural butter loses its usefulness when overheated, and also spoils the taste and smell of the finished dish.

Is it possible to fry pasta or vermicelli so that they turn out to be fried with a crust if cooked in creamy fragrant oil? Any pasta can be fried in a pan using melted or butter fat. They contribute to the appearance of the crust and give a special taste. The main thing is to observe the cooking time, choose durum pasta and oils of natural origin.

Various snacks can be baked on milk fat, but those that do not require high temperature and a long time to cook are best.

Oil application

For a long time it was believed that the use of an oil ingredient of animal origin in the diet of most people is extremely harmful. Nutritionists talked about its negative impact on the vascular system and cholesterol levels. But in a daily dose (30 grams), there is not much of such a substance. Cholesterol is necessary for the human body in moderate amounts, as it performs many important functions, for example, it protects against pathogenic microbes.

Ready-made animal fat is useful even for children, but it is better to use it in its natural state. This milk ingredient well envelops and soothes the mucous membranes, so it is used for sore throats.

Any oil has positive and negative indicators, but in order to minimize the harmful effects, you need to know how to properly apply each of them and in what form it is better to use.

What are the oils

Oils are of vegetable and animal origin, with each category subdivided into types.

The most common vegetable oils are:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • soy;
  • mustard;
  • linen;
  • corn.

The most famous are sunflower and olive. Sunflower - is used more often than others, as it has a pleasant taste, is suitable for long-term cooking and is a budget option. Olive - has a higher cost and is recommended mainly for vegetable salads and fish snacks.

Vegetable ingredients for roasting should be chosen with a low amount of fat and a high burning point.

Animal fats are absolutely natural and hypoallergenic. An example is creamy, which is well absorbed in the human body, saturating it with useful substances.

Milk fat is widely used in the preparation of many dishes around the world. It is a healthy and tasty product, both in its natural form and as an addition to other ingredients. To fry in butter, you need to be able not only to choose it, but also to apply it correctly, observing the heating temperature.
