
Lenten potato dinner. Lenten potato dishes: about simple and tasty

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Whatever you say, a Russian person cannot do without potatoes. Without a dish of potatoes, especially in the oven, any dinner seems not satisfying. And when the aroma of fried or baked potatoes spreads around the house, the mood of the household immediately rises. It is good with meat and pickles. Well, in the post - it becomes an indispensable product.

Potato dishes in the oven, although simple to prepare, are very tasty. So let's cook 8 potato dishes for the Lenten table.

Baked potatoes in the oven

Fragrant and satisfying potatoes are obtained according to this recipe.

We need:

  • 10 medium sized potatoes
  • 350 g champignons
  • 2 bows
  • 250 g any hard cheese
  • 150 g lean mayonnaise
  • 200 g green peas (frozen or canned)
  • herbs, salt, pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • spices to taste


1. Boil potatoes in their “uniform”, when cool, peel. Make a deepening in the tuber and carefully remove the core with a spoon. Salt.

2. Grind champignons and onions and stew in vegetable oil. Season with spices, salt.

3. Cheese, as always, three on a grater and mix half of its amount with champignons.

4. Fill the potatoes with the filling, pour over a little mayonnaise and sprinkle with the second half of the cheese.

5. The core of the potato should be finely chopped and put on a baking sheet, which is covered with foil and greased with vegetable oil. Spread evenly over the baking sheet and sprinkle with canned peas. Lay stuffed potatoes on top.

6. Bake in the oven for 25 to 40 minutes, temperature 180-200 degrees, depending on the operation of your oven.
Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Oven Potato Dishes: Potato Miracle

Delicious dish for lunch.

We need:

  • 6 potatoes
  • 2 bows
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 50 g lean mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste
  • 2 carrots


1. Peeled potatoes, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, salt.

2. Onions and carrots, cut into circles, also fry in a pan, salt and pepper.

3. We take a thermal glass dish, spread the potatoes, spread them evenly over the surface, and put carrots with onions and chopped tomatoes on it. Drizzle with lean mayonnaise. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes.

4. You can not add tomatoes, but decorate a slightly cooled dish with tomatoes. To do this, cut the tomatoes in half, and spread along the edge of the dish. In the center of the dish - put a flower from a tomato. Peppers, cut into strips, are laid out from the center to the edge of the dish. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

5. Serve the dish hot.

Potato and Pepper Casserole

It is not a shame to treat both relatives and guests with this potato dish.

We need:

  • 800 g potatoes
  • 2 red onions
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • olive oil
  • dill and parsley
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • Cherry tomatoes


  1. To preserve vitamins in potatoes, cook it in its uniform until half cooked. We clean, so to speak, from the “uniform”, cool, and cut into circles. This must be salted and sprinkled with olive oil, gently, lightly mix.

2. Grind onions, garlic and herbs. We free the pepper from the seeds and cut it into strips.

3. Stew the onion and pepper in a pan for 5 minutes, season with pepper. Add salt, paprika, garlic, mix everything and remove from heat.
4. We take refractory dishes and begin to lay them out in layers: - first a part of the potato, then pepper with onions, and finally the remaining potatoes, which we lay out with “scales”. Spray with olive oil.

5. Bake vegetables for 30 minutes, in a preheated oven, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

6. Sprinkle the finished potato dish with herbs and decorate with red onion flowers, place a cherry tomato in the middle of the flower. Bon appetit!

Favorite dish of potatoes and fish

A wonderful hearty, healthy and dietary dish.

We need:

  • 10 potatoes
  • 2 carrots, large
  • 2 bows
  • 1 kg of any fish
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • seasonings for fish


1. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and cut in half.

2. Shredded onions with carrots are sautéed in vegetable oil.

3. Cut the prepared fish into small pieces, which we salt, pepper, sprinkle with seasonings.

4. Put foil on a baking sheet and lay it in layers: onions with carrots - fish - potatoes. Sprinkle lemon juice with vegetable oil on top.

5. Bake for 25-35 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Potato "nuts" with fish in beer batter

We need:

For "nuts"

  • 5 potatoes
  • 3 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 1 protein
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil

For fish:

  • 1 kg fish fillet
  • 1/4 cup light beer
  • 1 egg
  • 5 tbsp flour (with top)


1. Fish fillet should be cut into large pieces. Salt and pepper.

2. For batter, beat beer, yolk, flour, salt until smooth. You can, of course, use milk for batter, but: firstly, the batter turns out more magnificent on beer, and secondly, we don’t forget that we have a post. Although ... but the egg))))

3. Beat the protein separately and before frying the fish, add to the batter.

4. We fry the fish in deep fat, so it will be better fried.

5. We fried the fish, now let's start cooking "nuts". While the fish was frying, we boiled the potatoes.

6. The potatoes were well mashed to make a thick puree. Naturally salt to taste.

Cool a little and still with well-warm puree, form balls - “nuts”.

7. Dip each "nut" in protein, and then roll in breadcrumbs and fry. The oil should cover them. Lay out on a paper towel.

Potato nuts can not only be fried, but also baked in the oven. We replace the protein and crackers with melted butter, which we pour on top of the “nuts”.

Potato "boxes" with stuffing

Judging by the composition of the products, this dish is not entirely lean, but nevertheless ... And forbidden foods can be replaced. Experiment!

We need:

  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 6 tbsp butter (replace with olive oil or a decoction of potatoes)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 jar of olives
  • 1 lemon
  • greens for decoration (lettuce, dill sprigs)

For filling

  • 300 g champignons
  • 1 onion, large
  • 3 tbsp sour cream (without it, it will be no worse)
  • 100 g cheese (you can do without cheese)
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste


1. From boiled potatoes, make mashed potatoes, mix with egg and butter (broth, olive oil). If you want, you can add more chopped greens.

Potatoes are best passed through a meat grinder, you can grind through a sieve.

2. Cooking the filling. Saute the chopped onions and mushrooms until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Add sour cream, cheese, pepper and salt to them, mix everything.

3. On a baking sheet, greased with oil, lay out the quadrangles formed from mashed potatoes.

We take a pastry bag or a syringe and squeeze “volcanoes” around the perimeter.

4. With a beaten egg, grease each “box”, and put in a preheated oven, bake for 15 minutes. then we fill each “box” with 2-3 tsp stuffing. (The amount of filling depends on the size of the box). Put it back in the oven for 5 minutes.

5. Before serving - decorate with olives, lemon and herbs.

Potato cutlets with prunes

We need:

  • 400 g boiled potatoes
  • 0.5 st. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 st. warm water (you can use a decoction of potatoes)
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 10 pitted prunes
  • breadcrumbs


1. We make mashed potatoes, add vegetable oil, warm water, flour and knead the uncooked dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes.

2. Steam prunes with hot water for 15 minutes. Cool and pat dry with paper towel.

3. Roll out the sheet from the dough, 1 cm thick and squeeze out circles with a glass. Put 1 piece of prunes in their middle.
4. Formed cutlet, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Potato pies from potatoes "Komoviki"

We need:

  • 10 potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 st. flour
  • 1 tbsp oils

For minced meat:

  • 1/2 st. beans (millet, rice)
  • 2 onions
  • 3 tbsp oils
  • salt, pepper to taste


1. Boiled potatoes, in a “uniform”, peel and chop in a meat grinder.

2 Salt, pepper, egg, butter, flour combine with the resulting mass of potatoes and knead the dough.

You can also add 2 tbsp to this mixture. l semolina.

3. We prepare the filling. Fry chopped onion in oil. Mix, interrupted in a blender beans. Season the whole mixture with salt and pepper. Optionally, chopped greens and nuts can also be added to the filling.

4. We form pies from potato dough. We use beans as a filling, but you can replace it with rice or millet.

5. Roll the pies in flour or breadcrumbs, sprinkle with butter, put on a greased baking sheet, and bake in the oven.

I bring to your attention lean potato dishes.

Lenten pies with potatoes in dough

You will need: 500 g flour, 120 g vegetable oil, water, salt, filling - 500 g medium-sized whole potatoes, 200 g vegetable oil for frying, spices to taste, salt.

Preparation: mix flour and butter, water, salt, knead a stiff dough, then roll it into a thin layer and cut out the same squares. Boil the potatoes until cooked, rub with spices and salt, put one tuber on each square of dough, pinch the edges - you get a kind of pies. Fry pies in oil until browned.

potato mushrooms

Take small potatoes, wash and dry thoroughly.
Make a circular deep cut approximately in the middle around the entire circumference of the potato.
One part with the peel will be a hat, and the other part must be formed with a knife in the form of a leg, cut off all unnecessary.
Then grease the mushrooms with vegetable oil, salt. Mushroom legs, for effect, can be rolled in some dry herbs (hops-suneli, herbs of Italian cuisine) and baked in the oven.
And you can cut off the lower part of the leg so that the mushroom can be put.

2nd option for cooking mushrooms:

boil whole potatoes in their skins until tender.
Let them cool, then cut the mushrooms out of them and fry in a pan until golden brown

potato accordion

- potato
- tomatoes, sweet peppers, garlic
- salt
- pepper
- greens to taste
Peel raw potatoes, make cuts (not reaching the end) with a distance of 1 cm.
Insert thinly chopped vegetables and finely chopped garlic into the cuts.
Salt the potatoes a little, pepper, put in foil, wrap the foil.
Pour into a baking dish. Place in the oven and bake at 180°C for 45-55 minutes (cooking time depends on the size and variety of potatoes).
Sprinkle cooked potatoes with herbs and serve hot.

New potatoes on skewers


1 st. l. salt and pepper mixture

red onion - 3 onions

tomatoes - 3 pcs.

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

one and a half kg of new potatoes


1. Place wooden skewers in cold water for 15-20 minutes.

Wash potatoes. Dip in boiling water and cook until half cooked. Peel the onion, cut each onion into 6 pieces.
2. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Thread potatoes, onions and tomatoes onto skewers. Place skewers on a baking sheet.
Drizzle generously with vegetable oil, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and pepper. Bake 7 min.
This dish can be cooked on the grill.

Lean potato casserole with mushrooms

You will need: 3 - 4 potato tubers, 700 g of mushrooms, onions, salt.

Preparation: boil the mushrooms, dry and twist in a meat grinder. Twist also raw potatoes. Grind and fry the onion in oil (or simmer in water until soft). Mix potatoes with mushrooms and onions, put in a baking dish, cook until browned in the oven.

Stewed potatoes in tomato sauce

You will need: 1 kg of potatoes, 3 - 4 tomatoes, 2 - 3 onions, 4 - 5 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tbsp. tomato puree, 1 tsp red pepper, ½ bunch of greens.

Preparation: fry the onion in oil, finely chop until transparent, add tomato puree and one tomato without skin, finely chopped, fry until the liquid evaporates, add pepper, mix. peel the potatoes and cut into slices or circles, put in the rest of the ingredients, fry, then pour in hot water, salt, simmer under the lid over low heat until tender, add some chopped greens and the remaining finely chopped tomatoes for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with the remaining greens before serving.

Potatoes stewed with prunes and raisins

You will need: potatoes, prunes, raisins, vegetable oil, flour, salt, herbs.

Preparation: peel and cut the potatoes into slices or cubes, rinse the dried fruits, put everything in a saucepan, pour in hot water and simmer until the potatoes are half cooked. Next, add oil mixed with a small amount of flour to the products, salt, mix, simmer until tender. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.

You will need: potatoes, rice, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, salt.

Preparation: Boil the potatoes in their skins until cooked, then peel and mash, or grate on a coarse grater. Boil rice until tender. Finely chop the carrots and onions, fry them in oil until soft. Mix all the prepared products, salt them, form meatballs out of them, fry in a pan with oil until browned on both sides.

Bon appetit!

Delicious potato dishes

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables and can be used to cook just about anything. The number of second courses that can be prepared from potatoes is simply huge - these are a wide variety of dishes from casseroles to side dishes, fried and stewed dishes, cutlets.

Lean potato casserole with mushrooms
3-4 potato tubers,
700 g champignons,
Boil the mushrooms, dry and twist in a meat grinder. Twist also raw potatoes. Grind and fry the onion in oil (or simmer in water until soft). Mix potatoes with mushrooms and onions, put in a baking dish, cook until browned in the oven.
You can add to this casserole 250 g of boiled shrimp, also twisted in a meat grinder, as well as spices and herbs to taste.

Stewed potatoes in tomato sauce

1kg potatoes
3-4 tomatoes
2-3 bulbs
4-5 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tbsp tomato puree,
1 tsp red pepper,
½ bunch of greens.
Fry the onion in oil, finely chopped, until transparent, add tomato puree and one finely chopped tomato without skin, fry until the liquid evaporates, add pepper, mix. peel the potatoes and cut into slices or circles, put them in the rest of the ingredients, fry, then pour in hot water, salt, simmer under the lid over low heat until tender, add some chopped greens and the remaining finely chopped tomatoes for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with the remaining greens before serving.
The next dish is a bit unusual - potatoes stewed with dried fruits.

Potatoes stewed with prunes and raisins
vegetable oil,
Peel and cut the potatoes into slices or cubes, rinse the dried fruits, put everything in a saucepan, pour in hot water and simmer until the potatoes are half cooked. Next, add oil mixed with a small amount of flour to the products, salt, mix, simmer until tender. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.
Potato zrazy, potato pancakes and other similar dishes from this vegetable are familiar to many. The following recipe is an interesting variation of potato cutlets, according to this recipe, a very satisfying and tasty dish is obtained.

Potato cutlets with rice and vegetables

vegetable oil,
In their skins, boil the potatoes until cooked, then peel and mash, or rub on a coarse grater. Boil rice until tender. Finely chop the carrots and onions, fry them in oil until soft. Mix all the prepared products, salt them, form meatballs out of them, fry in a pan with oil until browned on both sides.

Potato pies in dough
500g flour
120g vegetable oil,
500g medium-sized whole potatoes,
200g vegetable oil for frying
spices to taste
Mix flour and butter, water, salt, knead a stiff dough, then roll it into a thin layer and cut out the same squares. Boil the potatoes until cooked, rub with spices and salt, put one tuber on each square of dough, pinch the edges - you get a kind of pies. Fry pies in oil until browned.
Lenten cuisine can be very diverse, even if you cook lean dishes only from potatoes.

Bon appetit!

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables and can be used to cook just about anything. In this article we will talk about lean second courses from this wonderful vegetable.

The number of main dishes that can be prepared from potatoes is simply huge - these are a wide variety of dishes from casseroles to side dishes, fried and stewed dishes, meatballs, etc. At the same time, there are many options for such potato dishes in lean versions. The simplest of them are steamed or baked potatoes in foil, which are suitable even for those who fast very strictly, without oil. Well, we offer to get acquainted with a little more complex recipes!

Recipe One: Lean Potato Casserole with Mushrooms

You will need: 3-4 potato tubers, 700 g of champignons, onions, salt.

How to cook lean potato and mushroom casserole. Boil the mushrooms, dry and twist in a meat grinder. Twist also raw potatoes. Grind and fry the onion in oil (or simmer in water until soft). Mix potatoes with mushrooms and onions, put in a baking dish, cook until browned in the oven.

You can add to this casserole 250 g of boiled shrimp, also twisted in a meat grinder, as well as spices and herbs to taste.

Recipe Two: Stewed Potatoes in Tomato Sauce (Lenten Dish)

You will need: 1kg of potatoes, 3-4 tomatoes, 2-3 onions, 4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tbsp. tomato puree, 1 tsp red pepper, ½ bunch of greens.

How to cook lean potatoes stewed in tomato. Fry the onion in oil, finely chopped, until transparent, add tomato puree and one finely chopped tomato without skin, fry until the liquid evaporates, add pepper, mix. peel the potatoes and cut into slices or circles, put them in the rest of the ingredients, fry, then pour in hot water, salt, simmer under the lid over low heat until tender, add some chopped greens and the remaining finely chopped tomatoes for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with the remaining greens before serving.

The next dish is a bit unusual - potatoes stewed with dried fruits.

Recipe Three: Lean Potatoes Stewed with Prunes and Raisins

You will need: potatoes, prunes, raisins, vegetable oil, flour, salt, herbs.

How to stew lean potatoes with prunes and raisins. Peel and cut the potatoes into slices or cubes, rinse the dried fruits, put everything in a saucepan, pour in hot water and simmer until the potatoes are half cooked. Next, add oil mixed with a small amount of flour to the products, salt, mix, simmer until tender. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.

Potato zrazy, potato pancakes and other similar dishes from this vegetable are familiar to many. The following recipe is an interesting variation of potato cutlets, according to this recipe, a very satisfying and tasty dish is obtained.

Recipe Four: Lean Potato Cutlets with Rice and Vegetables

You will need: potatoes, rice, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook potato cutlets with vegetables and rice. In their skins, boil the potatoes until cooked, then peel and mash, or rub on a coarse grater. Boil rice until tender. Finely chop the carrots and onions, fry them in oil until soft. Mix all the prepared products, salt them, form meatballs out of them, fry in a pan with oil until browned on both sides.

The last recipe in our selection of lean potato main dishes will seem very unusual to many. These are potato pies in dough - it seems that this is still something familiar and not at all unusual? Then read the recipe.

Recipe Five: Lean Potato Pies in Dough

You will need: 500g flour, 120g vegetable oil, water, salt, filling - 500g medium-sized whole potatoes, 200g vegetable oil for frying, spices to taste, salt.

How to cook lean potato pies in the dough. Mix flour and butter, water, salt, knead a stiff dough, then roll it into a thin layer and cut out the same squares. Boil the potatoes until cooked, rub with spices and salt, put one tuber on each square of dough, pinch the edges - you get a kind of pies. Fry pies in oil until browned.

Lenten cuisine can be very diverse, even if you cook lean dishes only from potatoes. Bon appetit!

    From potatoes in fasting, you can cook many different dishes: boil in uniform, or just like that and mash with fried onions in mashed potatoes, fry in vegetable oil, make potato pancakes, vegetable cutlets with potatoes, potato cutlets and zrazy, potato pancakes (only without butter), potato pancakes, stewed potatoes with mushrooms, with cabbage, cabbage rolls with potatoes, lenten pies with potatoes, potato and mushroom casserole, potato soup with rice, lentils and carrots, potato lean salads, etc.

    Potato V fast Generally one of the main dishes.

    I will give the recipe potato pancakes.

    Let's take one kg of potatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, 150 g of onions, one teaspoon of salt. spoon, ground black pepper half a spoon, vegetable oil for frying.

    Peel the potatoes, onion, garlic and rinse. Grind with a grater, pour out excess juice. Salt, add pepper.

    Put the potato mass in a preheated pan and fry on both sides until browned.

    Bon appetit!

    Very tasty with tomato juice.

    Many lean dishes are prepared from potatoes. The simplest, of course, everyone knows:

    fried in vegetable oil, you can with mushrooms or onions, baked in the oven, mashed potatoes with onions fried in vegetable oil.

    potato pies with mushrooms.

    Baked potatoes stuffed with fried onions.

    Potato pancakes, you can add garlic to them.

    Cabbage rolls with potatoes.

    Ragout of potatoes and mushrooms.

    Cutlets from potatoes and dried tomatoes.

    Potato casserole with cabbage

    And such an exotic dish: fried potatoes with fried pickles.


    Fasting potatoes are just a universal product, you can cook a lot of things from it and with the help of it. This and:

    • fried potatoes;
    • mashed potatoes with frying in sunflower oil with onions;
    • potato pies (plus mushrooms, cabbage, onions);
    • casserole with mushrooms and potatoes;
    • pancakes;
    • oven potatoes;
    • the vinaigrette;
    • vegetable stew: potatoes + any vegetables to taste.

    You can cook LENTEN OKROSHKA, according to the following recipe: potatoes (fried or boiled) + lean mayonnaise + dill, parsley, green onions + lemon juice + salt. It just works great!

    There is such a dish Belarusian stew with lard or otherwise simple stew, but lard cannot be used in fasting. Therefore, I did not cook it in ordinary vegetable oil and it turned out to be a wonderful dish.

    Here is the recipe: cut the potatoes into large slices, bars or cubes and fry on all sides in vegetable oil until golden brown. You need to fry over high heat, as quickly as possible, and put the still half-baked potatoes in a saucepan (I did it in a pressure cooker), sprinkle with several types of spices that you like more. Salt and pour water, approximately to cover 2/3 of the potatoes and put on stew for 30 minutes.

    I also really like fried potatoes in cucumber brine. I was taught this dish by a hostel neighbor about 8 years ago. Preparing is very simple: fry the potatoes in the usual way until half cooked, and then pour in brine to cover a third of the potatoes and fry until fully cooked until the brine boils away. It turns out an interesting cucumber taste of potatoes. You can also do it with tomato marinade, but it is better to take the brine, not the marinade.

    Bishop's potatoes: Boil potatoes (1.5 kg.), cut into thick slices and fry in vegetable oil. At the end of frying, add flour (2-2.5 tablespoons) and fry, stirring, until golden brown.

    Potatoes, like bread, firmly occupy an important place among everyday products. If a believer wants to keep a very strict fast, potatoes will always help out, because you can stew, boil, bake, crumble into salads and soups without using oil, if very strict long fasts require it: Christmas and Great. Potatoes can simply be boiled or baked in their skins and eaten hot or cold with pickles or sauerkraut. On days when oil and fish are allowed, there is no problem at all to cook something tastier from potatoes, just remember that fasting is minimally simple dishes without frills. Both Christmas and Lent fall at a time when people live with provisions for the long winter and early spring, with pickles and pickled foods that are easy to brighten up modest potato dishes. In fact, lean cuisine is rich in recipes.

    Remember a great Soviet film Girls, where Tosya lists only some (!) potato dishes? Let me remind you a little...

    So, after reading only this, already said in 1961, it is enough to type in the XXI century in any search engine - potato dishes (lean)- and you'll get this:

    • potato and mushroom casserole;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • boiled potatoes with butter and garlic;
  • potato zrazy with mushrooms;
  • potato babka stuffed with mushrooms;
  • stewed potatoes in tomato sauce;
  • stew of potatoes and vegetables;
  • pancakes;
  • potato nuts;
  • baked potatoes;
  • Siberian potatoes;
  • battered potatoes;
  • fried potatoes with mushrooms ... and so on (see many recipes).
  • I suggest a potato casserole, but for its rosiness you will need to use butter, for fasting I recommend a high-quality spread, that is, vegetable-containing (I beg you not to buy palm oil)! Take onions and carrots, add a drop of tomato, then you can fry all the available vegetables that are in the house, including from frozen store bags. Then boil the potatoes, crush them like mashed potatoes, but thicker, add oil to the puree. Add salt and spices.

    I don't fast myself, but my friend does. I know that she often boils potatoes, lightly fries them in sunflower oil, then sprinkles them with french fries and salted cucumbers, it turns out delicious, even I really like it.


    10 potatoes

    fat for frying

    For minced meat:

    70 g dried mushrooms

    1 bulb

    2 tbsp butter

    salt to taste

    Peel, rinse and cut off the top of a medium sized potato. Make deep holes in the tubers with a knife. Fry then lightly deep-fried, salt and pepper. Fill with minced mushrooms, cover each tuber with cut tops and bring to readiness in the oven.

    Minced meat is prepared as follows: washed mushrooms should be soaked for 2 hours in cold water and boiled in it. Then recline in a colander, rinse, chop, fry in oil. Combine with fried onions and season with pepper.

    Potatoes during fasting are an indispensable dish. And you can cook various culinary dishes from it.

    recipes. For example, potato cutlets, which are lean, are popular.

    Very tasty, you can cook potato zrazy, in which the filling will be onions with mushrooms.

    You can make a casserole in the oven just from potatoes or with mushrooms and potatoes.

    You can bake potatoes with tubers in the oven and cut them with an accordion and put garlic cloves and spices there.

    You can fry potatoes with spices in the oven round, it's delicious.

    Potato pancakes are also popular. And popular is mashed potatoes, which can be flavored with fried onions in vegetable oil.

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