
Lean pea cutlets. Recipe for delicious pea cutlets

The recipe for making cutlets with a photo, see below.

I propose to cook unusual and very tasty cutlets from peas, more precisely, from pea puree. When the usual meat patties are already boring, try to diversify your everyday menu with this recipe for lean meat patties. Well, for those who fast or adhere to vegetarianism - pea cutlets are just a godsend! I really like their taste and appearance. Like any cereal cutlets, peas saturate well and satisfy hunger.

Pea cutlets can be served with any side dish or sauce of your choice. Best of all, as a side dish for these cutlets, slicing fresh vegetables, herbs, or a vegetable salad is suitable. I really liked eating pea cutlets with Korean carrots. You can experiment with garnishes to your liking.

Recipe for pea cutlets

To cook our pea cutlets, we need to cook thick pea porridge, which we then turn into a smooth puree with a blender. I already talked about how to cook pea puree. Now the list of products for making cutlets from pea puree:

  • pea puree 800 grams;
  • 3 large onions;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until soft and transparent. Mix the fried onion with pea puree, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the cutlet mass several times and begin to form small cutlets. Pea cutlets are perfectly molded without additional manipulations with a raw egg.

Fry the cutlets in vegetable oil on both sides until a golden crust appears, this is literally 3 minutes each. After all, inside our cutlets are already ready. Pat the fried patties dry with paper towels to remove excess oil. It remains only to serve beautifully pea cutlets and enjoy the wonderful taste of this vegetarian dish. If you like to cook cutlets from cereals, also check out the green onion recipe. Have a nice meal!

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Pea cutlets are a versatile dish that is perfect for both lean and everyday menus. Their preparation takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. After all, peas are rich in useful substances, in particular protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, such cutlets can be served in two ways: as a side dish or main course.

Peas are a capricious product; to make cutlets from it, it takes a lot of time for pre-processing. Legumes are better to choose not whole, but chopped. They should be filled with warm water and left for at least 6-8 hours. This is necessary to reduce the ability of peas to cause gas formation in the intestines. In addition, this procedure will significantly speed up the process of subsequent heat treatment.

Cutlets are prepared from pea puree. Therefore, at the end of the preliminary stage, the legumes are washed and boiled in salted water until they are soft enough. Then the peas can be pureed in any convenient way, for example, with a special pusher or blender.

When the preliminary stage is completed, you can proceed directly to cooking.

Basic recipe for pea cutlets

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a glass of split peas;
  • one large or two small eggs;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour or breadcrumbs;
  • red and black pepper, fragrant herbs or other spices;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • vegetable or butter.

Cooking pea cutlets consists of several stages:

  1. Legumes are pre-soaked overnight, and then turned into a homogeneous mass using a pusher or blender.
  2. To the puree add a teaspoon of salt and spices to taste. It is useful to season pea dishes with fresh or dried dill, as it reduces gas formation in the intestines.
  3. The resulting mass is kneaded, after which cutlets of any shape are molded from it with wet hands. Roll in breadcrumbs or flour, then in an egg, then fry in vegetable or butter until tender. Each side will take about 5-7 minutes.

Having mastered the basic recipe, you can move on to more complex ones.

Pea cutlets with vegetables

You can make the taste of bean cutlets more vivid and interesting if you complicate the composition of the dish by adding onions and carrots. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • mashed potatoes made from 200-250 grams of peas;
  • one large or several small fresh carrots;
  • large onion (you can take white or onion varieties);
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ginger, pepper, salt, dill.

Pea cutlets according to this recipe are prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Heat vegetable oil in a heavy-bottomed pan and fry vegetables in it for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Garlic is passed through a press or finely chopped.
  3. Roasted vegetables and spices are added to the pea puree to taste. Then add the garlic and mix well.
  4. Cutlets are formed, laid out in hot oil and fried.

This dish can also be cooked in the oven at 180 degrees. Cutlets will be ready in 10-15 minutes. At higher temperatures, it will take less time.

Recipe for pea cutlets with meat filling

Bean cutlets are good not only for vegetarians and fasting people. If you add meat filling to them, they will become a real discovery for any gourmet.

To prepare these meatballs, you will need the following products:

  • mashed potatoes from 400 grams of split peas;
  • 700 grams of minced meat (pork is best);
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 chicken eggs (one each for minced meat and breading);
  • vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • spices of your choice;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

To cook pea cutlets with meat filling you need:

  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot. Spasserovat them in vegetable oil.
  2. Add one egg, spices, a teaspoon of salt, fried vegetables to the minced meat.
  3. Make cakes from pea puree with wet hands, put meat filling on them and form cutlets. Bread them in an egg, then in breadcrumbs, then put them on a preheated, oiled frying pan and fry on both sides for 5 minutes.

What to serve with?

Pea cutlets go well with fresh vegetable salads: cucumbers, peppers, any kind of cabbage, carrots, tomatoes.

You can serve them for lunch or dinner as a side dish for stewed or baked meat, poultry. They successfully set off the taste of smoked pork.

Any sour cream sauce will help turn pea cutlets into a full-fledged independent dish. You can buy it from the store or make it at home by following the recipes below.

Sour cream sauce with garlic

It is very easy to prepare such an addition to pea cutlets:

  1. Pass 3-4 cloves of garlic through a press or finely grate.
  2. Chop the dill and parsley.
  3. Mix half a liter of fat sour cream, garlic, herbs.
  4. Add salt and ground black pepper.

Sour cream sauce with tomato puree

This recipe is more complicated than the previous one, but the taste of such a sauce is richer. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 grams of fat sour cream (from 20%);
  • 200 milliliters of chicken or vegetable broth (can be replaced with water);
  • 40 grams of tomato puree;
  • one small onion;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • salt.

We chop the onion in any convenient way. Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed pan. Fry the onion in it until golden brown. Add tomato puree and salt. We continue to cook over low heat for about 8 minutes, after which we pour in the broth. Pour in a tablespoon of flour and stir vigorously so that no lumps remain. Add sour cream and leave on the stove for another 10 minutes.

Pea cutlets are a great option for lunch or dinner. There are so many ways to prepare them that you can choose a recipe for every taste. Pea cutlets are good for a lean or vegetarian menu, and if you add meat filling to them, they will become an unusual everyday dish. Fresh vegetable salads or sour cream sauces will help make their taste richer.

  • dry peas - 325 g,
  • water - 750 ml,
  • carrots - 220 g,
  • onion -260 g,
  • semolina -3 tbsp,
  • rye bran -1.5 tbsp,
  • wheat flour 6-7 tbsp,
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • garlic 3-4 cloves,
  • potatoes - 220 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • breadcrumbs for breading.

Cooking process:

Peas can be cooked in advance. Even if you have pea puree left in the refrigerator, you can use it to make cutlets. Rinse the beans well and soak in cold water for about 5-8 hours. It is more convenient to do this step at night.

Boil swollen peas until pureed. In a conventional pot on the stove, this process will take about 2-3 hours. In the slow cooker, about 2 hours. I use a slow cooker. Cooking time will take 40-50 minutes.

Peel the onion, cut into small pieces. Heat up a small amount of oil in a frying pan. Add chopped onion and sauté for 3-6 minutes over low heat. Peel and wash carrots. Grate on a medium grater. Add to onion. Stir and sauté for about 10 minutes until all vegetables are soft. At the same time, make a small fire.

Pea puree is ready, but it is very thin. Leave it to cool completely. Over time, the puree will thicken well.

And when the peas become dense enough, you can start cooking lean cutlets. Pre-boil the potatoes in their skins, remove the peel, grate on a medium grater. Add fried carrots with onions, potatoes to the puree and mix thoroughly.

Add semolina, rye bran, chopped garlic. Mix well again.

Pour flour into minced peas for cutlets. Stir. Season to taste with salt and ground pepper.

Take a small portion of lean minced meat and form a patty of the desired shape. Dip in breadcrumbs or flour.

At the same time, heat up a frying pan with sunflower oil. Lay pea blanks. Fry meatless patties over moderate heat until golden brown on both sides.

Lay out on paper towels. Lean pea cutlets are ready.

Bon appetit!

Pea cutlets are prepared very easily, but they turn out tasty and healthy. This dish will diversify your daily menu, when the meat dishes have already arrived And I want something unusual. Peas are a very healthy and vitamin-rich food. It contains proteins, vitamins B, B2, PP, C, A. People consider it a meat substitute, and during fasting this variety of legumes is simply irreplaceable.

Peas are the most common dish on the menu of vegetarians and they are willing to come up with different ways to cook it. This is how pea cutlets appeared, the recipes of which are prepared simply and tasty, it is about them that we will talk about today.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, oven, deep bowl.


Choice of Ingredients

For cooking meatballs take yellow peas. It is easy to find on store shelves. Pay attention to the expiration date of legumes and the size of peas. They should be relatively small and about the same. Too large peas indicate that it was grown in the wrong conditions or very old. Such a product has practically no nutrients and it will be quite difficult to prepare it.

The cooking time of peas will be accelerated by the added 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable, butter or animal fat. If, 15 minutes after boiling, add half a teaspoon of soda to the peas (per 2 liters of water), then after 7-10 minutes it will become soft.

Peas take a very long time to cook, so before cooking, fill them with water and let them stand for at least 6 hours. Cook legumes in a 1:3 ratio (for 1 cup of peas, 3 cups of water). It needs to be cooked over low heat covered within 1.5 hours. But the cooking time will also depend on the peas themselves, so periodically check them for readiness.

Step by step recipe

  1. Boil 1 cup of peas and puree it with a blender.

  2. Grate a small carrot and a small onion on a fine grater.

  3. Add carrots, onions, 1 egg, 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste to peas.

  4. Gradually add 5 tbsp. l. flour. We must get a non-liquid mass.

  5. Let's start preparing the sauce. Grate one fresh young cucumber. If the cucumber has a hard skin and large seeds, all this must be removed.

  6. Using gauze or hands, squeeze the juice and pour the cucumber into 250-300 g of yogurt.

  7. To the mass add 1 large clove of garlic, passed through the garlic.

  8. Finely chop a bunch of dill and parsley and add to the sauce. If desired, pour 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and mix everything.

    This sauce can be eaten with any other products, even just with bread.

  9. We start frying the meatballs. Put a portioned dose of dough on flour, form a cutlet and send to a pan with heated oil. Repeat this action with each cutlet.

  10. The dish is ready, bon appetit!

video recipe

In this short video you can see in detail the entire process of making pea cutlets.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.
Servings: for 8 people.
Calories: 133 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: frying pan and deep bowl.


Choosing the right products

The main ingredient in these cutlets is peas. To get a delicious dish, it should be boiled until fully cooked and mashed. Complement the taste of cutlets fried onions and carrots. But if you want to get a more lean meal, then add these products in chopped raw form. To get a crispy crust, you can dip the formed cutlets into a beaten egg and breadcrumbs and then fry.

The mass for pea cutlets turns out to be thick and viscous, so the dish can easily keep its shape during cooking without adding eggs.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

This video is very short but informative. Watch it and you will fully understand the whole process of creating a delicious bean dish.

Pea dishes appeared on the dining table as early as the beginning of the 18th century. Peas are taken into use around the world, and most its large production is in India and China. After the discovery of useful substances in it, these legumes are actively used in nutrition for athletes, in vegetarian cuisine and during various diets.

The protein in peas is digested much faster than the one found in meat. But it’s not at all a desire to eat only pea porridge, even realizing all the benefits of this dish. That is why skilled chefs come up with more and more recipes with the addition of this type of legume. Now I will share with you a very easy and quick way to cook pea cutlets.

Feed Options

  • As a rule, such cutlets are not served with a side dish and consumed as a separate dish.
  • Any sauce will be the best addition to cutlets. It can be made from sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, tomato. You can add garlic for spiciness if you like.
  • Put 3 cutlets on a serving dish, on top of them put the parsley leaves, and next to it in a gravy boat is a sauce of your choice.
  • Such a treat can be eaten warm or cold but warm is more appetizing.

Other cooking options

Non-meat cutlets are eaten not only by vegetarians, but also by other people when they want to diversify their menu and eat something light, tasty and unique. By the way, indeed, some people consider non-meat cutlets to be an unusual dish, but such food is gaining popularity in the modern world. Many understand the full benefits of the ingredients that are part of the meatless cutlets, and are happy to give them their preference.

  • Sometimes my family and I visit a cafe with a vegetarian menu. It serves dishes with familiar names, but unusual ingredients. From there, I learned the recipe for myself. For me, this dish became really very interesting during the first try. I recommend you to try this yummy.
  • Continuing the theme of the vegetarian menu, I want to introduce you to. This is a very simple, tasty and healthy treat that is suitable for the whole family.
  • Your household will never believe in the absence of meat in. At least I didn't believe it when I first tried them. For me, the perfect side dish for such a dish is mashed potatoes and tomatoes. Treat your family to an interesting yet very simple dish.
  • And of course, my children's favorite snack is. I don’t know why, but my children love to eat this vegetable in any form, so cutlets from it, and even with sour cream sauce, are a real delicacy.
  • Anyway, back to the meat. No one can refuse ground beef patties. A juicy, appetizing and healthy meat masterpiece will diversify your daily menu and become a delicious treat during absolutely any event.
  • But this one is the most frequent and versatile on our dining table. I cook minced meat myself, which makes the product even more juicy and nutritious.
  • Dear chefs, think over your menu for the current week in advance and be sure to write it in. They will become a very tasty treat for tea, a snack that you can take with you to study and work, or delicious food during friendly gatherings.
  • And you can also make the golden mean by preparing pea cutlets with meat, the recipe of which is very simple. To do this, mix 500 g of any minced meat, 300 g of ready-made mashed peas and fried onions with carrots. Formed cutlets breaded in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides. Such cutlets with peas and minced meat will be an unusual and tasty snack for your beloved family. By the way, for them you can use either minced meat or finely chopped meat).

Dear readers, tell us which of the recipes you have already got to know better, and what are you planning to cook this coming weekend. Tell me, did you like the pea cutlets according to my recipe, and how did your household react to them? If you have any wishes or recommendations for my recipes, write them in the comments, I will take everything into account. I want to wish you culinary success and always bon appetit!

Often even a very good hostess does not know what other culinary trick to treat herself and her household. And sometimes the refrigerator simply does not have the right products, and then the question of preparing dinner or lunch leads to a dead end. But there is always a way out, there are many dishes that will definitely please loved ones with their unique taste, and one of these is pea puree cutlets.

Delicious cutlets from pea puree


Peas shelled 0 kilograms Bulb onions 1 head Flour 100 grams Garlic 2 cloves

  • Servings: 5
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

Vegetarian pea patties

The recipe for making these cutlets is simple and great for both vegetarians and those who are not averse to eating legumes without meat. So, your attention is offered vegetarian pea cutlets.


    0.5 kg of peas,

    1 head of onion,

    100 g flour,

    2 cloves of garlic

    salt, oil, spices to taste.


    It is better to soak the beans overnight or at least for a couple of hours so that the peas become soft and easy to cook. After soaking, rinse thoroughly and put to boil.

    Once the peas are cooked to a fairly soft consistency, mash them into a puree.

    Finely chop the onion, crush the garlic in a garlic press. Add vegetables to peas, pepper, salt.

    Stir the mixture thoroughly again with a pusher or use a blender.

    The minced meat should turn out to be quite thick - form cutlets of any shape from it and roll in flour, then lay it out to fry in a preheated pan.

That's all, bon appetit! As you can see, pea cutlets are not difficult at all.

Cutlets from pea puree with meat

If homemade cannot refuse meat, then such a recipe for pea cutlets will suit you, in which there is a place for meat products. Such cutlets are more juicy and tender and no one can resist them.


    0.5 kg of peas,

    700 Pork,

    1 PC. onion,

    1 chicken egg,

    4 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs or 100 g flour,

    salt, spices and oil to taste.


    For the preparation of cutlets according to this recipe, peas are also recommended to be soaked. After cooking the legumes, crush to a puree state.

    Pork, chopped into cubes, fry in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onions, if desired, you can add finely grated carrots.

    Scroll the finished meat with onions through a meat grinder to create a homogeneous mixture.

    Thoroughly soften the pea puree in a blender or meat grinder by adding half an egg.

    Start forming cutlets, wrapping in each a little of the prepared stuffing.

    Dip the finished cutlets in the remaining egg and roll in breadcrumbs or flour. Then send to fry in a pan.

That's all, just a few steps, and you already have delicious pea cutlets ready, the photo and video of the recipe of which will prove that no one can resist trying a piece.
