
Lenten cookies in tomato brine. Recipe with photo

Brine cookies are a surprisingly delicious pastry that is perfect for tea. It's easy to prepare, the ingredients are the most common, but the result is a great delicacy! Biscuits on brine are crumbly, crispy, fragrant, absolutely odorless brine. This is a universal pastry that is suitable for both flour lovers and those who follow their figure, because this delicacy belongs to lean desserts. Moreover, for the preparation of such cookies, a different brine is used. You can cook cookies on cucumber brine or on tomato. Everyone has different tastes, so some like one more than others. But, no matter what brine is used, the result will be excellent, a slightly salty lean cookie will be prepared, the taste of which will be slightly spicy.

    But, how are such cookies prepared, what is the recipe, what is required for this? We will analyze this issue in detail in this article. Since such cookies can be prepared in different ways, we will consider several options for preparing them.

      You will need the following ingredients to make this cookie:

    • a glass of cucumber brine;
    • a glass of sugar sand;
    • half a glass of refined sunflower oil;
    • 3 art. flour (wheat of the highest grade);
    • a teaspoon of soda.
    • Such cookies are prepared in brine as follows:

      1. We take a bowl deeper, pour cucumber pickle into it, add refined oil, as well as sugar sand, mix this mass well, a mass with a homogeneous consistency should come out. Moreover, note that the brine should be fresh, tasty, without bitterness. If the brine is too salty, then a third of the glass will suffice.

      2. After that, you need to pour the flour sifted in advance into a bowl, add soda, you don’t need to extinguish it, because there is brine in the dough. Mix everything well and leave the dough for fifteen minutes. Next, sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough not too thin.

      3. And now you can turn on the fantasy to make the cookies themselves. You can give the cookies the usual round shape, or you can use molds or cut out flowers, animals, whatever you like.

      4. The cookies are baked in the oven. We spread parchment on a baking sheet or simply grease with oil, heat the oven to 200 degrees. We do not place the cookies very tightly on the baking sheet (with a distance of three centimeters), since the dough will rise and expand during baking. We bake no more than ten minutes, this is quite enough.

      5. Lightly toasted cookies are already taken out of the oven. Do not overcook, as instead of crumbly pastries, you will get hard. Cookies should be well cooled and covered with a kitchen towel.

      6. To enrich the taste of cookies and give them a more attractive appearance, you can use powdered sugar by sprinkling it on this wonderful treat.

      Recipe for tomato biscuits

      You will need the following ingredients to make this lean cookie:

    • a glass of tomato brine;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • 0.5 st. refined vegetable oil;
    • 4 tbsp. flour;
    • a teaspoon of soda;
    • one yolk (for greasing cookies).
    • How to make tomato biscuits:

      1. Pour vegetable oil into the tomato brine and add sugar. It is recommended to leave a little oil at the bottom of the glass, it will come in handy at the end of the kneading, they will need to grease their hands to knead the dough (due to this action, the dough will not stick to their hands).

      2. Then you should pour soda with flour into the resulting mass. It is better not to pour out all the flour at once, you can leave the glass for later, gradually adding flour at the end. That way you won't overdo it with flour.

      3. The dough is kneaded, in the end it will be soft, not clogged with flour, it will not stick to your hands, since it contains vegetable oil.

      4. The finished dough should be covered with a towel, leaving for twenty minutes to infuse.

      5. Then you should pinch off a piece of dough, roll a sausage out of it and cut into small identical pieces. Do this with the rest of the dough.

      6. Each piece should be round. Next, the cookies are laid out on a baking sheet and smeared with whipped yolk for a golden crust.

      7. Cookies are baked for about fifteen minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. It should brown well.

      Recipe for lean brine cookies

      Prepare these foods:

    • 150 ml refined oil;
    • 200 g wheat flour;
    • a teaspoon of baking powder;
    • 150 ml of brine (cucumber or tomato to choose from);
    • 8 art. l. Sahara.
    • We prepare this lean delicacy in this way:

      1. This recipe is pretty simple. First you need to combine the brine together with sunflower oil and sugar.

      2. Then baking powder with flour is added to this mass.

      4. Then sprinkle the board on which we will roll out the dough with flour. The thickness of the dough should be about 3 millimeters. We take a mold and cut out future cookies.

      5. After that, put our cookies on a baking sheet, which we cover with parchment.

      6. Cookies should be baked for about twenty minutes, while the temperature in the oven should not be lower than 180 degrees.

      Biscuits with brine and margarine

      The following products will be required:

    • 250 g sifted flour;
    • 75 g of sugar sand;
    • 80 ml of kefir;
    • three eggs;
    • 80 ml of brine;
    • 100 g soft margarine.
    • How to make cookies:

      1. Kefir, softened margarine, sugar and eggs are beaten until a single consistency is formed. Check that the sugar is completely dissolved.

      2. Then we add flour to the resulting mass, which must be sifted in advance, and also pour in the brine, mix everything well.

      4. We prepare the table, sprinkle well with flour.

      5. After that, divide our dough into several small equal parts and roll in flour. Make small round cookies from each part.

      6. Gently sprinkle the sugar on top of the cookies.

      7. Prepare a baking sheet, grease it with oil and lay out the prepared cookies.

      8. This cookie is baked in brine for thirty minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees.

      Cookies with brine and margarine through a meat grinder

      Products should be prepared as follows:

    • 170 g margarine;
    • a couple of eggs;
    • 200 g of sugar;
    • 60 ml of any brine;
    • a pinch of soda;
    • 500 g flour.
    • Cooking this biscuit in brine in such a simple way:

      1. Let's start preparing the dough. Consider the recipe in detail. And so, first you need to beat margarine at room temperature (soft) until white with sugar.

      2. Then add the brine with eggs to the resulting mass and beat well again.

      3. After that, you need to add a mixture of soda and flour and knead the consistency of a thick dough, but it should not be sticky.

      4. The already prepared dough should be divided into parts, which should be passed through a meat grinder, small sausages of the same length should be cut from the twisted dough.

      5. Now you can bake this cookie, passed through a meat grinder. We take a baking sheet, lay parchment, spread the cookies a short distance from each other and send them to the oven, which we preheat to 190 degrees in advance, after twenty minutes we take out delicious ready-made cookies.

Lean brine cookies are one of the most popular homemade baking recipes in Soviet times. You can prepare the ingredients in a matter of minutes, you need elementary products, all that remains is to knead a simple dough and put it in the oven.

How to make brine cookies?

With a true mistress, everything goes to work, even the remnants of cucumber pickle. It turns out soft rich pastries with a light, slightly noticeable aroma of spices. Cookies in brine and vegetable oil are slightly similar in taste to gingerbread.

  1. Brine dough for cookies is made as simple as possible: it is sugar, flour, butter, brine, all in approximately the same proportions, and soda. Vanillin and baking powder can be added to keep the food soft even longer.
  2. The dough should not be thoroughly kneaded, it should be slightly sticky to the fingers.
  3. The dough rises a little in the oven, so you need to leave a small distance between the cookies.
  4. When adding soda to the dough for lean brine cookies, you should not quench it with vinegar.

Cucumber brine cookies - recipe

Lean cucumber brine cookies according to the classic Soviet recipe include only a few ingredients that are almost always in every home. It is recommended to take flour of the highest grade, add odorless oil. Some advise adding vanillin for taste. The main advantage of the dish is that brine cookies are made without eggs and dairy products, therefore it is suitable for those who observe Great Lent.


  • cucumber pickle - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the brine with sugar and butter.
  2. Sift flour, add soda and knead the dough.
  3. Form small balls from the dough, put the formed cookies on a baking sheet at a distance. Place in preheated oven for 8-12 minutes.

Tomato brine cookies are slightly different in taste from cucumber pastries, but just as tasty. Coconut flakes, powdered sugar, chopped nuts can be added to the dough for a change. It is recommended to cover the baking sheet with paper, so the dough will not stick. If you form small balls and cut it out with a cookie cutter, then the pastries will come out crispy.


  • tomato brine - 250 ml;
  • flour - 200-220 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 150-170 g.


  1. In a container, mix sugar, brine, oil well.
  2. Add flour and soda, not slaked with vinegar (brine will handle this).
  3. Knead the dough and divide it into balls.
  4. Put them on a baking sheet and leave to rise for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Bake for 7-10 minutes at 220 degrees.

Cabbage brine biscuits in their classic interpretation contain eggs, but they can be replaced with vinegar, and ordinary vegetable oil can be used instead of classic margarine or butter. This recipe should still be in the hostess' cookbook. Baking comes out crispy, but melts in your mouth, serve it well with jam, honey, you can add cinnamon for piquancy.


  • cabbage pickle - 1 cup;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 150-170 g;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup.


  1. Mix butter with sugar. Whisk until white.
  2. Add brine, also beat.
  3. Gradually add flour, whisking. The dough should be thick.
  4. Cut the dough into circles with a glass. Put in a form at a distance from each other. Bake 20 minutes.

Lean brine cookies with oatmeal

Oatmeal brine cookies are an ideal dish for those who are on a diet. It turns out baking is nutritious, contains many useful substances. Raisins are often added to this dish, but you can put nuts and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Hercules flakes are best ground in a blender.


  • cucumber pickle - 100-130 ml;
  • oatmeal - 250-300 g;
  • sunflower oil - ¼ cup;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame seeds - to taste;
  • raisins - to taste.


  1. Soak raisins in water.
  2. Mix oat flakes with sugar and brine. Leave a little for the dough to swell.
  3. Put raisins. Mix.
  4. Form round cakes from the dough. Lay them out on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake lean oatmeal cookies in brine for about 20 minutes.

If guests unexpectedly rushed in, and there is nothing to treat them with, you can advise on brine - its recipe is elementary simple, and this dish is baked for only 15-20 minutes. To decorate on top, cookies can be sprinkled with sugar, or chopped nuts, such as peanuts or almonds. You can take any brine for baking, even from under olives.


  • any brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix and beat with a whisk brine, sugar and butter.
  2. Gradually add flour to the contents, knead the dough.
  3. Roll out the dough and cut out circles with a glass. Bake them on a baking sheet at 200 degrees.
  4. Decorate as desired.

The recipe for brine cookies at home can be made your “chip” and serve unusual pastries even on the festive table. Almonds and jam will add originality to the dish, with them the cookies come out fragrant and have an interesting taste. It is hard to imagine that salty brine and sugary-sweet jam are harmoniously combined in this delicate soft dish.


  • brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • almonds - to taste;
  • jam - 1 jar;
  • vegetable oil - 100-120 g.


  1. Mix butter with sugar and beat.
  2. While whisking, add the brine and flour in a trickle so that there are no lumps. Form a thick dough.
  3. Remove the kneaded dough in a cold place for an hour.
  4. Form balls, crush them with your hand, making indentations for the filling. Bake 20 minutes.
  5. When the lean in the brine is ready, put a little jam and ground almonds on top of each.

Delicate tasty brine cookies come out if you add lemon juice or grated zest. If you wish, you can diversify the recipe even more interesting, and put olives cut in half with lemon in cookies. Then you can cook without adding sugar, and the dish will turn out even more dietary.


  • brine - 210-250 ml;
  • flour - 240-260 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • lemon zest - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 100-120 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. Mix brine and sugar until the latter is dissolved.
  2. Add butter, then sifted flour, soda and zest.
  3. Knead the dough, form small round cookies out of it.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

Homemade brine cookies can be supplemented with semolina. Such pastries are more satisfying, and the taste of baking is not inferior. It is recommended to beat the dough for the dish with a mixer to get a uniform consistency. It is necessary to let the dough brew, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for an hour.


  • cucumber pickle - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the sifted flour and soda with semolina.
  2. Mix oil with brine, stir thoroughly and add sugar.
  3. Received add to flour and semolina. Knead the dough.
  4. Put the prepared dough in the refrigerator for 50-60 minutes.
  5. Cut out cookies (you can choose a variety of shapes).
  6. Put the resulting cookies on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

The brine can be cooked in just 10 minutes if done in a frying pan. Cookies are more beautiful if they are sprinkled with cinnamon and granulated sugar after frying. To make the pastry softer, the cookie blanks should be made thicker. Oil is better to take without smell.


  • brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the brine, sugar and butter thoroughly, add flour in a thin stream, add soda.
  2. Mix and make a stiff dough.
  3. Make cookies of arbitrary shape from the dough, fry them in oil.
  4. Decorate lean brine cookies as desired.

Brine cookies can also be prepared from rye flour in fasting, it is healthier and has a beautiful brownish tint. You can mix two types of flour - rye and wheat, so the pastries will be more tender. Soda can be replaced with baking powder. You can decorate cookies with ground nuts, serve them well with jam or jam.


  • brine - 200 ml;
  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. Mix the ingredients and knead a thick dough.
  2. Let it rest in the refrigerator.
  3. Bake until done, up to 20 minutes.

An excellent snack-snack will be in brine. It does not contain sugar, as well as eggs, milk, margarine. Therefore, baking is suitable for those who follow the figure. It will be delicious if grated cheese, cumin or sesame seeds are added to the dough. Any shape can be given to the liver - stars, bagels, circles.

Love unusual baked goods? Then the homemade recipe tomato brine cookies will definitely interest you. Such cookies were baked in the 90s and seemed to be the most delicious pastries. Then for me the most favorite delicacy was the baking of my mother and grandmother. Now I myself love old recipes for their simplicity, affordable products and excellent taste. For my family, I bake such cookies very often and I will say right away that only I know that it contains pickle from homemade canned tomatoes. It is not felt in the dough, although the composition of the cookies does not include additional flavors (cinnamon, vanilla, etc.). The delicate, thin crust that covers the top of the cookie and the soft crumb inside is an incomparable combination. I make a double batch for my family. And on the second day, it does not lose its taste, but becomes even tastier. Try it!


To prepare cookies in brine from tomatoes, you will need:

brine (tomato) - 250 ml;
sugar - 1 glass;
flour - 3.5-4 cups;
vegetable oil (odorless) - 3 tbsp. l.;
soda - 1 tsp (without peas);
Glass 200 grams.

Cooking steps

Add sugar to the brine and stir.

Then pour vegetable oil into the brine with sugar, sift the flour, add soda (not slaked!).

Lightly dampen your palms with water to form cookies. Using a tablespoon, separate some of the dough and roll into balls the size of a small tangerine.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Place the cookies on a baking sheet at some distance from each other (they will increase in size during baking).

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Cookies are baked in tomato brine quite quickly, browned slightly - get out of the oven. If you brown more, the cookies will be slightly firmer.

Tasty and pleasant moments!

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Today, dear housewives and readers of our Wild Housewives Cookbook, I want to introduce you to a recipe for a very quick, simple and tasty lean cookie in tomato pickle. These cookies were very popular in the 90s, but over time they lost their leading positions, giving way to more modern sweets.

However, with such a huge variety of sweet pastries, sometimes you want to return to a simple and proven cookie recipe that can be cooked both in the oven and in the microwave.

From the dough prepared according to this recipe, cookies can be baked in two ways. If the dough is rolled out thinly, then the cookies will turn out crispy and crumbly, if thicker, then it turns out to be similar to gingerbread. I prefer the first option, but you can experiment and find the most suitable method for yourself.

In any case, no matter how you bake cookies, they are prepared absolutely without eggs and butter, which is why they are economical, lean and will help you out during Lent.

Products: 16 tablespoons of wheat flour, 16 tablespoons of tomato pickle, 16 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, 16 tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of soda. If 16 tablespoons of sugar is too much for you, then add it to your liking.

Cooking lean cookies in tomato brine

In the container in which you will knead the dough, pour vegetable oil and put sugar. Stir.

Add flour, soda and top up with tomato brine.

Knead the dough. Its consistency should be dense, and the dough should not stick to your hands. If the dough sticks, add a little more flour and knead it again.

Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours or freeze for 20 minutes.

Then roll out the dough. It is best to do this on baking parchment, because then, right on it, you can send cookies to the oven. I show a variant of cookies made from thinly rolled dough. If you want to get gingerbread, then with your hands form balls the size of a walnut, which then lightly press down and place on a baking sheet.

Low-calorie and lean meals are popular today. Some people just can’t have desserts that are prepared with chicken eggs, some people fast or eat right, and some people want something new. If you also decide to give up sweets or want to pamper your family with something unusual, we advise you to cook cookies with tomato pickle. The recipe is simple and quick to prepare.

Required products

To make these cookies, you will need very simple and affordable ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - two to three glasses.
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Tomato pickle - twenty tablespoons.
  • Vegetable or olive oil - six tablespoons.
  • One sachet of vanilla.
  • Optional - ground cinnamon.
  • One teaspoon of baking soda.

Cooking process

It differs from tomatoes in surprising simplicity, so even an inexperienced hostess will cope with its preparation. In a spacious bowl, in which it will be convenient to knead the dough later, pour vegetable oil and add granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, wait until the sugar dissolves.

Add baking soda to butter and sugar. Pour in the tomato brine. Mix and gradually add flour. The dough is kneaded to a fairly dense consistency. At the same time, remember that it should remain pliable and not stick to your hands. If the dough is runny, add more flour. If the dough is too thick, add a little more tomato brine.

The dough, as you know, should always “rest” a little after kneading. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours. If there is no time to wait so long, then take the advice of experienced housewives: put the dough in the freezer for ten minutes. The effect will be exactly the same.

Cookie shaping

Lenten cookies in tomato brine, the recipe of which we offer you, is prepared surprisingly quickly. Special kitchen “helpers” will help you save even more time. For example, many housewives use rugs or parchment when making cookies. Cookies are formed on it and sent to the oven on it. If you do not have "helpers", make cookies the old fashioned way, on the table, and then transfer to a baking sheet.

So, we take out the dough from the refrigerator, from which we will make cookies with pickle from tomatoes, and roll it out. The shape of the cookie can be any. Whatever baking molds you find in the kitchen, cut out cookies with these. If you are just a novice hostess and have not yet acquired special molds, ordinary dishes will always come to your aid - a glass or a cup. Cutting cookies with them is very easy.

When the cookies with pickle from tomatoes are formed, send them to a baking sheet, pre-covered with baking paper or greased with vegetable oil. Try to stack cookies so that their edges do not touch their neighbors.

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. Cookies with pickle from tomatoes are baked for twenty minutes. As soon as the top is browned, you can take it out.

Oven, frying pan, multicooker

Many housewives often complain about the operation of their oven. If your oven does not obey you, and you liked the recipe for cookies on brine from tomatoes, we advise you to use, so to speak, improvised means. You can bake cookies not only in the oven, but also in a skillet or in a slow cooker.

If you decide to make cookies in a slow cooker, we also advise you not to forget to line the bottom of the dish with parchment or baking paper. If you want to make cookies from tomato brine in a pan, first add a little vegetable oil to the bottom and rub it with a brush. Baking in a pan turns out no worse than in the oven, and it’s more convenient to control the degree of readiness.

How to apply

When the cookies are ready, they should be removed from the oven, removed from the baking sheet on a plate covered with a napkin. It should be noted that any lean cookies, if desired, can be made more satisfying and sweet. If you made cookies not because of a diet or fasting, but simply because there were no other ingredients in the house, we recommend using whipped cream, mastic or regular powdered sugar for decoration.

cooking secrets

So, you already know, from pickle from tomatoes. Now let's share some secrets with you.

  • Not only tomato pickle can take part in the preparation of such cookies. You can use a brine from any canned vegetables: cucumbers, pickled bell peppers, etc.
  • If you want to get crispier cookies at the end, experienced housewives advise you to roll out the dough more thinly. Don't be afraid it will break. Brine dough is very elastic and pliable.
  • If you want to make gingerbread, roll out the dough in a thicker layer. Form cookies with your hands. Roll into a ball slightly larger than a table tennis ball. Inside the ball, you can hide a walnut, dried apricots, a few pieces of raisins or any other filling of your choice.
  • Homemade cookies are perfect for people with an allergic reaction to chicken eggs.
  • Cookies will be a good find for housewives who are used to using all products to the maximum. The brine left after eating pickled tomatoes or pickled cucumbers will not disappear from such housewives either.
  • Many mothers know how to make tomato brine cookies, but their children often refuse it. And you can try adding a little more sugar or flavor pastries with fragrant cinnamon.
