
Step by step recipe for making classic gazpacho soup. Cold gazpacho soup, classic recipe with photo


Hi all! With you, of course, Vika Leping, and today I will tell you how to cook Gazpacho tomato soup, the most delicious cream soup for me at the moment, and I have tried an incredible amount of them. I will tell you a classic recipe of Spanish cuisine. I made it for the first time, but it turned out incredibly tasty, just amazing! This is definitely the most delicious refreshing cold soup in the world (may Okroshka forgive me!) 🙂

By the way, last time I talked about that, according to my mother's recipe. It turned out perfect, just like it was in my childhood, so it took me to the world of nostalgia and miracles! Seriously! Everyone who is still thinking whether to make Okroshka, everyone who doesn’t know how or doesn’t know how, we cook according to my mommy’s recipe, because there is no tastier Okroshka. You can also see others, recipes with photos of which I have already written and published.

But back to Gazpacho - this is a soup with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic and stale bread. Initially, it appeared, like many classic dishes, on the tables of the poor. Its main ingredients were garlic, stale bread, olive oil and water, that is, all sorts of cheap leftovers. For example, was designed in exactly the same way. Like 🙂 And if you haven’t tried my perfect one yet, I strongly advise you to look into her recipe!

A little later, tomatoes, with which he is now always associated, and other ingredients began to be added to the Spanish Gazpacho soup. Cold soup Gazpacho is a classic recipe and an example of how the food of the poor becomes the national dish of the country, known throughout the world and beloved by thousands of people. And yesterday there were two more fans of this soup in the world, I hope, by bringing it to the masses, I will increase the number of gaspacho-eaters by at least a hundred 🙂

So, Gazpacho tomato soup, step by step recipe with photo, or how to cook Gazpacho at home.


  • - 15 pieces (juicy, ripe and fleshy)
  • - 4 large pieces
  • - 3 pcs (red)
  • - 4 large cloves (preferably young)
  • - 3 large pieces (white or bran, stale)
  • - Crimean - 1 piece or shallot - 5 small pieces
  • - olive - 125 ml
  • - balsamic or red wine - 4 tablespoons
  • - 1 tbsp (without a slide!)
  • - parsley - 1 bunch
  • - hot sauce - a few drops optional
  • to choose from
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - red dry - to taste

Cooking method

To begin, I will present to your attention a video recipe from my You-Tube channel , on which there are many other recipes, so subscribe, it's interesting there!

Gazpacho Tomato Soup: Video Recipe

Step by step recipe with photo

So, how to cook Gazpacho soup? The recipe for tomato soup is simple, but contains many processes. First, peel the garlic and place in a mortar or blender. I have a great guide, I highly recommend viewing it, it will save a lot of time in the future 😉 Sprinkle garlic with sea salt and crush in a mortar or grind in a blender chopper.

Add pieces of stale bread, broken into small pieces. I didn’t have stale bread, so I made quick crackers: I put the pieces of bread in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes and cooled. Grind crackers with garlic and salt, and then add olive oil and carefully grind or grind again. Cover with a napkin and leave the workpiece to infuse for 1.5 hours. Gazpacho is a tomato soup, and garlic will add spices and spiciness to it, and bread will add thickness and satiety.

While the bread and garlic preparation is infused, we continue to prepare other ingredients for Gazpacho. The recipe includes roasted peppers, so let's start with them. We turn on the oven at 200 degrees to warm up, wash the peppers, put them on a baking sheet.

We put Paprika to bake for 10-20-30 minutes, until the pepper begins to blacken around the edges. The time depends on your oven, they are all different! Remove from oven and immediately cover with a lid or towel and leave to rest for 10 minutes. This will make it easier to peel the bell pepper from the skin. At this moment, the aroma of baked bell pepper will fill your apartment, and it is simply magical! There are recipes without roasting peppers, but trust me, roasting is worth it! If you don't know how to make Gazpacho soup, you won't find a better recipe, honestly!

After 10 minutes, we begin to remove the skin from the peppers and peel it from the cuttings and seeds. This will be quite simple to do, the main thing is not to burn yourself, because the fruits are still hot. The Gazpacho recipe includes this peeled paprika pulp:

We continue to prepare soup from tomatoes. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Put in a bowl and fill with balsamic or wine vinegar, stir and leave aside. You can do this before roasting the peppers.

Now we peel the cucumbers from the skin and cut into large pieces. Tomato soup Gazpacho will be filled with freshness and lightness precisely due to cucumbers.

The next step in cooking Gazpacho will finally be tomatoes, after all, this is a tomato soup. It is necessary to peel them from the skin and cut out the seeds from half. How to do all this quickly and simply, I told in the manual, so I will not repeat myself, read, see the photo and come back.

The last ingredient is parsley. Coarsely chop the leaves. Put the prepared cucumbers, the pulp of peppers and tomatoes into a 3-liter saucepan and grind everything with an immersion blender. If there is no submersible, put, of course, everything in a glass of a blender. Grind thoroughly, Gazpacho tomato soup should be homogeneous. Then we put the parsley and grind everything again.

We put the soaked onion together with vinegar, grind, put the bread and garlic preparation, grind, drip a few drops of hot Tabasco sauce as desired and to taste, and grind everything again.

And put the Gazpacho tomato soup in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours!

Now you know how to make Gazpacho soup from tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers! When serving, pour into plates and dilute a little with water, tomato juice or dry red wine. I highly recommend diluting with water, it tastes so much better! Decorate with parsley leaves.

That's all, now you know what Gazpacho is, how to cook, with what and how to eat, and in general everything-everything-everything 🙂

The detailed recipe for Gazpacho soup has come to an end, and I will quickly summarize.

Gazpacho tomato soup: a short recipe

  1. Peel the garlic, put in a mortar or blender chopper, sprinkle with salt and grind thoroughly.
  2. Add pieces of stale bread or crackers and grind well again.
  3. Pour everything with olive oil, grind again, cover with a lid or a napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the whole bell peppers on a baking sheet, put in the oven and bake for 10 to 30 minutes (the time depends on your oven!) until the fruit is lightly black around the edges.
  5. We take the peppers out of the oven, immediately cover with a lid or towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, we easily peel the paprika fruits from the skin, pestles and seeds, leaving only the pulp.
  7. Peel the onion, finely chop, put in a bowl and pour balsamic or wine vinegar, set aside.
  8. We peel the tomatoes from the skin, pouring boiling water over them, and freeing half of them from the seeds (I described how to do it all).
  9. Coarsely chop the parsley leaves, peel the cucumbers and also cut them coarsely.
  10. We put cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper with its juice and parsley in the blender bowl, grind thoroughly.
  11. We put the onion there along with the vinegar, grind it, then the soaked crackers, grind it again.
  12. At the end, if desired and to taste, add a few drops of spicy Tabasco, grind.
  13. Pour the Gazpacho tomato soup into a three-liter saucepan, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.
  14. When serving, dilute the thick soup with water, tomato juice or dry red wine (preferably water!) And decorate with parsley.
  15. Now you know how to cook Gazpacho Tomato Soup!

Such a handsome man this cold tomato soup, the recipe of which is absolutely finished! I really hope that you liked everything, and you will go to cook it immediately, because everyone should try the taste of this colorful miracle on a plate! So I’ll probably eat a little more right after the publication 🙂

And in Kiev, a hot summer has already begun for a couple of weeks. The rains are no longer pouring, the coolness has also receded, so Serezha and I were already roasting in the sun near the pool last weekend. And a week ago we again traveled to Lviv, now it has become even more interesting to walk there, many sites have opened where you can wonderfully spend warm evenings. Who is also going to Lviv, here's mine and all the sights!

And I will tell you another cold soup recipe very soon! So stay tuned so you don't miss out , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real, just like bringing a recipe for cold soups to life.

Vika Leping was with you! Cook Gazpacho tomato soup, tell your friends the recipe, like it, leave comments, rate it, tell what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

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Gazpacho is a dish with such a beautiful and aristocratic name! Well, who would have thought that once this soup was the food of the poor. And now it is served in the best restaurants around the world. Gazpacho gained its popularity due to the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients. The interesting combination of flavors and refreshing properties of this creamy soup are perfect for hot weather. And while the days are hot outside, and you just want to taste something cool and fresh, the housewives come to the aid of the famous dish of sunny Spain - cold tomato gazpacho soup.

Despite the fact that gazpacho is considered a classic tomato soup, tomatoes began to be added to it only at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Until that moment, it was prepared from water, olive oil, vinegar, garlic and stale bread. Today, many varieties of gazpacho are prepared: with celery, shrimp, crab, and even with strawberries and grapes. I will give you a classic gazpacho recipe based on fresh and juicy tomatoes.


  • 700 g of fleshy and juicy tomatoes;
  • 300 g red bell pepper;
  • 200 g cucumbers;
  • 100 g red onion;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • tabasco sauce;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 slices of yesterday's loaf;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Classic Tomato Gazpacho Recipe

1. It is better to take ground tomatoes for tomato soup. They have a more pronounced taste than greenhouse ones. If there are no ground tomatoes, then you can take cherry tomatoes. I used regular ground cream tomatoes in the recipe. They are quite tasty, juicy and meaty. First, we need to rinse all the tomatoes under running water and prick with a toothpick in several places. This will help to quickly remove the thick and tough skin from the tomatoes.

2. But in order for the skin to be easily removed, you first need to immerse all the tomatoes in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes.

3. Then we wash the tomatoes again under cold water. Now the skin is removed much easier.

4. We clean the Bulgarian pepper from seeds and cut out the stalk. Rinse under running water. Cut into fairly large pieces. We will immerse them in a blender.

5. We wash the cucumbers, peel and also chop coarsely.

6. Remove the top layer with the husk from the red onion. Cut one half of the onion into several large pieces for further processing in a blender. And the second half is cut very finely, with this onion we will sprinkle the soup for beauty. Cover the finely chopped onion with cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

7. Immerse all the chopped vegetables in the blender bowl. Here we squeeze 2 cloves of garlic.

8. Grind with a blender to the consistency of mashed soup.

9. To make the tomato soup more tender and avoid tomato seeds and other poorly ground pieces, wipe the soup through a sieve.

10. Now you need to add dressing to the soup. For her, we will use a little Tabasco sauce, half a lemon, 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

11. Add, mix.

12. Cover the soup with a lid and send it to infuse in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

13. And we will serve the soup with croutons or croutons - as you like. To prepare them, cut the loaf slices into small cubes.

14. Spread on a preheated pan and sprinkle with olive oil on top.

15. Put the pan on a slow fire and fry the croutons on all sides until golden brown. You can also dry them in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for about 20-30 minutes (in this case, they also need to be mixed a couple of times).

Pour the finished cold tomato puree soup into bowls and sprinkle with finely chopped onion. Serve with croutons. A delicious refreshing summer lunch is ready. Bon appetit! 🙂

Gazpacho is great for hot summer days. And it can also be used as a low-calorie product for weight loss. The gazpacho recipe can be varied and supplemented, and if desired, some ingredients can be excluded from its composition. An obligatory component is tomatoes, you can safely experiment with other products and spices.

When to cook

Refreshing gazpacho, whose classic recipe came to us from hot Spain, can be a great alternative to okroshka, which occupies such an important place on summer holiday tables. But if the latter can be prepared in the winter, having obtained greenhouse cucumbers in the supermarket, then the first in our region is easiest to treat yourself to in summer and autumn, because several vegetables are required for its preparation. And the classic gazpacho has another advantage for the hot season: to cook it, you do not need to hang around the red-hot stove, languishing from the unbearable heat.

Gazpacho: a classic recipe

Many similar recipes are based on approximately the same technology: vegetable puree is prepared, kneaded in a meat grinder or chopped using kitchen appliances. Some of the vegetables are crushed into cubes and added to the pureed ones.

Products for gazpacho

The classic recipe involves the presence of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers and herbs. Most cooks add garlic, herbs and olive oil to gazpacho. The options are very tasty, in which canned olives, pickled mushrooms, lime slices, sesame seeds, rubbed garlic crackers are connected to the classic set of vegetables.

Product proportions:

  • tomatoes (ripe, red) - about a kilogram;
  • cucumbers (preferably ground) - half a kilo;
  • Bulgarian pepper of different colors - 0.3 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2-3 medium cloves;
  • olive oil, chopped herbs, pepper and salt, and ice.

Preparing gazpacho. Procedure

  1. First of all, we choose the best seasonal vegetables without visible damage. Wash them and dry them with paper towels.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, blanch them in boiling water for half a minute or steam them for 1-2 minutes in a double boiler. Immediately after this, dip into very cold water, then the skin will be easy to remove.
  3. We clean the cucumbers, cut off the tips that can be bitter.
  4. We clean the bell pepper from the centers with seeds.
  5. We put aside 2 tomatoes, one small cucumber and several cloves of pepper of all colors that we managed to get.
  6. Add some olive oil, lemon juice. Now it is desirable to beat the mass in a blender.
  7. The main part of the vegetables, including the onion and garlic cloves, are cut into pieces and mashed from them.
  8. Deferred vegetables chop into small cubes, add to the pureed base.
  9. Now you can add greens and pieces of olives.

How to submit?

Gazpacho, the classic recipe of which is quite simple, is served cold in deep plates, bowls and even glasses. Often, a couple of ordinary ice cubes are added to each serving with soup. Rye, black or whole grain bread, croutons, toast goes very well with this dish.

Spaniards use white wheat bread to make gazpacho (homemade is best). I had a delicious malt bread made from wheat and rye flour. The bread is delicious, so I made gazpacho with it. Bread must be stale, therefore, it is better to put pieces of bread to dry in a day or two. Delicious if the bread is dried in the oven.

As a child, my mother often made such a quick and tasty dish for us: stale white bread, a few cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and a few tablespoons of water. Garlic was rubbed with salt in a makitra (a deep clay pot with a wide neck), broken bread, butter and water were added there. Everything was mixed up and after 5 minutes the children ate delicious "shulyki" (that's what their mother called them).

I do not think that the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village knew about the Spanish gazpacho, but it was precisely the original version of this dish, and this is how the preparation of modern cold Spanish soup begins.


Break the bread into small pieces, crush the garlic in a garlic press or grind with salt in a mortar. Mix bread, garlic, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and 5 tbsp. spoons of water. Leave for 15 minutes.

Peel the cucumber (optional). Cut a few cucumbers and peppers into small cubes to decorate the gazpacho.

Cucumber and pepper cut into small pieces.

Grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. You can also finely chop and crush in a mortar.

Onion and soaked bread with garlic also chop in a blender. If the onion is very bitter, you can first put it (in chopped form) for 5 minutes in boiling water, or mix the chopped onion with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar and leave for 20 minutes.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender, after removing the skin from them. If the tomatoes are thick-skinned, small cuts should be made on them and placed in boiling water for 5 minutes. The skin will come off easily.

Mix all the ingredients, add salt and wine vinegar (for lack of such, I use lemon juice). The amount of acid depends on the degree of acidity of the tomatoes and your taste. If it turns out very sour, you need to add sugar. I also add a slightly cut pod of hot red pepper. The larger the pod and the longer it sits in the soup, the spicier the dish will be.

You can add cumin. Place in the refrigerator to infuse for at least 2 hours. If the soup is thick, you can dilute it with cold water or add some crushed ice.

Serve soup with parsley and basil, as well as toasted white bread.

Well, no one will forbid you to connect your imagination to this basic recipe and add Tabasco sauce, sour cream, egg, white wine, celery, soy sauce, ham to gazpacho ...

Looking for a cold soup recipe? Today is about how to make gazpacho soup at home. The birthplace of cold gazpacho soup is Spain, but it has become popular all over the world. In addition, you will learn delicious recipes for green gazpacho, as well as golden gazpacho, which are served in expensive restaurants and author's gazpacho recipes from Vincenzo Babar, Hector Jimenez-Bravo and the classic gazpacho recipe from Jamie Oliver.

Gazpacho, a cold soup that was invented by Spanish peasants, and now, the gazpacho recipe has spread all over the world, I would call this cold soup an analogue of our okroshka. Only now gazpacho is prepared from raw products, which makes it useful, for satiety, the Spaniards added bread and olive oil to gazpacho.

Jamie Oliver's Classic Gazpacho Recipe

There are many recipes for gazpacho, in the province of Andalusia each village has its own recipe for making gazpacho, of course, it is his locals who consider it the only correct one.

The Spaniards themselves divide gazpacho into before the discovery of America and after, the fact is that before the discovery of America by Columbus, Europeans did not have tomatoes and gazpacho was white, and its main ingredients were bread, garlic, vinegar and olive oil. When the food basket of the Spanish peasants was enriched with tomatoes and sweet peppers, these products began to be added to cold soup, and its taste only got better.

It is believed that gazpacho soup was the food of muleteers, because. in those conditions, such a soup was easy to prepare, it was done very simply, all products: ripe tomatoes, peppers, garlic, butter, cucumbers and crackers were placed in an earthenware pot, mixed, cooled, covered with wet clothes. And now the trendy cold gazpacho soup is served in cafes and restaurants, such a culinary evolution.

However, there are other contenders for the right to own the "brand" - the cold soup gazpacho - the ancient Roman legionnaires who were stationed in Andalusia and prepared such a cold soup.

There are red, white and green gazpacho, the color of the cold soup, as you can guess, depends on the products included in its composition. Since there is no single strict recipe for how to make gazpacho, you can adjust the ingredients, you can experiment and add your favorite vegetables, as long as they are raw. The thickness of the gazpacho depends on the amount of water added, but you can cook cold soup with broth, as they do in Malaga, but our Ukrainian housewives will probably experiment with whey, because. Many of us make okroshka with whey.

Let's move on to the main thing:

How to make gazpacho

R classic Andalusian gazpacho recipe.


6-7 large ripe soft tomatoes
-2 small bell peppers
-2 cucumbers
-2 garlic cloves
-2 pieces of stale loaf
- a piece of fresh chili the size of a little finger, pitted
-50 ml wine vinegar (sherry)
-100 ml olive oil
-salt to taste

Preparing Andalusian gazpacho

You need to remove the skin from the tomatoes, for this, dip them in boiling water for 30 seconds, pull them out and quickly remove the skin, cut out the core. Peel the cucumbers from the green skin. Pour the bread with water and let it soak a little. oil, salt and vinegar and mix everything again. Serve chilled.

Less popular, but just as tasty is green gazpacho, the differences are not big, but the main thing in this version of the Spanish cold soup is that red tomatoes were replaced with green ones and something was added for piquancy.

How to make green gazpacho


2 garlic cloves
-2 slices of white bread (no crust)
- a quarter cup of olive oil
-6-8 green tomatoes
-1 green pepper
-1 tbsp grated onion
-0.5 tsp salt
-2 tbsp vinegar
- one eighth tsp cumin
-Three-quarters of a glass of ice water
-0.5 cup dry white wine

Making green gazpacho

Rub the bread with garlic, drizzle with a little olive oil and set aside for a few hours.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes as in the previous gazpacho recipe and cut them into quarters.

Add green peppers, green peeled cucumbers and onions to the tomatoes, chop all this in a blender.

Mix separately bread, vinegar, salt and cumin. Add the prepared mixture to the blender to the vegetables and mix everything together again. Serve chilled, and mix water and wine before serving.

Gazpacho is prepared all over the world without adhering to a strict classic recipe, on the contrary, it is now fashionable to add new ingredients and experiment, and this is how an amazing recipe for a cold Spanish soup with a beautiful name was born.

golden gazpacho recipe


300 g tomatoes (yellow)
-1 bell pepper
-150 g cucumbers
-1 onion
-2 garlic cloves
-3 tbsp olive oil
-2 tbsp lemon juice
- salt, pepper - to taste
-200 ml cream
-1 handful chopped almonds
- celery - to taste
- mint - to taste

Preparing golden gazpacho

Traditionally, we remove the skin from the tomatoes, as in the first classic gazpacho recipe. We clean the pepper from seeds. Put the prepared onions, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers into a blender and add cream, chop everything.

Add olive oil, lemon juice, celery leaves to the chopped products, salt to taste and mix everything again in a blender. Pour the golden gazpacho into another container and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Pour chilled golden gazpacho into bowls, garnish with tomato slices, pepper slices, celery leaves, and top with almonds.

It will be very interesting to serve gazpacho in ice plates.

How to make ice bowls

You will need two bowls of different sizes, in the larger one put flowers, petals, berries, herbs, etc. fill it all with water, put a smaller bowl on top. Place both bowls in the freezer to chill. In order to remove the frozen bowls from the ice plate, lower their water for a few seconds.

For an aesthetic look of gazpacho, tomatoes are peeled and seeds are removed, but tomato seeds gently cleanse the intestines, do not affect the taste, so do as you like. After all, gazpacho is not just a delicious, cold soup, it consists of raw vegetables and no meat, it can be attributed to vegetarian food, which is considered the healthiest.
