
Popular cafe with Tatar cuisine. National Tatar cuisine and where to try it

Come to the capital of Tatarstan and not try the national Tatar cuisine?

No, that won't do!

What is the national Tatar cuisine?

All Tatar cuisine can be divided into the following types of dishes:

- Hot dishes.

Here the main place will be occupied by soups and broths. Soups can be divided into meat, dairy and lean soups. First of all, you should try noodle soup(both meat and mushroom). Tatar noodles are "tokmach", and the dough for noodles is prepared in a special way: only egg, salt and flour. And cut into thin slices.

A festive dish among the Tatars are considered dumplings, which were traditionally served to a young son-in-law and his friends. Now, not all Kazan people make Tatar dumplings at home - good handmade dumplings can be bought at Bekhetl (a national food supermarket), if you are planning to buy dumplings at home, then pay attention to the small ones - often called "dumplings for the groom" (Tatar dumplings are traditionally small, downright jewelry, with a thin layer of dough). But, of course, the best dumplings are those that are cooked at home.

Second courses.

The second is most often served boiled meat cut into small flat pieces, sometimes lightly stewed in oil with onions, carrots and peppers. In many Kazan cafes this dish is called "Kazan-style meat". Be sure to try it, hearty, insanely tasty and usually very tender and soft meat.

If the soup was cooked in chicken broth, then the second will be chicken, cut into small pieces. One of my favorite side dishes is potatoes.

Another insanely delicious dish is azu in Tatar. This is usually beef or lamb stewed with vegetables. Served with potatoes. Pickled cucumber, which is an essential part of this recipe, gives a special piquancy to this dish.

- Baking hearty (unsweetened)

Tatar cuisine has a lot of pastries, moreover, with sweet and savory fillings.

Definitely worth a try "echpochmak"(triangle): a triangular-shaped pie stuffed with potatoes, onions and meat. Coming to Kazan and not trying echpochmak is simply impossible!

Elesh- a round-shaped pie with meat (or beef, or chicken) stuffing and potatoes. Often served with hot broth. And, having tasted elesh with broth, you will definitely experience gastronomic pleasure! Elesh are small in size, for one person (by the way, they are very convenient to take with you on a trip, they are very satisfying on the road, we ourselves often do this).

And it also happens "zur belesh"- big elesh. This is a huge fluffy round cake. It is more convenient to order it for a whole company in order to enjoy this miracle of cooking together. Here, the filling can already be different: most often meat - lamb, beef, chicken, etc. - with potatoes or cereals)

"Kystyby"- "pancake" from potatoes (fried flatbread stuffed with mashed potatoes or millet porridge) - one of the most ancient and favorite Tatar dishes.

"Peremyach"- this is also a round-shaped meat pie (only with minced meat and without potatoes / cereals). In the old days, it was made with a filling of finely chopped meat, fried in oil in cauldrons (cauldrons) and served for breakfast with strong broth.

- Sweet pastries

First of all, it is worth mentioning "chak-chak"(somewhat reminiscent of the Russian "anthill" - "pieces" of dough, fried in oil and smeared with honey).

There is also "baursak"- resembles a chak-chak, but differs in taste and consists of large pieces of dough. This is a traditional wedding dish.

By the way, you can learn how to make chak-chak at our master class: from the dough to the finished dish.

Very tasty "gubadia"- a pie stuffed with rice, raisins and corta (a type of cottage cheese).

interesting "talkysh kaleve"(bird nests) - small cones of burnt sugar (very tasty and very laborious!).

Also common sour cream(similar to a cheesecake with cottage cheese, but cooked purely on sour cream), various fruit pies - with apples, for example.

Tatly- wonderful marshmallow rolls with dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) and butter cream. "Tatly" - in translation means "sweet, tasty".

And finally - what is all this to drink?

The answer is simple: the Tatars always welcomed guests tea. For the Tatar people, tea drinking is a whole tradition. The samovar was always boiling in the house, and with a guest it was customary to drink not one, not two, but about fifteen or twenty cups of tea! Tea was brewed with herbs, often dried fruits - dried apricots - were added to the tea. And with tea, they also ate dates.

By the way, even now these traditions are alive - and during a walk-tour around the Old Tatar settlement, we will offer you to look into an old Tatar house, where everyone drinks tea and has special conversations just like more than 100 years ago .. We also know tricky places where they make master classes on Tatar tea.

Where to try Tatar cuisine?

Budget options:

The cafe has been known since Soviet times and still keeps its brand as one of the most delicious places in Kazan. They cook very tasty, many Kazan people eat there at lunchtime. Here we boldly take all the pastries, elesh with broth, kystyby. Here they cook one of the most delicious chak-chaks.

The cafe has two floors. On the first floor there are self-service rooms. What is their plus - you can immediately see how this or that dish looks like. On the second floor there are two halls, one is served by waiters, the other is self-service.

Cafe "Medina" is a very atmospheric and at the same time inexpensive place.

A good "Alan Ash" at the Kazan-2 station.

Cafe "Chak-chak"- family cafe on Bauman street 7/10

Another cozy and inexpensive place with national cuisine on the pedestrian Bauman street. It is located closer to the Kremlin. I’ll tell you a secret that many guides come here to eat between several excursions. Along with the Tea House, this is a favorite place of the townspeople.

The cafe is aimed at families with children. There is a children's corner, funny bees on the walls, cartoons on TVs. And there is a large selection of not only national pastries, but also cakes!

Cafe "Granat"- a secret tasty place, address - Spartakovskaya 2B.

This is probably a hidden place. In secret: the employees of the Riddles of Kazan often dine here. :) In general, the place is loved by the townspeople who work nearby in numerous office centers. A cafe with a halal standard, served by girls in national clothes. But here they cook insanely delicious Kazan-style meat! Large portions, inexpensive and tasty, a lot of national dishes.

Places are a little more expensive, but not a restaurant check yet

Here you can already sit longer, relax, the waiters are serving.

Restaurant "Bilyar" is a chain of restaurants serving national cuisine. Addresses in the center: on Vishnevsky street 15, Butlerova 31, Bolshaya Krasnaya 68, Ostrovsky 61. Already restaurant service, more complex dishes appear (for example, lamb), in budget cafes there are practically none. But the check is not yet as high as in the options below (restaurants section).

"Gallery of cuisines of the peoples of the world"- Butlerov street 43/Mushtari 11. Very cozy place. For the budget option, we mentioned Alan Ash in this gallery, but there are plenty of other restaurants here as well.

Cafe "Skazka"- it would seem strange to list a children's cafe in this segment, but it really deserves it. Address - Bauman 58.

The cafe has been known since Soviet times for its special atmosphere. If you are traveling with kids, be sure to check it out! If you are a serious adult - drop in all the more and plunge into childhood! The ceilings and walls of the cafe are painted with scenes from different fairy tales, and the menu is also fabulous. If you want a fabulous continuation - come on an excursion "Tales of Old Kazan" for children and their parents.

Tatar cuisine restaurants

Restaurant "House of Tata Cuisine"- the most famous restaurant of national cuisine since Soviet times. Address - st. Bauman 31 (directly opposite the "House of Tea", do not pay attention to the numbering of the house - there are fewer houses on the odd side of the street). Here already restaurant service and atmosphere. Perhaps the most pretentious restaurant of Tatar cuisine. Of our guests who have been there, everyone especially remembers zur belish from this restaurant.

Restaurant "Tatarskaya Usadba"- located in an old Tatar estate on the shores of Lake Kaban. A wooden house, a wood-burning stove using Bulgar technologies for cooking, high gates, the Old Tatar Sloboda - everything is as it should be.

Restaurant in the entertainment complex "Tugan Avylym"(native village translated from Tatar), not far from the puppet theater - Tufan Minnullin st. And the restaurant is also made in national traditions.

Restaurant Katyk - Amirkhan Avenue 31B

This restaurant is located in the Novo-Savinovsky district. It is also famous for its good Tatar cuisine. By the way, "katyk" is the name of the national milk drink (reminiscent of Russian ryazhenka).

What national cuisine to bring home and where to buy it?

Firstly, the easiest way to bring "chak-chak": it does not spoil and is well transported. "Chak-chak" in Kazan is sold everywhere: in any gift shop and grocery store. Very tasty "chak-chak" at the 3rd bakery, the Tea House, the firms "Temle" and "TD Saladov".

We also recommend taking a look at hypermarket "Bekhetle"(there is near the railway station in the Central Department Store, on Gorky Park, Sovetskaya Square, in MEGA, not far from the new Vosstaniya-Passenger station - cross the road along Dekabristov Street, on Amirkhan Avenue - in a word, there are a lot of places!). The network was born in Kazan - now there are stores in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities.

Behetl also sells souvenir "chak-chak" in very beautiful packages, and you can also buy all kinds of national pastries. It is also easy to buy dessert "tatly", "talkysh kaleve" (in red boxes, usually in the same place where cakes are), kyzylyk - horse sausage. If you go not far, you can buy handmade Tatar dumplings. If you buy "talkysh" - take it very carefully, they are fragile.

By the way, there are convenient Bekhetle kiosks at the Kremlevskaya, Prospekt Pobedy, Aviastroitelnaya metro stations.

Also in Kazan culinary network "Katyk"- there is also found national cuisine (you can buy with you). This culinary network is usually located in the residential corners of Kazan.



Perhaps the most stable gastronomic association with Tatarstan is ochpochmak or, in other words, a triangle. This delicacy is known far beyond the borders of the republic, but the Tatar national cuisine is not limited to this. There are many delicious and no less interesting dishes that few people know about.


The complex is located in the heart of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda - the most authentic tourist area of ​​Kazan. A bright wooden house with colored architraves unites under one roof the restaurant "Tatarskaya Usadba", the cafe "Alan Ash", the hotel and the Gallery of Folk Crafts. The building is located on the shore of Lake Kaban, the windows offer a wonderful view of the embankment.

The restaurant is located on two floors, with two VIP rooms, a winter garden, a Tatar hut and a beautiful summer veranda. In a word, there is where to roam. All the halls have one thing in common - beautiful interiors, it is cozy and always festively elegant. A large menu with many national dishes, where the waiters will help you navigate. Visitors especially praise dishes with baked meat and rich soups. Take a look at the manor's own wine cellar and you will be satisfied with the wide selection. If you are limited in time, we recommend that you look into the cafe on the ground floor. The atmosphere here is simpler, the hall operates on the principle of self-service, but the prices are lower, and the food is no less tasty.

If you are a guest in the capital of Tatarstan, be sure to check out the Gallery of Folk Crafts on the first floor of the complex. Here you can pick up rare handmade gifts for loved ones: leather shoes with national embroidery, painted textiles, rosaries and Muslim paraphernalia, earthenware, various souvenirs.

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It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Chak-chak Museum is the most hospitable house on the street of the Paris Commune. It is located in the center, not far from the Institute of Philology of Kazan University. Here you will be told about the history of the Tatar people, introduced to the basics of Tatar culture and, of course, national cuisine. Getting into this wooden hut, as if transported back a century. Household items of that time have been preserved in the decoration of the room, an old gramophone plays Tatar melodies. Each thing is lovingly located in its place, the hospitable guides will tell you about the purpose of the mysterious exhibits.

The highlight of the program here, of course, is chak-chak. If you have never tried this Tatar sweet before, it will be symbolic to catch up in this museum. Here you will be told about the history of this dish, how it is prepared, the meaning on the traditional table. Tasting sugar air chak-chak with Tatar tea from a samovar will be one of the brightest impressions from a visit to Kazan.

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Tea room

An invariable point of visit for all tourists of the capital of Tatarstan. "House of tea" or Ashkhane, seems to have not changed at all since its discovery at the end of the last century. Don't be confused by the interior - decorative stucco, artificial flowers and plastic tablecloths on the tables, this place does not need promotion. Every day, from morning to evening, an endless stream of visitors flocks here. Maybe it's because of affordable prices, or because of the good location, but to get your lunch, you have to stand in line at the checkout. The cafe operates on the principle of self-service, everyone chooses their own dishes from open windows. A standard set - soup, salad, second course and compote - will cost 200-300 rubles here.

Why the establishment is called "The House of Tea" one can only guess, the menu has plenty of hearty main courses. Well, for tea, a large selection of Tatar delicacies is offered - pies ochpochmak, gubadia, elesh, sweets chak-chak and talkysh kaleve, etc. Masterpieces of the Tatar pop stage are heard from the speakers, tourists from all regions of the republic will surround you! A little secret: you can sit not only in the two halls on the first floor, but also on the second, in the banquet hall, which is often free for all guests.

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Restaurant, Bar

Semi-basement without a sign in the area of ​​the Kolkhoz market. Some townspeople remember him from the Thirteen bar, which was located here earlier. The owners of the establishment have changed the format of the place, now it is a trust bar specializing in rethought Tatar cuisine. Old-fashioned dishes with a modern twist, made from natural seasonal farm products. Frankly, it is difficult to recognize Tatar cuisine in this. But such a format is at least curious, it is definitely worth trying author's dishes from Bulat Ibragimov, the ex-chef of Apartment 63.

The low vaulted ceilings and brick walls make the bar somewhat reminiscent of a grotto. Curious details, such as colored glass above the head, give it charm, and the blue walls logically continue the meaning of the name Kama (one of the major rivers in Tatarstan). The space is divided into two halls, you can sit at small tables or right behind the bar, if you are not bothered by smells from the stove - the establishment has an open kitchen. The menu is small, the institution operates in two formats - lunch from 12 to 16 and dinner from 18 to the last guest.

The dishes are simple and intricate at the same time: vegetable salad with marinated roast beef, beef ribs with demi-glass sauce, grilled nutmeg pumpkin soup with grilled melon, sunflower cake with sour cream and orange, pike perch quiche, watermelon soup with basil ice cream, goose triangle , into which sauce is injected with a syringe, etc. What does Tatar cuisine have to do with it, you ask? Managers of the establishments will probably tell you personally.

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Moscow, 28, Kazan


Restaurants of the chain of Tatar national cuisine "Bilyar" are located in the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts. The establishments differ from each other in design, but all are stylized as a wooden village hut (with the exception of the restaurant on Ostrovsky), with an appropriate atmosphere, hospitable staff and generous portions of dishes.

In the daytime, office workers are used to having lunch here, in the evenings family companies gather here for dinner, and on weekends the establishments are often closed for banquets. Catering and banquets are the main specializations of the Bilyar network. Prices are quite democratic - a full meal will cost 300-400 rubles.

You should come here hungry to try as many dishes as possible. Soups, hot dishes, fresh salads - everything is very appetizing and satisfying. It feels like I went to dinner with my beloved aunt, the food is exactly like at home. We recommend trying the "hits" of the place - Kazan hodgepodge, Volga fish soup, khashlama, horse meat with mushrooms, Ayu honey cake.

Tatar restaurants in Moscow are quite popular. Here you can meet people of different nationalities. These establishments are attractive primarily for their unusual dishes and hospitality.

Dishes of national cuisine

A small educational program on the names of traditional dishes that you will be offered in Tatar cuisine restaurants in Moscow:

  • echpochmak - the basis of national cuisine, yeast dough triangles stuffed with meat, onions and potatoes.
  • zur belish - a large pie stuffed with beef, goose, vegetables, broth. The upper part (lid) is cut off from it and portions are applied.
  • tokmach - noodle soup, in the traditional recipe there is no potato.
  • beshbarmak is a Tatar dish that is prepared in Tatar restaurants immediately before serving and eaten with the hands. As part of lamb, boiled potatoes in their skins, peeled and cut into pieces, rhombus dough, onions and green onions, broth.

Tatar cafes and restaurants in Moscow

Worth a visit if you:

  • love to eat delicious food;
  • adherents of healthy food;
  • want an authentic oriental atmosphere;
  • want to relax with friends;
  • spend an evening with family or loved one.

Features of Tatar restaurants

Traditionally, Tatar restaurants in Moscow are decorated brightly and catchy, the interior is decorated with arches, colored mosaics, and complex patterns.

On Budyonny Avenue there is an institution "Miraj", which fully fits the description of "halal". It does not serve alcohol. Traditional events are held here, for example, nikah, baby tea, mejeles.

Designed in accordance with national preferences, the restaurant of Tatar cuisine in Moscow "Kazan" offers visitors healthy food. Here you can listen to the accordion game, hold a wedding and other events. Invigorating tea is served instead of alcohol.

Tatar restaurant "Idel" has two banquet halls. Both are decorated with intricate carvings, fabric draperies, themed accessories. Waiters meet in national costumes, music adds flavor to the East.

Tatar cafes and restaurants in Moscow offer their guests a huge number of national dishes for various events. Here you can not only have lunch or dinner, but also celebrate any celebration.

Attentive attitude to visitors, mild homely atmosphere, cultural traditions will leave the most pleasant impressions of the time spent in Tatar cuisine restaurants in Moscow.

  1. 07/27/2019 Vadim: Does metro Taganskaya have quiet cafes for work?
    1. : Hello. There are similar establishments throughout Moscow, including the Taganskaya metro station. But exactly the same as ours - no;)
  2. 05/20/2019 Ekaterina: what kind of cafes with games are there, preferably in the center? With a non-smoking room. You can drink alcohol.
    1. : Happy People anti-cafe suits all your parameters. Located near Novokuznetskaya/Tretyakovskaya metro station. Alcohol can be brought with you up to 15% of the fortress, there is no corkage fee. Anticafe website<...>VKontakte group<...>
  3. 11/17/2018 Julia: Hello! We wanted to celebrate the New Year with a small group of 5 people. Preferably on Novokuznetskaya, Tretyakovskaya and not very far from the metro.
    1. : Good afternoon We offer to celebrate the New Year in our cozy anti-cafe, you can get acquainted with the New Year's tariffs in the group<...>, we are just not far from Novokuznetsk and Tretyakovskaya!)
  4. 09.11.2018 Svetlana : Good afternoon My name is Svetlana. Office Manager. Need a cafe for a corporate party for 1 evening from 17:00 or 18:00 for 4 hours. Territorially - m. Taganskaya, Marxist, Proletarian. Numbers to choose from December 20-25. Company of 20 people. Some kind of mass entertainer for 1 hour or 2 hours (Snow Maiden with Santa Claus is also suitable). What can you suggest?
    1. : Hello. Our anti-cafe is located near the Novokuznetskaya / Tretyakovskaya metro station. We have a Great Hall (up to 25 people). You can bring your own food/drinks or order delivery from any restaurant.
    2. Svetlana : No thanks, that doesn't work.
  5. 08/17/2018 Aitalina: Looking for a cozy restaurant with a separate vip room for 12 people, without a deposit. Average check<...>0 R
    1. : In our anti-cafe, when renting a hall, an advance payment of at least 50% of the total rental price is required. You can bring any food and low-alcohol drinks with you.
  6. 07/03/2018 Tatyana: A separate room (booth) in the restaurant for 10-14 people. Wedding. Banquet menu for 1 person up to 3000. Own alcohol
    1. : You can rent a separate room from us. You can bring food and alcohol with you, we do not charge any additional fees for this. There are different rooms. The cost depends on the rental date.

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food recipe

Course work on the discipline "Technology of catering products" on the topic "Development of the range and technology of culinary products for a restaurant with 100 seats specializing in Tatar national cuisine with a banquet hall."

The purpose of the course work is to study the method of developing an assortment and technology for preparing culinary products for a restaurant.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Describe the characteristics of enterprises;

Describe the characteristics of the workshops;

Create a menu based on the assortment minimum;

Describe the characteristics of the feedstock;

Describe the principle of operation of the main technological equipment;

develop recipes for new and signature dishes; -calculate food and energy value;

Issue technical and technological maps for the developed dishes; - draw up a technological map.

As a signature dish, I chose the following dishes "Soup saulyk". I chose this dish because soups are one of the most important dishes of Tatar cuisine.

1 . Main part

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

According to GOST 50762-2007. Restaurant of Tatar national cuisine “Ash-kh?n?”. This is a public catering establishment with a wide range of dishes of complex preparation, including custom-made and signature dishes and products; soft, hot and other types of drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods, with a high level of service and, as a rule, in combination with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

According to the level of service and the range of services provided, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes - "luxury", "higher" and "first", which must meet the following requirements:

"luxury" - a wide range of services provided to consumers, a high level of comfort and convenience of accommodating consumers in the hall, a wide range of original, exquisite custom-made and signature dishes, products typical for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks, cocktails for bars, exquisite serving tables, corporate identity, specificity of serving dishes, exclusivity and luxury of the interior;

"Higher" - a wide range of services provided to consumers, comfort and convenience of accommodating consumers in the hall, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, A wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars, corporate identity, sophistication and interior originality.

"First" - a certain choice of services provided to consumers, a diverse range of branded dishes and products and drinks of complex manufacture, typical for restaurants, a wide or specialized range of drinks and cocktails, including custom-made and branded for bars, harmony and comfort of the interior.

The restaurant of the "upper" class provides a wide range of services provided to consumers, comfort and convenience of accommodating visitors in the hall, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails, corporate identity and sophistication of the interior . The designed restaurant corresponds, has an original interior, designed in accordance with the general idea of ​​the enterprise. The type of enterprise is a top-class restaurant with a banquet hall. The structure of the enterprise - shop division: for meat - fish shop, hot shop, cold shop. Used raw materials - the company works on raw materials and semi-finished products. The restaurant of the Tatar national cuisine "Ash-kh?n?" --This is a restaurant located near the city park. Nearby is a building for dancing and recreation.

"Ash-h? n?" - the restaurant has a capacity of 100 seats, the service is provided by waiters, it is focused on serving visitors of any age. The main contingent of visiting this restaurant are residents of the city.

"Ash-h? n?" - a restaurant, as an organization, is a limited liability company (LLC), providing consumers with a wide range of complex dishes, specialties, and confectionery.

1.2 Workshop characteristics

The restaurant has a variety of shops specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: for meat - fish shop, hot shop, cold shop.

Hot shop

The hot shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, boiling of broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (patties, pies, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes come directly to the distribution for sale to the consumer. In the hot shop, various dishes and culinary products are prepared for sale in the hall of the enterprise.

The Hot Shop has a convenient connection with the cold shop, as well as with other premises: distributing, washing, with meat and fish and vegetable shops, with rooms for storing raw materials. The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes on the menu sold through the trading floor, the range of culinary products. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, does not exceed 23 ° C, and there is a supply and exhaust ventilation; relative humidity 60 - 70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the area of ​​​​the stove is made at least 45 to 50 times the floor area.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical, and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and racks, desktop electric scales. In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment that can be installed in an island way, or to organize several production lines - for preparing broths and first and second courses; side dishes and sauces.

Organization of the work of the hot shop

The hot shop is the main shop in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

Organization of workplaces in the hot shop The hot shop is divided into two specialized divisions - soup and sauce. Soup department

The soup department organizes 2 workplaces:

Preparation of broths;

Cooking first courses.

Sauce department

A wide range of second courses in the restaurant does not allow the creation of specialized jobs. In addition, the designed restaurant has low power, so the island method is used when installing equipment: in the center there is an electric stove, an electric frying pan, an oven, a deep fryer, a combi steamer.

Organization of work in a hot shop

The mode of the hot shop depends on the mode of operation of the restaurant. Hot shop workers start their work at 8.00 and end at 23.00. In order to successfully cope with the production program, employees of the hot shop begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the trading floor. Cooks in the hot shop: VI category, V category, IV category.

The hot shop is managed by a foreman who organizes and controls the vacation and the quality of dishes. Hot shop workers work according to a stepped schedule.

cold shop

The cold shop in the designed restaurant is designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. A top-class restaurant offers at least 15 dishes daily. The range of products of the cold shop includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.: lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousse, sambuki, compotes, etc. .), cold drinks, cold soups. The cold shop is located in a bright room with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the shop, a convenient connection with the hot shop is provided, where the heat treatment of products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, and also with the distribution and washing tableware.The products of the workshop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and, for chefs, the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantity that can be Salads not seasoned are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads should be refilled immediately before the holiday; products left over from the previous day are not allowed to be sold: salads, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as drinks of our own production. Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and must have a temperature of 10-14C, therefore, refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop. Jellies, mousses, etc. are prepared from sweet dishes in the cold shop. Chefs bear a great responsibility for strict observance of sanitary rules in the preparation of cold dishes. For the preparation of cold dishes, a separate room is allocated, as far as possible from the hot shop and equipped with a refrigerator. Meat products are cooked in a hot shop. All equipment is kept in perfect cleanliness - utensils, inventory, tools. To do this, they are washed daily after work with hot water and soda, then scalded with boiling water and dried. In the cold shop, as well as in the procurement, there are separate wooden boards, gastronomic knives for cutting meat, fish, herring and vegetables with the corresponding letter designations. For vegetables, you should have three boards: for boiled vegetables (VO), potatoes, beets, carrots; for boiled meat (VM), for pickled and pickled vegetables (KO and MO), for fresh vegetables (SO) and herbs. The temperature of the products used in the manufacture of cold dishes is very important. All products must be pre-cooled to a temperature of 8-10 °. Do not mix chilled food with warm food.

Mechanical equipment is used in the cold shop: universal drives UKM-10 (M-75) with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables; for mixing salads, for whipping mousses, sambu-kov, cream, sour cream; for squeezing juices from fruits) . In addition, in the workshop with a large assortment of gastronomic products, sandwiches, small-scale mechanization tools are used: a machine for cutting gastronomic products VAS-300 (for cutting and stacking ham, sausage, cheese in trays); bread slicer EVA-3 54.

The cold shop is equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. To store products and finished products, refrigerators, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a salad container, a low-temperature counter for storing and dispensing ice cream are installed.

Organization of work of cold shop workers

Cooks in the cold shop work on a staggered schedule. The workshop is managed by the head of production through the responsible cook of the 5th category. In total, 2 cooks work in the cold shop: V and IV categories. The cook of the 5th category prepares and decorates the most complex dishes (aspics, jellies, mousses, etc.).

At the end of the work shift, chefs report on the number of products used and dishes sold per day.

Organization of the work of the meat - fish shop

The meat and fish shop in the projected enterprise has a convenient connection with cold and hot shops, and warehouses, in which the technological process of cooking is completed. The projected enterprise considers the processing of meat, poultry, fish, as well as the preparation of semi-finished products in one workshop.

There is a separate place for preparing portioned semi-finished products and minced meat. A prerequisite is separate flows of meat and fish processing. Given the specific smell of fish products, the preparation of portioned semi-finished products is carried out on separate production tables. In addition to separate equipment, separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish are highlighted. On the fish processing line there is a bath for defrosting and washing fish, tables for cleaning and gutting fish, a table for processing fish, a refrigerator for cooling semi-finished products, production tables, a universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms (meat grinder, ripper, meat mixer). At the workplace for portioned semi-finished products there is a cutting board (CM), (CP), (SK), scales, trays, work is carried out manually.

Baths for washing meat, a band saw, a boning table, a meat grinder, a refrigerator for cooling semi-finished products, production tables, a universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms (meat grinder) are installed on the meat processing line. Poultry can also be processed at meat processing sites. There are several jobs on the site:

For mechanical cooking of meat and poultry;

For mechanical culinary processing of fish;

For the preparation of portioned, small-sized and chopped semi-finished products.

1.3 Drawing up a menu based on the assortment minimum

The menu is a list of all kinds of dishes, snacks, culinary products and drinks offered to visitors on a given day. The menu is compiled taking into account the assortment minimum and the program of the enterprise,

Menu types differ from each other in the selection of dishes offered and the price structure. The following types of menus are used in the designed restaurant:

A la carte menu - this type of menu offers a choice in each type of dish, with each dish being priced separately. Dishes from such a menu, chosen by visitors, are prepared to order.

Du jour is the daily menu. It is made up for quick service to consumers with a limited supply of time.

A cyclic menu is a group of menus for a certain period of time

The cyclic menu aims to diversify the range of dishes for both consumers and service personnel, as well as to guarantee the nutritional value of a whole group of people in order to maintain health.

1.4 Characteristics of the feedstock

Fresh potatoes GOST R 51808-2001 important (basic) food product. However, his path to our table was not easy. It is rich in minerals. In terms of their content, it surpasses some vegetables. There is especially a lot of potassium in the tubers (568 mg%), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems, as well as for maintaining water balance (potassium helps to remove excess fluid from the human body). Potatoes are also a valuable dietary product. It is very important to include potatoes in the diet of people who have to perform heavy physical exertion.

Chicken breast GOST R 52702-2006 is poultry meat. Chicken breast is useful for its vitamin and mineral composition. The product contains a lot of vitamin B12 and Wb, which are responsible for the absorption of iron by the body. There is also vitamin PP in the chicken breast, which is part of the enzymes. All the micro and macro elements contained in this meat help maintain the health of the body. The product contains: zinc and magnesium, potassium and calcium, sodium and phosphorus, iron and other elements. Meat is of great importance in the diet. It contains complete proteins, which contain eight essential amino acids for humans.

Butter GOST R 52969-2008 - products extracted from oilseed raw materials and consisting mainly (95-97%) of triglycerides, waxes and phosphatides, as well as free fatty acids, lipochrome, tocopherols, vitamins and other substances that impart color to oils , taste and smell. No nutritional value. Natural unsalted butter.

Table salt GOST 51574-2000. - (sodium chloride, NaCl; the names "sodium chloride", "table salt", "rock salt" or simply "salt" are also used) - a food product. In ground form it is small white crystals. Table salt of natural origin almost always has impurities of other mineral salts, which can give it shades of different colors (usually gray). It is produced in different types: purified and unrefined (rock salt), coarse and fine grinding, pure and iodized, marine, etc.

Bulb onion GOST R 51783-2001 is a valuable food product that is of great importance in human life. Its nutritional value lies primarily in the fact that it is rich in carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances. Onions have a high dry matter content: from 7 to 21% (average 13.4%) in the bulb and from 6.2 to 7% in the leaves. Onions contain valuable essential oil. A unique pungent taste, a specific pungent smell and aroma are given to it by the essential oil contained in it, which is a combined group of organic substances. Volatile essential oils (substances allinn and allicin) in onions contain from 50 to 174 mg / 100 g of crude substance. Most of them are phytoncides.

1.5. Description of the principle of operation of the main technological equipment

Two-section oven F1ShZhG/ 11501 - consists of two frying sections of the same type, unified with thermal insulation. Sections are made of steel sheets and are equipped inside with shelves for baking sheets. The sections are heated by heating elements installed in the inner box, 3 pcs each. top and 3 bottom. The upper heating elements are open, the lower heating elements are closed with a hearth sheet. Vapors and gases formed during the heat treatment of products are removed through the vent.

On the right side there is a block of electrical equipment, separately for each section, 2 package switches are displayed on its front panel for separate control of the upper and lower heaters. Package switches change the power of regulation of the upper and lower heating elements in the ratio; the regulator automatically maintains the set temperature of the section in the range from 100 ° C to 350 ° C. Designed for frying semi-finished products from fish, meat and vegetables and baking small-piece bakery products

Drive UKM-10 (M-75) specialized for cold shop. It consists of a single-speed drive UKM-10 (M-75) and a set of interchangeable actuators that can be used in cold shops. It is designed for vegetable cutter and for mashing potatoes.

Gastronomy slicing machine VAS-300 is designed for cutting ham, cheese, sausages and other gastronomic products at an angle up to 45° into slices of a given thickness (up to 6 mm) and stacking them. Productivity - 45 cuts per minute Cross-section of the cut product, mm - 160X 200. The diameter of the knife is selected depending on the thickness of the cut products (for example, with a product thickness of 165 mm, a knife with a diameter of 220 mm is chosen, and with a thickness of 225 mm - with a diameter of 300 mm). The electric drive power of slicers is about 0.18 kW. Knife speed 300 rpm.

Dough mixer ERGO HS20 (3 phases) - consists of a frame, a drive head, a lifting mechanism, tanks with a lid, a trolley, a kneading body. Made entirely of stainless steel. Non-removable bowl. 2 speeds. The drive head, which serves to transmit rotation from the electric motor to the kneading body, is equipped with guides for moving it. On the body of the drive head, a sun wheel is fixedly fixed from below, and on the shaft - a planet carrier with a satellite sitting on the working shaft, the lower ends of the shafts protruding outwards are intended for fastening the kneading bodies. The kneading bodies in the machine are blades - hook-shaped, four-shaped and screw-shaped. For vertical lifting of the tank there are guides and a floating nut. The lifting mechanism is a screw, along which the nuts of the drive head and the tank bracket move. Designed for intensive kneading of yeast and unleavened dough for puff pastry.

The meat grinder MIM-300V is a desktop machine, consisting of a body, a processing chamber, a loading device, an auger, working bodies, and a drive mechanism. Professional. Complete unger. Connection 220 Volt. The body of the machine is completely made of stainless steel. Powerful ventilated motors. Reducer with double liquid protection system. Practical neck lock with lockable lever. High-performance felling group completely made of stainless steel. Square throat of loading for effective work at a repeated felling. Lockable removable funnel with a throat up to the felling area. Keypad 24 V with reverse. The working chamber of the machine has screw cuts on the inner surface, which improve the supply of meat and exclude its rotation together with the auger. On the upper part of the body there is a loading device with a safety ring, which excludes the possibility of hand access to the auger, and a pusher. The meat grinder is equipped with three grids with holes of 3, 5, 9 mm, a scoring grid and two double-sided knives. When assembled, the knives and grids are tightly pressed against each other with the help of a thrust ring and a pressure nut. Inside the working chamber there is a screw with a variable pitch of turns, which decreases towards the cutting mechanism. Thanks to this design of the single-thread screw of the working auger, the product is compacted, which facilitates its cutting with knives and forcing through the gratings. When assembled, the knives and grids are tightly pressed against each other with the help of a thrust ring and a pressure nut. The auger serves to capture the meat and feed it to the knives and grates. The installed grids remain motionless in the working chamber, and the knives rotate with the auger. Electromechanical equipment, which is designed for quick grinding of products into minced meat (meat, fish, etc.), necessary for the preparation of specific dishes.

Vegetable cutter MPO-50-200 is used for cutting raw vegetables into circles, slices, straws, sticks. The drive of the machine consists of an electric motor and a V-belt transmission. The working chamber is made in the form of a cylinder with windows for loading vegetables. The machine set includes a disc knife, two grater discs and two combination knives. The circular knife is used for cutting vegetables into slices and shredding cabbage, combined - vegetables with cubes with a section of 3 x 3 and 10 x 10 mm.

Electric 4-burner stove with oven Alenta EPSHCH-9-4-18E ATESY - the stove is made of a combination of stainless steel (front panel lining and oven) and a frame made of metal with a polymer coating. The side walls are lined with metal with a polymer coating. The plates have rectangular burners. Regulators, made in three-position versions, provide the ability to cook food in the required thermal regime. The temperature of the burner in the heated state is at least 400 ° C. To reduce heat loss between the oven and the door, a seal is used. The heating of the cabinet chamber is carried out by electric heaters, located two at the bottom and two at the top, having separate regulators, the air temperature in the chamber is not less than 260°C. The working and front surfaces are made of stainless steel, the side surfaces are polymer-powder coated. It is intended for cooking dishes in flatware, as well as for frying semi-finished products at public catering establishments, both as a stand-alone device and as part of technological lines.

Dishwasher CANDY CDCF 6 07 dome-type dishwasher EC090 of the Italian manufacturer MACH is completely made of stainless steel. All internal parts of the tub, wash and rinse paddles, filters and basket support frame can be easily removed, making cleaning the tub much easier and faster. Closed electric heaters with thermostatic protection are used to heat the bath and the boiler. The dishwasher is designed in full compliance with the regulations. The dishwasher is connected to electricity, plumbing and sewerage.

Refrigerated cabinet Biryusa-152-7 (glass) - designed for storage, presentation and sale of packaged products in trading floors, at public catering establishments. The cabinet meets the highest quality requirements, is reliable in operation, and ergonomic. Overall dimensions, mm 1200*760*1720. Weight, kg 1 Yu.Temperature mode 0...+7.

Bread slicers EVA-3 54- are designed for cutting large volumes of bread products and are used in food production and catering establishments. The material from which the bread slicer EVA-3 54 is made is stainless steel. The special shape of the knife allows you to cut the bread into absolutely even slices. It can be used for black and white bread of different varieties, both fresh and stale. The undoubted advantage of the device is the level of its performance: the bread slicer is able to cut up to three hundred loaves per hour into slices from 0.5 to 2 cm thick. The thickness of the slice is adjusted using a special regulator.

The design of the product is ergonomic, so the operating personnel are protected from the possibility of injury while working with the bread slicer. In addition, the device is easy to sanitize. The bread slicer is equipped with sensors that turn off the power in each of the following cases:

When opening the loading tray;

After the end of the cutting process;

When opening the tray for receiving sliced ​​bread;

When removing the protective cover from the knife.

The crumbs are collected using a box located under the receiving tray and cutting area.

2. Calculation of nutritional and energy value Calculation of nutritional and energy value of the dish "Soup saulyk"

(Q1 white * M net) / 100 = Ql white,

Where Q1 is white. - protein content in 100 gr. product.

Potato: Q1 is white, = (2*200)/100=4gr.

Bulb onion: Q1 white. \u003d (1.4 * 95) / 100 \u003d 1.33 gr.

Butter: Q1 white. \u003d (0.5 * 20) / 100 \u003d 0.1 gr.

Boulogne: Q1 white \u003d (0.95 * 150) / 100 \u003d 1.425 gr.,

Qtot. Bel.-Z Q1 proteins of all products, gr.

Qtot. white \u003d 4 + 1.33 + 0.1 + 1.425 \u003d 6.855g

(Q2 fat. * M net) / 100- Q fat gr.

where Q2 fat is the fat content in 100 gr. product.

Based on the formula, we find:

Potato: Q2fat \u003d (4 * 200) / 100 \u003d 8 gr.,

Butter: Q2fat. \u003d (82.5 * 20) 7100 \u003d 16.5 g.,

Boulogne: Q2fat \u003d (0.29 * 150) / 100 \u003d 0.435g

Qtot. fat.-Z Q2 fats of all products, gr.

Qtot. white \u003d 8 + 16.5 + 0.435 \u003d 24.935g

Products such as onions do not have fat.

(Q3. * M net) / 100- Qg gr

Potatoes Q carbs = (16.3*200)/100=32.6 gr.,

Bulb onion Q carbs = (10 * 95) / 100 \u003d 9.5 gr.,

Butter Q carbohydrates \u003d (0.83 * 20) / 100 \u003d 0.166 gr.,

Broth Q carbs \u003d (1.51 * 150) / 100 \u003d 2.265 gr.,

Qtot. carb.-Z Q3 carbohydrates of all products, gr.

Qtot. angle \u003d 32.6 + 9.5 + 0.166 + 2.265 \u003d 44.531gr

It is known that 1 gr. protein gives 4 kcal, 1 gr. fat - 9 kcal, 1 gr. carbohydrates - 4 kcal. Based on this, it is necessary to calculate the energy value of the dish for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Calculate Kcal for proteins: 6.855 * 4 = 27.42 Kcal,

Let's calculate Kcal for fats: 24.935 * 9 = 224.415 Kcal,

Calculate Kcal for carbohydrates: 44.531 * 4 \u003d 178.124 Kcal.

The energy value of the finished dish is calculated by adding the calorie content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

27.42+224.415+178.124=376.36 kilocalories

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