
Try to cook Dagestan Chudu pies with cottage cheese and herbs - a real oriental yummy. Avar miracle with cottage cheese in a pan

The cuisine of the peoples of Dagestan is fraught with a striking feature - with a minimum set of ingredients and a fairly simple recipe, it allows you to cook a large number of dishes, each of which will have a unique, different taste. Dagestan dishes are a colorful gastronomic mosaic with many unusual details.

The harsh conditions of mountain life and the need for long and hard work in the fresh air could not but affect the recipe for cooking. very nutritious, easy to prepare, but at the same time useful.

A vivid example of the variety of variations collected in one dish is the Dagestan dish “Chudu”. This is a fragrant, thin closed pie that can be prepared with a wide variety of fillings. True, the Avars call this dish “miracle”, other Dagestan peoples have their own names, for example, the Laks call it “kachi”.

The uniqueness and versatility of these pies is that you can cook them all year round using the so-called seasonal toppings:

  1. In the spring, Dagestanis cook them with an incredible amount of young greens of different types. It can be a miracle with nettles, green onions, halta (halta is one of the types of young grass) or beet tops.
  2. In summer, the filling is complemented by fresh vegetables, young potatoes, tender cheese or cottage cheese;
  3. In autumn, the pumpkin miracle comes into its own. It is worth noting that this species is the pearl of the Dagestan cuisine. It is loved by the Dagestanis themselves and by everyone who happened to try it at least once.
  4. In winter, when food should become as dense and warm as possible, meat miracles are most often prepared. It can be fresh or dried lamb or beef.

Miracle with chicken is extremely rare. Although, the Lezgins have an amazing kind of holiday pie, which starts with millet porridge with chicken.

There are also varieties of chudu stuffed with chicken and nuts, chicken and beans. These variations are very similar to Georgian cuisine, where chicken, beans and nuts are found in many dishes. And since miracles are also cooked in Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Kabardino-Balkaria, it can be safely called the Caucasian dish of miracles.

In general, many types of miracles have a certain “national identity”. For example, "Dargin miracle". Judging by the name, the idea of ​​the recipe probably came to the Dargins. "Darginsky miracle" is a very popular, favorite dish in Dagestan. It differs from ordinary miracles in that it is made not as a thin, but as a full-fledged, high, closed cake, and is baked in the oven, and not fried in a pan, like the rest. Dargins like to add walnuts to the miracle with any filling.

But at festive events it is customary to serve the Avar miracle - Botishchal. These are thin cakes stuffed with potatoes and cheese. The unusual thing was that the cheese added to the filling must necessarily stretch well when melted. The result is delicate, thin cakes that simply melt in your mouth.

The most delicious are the miracles cooked in old wood-burning ovens. In the city, unfortunately, these are no longer found. And in the villages, these stoves have been preserved and are successfully used by many housewives.

The dough is used for cooking fresh, yeast-free, the only exception is the Dargin miracle, for which the dough must be either kefir or yeast. Fry the miracle in a dry frying pan without adding oil. In order for the finished miracle to become soft, immediately after baking, it is coated with melted butter. You can, of course, use butter or sour cream for this purpose, but the taste will be slightly different.

For any miracle dish, the dough recipe, in principle, will look the same, but the recipes for the fillings will differ. The exception, as already mentioned, will only apply to the test recipe for the Dargin miracle.

Dargin miracle

To prepare the kefir dough you will need:

  • kefir -0.5 liters;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt 1.5 teaspoons;
  • flour - 1kg (this is about 5 glasses of 200g.).

All ingredients are mixed, the dough is set aside for 10 minutes to "rest", and you can start baking.

Yeast dough for Dargin miracle

  • flour - 1 kg. (A little more flour will be needed when rolling out);
  • warm milk - 0.5 liters;
  • butter - 200-205 gr.;
  • a bag of yeast (25 gr.);
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp. spoons;
  • soda - 1\3h. spoons.

The dough is kneaded, covered with a napkin and put in a cool place (you can also in the refrigerator) for half an hour. Then you can start rolling. You should not get carried away with adding flour, as the dough should be soft.

The filling for the Dargin miracle is made from potatoes, cut into thin slices and thinly sliced ​​pieces of lamb or beef (not minced meat). Quite often, Dargin pies are prepared with dried meat, but this option is not for everyone. To make the miracle juicy, it’s good to add a little fat to the meat. In Dagestan fat tail fat is often added.

If fatty meat, for some reason, is contraindicated, then about half a glass of any broth is poured into a small hole in the upper part. In the process of baking, the potatoes absorb the broth, become soft and juicy.

The dough is rolled out into two circles. The filling is laid out on the first one, then it is covered with a second circle, and the edges are pinched into a neat pigtail. The cake is baked in the oven for about an hour. To get a beautiful and golden crust, the top of the pie can be greased with an egg.

Classic thin wonder

Preparation of dough for thin miracle is as follows:

  • 500 gr. flour is mixed with a glass of water, salted to taste;
  • dense soft dough is kneaded;
  • The dough is covered with a towel and left to rest for 15 minutes.

Next, the dough is divided into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a very thin circle. The filling is laid out on one half of the circle, the filling closes with the second half and neatly, but tightly, snaps. The clipping process can be simplified if you cut off the edge of the miracle with a figured roller knife. He will fasten the edges and give the product a beautiful shape.

The miracle is fried in a dry frying pan, alternately on each side, until a golden crust appears. The finished product is lubricated with oil.

Toppings for a subtle miracle

  1. Meat. Lamb or ground beef is mixed with onions passed through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper or other spices are added to taste.
  2. Green stuffing. Finely chopped greens are mixed with cottage cheese or soft cheese. If desired, you can add a little sour cream or kefir there, so the filling will be more juicy. Add salt and, if desired, pepper.
  3. Potato and cheese filling for Botishchal. Potatoes are boiled and mashed into a good, smooth puree. Grated cheese is added to it. It can be young cheese or Ossetian. If the cheese is salty, then you do not need to add salt to the filling. The ratio of cheese and potatoes is chosen individually, according to your preferences. The secret of this filling is that you definitely need to add a small amount of quick soda, literally at the tip of a teaspoon. It is this trick that will make the cheese more viscous.
  4. Pumpkin filling. The pumpkin is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with finely chopped walnuts, as well as lightly fried onions. Salt, pepper, spices are added to taste, but nutmeg is especially well revealed here.

Chudu is a dish with a long history. Those who have tried it once will definitely want to continue to discover all its variations.

Today I want to tell you how to cook very tasty miracle cakes with cottage cheese. Such magnificent cakes are easy to prepare, hearty, fragrant and disappear from the table very quickly. Hot cakes made of thin ruddy dough with delicious curd filling will appeal to everyone without exception. They can be eaten as an independent dish, and if you also make garlic sauce, then you will generally lick your fingers. Join and cook with us!


300 grams of premium wheat flour;
water - one glass;
half a teaspoon of salt;
cottage cheese - 250 grams;
two eggs (hard boiled);
green onions - one bunch;
one bunch of dill;
salt and black pepper in the filling - to your liking;
butter (to lubricate the cakes).
Delicious tortillas with cottage cheese. Step by step recipe

We send wheat flour to a bowl, make a small depression in it and pour half a teaspoon of salt into it.
Pour water in small portions and knead the dough with your hands. When the flour gathers in a lump, then we proceed to knead on the table.
The dough for cakes with cottage cheese should not be tight. It should be soft and elastic (it should turn out a little softer than dumplings).
We round the dough and put it in a convenient bowl. Cover it with a lid or towel and leave for half an hour.
While the dough is resting, prepare the filling for the cakes.
Greens (dill and green onions) finely chop with a knife.
Optionally, green onions can be fried in butter.
Put cottage cheese, chopped greens in a bowl.
Peel the hard-boiled chicken eggs from the shell and cut them into small cubes.
We send it to a bowl with cottage cheese.
Add a pinch of ground black pepper, salt to taste and mix well. The filling is ready.
Take the dough out of the bowl. Sprinkle the table lightly with flour.
We roll out the dough into an oblong tourniquet and divide it with a knife into portioned pieces.
From this amount of dough, I get five pieces.
Each piece of dough is rounded into a ball.
Then we roll out the ball of dough, using a rolling pin, into a thin layer of a round shape.
Spread the filling on one half with a spoon and then cover it with the second half of the dough.
We pinch the edges well. You can do it with your hands, or you can do it with a fork (it will be even more beautiful). If desired, the uneven edges of the cake can be cut off.
Put a frying pan on the stove and heat it up.
We will fry very quick cakes with cottage cheese in a completely dry frying pan. The pan does not need to be lubricated.
We put one cake on a preheated pan (they turn out to be quite large) and fry until a delicious golden crust appears on both sides.
If the cake swells during frying, then it can be pierced with a knife or fork to release air.
Put the finished cake with cottage cheese and green onions on a plate and generously grease with butter while it is hot.
We do this with all the pieces of dough: and fry all the cakes in turn.
I hope you enjoyed this quick dumplings recipe. Such delicious cottage cheese cakes can be a great breakfast on a day off. The Super Chef website team wishes you bon appetit.

Excellent pastries for those who love oriental cuisine - Dagestan Chudu pies with cottage cheese and herbs. These pies can be prepared independently at home, just follow the instructions. Cottage cheese with greens is a wonderful filling, and the dough is made according to a special Dagestan batch. Try it!

Cottage cheese has a nice property - you always want to cook something tasty from it. Casseroles, pancakes, cheesecakes, pies with cottage cheese - this is not a complete list of the most useful pastries. Even if there is not enough time for cooking, this is not a reason to refuse curd treats. You just need to arm yourself in advance with a step-by-step photo recipe for a dish, the preparation of which takes no more than 15-20 minutes. What can be done in such a short amount of time? Try a new recipe for dry cottage cheese pies, known in Dagestan as a miracle. Here they are - a wonderful miracle!

Dagestan pies Chudu

What ingredients are needed for miracle pies

First of all, stock up on good quality cottage cheese - it is optimal if it is home-made cottage cheese or from a trusted seller. The taste of the filling plays a decisive role, since the dough for miracle pies is made completely insipid and rolled out to the thickness of a paper sheet.

Products need the simplest. For 4 large pies you will need:

  • - 300 g;
  • water - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g
  • greens - 50 g;
  • - for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

According to this recipe, Miracle can be either fried in a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, or baked in the oven. In any case, they should not be fat like pasties.

A step-by-step description of the process of making Dagestan miracle pies

First, sift the flour well so that it is saturated with oxygen. Then start preparing the dough:

Add salt to the flour, mix and pour water into the flour mixture.

Knead a stiff dough and, if necessary, add more flour.

Wrap the finished dough in a napkin or cling film and set aside for 15-20 minutes.

The filling is prepared even easier and faster:

Finely chop the greens.

Crush the cottage cheese with a fork, pour the egg into it and lightly salt it.

Mix the mass until even.

Now back to the already rested test:

Divide it into 4 parts.

Roll each one as thin as you can.

Spread a quarter of the filling on half of the blank.

Cover the filling with the other half of the rolled pancake. Carefully pinch the edges - you can go over them with the tines of a fork to be sure.

By repeating the same procedure with the rest of the pieces of dough, you will get large, at least half a pan, pies. Send them to a preheated and oiled pan or oven with a 180 mode. Bake them for 5-7 minutes, then turn over and bake the same amount more. Serve the miracle pies hot, and the next day it is better to bake a new portion.

On a small sheet barely fits two pies

Be sure to bake the miracle on both sides.

Juicy salted cottage cheese goes well with herbs. Bon appetit!

Try more recipes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The visiting card of the Dagestan cuisine is miracle cakes, today we are preparing a miracle with cottage cheese and herbs, the recipe with a photo is attached below. Miracles are fairly easy-to-prepare flatbreads that do not require special skills in working with dough, and do not need any tricky ingredients. We prepare the dough for a miracle on water, we also add a drop of oil and a pinch of salt - everything is simple and fast. For the filling, we take good homemade cottage cheese, and a large amount of greens. Greens can be taken according to the season - wild garlic, spinach, juicy green onion feathers, parsley, dill. Absolutely everyone can cook delicious cakes, so let's try something new and tasty together, go to the kitchen! You can also cook more ordinary ones for us.

- water - 1 glass;
- wheat flour - 2-3 cups;
- salt - 3 pinches;
- vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
- homemade cottage cheese - 130 gr.;
- dill / parsley / green onions - 20-30 gr.;
- butter - 100 gr.;
- a mixture of peppers - a pinch.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We will prepare the number of ingredients indicated in the list and proceed to the process. Sift the flour through a sieve into a large mixing bowl. We sift the flour unequivocally, due to which we saturate it with oxygen, weed out unnecessary particles. Immediately add a pinch of salt, mix.

We pour in a portion of odorless vegetable oil so that the finished product does not have a characteristic oily aroma. Mix flour and butter with a spoon, forming flakes.

Next, add water at room temperature. First we work with a spoon, then we will mix the dough with our hands.

It turns out the dough is quite pliable and soft, we give it half an hour to rest under a clean kitchen towel.

Meanwhile, pour homemade cottage cheese into a bowl. Add chopped pure greens, add a pinch of salt and a mixture of ground peppers. We mix everything.

The dough has already rested, divide it into parts. Blanks can be made in various shapes, larger or smaller, depending on the size of the miracle you want to see as a result.

Put a couple of tablespoons of the filling on half of one rolled blank.

We cover the filling with the second half of the dough, roll it with a rolling pin, make a figured border with a fork.

We fry the miracle in a heated dry cast-iron pan. Be sure to pay attention to such simple

After we grease everything with butter.

Bon appetit!

1. Knead the dough from water and flour with the addition of a small amount of salt and vegetable oil. The dough should be very soft, on the verge of liquid. It even spreads a little when it lies on the table.

It is advisable to take the dough fresh, not having time to lie down in the refrigerator. Otherwise, we risk that our botishes will tear and the filling will leak out.

2. For the filling, you need the right cottage cheese: it must be dry, crumbly and fresh (not sour). You can even say that it is fresh in taste. This is how the avarka taught me, with whom we made botischal.

But I know that some people specifically take standing cottage cheese, which has stood still and has already become viscous. This is usually what the Laks do.

3. We add a little soda to the cottage cheese, about 0.5 tsp. per 600 g of cottage cheese (the more sour the cottage cheese, the more soda should be). You can not add soda to viscous cottage cheese.

4. And we begin to knead our filling. We knead for a long time and well, you can even with both hands. The cottage cheese should turn into a smooth homogeneous mass without lumps.

5. Then add potatoes, boiled in their skins and thoroughly crushed, to the curd mass. You can use potatoes that have already been boiled and peeled.

True, in this case, the filling will turn out to be very soft.

If there is a soft dough, then this is normal. But if the dough is rough, and the filling is soft, then the boots will tear.

The dough and filling should be the same consistency.

The first time I made it with a soft filling, boiled peeled potatoes and mashed them and everything turned out great. And here is the next. once I made it denser, I boiled the potatoes in their uniforms and kneaded them after cleaning, so my cakes were torn. So for myself, I decided to make a soft stuffing.6. The combination of cottage cheese and potatoes is determined by your taste.

They can be in the same proportion, it is very tasty, but then the miracle will not stretch.

Or maybe a lot of cottage cheese and quite a bit of potatoes, if we want to get a viscous filling.

Or you can skip the potatoes altogether.

Sometimes the filling is checked for ductility. Put a small piece of it on a hot frying pan, it should melt. Some put a burning match to the filling, the cottage cheese should also stretch. My test with a match did not work. I don’t know how to put this match there 

8. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Some also add a little butter.

9. From the filling we roll balls the size of a child's fist (diameter 6-7 cm).

10. Cut off pieces from the dough, 3-4 times less than our filling balls.

11. Roll out the ball into a cake with a diameter of 13-14 cm. To prevent the dough from sticking to the working surface, we use flour.

12. We put a ball of filling on the cake and begin to lift the edges of the dough up and pinch them in the form of a pouch.

13. We fasten the edges at the top (as when sculpting kurze) and cut off an extra piece, pinch again. You have to be very careful not to cut off the excess :)

Thus, our filling was completely in the shell of the dough.

14. We take a suitable frying pan and put it on fire. In Dagestan, frying pans for botishcals are specially sold, they are without sides - flat and with a thick bottom. True, they are not cheap, more than 1000 rubles.

If you have a pan for baking pancakes, then it will work. You just need to take into account the thickness of the bottom of the pan. If it is thin, then the fire should be made less than medium.

Why is it so important to have no sides? Botishal dough is thin and fragile. They are difficult to turn over, because they are easily torn. And the sides make it difficult to turn over.

15. Gently press the resulting ball with your hand, forming a thick cake about 13 cm in diameter.

16. Put the cake aside, our workpiece should lie down a bit so that the dough can soften more and not tear when rolling.

In the meantime, we form the next cake.

You can do everything in this way, but you can stop at two.

In any case, after 3-4 minutes, our first cake is ready to be rolled out.

17. Sprinkle the workplace and the cake with flour, take a rolling pin and begin to roll it carefully, turning the cake in a circle.

You should get a fairly thin cake (about 3-4 mm thick) with a diameter of about 30 cm.

18. Gently transfer the cake to a heated pan.

19. When the bottom side is ready, the cake puffs up. As a rule, they are quite pale. Therefore, do not be afraid that the miracle is not fried. The color is added later, thanks to the oil and oatmeal.

So at the time when the cake is swollen, very carefully turn it over, you can use a spatula, or you can use your hands.

20. And immediately on the top of the already finished side, you need to make a small cut with a knife, about 1 cm long. Just be very careful, as steam comes out of the cut, which can scald unlucky cooks. If you do not make a hole, then the steam will break through the bottom side and the filling will flow out.

21. For 1.5-2 minutes, the second side of the cake is baked.

22. Remove the bowl from the pan and put it on a large round plate, preferably with edges, you can even have a tray.

23. Lubricate it liberally with butter or ghee. The first cake is smeared on both sides. And for all those who follow, only the upper one, because the lower one is oiled by itself. Oils are used a lot, about 2 tablespoons each. on a cake. It should drain, then you need the sides of the plate so that it does not flow far :).

24. Sprinkle the cake with oatmeal on top ... which would be desirable to sift first.

25. During the time when the miracle is baked, we manage to make one blank and roll out another. Which we put in the pan.

It's good to have an assistant, one rolls, the other fries.

At large weddings, 3 people are engaged in botischal: one makes preparations, the other rolls out, the third fries.

When all the boots are ready, cut them into 4-6-8 pieces or don’t cut them ... it depends on how many people came to the table :).

They should be eaten hot, piping hot, because. after cooling, they lose a lot in taste, even if you try to warm them up in the microwave. And no matter how hard you try, that pulling structure cannot be returned.
