
Calorie tomato. Calories in fresh and processed tomatoes

During the period of a diet or other type of work on being overweight, the question of the calorie content of foods is always very acute - today our conversation will be about how many calories are in a tomato. Yes, in the summer this product is a frequent guest on our tables. But if its taste and benefits have been known for a long time, then how to look at this vegetable in the context of dietary nutrition is not very clear, and many losing weight are wondering what is the calorie content of a fresh tomato per 100 grams and how many kcal in a fresh tomato. It is important to understand here that vegetables are healthy food in all aspects,
but the calorie content can vary greatly, and something can be considered a diet food, and something, such as potatoes or green peas, can only cross out all your plans to combat hated extra pounds.

The most optimal dietary product is a tomato. The weight of one fresh vegetable is approximately 130-150 gr., depending on the variety.

The calorie content of a fresh tomato does not exceed and 30 kcal. This vegetable contains the element chromium, which contributes to dulling the feeling of hunger.

And this is important for people who watch their figure and diet.

Fresh tomato calories: how many calories are in a tomato

It is important to know that the number of calories in a fresh tomato depends on the variety. For example: in a sour variety, the calorie content of a fresh tomato is much less than in sweet varieties.

Also, both mature and overripe varieties contain a lot of sugar, which causes more calories.

How many calories are in 1 fresh tomato with and without salt? In fact, the addition of salt does not affect the number of calories in any way, but this applies to a fresh product, but in salty ones, there are a little less calories, if in fresh 25-30 kcal, then in pickled ones - 15-20 kcal.

It is very important to know that tomatoes contain vitamins such as:

In order to prevent, by eating tomatoes, you reduce the risk of cancer, they also contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as they are very well absorbed in the stomach and do not disrupt metabolism.

Tomatoes will even help reduce the risk of getting vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is important for the elderly.

Tomatoes, calories per 100 grams: fresh and boiled

It is useful to use tomatoes not only fresh, but also steamed and boiled, as they increase provitamin A, in other words, lycopene. And their calorie content is reduced to a minimum. If the calorie content of a fresh tomato in 100 grams is from 25 to 30 calories, then for a boiled tomato it becomes from 15 to 20 calories.

Tomatoes even help to improve mood thanks to components such as:

  • thiamine;
  • serotanin.


There are diseases in which it is strictly forbidden to use tomatoes in any form, except for fresh ones, and then in moderation.

People who suffer from hypertension are forbidden to eat them in a salty form. With cholelithiasis, tomatoes can cause serious complications, such as: the movement of stones, terrible pain, or an attack.

If your kidneys hurt, then you should not eat vegetables that have been heat-treated.

Of course, it is best to consult your doctor before using tomatoes for various diseases.

Dieters who are constantly monitoring their calories should not eat only tomatoes alone, as this can lead to an excess of some of the substances contained in the tomato.

We hope that our article helped you understand all the benefits that are contained in tomatoes, now you know how many calories are in a fresh tomato, and how many in a boiled or pickled one, and also that the nutritional value of different varieties can vary greatly.

Tomato (tomato), ground rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 14.8%, beta-carotene - 16%, vitamin C - 27.8%, potassium - 11.6%, silicon - 20%, cobalt - 60%, copper - eleven %

What is useful Tomato (tomato), ground

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is a provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 micrograms of beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 microgram of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to friable and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in the composition of glycosaminoglycans and stimulates the synthesis of collagen.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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A tomato is the best appetizer, a tasty addition to a salad, or a great meal on its own. With their low calorie content, they are prescribed even for those who are on the most strict diet.

Fresh or pickled tomato contains no more than 20 calories per 100 grams of product.

An exception can only be a low-carbohydrate diet or sports "drying" when tomatoes can be eaten, but only in a very modest amount - no more than 100-200 grams.

What is the nutritional difference between regular tomato and cherry tomato?

For salads or small sandwiches, canapes are great not ordinary tomatoes, but miniature, bright scarlet tomatoes, which, due to their similarity to cherries, are called cherry tomatoes.

The good news for those who prefer these tomatoes is that they are even lower in calories than ordinary greenhouse tomatoes. True, not much - just a couple of calories.

The calorie content of cherry tomato is about 18 calories per 100 grams of product.

However, like any other variety of this vegetable, tomatoes are almost 94% water, which is the peculiarity of their low nutritional value.

Gourmets note that such tomatoes differ in taste. They are often used in conservation, but it is tastier and healthier to use them fresh.

How to calculate the calorie content of a tomato with salt or cucumber?

Of course, the calorie content of food largely depends on how it is eaten. In general, a low-calorie tomato can become a very nutritious meal if eaten in a small portion, for example, with mayonnaise. However, the more popular options for eating a fresh tomato are just sprinkling it with salt. Salt, however, does not affect the nutritional value of the tomato., but there is still a danger of such a dish for losing weight.

By irritating the walls of the stomach, such sour-salty food can cause an attack of uncontrolled appetite and, instead of lightly snacking on vegetables, food can turn into something more substantial.

It will be much more useful to use a tomato, mixing in equal proportions:

  • with cucumber - 18 calories;
  • with Beijing cabbage - 16 calories per 100 grams;
  • with radish - 20 calories;
  • with green onions (feather) - 19 calories;
  • green beans - 22 calories;
  • zucchini - 18 calories.

Suitable for these purposes and other fresh vegetables. When calculating the calorie content of a salad with tomato, it is worth considering all the ingredients. Keep in mind that these light spring salads may have the highest calorie content of the oil or dressing sauce, so it's best to opt for the healthy olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Sometimes salad tomatoes are peeled. This is easy to do - you just need to pour boiling water over the fruit, then the skin will peel off without problems.

A tomato devoid of skin will taste much more tender, and even lose some of its calories - in this case, the nutritional value will be no more than 16 calories per 100 grams of product.

By the way, it’s better to use a tomato even when there are problems with digestion - the skin of this vegetable, although suitable for food, is still poorly digested and can clog the intestines.

What are the benefits of tomato?

Without a doubt, a tomato is delicious, but its advantages are not only in its excellent taste, but also in its benefits to the body. So 100 grams of fresh tomato contains:

  • proteins - 0.7 grams;
  • fat - 0.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 4.5 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 1 gram;
  • vitamin A - 133.00 mcg (15% of the daily requirement for an adult);
  • beta carotene - 0.80 mg (16% of the daily requirement);
  • vitamin C - 25.00 mg (28% of the daily requirement).

Besides, tomato contains potassium, copper, chromium and a host of other useful vitamins and trace elements V.

Doctors have long proven that regular consumption of tomato contributes to the fact that the eaters of this vegetable suffer less from cardiovascular diseases or cancer by an order of magnitude.

Lycopene and folic acid, which is found in tomatoes, contribute to this.

And also tomatoes help:

  • improve eyesight;
  • improve bowel function with regular constipation;
  • in the prevention of urolithiasis.

Tomatoes also contain a substance such as thiamine, which is a general tonic. Thanks to him, people feel more cheerful and cheerful, and the body gets the strength to fight infections and viruses more easily.

Pros of the tomato diet

Tomatoes often become the basis of various diets and even mono-diets (when only one product is eaten, without concessions and variety). Of course, when choosing such a meager diet based only on tomatoes, you need to consult a doctor and carefully monitor your well-being during the diet.

But in general tomatoes, if consumed regularly for several days, can affect weight because it will help:

  • as a diuretic to remove excess moisture from the body;
  • as a mild laxative to cleanse the intestines;
  • improve the metabolic processes of the body;
  • feel light;
  • reduce cholesterol levels.

By the way, for a diet and a mono-diet, it is better to choose fresh tomatoes, no matter what variety. Salted or pickled for these purposes are not at all suitable - on the contrary, they can awaken appetite and thirst, and also, if consumed excessively during a meager diet, they can even harm the stomach and digestive system.

Contraindications for tomato diet

Of course, a tomato is an almost universal product for those who want to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist, however, it is not suitable for everyone for regular use. Fresh tomato is not recommended for those who are prone to the following disorders:

  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • increased acidity;
  • cholelithiasis.

But salted tomatoes should not often appear on the tables of hypertensive patients.

In addition, tomatoes are also quite a strong allergen, because their increased consumption can develop such painful conditions as eczema and hives. When the first symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Tomatoes are very popular almost all over the world. The product helps to cope with various diseases. It serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and kidney disease. Tomatoes are also great for cleansing blood vessels. They allow you to prolong youth, as well as to have excellent health at any age. In addition, tomatoes can be an excellent tool for those who decide to lose weight.

Tomatoes against extra pounds

Ripe tomatoes contain a special substance called lycopene. It helps to speed up the process of splitting adipose tissue. In addition, lycopene is also great at fighting free radicals. Therefore, tomatoes not only make the figure more slender, but also contribute to skin rejuvenation. Tomatoes also control the level of cholesterol in the body, balances the acid-base balance.

Lycopene is found in the red pigment of tomatoes. Therefore, you should choose only ripe tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of the product is about 23 kcal. This is enough for the body to be energized. Tomatoes should definitely be included in a variety of diets. It is especially useful to combine them with lean meat and fish. Tomatoes contribute to better absorption of protein.

Energy value of tomatoes

Tomatoes are useful for both adults and children. This product can be added to complementary foods for a child after reaching the age of seven months. And all because the product has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and at the same time is not too high in calories. Tomatoes help to establish children's digestion and energize the baby.

Many today are wondering how many calories are in one tomato. It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously. After all, individual varieties of the product have a different shape and structure. On average, 100 grams of the product has 23 kcal. The calorie content of one tomato will depend on its size.

Who should stop eating tomatoes?

Despite the enormous benefits of the product, some still have to completely exclude it from their diet. Tomatoes can harm those who suffer from allergic reactions.

Composition and determine their properties. It is not advisable to use the product for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomatoes can cause especially great harm with ulcers and gastritis.

There is also an assumption that tomatoes contain a substance that contributes to the emergence of nicotine addiction. This is another argument against smoking.

when losing weight

Those who seek to quickly get rid of excess weight do not have to eat fresh tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of not more than 23 kcal also has tomato juice. One glass of a cold drink will get rid of hunger and charge you with a good mood. Tomato juice with pulp will be especially useful.

Today, grocery stores offer tomato juice from various manufacturers. But only a product made at home will have really useful properties. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in making homemade juice.

How to choose the right tomatoes?

Only high-quality tomatoes can benefit. To prepare delicious dishes, you will also need good tomatoes. Therefore, everyone should know how to choose the right product. If you make a purchase in the market, first of all, you need to navigate by smell. Ripe tomatoes, the composition, calorie content and vitamins of which can benefit a person, will definitely have a pleasant aroma. But if the vegetable was picked while still green and allowed to ripen outside the garden, it will have practically no smell.

It is worth buying only beautiful and fresh tomatoes. Do not take vegetables that are damaged. They can accumulate dirt and bacteria. But the warm season is an ideal time for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Size also matters. Many are interested in the question of what is the calorie content of tomatoes, the size of which exceeds 8 cm in diameter. Most likely, the energy value of such a product will be low. After all, vegetables that are grown using various chemical additives are most often large. Such tomatoes will not differ in rich taste and useful properties. The exception is pink tomatoes. They can grow to really impressive sizes.

Can you eat green tomatoes?

Green tomatoes are unripe fruits. It is believed that they have much less useful properties than juicy red tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of this product does not exceed 20 kcal. Ripe fruits are more high-calorie. In addition, green fruits contain a substance that is harmful to human health. It's solanine. It disrupts the work of the stomach, as well as the nervous system.

Solanine is easily destroyed in an acidic environment. Therefore, green tomatoes are often pickled and salted. Thus, a useful product is obtained, which has an original taste. Fresh calories per 100 grams of which are very small, do not satisfy hunger, and also have an inexpressive taste. But properly cooked tomatoes can be included in the holiday menu.

Baked and stuffed green tomatoes are very popular. To prepare an original dish, you should carefully monitor the tomatoes in the garden. Vegetables can ripen very quickly. And for some dishes, only green fruits are needed.


Dietary properties of tomatoes:

Without a doubt, among our readers there are many lovers of such well-known vegetables as tomatoes. These delicious fruits are distinguished by an abundant and varied vitamin composition, they include many mineral and other substances necessary for a person. Probably everyone knows about the benefits of tomatoes.

But few people know how high the calorie content of tomatoes is. The nutritional value of these vegetables is of interest mainly to those who are used to counting the number of calories in foods, or simply follow a healthy lifestyle.

The many health benefits of tomatoes have made them one of the most popular foods available to mankind. For example, Italians consider tomatoes a product that is paramount in the preparation of a huge number of various dishes.

So the world-famous pizza, and no less famous pasta, necessarily include tomatoes as one of the ingredients, which, thanks to their peculiar sour-sweet taste, fit perfectly into these dishes.

In Asian countries, as well as in Southern Europe, tomatoes hold the lead among vegetables and are considered an indispensable ingredient in cooking.

The benefits of tomatoes are not limited to taste alone. Their beneficial properties can be successfully used to treat many ailments.

The benefits of tomatoes are due to their rich composition. Vitamins in them are represented by a whole set of substances necessary for a person: A, C, B1, B2, B6, E and PP. Of their mineral composition, iron, sodium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iodine should be noted. They also contain fructose, glucose and lycopene.

Lycopene is a unique ingredient that can effectively fight a number of diseases. In addition, tomatoes contain a lot of malic and citric acids, which are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body and rid the blood vessels of "excess" cholesterol.

Yellow tomatoes, dietary properties, composition:

Of the many varieties of tomatoes, yellow ones are considered the most valuable for people with allergies. This color of tomatoes makes it possible for people with allergies to consume them as much as they like without harming their health. In addition, they are great for children's menus and can be included in diet meals.

It is desirable to use them fresh, for example, in salads or separately, as a dessert. Yellow tomatoes are more fleshy, have a rich sweetish taste. Their juice, which contains little acid, is very useful, and is similar in structure to purified water.

Yellow tomatoes are very tasty. They are sweet and have more pulp than red ones. They are rich in organic acids, vitamins. According to some indicators, yellow tomatoes are even ahead of citrus fruits. Traditional healers claim that yellow and orange tomatoes are the most valuable in terms of medicinal properties. This food can heal the body. It is useful for the kidneys, liver, intestines, helps to get rid of accumulated toxins and waste products, which can often cause allergies.

Yellow tomatoes are a rich pantry of the substances we need. In addition, the combination of minerals in them is very diverse and complementary. Another important property of yellow tomatoes is their benefits for vision. Their color is related to their vitamin A (retinol) content. This vitamin is responsible for health, strong immunity, for the beauty of the skin and hair.

For those who wish to try the tomato diet for themselves, we can recommend the following options. The least costly and effective is a fasting day on tomatoes alone. So, you should consume 1.5 kg during the day (without salt and oil), dividing them into several meals. It is possible to lose a kilo in a day. But keep in mind that such a sharp weight loss can have unpleasant health consequences, so it is not recommended to use such an express diet for more than 3 days in a row.

And you can’t eat tomatoes and arrange tomato unloading for cholelithiasis, allergies, kidney ailments, and impaired water-salt metabolism.

How many calories are in tomatoes?

As for the calorie content of a fresh tomato, it is:

20 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) fresh tomato per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.6

Fats - 0.2

Carbohydrates - 4.2

And what is the calorie content of tomatoes cooked in different ways? But this one:

Tomato calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of tomatoes cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of tomatoes (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

The likelihood that this vegetable will add extra weight to you is extremely small. So, we are convinced that tomatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy vegetables.

Who and what is the diet on tomatoes useful for?

Primdor owes its dietary properties mainly to lycopene, a special red pigment. The best dietary quality of lycopene is the ability to break down lipids (that is, fats), maintain cholesterol levels and acid-base balance in the norm. The pronounced antioxidant properties of tomatoes are also his merit, with dark varieties of vegetables being the most "antioxidant". And it should be recognized that the tomato is the champion in terms of the content of this pigment!

All the same carotenoid lycopene helps to improve digestion and the rapid onset of a feeling of satiety. In addition to the usefulness of the tomato, it is also low in calories.

Currently, there are several diets, where the main component is either tomatoes or freshly squeezed juice from this vegetable.

Express Diet:

This option is suitable for those people who want to get rid of a few pounds for some important event. The diet is designed for 3 days. During this period, it is allowed to eat only tomatoes - 1.5 kg for the whole day. In addition, it is necessary to drink green tea at least 2 liters per day. Do not add sugar, honey and other sweet ingredients to the drink. Those who, in the process of losing weight, will experience severe hunger, can eat 2-3 rye bread per day;

If you are just looking to keep your weight in check or even reduce it a little, then add this healthy vegetable to your healthy moderate diet. Nutritionists recommend combining the use of tomatoes with meat, since in such a tandem animal protein is better absorbed. And what is interesting: tomatoes for weight loss are useful even after heat treatment: under the influence of high temperatures, that same lycopene becomes more in them!
