
Pink tomato calories per 100 grams. Calories in fresh and processed tomatoes

    Tomatoes have 15-20 calories per 100 grams. But there are sweet tomatoes, and there are sour ones, there are salty ones, and there are pickled ones. Therefore, the calorie content is slightly different, but the average is about 19. The degree of salinity does not affect the calorie content. Salt has no calories. Sometimes a little sugar is added to salted tomatoes. But this does not affect much.

    Tomatoes, like other fruits of vegetable plants, have a certain amount of calories.

    If we talk about ripe fresh tomatoes, then 100 grams have 18-20 kilocalories (depending on the variety).

    There are 18 kcal in pickled tomatoes, and even less in salted ones - 16 kcal.

    in 1 fresh tomato (100 grams):

    Carbohydrates - 3.8 gr;

    Fats - 0.2 gr;

    Proteins - 1.1 gr;

    Calorie content - 20.0 kcal;

    Cherry tomatoes (100 grams):

    Carbohydrates - 2.8 gr;

    Fats - 0.1 gr;

    Proteins - 0.8 gm;

    Calorie content - 15.0 kcal;

    Canned tomatoes (100 grams):

    Carbohydrates - 1.8 gr;

    Fats - 0.2 gr;

    Proteins - 1.7 gr;

    Calorie content - 15.0 kcal;

    For comparison, in 100 grams of parmesan cheese, there are about 300 kilocalories. And in greenhouse tomatoes, in 100 grams there are only 14 kilocalories. A little more kilocalories for tomatoes that have grown on the street (not in a greenhouse) - 19 kilocalories.

    Tomatoes, like cucumbers, are the king of diet vegetables. They are much inferior in calories to both watermelon and apple, such widely popular dietary products with a calorie content of 30-50 calories per 100 grams. The calorie content of ripe tomatoes is only 18-20 calories per 100 grams, that is, almost two times lower. Cherry tomatoes, which are gaining popularity among gardeners, contain even fewer calories, these tiny tomatoes grow in clusters similar to grapes and have only 15 calories per 100 grams. Pickled tomatoes add a little calorie content, especially with sweet pickling - up to 23-25 ​​calories per 100 grams, but simple salting, on the contrary, reduces calories by 1-2 calories for every hundred grams.

    Tomatoes or golden apples are loved by many of us. And there is a reason. The tomato is delicious, unusual. It makes excellent salads, thick soups, jam with a very unusual taste (prepared from green tomatoes), juicy jams. In addition, it is great for skin care, amazing face masks are prepared from it. And also used to create caring creams for girls of different ages.

    As for the calorie content, tomatoes are not far removed from cucumbers. If a fresh cucumber contains about fifteen calories, then tomatoes contain about 18 19 kilocalories. Why is there no exact figure for the calorie content of tomatoes, you ask. It turns out that there are varieties of tomatoes that cannot be called tomatoes in the classical sense. There are varieties of tomato that are incredibly sweet in taste, they have very small seeds and a thin skin. Botanists refer to them as a berry. Although by the nature of botany, all varieties of tomatoes are berries). They say this about them:

    And yet, based on the tomato there is a diet. But don't assign it to yourself.

    The calorie content of a tomato depends on their maturity, and for 100 grams of a tomato, the calorie content is about 20 calories, but if you have to go on a diet, then with the help of a tomato you can quench your hunger, and this will only positively affect your well-being, but Cherry has a lower calorie content than ordinary tomatoes, and they are very useful for dietary and healthy eating, so given the low calorie content of Cherry, they can be safely eaten.

    But canned and salted tomatoes contain 15 kilocalories.

    Proteins 1.7g. \u003d 7 kcal.

    Fats 0.2g. \u003d 2kcal.

    Carbohydrates 1.8g. = 6kcal.

    On average, it turns out that 15 kilocalories per 100 grams of salted and canned tomatoes, useful substances and vitamins are preserved, but you need to eat such tomatoes in small quantities, because. such tomatoes contribute to the formation of kidney stones, problems with the stomach and digestive system.

    calories fresh tomatoes is in the range of 19-24 kilocalories. They contain about 0.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, and 4.2 grams of carbohydrates.

    calories salty is approximately 16 kcal.

    pickled tomatoes- 18 kcal.

    fried tomatoes - about 15.5 kcal.

    Stewed, boiled, baked tomatoes 14.2 calories.

    What about tomatoes? cherry, then their calorie content is only 15 kcal.

    100 grams of tomatoes contain about 20 kilocalories. After pickling or pickling tomatoes, the calorie content decreases by about 4-5 calories. Only sweet tomato jam can be called a high-calorie product.

    Tomato fruits are distinguished by high taste, nutritional and dietary qualities.

    The calorie content of a tomato (tomato) weighing 100 grams is:

    fresh tomatoes 20.0 kcal

    Cherry tomatoes 15 kcal

    salted tomatoes 13 kcal

    marinated tomatoes (canned) 20 kcal

    Oddly enough, fresh tomatoes are the most high-calorie (for themselves, of course). On average, every 100 grams of tomato contains 23 kcal. Further processing of the vegetable reduces this calorie content. But it also affects the composition. Fresh tomatoes contain a sea of ​​​​vitamins, especially so useful - group B.

During the period of a diet or other type of work on being overweight, the question of the calorie content of foods is always very acute - today our conversation will be about how many calories are in a tomato. Yes, in the summer this product is a frequent guest on our tables. But if its taste and benefits have been known for a long time, then how to look at this vegetable in the context of dietary nutrition is not very clear, and many losing weight are wondering what is the calorie content of a fresh tomato per 100 grams and how many kcal in a fresh tomato. It is important to understand here that vegetables are healthy food in all aspects,
but the calorie content can vary greatly, and something can be considered a diet food, and something, such as potatoes or green peas, can only cross out all your plans to combat hated extra pounds.

The most optimal dietary product is a tomato. The weight of one fresh vegetable is approximately 130-150 gr., depending on the variety.

The calorie content of a fresh tomato does not exceed and 30 kcal. This vegetable contains the element chromium, which contributes to dulling the feeling of hunger.

And this is important for people who watch their figure and diet.

Fresh tomato calories: how many calories are in a tomato

It is important to know that the number of calories in a fresh tomato depends on the variety. For example: in a sour variety, the calorie content of a fresh tomato is much less than in sweet varieties.

Also, both mature and overripe varieties contain a lot of sugar, which causes more calories.

How many calories are in 1 fresh tomato with and without salt? In fact, the addition of salt does not affect the number of calories in any way, but this applies to a fresh product, but in salty ones, there are a little less calories, if in fresh 25-30 kcal, then in pickled ones - 15-20 kcal.

It is very important to know that tomatoes contain vitamins such as:

In order to prevent, by eating tomatoes, you reduce the risk of cancer, they also contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as they are very well absorbed in the stomach and do not disrupt metabolism.

Tomatoes will even help reduce the risk of getting vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is important for the elderly.

Tomatoes, calories per 100 grams: fresh and boiled

It is useful to use tomatoes not only fresh, but also steamed-boiled, as they increase provitamin A, in other words, lycopene. And their calorie content is reduced to a minimum. If the calorie content of a fresh tomato in 100 grams is from 25 to 30 calories, then for a boiled tomato it becomes from 15 to 20 calories.

Tomatoes even help to improve mood thanks to components such as:

  • thiamine;
  • serotanin.


There are diseases in which it is strictly forbidden to use tomatoes in any form, except for fresh ones, and then in moderation.

People who suffer from hypertension are forbidden to eat them in a salty form. With cholelithiasis, tomatoes can cause serious complications, such as: the movement of stones, terrible pain, or an attack.

If your kidneys hurt, then you should not eat vegetables that have been heat-treated.

Of course, it is best to consult your doctor before using tomatoes for various diseases.

Dieters who are constantly monitoring their calories should not eat only tomatoes alone, as this can lead to an excess of some of the substances contained in the tomato.

We hope that our article helped you understand all the benefits that are contained in tomatoes, now you know how many calories are in a fresh tomato, and how many in a boiled or pickled one, and also that the nutritional value of different varieties can vary greatly.

Tomato is a vegetable that has nothing to "blush" for. In addition to delicious taste, it has a "negative" calorie content, which makes it the main character of numerous diets. Due to its "shy" nature, it serves as a bright decoration of the festive table. And the rich vitamin content makes this gentleman a real superhero when it comes to protecting the immune system. How many calories are in a fresh tomato, what are its beneficial properties, in what form it is better to use it - everything is in order in our low-calorie review.

What is a vegetable? pros

The tomato is native to South America and Mexico. There it grows mainly in the wild. In our country, until the 18th century, it was believed that the vegetable was poisonous and extremely dangerous to health. Until one prisoner tried it, for which he received a pardon.

Everyone loves tomatoes these days. In summer, they are eaten fresh, including as part of a variety of dishes and vitamin salads. In winter, they are grown in greenhouses, which is why the vegetable somewhat loses its taste and useful properties, but this does not cease to be loved by millions around the world.

And there is a reason to love him. After all, it is enough to include a tomato in your daily diet, and you will achieve:

  • good prevention of anemia. Tomato contains an impressive dose of iron and copper! It promotes blood formation and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • improve mood and relieve stress. Tomato - an excellent antidepressant, contains serotonin - the "hormone of happiness."
  • anti-inflammatory effect. The vegetable contains phytoncides, which have an antibacterial effect and relieve inflammation.
  • activation of digestion and metabolic processes in the body.
  • support of beauty (skin condition) and the immune system, thanks to the content of vitamins A and C.
  • elimination of edema by removing stagnant fluid from the body.
  • weight loss effect. After all, the body spends more calories to digest tomatoes than it receives from eating them. And the tomato perfectly dulls the feeling of hunger, saving you from overeating!
  • improve the functioning of the heart, nervous system and intestines (prevents constipation).

Tomatoes are so different: boiled, green, red...

It is difficult to answer unambiguously the question: how many calories are in a tomato? After all, calorie content depends on many factors. For example:

  • The calorie content of tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions is about 17 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight. It is these tomatoes that most often end up on the table of the inhabitants.
  • The calorie content of green, unripe tomatoes is about 6 kilocalories per 100 grams. But it should be remembered: you can’t eat a lot of these tomatoes, they negatively affect health. Know the measure!
  • the calorie content of ripe juicy tomatoes grown in their own garden is approximately 23 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. This is easy to explain: natural growing conditions guarantee the maximum nutrient content of the vegetable.
  • How many calories are in boiled tomatoes? About 13 per 100 grams. They practically do not have useful components after heat treatment.
  • with pickled tomatoes, things are a little better. They retain a little more nutrients, and also allow you to enjoy your favorite vegetable 12 months a year. 100 grams of pickled product contains 15 kilocalories.
  • most supermarkets sell so-called sun-dried tomatoes. Due to the decent content of olive oil, such a product has a high calorie content: 258 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • Miniature cherry tomatoes are good because they do not have to be cut. And they are noticeably sweeter than their big relatives! How many calories are in a tomato? Only 15 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Vegetable partners of the tomato. Calorie Comparison

The so-called "mono diets", when a person consumes only, for example, tomatoes, are fraught with health problems due to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. It is important to draw up a balanced nutrition plan, which will include other products necessary for the body. And as for tomatoes: it is enough to replace them with just one meal, and you will notice the difference!

What vegetables can be combined with tomatoes?

  • A useful "colleague" of a tomato is a cucumber. This is an amazing vegetable that is almost 100% water! Cucumber juice improves the functioning of the stomach, contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as iodine necessary for the body. Calorie cucumber - 15 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. These two vegetables mix perfectly in various salads!
  • Tasty and healthy to combine tomatoes with zucchini and eggplant. For comparison, the calorie content of fresh zucchini is only 24 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • Not bad tomato "lives" in the company of cabbage, pepper and carrots. If you plan to develop a diet, then this combination of products will have a positive effect on the figure! From these components, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes that contribute to the loss of unwanted kilograms.

Let's summarize a little

Tomato is an excellent vegetable for a diet and just proper nutrition. It has a lot of healing properties, satisfies hunger for a long time and practically does not carry a calorie load. Ripe tomatoes have 4 times more nutrients than unripe ones. Red varieties are also more nutritious than tomatoes of other colors (yellow, black).

Now you know how many calories are in a tomato, and you can safely include it in your diet!

Tomatoes are very popular almost all over the world. The product helps to cope with various diseases. It serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and kidney disease. Tomatoes are also great for cleansing blood vessels. They allow you to prolong youth, as well as to have excellent health at any age. In addition, tomatoes can be an excellent tool for those who decide to lose weight.

Tomatoes against extra pounds

Ripe tomatoes contain a special substance called lycopene. It helps to speed up the process of splitting adipose tissue. In addition, lycopene is also great at fighting free radicals. Therefore, tomatoes not only make the figure more slender, but also contribute to skin rejuvenation. Tomatoes also control the level of cholesterol in the body, balances the acid-base balance.

Lycopene is found in the red pigment of tomatoes. Therefore, you should choose only ripe tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of the product is about 23 kcal. This is enough for the body to be energized. Tomatoes should definitely be included in a variety of diets. It is especially useful to combine them with lean meat and fish. Tomatoes contribute to better absorption of protein.

Energy value of tomatoes

Tomatoes are useful for both adults and children. This product can be added to complementary foods for a child after reaching the age of seven months. And all because the product has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and at the same time is not too high in calories. Tomatoes help to establish children's digestion and energize the baby.

Many today are wondering how many calories are in one tomato. It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously. After all, individual varieties of the product have a different shape and structure. On average, 100 grams of the product has 23 kcal. The calorie content of one tomato will depend on its size.

Who should stop eating tomatoes?

Despite the enormous benefits of the product, some still have to completely exclude it from their diet. Tomatoes can harm those who suffer from allergic reactions.

Composition and determine their properties. It is not advisable to use the product for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomatoes can cause especially great harm with ulcers and gastritis.

There is also an assumption that tomatoes contain a substance that contributes to the emergence of nicotine addiction. This is another argument against smoking.

when losing weight

Those who seek to quickly get rid of excess weight do not have to eat fresh tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of not more than 23 kcal also has tomato juice. One glass of a cold drink will get rid of hunger and charge you with a good mood. Tomato juice with pulp will be especially useful.

Today, grocery stores offer tomato juice from various manufacturers. But only a product made at home will have really useful properties. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in making homemade juice.

How to choose the right tomatoes?

Only high-quality tomatoes can benefit. To prepare delicious dishes, you will also need good tomatoes. Therefore, everyone should know how to choose the right product. If you make a purchase in the market, first of all, you need to navigate by smell. Ripe tomatoes, the composition, calorie content and vitamins of which can benefit a person, will definitely have a pleasant aroma. But if the vegetable was picked while still green and allowed to ripen outside the garden, it will have practically no smell.

It is worth buying only beautiful and fresh tomatoes. Do not take vegetables that are damaged. They can accumulate dirt and bacteria. But the warm season is an ideal time for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Size also matters. Many are interested in the question of what is the calorie content of tomatoes, the size of which exceeds 8 cm in diameter. Most likely, the energy value of such a product will be low. After all, vegetables that are grown using various chemical additives are most often large. Such tomatoes will not differ in rich taste and useful properties. The exception is pink tomatoes. They can grow to really impressive sizes.

Can you eat green tomatoes?

Green tomatoes are unripe fruits. It is believed that they have much less useful properties than juicy red tomatoes. Calorie content per 100 grams of this product does not exceed 20 kcal. Ripe fruits are more high-calorie. In addition, green fruits contain a substance that is harmful to human health. It's solanine. It disrupts the work of the stomach, as well as the nervous system.

Solanine is easily destroyed in an acidic environment. Therefore, green tomatoes are often pickled and salted. Thus, a useful product is obtained, which has an original taste. Fresh calories per 100 grams of which are very small, do not satisfy hunger, and also have an inexpressive taste. But properly cooked tomatoes can be included in the holiday menu.

Baked and stuffed green tomatoes are very popular. To prepare an original dish, you should carefully monitor the tomatoes in the garden. Vegetables can ripen very quickly. And for some dishes, only green fruits are needed.

Tomatoes, they are tomatoes, an ideal product for a diet. One tomato weighs an average of about 140 grams, and its calorie content is only 30 calories. In addition, tomatoes contain chromium, which blocks the feeling of hunger and helps to better tolerate diets. You should know that the calorie content of tomatoes directly depends on their variety and maturity. So sweet varieties of tomatoes, such as cherry tomatoes, contain slightly more calories than sour ones. And ripe tomatoes have more sugar, which also slightly increases their calorie content. Pickled and salted tomatoes contain slightly fewer calories than fresh ones - only 15 calories per 100 grams, but it is better not to use them for a diet, as they increase appetite.

Tomatoes are rich in fiber and improve digestion. In addition, tomatoes are rich in vitamins C, E, group B, folic acid, carotene; trace elements - calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, chlorine, magnesium, silicon and sulfur. Tomatoes contain organic acids useful for the body: citric, oxalic, malic, succinic, tartaric.

Due to the high content of provitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene, tomatoes are used to prevent cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lycopene is also useful for strengthening vision, especially in old age. For this, it is useful to use not only ripe tomatoes, but also boiled ones, in which the lycopene content only increases.

Tomatoes improve bowel function and have a mild laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect. Therefore, it is useful to eat them in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.

Due to the sufficient content of serotonin and thiamine, tomatoes improve mood and are indispensable in the fight against depression.

However, for some diseases, tomatoes are contraindicated. So patients with hypertension are not recommended to eat salted and pickled tomatoes; with cholelithiasis, tomatoes can provoke an attack and movement of stones; in some kidney diseases, it is not recommended to use heat-treated tomatoes. In any case, if you have any doubts, consult your doctor.

T table of calorie content and nutritional value of tomatoes / tomatoes /.

The product's name Number of grams of the product Contains
tomatoes 100g 19.9 kcal
one tomato with a diameter of 5.5 cm 75 grams 14.9 kcal
one tomato with a diameter of 6.5 cm 115 grams 22.9 kcal
proteins 100g 0.6 gr.
fat 100g 0.2 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 4.2 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 0.8 gr.
water 100g 93.5 gr.

100 grams contain the following trace elements: Iron 0.9 mg, Zinc 0.2 mg, Iodine 2 mcg, Copper 110 mcg, Manganese 0.14 mg, Selenium 0.4 mcg, Chromium 5 mcg, Fluorine 20 mcg, Molybdenum 7 mcg, Boron 115 mcg, Cobalt 6 mcg, Nickel 13 mcg, Rubidium 153 mcg

contain the following vitamins: Vitamin PP 0.5 mg, Beta-carotene 1.2 mg, Vitamin A 200 mcg, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.04 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg, Vitamin B9 (folic) 11 mcg, Vitamin C 25 mg, Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg, Vitamin H (biotin) 1.2 mcg, Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 7, 9 mcg, Choline 6.7 mg

Tomatoes are used in many diets, for example: tomato juice diet, tomato soup diet, etc.

See also: cucumber calories

Nika Sestrinskaya -site-specific
