
The benefits of oyster mushrooms and their possible harm, what can be prepared from these mushrooms. How to cook wild mushrooms oyster mushrooms Emphasis in the word oyster mushrooms mushrooms

Growing mushrooms at home and in household plots has not yet become common. What for? After all, every autumn the forests are filled with white, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and boletus. But there are mushrooms that either do not grow in our forests at all, or do so with great reluctance. They can perfectly diversify the menu, as well as make good money on them. For example, a plantation of oyster mushrooms in your own dacha is more than real! It is an ideal mushroom for cultivation in the household. Delicious, inexpensive (in terms of labor costs and the cost of the technological process). Oyster mushrooms can be grown in many ways, but there is an option chosen by the time and experience of many amateur mushroom growers.

Growing oyster mushrooms at home

"Children of the Underground"

For the first phase of growing mushrooms, which is their reproduction with the help of mycelium (mycelium), you can get by with any ground room - a shed, for example.

The second, main phase, is better for mushrooms to “live” in the cellar or basement, that is, underground in coolness.

Growing oyster mushrooms - photo

Both rooms for a mushroom plantation must be carefully prepared and equipped with ventilation, electricity and water supply. From the inventory, you will definitely need thermometers to control the degree of heating and cooling of the air in the room. From the equipment you will need a water heater.

By the way! Temperature regulation in a room with growing oyster mushrooms is best controlled by normal ventilation. To do this, it will be necessary to provide for the possibility of wide opening of windows or doors.

There are several mandatory procedures that should be carried out in a building or underground room where mushrooms will grow.

  1. The premises are whitewashed with lime, and then dried using the active ventilation method.

    The walls are whitewashed with lime - photo

  2. Then the place of cultivation is sprayed with bleach (4% solution).
  3. After processing, the doors / windows are closed and the inside is left to be disinfected for two days.
  4. Then the object is ventilated for the same amount of time.
  5. A similar disinfection treatment for conveyor multiple cultivation should be carried out every cycle.

What do mushrooms grow on

Oyster mushrooms differ from forest counterparts in that they do not grow in the soil. They need a substrate to grow successfully. You can make a suitable mixture from numerous components:

  • dried straw of field cereals;
  • the shell of sunflower seeds is suitable;
  • it is very good to use sawdust of trees, but not conifers, but hardwoods;
  • suitable corn stalks, reeds.

Substrate preparation

All this will become an ideal "soil" for an oyster mushroom plantation. The components can be used separately, and it is permissible to mix them in arbitrary combinations and proportions. The ingredients must be dry. Before use, they must be crushed (the optimal size of the fractions is in the range of 0.5-3 cm). The resulting mixture should have a pleasant smell, not contain traces of mold, fungal debris and foreign matter.

Prepare the substrate on the surface of the earth, it is not necessary to do this in the cellar. For proper preparation and compliance with all standards, certain procedures must be followed.

  1. The crushed mass is poured with boiling water until completely covered, to destroy all kinds of competing organisms in the form of other varieties or harmful microflora.

    Humidification and mixing of the substrate

  2. The substrate poured in this way, steamed to the state of "porridge", is rammed into large barrels or other containers suitable for displacement and left to swell for up to half a day.
  3. Then the mass is removed from the barrel and laid out for complete cooling and evaporation of part of the moisture on a wide film with a thin layer.

Stage one: mycelium - building mass

Oyster mushroom mycelium

Preparation is over. Mycelium purchased. You can proceed to the first stage, the task of which is to increase its mass.

Advice! How to check the quality of the mycelium of the oyster mushroom progenitor? It must have some characteristics. Snow-white in color, with a small proportion of substrate interspersed with a darkish tint. The second parameter is smell. Despite the fact that this mushroom does not grow in the forest, the mycelium should smell like forest mushrooms.

  1. A layer of wet cold substrate is placed in a dense transparent polyethylene bag with a volume of 20 to 60 liters. Layer height - 8 cm. Carefully leveled by hand.

    Laying the substrate

  2. The mycelium is laid on top, tightly tamping, with a three-centimeter layer (you can simply tear it into small pieces to compact it without voids).
  3. Then the substrate is laid and compacted, but already with a layer of 15 cm.
  4. Again a three-centimeter layer of mycelium.

    Mushroom substrate bags

  5. The procedure should be repeated until all the acquired mycelium is finished. At the same time, a substrate layer of 8 cm should be on top.
  6. The resulting "layer cake" is compacted, the bag is tied tightly with twine and set in a vertical position.
  7. The entire surface of the bag is pierced with a long disinfected (can be ignited on fire) nail, 120-150 mm in size. Not every 25 cm² has one hole.

    How to perforate a mushroom block

Advice! There should be more holes at the bottom: this is necessary to drain the liquid that is constantly formed in the bag.

Immediately after the procedure, a clear separation of the layers into dark and light (substrate and mycelium) will be visible through the film of the package.

The temperature required to increase the mass of mycelium should be kept at + 18 ... 26 ° С. Mycelial spore germination will begin in three days, and ten days later you can observe a miracle. The whole mass will turn into mycelium and become completely white. After that, the package is untied and reproduction is continued to the desired amount.

Suspended bags of substrate and growing oyster mushrooms

One full standard bag gives "life" to 8-10 other bags with a layer (substrate + mycelium). When, finally, the required amount of mycelium is formed for your purposes, then 2 packets out of every ten are left for subsequent mass growth, and 8 are transferred to receive the long-awaited oyster mushroom harvest.

fruiting process

Oyster mushroom cultivation

The whitened substrate must be kept in the "native" bag for another 5-6 days after ripening, if this bag is sent for fruiting. During this period, it will finally ripen, become “monolithic”, and compact as much as possible.

To activate the beginning of crop formation, bags with mycelium that has completely processed the substrate are kept at + 3 ... 5 ° C for another three days. In order for the mushroom fruiting body to grow, it needs space to grow. Creating it, holes 3-5 cm in diameter are cut out in polyethylene (one per square meter). Packages are moved to an underground room in temperature conditions of +10…16°C. Here they are installed at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from each other, always vertically. To make it more convenient to water the mushroom "plantation", the bags are placed in three rows of ribbons with a passage of 70 cm between them.

Advice! If you are a happy owner of a high basement, then you can also place bags with future mushrooms on additional racks located along the walls. Such placement will increase the usable area, and hence the yield of mushrooms.

Care for future mushrooms

Once a day, the bags should be moistened a little, and the room itself should be thoroughly ventilated, since a large amount of carbon dioxide is formed during the fruiting of oyster mushrooms. As for the lighting in the dungeon, during the first week it will not be needed at all, and then it would be nice to highlight the room. Mushrooms will grow in any case - with or without light - but the backlight can significantly increase the yield.

Watering oyster mushrooms

If all conditions are met, after 10 days the first fruiting will begin. When the mushroom heads begin to lighten (after the whitish, dark and grayish-brown stage), you can harvest. After some time (about three weeks), the second fruiting will begin with a much lower productivity. Two series of fruiting, taking into account a well-chosen base and high-quality mycelium, bring up to 45 kg of oyster mushrooms from 100 kg of the substrate used. When the harvesting of mushrooms of the second wave is completed, the packages are taken out of the basement, and, after sanitizing the underground room, a new batch is placed in it. This conveyor method allows for 6 double fruitful cycles per year.

Basic rules for growing oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms grow in a bag of hay

Table. Growing conditions by cycle

1 Germination of mycelial bodies in the substrate 10-14 20-24 90 not required
2 Ripening and fruiting 4-5 22-28 95 not required
3 Growing the fruiting body (1 wave) 7-10 15-19 85 100
4 Growing the fruiting body (wave 2) 7-10 13-17 85 100
5 Harvesting, substrate unloading, chamber disinfection 2 doesn't matter doesn't matter not required

Value and use

Fresh mushrooms Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are valued quite highly due to their beneficial nutritional properties. In taste, it is not inferior to other cultivated mushrooms and even surpasses them, and in terms of the value of the composition, it generally has no competitors among them. Not hard, but dense texture, light bready taste and subtle anise notes on the palate. For cooking - a godsend, since oyster mushroom is a universal mushroom. It can be boiled, fried, preserved (marinated and salted), stewed, dried. The only product that the popular mushroom does not combine with is fish. Otherwise, in salads, hot dishes, soups, as an independent culinary masterpiece, oyster mushrooms are wonderful.

Fresh oyster mushroom - photo

Important! A prerequisite for the preparation of any mushroom dishes is its heat treatment. In its raw form, it contains chitin, which is not absorbed and rejected by the human body.

Growing a mushroom, with the right space and some free time, can be not only a useful and nutritious hobby, but also a way to make good money by supplying healthy and tasty oyster mushrooms to the distribution network.

Video - Room for forcing mushrooms Oyster mushroom

Video - Harvesting Oyster mushrooms

How to grow oyster mushrooms at home? According to a certain technology. Then you do not have to spend money on buying mushrooms. And certainly it will be possible to safely eat them without fear of poisoning.

Where to begin

You should always start with getting to know the experience of other people, so to speak - studying the materiel. There are many articles and videos about growing oyster mushrooms at home. After familiarization, you will need:

Two rooms. One directly for growing, the second - for the incubation period. It is assumed that this will be one room. Then it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime and regulate the level of humidity.

  • nutrient substrate. Sold ready-packed.
  • Mycelium itself. Pay special attention to the expiration date.
  • Fan. The most common household.
  • Antiseptic. Medical alcohol or chlorine solution.
  • Rubber gloves, gauze bandage for the face, sharp knife, thick plastic bags.

Naturally, you have to stock up on patience (the process is not one day) and the desire to taste oyster mushrooms grown with your own hands.

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Requirements for the premises

For growing mushrooms at home, you need to allocate a separate room. It doesn't have to be a bedroom or a living room. Basement, cellar, shed, garage - it's all great. For the incubation period, the temperature should be maintained no higher than 24-26 ° C, air humidity no more than 70%.

Separately, it must be said about cleanliness. Washing with bleach every centimeter is not worth it. It is better to treat with a sulfur-smoke bomb or simply whitewash the walls with lime with the addition of copper sulfate. Then no foreign mold will infect the mycelium.

The main condition is that all ventilation openings must be closed with a fine mesh. Mushroom flies strive to fly to the aroma of mycelium and spoil the whole idea from the very beginning.

For the period of germination and harvesting, the humidity in the room should be at the level of 80-95%, the temperature should not exceed 18°C.

Advice. Basement or cellar - the most optimal premises. Humidity is always high in such places, and the temperature can be raised with an ordinary heater.

Substrate preparation for oyster mushrooms

As a nutrient medium for growing oyster mushrooms at home, you can use any substrate available, as long as it contains cellulose. That is what the fungus feeds on. Experienced mushroom growers use sawdust, small branches or shavings. For beginners it is best to use:

  • barley straw
  • sunflower seed husk
  • corn stalks, leaves
  • wheat straw
  • buckwheat husk
  • husked corn on the cob

First of all, you need to carefully sort out the prepared raw materials. The mass must be clean and dry. The presence of mold or the presence of only the smell of decay already indicates that the raw material is not suitable for growing oyster mushrooms.

After the selection of the mass, it is necessary to process it thermally for reliability. This will get rid of harmful bacteria, insect larvae, and at the same time moisturize it. To do this, raw materials are poured into metal dishes, poured with clean water. Heat to a boil, cook for about 40 minutes. Then leave for 3 hours.

As soon as the temperature of the mass drops to 24-26 ° C, you can start planting.

Advice. For best results, a little fresh yeast is added to the raw material before planting. Approximately 50 g per 15 kg of total weight.

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planting material

Good quality mycelium is very difficult to cook on your own. Therefore, it is better to buy it in seed shops or from oyster mushroom growing enterprises. How many grams do you need? It's very easy to calculate. For 10 kg of raw materials, about 400 g of mycelium is needed.

First of all, before buying, you need to carefully inspect the package with planting material. Gray or black spots, a distinct smell of ammonia are signs of incipient mold. Such mycelium is not suitable for planting. The color of the vegetative body of the fungus should be from bright yellow to orange.

Advice. If the mycelium was purchased in advance, then it must be stored in the refrigerator until planting, no more than 9 days. A temperature of 3-5°C is the most optimal.

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The most important moment

The substrate is prepared, the planting material is purchased and has already rested for a day at room temperature. Take a deep breath, let's get started.

The most important thing is that there should not be the slightest draft in the room. Mushroom spores are very volatile. The slightest breath and then you can find oyster mushrooms in places that are completely unsuitable for them.

All instruments must be disinfected. Knife, heavy bags, hands. You can wash it thoroughly with laundry soap or wipe it with aseptolin. Hands can be additionally protected with gloves. They also need to be treated with an antiseptic. Be sure to wear a gauze bandage. Getting fungus spores into the lungs is not a very pleasant event.

The process itself:

  • The mycelium is crushed without opening the package.
  • Raw materials are poured onto the bottom of the prepared plastic bag.
  • The vegetative body of the oyster mushroom is laid out in a thin layer on top.
  • Repeat layers to the very top.
  • The bag is tightly tied.

In order for the mushrooms to germinate faster, it is advisable to lay out the planting material closer to the walls of the bag than to the center.

You can do it even easier. Pour raw materials into prepared bags, make small cuts with a knife. Mycelium is laid in them, then glued.

Advice. Do not take huge packages. All the same, oyster mushrooms will grow only on the outside. The most optimal size holds about 5-8 kg of the finished mixture.

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Incubation period

So, the bags are filled, tied, waiting for their fate. Which? Warmth, darkness, calmness. The temperature in the incubation room should not exceed 18-20°C. The substrate is very hot, the vegetative body may die. It is impossible to ventilate the room, the emitted carbon dioxide is very important for the germination of oyster mushrooms.

What to do? Fan! It will save the situation, help cool the packages, does not make drafts.

One day after laying, the previously made incisions are opened. If the mycelium was laid in layers, then it is imperative to make cuts with a sharp knife. Vertical 2-3 cm high, horizontal about 0.5 cm wide, the distance between them is 10-12 cm.

Packages should not be tightly packed together. Between them leave a free space of at least 7-9 cm.

The incubation time depends on the variety, ranging from 16 to 24 days. Detailed information can be obtained from the manufacturer, or read on the packaging.

It is important to periodically enter the room and inspect the bags. The appearance of black spots, an unpleasant odor indicates that the instruments and materials were not sufficiently disinfected. The normal state is a light, almost white color of the contents, a characteristic pleasant aroma of mushrooms.

Advice. Inspection is carried out as soon as possible. Any light is now undesirable for the mycelium.

First fruiting. Important Aspects

It is important not to miss the moment when oyster mushroom buds appear. They are visible to the naked eye. On a white background - gray tubercles. In the meantime, packages with mushrooms are transferred to another room, or the conditions in the same room are changed:

  • The temperature is reduced to 10-18°C.
  • Increase air humidity up to 90-95%.
  • Put artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps for a period of at least 8 hours per day.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room. At least 4 times a day.

The main factor for the first fruiting period is humidity. However, oyster mushrooms should not be watered. They can rot before reaching their size. The ideal way out of the situation would be frequent spraying of walls, floors, spraying water in the air. Care should be taken to ensure that water does not get on the mushroom caps and bags.

Advice. If light-colored oyster mushrooms are needed, then the temperature is kept at 12 ° C. To obtain a dark hat, the temperature is raised to 18°C.

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Second fruiting

After the first crop is harvested, mushroom blocks are not thrown away! Oyster mushroom gives up to 5 harvests from one planting. The mushroom picker rests for about 12 days, then pleases with a new portion of healthy treats. It is very important not to change the conditions during breaks between harvests. Then one block can bear fruit for up to 4 months.

And if there is no separate room

How to grow oyster mushrooms at home if there is no separate room? Yes, it's also very easy! When did this something stop a Russian person, if he needed to? There is no basement, which means growing on stumps is a completely alternative option.

This will require:

  • Smooth stumps of non-resinous tree species.
  • Planting material.
  • Secluded place in the garden with good shade.
  • Burlap, film.
  • Enthusiasm is welcome.

Wood must be healthy, free of mold, rot or rot. It is desirable that before use it lay no longer than 10 months. Poleshki are soaked in clean water for 3 days, pressing with oppression so that they do not float.

Then holes are made in the tree, best with a drill. The diameter is about 1-1.5 cm, the depth is about 5-7 cm. The planting material of oyster mushrooms is poured inside, the holes are plugged with moss. If there is no drill at hand, then simply cut off the upper end of a log 5 cm thick, apply a vegetative body. The resulting saw cut is placed on top. For reliability, you can strengthen the structure with nails.

The procedure is carried out in March. Before planting the logs in the garden, they are folded into a pyramid, covered with burlap and film. Periodic ventilation, regular inspection for mold is the key to success. After a while, the mycelium will completely braid the wood, the stumps will turn white.

With the onset of warm weather (mid or late May), the poles are planted in the garden. Shaded places are chosen: under trees, grapes, on the north side of buildings. Hemp is set vertically, deepening into the ground by 12-15 cm. At the bottom of the pits, you can put wet foliage or soaked old barley grains.

Caring for logs consists only in carefully watering the soil around if it is dry, hot weather.

Subject to technology, the first harvest appears from the end of August. Continues until mid-November, depending on the climate and weather conditions. For the winter, the poles are covered with spruce branches or covered with leaves. Ideal - birch. They disinfect well and do not allow the mycelium to rot.

Of course, this method is not suitable for the industrial cultivation of oyster mushrooms, but it is very good for home use. With little input, you can get good yields. The only downside is seasonality. Oyster mushrooms do not grow under snow in winter.

Advice. Such poles with clusters of oyster mushrooms can become an original decoration of the site. They can be prepared as much as there is enough free land. There will be enough mushrooms for myself and relatives and for sale.

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A few nuances

  1. All work on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is recommended to be carried out in a gauze bandage. Mushrooms produce a large number of spores, which can lead to allergies.
  2. When harvesting, oyster mushrooms are twisted by hand from the substrate. When cutting with a knife, you can infect the mycelium with putrefactive bacteria, then you will have to forget about the next crops. The remaining roots of mushrooms also harm the mycelium. They lose a lot of moisture.
  3. If the slightest sign of mold appears in one of the bags, you must immediately remove it from the room so that the rest do not infect.
  4. The spent substrate is an excellent fertilizer, it will be a pity to throw it in the trash. Take out to the garden or pour out in the garden - the right decision. By the way, the remains of mycelium for the next year can give a small harvest of oyster mushrooms, if you pour the mixture somewhere near a reservoir or under trees.
  5. When grown indoors, the first two waves of fruiting are most productive. On Poleshka, the second and third years of cultivation are the most prolific.

Growing oyster mushrooms on your own at home is a very real thing. Just follow the instructions and enjoy the result!

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Video: oyster mushroom cultivation technology

This is oyster mushrooms you scored

Don't argue! These are oyster mushrooms in your basket!

Who is right, who is wrong? We decided that a knowledgeable person, namely the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Bashkir Lyceum No. 2, Svetlana Nikolaevna Fakhretdinova, will be able to judge, and at the same time reconcile all the mushroom pickers: (listen to the audio file)

Our people speak in a way that is simpler and more convenient. That is why in all the bazaars of the republic you will hear only the variant of "oyster mushroom", although "oyster mushroom" is correct. . Mushrooms in general are worth talking about in more detail.

How to correctly: oyster mushrooms or oyster mushrooms

Today we are answering questions from radio listeners who were actively picking mushrooms and berries, and then had a fight. And it would be because of what:

Fragnet 1 hum with sounds and caustic laughter

This is oyster mushrooms you scored

What are you talking about! This is not oyster mushrooms, but oyster mushrooms

Don't argue! These are oyster mushrooms in your basket

Who is right, who is wrong? We decided that a knowledgeable person, namely the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Bashkir Lyceum No. 2, Svetlana Nikolaevna Fakhretdinova, will be able to judge, and at the same time reconcile all the mushroom pickers:

Fragnet 2

Our people speak in a way that is simpler and more convenient. That is why in all the bazaars of the republic you will hear only the variant of "oyster mushroom". Mushrooms in general are worth talking about in more detail.


Where did this strange word come from: mushroom, mushrooms. Some scholars argue that in the Old Russian language this word "mushrooms" did not exist at all. And there was the word "lips". "Breaking lips" meant "to go picking mushrooms." How our Bashkir nugget Aelita Azina sings in a song

Fragment 3 mushrooms mushrooms

The name "mushrooms" appeared in Russian at the end of the 15th or the beginning of the 16th century. But it referred only to the "humped lips", which have convex, humped hats. "Mushroom", "mushroom" from the old Russian word "grb", "hump".

Fragment 4

There is another version. The word "mushroom" by origin is connected with the words "row", "rob". After all, mushrooms often grow in families and hide in the ground, so they need to be "raked out" from there.

More terrible assumptions also exist. So some researchers believe that the word "mushroom" is related to the word "coffin" (grave).

Fragnet 5

However, the exact origin of the word "mushroom" has not been established. You can put forward your version. Write comments in the official Sputnik FM Vkontakte group.

These tasty, healthy mushrooms grow in natural conditions on trees, stumps, deadwood. In order to grow oyster mushrooms at home, mushroom pickers use blocks with a substrate of plant origin. It develops equally rapidly, the mycelium seems to hang from their places of growth, which is directly indicated by the name of the fungus itself. The benefits and harms of oyster mushrooms are a factor that must be paid attention to, because with all its positive characteristics, this fungus is a heavy product for the gastrointestinal tract.

Oyster mushroom caps can be of different shades: pinkish, brown, white, gray, yellow. They are very fragile, so harvesting, transporting the crop requires accuracy and attention. The color of the mushroom, its size directly depend on the place of growth, variety. For food, hats are mainly used, since the legs are more rigid, but they are also used in the manufacture of, for example, minced mushrooms for pies.

Let's digress a little from the topic. People often ask how to speak or write correctly - “oyster mushroom” or “oyster mushroom”

The word has different cases, it is inclined as you like. Speaking of the name: the correct spelling, pronunciation is exactly oyster mushroom, with the letter “Ё”. The common definition of “oyster mushroom” has become so firmly established in colloquial use in our post-Soviet space that today no one focuses on different letters anymore. Thus, oyster mushroom and oyster mushroom are the same, the same designation of mushrooms of this variety.

Well, now about the benefits of these mushrooms.

It has much more pluses than the so-called minuses. Here we will try to highlight in detail all its qualities.

Oyster mushrooms - good for the body

Due to the high content of polysaccharides, oyster mushroom is a very strong anti-cancer food. The immunomodulatory properties of this fungus have a detrimental effect on the development of malignant or benign neoplasms. It is also useful, it is even recommended to use oyster mushroom after chemotherapy procedures, exposure to radiation - it helps to remove toxins from the human body. Today, based on oyster mushrooms, many medicines have been developed that suppress cancer cells.

The benefits for humans are as follows: they contain almost all B vitamins, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), vitamins C, E, iron, iodine. The presence of easily digestible proteins, essential amino acids (tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine), minerals, monounsaturated fats are beneficial for the human body. Also, these mushrooms contain potassium, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium - minerals necessary for the normal operation of all human vital functions.

From oyster mushrooms, the benefits for the body are truly wide:

Oyster mushroom is rich in chitin, manite (components of fiber), the high content of proteins in the composition of the fruiting body of the fungus equates it to the value of meat and dairy derivatives. Low fat content, high percentage of carbohydrates make these mushrooms an excellent dietary product.

Depending on the variety, its calorie content varies from 38 to 43 kcal per 100 g of product (fresh). For those who regularly consume oyster mushrooms, the benefits will be expressed in a long-term feeling of satiety. This mushroom is digested for a long time, providing an overwhelming effect on appetite. The feeling of fullness for a long time is a big plus for those who want to lose weight.

Oyster mushrooms - harm

With its high taste, medicinal characteristics, the use of oyster mushrooms can still cause harm. More often it is an individual intolerance to mushrooms by the body, an allergic reaction to them. The use of this mushroom in large quantities causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, can provoke diarrhea, bloating.

Due to the difficult process of digestion, oyster mushrooms should be carefully taken by the elderly, young children. For the same reason, you should not use it too often, twice a week will be enough to enjoy oyster mushrooms without harm.

It should not be forgotten that oyster mushroom is a mushroom containing chitin, which is not digested by the body, so its heat treatment must be of high quality. Heat treatment is highly desirable before pickling, before salting. Separately, it is worth mentioning drugs based on this fungus (tinctures, powders, extracts) - they no longer contain chitin, so the range of their use is much wider.

If a person suffers from diseases of the liver or kidneys, digestive disorders, serious disorders of the pancreas, then the intake of oyster mushrooms should be limited or completely abandoned.

How to cook oyster mushrooms?

Skillfully cooked oyster mushroom is not inferior in taste to its forest counterparts - boletus, boletus, white. This mushroom is simply universal: it is stewed, fried, salted, boiled soups, marinated, added to sauces, salads. It perfectly sets off the individual taste of meat, combined with game or poultry.

It should be noted that oyster mushroom is not prone to long-term storage, but it cooks quickly, it does not need to be cleaned, like most mushrooms. As mentioned above, before cooking oyster mushrooms, they must be subjected to heat treatment, i.e. boil.

The hat is used for food. Legs - less often, as they are more rigid, fibrous. If you decide to use the legs for food, then you will have to chop them well before cooking. It is preferable to cut the hats into strips of medium length or width or tear them manually into small fragments.

If oyster mushroom is not an independent dish, but part of the recipe, then it must be added almost at the very end of cooking.

If the mushroom is cooked, then it is placed in already boiling salted water, pre-cut. The cooking process lasts approximately 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to cook before stewing. If the mushrooms are marinated, then they are boiled with spicy spices, vinegar for at least 25 minutes.

Like any mushroom, oyster mushroom loves the company of onions, they are fried in butter or vegetable oil for 8-10 minutes. To prepare salads or snacks, mushrooms are pre-fried, boiled or removed from the marinade, added to other ingredients. Mushrooms harmoniously fit into traditional dishes, worthy of themselves in complex exotic recipes.

There is an opinion that oyster mushroom does not go well with fish.

Oyster mushrooms in batter - recipe

These delicious "chops" are prepared as follows: carefully cut off the largest hats from a bunch of mushrooms. Wash thoroughly. Beat gently with a wooden hammer, as if to align them.

Important: beat off from the side of the plates.


Prepare batter. I took 2 eggs, 2 table. tablespoons of grated hard cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream, 2 table. spoons of flour, salt. Beat the batter.

Carefully dip the oyster mushroom caps in batter, put in a preheated pan with vegetable oil, fry over low heat for 10 minutes, then increase the heat, fry until golden brown.

Oyster mushrooms bought or grown by one's own hands will not be sharpened by worms or slugs. It may not have the same flavor as its forest counterparts, but it will definitely be cleaner, safer. Before harvesting and use, the benefits and harms of oyster mushrooms must be taken into account, since health and well-being are the most important thing for a person.

Not everyone knows how to properly cook oyster mushrooms. Before you start cooking, you need to be able to choose them correctly. The first step is to check the mushrooms for the presence of yellowish spots over its entire surface. If you saw them, then you can’t buy such mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms should have a grayish and uniform color. After purchase, they are stored in the refrigerator, preferably in glassware, without cutting or washing them.

Dishes prepared from oyster mushrooms are not only good in taste, but also very useful for our body. They contain perforins, which fight bad cells and prevent a variety of tumors.

Oyster Mushroom Recipes

How to cook fresh oyster mushrooms? First of all, it is worth noting that this type of mushroom is absolutely not picky in terms of cooking. They are marinated, salted, fried, stewed and frozen. Next, we will take a closer look at how to cook forest oyster mushrooms and oyster mushrooms grown in artificial conditions.

Fried oyster mushrooms

This type of cooking is the most popular. You do not need a lot of energy, and the result is excellent. For this you will need:

All of the above products are quite affordable even for families with a minimal budget and will always be found in the kitchen.

The frying process consists of the following steps:

Be sure to try the mushrooms during the cooking process so that, by overcooking, you do not spoil them. Even if you eat an incompletely prepared mushroom, then nothing bad will happen to you, since oyster mushrooms are absolutely non-poisonous and safe for humans. In the process of frying, you can add not only onions, but also other vegetables, after preparing them. With this preparation, the taste of oyster mushrooms is not lost.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

This cooking option is great for long-term storage.

The main thing that affects the taste of pickled mushrooms is the marinade itself. It is very important to prepare it correctly, otherwise you can spoil the dish.

For 1 liter of marinade you will need:

  • ½ tsp salt and sugar.
  • Peppercorns in the amount of 5 pieces.
  • 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  • small bay leaf.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan or other container.
  2. Rinse thoroughly and cut into large pieces of oyster mushroom.
  3. Pour boiled water over the mushrooms so that it completely covers them.
  4. Boil for 12 minutes.
  5. Arrange the mushrooms in jars and pour the boiled marinade over.
  6. After the jars with all the contents have cooled, place them in the refrigerator and let it brew.
  7. You can eat them after a couple of hours.

Oyster mushroom soup

To make soup you will need:

  • 150 grams of mushrooms.
  • 3 large or 4 medium potatoes.
  • one small bulb.
  • one small carrot.
  • dill, parsley and celery are added at your discretion.
  • 50 gr. butter and sunflower oil.
  • sour cream to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Place potatoes and celery in boiling water.
  2. Fry carrots and onions in a pan using sunflower and butter.
  3. Mushrooms are cut into small pieces and added to onions and carrots.
  4. We transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan and wait until the soup boils for 3.5 minutes.
  5. After turning off the stove, the soup must be allowed to brew.
  6. Serve with sour cream and chopped herbs.

You can also add any cereal to this soup. This will make it more satisfying and tasty.

Oyster mushroom salad

All the necessary ingredients for the salad:

Cooking steps:

  1. String beans are boiled and finely chopped.
  2. Cut the boiled chicken fillet and fry until golden brown.
  3. Mushrooms and leeks are fried in vegetable oil.
  4. After all the ingredients have cooled, mix them and add the chopped pickled cucumbers.
  5. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Oyster mushroom cutlets

To prepare cutlets you will need:

We prepare as follows:

This version of cutlets is great for people on a diet or for vegetarians.

Mushrooms in pots

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • mushrooms - 400 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 500 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • sour cream - 150 gr.
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

The cooking process includes the following:

  1. Wash the mushrooms well and cut. After that, you need to fry them with onions.
  2. Sliced ​​potatoes also fry and add to the mushrooms.
  3. Add all the necessary spices and put the resulting mixture into pots.
  4. Cook in the oven at an average temperature of 35-45 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms in Korean

This option is great for long-term storage and preparations for the winter.

Required products:

Cooking steps:

  1. Put the well-washed mushrooms into a saucepan and cook in boiling water for several minutes.
  2. Drain the water and let the mushrooms dry.
  3. During this time, finely chop the onion and garlic.
  4. Mix Korean-style carrots with mushrooms and add onion, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar to them.
  5. We close the resulting dish with a lid and let it brew in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, after which it can be eaten.

For longer storage, it is necessary to distribute the dish among the jars, previously sterilized from half an hour to an hour.

These are just some of the dishes worth trying. Whether it's mushrooms from the forest or grown commercially, they'll become one of your favorite treats when prepared properly. I wish you all success in this matter and enjoy your meal!

Oyster mushrooms, rare guests on our table, but in vain. Mushrooms have been known since ancient times in China and Japan, where they were revered as a healthy and tasty dish.

They contain a lot of healing and nutrients necessary for human health.

In addition, mushrooms are easily grown at home and serve as an ingredient for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

Short description

Mushrooms belong to the Pleurotaceae family.

Develop on dead plant residues of woody origin.

Cellulose is necessary for their growth and nutrition, so they settle on fallen trees or old stumps next to honey mushrooms.

In nature, they are found throughout Europe in temperate climates, in forests and agricultural lands.

They grow in a heap, several pieces in one "outlet". In appearance, they are inconspicuous and, usually, no one pays attention to them, mistaking them for an inedible mushroom.

Oyster mushroom has a false brother, which has toxic properties and is hazardous to health.

The poisonous oyster mushroom is distinguished by a denser leathery hat, but it is rare, so do not worry.

Chemical composition

The composition of mushrooms is closest to meat and meat and dairy products.

Polysaccharides and minerals (phosphorus, copper, iron, calcium, cobalt, selenium and others) were found in large quantities.

Mushrooms are a source of vitamins B and E, as well as extremely rare vitamin D2, which serves as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, preventing the formation of malignant tumors and inflammatory processes.

Beneficial features

Oyster mushrooms are very tasty and nutritious. The nutritional value of mushrooms is 40 kcal, raw, and 70 kcal, stewed - per 100 g of product.

They perfectly satisfy hunger, while they have a low calorie content, which makes them a useful product in weight loss diets.

In folk medicine, their following healing properties are used:

The uniqueness of mushrooms is primarily associated with the ability resist cancer.

This property was officially proven by Japanese doctors in 1997.

In addition, it was found that mushrooms have a beneficial effect on the body during radioactive exposure and radiation sickness.

Today, products and medicines based on oyster mushrooms are officially included in the list of recommended for these diseases.

Contraindications and harm

The main problem of mushrooms is associated with a high content of chitin, which is poorly absorbed and digested.

To do this, they are processed using high temperatures (boiled, stewed, fried). This helps to increase digestibility by 60-70%.

Another problem is associated with the danger of eating spoiled mushrooms, which serve as a source of poison.

Mushrooms are prohibited children under 12 and pregnant women.

What to look out for

Before use, you need to know the features of using oyster mushrooms.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine has long used oyster mushrooms as the basis for the preparation of medicinal products for the treatment of diseases.
Consider the main recipes:

With hypertension.
For cooking, take 4-5 medium-sized oyster mushrooms and pour 1 glass of alcohol or vodka.
Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, periodically shaking.

After that, the tincture is filtered through gauze, shifted several times. Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals for 2 months.
Then take a break for 6 months and repeat the course again.

With atherosclerosis.
For cooking, young, strong mushrooms are chosen, which are washed, and then cleaned of the outer shell and boiled for 1 minute in boiling water.

After that, they are kneaded until smooth and consumed half a teaspoon, twice a day, before meals.
The course lasts 1 month. You can repeat after six months.

For festering wounds.
For cooking, you will need 300 g of chopped mushrooms and a bottle of vodka.
The ingredients are placed in a container and tightly closed.

Insist 10 days in a dark and cool room, periodically shaking.
Then filter through gauze and dilute with boiled water 1 to 1.

Purulent wounds or burns are washed with the remedy (it is written on the page how to treat at home).
The tincture has an antiseptic and cleansing effect.

For immunity.
Make mushroom powder.

To do this, the mushrooms are wrapped in a rag and ground, and then the resulting slurry is spread on a baking sheet in a thin layer - one or two centimeters.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven for 10 hours at a temperature of 40-60°C.

Periodically, the mushrooms are removed and ventilated for a couple of minutes, and then back into the oven.

Continue doing this until completely dry.
The mass and volume will be reduced to 10-15% of the original.

Properly cooked mushrooms should break, but not crumble.
The color remains light, and the smell is pleasant, like fresh mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms are ground in a coffee grinder, and the resulting powder is stored in a tightly closed glass container.

Use half a teaspoon three times a day before meals. Do the procedure for 2 weeks.

The next time can be repeated in six months.
The tool supplies the body with useful substances, prevents the formation of malignant tumors and strengthens the immune system.

How to cook meals

Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes.

  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms,
  • potatoes 1 kg,
  • bow () 1 piece,
  • salt and spices to taste.

Oyster mushrooms are fried first, as they take longer to cook than potatoes. First, they are cut into small pieces.

Fry with the lid open to evaporate the liquid contained in the mushrooms.

After 15-20 minutes, chopped onion and potatoes are added.

Cook until golden brown. Salt, spices and herbs are added as desired.

A tasty and healthy dish that satisfies hunger, has a low calorie content. dietary product.

Oyster mushroom soup.
For cooking you will need:

First, wash the mushrooms and separate the caps from the legs.

Now we cut the carrots and horseradish and, together with the mushrooms, put them in a pot of water.

Bring to a boil and cook for one hour with the lid open.
While the soup is cooking prepare the dough:

  • mix flour and eggs
  • add salt to taste.

The dough should be infused for 15 minutes, then it is rolled out and left for another 15 minutes.

Then finely chop so that you get noodles. In parallel, fry vegetables (carrots, onions and cucumbers) in a pan.

At this time, mushrooms with horseradish and carrots should already be cooked. Add fried vegetables and potatoes to them.

Cook until potatoes are ready. Then turn off the heat, let the soup brew for another 5-10 minutes. Greens and spices () are added to taste. The soup is ready.

Oyster mushrooms are healthy and nutritious mushrooms. If you wish, you can grow them yourself if you have your own house and summer cottage, or pick them up in the forest, where there are a lot of oyster mushrooms.

Healing potions are prepared from them and consumed as an independent dish.

It is important not to abuse it, as all mushrooms serve as a heavy food and are difficult to digest. If you use them often and in large quantities, you can harm digestion.

About the benefits and dangers of oyster mushrooms, see the video.
