
Benefits of blue tea. Blue tea from Thailand: indications and contraindications for use

An exotic drink made from Thai orchid flowers. When brewed, it gives a deep blue color and a strong aroma. Blue tea from Thailand Chang Shu is one of the cornerstones of Thai traditional medicine, it is equally useful for the nervous, digestive system and produces an excellent cosmetic effect.

Blue Thai tea Chang Shu is also known as Blue Tea, Anchan, Clitoria Triple, Purple Tea and Butterfly Pea Butterfly Pea.

How purple tea Chang Shu is made

Thai blue tea is called tea conditionally - the drink is obtained from the flowers of the Clitoria trifoliate, blue Thai orchid from the legume family. This plant is widespread in Thailand and is very popular, especially among foreigners. The collection of Clitoria flowers occurs in the early morning, then they are dried and rolled up. As a result, a dry flower becomes resistant to damage and retains its beneficial qualities.

Blue tea from Thailand is also used in the textile industry and cooking. Being a natural dye, Chang Shu purple tea is suitable for dyeing fabrics and products - in Asian restaurants, for example, rice is dyed using Clitoria.

Benefits of blue tea

clitoria contains a lot of vitamins and minerals:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

The beneficial properties of blue tea are manifested in improving vision, digestion, and skin condition. Anchan helps the nervous system cope with stress, removes harmful substances from the body and works as a natural antidepressant. Chang Shu purple tea will not replace your exercise therapy or seaside vacation, but as a supportive remedy, it is undoubtedly effective. Blue tea can be included in various diets, drunk after sports and in between work. Especially blue tea from Thailand is useful for those who spend most of their time at the computer in front of the monitor.

Blue Thai tea does not have a tonic effect due to the low content of alkaloids. It can be drunk late in the evening before going to bed.

Taste properties

A separate pleasure is to watch the process of brewing blue tea. In a few seconds, the flowers will begin to give off color in thin streams, coloring the water in shades of the bluest ice, the summer evening sky. Clitoria trifoliate has a specific aroma, unlike the spring smells of light teas or the spicy symphony of dark ones. In its aroma there are meadow flowers, notes of forest mushrooms and green peas. The taste of blue tea is a continuation of its aroma, delicate, floral, original.

How to brew Chang Shu blue tea

You can brew blue Thai tea with centigrade boiling water. For a small glass teapot, six to seven flowers will suffice. Use clear glassware to see the mesmerizing process of turning the water blue.

We advise you to try brewing Chang Shu tea with floral additives - jasmine, roses or chrysanthemum. May also fit lemongrass and other plants. If you drop a little lemon juice into the infusion, blue tea will begin to change color before your eyes and acquire a pleasant sourness. Blue tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey is a very tasty drink.

Buy blue tea Chang Shu

Many try to find Chang Shu tea in a pharmacy. But since clitoria trifoliate flowers are not medicinal, it makes no difference whether you buy Chang Shu at a pharmacy or any other online store. To purchase Blue Tea, you do not need to have a pharmacy license.

It is interesting that the price of Chang Shu tea in different stores can differ by an order of magnitude. With what it is connected - one can only guess. We have been selling Blue Tea for more than two years and we know very well what wholesale prices for Anchan are from suppliers from Thailand.

You can buy Chang Shu tea from Thailand in Moscow at Novokuznetsk and Sadovaya-Spasskaya. Before you buy Chang Shu tea, you can taste it in our. Works especially for you, where you can order blue (blue) Thai tea with delivery in Moscow, as well as to any city in Russia and neighboring countries.

Blue Thai tea

Benefits of blue tea

Blue Thai tea has a positive effect on the body. It contains a lot of iron, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins B, E, D, K, a large number of polyphenol compounds. This drink improves eyesight, as it cleanses blood vessels well, including the vessels of the eyes.

Blue tea has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes in the following diseases: - glaucoma, - cataracts, - Alzheimer's disease, - diabetes mellitus.

This drink calms the nerves, has a relaxing effect, so it can be used as a natural antidepressant. Blue tea has a beneficial effect on the body: - speeds up metabolism, - reduces blood pressure, - improves blood circulation, - has a tonic effect.

The polyphenol compounds in blue tea help break down fats and remove them from the body, so it will be useful to consume during weight loss.

In traditional medicine in Eastern countries, such as India, blue tea is used to improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, treat insomnia, and chronic fatigue. The drink has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails, promotes rapid hair growth.

How to drink blue tea from Thailand

Moderate consumption of this drink will be correct, especially if you drink it for the purpose of losing weight. It is recommended to take no more than three cups a day for a week. After that, you need to take a break for three weeks, and then you need to repeat the course.

If tea is consumed without pursuing any medicinal purposes, after a month of drinking the drink, it is better to take a break so that there is no addiction.

How to brew blue tea

For brewing blue tea, it is recommended to use spring and soft water, but in no case tap water. To brew it properly, first heat the water to 90°C. After that, you need to warm the kettle, to do this, rinse it with hot water and drain it.

Pour tea leaves and pour water over one third of the teapot. Drain immediately the first infusion in order to wash off unnecessary dust. Pour water a second time, close the kettle and let the drink stand for three to five minutes. You can't insist on it for long. After the blue tea is infused, you can pour it into cups and pour water into the teapot again using the same tea leaves.

A strong decoction of Thai tea can be used to give a blue color to curd and other desserts, as well as sweet cream.

You can experiment with the taste and color of blue Thai tea. For example, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it, the drink will acquire new color and flavor shades.

How many types of tea exist in the modern world! White, yellow, red, not to mention the widespread and popular varieties - green and black. It is hard to believe that all this color variety gives a single type of bush - camellia sinensis. And whether the drink will be green, white or black, depends only on the way the leaves are processed. But in this article we will not consider a product that comesllia sinensis gives a person, no. The main character of this essay will be blue tea from Thailand. Useful properties, reviews of the taste of the drink will be analyzed below. It should be said right away that this tea has nothing to do with Chinese camellia. Yes, and not the leaves of the plant are brewed, but the flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to skillfully prepare a drink of a beautiful turquoise color. How? We will also talk about this in our article.

Turquoise exotic in a cup

Many gourmets believe they know what blue tea is. So in China they call varieties oolong or oolong. Mature tea leaves of dark green color are collected for them. They go through a medium fermentation. Compared to other species, oolong spends more time in the sun and air than green tea and less than black tea. Such leaves, which have passed the average degree of drying, do have a slightly blue color. But rather it can be called bluish-gray. And in a cup, oolong tea acquires a completely reddish-golden hue. Quite another thing is a drink from Thailand. To be honest, this is not tea in the strict sense of the word. The raw material for it does not grow on the Chinese camellia bush. And they collect it from the triple clitoris. This plant is endemic. It is found only in Thailand and nowhere else in the world. Its flowers are a bit like an orchid. On the other hand, this creeper, reaching a height of two or three meters, looks like a bindweed. Therefore, the trifoliate clitoris is also called the Thai orchid or moth peas.

What is the difference?

We have already partially clarified how blue tea from Thailand differs from its namesake from China. They have nothing in common other than the name. Tea in the truest sense of the word can only be called oolong varieties. The raw materials for the Thai drink are the flowers and leaves of exotic peas. But since we are used to calling steamed herbs (mint, thyme, linden, etc.) tea, why not apply this term to this plant? Butterfly peas have beautiful large bright blue flowers. Their petals contain a lot of turquoise enzyme. Therefore, the liana in Thailand is still used as a dye. And if oolongs, when brewed, give a reddish-golden infusion, then the flowers of moth peas color the water in a marvelous, exotic blue color. But the taste of Thai blue tea is weak, inexpressive, while that of oolong tea is powerful, rich.

Blue tea production

Everyone has heard of plantations located high in the mountains in South China or Taiwan. It is there that bushes grow that provide the best raw materials for oolong or oolong varieties. How is Thai blue tea made? We assure you, with no less precautions. The creeper of moth peas has marvelous large flowers with intense blue petals - outer, large and round, and inner, small. The middle of the bud remains white-greenish. Flowers are plucked at dawn, before they open. Only young buds are suitable for tea. Together with the flowers, the picker (the harvesting process is carried out strictly by hand) also removes three leaves, no more and no less. A special tea master monitors the quality of raw materials, screening out overly opened flowers or unripe buds. The drying process is no less responsible. After all, the quality of the drink directly depends on it. The petals should be dry, and the middle of the bud should be slightly damp. After the flowers and leaves reach the desired condition, they are oxidized in a special way. And then they roll it into a spiral and pack it.

Properties of butterfly peas

Throughout Southeast Asia, this plant is used as an excellent food coloring. Flowers give an intense blue color. Since the plant is absolutely harmless, this dye is widely used in cooking. And the Thais themselves prepare “nam dok anchan”, or blue tea, from dried flowers and leaves of moth peas. The beneficial properties of this drink have been known to the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Smiles for a long time. It perfectly quenches thirst and makes the heat invisible. It is a natural antidepressant. Thais are sure that such tea improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on visual acuity. It is used not just for daily drinking. Herbal infusion of pea flowers has found wide application in traditional oriental medicine. They drink it with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, with a sick heart, they normalize blood pressure, relieve stress, and treat insomnia. And how does modern medicine relate to blue tea?

Composition of flowers and leaves of butterfly peas

If you brew blue tea from Thailand correctly, the beneficial properties of the plant will definitely pass into the drink. The color enzyme is absolutely harmless. On the contrary, it makes the drink beautiful, festive. Therefore, in Thailand it is customary to serve "nam dok anchan" exclusively in transparent glass teapots. The herbal infusion contains large amounts of iron, phosphorus and manganese. These trace elements are indispensable for the health of the body. Blue tea also contains other beneficial substances. First of all, this is the entire line of vitamin B. It is not in vain that traditional medicine ascribes antioxidant properties to blue tea. After all, it is exceptionally rich in vitamin C. Another of his fellow, D, will make the skin healthy and toned. There are also vitamins E and K in blue tea. Have you noticed that there are practically no obese people among Thais? Not only a healthy diet rich in fish and seafood saves against obesity, but also the frequent use of blue tea. The drink contains polyphenols. They are responsible for the rapid breakdown of fats and their removal from the body.

Impact of minerals

It is not surprising that due to its rich composition, blue tea from Thailand is so popular in Southeast Asia. The beneficial properties of iron have long been known. Experiencing a lack of this mineral, a person becomes ill with anemia. Iron also has a positive effect on the skin. The mineral strengthens the structure of hair and nails. It is not in vain that milk and fish are included in the diet of schoolchildren. These foods are high in phosphorus. And this mineral improves brain function, develops memory. All this helps the child in the learning process. But in blue tea there is no less phosphorus than in fish. Manganese is often found in antidepressants. With the help of blue tea, you can overcome the effects of stress, insomnia, stabilize the emotional background and just cheer up, like from a cup of strong coffee.

The impact of vitamins

As we have already mentioned, blue tea is rich in these health-promoting substances. The beneficial properties of the drink come precisely from the vitamin storehouse. How do all these substances affect the human body? Vitamin B 1 is responsible for the full functioning of the nervous system. It also stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin B 2 is no less important. It also acts as an antidepressant, and it also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. B 2 has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This vitamin is indispensable for those who work at the computer for a long time. B 2 normalizes pressure in the eyeball, which is why vision remains sharp. Vitamin B3 helps the pancreas process sugar. At 12, it helps to lose weight and prevent the development of depression. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamin C. In the period of influenza epidemics, it is indispensable. But besides the fact that this substance improves immunity, it also fights free radicals. Vitamins E and K, as well as antioxidant C, can be called elixirs of youth. And D has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin.

Blue tea from Thailand: useful properties

Reviews call this drink an elixir of health. Consider its complex effect on the body. So, Thai tea soothes shaky nerves and invigorates at the same time. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates metabolism. People also speak of it as a beauty box. Those who frequently drink a decoction of butterfly pea flowers have shiny, healthy hair, strong nails, and healthy teeth. Thai tea is also good for diabetics because it helps the pancreas and breaks down sugar. The drink slows down aging and normalizes blood circulation. Therefore, it is good to use it as a prevention of strokes and heart attacks. Blue tea is simply necessary for those who spend a lot of time straining their eyesight. And this drink is also called the elixir of harmony.

Harm of blue tea

Such qualities simply do not exist! The drink can be consumed by both pregnant and lactating women. Unless you have an individual intolerance to any ingredient, such as vitamin C. Then you need to use blue tea from Thailand with caution. The properties of the drink have been noticed by Thais for a long time. It is famous for its ability to calm the nerves. Therefore, you should not drink it before a long drive or an important meeting. But on the other hand, the drink contributes to a productive learning process. It stimulates the brain and improves memory.

How to brew Thai tea

All the benefits of butterfly peas can be reduced to zero if you simply pour boiling water over its flowers. And the drink itself will lose its aroma and taste. Blue tea cannot be called an economical product. A glass of drink will require two teaspoons of raw materials. Boil water and let stand for two minutes. During this time, it will cool down to the prescribed ninety degrees. The petals are poured with hot water, but after ten seconds it is drained. Then the tea is brewed again. In order to give a concentrate of a rich blue color, the flowers and leaves of butterfly peas will take five minutes. This tea can be drunk both hot and cold. It has a delicate floral taste and rich aroma. Lemon juice gives the drink an exotic purple hue. Honey or sugar can be added to tea according to taste. You can also make herbal mixtures. For example, add mint, thyme or ginger to butterfly peas.

Medicinal use of blue tea

In order for the drink to become a healing extract, it should be steamed differently. Let the boiling water cool down to 90 degrees. Pour blue tea spirals into a dry thermos. Pour slightly cooled boiling water and insist for half an hour. This herbal extract is drunk before going to bed in a glass. You can use blue tea for weight loss. Do it according to the following scheme. You need to drink it every other day for a week. Due to the fact that the body quickly gets used to the action of the product, you should stop taking it for twenty-one days. And then repeat the course again. So you can easily lose a couple of extra pounds. The polyphenols contained in butterfly peas accelerate metabolic processes in the body, break down and remove fats.

The blue tint of tea is due to the constituent natural dye. Thai drink is considered useful for various ailments. Beneficial features - improved digestion, reduced blood pressure.

Beneficial features

Today, few people will be surprised by tea. Known varieties of black, white, green and red tea. And not everyone has heard about the mysterious tea from Thailand, ultramarine shade.

An amazing color could give the drink the name blue tea from Thailand, but it's correct to say "blue". In English, the name sounds like blue pea tea, butterfly pea. Russian tourists abbreviate to Blue Pi.

Other names of tea - Thai orchid, moth tea, clitoria trifoliate. These are the names of the plant from which the raw material is obtained. The blue tint appears due to the content of anthocyanins, organic dyes.

Thai orchid - evergreen herbaceous vine(reminiscent of a loach), growing in Thailand. It reaches a length of more than 3 m. Buds with a diameter of up to 6 cm are collected at dawn. Then the raw material is dried for 10 hours, after which it is subjected to oxidation and a re-drying process. The final stage is folding the flowers into a dense bud. Manually.

The tea contains vitamins of group B (B1, -2, -12, -13), K, E, D, ascorbic acid, manganese, phosphorus, iron. The beneficial composition is due to the positive effect of tea on the body. In Thailand, it is considered the fountain of youth.

The taste of the drink causes controversy - some talk about the specificity of tea, others do not notice the unusual taste. The grassy taste of the drink is often noted. Those who use tea for a long time and regularly do not notice any special flavors.

Intense blue tea color will not leave anyone indifferent. If you add lemon to the drink, it will acquire a purple hue.

How to brew blue tea

You can talk about the drop-down taste palette and the beneficial properties of the drink if you brew from Thailand correctly. Do not use boiling water. If the temperature of pure boiled water is be 90C, it would be enough.

Brewing blue tea from Thailand is easy - pour 2 teaspoons of the dry product into 200 ml of hot water. After 5 seconds, drain the water and pour a glass of hot water. After the drink is infused under the lid for 5-10 minutes, it can be consumed.

When talking about how to brew blue Thai tea, it should be remembered that at this moment the quality of the product is being evaluated. If the process of making tea is followed, then when brewing, the rolled in a bud or spiral a dry flower unfolds. Whole petals of the plant will be found in the teapot. If the production technology is violated, the petals will crumble into grassy dust.

Returning to the question of how to brew blue tea from a Thai orchid, we note that honey, mint, and lemon can be added to it.

Beneficial features

From the question of how to brew blue tea from Thailand, let's move on to highlighting the beneficial properties of the drink.

In terms of its beneficial properties, blue can be compared with rosehip infusion. The B vitamins included in the composition contribute to the normalization of the digestive system, improve blood supply to the eyes. This improves visual acuity. At home, tea is considered a prophylactic against glaucoma and other eye diseases. Vitamins K, C, E increase the body's immune forces, slow down aging.

Blue tea is recommended for people with Alzheimer's because it improves cerebral blood supply. This is due to the magnesium, phosphorus and iron that make up the drink. They strengthen cell membranes, speed up the transmission of impulses and help proteins to be better absorbed in the body.

Polyphenols start metabolic processes in the body, accelerate the breakdown and elimination of fats.

Blue Thai tea has the following beneficial properties:

  • Stimulates mental and physical activity without stimulating the nervous system. It is achieved thanks to the theanine included in it.
  • Arterial protection against the formation of cholesterol plaques is the merit of kaheteins with an antioxidant effect.
  • Positive effect on digestion and protection of the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract due to the action of tannins.
  • Increases immunity, strengthens capillary walls, because it contains flavonoids.
  • Stimulant effect, increased endurance due to caffeine in the composition.

According to Thai healers, this tea: improves memory, relieves insomnia and normalizes high blood pressure.

With antioxidant effect, tea is the "elixir" of beauty. It strengthens and improves the structure of the hair, heals the legs. For cosmetic purposes, it is used externally in the form of masks, lotions.

Thai orchid for weight loss

Blue tea from Thailand, the beneficial properties of which are discussed above, is used for weight loss. Positive effect due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, breakdown of fats with their subsequent excretion.

Locals drink tea in large quantities, but others should remember that Thailand and blue tea are exotic, so drink should be drunk with caution and start with small doses.

How to drink blue tea to lose weight and not harm the body? Recommended weekly course with a break of 3 weeks. Drink no more than 3 cups a day.

Possible intolerance or allergy to the product. Drink half a cup of blue tea for the first time, if within a few hours you do not feel signs of intolerance, you can continue to use it.

With caution, drink tea with anemia and low blood pressure, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Doctors' opinion

The opinion of doctors about the benefits blue tea is the opposite. Thai doctors and their Indian colleagues talk about the beneficial effects of the drink on the body, confirming this with patient reviews. and the results of pharmacological studies. European experts consider the healing effect to be a placebo effect. However, in one opinion, both Eastern and Western doctors agree - with moderate consumption, Thai tea is safe.

Tourists visiting magical Thailand are sure to look for blue tea there. Its unusual rich color and pleasant aroma, as well as useful properties, make it a welcome addition to the usual meal and an excellent gift. It is about this tea that the story will go in this article. After reading it, you will learn about the beneficial properties of this tea, how to brew it correctly and where you can buy it.

What is blue Thai tea?

Strictly speaking, it is not even tea, since it does not consist of the leaves of the tea bush, but of the leaves and flowers of the clitoria troichita (or Thai orchid). Sometimes this plant is called moth pea. Clitoria is a beautiful plant with bright blue flowers, a bit like bindweed. Clitoria flowers have long been used in Southeast Asia as a natural dye. In addition, the clitoris has been used and is used in medicine as a natural antidepressant and a means to improve blood circulation.

Sometimes blue tea from Thailand is confused with blue Chinese tea. This is medium fermented oolong tea. These drinks have a common name, but in fact they are completely different: oolong tea is not blue when brewed, has an intense flavor and is made in China and Taiwan. While blue Thai tea has a weak taste and rich pleasant aroma, it is produced only in Thailand, and, of course, its brewing is a bright blue bewitching color.

Buds with three leaves are harvested at dawn. After the buds are dried, but not completely: part of the moisture remains in the middle. Then the buds are oxidized and dried.

In Thailand itself, a drink from the clitoris is called "nam dok anchan".

Blue tea from Thailand is essentially an herbal infusion. This drink is very beautiful and fragrant. A transparent teapot with blue tea decorates any table. In addition, this tea is very useful.

Composition of blue tea

Blue tea contains important trace elements (iron, phosphorus, manganese) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B12, C, K, E, D).

How do these components affect the human body?

  • Vitamin B1 is indispensable for the full functioning of the nervous system and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin B2 is important for eye health, it normalizes metabolism, helps the body fight stress and stabilizes the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin B3 normalizes blood circulation, promotes the processing of sugar and fats into energy.
  • Vitamin B12 protects against obesity, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of depression.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight free radicals (similar to vitamin E), and improves mood.
  • Vitamin K fights the aging process.
  • Vitamin D is important for skin health.
  • Iron improves the structure of nails and hair, makes the skin more beautiful and healthier.
  • Phosphorus is indispensable for brain activity.
  • Manganese normalizes the emotional state and strengthens the immune system.

tea properties

  • The components of blue tea make it exceptionally useful.
  • Blue tea helps cleanse and strengthen blood vessels.
  • This drink improves blood circulation.
  • This tea is drunk for the prevention of eye diseases and deterioration of vision. With systematic use, it improves vision and is very useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • Blue tea helps to improve the condition and mood during stress and fatigue.
  • It is an excellent natural antioxidant: this drink prevents premature aging.
  • Thai tea improves the condition of hair and skin.
  • Blue tea improves memory.

How to brew blue tea?

For medicinal purposes blue tea is brewed with hot water (90 degrees) and infused in a thermos for half an hour. Drink at night 200 ml.

If blue tea is to be consumed as normal, then you should use the following recipe. Boiled water should stand for two minutes. Then tea petals are poured into it, and after 10 seconds the water is drained. After that, the petals are again poured with boiling water and infused for 2-3 minutes. Blue tea can be drunk on its own, or with mint or lemon. By the way, lemon changes the color of tea to purple and gives the drink a peculiar, rather pleasant taste. You can add sugar or honey to blue tea.

Thai tea is drunk both hot and cold. Freshly brewed blue tea, infused tea is deep blue.

Blue tea can be drunk constantly. If there is no allergy, then this drink has no side effects. It is recommended to take a short break after a month of drinking tea so that the body does not get used to blue tea. This is not a problem if it is possible to buy it constantly.

The price of tea and where to buy it

Real blue tea can be bought in Thailand: Phuket, Pattaya, Saui, Bangkok, etc. The best tea shop in Pattaya is Tea Village. In this shop you can find any kind of tea. Blue tea is very popular in this country, so it is easy to buy it in almost any shop.

Worth this tea 100 baht(packing 100 gr.) This is about a hundred rubles. You can also find a package of the same capacity for 60 baht.

Online stores offer to buy blue tea at a price $2 for 50 gr.(about 128 rubles per 100 gr.)

If it is not possible to personally visit this paradise, you can order blue tea to friends or acquaintances leaving for Thailand. On the Internet, there are often offers to bring blue tea to order from enthusiasts and tourists.

By the way, clitoria seeds can also be bought in Russia (in large specialized stores or ordered via the Internet). Thais call this plant achan, or achan, and it grows well in the warm regions of Russia. In this case, the blue infusion can be brewed from your own clitoris flowers. This is a healthy drink, but only a special processing, due to which blue tea is obtained, allows you to get the very aroma and delicate, almost indistinguishable taste.

The delightful sapphire color of blue tea and its amazing aroma make it a great gift. Such tea will always remind you of a distant and beautiful country full of charm and secrets.

The beneficial properties of this drink will please everyone who cares about their health. Beautiful hair, healthy skin, excellent vision and good mood - all this gives magical blue tea from Thailand.
