
Complete elimination from the body. Devices for determining the presence of alcohol in the blood

As soon as alcohol enters the body, it begins to be absorbed through the mucous membranes, and within about an hour and a half, its content increases in the body. As the body absorbs alcohol, its decay begins, and the decay products, and partly the alcohol in its unchanged form, are excreted through the kidneys and urinary system, as well as with sweat and exhaled air.

Both of these processes run in parallel, resulting in a continuous change in the alcohol content in the blood, exhaled air and urine. After a single intake of alcohol, the concentration of alcohol after a while reaches a maximum, after which it begins to decrease.

If a person continues to drink, using their usual doses of alcohol at certain intervals, the concentration changes in a more complex way. Everyone knows people who can sit at the table for hours, continuously “adding”, while not getting completely drunk, but, nevertheless, maintaining the desired level of light intoxication. These people, simply based on experience or intuition, equalize the amount of alcohol consumed and excreted.

We are only interested in two questions:

  1. If a certain amount of alcohol is drunk, after what time will the alcohol be completely eliminated so that you can drive a car without fear of consequences?
  2. How much and what can you drink, knowing that after a certain time you need to drive sober?

As you can see, the second problem is the opposite of the first. To solve both of these problems, it is necessary to calculate how much alcohol leaves the body, depending on the dose, strength and other circumstances.

How to calculate how much you can drink at the table?

It is well known that women get drunk faster than men, and more "big" people can drink more than not so "representative". There are also many other factors that are difficult to take into account: the amount of food eaten, its composition (in particular, the amount of fat), the degree of carbonation of the drink, individual characteristics, and so on. Due to the impossibility of accurately taking into account all these factors, one can focus on a certain average value identified from the results of multiple measurements.

We can assume that in 1 hour 1 kg of body weight of a man removes 0.115 ml of pure alcohol, and women 20% less, or 0.92 ml. And now an example for the first task: a man weighing 80 kg sat down at the table at 18.00 and drank 350 ml of cognac with a strength of 42% in the evening. At what time (evenings, nights, mornings) can we assume that the alcohol is practically eliminated?

We recalculate the amount drunk for pure alcohol by volume, based on the strength of cognac: 350 x 42/100 = 147 (ml). With a weight of 80 kg for every hour a man is able to excrete 0.115 x 80 = 9.2 (ml) of pure alcohol. All consumed alcohol will be excreted for 147/9.2 = 16 (h). We add the time of complete elimination to the start time of the feast: 18 + 16 = 34 (h). It can be seen that the time of complete sobering up comes only the next day, well after midnight. Subtracting from 32 the number of hours in a day (24), we get 34 - 24 = 10 (h). So, complete sobering up occurs only at 10.00 in the morning of the next day.

We solve the inverse problem: how much champagne with a strength of 11% can a woman weighing 60 kg drink if after 4 hours she needs to be sober as a glass? We find the amount of alcohol released in 1 hour: 0.92 x 60 \u003d 5.52 (ml). In 4 hours, 4 x 5.52 = 22.1 (ml) of pure alcohol will stand out. Champagne can be drunk 22.1 x 100/11 = 200 (ml). So, only 200 ml of champagne is available, while at the beginning of each next hour it is necessary to drink at least 200/4 = 50 (ml) of sparkling drink so that the “allowed” dose does not apply to the end of the withdrawal period.

Why count when you can look at the table?

The principles and examples of calculations were given for lovers of calculations, but for practical guidance, we present a table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, depending on the weight of a person and the drink consumed.

If there is no corresponding line for the amount drunk in the table, you can decompose the amount drunk into the components provided in the table and add up the corresponding times. Let's check the rule on the example above: a man weighing 80 kg drank 350 ml of cognac. We find in the table the sobering time for quantities of 300 ml and 50 ml, which is 13 hours 42 minutes and 2 hours 17 minutes. After addition, we get 13 hours 42 minutes + 2 hours 17 minutes = 15 hours 59 minutes. The result coincided with sufficient accuracy.

If a number of different drinks are drunk at the table, the corresponding times must also be summed up. Example: a man weighing 70 kg drank 100 ml of vodka and 500 ml of strong beer. Summing up 4 hours 58 minutes and 3 hours 44 minutes, we get 8 hours 42 minutes. Enough time to get a good night's sleep.

The table is for men. For a woman of the same weight, the elimination time is increased by a quarter. Example: if a woman weighing 70 kg drinks 100 ml of vodka and a bottle of beer according to the previous example, the time for complete sobering up will be 8 hours 42 minutes + 2 hours 11 minutes = 10 hours 53 minutes.


We hope that the above rules and the table will help you avoid getting into unpleasant situations. A lot of useful information about alcoholic beverages, their preparation and use can be found on the site www.nalivali.ru, a true knowledge base for connoisseurs of alcoholic products.

male female

Maximum concentration:

0 ‰

The specified concentration corresponds to:

no effect of alcohol

Time to remove alcohol from the body:

0 hour 0 min

Our online alcohol calculator calculates the content of ethanol in the blood (ethyl alcohol) in ppm, classifies the degree of intoxication and provides an approximate time for the elimination of alcohol from the human body. The alcohol calculator works on the basis of the Widmark formula, adjusted for a person's height.

The result of the calculation, after how much time alcohol is excreted from the body to an acceptable level, will be useful to drivers. The averaged response obtained meets the requirements of the legislation for both the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

In the calculator, the calculation of the amount of alcohol in the blood is based on the world-renowned formula of the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark. For greater accuracy, an additional coefficient (k) has been introduced into the formula, taking into account the height of a person. It should be noted that the received answer in ppm is theoretically the maximum possible concentration of ethanol in the blood.

  • C - the maximum possible concentration of ethyl alcohol in human blood, ‰ (ppm);
  • A - the volume of the drunk drink, ml;
  • s is the strength of the drink,%;
  • m - body weight, kg;
  • k - human height, cm;
  • r is the Widmark distribution coefficient (0.70 for men, 0.60 for women).

The classic Widmark formula takes into account the amount of ethyl alcohol drunk. For ease of calculation, an additional coefficient (s) was introduced into the formula, taking into account the strength of the drink.

Dependence of coefficient k on growth:

Height, cm k value
120-140 1,0
140-160 0,9
160-180 0,8
180 and above 0,75

Note: do not confuse the amount of ethanol in the blood and in the exhaled air, these values ​​may differ. Our calculator calculates the blood alcohol content.

Degree of intoxication

The online calculator calculates the degree of intoxication based on the amount of ppm obtained using the above formula. In the table below you can see how the degree of intoxication depends on ppm:

Time to remove alcohol from the body

The calculator calculates the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the human body using a special formula. To do this, the maximum allowable content of ethyl alcohol in the blood (C) is divided by 0.15 (the average rate of elimination of ethanol per hour).

It is worth noting that the time obtained using the calculator does not mean that during this period there will be a complete breakdown of alcohol in the blood. It will only decrease to the norm allowed by law, when the driver can drive. Permitted norms for the content of a substance in the body:

  • 0.32 ‰ - in Russia;
  • 0.3 ‰ - in the Republic of Belarus;
  • 0.2 ‰ - in Ukraine.

This does NOT mean that the driver can drink a little. In Russia and Ukraine, by law, after taking any dose of alcohol, it is forbidden to drive. The norm is indicated rather formally, because. the human body can contain a small amount of ethanol without the use of alcoholic beverages.

Table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body to the level of 0 ‰:

How does the body get rid of alcohol?

Once in the body, alcohol begins to be absorbed into the mucous membrane already in the oral cavity, but the main part is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Penetrating into the blood, ethanol causes rapid intoxication, the speed of which can slow down depending on the fullness of the gastrointestinal tract with food, the presence of gases and related substances in the drink.

Almost immediately, the decomposition of ethanol in the liver under the action of enzymes begins: the transition to acetaldehyde, then to acetic acid, and at the last stage - to water, carbon dioxide and energy. It's happening here splitting up to 90% alcohol, the remaining 10% are utilized by the kidneys, exit with breath and sweat. The release of the body from alcohol occurs at a rate of 0.1 g of ethanol per kg of body weight per hour - this is a standard indicator that can vary.

How to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body

There are several common ways to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body:

  • Fluid intake. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush out toxins. It can be pure water or drinks with a diuretic effect: tea, coffee, juices, herbal infusions.
  • Bath or sauna. This method is not suitable for everyone, but it was the bath that was considered in the old days as a remedy for all diseases due to the strong effect of rapid detoxification.
  • Gastric lavage. If a little time has passed after drinking alcohol, then you can cleanse the body by drinking up to 2 liters of clean boiled water and causing vomiting.
  • Enema. Another way to remove the remnants of undigested alcohol from the digestive tract.

The intake of sorbents can also slightly reduce the amount of ethanol, but the main factors affecting the rate of splitting are still time and liver health.

How to understand that you are already sober

The main available method that allows you to understand that you are already sober is the use of a special table with the predicted time for the breakdown of ethanol, depending on body weight, strength and the amount of alcohol you drink. Do not forget that alcohol is broken down more slowly in the female body, so the time will be different.

To determine the degree of your intoxication by sensations, you can conduct several "home" tests:

  • touch the tip of the nose with your index finger;
  • walk along an imaginary line, maintaining balance;
  • do a one-legged stance for 30 seconds.

The amount of drink consumed per hour also plays a role. 1 glass of vodka, 1 glass of wine, 0.34 liters of beer - in most countries this is considered one measure, and if a person drank more within an hour, then he is definitely drunk.

Devices for determining the presence of alcohol in the blood

To obtain reliable data, special devices are used to determine the presence of alcohol in the blood: breathalyzers and breathalyzers, tubes and test strips. Such devices are designed for industrial or home use, have a wide price range. The scope of their use: when employees are allowed to work, determining the level of alcohol by traffic police, control by the parents of a teenager, self-examination after drinking alcohol.

Our alcohol calculator was created exclusively for a visual demonstration of the dependence of the ethanol content in the blood on various factors. The value of ppm and the timing of the removal of alcohol from the blood depend on many other factors, including the physiological characteristics of the body, nutrition, and much more. We do not recommend using it for scientific work or educational purposes. Try to drink alcohol less often, be healthy and live long!

Knowing how to remove alcohol from the body can be useful when you need to quickly sober up and recover. All methods of accelerated elimination can only bring a person to their senses, but they cannot hide the fact of drinking alcohol from a breathalyzer or a urine and blood test. Therefore, for those who are going to drive, they are practically useless.

The average time to remove alcohol from the body is 0.1-0.15 ppm for men and 0.085-0.1 ppm for women. With large amounts of alcohol consumed, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood begins to threaten life, the natural process of purification for some time can be accelerated to 0.26 ppm per hour.

These are average theoretical values ​​for a healthy person, in practice the indicated time is different, first of all it depends on the condition of the liver.

To make it easier to sort, I propose to consider a table that indicates the total time for the elimination of alcohol in men, depending on the strength of the alcoholic beverage. For women, these values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be increased by 20%. For automatic calculation, you can use ours.

alcohol withdrawal table

Alcohol is excreted from the human body in only three ways: through the lungs (breathing), skin (sweating) and kidneys (urination). It is on these physiological features that all express analyzes of the degree of intoxication are based.

Methods for the accelerated elimination of alcohol

1). Cleanse the stomach. This method is useful only if the alcohol was drunk recently (up to half an hour) and has not yet had time to be absorbed into the blood.

To cleanse the stomach, you need to induce vomiting, and then drink a few tablets of activated charcoal. In difficult cases, other medications may be needed, but this is up to the doctors.

2). Drink more liquid. Well suited mineral water and citrus juices, which make the kidneys work harder. Residues of alcohol are excreted in the urine.

3). Diuretics. The best option is a decoction of herbs, but if there is no time to prepare it, you can use special preparations sold in pharmacies.

4). water procedures. A warm shower will help cleanse the skin and open the pores to remove any remaining alcohol. Baths and saunas should be avoided, as the high temperature creates an additional burden on the heart for a drunk person.

5). Walks in the open air. Improve ventilation of the lungs, and alcohol comes out faster. To sober up, you need to move more. But these should be slow walks that do not burden the body.

6). Dream. This method cannot be called fast, at the same time it is the most effective. In sleep mode, a person recovers faster. To recover, you should sleep at least a few hours.

Warnings! 1). To remove alcohol, it is not recommended to drink tea and coffee, which only stimulate the nervous system. This is a deceptive sobering up, after a while it will only get worse.

2). "Antipolizei" and other similar products, consisting of vitamins and aromatic substances, only interrupt the smell of alcohol, but do not contribute to sobering up.

In the modern world, alcohol has become a companion of almost every holiday, corporate party, feast, meeting with friends. After the fun, people return to their daily activities - many get behind the wheel of a car, someone needs to donate blood for analysis, others need to start antibiotic treatment. To avoid the negative consequences of drinking alcohol, you should know the time of release of alcohol from the body. It is important to know how long alcohol stays in the blood, how vodka affects the body, and how a bottle of beer affects the reaction rate.

How is the presence of alcohol in the blood

Russian legislation, when checking a driver with a breathalyzer, allows an indicator of 0.16 ppm in exhaled air. If a medical examination is carried out, the permissible rate of ethanol content inside the body changes: the value must be below 0.35 ppm. To determine the presence of alcohol in the blood without the use of devices and to suspect possible intoxication in a person, the following signs allow:

  • specific smell;
  • violation of speech, memory;
  • slow reaction rate;
  • loss of control over movements;
  • drowsiness or nervous excitement;
  • trembling fingers;
  • reduced attention (especially in women);
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • aggressiveness or lethargy.

The influence of alcoholic beverages on a person's reaction has serious manifestations: from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm - and it is already difficult to assess the speed of movement of light sources, their scale. Indicators of 0.5-0.8 significantly weaken vision - the red color is almost not perceived, changing types of lighting causes pain. The angle of vision narrows, the driver stops noticing the curb. A dose of about 1.2 ppm leads to a complete loss of the ability to drive. Indicators 4-5 are considered fatal.

Blood alcohol calculator

You can find out how many days alcohol stays in the blood using a special calculation system. The blood alcohol calculator, based on gender, weight and the number of alcoholic beverages consumed, can help determine the approximate content of ethanol inside the body, converted to ppm, and the estimated time of its release. The calculation is carried out according to the Widmark formula, according to which the resulting concentration of alcohol inside the body is equal to the mass of the drink, divided by the product of body weight and a special distribution coefficient (for women - 0.6, for women - 0.7).

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

It is difficult to determine exactly how much alcohol is kept in the blood - the value of the figure varies from half an hour to a day, depending on the volume of alcohol consumed. A lot depends on the percentage of alcohol - if you use a liter of cognac, then the concentration will stay inside the body much longer than from a liter of dry wine. The type of consumption of a particular drink does not matter - a mixture of, for example, vodka with juice, will have the same effect as simple undiluted vodka.

Table of withdrawal of alcohol from the body

An alcohol table for drivers will be very useful, as they need to know exactly when ethanol leaves the blood. The main thing is not just to successfully pass the check and the alcohol test of the traffic police officers, but to drive with full confidence in your own sobriety and adequacy. The table of alcohol withdrawal from the body, given below, allows you to understand how many different types of alcoholic beverages disappear. The columns show the volume of alcohol and the weight of the person, and the rows show the name of the alcoholic drink, as well as the amount of time it takes to get out:

Drink name

Human weight

Withdrawal speed

40-42% (cognac, vodka, rum)

more than 6 hours

about a day

18-30% (liquor, port, tincture)

more than 4 hours

10-11 hours

9-11% (champagne, gin and tonic, wine)

more than 1.5 hours

around 3 o'clock

around 5 o'clock

4% (beer, low alcohol cocktails)

more than 30 min.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood after drinking?

Alcoholism is a serious disease, which is very difficult to get rid of. Alcohol in the blood after a binge can last a very long time - the exact data depends on the volume and alcohol concentration of the drink. To determine how much alcohol is kept in the blood, a reliable reliable method is used - analysis by taking venous blood. The use of this method is necessary when there is an excess of the permissible readings of the breath test. It is almost impossible to get zero indicators, since even kefir and kvass can affect ppm.

How long does alcohol last in breath?

To understand how much alcohol is kept in the body, it is necessary to control the volume of alcohol consumed and know the percentage of ethanol in it. Never drink alcohol at the same time as taking medications without first consulting a doctor - ethanol can be one of the main contraindications to taking a medication and provoke negative consequences.

Conducting an anonymous survey showed that after drinking one can of beer, many drivers got behind the wheel of a car, hoping that there would be no consequences and the test would not reveal alcohol in the exhaled air. The situations are different, but none is worth a human life - the state of intoxication significantly increases the risk of an accident, the driver does not control compliance with traffic rules. You should wait until the ethanol disappears, and only then get behind the wheel.

Factors affecting the rate of alcohol withdrawal

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question of how many days alcohol is kept in the blood, since the duration of the release of alcohol is individual. Drinks with different percentages of ethanol are excreted differently - its concentration in the blood depends on the strength of alcohol. Factors affecting the rate of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • weight - overweight people get drunk more slowly;
  • the amount of alcohol - a large dose of drunk ethanol will last longer inside the body;
  • gender - in girls, the withdrawal of alcohol takes longer, and toxic damage to internal organs occurs much faster than in men;
  • health status - the presence of diseases, fatigue, depression, stress cause alcohol to remain inside the body longer;
  • features of enzymatic sensitivity - in people with a high level of physical activity and a good metabolism, ethanol is excreted faster;
  • age - research shows that the elimination of toxic substances in older people takes much longer than in young people;
  • empty stomach - the lack of a nutritious snack increases the period of elimination of toxins;
  • the time during which the drink was consumed - the faster a person took an alcoholic dose, the stronger the concentration of ethanol and the longer its release.

How to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body

The process of alcohol release involves vital organs - the liver, lungs and kidneys, the work of which can be slightly facilitated. To speed up the excretion of ethanol from the body, doctors recommend using the following methods:

  1. Take a walk outside, breathing fresh air to clear your lungs of alcohol fumes.
  2. Take a shower with water temperature transitions from cold to hot to increase blood flow;
  3. Drink lots of fluids.
  4. Take vitamin C to speed up recovery.
  5. Don't lie down, move more.
  6. Drink sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta) or diuretics (Furasemide, Trifax).

Video: how long does alcohol stay in the blood

The choice of spirits is so diverse that there is no doubt about the number of their admirers. Who at least once has not tried a glass of champagne or wine, a mug of beer or a glass of vodka? Drinks with a certain percentage of alcohol are consumed by both men and women, the absorption of such products occurs quickly, the destructive effect is even faster, and then the question of how long alcohol is completely removed from the body becomes relevant? If the blood is filled with toxins, then there is no need to talk about good health.

What is alcohol

There are a lot of ridiculous conjectures, misconceptions, myths around this concept, but it is not so easy to find reliable facts. According to its composition, any alcoholic drink is a mixture in a certain proportion of two ingredients: water and ethyl alcohol. All other components of alcohol - sugar, flavors, dyes - do not really matter, although they help to distinguish drinks by taste, color, cost. From the point of view of pharmacology, alcohol-containing products produce a toxic effect, affecting the brain, liver, nervous, and blood systems of the human body.

Calculation of ppm blood alcohol

From the moment the first portion of alcohol enters the stomach and before it enters the circulatory system, it will take from 5 to 10 minutes. With each subsequent dose, the concentration of alcohol in the blood will increase. In order to have an idea of ​​the amount drunk by a person, a designation was introduced: ppm (from the Latin “pro mille”), translated as “per thousand”. If we take a percentage, then this unit of measure will indicate the amount of dissolved pure ethanol in 1,000 ml of blood.

You can’t do without this indicator, confirming the fact of alcohol intoxication, when you need to know how long alcohol is completely removed from the body? An online calculator can be used to determine the level of ethanol concentration in the blood, the results of which are conditional, since a general rather than an individual approach is used. And yet, even this method gives an idea of ​​the stage of intoxication, and among the factors for analysis it is necessary to indicate the following:

  • gender (in men, the percentage of fluid is greater than in women);
  • height, weight of a person;
  • the duration of the feast;
  • type of drink (strength);
  • the volume of the drink.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood

In people, even with identical body weight and the same amount of alcohol drunk, the effect of alcohol will be different. The strength of the drink, how many times you managed to knock over a glass or glass are no less important than anthropometric data. The gender factor also affects the duration of blood alcohol content, since the body of a man copes with the excretion of ethanol decay products faster than a woman’s. For example, 50 grams of cognac drunk in a man will be excreted after 4 hours, in a woman - after 7.

How much alcohol is excreted from the body

Any amount of alcohol will take time to neutralize, and how many minutes or hours it takes depends on a number of reasons. The general state of health, the rate of metabolic processes inside the body, the functioning of the urinary system are significant factors on which the removal of alcohol from the body will depend. How fast or long the disintegration of alcohol in the blood will be is also influenced by circumstances such as the type of drink, a lot or little was drunk, it happened on an empty or full stomach.

How much alcohol is completely eliminated from the body

Alcohol abuse will result in a hangover, and, in addition to the physical consequences for health, a drunk person will also have to face psychological, emotional problems. There is another aspect that is not often taken into account: the complete elimination of alcohol from the body. Almost the entire process of cleansing from toxins is assigned to the liver, the lungs, skin, and kidneys are involved in it a little less, therefore, the result of how long alcohol is completely removed from the body will depend on the state of these organs, human health, and the type of alcohol.

How long does it take for beer to come out

Only at first glance, one mug of beer may seem like a harmless pleasure. The insidiousness of this type of alcoholic drink lies in the quick addiction to it, and resisting the temptation and not tasting a couple of glasses of chilled beer on a hot day is a rarity even for drivers. What such frivolity can turn into is known, and approximately how long it will take 0.5 liters of beer to be excreted from the body can be found in the following table:

How much vodka comes out

The idea of ​​alcoholism in many people is associated with the abuse of this strong liquor. Harm to the body is both the amount of vodka drunk and the regularity. A person can drink, starting with a couple of shots, be in a cheerful mood, feel a slight euphoria, but all this time and until the alcohol is completely eliminated, the body will be actively exposed to toxins. Treating the process of drinking reasonably is a good approach, because vodka disappears for a long time: 100 milliliters - 5 hours, 1 bottle - 18.

How long does it take for wine to come out

The choice of a noble drink pleases gourmets and romantics. Doctors say about the beneficial effect of a glass of red wine on the work of the heart, the condition of the vessels, although even a light drink contains ethyl alcohol. Let in small quantities, but harmful substances enter the bloodstream, which will affect well-being, the ability to work or drive a car. How much alcohol is excreted from the body if the strength of the drink does not exceed 12%? After drinking a bottle of 750 ml, the period of complete sobering will come in approximately 10-12 hours.

How alcohol is excreted from the body

The mechanism of purification of internal systems, human organs from toxins is complex and lengthy. If a drunk person needs to be brought to his senses, then this can be done only for a short period. To help a person who suffers from a hangover to quickly get rid of the sour taste in the mouth, you can give plenty of fluids (still water, tea, coffee, orange juice), a special drug, such as Antipolice, breathe fresh air.

Physical activity also contributes to the complete elimination of alcohol residues from the body. When the sweat glands work, the body removes toxins out through the skin, therefore, with a hangover, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. A quick effect is obtained by eating foods rich in starch (cereals, potatoes, bread), but overeating is not recommended so as not to increase the load on the liver. Through the kidneys with urine, alcohol is excreted with the help of drugs: Glutargin, Zorex, Reamberin, droppers with vitamins B, C.

The human body has a hard time when there is a need to mobilize all forces and resist the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol. Enzymes break down its molecules, turning it into acetaldehyde, and from that moment a hangover begins to develop. How long it takes the body to cope with this depends on various reasons, but there are ways that help speed up the sobering process:

  • Purification of the stomach by vomiting. This method is effective only at the initial stage of intoxication, while the drunk dose of alcohol has not yet managed to get into the blood.
  • Diuretics. When contacting the clinic, a drunk person will be given a dropper with diuretic drugs, and at home, decoctions of herbs, fruits (watermelon, grapes, pear), raw egg, cucumber pickle will help. There may be absorbents in the home first aid kit, but they are ineffective when heavily intoxicated.
  • Hiking in the fresh air. Ventilation of the lungs, together with active movements, contributes to the rapid removal of alcohol from the body completely.

Video: how long does alcohol leave the body
