
Useful properties of apples and existing contraindications. What are the benefits of apples for our body

Everyone from the cradle knows that it is useful to eat apples. Do you know all the beneficial properties of this fruit? This article will talk about the benefits and dangers of apples, as well as what you can cook from them quickly and very tasty.

The benefits of apples

Taking care of your own health and physical fitness requires quite serious financial investments. Often inexpensive products that can be found everywhere are much more successful at this task than expensive well-known products. Solving the problem of poor health and excess weight is easy with the help of proper nutrition.

The menu of any sane person should certainly include apples. Scarlet and greenish, with delicate pulp and crispy, tasty and sour - such a variety of varieties makes it possible for anyone to choose this fruit to their taste. If you don't like the taste of a fresh apple, you can bake it, dry it, or add it to a salad. Everyone can find an approach.

The value of apples lies in their composition. Almost 80% of an apple is water. Other shares are in fiber, acids, carbohydrates.

The most valuable in terms of benefits are freshly picked apples. Directly in them, the concentration of the necessary elements reaches a maximum. Useful substances contained in fresh apples:

  • pectin - gently helps the intestines work better, cleans from toxins;
  • vitamins: A, C, E, group B;
  • minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and others - the maximum share is given to iron, which improves blood, and calcium, it is needed by the musculoskeletal system and the heart;
  • antioxidants that interfere with the aging process;
  • tannins that fight inflammation in the urinary system;
  • well suited as cosmetics for skin care - refreshes, nourishes the skin, copes with inflammation;
  • tannins do not allow salts to settle and be deposited in the body, which is considered optimal prevention;
  • in fact, it is difficult to find an organ or system of the body that will not benefit from the use of apples, because apples are a real natural pharmacy.

We especially note the fact of eating apples on an empty stomach. Morning consumption of fruit is beneficial in the prevention of constipation and can help the body prepare for work. But the consumption of these fruits on an empty stomach is unacceptable if there are diseases such as:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis.

The benefits of apples on an empty stomach for weight loss are considered ambiguous. From one point of view, the fruit contains many nutrients that can replace food. On the other hand, for many, an apple provokes hunger, because it stimulates the walls of the stomach with acids.

Speaking about the benefits of this product, one cannot help but touch on the issue of its calorie content. Of course, this fact is influenced by many features, for example, the apple variety or its growing conditions. However, there is a general calorie content of apples. Red fruits contain 47 kcal, while their green ones contain only 35. By the way, it is recommended to use a green apple in all diets.

Harm of apples

The apple diet does not lose its popularity because with its support you can achieve significant results in the process of losing weight. It is worth noting that the apple mono-diet has a negative effect on the body, since it does not receive a significant number of necessary and necessary elements, while others acquire more than necessary.

For example, an apple has a small amount of hard fiber, but in the case of an apple mono-diet, a person acquires a very large amount of it. As a result, colitis, ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa increase. A lot of fruit acids, obtained every day, causes the development of inflammation in the gallbladder.

Also, apples are harmful and different sugars, and red varieties have much more sugar than can be useful. What adversely affects tooth enamel - thins it, causes susceptibility to irritants and increases the risk of dental disease.

Sweet varieties of red and yellow apples are forbidden for diabetics, because they have a very high glycemic index. The same applies to apple nectar, either freshly squeezed or from a package. In addition, the constant consumption of apple juice contributes to the rapid destruction of tooth enamel, due to which the teeth become brittle and begin to break, their hypersensitivity is formed.

Surely you have heard a lot about the benefits of apple seeds. However, they can also be harmful. In addition to a large number of useful elements, the seeds also contain hydrocyanic acid. It takes a lot of energy to neutralize it. Therefore, do not abuse them. 5 seeds per day are enough to saturate the body with the necessary elements and not overload it with side substances.

Contraindications for apples

Despite all its usefulness, apples have a number of contraindications for consumption. Namely:

  • product abuse, multi-diet;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • diabetes;
  • recovery from food poisoning;
  • pancreatitis - you can not fresh and sour apples;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • individual intolerance.

If you want to use this fruit for medicinal purposes, check this possibility with your doctor. After all, in this case, the main thing is not to harm.

By the way, an apple is the only fruit that can be given to nursing mothers from the first days of lactation. But at the same time, the product must be green, peeled. It is better if the apple is grown in your garden, or at least local and seasonal.

Delicious varieties of apples

Antonovka has been the leader in the list of varieties that conquer the hearts of consumers for many years. Because this variety has the most optimal combination of sweetness and sourness. Plus, the apple tree itself is quite unpretentious in growing.

List of the most popular and delicious varieties of apples:

  • idared, very juicy winter variety, perfectly stored in the cellar;
  • pear - delicious sweet apples with a thin peel;
  • golden, a good variety of winter apples, sweet and juicy, an alternative to pear;
  • white filling, fruits of childhood, which still remain the main "pets" of the country's gardeners;
  • simirenko, also from childhood, usually sold out faster than others;
  • legend, sweet honey taste, apples from the picture.

What can be cooked from apples

This is perhaps the most versatile fruit. After all, it can be used almost everywhere. Compotes, desserts, pastries, meat with apples, salads - it is not at all difficult to choose a dish to taste.

List of simple but tasty and healthy recipes with apples:

  1. Baked apples with dried fruits. Wash the fruits, carefully cut off the “lid” with a knife, remove the core. Thus, it turns out, as it were, kulechki from an apple. Stuff them with dried fruits and nuts cut into small pieces. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place in preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. An excellent tool for strengthening the immune system of children.
  2. Almost any salad can be given a twist by simply adding an apple to it. Crab, Olivier, even mimosa are good with this fruit.
  3. Liver with apples. Half a kilo of liver, preferably chicken or turkey, 4 pieces of apples and onions, butter, red wine 100 ml, salt, spices. Rinse the liver, cut into small pieces. Place in a frying pan and fry until the blood stops oozing. Now add chopped onion and continue frying. Meanwhile, in another pan, fry the apple slices until golden brown. Pour wine over the liver, after 7-10 minutes add fruit. Cover and simmer everything together for another 10-15 minutes.

An apple is one of the most delicious and affordable fruits. overestimate useful properties of apple it is practically impossible for a person: this is a real treasure trove of vitamins and microelements, the balance of which in the body contributes to its rejuvenation and is the basis of strong immunity. Healthy apple contains: water - 80-90%; fiber - 0.6%; sugar - 5-15%; carotene; pectin - 0.27%; starch - 0.9%; folic and organic acids; vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, P, PP, K; trace elements - sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, copper, zinc, calcium, aluminum, fluorine, chromium, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, vanadium, manganese.

vitamins in apples

Apples are useful absolutely everyone - both healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases. Freshly picked apples are rich in vitamins. Let's figure out what benefits of apple vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A apples have 50% more than oranges - this vitamin helps protect against colds and other infections and maintains good eyesight.
  • Vitamin G or B2 more in apples than in any other fruit. It is called the "vitamin of appetite" and ensures normal digestion and growth, maintains the integrity of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C- one sour apple is a quarter of the daily vitamin requirement; the best remedy for the prevention of infectious diseases, beriberi and anemia, an indispensable element in the synthesis of collagen, regulation of blood clotting, normalization of blood vessels. Thanks to vitamin C, apples have an anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability to toxins, relieves swelling, and promotes rapid recovery after a long illness.
  • Potassium- This microelement is a mild diuretic. It helps to relieve swelling of the body, regulates the fluid content and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Iron- is the best remedy for anemia. Moreover, the distinctive quality of iron in apples is its good biological digestibility. Iron-rich apples are especially beneficial for children and pregnant women.
  • Phosphorus- effectively stimulates brain activity and is an indispensable element for eliminating insomnia.
  • Zinc- a great helper in strengthening the immune system. In addition, zinc assists in weight loss.
  • Pectins- give the body resistance to salts of heavy metals, toxic and radioactive substances (especially indicated for workers in hazardous industries), and also remove excess cholesterol from the liver.
  • Iodine- its amount in apples is much greater than in any other fruit (apples are second only to seafood in iodine), an excellent prophylactic for thyroid diseases.
  • Magnesium salts- reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Tannins- a good prophylactic for urolithiasis, gout.
  • Folic acid- dulls the feeling of hunger, which is why apple fasting days are so popular and useful.
  • organic acids- apple, wine, lemon: interfere with fermentation processes in the intestines, prevent flatulence and bloating.

IMPORTANT: The more apples lie, the less vitamins there are. It is best to use fresh fruits in their natural form or grated on a coarse grater. The most useful are small, sour and wild apples. They contain ten times more nutrients than glossy fruits. Of course, fresh apples are the most useful, but even during heat treatment they do not lose their nutritional and energy value.

Useful properties of apples

  • Benefits of Apples to Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

Studies in mice have shown that fresh apple juice protects against brain aging, thereby preventing the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Mice heavily fed apples had higher levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter associated with memory functions. The results of mice on a diet with increased consumption of apples, when passing the maze, were higher than the results of the same test in mice not consuming apples. Thus, apples are useful for improving and preserving memory, as well as preventing Alzheimer's disease.

  • Useful properties of apples for cancer prevention

Scientists from the American Association for Research on Cancer concluded that regular consumption of apples can reduce the likelihood of pancreatic cancer by 23%. Scientists from Cornell University have found that the skin of apples contains compounds that prevent the growth of cancer cells in the liver, breast and colon. Previous studies have shown that freshly squeezed apple juice, actively included in the diet of rats, prevents them from developing breast cancer. In rats that ate 6 apples a day, the risk of developing breast cancer was reduced by 44%.

  • Useful properties of apples to protect against cholesterol

Apples are useful for preventing high cholesterol levels. Even if the level is already elevated, eating apples leads to its decrease. After all, the soluble fibers contained in apples bind fats in the intestines, which protects against cholesterol and helps to reduce it. If you eat 2 apples a day, you can quickly reduce cholesterol levels by 16%. And the apple diet reduces blood cholesterol by 30%.

  • The benefits of apples for the cardiovascular system

Sour apples are richer in vitamin C, they have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability to toxins, relieve swelling, and promote rapid recovery after a long illness. Apples are beneficial for low blood pressure and hardening of the vessels, because they are a powerful blood purifier. Apples are good for the heart and blood vessels, because the less cholesterol, the healthier the cardiovascular system. If the vessels are clogged with cholesterol, there is a high probability of developing coronary heart disease. An apple protects against cholesterol by lowering its level.

  • Useful properties of apples for the gallbladder

Eating at least one apple a day protects against the formation of gallstones. Apples contribute to the prevention of gallbladder diseases: having a mild choleretic effect, they help prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you already have problems with the gallbladder, then do not forget to use freshly squeezed apple juice - half a glass or a glass 15-30 minutes before meals.

  • Benefits of apples to protect against diabetes

Apples have a tonic, encouraging, refreshing effect on the body. Fruits with a low sugar content affect fluctuations in blood sugar, they are indicated for patients with diabetes. Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The soluble fiber in apples reduces blood sugar fluctuations.

  • Useful properties of apples for postmenopausal women

Only the apple contains the flavonoid phloridzin, which increases bone density. And this is very important for women in this period, characterized by the risk of developing osteoporosis. Apples also contain boron, which also strengthens bones.

  • Useful properties of apples for asthma

A study by the Nottingham Research Institute found that eating 5 apples a week helped reduce levels of respiratory disease (including asthma). Studies have also shown that children with asthma are more likely to tolerate the disease if they regularly drink apple juice. It is very useful for pregnant women to eat a lot of apples - thanks to apples, the risk of developing asthma in future children is reduced.

  • Useful properties of apples for digestion

The fiber that the apple is rich in improves digestion. They are equally effective for constipation (fiber cleanses the intestines) and diarrhea (fiber absorbs excess moisture). The benefits of apples are in the normalization of stools. Apples contain such important natural acids as malic, tartaric and citric, and in combination with the same tannins, these acids stop the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, make it possible not to feel flatulence, bloating, and promote natural cleansing and restoration of the intestines. A healthy gut is the key to longevity and health. Thanks to pectin, apples act as a very mild and completely safe laxative. To prevent constipation, it is best to eat one or two sour apples on an empty stomach in the morning. What's more, apples have been proven to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. So for problems with the intestines, in addition to 1-2 apples on an empty stomach, it will be useful to eat 1-2 apples during the day.

  • Useful properties of apples against excess weight

Apples are low in calories. 100 g of a fresh apple contains only 47 kcal. The product is practically devoid of fat, but it contains carbohydrates, which allows a person who has consumed an apple to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. Great for those who want to lose weight and those who are on a diet. 100 g of baked apples contain almost 66 kcal and will also not harm the figure. But there are 253 kcal in 100 g of dried apples, so you should not get carried away with them if you want to maintain your weight.

  • Benefits of apples for the liver

Apples cleanse this organ - by eating apples, we thereby carry out a detoxification procedure for our liver. What's more, apples have been proven to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver.

  • Apples - for healthy teeth

Gnawing an apple after a meal, especially a carbohydrate one, we clean the plaque from the teeth and clean the interdental spaces. This protects our teeth from caries. Of course, an apple will not replace a toothbrush, but during the day, a hard apple does a good job of cleaning your teeth.

The benefits of baked apples

The benefits of baked apples no less than just plucked from a branch. Baked apples are a healthy dessert. First of all, baked apples are recommended to people suffering from digestive problems, constipation and dysbacteriosis. During heat treatment, although this fruit loses some of the vitamins, it is much better absorbed by the body, which ultimately leads to a more effective restoration of the composition of blood and lymph, as well as the rapid absorption of bacteria in the intestines. This property of baked apples is especially valuable during the rehabilitation period after abdominal operations, as well as for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

In the autumn-winter period - the time of numerous acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the throat and respiratory system, simple baked apples which, in addition to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, is to quickly reduce cough and relieve sore throat. In addition, such a dish is easy to use even with severe sore throat and difficult to eat solid food.

And finally baked apples - a tasty and healthy treat in itself contains a minimum of calories and at the same time helps to remove cholesterol from the body and safely reduce excess weight.

The benefits of dried apples

Dried apples will provide invaluable benefits to human health. With this method of harvesting fruits, almost all the useful substances contained in them are preserved, and the shelf life of dried products is practically unlimited. The benefits of dried apples is the high content of carbohydrates in them - the main source of energy necessary for the functioning of the body. Dried apples are recommended for children and people with an active lifestyle during spring beriberi, as well as for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The list of diseases in which a small amount of dried apples should be included in a person’s daily diet can be continued endlessly: these are thrombophlebitis, hypertension, and chronic cough, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestines and endocrine system.

However dried apples, benefits and harms which also depend on changes in their chemical composition, are not recommended for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. The reason for such a ban is the high (up to 12%) content of various types of sugar in them: fructose, glucose and sucrose, thanks to which dried apples will be an excellent substitute for sweets for your child.

The advantages of dried apples in winter far exceed the useful properties of kiwi and other tropical fruits, while almost everyone can prepare this product on their own.

Harm and contraindications of apples

No matter how valuable apples are for the prevention of various diseases and the normalization of metabolism in the body, their beneficial properties and contraindications are individual for each person. With caution, the use of apples should be taken by people prone to allergies, as well as those suffering from diabetes; regular eating of apples can also affect the condition of tooth enamel. And, of course, the benefits and harms of an apple depend on the balance of your diet: do not abuse the currently so fashionable "apple diets" for quick and effective weight loss. Consult your doctor!

Earlier on the topic:

In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and healing (healing) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very pleasant that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. Useful and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their healing composition. Apples contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. The composition of the fruits of various varieties of apple contains in%: Sugars 5-15, fiber 0.6, starch 0.8, pectin 0.27, organic acids 0.3-0.89 (apple 0.37, citric 0.11 , tartaric and chlorogenic acids). Apples are very rich in vitamins, in%: vitamin C - 8-22.4 vitamin P - 60-400, vitamin B1 - 0.8-2.3, vitamin B2 - 0.05, vitamin B6 0.08, carotene 0 .02–0.03. The composition of green apple varieties still contains Bis 0.07; E 0.63 mg% and biotin 0.30 µg%. Apples also contain a large number of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc. The peel of apple fruits contains flavonoids. The composition of the fruit contains 84-90% water. Apple seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, amygdalin glycoside up to 0.6%. The leaves contain vitamin C 450 mg% and glycoside amygdalin.

health benefits of apples

Apples contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, and are also used to prevent constipation and increase appetite.

The composition of apples contains from 5 to 50 mg% of chlorogenic acid, which contributes to the excretion of oxalic acid from the body and, in addition, to the normal functioning of the liver.

Apples lower blood cholesterol levels due to their pectin and related fiber content. One apple with peel contains 3.5 g. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body. An apple without a peel contains 2.7 g. fibers. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and help remove it from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockage and heart attacks. Apples contain soluble fibers called pectins, which help bind and remove excess cholesterol produced in the liver. The peel of an apple contains a high amount of the antioxidant quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, prevents free radicals from having a harmful effect on the body. Thanks to pectin, the apple also acquires some of its protective power. Pectin is able to bind harmful substances entering the body, such as lead and arsenic, and remove them from the body. The insoluble fiber in apples prevents constipation and removes harmful substances from the body, thereby reducing the chance of colon cancer.

Useful properties of apples. Apple treatment

Apples are used for vitamin deficiency, lowering the level of vitamin C, anemia. From the juice of sour apples (by adding 2 parts of iron per 100 parts of juice) an extract of malic acid iron is obtained, used for anemia.

Apples prevent the formation of uric acid, are used for gout, chronic rheumatism. It is good and useful to drink decoctions and infusions from apples. Cut apples into tea, let them brew and drink.

Apples have good dietary properties and are used as a dietary product for indigestion, beriberi, anemia, and as a diuretic. Apples have a tonic effect and increase the body's resistance to radiation. Apples are considered a good dietary remedy for metabolic disorders, obesity and gout, fresh - for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is better to eat fresh apples, as they contain substances that can oxidize vitamin C, and heat treatment leads to the destruction of these substances and a decrease in vitamin C in the body.

Apple phytoncides are active against pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses. The antimicrobial activity of phytoncides increases from the periphery of the fruit to the center. The use of apples in the period after the transfer of a heart attack is recommended.

With gastritis one of the most effective means are apples. Only green varieties, washed, peeled, but not peeled, grate on a fine grater. Do not eat or drink 4-5 hours before and after taking apples. It is advisable to eat apples early in the morning, then at 11 o'clock you can have breakfast, or in the evening. At night, apples cannot be eaten due to increased gas formation. Continue treatment for a month daily, the second month - 2-3 times a week, the third - weekly. At the same time, follow the prescribed diet and do not consume milk, fatty, spicy, salty foods, strong tea, coffee, fresh bread, spices.

Apple juice well strengthens the cardiovascular system, is useful for people of mental labor. There are many hematopoietic elements in the juice.

With obesity make a mixture of juices: apple - 100 ml, melon - 50 ml, tomato - 5 ml, lemon - 25 ml. Accept also with avitaminosis and anemia.

With atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, gallbladder diseases take 1/2 cup 15-20 minutes before meals.

Sour varieties of apples are accepted in diseases of the stomach with low acidity and constipation.

Useful properties of apples to alleviate cold cough and hoarseness: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of apple peel with 1 cup of boiling water and insist like tea. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day before meals or 2-3 unpeeled apples, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Apples have powerful healing properties: for healing cracked lips, nipples and hands: Grate 100 g of apples and mix with animal, pork, goose fat or butter in a 1: 1 ratio. It is used at night, after washing the skin area with toilet soap.

Externally grated apples are used for burns to cover the affected areas of the skin with them, reduce inflammation and soreness. Apples reduce warts; in case of inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face, they are widely used for masks due to the high content of tannins.

An apple is one of the most popular diet foods. Thanks to a set of useful substances, it helps to enhance the metabolic processes in the body, without which normal weight loss is impossible.

So, apples are not just a food product filled with fiber, they are a valuable vitamin and mineral complex, which also has a lot of dietary fiber, and because of the high water content and low calorie content, apples seem to be the best product for dietary nutrition.

Apples are a valuable natural source of vitamin C. Sour apples are richer in this vitamin. In addition to affecting the immune system, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability to toxins (in other words, it does not allow poison to enter the body), and promotes rapid recovery after a long illness. Apples contain natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which in themselves have a detrimental effect on the pathogens of the influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, help with acne on the face, destroy dysentery pathogens.

In influenza, the beneficial effect of apples is based not only on its antiviral effect, but also on the fact that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) actively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillary walls for toxins, i.e. helps to reduce the harmful effects of the virus on the human body. It is also important that apples contain P-vitamin-active tannins, which helps vitamin C further strengthen and protect the walls of blood vessels.

Firstly, apples contain such important natural acids as malic, tartaric and citric, and in combination with the same tannins, these acids stop the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, make it possible not to feel flatulence, bloating, promote natural cleansing and intestinal recovery. A healthy gut is the key to longevity and health. To prevent constipation, it is best to eat one or two sour apples on an empty stomach in the morning. What's more, apples have been proven to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. So for problems with the intestines, in addition to 1-2 apples on an empty stomach, it will be useful to eat 1-2 apples during the day. It will be no less useful to arrange an unloading apple day (mini-apple mono-diet) every 2-3 weeks.

The same tannins (due to the fact that apples are rich in potassium) help prevent gout and urolithiasis. How? They do not allow uric acid salts to precipitate, therefore, with uric acid diathesis, they are not only a treatment, but also a prevention of larger troubles - urolithiasis. How to install it? If you have a lot of uric acid salts in your urine test, if you want to get rid of kidney stones - chew apples!

Apples contribute to the prevention of gallbladder diseases: having a mild choleretic effect, they help prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you already have problems with the gallbladder, then do not forget to use freshly squeezed apple juice - half a glass or a glass 15-30 minutes before meals.

But with low acidity and constipation, it is recommended to drink a glass or two of freshly squeezed apple juice daily, and only from sour apples. In case of duodenal ulcer and gastritis with high acidity, it is advised to consume sweet varieties of apples approximately 20-30 minutes before meals.

Apples contain a lot of iron, they are rightly considered a good helper for anemia in children, adults, and especially in pregnant women. Of course, a href="http://www.inmoment.ru/beauty/health-body/iron.html" title=" trace element iron">железа в яблоках намного меньше, чем в печенке, кровянке или просто куске мяса, но железо из яблок обладает высокой биологической усваиваемостью, т.е. почти все используется организмом. Кроме того, есть народное средство увеличить содержание полезного железа в яблоках: просто на пару дней воткните в яблоко два-три чистых гвоздя. Они за это время под действием кислот, которые есть в яблоках, окислятся.!}

Notice another important feature: potassium in apples is about 11 times more than sodium! And this means that apples have a mild diuretic effect and reduce swelling in the body. If we add to this their ability to strengthen the vascular wall, it turns out that apples become an invaluable assistant to the doctor in case of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. So doctors rightly say that apples help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Moreover, after a heart attack, apples are extremely necessary for a person: they not only strengthen blood vessels, cleanse them and restore health, but also put the intestines in order, prevent constipation, and this is important in preventing complications after a heart attack (many sovereigns, including those we, in Russia, were dying of apoplexy on a chamber pot, sorry for such intimate details). And apples also contain a “loading dose” of antioxidants – substances necessary for the restoration of the cardiovascular system. So, instead of multivitamin preparations and tablets with antioxidants, it is enough to eat 1-3 apples a day. By the way, it will also cost a lot less. Just remember that antioxidants are contained in the apple peel, so you should not eat apples in any case, not peeled, and even more so not grated.

Hearts should also remember that pectin, which is contained in apple fibers, helps to normalize cholesterol levels. And high cholesterol levels increase the risk of serious vascular complications. One medium-sized apple with skin contains 3 to 5 g of fiber, i.e. about 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body. An apple without a peel contains up to 2-2.5 g of fiber. Pectins contained in apples can not only bind cholesterol and remove it from the bloodstream, but also have a beneficial effect on the liver, reduce cholesterol stores in it, and increase the activity of anti-cholesterol enzymes. If you eat up to 10 g of fiber per day from apples (that's about 0.5 of a raw product with a peel), then your cholesterol can be reduced by 15-18%, and to enhance the anti-cholesterol effect of apples, do not forget to eat an onion head daily and drink 3 -4 cups of green tea. This will reduce the risk of acute vascular complications (heart attack or stroke) by a third.

And how endocrinologists love to advise eating apples! They have long noticed that apples surpass many fruits in iodine content, yielding the palm in this only to marine products (in bananas, grapefruits and oranges, iodine is 7-10 times less than in apples). Therefore, apples help prevent thyroid diseases. Just remember: iodine is found in apple seeds, so the apple must be eaten with the seeds. And the ability of apples to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, plus the low content of fructose in sour apples, will allow this fruit to be actively used to feed diabetics.

The tonic effect of apples on the human body is also widely known. It is these properties of apples to positively influence the immune system that make them a good means of preventing tuberculosis. Apples are indispensable even when a person has been ill with infectious diseases, has suffered a long illness and needs to restore his strength.

Properly prepared dried fruits from apples, as well as apple jams, compotes, etc. contain many nutrients, especially if cooked properly. Apples are not only part of the apple diet, they become the basis of many diets and dietary systems that would not be as effective without apples. Firstly, apples are rich in iodine, therefore, they affect the thyroid gland, activate metabolic processes. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility (increased intestinal activity): food moves through the intestines faster, which means that fewer nutrients have time to enter the body. The mild diuretic effect and choleretic properties of apples actively contribute to weight loss. The high content of vitamins and antioxidants also helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body. The acids found in apples contain folic acid, which dulls the feeling of hunger. These mechanisms make apples indispensable for weight loss.

Everyone knows from childhood that you need to eat apples - the beneficial properties of these fruits are unlikely to cause anyone doubt! But if you are asked what is the use of an apple, can you give a detailed answer? What exactly is the value of juicy fruits, and in what diseases should they be especially “leaned on”?

What is hidden under the thin skin of an apple?

To date, there are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees: summer, autumn and, with fruits of green, pale yellow, golden, light and dark red color, of various sizes, tastes and aromas. Some varieties contain more vitamin C, others contain more sugars, and still others contain more iron. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in apples, and which fruits are better to prefer for a particular disease.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year's harvest remain almost as useful as fresh ones.

80% of apple fruits are water, about 12% are carbohydrates, 10% are organic acids, and there are very few proteins and fats in apples - only 1%. It is no coincidence that many diets contain an apple: its calorie content is very low (43-47 kcal per 100 g), and a large amount of fiber (pectin) contributes to rapid saturation and, in addition, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.

Video about the medicinal properties of apples

If you didn’t know before what vitamins an apple contains, the list will surprise you: almost the entire group B, vitamins A, C (10 g per 100 g of apple), E, ​​H, K, PP are present in juicy fruits. In addition, apples are rich in macro- and microelements:

  • iron, which is necessary for our circulatory system;
  • potassium, good for the heart;
  • calcium, important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones;
  • phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • as well as sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, fluorine.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year's harvest remain almost as useful as fresh ones.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dish.

health benefits of apples

Due to the soluble fiber (pectin), apples become an effective natural remedy for constipation. The work of the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract is getting better, intestinal motility improves, harmful substances are more actively excreted from the body, and metabolism is normalized. As a result, the skin condition becomes better and the complexion is healthier. In addition, pectin helps to remove excess cholesterol from the liver.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dishes, making your diet more dietary and healthy, or spend fasting days on apples alone. These delicious fruits greatly facilitate the fight against excess weight and obesity. Just keep in mind that apples with a green skin color are more conducive to weight loss.

Astringent-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain an increased percentage of iron. They are especially recommended for pregnant women to raise low hemoglobin, as well as for everyone who suffers from increased fragility of blood vessels and anemia.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain an increased percentage of iron.

Apples have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties, so it is useful to add them to the diet for:

  • acute and chronic colitis,
  • dysentery,
  • gastrointestinal infections,
  • urolithiasis,
  • gout,
  • edema of renal origin,
  • gastroenteritis,
  • chronic cholecystitis.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances, which is especially important for those whose work is related to radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals. And the substance quercetin found in apples prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by protecting brain cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances.

Listing how apples are useful, it is impossible not to note their beneficial effect on immunity due to the high content of vitamin C. Varieties of sour apples are especially good for insomnia, headaches, and even diabetes. And tea from sour apples has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Are apples so harmless, what is their harm?

You may be surprised, but in fact, you can seriously harm your body by eating seemingly harmless apples - the benefits and harms depend on how correctly you eat these fruits. So, with caution should be treated with the ingestion of apple seeds. In small quantities, they are even considered useful because they contain iodine, but it should be borne in mind that they also contain hydrocyanic acid, the strongest poison. More than five ingested bones are already a health hazard.

Try to avoid store-bought apples polished to a mirror shine - for better storage, they are abundantly treated with chemicals, and to give an attractive presentation, they are coated with unsafe wax-based preparations that contribute to the development of gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on fruits with hot water and soap, but it is better to choose apples that do not look so perfect and have wormholes - evidence of the naturalness of the fruit.

Rough fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating

Some consider apples to be hypoallergenic fruits, however, this is not entirely true. Only varieties with a green fruit color do not cause allergies, and red apples contain beta-carotene (a pigment substance), from which allergic reactions can occur.

Sour apples should not be eaten by people with duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, inflammatory processes in the pancreas. But sweet apples are undesirable for cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Otherwise, apples are incredibly useful, just do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after each use, as the fruit acids and sugars contained in the fruits cause the destruction of tooth enamel.

What is the best way to eat apples?

Baked apples are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, only in the process of baking most of the vitamins are destroyed.

As soon as apples are not used in cooking: they are added to salads, make side dishes, used as a filling for pies, rolls and cakes, baked with honey, nuts, cinnamon, jam, jams, compotes, marmalade, mousse and other sweets. But best of all, the useful properties of apples are preserved in dried, baked form and in the preparation of freshly squeezed juice.

Baked apples they are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, only in the process of baking most of the vitamins are destroyed, from which the benefits of apples are reduced. Peeled baked apples remarkably help with constipation, dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis. They contribute to the careful restoration of the digestive organs after abdominal operations, and pectins remove from the body all unwanted products formed after the breakdown of drugs. In addition, baked apples are good for coughs.

Video about baked apples

dried apples especially rich in iron, fiber and carbohydrates, but during drying, vitamin C is completely destroyed in them. It is recommended to use dried apples as a source of carbohydrates for additional energy, just keep in mind that the calorie content of dried apples is six times higher than fresh ones.

To get all the vitamins and nutrients in a concentrated, easily digestible form, apples can be prepared fresh juice. It perfectly quenches thirst, increases the tone of the body, and at the same time helps to cope with colds, has a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary systems and activates the activity of the kidneys. With the regular use of apple juice in children with asthma, shortness of breath is noticeably reduced.

Juicy fragrant apples are a real miracle of nature. They are not only tasty, but also medicinal.

They have everything we need for our health:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, K;
  • nicotinic acid, vitamin PP or B3;
  • biotin - vitamin B7, beauty vitamin;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese.

While the health benefits of apples are obvious, they can still be harmful, so wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.

What are the health benefits of apples?

Useful properties of apples for humans

Ascorbic acid in apples is 10 times more than citrus fruits. Apples of different varieties are different from each other. For example, apples grown in the northern regions contain more organic citric, malic, and tartaric acids, but southern fruits are sweeter; they contain more glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

The healing properties of apples were noted by Hippocrates, who recommended them for the treatment of the stomach and heart.

Apples useful properties.

  1. Remove excess salts and water from the body.
  2. Favorably act on blood vessels.
  3. Strengthen immunity.
  4. They contain iodine, which is necessary for our thyroid gland.
  5. Vitamin A helps prevent hypertension.
  6. Powerful antioxidants (tocopherol, beta-carotene, quercetin, selenium) slow down the aging process.
  7. , which is very important.
  8. Apples should be in the diet of every woman, as they contain biotin, pantothenic and folic acids. contributing to the strengthening of hair, nails, necessary for the skin.

During the epidemic colds and flu eat 2-3 apples and you will protect yourself from these infections.

With anemia, you need to eat 400-600 grams of apples within a month, but preferably green ones.

For gastritis treatment you need to grate two apples peeled. Eat apple puree in the morning the following scheme:

  • 1 month - every day;
  • the second month - two or three times a week;
  • 3 months - once a week.

After that, you do not need to eat or drink for four to five hours.

With this treatment, avoid:

  • fatty, salty, spicy foods;
  • spices;
  • milk;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • strong tea and coffee.

To get rid of heartburn eat an apple without the peel.

If after lunch and dinner you drink a glass of apple compote, then you can eliminate bad breath.

Drink warm apple compote in small sips with hoarse voice and cough. There is also apple and onion puree, honey.

Mix in equal amounts:

  • apple;

Eat a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Baked apples useful properties

With pleurisy (congestion in the chest), baked apples are useful.

It is very useful to bake apples for colitis: 5-6 apples a day, for 2 days.

For acute gout attacks make compresses at night from soaked apples.

Useful properties of apples and apple peel

What are the benefits of apple peel?

  1. Contains insoluble fiber that removes cholesterol from the blood.
  2. Contains soluble fiber that removes cholesterol from the liver.
  3. It contains oxidants, triterpenoids that slow down the growth of cancer cells.
  4. Rich in pectin for healthy intestinal flora.
  5. Contains ursolic acid, which reduces muscle atrophy and helps build muscle mass.
  6. Fiber promotes weight loss, fat burning and immune system cleansing. .

For gout, prepare an infusion of apples: pour 1 liter of boiling water over three apples with a peel, boil for 10 minutes over low heat and pour into a thermos. After half an hour, you can add honey or sugar and drink all day.

For hypertension, pour 2 tablespoons of dry crusts into 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Drink the prepared infusion half a glass 5-6 times a day, before meals. You can put sugar in the infusion.

For the treatment of eczema pour a tablespoon of apple peel with infusion of viburnum (a teaspoon of viburnum flowers in a glass of boiling water), leave for an hour. Drink half a cup before meals at night for a month.

Useful properties of apples and apple juice

Apple juice is useful, but freshly squeezed, because after two hours there will be very few useful substances in it.

Apple juice is prescribed for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • joint diseases.

Apple juice contains a lot of iron and manganese, which improves blood composition.

For constipation, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice 3 times a day, preferably from sour apples. You can also make a cocktail: cut two apples into pieces with 0.5 cup of hot milk, boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat, cool and drink 30 minutes before breakfast.

To increase hemoglobin two weeks before meals, drink juice from apples and beets twice a day (80% apple juice, 20% beet juice).

If you are predisposed to atherosclerosis, for prevention, drink half a cup of juice half an hour before meals or eat 2-3 apples.

Useful properties of apples for the skin and contraindications

Everyone knows the fairy tale about rejuvenating apples, how Ivan Tsarevich, having eaten an apple, became younger. This is understandable, since apples have been used for beauty and youth for a very long time.

Grate half an apple and add a teaspoon of vegetable oil for a wonderful mask for dry skin.

If you add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and egg white to a grated apple, then a mask for oily skin is ready.

Add a spoonful of oatmeal to an apple and get a mask for aging skin.

Prepared mask suitable for your skin type, apply on the face, neck, décolleté. Wash off after 5 minutes.

You can simply put grated slurry on your face, massage lightly and remove.

Contraindications and harm of apples.

  1. Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  2. With caution in enteritis pancreatitis.
  3. Do not eat apples at night, so that there is no fermentation in the stomach.
  4. Seeds from apples, in addition to iodine, contain hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous, so do not abuse the seeds, 3-4 pieces are enough.
  5. With a tendency to allergies, it is better to use green apples.
  6. The sugars in apples can damage enamel, so rinse your mouth after eating an apple.
  7. To bring imported apples and save them, they are treated with chemistry and paraffin, wash the apples thoroughly with soap, and peel them for children.

Conclusion: how many useful properties apples have, be sure to eat them for health, make juices, compotes, use them as masks and you will be healthy and beautiful.

See you, Regards Olga.
