
Useful properties and application of bee products. On the use and benefits of bee products

Since time immemorial, bee products have been used for medicinal purposes. We can find references to this in the annals. For example, a book dating back to 2700 BC was found in the library of Mesopotamia, where honey and bee products were described precisely as medicines.

In Egypt, a papyrus "Book on the preparation of medicines for all parts of the human body" (1200 BC) was discovered. It describes recipes for the preparation of honey preparations for diseases of internal organs, skin and others. The natural product was also used for mummification - the Egyptians believed that it protects eternal youth.

Later, in the famous medical treatise "Medicine of the Prophet", the author writes: "Four actions give birth to a miracle - drink honey, look at the water, at the green color, admire the beautiful face."

Related article: Why is honey considered so beneficial?

Interesting fact: When in Babylon in 323 B.C. Alexander the Great died, his associate Ptolemy instructed to return the body of the commander to Alexandria. To do this, he immersed Macedonian in honey - thus, he managed to overcome 2500 km and deliver the body to Egypt.

Such well-known thinkers as Democritus, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Dioscorides, Aristotle, Galen, Avicenna contributed to the development of this branch of medicine. All of them are united by the conviction that honey is necessary for maintaining health. But everyone offered different recipes for treatment with bee products.

Related article: Mead recipes: history and modernity

Hippocrates advised drinking "honey water" for longevity. He also put forward a theory about the treatment of sore throats with propolis using warming rubbing. Pythagoras, as one of the first vegetarians in history, recommended replacing meat with bee nectar in the diet. Dioscorides promoted the external use of the product - to cleanse wounds, heal scars, improve vision, and even remove snake venom. Galen resorted to honey and bee venom in military surgery - he used them as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, this method of treatment spread throughout the world. In Russia, Patriarch Nikon gave water to people suffering from various diseases with “honey drink”. Pope John XXI wrote the book Treasures of the Poor, where he talked about the healing properties of bee venom, wax and honey. It is known that the court physician of Ivan the Terrible attempted to cure the tsar of gout with the help of the poison of little workers.

Related article: Honeymoon: a sweet tradition for newlyweds

Over time, this branch of traditional medicine received its scientific name - apitherapy, which comes from the Greek "apis" ("bee"). Now the theory of healing with the help of bee products is supported even by most representatives of traditional medicine.

In Ukraine, the development of apitherapy is associated with the name of the beekeeper Petr Ivanovich Prokopovich. He started breeding bees in 1800 - according to the stories of his contemporaries, it was from then that he practiced treating people with the help of bee products. The beekeeper was friends with the famous poet Taras Shevchenko, whom he inspired to write the painting "In the Apiary", as well as the works "Notes on Bees" and "On Honey Flower Plants".

Treatment with honey and bee products opens up great opportunities for people. The list of their medicinal properties is very wide. We will tell you about the most unusual healing effects that various bee products can have on the human body.


You can talk about its properties for several days and even months. It is enough to pay attention to the composition: vitamins, trace elements, amino acids ... It contains a record number of them - much more than in any of the products separately. For example, a spoonful of honey can be as useful as several oranges.

The uniqueness of bee nectar lies in the fact that it is a natural antibiotic. But, unlike synthetic drugs, a natural product is purely beneficial for the body. A special study was conducted in the laboratory: the most dangerous pathogenic organisms (staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others) were affected by honey. The results showed that the bacteria were destroyed.

Do you know which foods detoxify? Honey does this much faster and more efficiently. British scientists have proven that bee nectar even relieves hangover symptoms. Agree, eating a spoonful of sweets is much more pleasant than absorbing pickle?

Related article: Honey cures hangovers: amazing fact or fiction?

Honey is used in a variety of forms: as a digestive product, as an ingredient in medicines, as an ointment, and even as honey swabs for conception.

bee pollen

Folk treatments for vascular and heart disease revolve around bee pollen. It is also called a butt. Bees get it during pollination of melliferous plants - rolling dust particles with their furry paws, they form miniature peas.

Little workers feed their larvae with them. As the results show, with the help of pollen, in just a few days, the larvae turn into full-fledged bees: they increase in size, their wings spread, glands form.

Related article: Bee Pollen: Nature's Effective Help

For humans, the bee product is valuable for its high content of amino acids. Their daily norm fit in just 30 grams of pollen. It helps to normalize blood pressure, get rid of the consequences of a heart attack, and is useful for ischemia, heart disease and other similar diseases.

Among all liver treatment products, pollen is one of the most effective. Mixed with bee bread and honey, it helps with hepatitis of various etiologies.


Representatives of traditional medicine called bee bread "bee bread" and elevated it to the level of almost a panacea. This is a mixture of pollen collected by small workers, compacted into honeycombs and filled with honey on top.

Related article:Bee perga is a real vitamin "boom"!

Other bee products succumb to its beneficial nutritional value. Each gram of perga contains a huge amount of protein, vitamins (A, B, C, E, D, K), as well as organic microelements (iron, potassium, magnesium and others).

It needs to be consumed quite a bit per day - 6 pieces are enough. Animal studies have shown that bee-bread pups developed much faster than their peers.

"Bee bread" is especially useful for the reproductive female and male systems. It is recommended to use the representatives of the stronger sex in order to avoid erectile dysfunction and improve sperm motility. For women, perga will be a deliverance from infertility and a guarantee of a healthy pregnancy.

Perge is even credited in folk medicine with the treatment of alcoholism.


Folk methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis involve the use of this bee product. It is used for the preparation of warming compresses, rubbing, ointments and tinctures.


This product is a natural anesthetic, which is confirmed by the research of the famous Ukrainian beekeeper Peter Prokopovich. According to the results of experiments, a mixture of "bee glue" with a solution of cocaine enhances the effect of the latter by more than 10 times! Modern scientists have also discovered the regenerative properties of propolis, since it contains plant resins and natural balms (essential oils, tannins).

The product will be a great helper for the stronger sex. Treatment of prostatitis with propolis gives even more effective results than traditional medicine.


The product must be chewed until only insoluble particles of wax remain in the mouth. Such a simple daily manipulation will become the prevention and treatment of: flu and colds, dental diseases, diseases of the respiratory system and other health problems.

One of the most unique properties of zabrus can be called getting rid of nicotine addiction. Acting as a substitute for tobacco, it helps to quit smoking easily.

Royal jelly

Royal jelly is called the "elixir of youth" in its purest form. For this purpose, it is used both internally and in the form of various creams. According to studies conducted in France by Dr. Destrom, the consumption of bee milk had a slowing down effect on the aging process of cells.

Due to its nutritional composition, the natural product is recommended for pregnant women and for children born prematurely. It increases weight, provides protection against diseases, improves appetite, and so on. The product is also mentioned among folk methods for the treatment of prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and infertility.

Wax moth tincture

This tincture is made from wax moth larvae. These are pests for bees: they start in honeycombs and eat wax, perga and propolis honestly collected by little workers. But it turns out that the larvae are very beneficial to health. They insist on alcohol according to special rules - the result is an effective healing agent.

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The composition of the tincture contains such an element as chitosan. It has powerful regenerating properties: from a small scratch to complete rejuvenation. The treatment of joints with dead bees, the circulatory system, the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland and other organs is practiced.

Application methods

Now let's talk more about the most popular recipes in traditional medicine.

Honey can be used both in pure form and mixed with other components. In the first case, it will be enough to eat one teaspoon before each meal.

Honey water is considered the most popular prophylactic against all diseases, as well as to maintain vitality.

In a glass of warm purified water, you need to dilute 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Add a few drops of lemon juice and stir. Drink twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and a couple of hours before bedtime.

Related article: Honey water - a universal recipe for health

How to get rid of the flu or runny nose? How to cure dry and wet cough? How to ensure the healthy development of the unborn baby during pregnancy? How to treat the spleen with folk remedies? In all of the above cases, a mixture of honey, milk and butter will help you.

In a glass of warm milk (at a temperature not higher than +60 degrees), dilute one tablespoon of honey. Add a piece of butter, 1-2 cm thick.

Related article:Milk with honey: goodbye cough!

bee pollen can also be used in its pure form. One dessert (or incomplete tablespoon) spoon once a day is enough. Chew well and hold in your mouth for several minutes, after which you can drink water.

Pollen is also consumed along with honey. It is believed that it "preserves" its medicinal properties and enhances the healing effect.

To do this, honey and pollen are mixed in proportions of 5: 1 and interrupted with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

You need to eat the mixture one tablespoon at a time before meals.

Related article: Pollen with honey: double the benefits!

Perga replaces your pharmacy vitamins. It is enough to eat it 6-10 things a day. An increased dose (30 grams per day) is recommended for those who suffer from serious diseases: tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, etc.

A mixture of bee bread with honey is considered effective for treatment.

Honey and bee bread are mixed in equal proportions and beat with a mixer until smooth. It is necessary to eat it one teaspoon 3 times a day.

Course - 3 weeks. After its completion, take a break of 2-3 weeks and repeat again.

Related article: Honey with bee bread - a powerful health-improving tandem!

Based beeswax various ointments and creams are made. To prepare them, you will first need to melt the bee product in a water bath.

Mix 100 g of wax, 10 g of mummy, 20 g of spruce resin, 20 ml of cedar oil, 20 ml of wheat germ oil, 10 ml of aloe juice, 10 ml of wormwood tincture. Rub the resulting ointment into the affected area.

Rejuvenating face mask:

30 g of wax, 30 g of honey, 10 ml of aloe juice, 20 ml of white lily tincture. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain and chill in the refrigerator.

Related article: Application of beeswax for face and hair

Cream for healing wounds and ulcers:

20 g of beeswax, 30 g of vegetable oil, 50 g of celandine, 50 calendula flowers. Add melted wax to the pre-brewed broth. The mixture is additionally boiled in a water bath.

Propolis used to prepare a tincture or ointment.

Related article: Honey with propolis is a natural alternative to a first aid kit!

For example, propolis treatment of gastritis involves the use of an aqueous extract:

Warm boiled water is mixed with crushed "bee glue" in proportions of 10:1. Infused in a thermos for a day. The resulting infusion should be applied 2-3 tablespoons 3-5 times a day for half an hour before meals. Also, an aqueous extract of propolis can be used to wipe the affected area with skin diseases.

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Propolis tincture for hair

Propolis for the face: cleansing + rejuvenation

For the treatment of prostate adenoma with propolis, you will need an alcohol tincture:

70-degree alcohol and crushed "bee glue" are mixed in proportions of 10: 1. Insist 2-3 days in a dark bowl. Apply half an hour before meals, 20-60 drops, diluting them in a glass of water. For external use, the tincture is recommended to be diluted with water in proportions of 1:2.

Propolis ointment is prepared as follows:

50 g of crushed bee products are ground with 100 g of butter or vaseline until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Zabrus used in its pure form.

For prevention, it is necessary to chew one teaspoon 3 times a day. For the treatment of flu and colds, the dose is increased - one teaspoon every 30 minutes until the acute symptoms disappear.

Chew until only wax remains in the mouth, it must be spit out.

Royal jelly in its pure form, it is recommended to use 1 g (½ teaspoon) 2 times a day - 15 minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before lunch.

It is also the main ingredient for making anti-aging skin cream.

Related article: Preparing medical cosmetics based on bee products

Also, the product can be mixed with honey - this will increase its shelf life and enhance the healing effect:

Mix 100 g of honey with 1 g of royal jelly. Use 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon.

Related article:Honey with royal jelly: from the hive to the first aid kit

Application rules wax moth tinctures depend on its type.

  • 10% tincture - 50 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
  • 20% tincture - 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals

Related article: Wax moth tincture for the treatment of bronchitis

Norm of use bee tincture for prevention - 1 teaspoon, diluted in a small amount of water. For the purpose of treatment, the dose is increased to 2 teaspoons.

It is used to strengthen the immune system, reduce pain in the joints and spine, increase the activity of the thyroid gland, stabilize the work of the heart and blood pressure, cleanse the stomach and intestines, get rid of impotence, and in many other cases. Also, tincture is one of the folk methods of treating myopia.

As you have already seen after reading our article, the waste products of bees are an excellent alternative to various synthetic drugs. For the most part, they have the same effect on the body, but do not cause harm to health. But we do not recommend to get involved in self-treatment - before using this or that product, it is better to consult a doctor.


Wikipedia: Apitherapy

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Today, beekeeping is an important branch of agriculture, and bee products are of great national economic importance. Honey, zabrus, perga, pollen and other useful products of beekeeping and their use by humans are indispensable components of the life of honeybees, which are used in medicine.

Product name PropertiesApplication
HoneyHoney is a sweet sugary product that bees produce from flower nectar or honeydew, subjecting them to complex processing in their bodies. Honey is stacked in honeycombs, sealed and used as feed."Sweet medicine", the elixir of youth. Honey contains biogenic stimulants that activate all vital processes. Even a small dose has great healing properties. Honey is useful for the treatment and prevention of colds and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term use improves the general condition of the cardiovascular system, good for the heart. Honey is used in cosmetology. It saturates the skin with useful trace elements, heals wounds, improves tone.
ZabrusZabrus is a special wax-like substance, an equally important product of the vital activity of bees, with which they cover honeycombs. Zabrus is cut off before pumping honey. When sealing honeycombs, workers use many components: propolis, pollen, the secret of internal glands.Zabrus is used in folk medicine as a highly effective antibacterial and antiviral agent. Like many other bee products, zabrus does not cause allergies and addiction. It is used for chewing, increasing the functions of the stomach, improving metabolic processes. Often zabrus is prescribed for children to strengthen teeth and gums. Zabrus is used in preventive measures, enhancing the effects of honey.

WaxWax, as seen in the photo, has an almost white color with a yellowish-cream tint. Like many bee products, it forms the basis of the vital activity of insects. It is produced by working women with special wax glands. When released to the outside, it hardens in the form of transparent plastic pieces. Not to be confused with zabrus!Wax is used in beekeeping for the preparation of foundation, in cosmetology, as well as in many other industries. Like zabrus, it has medicinal properties, so it has found use in medicine. For example, for the treatment of skin diseases, for a smoothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

PropolisThe resinous substance that bees collect from different types of plants and treated with saliva is used to build and process the hive. It has a strong pronounced specific aroma and taste.The advantages of propolis include its special biological activity. It often helps to treat where other products are powerless. In medicine, propolis is known as a remedy for malignant skin formations, as well as for the healing of complex wounds and injuries. Its mechanism of action is similar to phytoncides, which explains the presence of phenolic compounds in it.

royal jellyA very complex connection of the life of bees. This is a special secret that honey plants secrete from the pharyngeal and maxillary glands. As shown in the photo, it is a yellow-white liquid with a specific odor.A natural biological product that has preventive, therapeutic and dietary effects. It is referred to as apilac and is used in medicine to treat more than 70 ailments. They have a wide biological effect, a cell generator and a tumor destroyer.

flower pollenPollen is the male sex cells of flowering plants. Bees, collecting and processing pollen with honey, use it for food. Pollen has a protein base, which is why it is often referred to as protein food.Pollen or pollen has found wide use in therapeutic and preventive measures. Pollen is a biologically active supplement to human nutrition, which helps restore immunity and saturates the body with vitamins. Pollen is recommended for weakened people and children.

PergaPerga is a pasty mass or pollen that is processed and packed into cells. Perga is a food reserve for bees. As a result of lactic acid fermentation and other processes, perga is stored for a long time.Perga, like pollen, is a biologically active substance that contributes to the normalization of the vital processes of the human body, to improve blood circulation. Perga is also a natural anabolic that prevents aging. Perga is often mixed with pollen and used as a vitamin supplement to the diet.

bee venomPoison is a thick substance, as in the photo, the secret of the sting glands of bees, a colorless thick liquid with a pungent odor and a burning effect. It quickly hardens in air and loses its aromatic properties.Bee venom has found use by humans to treat joint and muscle pain. Stinging is an indispensable procedure for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, as well as for the restoration of nerve fibers. However, not all people can use it. It has a strong allergic property.

Do you know how useful a tiny bee is? No benefit, just bites? But-but-but, do not slander this hardworking insect, which pollinates up to 80% of all agricultural plants. It is better to name the bee products (api products) known to you. Well, who else?! So honey. Once! Wax. Two! Propolis. Three! Mother's milk. Four! All? Meanwhile, bees are unique creatures that give us, people, more than a dozen products used both in medicine and in cosmetology, products that allow you to restore health and preserve beauty. Don't believe? Let's count.

  1. pollen;
  2. perga;
  3. wax;
  4. royal jelly;
  5. zabrus;
  6. drone homogenate;
  7. propolis;
  8. apitoxin (bee venom);
  9. dead bees;
  10. apizan;
  11. wax moth.

Types of bee products. Characteristics and properties

1. Honey. This healthy delicacy, which is the result of the processing of sugary substances by bees: nectar and honeydew, can be safely called the most popular and favorite bee product. Natural honey contains a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for a person in an easily digestible form, as well as enzymes, phytoncides and amino acids (including essential ones). Its ability to restore disturbed metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the immune system, calm the nerves, relieve inflammation has been known since the time of Hippocrates and Paracelsus. Modern medicine does not deny, recommending its use in a number of diseases.

2. Pollen (pollen-pollen). Pollen pollen is the male germ cells of plants glued together by the secret of the pharyngeal glands of the bee and nectar. This is a kind of natural concentrate of amino acids, the most valuable biologically active additive, donated by nature itself.

3. Perga (bee bread). This bee product is obtained from bee pollen as a result of enzymatic fermentation. Ripe pollen is not inferior in its medicinal properties to pollen, but unlike the latter, it can be stored for years without loss of quality.

4. Wax. Produced by the wax glands of bees and used by them to build and repair combs. Due to the high content of provitamin A, fatty acids related to the skin and good antimicrobial properties, wax is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. For example, chewing honeycomb wax is recommended for reduced gastric secretion and bleeding gums.

5. Royal jelly. Royal jelly is a jelly-like white substance produced by the glands of the nurse bee. In medicine, this bee product is used as a polyhormonal biostimulant, capable of normalizing the functioning of all body systems, increasing resistance to viral infections, improving lactation, and stimulating hematopoiesis.

6. Zabrus (cut honeycomb caps). Zabrus is similar in properties to honeycomb wax, but the presence of a small amount of apitoxin makes it more effective in the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.

7. Drone homogenate (or drone brood). Contains easily digestible proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. By the presence of vitamin D, it is many times greater than the well-known fish oil. It is used in the treatment of infertility, fibromas, lipomas, potency disorders, hypothyroidism, asthenic syndrome, neuroses of various nature.

8. Propolis. Propolis is a product of the processing of plant resins by bees. In medicine and cosmetology, it is valued for its antioxidant, analgesic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa.

9. Apitoxin (). It is widely used in apitherapy for the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, arthritis, arrhythmia, migraine, cardiopathy and a huge number of other diseases. It has a pronounced decongestant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antithrombotic and cardiotonic action.

10. Bee death. This bee product is an excellent source of chitosan and melanin. Melanin has the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from its harmful effects, and helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body. Chitosan has an analgesic, hemostatic and regenerating effect, prevents the formation of scars.

11. Apizan. Apizan is a biologically active substance (low molecular weight chitosan) obtained from dead bees. It is an excellent sorbent, has hepaprotective, antitoxic, antiviral, antibiotic, radioprotective, antioxidant and regenerating properties.

12. Wax moth. The extract of the larvae of this variety of night butterflies has a cardiotropic, immunostimulating and adaptogenic effect. It is effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, asthenic conditions and vegetovascular dystonia.

How is perga different from pollen and pollen, and when honey can be candied - the answers to these questions are discussed in the text. For all known bee products, food consumption norms are indicated and it is said how to store them.

The products obtained from the hive include not only honey. In addition to nectar, bees collect pollen by placing it in honeycombs and preserving it with honey. Pressed pollen is called bee bread - it retains its beneficial properties longer than pollen brought by bees from the apiary. And even before collecting pollen, the worker can be milked - milk is used to feed the queen bee. A similar product is called royal jelly. Next, we will talk about how people use and store different bee products.

What do we know about honey?

According to GOST, honey should be stored at a temperature of 5-20 C in a sealed container. Under such conditions, the product is stored for 1 year. Liquid honey is called a product that has not had time to be candied. For elite varieties, the candied period is a year or more.

crystallization process

If honey is candied, then it is natural. But if the product is divided into fractions during sugaring, then it will begin to ferment.

According to GOST, the moisture content of honey should not exceed 21%. And then there will be no division into factions.

Natural honey is used in folk medicine. It is also known to be used in cosmetology. It must be remembered that all bee products cannot be heated to 60 degrees: honey becomes a carcinogen at high temperatures. Well, heating up to 51 degrees will also be harmful - some of the useful properties may be lost.

List of by-products

The bee brings to the hive not only nectar, but also other useful raw materials and products. They need to be used. Bee pollen is obtained from pollen, and some believe that propolis is also a bee antiseptic and antibiotic.

Zabrus is not wax

Wax can be mixed with propolis, and then a zabrus is obtained - the bees seal the cells with it. By the way, pollen can be taken from the hive even before the canning stage. It looks like lumps, and is called an obnozhka.

Perga and obnozhka

The question is why everyone is chasing bee bread, although pollen, just like bee bread granules, can be bought at the store. The answer will be simple: bee pollen is inferior to pure pollen in the content of lactic acid, but in general it turns out to be better in terms of healing properties.

The table will help you compare the two products. The conditions for their storage are discussed below.

ParameterR 54644-201119792-2001
Permissible product moisture20% and below21% and below
Storage durationTransport packaging1 year from the date of the examination8 months from the date of examination
Retail packaging for honey2 years from packing date1 year from packing date
Storage conditions5-20°CMoisture content of honey 19-21%: 5-10 C
Humidity below 19%: 5-20 C

After a year of storage, the content of useful substances in bee bread is reduced by 75%. For obnozhka, this period is six months.

To store natural honey, you need a regular refrigerator. Other bee products are stored under special conditions:

  • Bee-bread pellets will keep at low humidity (10% or slightly higher). Dishes cannot be sealed. Temperature is also important, but not as much as humidity;
  • A mixture of honey and bee bread (30 to 70) is always stored in the same way as honey;
  • Fill the container to the top with an obnozhka and cork it. You can use vacuum packaging. Storage temperature - 5-20 C.

The illustration for point 3 is shown in the photo.

Packaging - almost vacuum

A refrigerator is suitable for storing the footprint. But when the package is opened, you need to use the product quickly, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Royal jelly and drone milk

If there is a “big cell” in the combs, a queen bee develops in it. Development lasts 16 days, and the embryo bathes in milk.

Six uterine cells

Milk serves as food for the larva, and everyone can buy royal jelly:

  • In freezing - a syringe can serve as a package;
  • When frozen together with the larva, the product is called a “homogenate”;
  • Mixed with honey (without germs) - the proportion will be "99 to 1" or "99.9 to 0.1".

Dozens of cells contain drones. Such cells are also filled with milk.

Drone milk can only be bought in the form of a homogenate. However, this homogenate can be mixed with honey.

The waste products of bees contain plant pollen. But this does not apply to royal jelly. Its use will be acceptable even with allergies.

Proteins represented (for the most part) by albumins and globulins in a ratio of 2 to 1. Their similarity with proteins that form blood serum is notedPreservation of properties characteristic of red blood cells, regulation of the functions of the cardiovascular system
Carbohydrates, including: glucose, fructose, sucroseAct as the main supplier of energy resources
A variety of vitamins, trace elements and mineral saltsMaintaining the body in good condition and eliminating a variety of health problems
Pantothenic acidParticipates in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
Special fatty acids, including: succinic, palmitic, stearic, decenoic and othersProtection of internal organs, preservation of the beauty of the skin and hair
Biologically active substances: estradiol, testosterone, progesteroneStabilization of hormonal balance
Some valuable acids, in particular, pyruvic, lacticEnsuring the normal course of chemical reactions in the human body
organic compoundsImproving the process of absorption of nutrients

Storage is tricky. Without freezing, only a mixture with honey is stored.

Wax and propolis

Consider an experiment: honeycombs must be placed in a barrel, sealed and the temperature raised. In a day it will be possible to see three layers: honey, propolis and wax.

Honeycomb before warming up

The second of the products is an antiseptic. He is very caustic. The concentration of propolis for external use should not exceed 10%.

The bee products that are in the barrel will contain almost no proteins. Honeydew honey contains proteins in the amount of 2-3%, flower honey - 0.8% or less.

Wax, like propolis, can be eaten in small quantities. The second of these products strongly thins the blood. Well, a mixture of wax with propolis is a zabrus. Its bees are used as honeycomb lids.


With regular use of honey, the daily rate should not exceed 150 grams. For children, these figures are halved, with diabetes - up to 50-60 grams. The glycemic index of natural honey is 50-70. Based on these numbers, draw conclusions.

Honey and other bee products contain pollen. This does not apply to bee milk.

Typical form of delivery

And now we will clarify the list of possible ailments:

  • Allergy to pollen - pollinosis, hay fever;
  • Allergy to propolis - individual intolerance to this product;
  • Diathesis in a latent form - it is typical for children under the age of three.

Blood thinning and reduced clotting are one and the same thing. A contraindication is thrombosis.

The main products and all their properties are listed in the table. By the way, honey in its pure form with high acidity should not be consumed before meals. Use warm mixtures - the effect of their use will be the opposite.

Juice or fruit drinkRowan fruits must be washed under running water and dried. Then squeeze the juice using a juicer or improvised kitchen tools. Add honey to the juice to taste and take 2-3 tbsp. l. before eating.
fresh berriesThe most useful for the body and the prevention of hypertension will be the use of fresh fruits of black mountain ash. To do this, it is enough to eat 100 grams of chokeberry 3 times a day. The taste of the plant is quite specific, so you need to add sugar or honey, but not much.
Decoction or medicinal teaWe take 1 tbsp. l. black mountain ash and pour it with 200 ml of water, put on fire and boil for no more than one minute. Then let the broth cool, and infuse for about an hour. You also need to drink 3 times a day for half a glass of medicinal decoction.
rowan syrupTo do this, you will need 800 ml of water, 50 grams of cherry leaves, 1 kg of chokeberry, about 600 grams of sugar and 15 grams of citric acid. Pour leaves and berries into a clean container, pour hot water and put on the stove. We boil for about 2-3 minutes, the cherry leaves are taken out, and the acid is added. Then we put the drug aside and infuse for a day. Add sugar to the resulting liquid and cook for 2-3 minutes. The resulting syrup is stored in an airtight container and taken in 2 tbsp. l. in a day.
Healing tinctureTo prepare the tincture, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. dried black mountain ash and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. To make the tincture curative: we insist it for another day, and then take 1/3 cup a day before meals.
Instant jamTo cook jam in a hurry, you need to take 50 grams of chokeberry fruits and 1-2 tbsp. l. honey. The berries must be washed, dried and mashed with a mortar. Then add natural honey and mix thoroughly. Use during tea drinking 1 tbsp. l. within 1.5 months.

Zabrus is a mixture of two products. Their qualities are discussed above.

Natural medicines include bee products, and their use by humans has been a prevention and treatment since ancient times. Modern science only confirms the benefits of apitherapy based on bee stings, the use of natural products and dosage forms prepared from them.

What are bee products?

Everything that the bee family produces is used as natural medicines. The hive is a non-waste production. Even the corpses of bees are used as a remedy. At the apiary they receive:

  • honey, and its properties depend on many factors;
  • beeswax - building material for bees;
  • flower pollen - collection during flight;
  • pergu - pollen preserved in combs with honey;
  • zabrus - a product obtained by cutting the covers of sealed honeycombs;
  • propolis - bee glue for repairing the hive from the inside;
  • royal jelly - a secret extracted from the jaws of young bees;
  • bee venom;
  • dead bee.

You need to know that honey does not retain its healing properties when heated above 60 C.

The use of honey and other apiates for medicinal purposes is possible after consultation with a doctor. Beekeeping products and their uncontrolled use by humans can cause severe allergic reactions, up to laryngeal edema.

Honey and its uses

The most famous product is honey, which has a unique composition and activates biological processes in the body. But with a high demand for honey, there is a high proportion of counterfeit. You can buy guaranteed natural honey from the beekeeper. The best is the flower, mountain and buckwheat collection. By taking the beehives to flowering arrays, various varieties of honey are obtained, named after the plant from which the pollen was collected.

Natural healer honey and bee products that have not passed veterinary control and do not have a quality certificate can be dangerous. Beekeepers may use illegal drugs or collect bribes from chemically treated fields.

It is considered a valuable energy product, as 75% consists of fructose and glucose, which are directly absorbed by the body. In addition, the rich enzyme composition, the presence of organic acids, vitamins accelerates metabolism, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Other bee products are used by a person, taking into account their specifics and on the recommendation of a doctor.


What is beeswax and how is it obtained. These working cells produce building material from honey by internal glands. For a kilogram of wax, 3.5 kg of honey is required. The wax has a complex organic composition, consisting of 75% esters and 15% fatty acids. The light composition is insoluble in water or alcohols. Wax is used for skin diseases and in cosmetics. For treatment with bee products, wax patches are applied to the skin.

Collected pollen is a product that has no analogues in terms of benefits. Bees collect pollen, roll it into a ball and carry it to the hive. In one flight, one bee will deliver 10 mg of pollen. And there is no more useful product for a weakened person. For three weeks, taking pollen with honey or in its pure form, the patient undergoes a course of apitherapy. The duration of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

Among beekeeping products, zabrus and its application require special attention. Firstly, you can collect honeycomb caps only during honey extraction. Secondly, this substance does not cause allergic reactions. Thirdly, it is simply delicious and children chew it with pleasure. Zabrus saves from many infectious diseases, improves immunity and even gives strength to weakened muscles. In total, you need to chew a tablespoon of healing powder 4 times a day for 10 minutes.

Propolis is considered a well-known healing product. The bees created it to repair the hive, and the man used the drug to treat skin diseases and internal organs. The composition contains wax, vegetable resins and a unique balm. Even tuberculosis can be defeated with the help of propolis in complex therapy.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary when treating with royal jelly and when using bee venom. These are strong allergens and there are contraindications for use.

Mother's milk is taken in capsules, which are dissolved under the tongue. In the stomach, the useful composition decomposes. Taking capsules increases the tone of the body, activates the nervous system, reduces the manifestation of angina pectoris and asthma. The use of bee venom is limited by many contraindications. Basically, drugs are used to treat joints and muscles. It is noticed that beekeepers do not have rheumatism, and they live a long time. Most likely, the complex effect of fresh air, unity with nature and the use of medicinal bee products affect here.

Choosing bee products - video
