
Useful drinks for health and longevity. Healthiest drinks for health

Benefit: reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Green tea contains many flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants that protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals. Tea also contains fluoride, which strengthens bones and has beneficial effects on teeth. Calories: 0

Mint tea

Benefit: helps to cope with indigestion, relieves colic, promotes digestion by helping food move through the gastrointestinal tract. Mint has an anti-spasmodic effect, relieves muscle pain and muscle tension. Calories: 0

Milk with 1% fat

Benefit: Milk contains complex carbohydrates, proteins and some fat, so this product is digested slowly and you feel full for a certain time. Complex carbohydrates keep blood sugar stable. Calcium is found in milk along with vitamin D, so it is well absorbed. Moreover, calcium helps cells burn fat, therefore, milk contributes to normal weight loss. Calories: A glass of milk (250 grams) contains 120 calories.

Soy milk

Benefit: reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fibers and proteins contained in soy milk reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides. However, if you want to completely replace cow's milk with soy milk, you will lack calcium and vitamins A and D. In this case, you can buy soy milk enriched with these trace elements. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are likely associated with the risk of breast cancer. If you have had a case of this disease in your family, then the expediency of drinking soy milk is better. discuss with your doctor. Calories: 81 kcal in 250 gr. product.

Hot chocolate or cocoa

Benefit: improves mood and protects against the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. What provides this product with its beneficial properties? Cocoa contains many polyphenols that protect cells from the action of free radicals. Eating hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, a low level of which negatively affects mood. Calories: about 195 kcal for 250 g of the finished product and 115 kcal for the powder mixture.

Tomato juice without salt

Benefit: protects against many forms of cancer. As you know, processed fresh tomatoes contain lycopene in a higher concentration than the fruits themselves. Lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of cancer in the following organs: mouth, lung, stomach, liver, breast, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. In addition, lycopene protects the heart from the effects of free radicals, thereby reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Calories: 43 kcal in 250 g of the product.

You may not have even heard of these unusual drinks, and if you did, you did not dare to try to make them. Recipes of easy-to-prepare, fragrant, healthy and simply beautiful drinks.

Pine needle drink

It will take 200 g of pine twigs, you can eat it, but the pine is more fragrant, ½ cup of granulated sugar, a liter of water and a little citric acid or fresh juice.

Boil water, put needles in it and boil for about 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid, add sugar, citric acid or juice and mix. Drink the drink hot.

Dandelion drink

To prepare it, you will need fresh leaves and dry flowers of coltsfoot - about 100-150 g, juice of ½ lemon or lime, sugar and 3 liters of water.

Boil 1.5 liters of water. Rinse the leaves, chop and pour boiling water along with the flowers. All this should stand for 10-15 minutes. Drain the resulting infusion and pour the flowers and leaves with newly boiled water. Leave everything for 5 minutes, strain, add sugar, lemon juice and mix. Serve both hot and cold.

sea ​​buckthorn drink

For this drink, you need sea buckthorn berries - 100-150 g, one tablespoon of large-leaf green and black tea, 1 liter of water.

Bring water to a boil. Rinse and mash the berries until pureed. The resulting mass is lowered into water and brought to a boil. Turn off the fire, add tea, cover the dishes with a lid and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Strain the drink and pour into cups, sweet lovers can put a little honey.

It is no secret that you need to drink several glasses of water a day. However, there are many other healthy drinks that can not only quench your thirst, but also improve the body. Proper use of certain drinks helps to reduce weight, nourish the body with vitamins, relieve pain, get rid of colds and other diseases.

So, what drinks are considered the most useful? Below is a brief overview.

Drinking water is the healthiest drink

Plain drinking water is practically the most useful, as it flushes out excess salts, toxins and toxins from the body. Water promotes the establishment of digestion processes, the absorption of vitamins and trace elements. Efficiency will be higher if you drink at least 5 glasses of water per day.

In the heat, the amount of water consumed must be increased, because the body is quickly dehydrated. A glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach normalizes digestion. As a result, the general condition of the body improves, and appetite is significantly reduced. Lemon water is an important part of many diets. It is not recommended to drink water from the tap - there it cannot be useful in any way. Better to drink bottled water.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices

Home-made juices from natural vegetables have the property of quickly saturating. A glass of freshly squeezed juice can completely replace dinner, which will pleasantly surprise everyone who is on a diet. You can prepare juices from any fresh vegetables and even greens - cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cabbage, parsley, beets. Almost all vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

But store analogues cannot boast of such a large number of nutritional properties. Usually in such products the salt content is exceeded, and thickeners, flavor enhancers, dyes and flavors are also present. The listed substances can only harm, so it is not recommended to use store-bought products.

Green tea

It has just a huge set of useful properties. Rich in antioxidants and trace elements. Accelerates metabolism, promotes fat burning, removes toxins and toxins. Natural green tea prolongs youth, has a positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums.

You can drink green tea both cold and hot. Or you can freeze the drink to prepare an infusion with a few ice cubes in the summer. Adding lemon to green tea will give the drink a pleasant aroma.

Anyone who is on a diet should give up black tea and coffee and opt for green. Thanks to a fast metabolism, the fat burning process will go faster. It is recommended to brew a healthy drink yourself, and not use the one in the bags.

Ginger tea

It is worth highlighting ginger tea. For the female body, it is indispensable - it normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, improves the condition during pregnancy, and fights nausea. The pain-relieving properties of ginger tea are also known - just one glass can relieve stomach pain.

Many weight loss drinks contain ginger. Nutritionists also advise ginger tea for those who just want to stay in shape or pay a lot of attention to physical activity. In stores, you can find ginger root, which must be dried and rubbed into a powder. Pharmacies already sell the ground root of the plant in the form of a powder, which can already be brewed with boiling water.


The most useful dairy product is ordinary kefir. Some nutritionists refer to kefir not as a drink, but as a food, because it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calcium. Therefore, kefir can be considered both a drink and a food. It is indispensable for those who want to lose weight - it is not for nothing that kefir and apples are considered the most dietary dishes.

The lowest calorie is fat-free kefir with a low percentage of fat content. It tastes sour, but it is more beneficial for health. It is not necessary to drink only kefir. It can be added to sauces, dressing salads, mixed with cottage cheese. The latter, combined with kefir and natural fruits, will become a delicious and low-calorie dessert.

Pomegranate juice

Fruit juices are just as healthy as vegetable juices, but may contain sugar. Pomegranate juice always ranks high in the rankings of the healthiest drinks. Contains vitamins A, C, E, also calcium, phosphorus. Known for its high iron content. Indicated for anemia, hypertension. Pomegranate juice should be used with caution in people with high stomach acidity.

Pomegranate juice contains a minimal amount of sugar. Easily quenches thirst and satiates. Fights inflammatory processes in the body, reduces the risk of colds. It cleanses the body, removing toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from it.

Since it is not always convenient to squeeze juice from pomegranates on your own (small bones can interfere with the operation of the juicer), you need to carefully choose the finished one. Often dyes are added to pomegranate juice.

oatmeal broth

Cereals have always been actively used in the process of losing weight. Traditionally, oatmeal is prepared, about the healing properties of which everyone has already heard. A decoction of oats is no less useful drink. Able to carry out a real detoxification, removing “everything unnecessary” from the body. Oatmeal broth fights diseases of the stomach and intestines, as it gently affects the mucous membrane. It normalizes the process of digestion, relieves constipation, which you inevitably have to face in the process of dieting.

Oat decoction stimulates metabolism, accelerates the processing of complex carbohydrates and improves metabolism. This normalizes appetite. Increases immunity, removes excess fluid from the body. Oatmeal is useful not only for weight loss - pregnant women and young children can drink it. Does not cause any harm to the body.

Almond milk is another healthy drink

Real milk contains calcium, vitamins, trace elements. Unfortunately, natural milk also contains animal fats, which are always considered high in calories. To benefit and not harm your figure, it is recommended to use almond milk.

Almond milk is obtained from the kernels of almonds, so it does not contain animal fats. The drink is suitable for those who have lactose intolerance. Milk can not only be drunk, but also added to dishes. One cup of almond milk contains only 60 calories. At the same time, the drink is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Athletes can also use such milk to increase endurance.

The healthy drinks listed above have no contraindications. If, after drinking a drink, the general condition worsened, most likely, the body individually does not tolerate any component. Finally, it is worth remembering the dosage. For example, heavy consumption of freshly squeezed juices can lead to allergies and indigestion.


Some people find it easier to drink water at room temperature. But perhaps you are among the lovers of icy "well" water? This preference is not very healthy: drinking too much cold water can exacerbate digestive problems. If you drink tap water, get a filter.

It is useful to add fresh lemon juice to the water - this is a well-known disinfectant and cleanser. It is also very refreshing to add a small amount of cucumber juice to clean water.

If you drink mineral water for medicinal purposes, then you probably know about its varieties. The simple use of mineral water differs from the treatment regimen, which is not so strict.

Get in the habit of drinking a glass of water right after you wake up.

Milk and dairy products

If you adhere to the philosophy of a healthy diet, then you probably choose milk and sour-milk drinks no more than 1-1.5% fat.

Milk contains calcium and protein. An excellent alternative to cow or goat milk is soy milk. This healthy drink is especially relevant for vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance, chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract (nasal or ear), asthma.

It is not worth sacrificing kefir (ryazhenka, matsoni, drinking yogurt, etc.) either. 1 glass of fermented milk drink daily is the key to the health of your intestines.

Samir Becic has repeatedly been named the best personal trainer in the world, he is a true specialist in the field of fitness programs and diets, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and exercise. We analyzed his developments and advice and bring you ten of the best and healthiest drinks.

1. Water

Water will always come first, because it is the basis of life. Water is involved in digestion, relieves intoxication, is an important component of the blood and is necessary for the absorption of B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

2. Wheatgrass juice

This drink is one of the best and most affordable sources of chlorophyll, protein and fiber, which is important for healthy digestion. In addition, it contains a large variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including retinol, vitamins B 12 , C, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium, folic acid and riboflavin.

3. Fresh vegetable juice

Fresh vegetable juice, without exaggeration, can be called a salad in liquid form. It may include several types of vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Such a drink perfectly relieves inflammation in the intestines and regulates its work, cleanses the body and can even speed up your metabolism.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is a great alternative to sports drinks, it contains natural electrolytes and is great for quenching your thirst after a long workout. In addition, it contains a lot of magnesium useful for the nervous system.

5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is rich in ascorbic acid and is very beneficial for your immune system. It also aids digestion and cleanses the liver. For a refreshing summer drink, simply mix the juice with cold water.

6. Pomegranate juice

The benefits of pomegranate juice are invaluable. It has been proven that an antioxidant-rich drink can prevent inflammation, heart disease, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Always check the ingredients on the label to make sure you are drinking pure juice. Many manufacturers dilute the drink with other less healthy juices and add sugar.

7. Beet juice

Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and improves stamina. Studies have shown that athletes who drink beetroot juice before training exercise 16% longer.

8. Green tea

It speeds up your metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums.

9. Kefir

The drink is rich not only in probiotics, but also in calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamin B 12.

10. Ginger tea

Ginger is great for the digestive system, as is warm water. Ginger root helps relieve nausea, motion sickness, and contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help with arthritis.
