
Is blue cheese healthy? Cheese with black mold

Not every product covered in mold is considered edible. Blue cheese is not just an edible, but a healthy product. Gourmets appreciated the original, incomparable taste of Roquefort, Dor Blue, Bavarian blue cheese and Cambozola.

The benefits of cheese aristocrats will manifest themselves with moderate use.

The benefits of blue cheese

Not every mold covering cheese is edible. Do not compare Roquefort and blue cheese stale in the refrigerator, the benefits of which are doubtful. For the preparation of blue cheese, special types of cheese mold are used, which differ from poisonous ones in appearance, smell and properties.

To obtain Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Stilton, Dor Blue, spores of Penicillium roqueforti, or blue mold, are added to the cheese substrate. On the surface of Camembert and Brie, a white delicate down of fungi Penicillium camemberti or white mold grows, which is not found anywhere in nature and appeared in the process of human activity due to repeated artificial selection.

It is impossible to obtain cheese with white mold in natural conditions without the intentional introduction of porcini spores. The same applies to blue cheeses. Although some strains of blue mold are found on trees, only domesticated and evolved spores are used to make blue mold cheese.

Reduces the negative effects of UV rays

Cheese sprouted with noble mold contains substances that stimulate the production of melanin in human skin. These natural dark pigments block UV rays from penetrating the skin's dermis, preventing sunburn.

Enriches the body with proteins

A piece of moldy cheese will supply the body with more protein than the same piece of meat or fish. Protein is involved in building muscle tissue in the body.

Prevents dysbacteriosis and fermentation in the intestines

Cheese fungi from the Penicillium family, getting into the intestines, create a favorable environment for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. They suppress the process of splitting undigested products and eliminate their fermentation and decomposition.

Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system

People who regularly consume gourmet varieties with mold are less prone to heart attacks and strokes. In addition, Penicillium roqueforti thins the blood, which prevents the formation of clots and improves its flow.

Improves hormones and relieves stress

Cheese mold has an increased content of pantothenic acid, or a vitamin that is responsible for the production of glucocorticoids, hormones produced by the adrenal glands. With a lack of vitamin B5 in the body, fatigue, rapid fatigue, sleep disturbance and depressive disorders develop.

Accelerates wound healing

Penicillium contains the amino acids valine and histidine, the main property of which is to accelerate the recovery of damaged tissues and organs. These amino acids cannot be produced by the body on its own.

Harm of blue cheese

Despite the arguments about the benefits of the product, other reasonable arguments are opposed. Three factors are taken into account: to whom, when and in what quantities you can eat blue cheese. Harm to the body will be caused if such cheeses are consumed more than 50 grams per day. Otherwise, spores of Penicillium fungi will suppress their own intestinal microflora, cause dysbacteriosis and disturbances in the functioning of the organ.

Any mold contains substances that cause allergies. With fungal diseases and individual intolerance to penicillin, the cheese delicacy will aggravate the situation.

During pregnancy and lactation, exclude white and blue cheeses from the diet: Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Brie, Dor Blue. The benefits and harms of gourmet varieties are not on the same level, since soft moldy cheese is the habitat of Listeria. These bacteria cause infectious diseases. If a healthy person survives listeriosis without severe symptoms, then a pregnant woman will develop a high fever, fever, and vomiting. Due to such a load on the immune system, disastrous consequences can occur: miscarriage, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, premature birth.

Rules for selection and use

To prepare a real soft blue cheese, it will take a lot of time and certain conditions. The raw material for real Roquefort is sheep cheese, and the cooking technology is kept secret. Roquefort, made according to an old traditional recipe, can only be found in the French province of Rouergues. This cheese, manufactured under industrial conditions, is supplied to the world market. The mold inside Roquefort matures on oak racks in lime cellars from three to nine months.

Saint-Marcellin cheese will be covered with an orange-white bloom and will acquire an exquisite taste after 6 weeks of aging. Only employees of Kezerey Champignon, a company from the small town of Lauben in Germany, know how German blue cheese is prepared. The complex recipe, time and conditions required for the preparation of blue and white cheeses have become the reason for a considerable price and rarity on store shelves.

To choose a good quality blue cheese, you need to study the features:

  1. Soft blue cheese is delicate in structure, but does not fall apart.
  2. Blue homemade cheese with mold differs from the factory one in the uniformity of mold germination inside. In home bluish blotches in one place are frequent, in another they are rare.
  3. If there is more mold in the cheese body than the cheese itself, then a lot of time has passed since the product was made, and the mold has eaten the cheese mass.
  4. Fresh white cheeses Camembert and Brie have a pleasant smell of mushrooms, and the aroma is barely perceptible.
  5. Young cheeses with white mold are covered with a delicate white fluff. A yellowish or orange coating appears on mature and old ones.

In order for Roquefort, Dor Blue, Bavarian blue cheese, Cambozola, Stilton and Brie to fully reveal their taste qualities, you need to know approach to exquisite and rare varieties:

  1. Spicy, spicy with hints of mushroom taste of Camembert wins in combination with champagne, sweet desserts and fruits. It is traditionally eaten with jelly, grapes and honey.
  2. On a plate with Brie next to it, it is better to put pieces of melon or pineapple, almonds, white shrimp. Dip tender cheese in honey or apple jam. If you cut off the moldy crust from Brie, then it will become an ingredient for soups, sauces and toppings for puff pastries.
  3. Italian Gorgonzola with a pronounced concentrated taste will be set off by neutral products: bread and potatoes. Cheese adds flavor to traditional German dishes, mushroom casseroles, ice cream and pies. Cheese with a specific smell and taste is served as a separate snack with strong red wine, unsweetened white or red wine and beer.
  4. Dor Blue harmonizes with dried fruits, nuts, grapes, fresh white bread. It is added to pizza, pies, seafood dishes. From alcoholic drinks, sweet red wine is suitable for a slightly salty taste of Blue.
  5. The salty creamy taste of Roquefort, reminiscent of hazelnuts, will fully reveal itself in combination with confiture, honey, sweet fruits. Vegetables, herbs, peppers and olive oil are good companions for the king of moldy cheeses. As drinks, it is competent to serve Cahors, fortified wines - ports or white dessert wines, for example, Sauternes, with Roquefort.

It is not difficult to recognize cheese with white mold on the counter - it has a smooth, milky-colored surface covered with light fluff. In Russia, such cheese is practically not produced. But in Italy and France they have been successfully doing this for several centuries. The most popular varieties are: Normandy Camembert, Brie and Boulet-daven - the most odorous French cheese.

Many Russians have heard about this delicacy product, but not everyone has tried it. Many do not know how to use it correctly, others fear that it is harmful, as it is covered with mold. Yes, and the cost of the delicacy is quite high. However, it is possible and necessary to buy and eat a piece of cheese, as it is not only tasty, safe, but also a very healthy product.

About the benefits of blue cheese and the harm, how it is eaten, we will talk today on the pages of the Popular Health website. Let's start our conversation with its useful properties:

What is the use of cheese with white mold for the human body?

This product is valued for its pleasant creamy taste, unusual smell, and also for a lot of useful properties. It contains substances that are useful and important for maintaining human health. In particular, it contains a large number of trace elements, including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. There are B vitamins, vitamins A, C and D.

Regular consumption of such cheese in a small amount helps to strengthen bone tissue, actively cleanses the body of toxins, and helps the nervous system to better cope with stress.

In addition, the product prevents premature aging. Lovers of cheese with mold look young, the number of wrinkles decreases, the condition of the skin with increased fat content improves.

Even a small piece eaten restores the acid-base balance of the oral cavity, which significantly reduces bad breath.

How to eat white mold cheeses?

Soft moldy cheeses have a unique smell. This is a delicate aroma of the coming autumn - a mixture of the smells of withering greenery, forest mushrooms and the earth damp after rain.

The rind is not trimmed before use. It is she who contains most of the taste - spicy, with a dense oily consistency.

The taste and aroma of the cheese is quite pronounced, which affects the way it is consumed. In particular, it is served with vegetables, fruits, crispy croutons and crackers. In this case, it is better that it warms up to room temperature.

Many prefer soft, moldy cheese with white grape wines. However, not all experts share this point of view.

Among other things, various snacks, salads and festive canapes are prepared on its basis, mixed with greens, eggs, combined with salted fish, salami sausage, etc. However, this does not apply to Roquefort. It is better to eat it as an independent snack.

The British eat blue cheese with greens, the Italians, of course, add them to pizza and pasta, and the Danes simply eat them with white toasted bread.

How to choose quality cheese?

When choosing cheese of a quality product, pay attention to the crust. It should be light, milky in color, covered with white soft fluff. Traces of the grate on which it was kept should be visible on it.

Also read the ingredients carefully. This product does not contain any dyes, preservatives or other additives. It should contain only milk, penicillin and salt, as well as the enzymes necessary for its maturation. If a dryish layer is noticeable along the crust, it means that the product has been stored for a long time.

The consistency of high-quality cheese resembles fresh butter, it melts in the mouth, and its taste is creamy, slightly spicy, with a slight sourness or bitterness.

Blue cheese - possible harm from consumption

If you eat it infrequently and little by little, there will be no harm from cheese. However, daily consumption in large quantities can change the intestinal microflora and cause dysbacteriosis. This is especially true for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, the product is quite high in calories, so a passion for it can contribute to weight gain. High fat and protein content can be harmful for people with endocrine diseases and obesity.

Any varieties of cheese, including moldy ones, are valuable human food products. Well-made and fresh, they contain a lot of useful substances that help maintain our health. In addition, they are very tasty.

However, when using them, it is necessary to observe the measure. For an adult, a small piece per day is enough, approximately 20-30 g. In this case, you will only benefit and will not harm your body. Be healthy!

    Well, for example, I often eat blue cheese with the most ordinary brown bread, I put it on top. Although the most common opinion is that blue cheese can be eaten and sipped wine. One complements the other and adds subtlety to the taste of each. And first I bite into blue cheese, and then they wash it down with a small sip of white wine.

    Not everyone will like blue cheese, just like any other. I believe that such cheese should be eaten in small quantities and exclusively without everything, in order to understand its taste. If alcohol is on the table, then white wine.

    Blue cheese is considered a delicacy, it has a very specific taste and smell, not everyone will like it, but I like it. Roquefort has a more tart and sharp taste, dor blue and gorgonzola have a more gentle taste. This cheese is not eaten with bread and butter and with morning coffee, it goes well with wine, red or white, but not very sweet. Such cheese is combined with grapes, pears, pineapples. And it is best not to mix such cheese with anything, but simply enjoy its tart taste with a slight bitterness. I tried Camembert cheese and Brie cheese with white mold, connoisseurs treated me with pineapple, but I didn’t become a big fan of this cheese, maybe I didn’t understand and didn’t feel the taste of it.

    Blue cheese gourmet food. And the question what to eat blue cheese with, sounds at least strange, because moldy cheese is not eaten with anything, it is consumed on its own, or as an appetizer with dry red or white wine.

    As a rule, blue cheeses are consumed in very small quantities (no more than 50 grams) per day, as a delicacy or dessert separately from other dishes. But in order to understand what they eat with, one must remember that blue cheeses are divided into several types, which differ both in taste and, in fact, in the mold they contain.

    We have quite popular soft cheeses with a white moldy crust (Camembert, Brie cheeses). Fatty and viscous, they are ideally combined with figs and pears.

    Also very famous are blue cheeses containing the most green-blue mold, not only outside, but also inside (Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Danablou). They are usually tasted with a glass of white wine.

    Another type, the least popular with us, is soft cheeses with red mold, which is obtained by processing the ripening cheese with special cultures, and it, in turn, will give the mold a red color (for example, Munster, Livaro). These cheeses also go with white or red wine.

    Whatever type of cheese you choose, you must remember about the mold contained in nm. After all, disputes about the benefits and harms of moldy cheeses have not subsided so far. In a small dose, it is harmless, but if it enters the stomach in large quantities, mold can significantly disrupt the intestinal microflora and cause dysbacteriosis. Perhaps this is another explanation why blue cheeses are eaten in small quantities.

    Personally, I would recommend not eating it at all with anything. Mold in cheese is exactly the same mold as any other. And mold is one of the most powerful toxins (poisons) of all that exist. Therefore, it is worth avoiding not only any food in which mold is present, but also any contact with mold in general.

    With vodka - a perversion.

    Blue cheese is consumed with white wine.

    To be honest, I don't eat. blue cheese, although several times there was a desire, after all, you still need to try, what is it? But my body protests against it.

    Once in a supermarket I asked the sellers if it was worth trying it, and of course they said no. They probably know what it tastes like, as they are engaged in slicing and probably tried it.

    Based on the information that I met about him, I know that gourmets adore him, but to each his own, someone loves frogs. And for me, mold in any manifestation is toxins that will not bring health benefits.

    Gourmet cheese with mold is consumed in very small quantities and usually with fruits, with a pear, for example. or figs.

    Cheese that has mold inside is usually consumed with wine.

    The French prefer to drink wine and eat it with moldy cheese. But Russians have more respect for moonshine pervach. If there are no cucumbers, then you can have a snack with blue cheese. Also blue cheese is great as an appetizer with vodka.

  • Blue cheese

    For example, cheese Roquefort generally not mixed with anything, it is eaten separately, washed down with a sip of white wine. But do not forget that moldy cheeses this is a delicacy that is eaten quite rarely and quite a bit, that is, no more than 40-60 grams. Usually, a meal, lunch or dinner is completed with cheese. In France, for example, in the homeland of blue cheeses, they are eaten before and after dinner or instead of dessert.

    Although there are many different versions of the salad, where blue cheese is added in a small portion, for an unusual taste. In addition to Roquefort, there are several other well-known varieties of blue cheese - gorgonzola, stilton and many others. Gorgonzola cheese first appeared in Italy, in the region of Piedmont and Lombardy and older than Roquefort cheese by 200 years, although France is considered the birthplace of blue cheeses.

    In Italy, blue cheese is eaten as an independent dish, you can eat it with arugula (greens).

    I would like to add that this cheese is purely for gourmets, I personally do not like it at all, neither the taste, nor the smell.

    Although there is no dispute about tastes.

  • Perhaps we will find many different tips for eating blue cheese in the same Wikipedia. How to serve the same cheese plate and other delights.

    For example, I do not like blue cheese, I like it with white, for example, Camembert or Brie.

    And I love eating this cheese with hot, fresh from the oven ciabatta. That's all, no sip of white wine, I don't like it, it seems to me empty, not saturated, like, for example, red.

    It seems that the French also eat their cheeses with various types of bread, apparently this also applies to blue cheese.

    Blue cheese- what is it and what is it eaten with?

    A delicacy that is produced not only in France, but real Roquefort cheese is produced only in France, in the province of Rouergue. Its cost is high, it is produced in small quantities. There are other cheeses, and the types of mold are also varied. Roquefort is made from sheep's milk and matures on oak shelves in limestone caves. It is served with a crispy baguette or crackers. The cheese must be brought to room temperature before serving. Delicate and light Gorgonzola goes well with fruits, mead and nuts, dessert fortified wines will suit it. Blue cheese is a high-calorie product, so you should not abuse it.)

  • blue cheese

    Blue cheese (with noble mold, not spoiled cheese) is considered a delicacy. This cheese has a spicy taste and smell. some people think that such cheese smells unpleasant, but as they say, there is no comrade for taste and color. To enjoy and feel all the charm of blue cheese, you need to eat it separately from the rest of the food in order to feel the fullness of taste and so that other products do not interrupt the taste of cheese. Cheeses with mold can be washed down with dry wine and not a bright bouquet, so that the wine does not interrupt the taste of the cheese.

This product has long been loved by people because of its piquant taste and unusual appearance. For any gourmet, you can choose a variety of blue cheese. In addition, it brings invaluable benefits to the body.

The composition of this cheese, like any other, includes a lot of calcium, due to this, it is considered useful. The peculiarity is that due to the moldy state, calcium will be much faster absorbed by the human body. In addition, it is the most important source of protein, which is superior even to fish or eggs.

The composition contains amino acids that affect the formation of muscles. It has been proven that a person who regularly consumes mold cheese has good skin protection from sunlight due to the production of melanin.
Serve, varieties of the product, on a large round plate. It contains a wide variety of varieties. Each type of cutting has its own shape. Light cheeses are usually placed along the edges, and the most piquant types are placed in the middle. To make the taste of the product more complete, the cheese should stand at room temperature for about an hour before serving.

Due to the unusual taste, strong wines are usually served on the table. In addition, you can serve with bread, crackers, fruits. In some recipes, mold cheese is put in pasta, pizza, as well as in various salads.

Cheeses with white mold

Names of cheeses with white mold:

  • Bree. Has a white color, slightly with a grayish tint. It is produced in the form of a circle with a diameter of up to 60 cm. The thickness of the product can be different, from 3 to 5 cm. The smaller the thickness, the sharper the taste. Young, unripe brie will have a soft texture. With the aging process, it hardens. The smell resembles ammonia, the white crust smells strongly of ammonia. But, nevertheless, all fragments are edible and safe for humans. It is this type that is recommended to be used when first meeting with mold products;
  • Boulette d'Aven. Of all the species, it is considered the most smelly. Not every gourmet decides to try this product. It is made from soft, curd mass. At the initial stages of aging, the cheese is kept in beer brine, then parsley, wormwood, garlic, and pepper are added. Thanks to these ingredients, such a pungent smell appears. It is formed into a cone, weighing 180-200g, then sprinkled with paprika and left to ripen for up to 3 months. Ready cheese has a soft texture. The product is stored no more than 30 days.
  • Camembert. Soft cheese, has a creamy texture. Prepared from two types of milk, whole and skimmed. The process of making cheese is long and complicated. For production, only the highest grade milk is required. Therefore, cows are grazed on specialized pastures before being milked. The color of the finished product can be either light cream or dark. Covered with airy, white mold. The thickness of the finished cake is up to 3 cm, the width is up to 11 cm. The sharpness of the cheese varies depending on the aging time. It has a pronounced taste of mushrooms. The shelf life of the product is short, so it is often sold unripe;
  • Cambozola. Produced from premium milk, special starter culture, salt, cream. With the help of knitting needles, streaks of blue mold are introduced into the inside of the cheese, and the outer layer is covered with white mold. It has a delicate texture and a sharp, spicy taste. It was obtained empirically, during experiments on different types of cheese. It is produced in two types: fat up to 70%, fat-free up to 25%;
  • Kare. French cheese, the upper part of which is covered with an edible moldy crust. The fat content is similar to brie;
  • Coulomier. It is made from pasteurized milk and has a delicate texture. The diameter of the cheese circle is from 12 to 15 cm, the thickness is 3-3.5 cm. There is a crust of white mold on top, sometimes with red spots. The product ripens up to 8 weeks, its hardness depends on it;
  • Neuchâtel. Variety of soft product, matures from 3 to 4 months. The longer the aging takes place, the softer the product will be. In the context it has a light yellow color. The upper part is covered with a white mold cap. The peculiarity of the species is that it is produced in completely different forms, the most common form is the heart;
  • Pont Leveque. It belongs to the variety with the most pungent odor. This happens by soaking the finished product in brine. Has a square shape. It is made in 2 types: homemade - from unpasteurized milk, factory - from pasteurized milk. Homemade cheese can only be found on the shelves in Normandy. The maturation process lasts up to 5-6 weeks;
  • Rugett. One of the types of brine, mold cheese. During the cooking process, it is washed 5 times. It has a sharp ammonia smell, the crust is slightly pinkish in color, due to the content of paprika in the composition;
  • Shaurs. It looks like a small, square head, covered with an air cap of white mold. It tastes like mushrooms or hazelnuts. The texture is creamy and soft. Ripens up to 3 weeks.

Cheeses with blue mold

Names of blue cheeses:

Cheeses with red mold

Varieties of cheeses with red mold:

Cheeses with green mold

Names of cheeses with green mold:

How to Choose Quality Blue Cheese: A Quick Guide

Rules to follow when choosing blue cheese:

  1. On blue varieties of cheese, there are no openings that are too wide, otherwise it is a spoiled product. Blue mold should not be filled with a large number of channels;
  2. The cheese should retain its shape, while being a little loose, moist;
  3. It is necessary to carefully look at the composition of the cheese, penicillin and salt are usually used for aging. Any artificial colors should not be present;
  4. Fresh cheese has the smell of penicillin, a snow-white crust, traces of the grate on which it matured can be seen;
  5. The product should melt in your mouth like butter. If there is a hardened layer around the edges, this is a sign that it has been stored for too long;
  6. The shelf life of any of the cheeses should not exceed 2 months;
  7. The presence of a huge number of holes in the cheese indicates a low-quality manufacturer;
  8. Pickled cheese should not have a loose appearance;
  9. Cheese must be packed in special waxed paper. This is done in order to stop the maturation and the amount of mold;
  10. Determining the presence of palm oil in a product is easy if you lightly press on it. The outer structure of the bar must be elastic.

Many manufacturers of moldy cheeses have been famous for centuries.

Such a product can decorate any holiday table, especially if you combine different varieties on one dish. In addition, high-quality cheese brings great benefits to the body, especially for those who play sports. The most important thing is to follow the instructions when choosing a product.

And in addition - an interesting video about how blue cheese is made.

At the sight of moldy products, many people lose the desire to taste them. But some of them, nevertheless, can and even should be used. These include some varieties of cheese that are popular among gourmets and have a beneficial effect on our body.

We offer a lot of interesting facts about cheeses: study photos and names, learn about the benefits and dangers of blue cheese and the features of using this product.

Main varieties

Blue cheese, photo

Most of these products are made on the basis of ordinary cow's milk and mature in 0.5-1.5 months, but some varieties are goat's milk cheeses, for example, Roquefort or Ardi-Gasna.

All cheeses of this type can be divided into white and blue mold cheeses. Cheese with white mold is covered with a small thin crust of light color, created by artificial sputtering. Bacteria added to the product contribute to the exquisite taste and pleasant aroma.

The most famous name for cheeses with mold of this type is Camembert: this product has a mushroom smell. There are also many positive reviews about the benefits of Brie cheese with white mold.

It is worth noting that the mold added to such cheeses differs from the standard mold, which is formed when the product is not stored. Therefore, you can be sure of the benefits of white mold cheeses for the body.

As for the harm and benefits of blue cheese, the properties of this product differ from the type described above. In such varieties, mold forms inside, and not on the surface, or it is brought into the product on its own. Most types of blue cheeses are specially kept in cold places, maintaining the required level of moisture. It takes several weeks to prepare such a product.

You can find reviews of blue cheeses Roqueforty, Stilton, Dor Blue and other varieties - and make sure that even with this method of preparing the product for consumption, a large number of positive properties can appear. Most of these varieties have a pungent or spicy flavor and mushroom, nutty, and other flavors. Next, we will figure out how blue and white cheese is useful.

Beneficial features

Whether blue cheese is useful depends on the features of its creation. If the mold was added to the product on purpose, and during this process all the storage conditions of the product were observed, the benefits of blue cheese will be significant.

Benefits of blue cheese:

  • it not only contains a large amount of calcium, but also allows this component to be well absorbed by the body;
  • when using such a product, melanin is produced in the body, so ultraviolet does not penetrate the skin, causing burns on the body;
  • even a small slice of blue cheese will allow your body to get the necessary protein that helps strengthen and grow muscles;
  • cheese fungi Penicillium contribute to better digestion of food in the intestines and prevent their fermentation;
  • With the constant intake of such products, the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes is reduced. And due to the fact that spores thin the blood, the number of clots formed is reduced;
  • the mold contained in cheese includes pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which promotes the production of glucocorticoid hormones. As a result, sleep improves, nervous tension decreases, the body becomes more cheerful;
  • these cheeses also contain the amino acids histidine and valine, which allow damaged tissues and organs to recover faster. They are not produced by the body itself, so we recommend adding blue cheese to your diet.

Also, do not forget that the cheese itself also has many positive qualities that make our body stronger and healthier. So when using such products, you will get a double benefit.

Harmful qualities of the product

Many are interested in whether blue cheese is harmful. The harm of this product depends on the characteristics of the use. For example, you may have an individual intolerance or allergy to the ingredients in cheese.

No more than 50 grams of such a product should be consumed daily, otherwise the natural intestinal microflora will be disturbed, dysbacteriosis and other problems will appear. Also, the harm of moldy cheese can occur if you eat it with a fungus.

Can pregnant women have blue cheese? White and blue varieties are best temporarily excluded from staple foods. Listeria develops in soft cheese, which contributes to the appearance of infections in the body.

Remember! Unlike other cases of consumption of such a product, when infections may not cause discomfort, during pregnancy, blue cheese can stimulate fever, vomiting and fever. As a result, there is a risk of miscarriage, premature birth and anomalies in the growth of the fetus.

How to choose blue cheese

Soft blue cheese can take a long time to cook. You should also provide the product with the right conditions and use the right components. For example, Roquefort is made on the basis of sheep's cheese, and very few people report the features of its preparation.

The true origin of this cheese is known only in the French province of Rouergue. You can only purchase commercially prepared varieties of this cheese. Saint-Marcellin cheese is characterized by the presence of orange-white mold. It acquires its taste in about 1.5 months. And Blue cheese is prepared in German towns according to complex recipes, therefore it is considered one of the most expensive.

To make the right choice of product, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • soft cheese has a delicate structure, but does not fall apart and does not crumble;
  • homemade blue cheese can be distinguished from industrial blue cheese by the uniformity of internal mold. The home product has mold that only accumulates in some places;
  • if the amount of mold exceeds the product itself, it means that it has been stored for a long time, and the cheese mass has been absorbed by spores;
  • white cheeses that have been cooked recently have a slight fluff. Older products are covered with a yellow tinge.

Also, when choosing cheese, we advise you to take into account the features of its use. For example, the Camembert variety is used with champagne, fruit or sweets. For Brie cheese, pineapple, melon, white shrimp, almonds are suitable. And if you cut off the moldy crust from it, the cheese itself can be added to sauces, toppings and soups.

Gorgonzola cheese is used as food along with potatoes or bread. It gives a piquant taste to German cuisine, casseroles, pies, ice cream. It can also be used as an appetizer for various alcoholic drinks.

Dried fruits, grapes, nuts, white bread are suitable for Dor Blue. Also, such cheese can be crushed into a pie or pizza, or added to seafood dishes. The slightly salty taste of the cheese pairs well with red wine.

And Roquefort, whose taste evokes associations with nuts, can be combined with sweets, herbs, and some vegetables. You can record such cheese with Cahors, port or dessert wines.

If you love tropical fruits, you will definitely be interested in

Storage conditions

Since such cheeses are living products, they can quickly deteriorate and lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is worth providing a normal storage environment for them.

Attention! Cheeses with mold are stored in the cold with a temperature of 4 to 6 degrees and a humidity of 95%.

If the required storage conditions are not observed, there is a risk of an increase in the number of fungi, fragility of the product, destruction of the cheese mass by fungi. Unlike most of these varieties, Brie cheese can be stored in the cold with temperatures down to -20 degrees.

By the way, even these types of mold can be transferred to products that are located nearby. To prevent the spread of mold, wrap the cheese in cling film, parchment, or foil. We also advise you not to put soft varieties with a slight smell together with products that smell strongly. Cheese can absorb such flavors.

The shelf life of blue cheese depends on the variety. For example, for Brie it is a couple of weeks, for Camembert it is five weeks. Gorgonzola cheese should be eaten in the first three to five days after unpacking, and Roquefort will not spoil within a month

Also, make sure that these cheeses do not form natural molds that are poisonous to the body. Many are interested in if the cheese is moldy, whether it can be eaten. If the deadlines are not violated, you can carefully cut off the spoiled part. But this does not apply to soft cheeses: they should be disposed of immediately, since the spores will already have time to spread through the internal loose structure.

Questions and answers

Can you eat white mold on cheese?

Yes, if it is a noble mold, useful for the body, and not a poisonous plaque.

What is useful cheese with mold Dor Blue?

This cheese has more carbohydrates than other varieties and promotes energy in the body.

How many calories are in blue cheese?

The calorie content of blue cheese can be different: on average, it is 353 kcal.

Can blue cheese go bad?

Yes, if you do not adhere to the requirements regarding the terms and conditions of storage of this product. Moreover, the appearance of natural mold may not be noticeable to the naked eye, so it is better to focus on the date on the package.

Mold has appeared on the cheese, can it be eaten?

If it has not spread to the inside of the product, you can carefully cut off the plaque - and eat the cheese.

Can you freeze blue cheese?

Only the Brie cheese variety can withstand low temperatures, other varieties in the cold will lose their beneficial properties.

Is it possible to eat blue cheese for a nursing mother while breastfeeding?

Can children have blue cheese?

The body of a small child is more susceptible to infections, and the components contained in the mold will affect him more than adults. Therefore, it is better to refrain from adding this product to the children's diet.

If you use blue cheese correctly, you will not experience unforeseen consequences, and the body will become stronger and more resistant to diseases - it remains only to choose the preferred variety for yourself.


A small but interesting video story of the Russia-1 channel is about blue cheese: you will learn how it is prepared, what is the benefit and what is the harm of the product for the human body:

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