
Fake Chinese eggs have reached Russia. Fake eggs from China: how they do it and how to recognize a fake

Fake chicken eggs made in China appeared in Russian stores. Outwardly, it was almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones.

For the manufacture of yolk and protein, the Chinese use calcium alginate, gelatin, and pigments. The "cocktail" is placed in a semicircular shape, which is dipped in a solution of potassium carbonate to create a protective film that does not allow the "yolk" to spread.

At the beginning of the year, fake Chinese-made chicken eggs appeared in stores in the Perm Territory. It was almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones.

At the end of July, the government newspaper The New Light of Myanmar officially announced to readers that most of the chicken eggs on sale were fake. Myanmar, aka Burma, recently received a preferential loan from China on the condition that Burma, aka Myanmar, spend this loan exclusively on Chinese goods. Including eggs. In Burma, there had long been rumors that chicken eggs were counterfeit in shops and markets, corn kernels were made from a mixture of flour, gelatin and cellulose, and ground pepper was mixed in equal proportions with powder from the same cellulose.

Burmese, they are also Myanmar doctors published part of their report on the examination of chicken eggs obtained from retail outlets. From the report, Burmese buyers learned that a significant proportion of these eggs were counterfeit. The Myanmar experts could not determine the composition of the fake eggs, writing something like the fact that, they say, there are unidentifiable powders and liquids, a pole, benzoic acid.

At the same time, of course, the authorities reassured the residents that, they say, they would do everything possible and impossible in order to withdraw benzoin eggs from circulation and prevent them from further hitting the shelves.

Residents, as usual, did not believe the authorities and check the eggs as anyone gets into their heads - for smell, for sound, for touch and just at random.

In some other countries, fake eggs have been written about for more than one or two years. And in June 2010, experts carefully and in detail studied their chemical composition, and some publications even showed and described the technology for making fake chicken eggs.

Taking into account the prices of chemical components, from which cunning Chinese alchemists mold cellulose "chicken eggs of the first category" and comparing them with the price of natural eggs, we get a difference of six hundred percent in favor of artificial ones. So there is an economic incentive. And if you consider that a small Chinese “egg-making workshop” produces a thousand of these crafts a day, it is clear that doing this is very profitable.

The other day I found on the Chinese Internet the story of a Chinese who worked in an office for the production of artificial eggs. He tells how they are made and how profitable it is.

According to the Chinese, the technology for the production of artificial eggs has reached such perfection that it is quite difficult to distinguish them from real ones in appearance.

The following components are used for their production. I give chemical terms translated from Chinese, so I'm not completely sure that they are correct. For the shell, calcium carbonate is used, for the yolk and protein - potassium alginate, potassium aluminum alum, gelatin, food grade calcium chloride and pigment.

First, we dissolve potassium carbonate in warm water, getting a protein-like mass. Then, stirring, add gelatin, benzoic acid, alum to it. The resulting mixture will replace the protein. For the yolk, the same mixture is used, but with the addition of citric acid and yellow pigment.

The yolk mixture is poured into a special mold and placed in a solution of potassium carbonate. As a result of the reaction, a film forms on the surface of the yolk. In order for the yolk to take on a spherical appearance and be evenly processed with a solution, the form is shaken. When the surface of the yolk has sufficiently hardened, the yolk is left in the solution for an hour. Then they are taken out, washed with water and dried.

The resulting yolk is placed in a protein mold, filled with a protein mixture, and in the same way, by placing it in a solution of potassium carbonate, a ready-made egg is created, which remains to be covered with a shell.

To do this, using a special thread, the egg is dipped several times into a solution of paraffin, gypsum powder and calcium carbonate, which, after drying, forms a shell.

The main differences between an artificial egg and a natural one:

1. The shell is a little more shiny and rough. But the differences are quite minor, so it is not easy to determine an artificial egg by appearance.

2. The white and yolk of a broken artificial egg form a homogeneous mass after a while, as they are made of the same material.

One kilogram of natural eggs costs six and a half yuan. And the production of a kilogram of artificial ones costs 55 fen (0.55 yuan). The shop in which the Chinese worked made a thousand eggs a day, with a net income of over one hundred yuan. (100 yuan = 450 rubles).

Another photo evidence of a Chinese eyewitness about the reality of the existence of fake chicken eggs. Their production is becoming more and more perfect both in terms of mimicry for real eggs and in terms of cost, which is 25% of the store price. Possessing no nutritional value, fake eggs pose a serious health hazard from the harmful chemicals they contain. The photographs below show that a broken fake egg is very similar to a real one, but its yolk has a stronger shell, so it can be easily held by fingers. Otherwise, there are practically no differences. If the yolk is broken, then in appearance it is indistinguishable from the real one. The shell is also very skillfully made, there is even an air membrane in its lower part. It is almost impossible to distinguish a boiled egg from a real one.

Video showing the production process of Chinese "chicken" eggs

The ability to produce fakes that are very similar to the original, the Chinese are known throughout the world. They copy not only clothes, shoes, paintings, but also, more recently, eggs.

A unique food fake is so similar to the original source that it is not so easy to recognize the fraud. Let's figure out how not to fall for the bait of scammers.

Artificial chicken eggs are a dummy, which not only will not bring benefits, but can cause irreparable harm to health.

In order to save money, for the manufacture of such pacifiers, the Chinese use cheap ingredients - potassium carbonate, gelatin, potassium alginate and food grade calcium chloride. According to the composition, it is clear that the body does not need such ingredients at all and, moreover, is dangerous.

Artificial eggs on the left, natural eggs on the right

A profitable illegal business daily brings profit to Chinese entrepreneurs, which is not surprising - the cost of producing artificial food is minimal.

In China, you can find artificial products in the markets and shops of many large cities, but not so long ago, counterfeit products also entered Russia. And this means that you should be vigilant and carefully examine the packaging and the eggs themselves before buying.

The following signs will help you recognize a fake:

  1. Shell smoothness. Fake eggs usually do not have roughness, however, this point cannot always help, since the differences from the real shell can be very slight.
  2. Uniformity of yolk and protein. You can see this only after you break the egg. Both the yolk and protein are made from the same material, so they are a single whole.
  3. A hard-boiled egg will not have a blue tint to the yolk, as it does with a natural one. Also, it will not crumble, but on the contrary, it will become jelly-like. The protein will take on a yellowish tint.
  4. The protein is heterogeneous, can fall apart.
  5. An undercooked egg has a clear gelatinous texture.

Unfortunately, when frying, you will not notice any strange taste or other noticeable differences, as the Chinese add seasonings and enhance the taste with monosodium glutamate.

How the Chinese make artificial eggs

The general scheme for manufacturing such a product is quite simple.

  1. First, potassium carbonate is immersed in water and dissolved. It turns out a mass similar to protein. Gelatin, alum and benzoic acid are added to it.
  2. To get a mass similar to the yolk, citric acid and a little pigment are added to the same composition to give it a yellow color.
  3. The yolk mass is placed in a mold and in a solution with potassium carbonate to form a film on the surface. The mold is slightly shaken to make the yolk round. After an hour, the mass will harden. It remains to take it out, rinse with water and dry.
  4. The yolk is immersed in a protein mixture and again removed in a solution with potassium. The finished egg is covered with a shell, dipping it in a solution of gypsum powder, paraffin and potassium carbonate. After drying, a coating is formed on the egg that imitates the shell.


Can they be eaten

Eating this "product" is highly discouraged, since its nutritional value is zero. It does not contain any useful substances and, moreover, if eaten regularly, it can cause serious damage to health.

Doctors warn that the ingredients in artificial eggs can:

  • cause memory loss, blindness,
  • slow down the mental and physical development of children,
  • excite the nervous system
  • lead to allergic reactions.

If you saw eggs at a suspiciously low price in the store, do not save on your health - perhaps this is the very dangerous fake from the Middle Kingdom.

In our time, China is powerfully supplying Russia with food products for children and adults. This is largely due to the achievements of Chinese science and Chinese ingenuity.
In particular, now the Chinese technology for the production of artificial eggs has reached such perfection that it is quite difficult to distinguish them from real ones in appearance and taste.

Guess which egg is natural and which is artificial?

The following components are used for their production: calcium carbonate is used for the shell, potassium alginate, potassium alum, gelatin, food grade calcium chloride and yellow coloring pigment are used for the yolk and protein.
The photo shows Chinese-made chemical ingredients (they are much cheaper than other manufacturers) needed to create artificial eggs.

First, we dissolve potassium alginate in warm water, getting a protein-like mass. Then, stirring, add gelatin, benzoic acid, alum to it. The resulting mixture will replace the protein.
For the yolk, the same mixture is used, but with the addition of citric acid and a yellow coloring pigment.

The yolk mixture is poured into a special mold and placed in a solution of potassium carbonate. As a result of the reaction, a film forms on the surface of the yolk. In order for the yolk to take on a spherical appearance and be evenly processed with a solution, the form is shaken.
When the surface of the yolk has sufficiently hardened, the yolk is left in the solution for an hour.
Then they are taken out, washed with water and slightly dried.

The resulting yolk is placed in a protein mold, filled with a protein mixture, and in the same way, by placing it in a solution of potassium carbonate, the finished contents of the egg are created, which remains to be covered with a shell.

To do this, using a special thread, the egg is dipped several times into a solution of paraffin, gypsum powder and calcium carbonate, which, after drying, forms a shell.

The main differences between an artificial egg and a natural one:
1) The shell is slightly more shiny and rough. But the differences are quite insignificant, so it is not easy to determine an artificial egg by appearance.
2) The egg lacks protein strands that hold the natural yolk in the middle of the egg, and the air chamber.
3) There is no speck of the embryo on the yolk.
4) The white and yolk of a broken artificial egg after a while form a homogeneous mass, since they are made of the same material.

The production of artificial eggs is 12 times cheaper than natural ones. For example, in China, 1 kilogram of natural eggs (1 kilogram contains about 20 medium-sized chicken eggs) costs 6.5 yuan (100 yuan = 450 rubles), while the production of a kilogram of artificial eggs costs only 0.55 yuan (55 fen).

Artificial egg fried eggs.
Bon appetit!

More about some synthetic products for the nutrition of the common people

Pigments made by the chemical industry make it possible to color artificial foods in any "natural" color.
Well, chemistry learned to give an artificial food product consisting of chemical reagents any desired taste and appetizing smell back in the 1980s.
Miracle Sodium Alginate

A method for producing a granular food product imitating fruits. A variety of dry powders and sodium alginate are mixed with sugar, starch or flour (gelling agent - starch), glycerin, coloring, flavoring and flavoring substances and a small amount of water (up to 6%) are added.

The resulting viscous mass is granulated, for example by shaking, and the granules are calibrated in size (from 1.6 to 12.5 mm). The product is stored at room temperature for 6 months. without any changes. Similarly, products for instant desserts and condiments are prepared.

This technique is used to produce many granular food products: green peas, cherries, caviar simulants, cereals and colored food particles for decorative food decoration.

To obtain artificial cherries, sodium alginate, dyes and flavoring agents are introduced into the sugar solution, after which the mixture is fed in the form of drops into a coagulation bath containing a solution of calcium salts. A shell of calcium alginate jelly quickly forms on drops of the solution. Its thickness and structure depend on the length of stay of the droplets in the coagulation bath and its composition. (A similar process with step-by-step photos is shown above in the description of the production of artificial chicken eggs.) The raw materials for artificial cherries are corn syrup, sugar, sodium alginate, dye and artificial flavor. The product is produced in the form of granules of three sizes.

Soy chocolate cake with artificial cherry - just like a real one in appearance and taste.
For resemblance to natural ones, recesses are made on artificial "cherries", from which twigs allegedly protruded.
There are technologies that allow you to put inside artificial cherries the seeds that are waste when cleaning natural cherries.

In our time, conscientious producers, in order to convince the buyer of the naturalness of cherries, have to leave protruding tails on the berries, which they have not yet learned how to fake.
Artificial green peas are obtained in a similar way, using starch as a gelling agent, for example in the form of wheat flour.

Artificial green peas.
Since natural peas are not quite spherical, the granules are slightly deformed for greater similarity. For the same purpose, granules are produced, slightly different in color, which are then mixed.
In the production of artificial berries and other products that are not then subjected to prolonged cooking, the process with calcium alginate turned out to be technologically advanced, since in such cases it is enough to obtain thin shells of calcium alginate jelly on granules.

The advantage of artificial berries and green peas is that they withstand heat and freezing well, are uniform in weight and size.

Frozen artificial green peas.
To obtain artificial nuts, protein fibers are used, which are prepared in the usual way of wet spinning, cut (length 12.5 mm), heated for 20 minutes. at 130°C until fusion and dehydration and plasticized, keeping 2 hours in four times (by weight) the amount of glycerin. Excess glycerin is removed and a fragrance is added to the product, imitating the smell of a walnut.

A method for obtaining artificial oysters and other edible shellfish was proposed in 1999 by Denisenko. To do this, 1.5-2.5% egg albumin, a small amount of citric acid are added to a 2-4% sodium alginate solution, and 2-6% coconut oil and fish oil are emulsified, as well as aromatic compositions (for example, fish broth, crab, cucumber extract and monosodium glutamate). The emulsion is placed in a mold having the size and shape of an oyster, the walls of which are impregnated with a calcium salt solution. The method of fixing the shape of the product, therefore, is similar to that used to obtain artificial berries, cereals and caviar.

Artificial chips, flavored and dyed in the desired color, are produced on the basis of a mixture of vegetable protein hydrolyzate, wheat and oat flour, where salt, dye, flavoring and flavoring agents are added. The dough is rolled out, cut into slices, dried for 10 minutes. at 140-220° and then impregnated with vegetable oil.

Artificial fried potatoes are made from protein-filled mixed jellies of alginate or calcium pectinate and starch. Such jellies are obtained by heating solutions of acidic polysaccharides containing dispersed starch, protein and calcium gluconate. The latter serves as a source of calcium ions released when the system is heated. The taste of artificial fried potatoes is almost indistinguishable from natural ones.

Artificial cereals are widely used as instant cereals, that is, they do not require long-term hydrothermal treatment, as well as for obtaining small portions of culinary products. To prevent loss of nutrients and limit the degree of swelling, artificial cereals are proposed to be boiled in a smaller and strictly defined amount of water, so that the cereals absorb all the cooking water during swelling, or boil in milk, and in addition, use artificial cereals to imitate products such as semolina porridge or as soup fillings

The usual preparation of dishes from artificial cereals is difficult, because the disadvantages of artificial cereals are determined by their composition. They are usually granular starch jellies with a high protein content. Cooking of such cereals is accompanied by gelatinization and hydrolysis of starch, rapid and excessively high swelling of grains, their sticking together and destruction with the formation of a paste-like product.

In addition, cooking is accompanied by the diffusion of nutrients from the grains of artificial cereals into the cooking water. As a result, the organoleptic properties and nutritional value of culinary products from them can sharply decrease. Particularly noticeable is the lack of stability of artificial cereals during prolonged hydrothermal treatment and hot storage. Under these conditions, complete digestion of artificial cereals is possible.

So try not to buy instant cereals and prepare your food only from the most basic products, bought raw and unprocessed.
Actually, this is the basic principle of good restaurant cuisine.
Therefore, in a decent restaurant, you will never be served juice from packs or industrial mayonnaise bought in a store.
Information from the site SuperCook.ru

A resident of the village of Oktyabrsky bought a dozen eggs in Kungur. It turned out, in an effort to save money, he bought a fake chicken egg made from chemicals. “Such surrogate products are prohibited from sale. But fake eggs, having flooded Siberia, have successfully reached our lands, - the Vperyod newspaper reports. – The secret is simple: their production is very cheap, and the shelf life is almost unlimited. A fake egg costs less than 0.1 yuan ($0.016), while a real egg costs about 0.5 yuan.”

Fake chicken eggs that look very similar to the original ones. The nutritional value of fake eggs is practically zero, moreover, they contain substances that can cause damage to health with prolonged use (for example, potassium alum).

Chemical composition: The shell consists of a mixture of calcium carbonate, paraffin and gypsum. For the yolk and protein, calcium alginate, gelatin, pigments are used.

Although it is almost impossible to distinguish such eggs externally, there are a number of ways to recognize them.

The shell is slightly more shiny and rough. But the differences are quite minor, so it is not easy to determine an artificial egg by appearance. Otherwise, there are practically no differences, there is even an air membrane in its lower part.

If the yolk is broken, then in appearance it is indistinguishable from the real one.

If you “hard-boil” a fake egg, then peel it and put it in the refrigerator for 4-8 hours, then the “yolk” does not turn blue, as is observed with a real egg, it becomes elastic, and does not crumble, and the “protein” becomes yellowish. The structure of the "protein" is heterogeneous, the protein can fall apart.

The white and yolk of a broken artificial egg after a while form a homogeneous mass, as they are made of the same material.

Doctors say that prolonged consumption of such eggs can lead to excitation of the nervous system, excessive mobility in children and a slowdown in their mental development.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will touch on a very important topic on which human health directly depends. It will be about how artificial eggs are made in China and why it is needed at all.

If you believe the free data on the Internet, then they began to fake healthy and “correct” food for all sorts of filth for a long time. Yes, but for some reason they were in no hurry to talk about it.

And few people will be surprised when they find out that the inhabitants of China are especially successful in creating dummies. After all, they copy absolutely everything - works of art, clothing brands and much more. So why not take it to the next level and show off your food skills?

What is the difference between fake eggs and real eggs

If we talk about the appearance, then there is practically no difference. If you are an ordinary tired buyer who wants to buy a dozen eggs, then you will not notice the difference at all.

But it's not that. The point is in the composition of the “dummy” egg, which does not represent anything good.

Well, you all know that a chicken egg contains carbohydrates, minerals, glucose, fats, proteins, groups of useful vitamins and even cholesterol, which is not capable of harming the human body in reasonable quantities.

Thanks to this, doctors do not get tired of repeating that a person will never regret if he eats one fresh egg every day. Especially when it comes to children who grow and develop every day.

And what the Chinese are doing is a cruel joke. Such an egg is called a dummy, since there is nothing useful in it. Absolutely. The shell is a mixture of gypsum, calcium and paraffin. Protein and yolk are created from gelatin and calcium, to which pigments are also added.

Looking at such a “simple” composition, it’s hard to imagine what will happen to a person who tries an omelet from such chicken eggs for breakfast several times. This once again proves that you need to be very careful when choosing products.

Details on how a fake is created

Do you know that you need to know your enemy by sight? That is why we will reveal to you the secret of how artificial eggs are made for a profitable sale.

In fact, everything is done in several stages:

  1. At the very beginning, the yolk is formed. A pre-prepared chemical mixture is dyed yellow (for this, additional pigments are used) and lowered into a special stand to form a spherical shape.
  2. The next step is to dip the yolk in potassium carbonate so that in the future it does not lose its shape due to the protective film formed. After that, the core is enveloped in a protein in a different form.
  3. At the end, the workpiece is covered with a homemade shell. As mentioned earlier, for this, a chicken egg is lowered into a mixture of paraffin, potassium and gypsum powder. This is done several times in a row for greater persuasiveness.

It remains only to wait until the dummy is completely dry and that's it - in front of you is an ordinary food product, which almost every one of us is used to seeing in our refrigerator.

Why is all this necessary

It would seem that such an invention makes no sense. But in fact, the person who does all these manipulations is counting on big profits and a comfortable old age.

Yes, yes, even if it is forbidden, but in China, many are engaged in such a business and do not think about the health of their customers. And the worst thing is that fakes are already found in our country. Not so often, but still.

The only difference that is not immediately evident is the cost. It is slightly lower than that offered for the "original" product. After all, many will be led for free, and due to this, the underground business will begin to flourish.

Therefore, be careful and just in case, check the authenticity of the eggs if you bought them for the first time from a stranger.

All you need to do is break a raw egg into a glass and wait a few minutes. If the yolk and protein are mixed without outside help, then such a product cannot be consumed. The consequences can be irreparable!

Until we meet again, dear friends. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
