
Why popcorn is unhealthy. History of popcorn

August 2, 2018

Popcorn is popular not only among cinema goers. Its benefits and harms are of interest to many people, because almost no one will refuse to crunch on sweet puffed corn with salt, caramel and cheese additive. In today's article, we will discuss all the benefits and possible harms of popcorn.

Everything you need to know about popcorn

Among modern people of various age categories, there are probably many popcorn lovers. The benefits and harms, calorie content of such treats are of interest to consumers. Some are convinced that the crunchy, almost weightless delicacy is incredibly healthy, while others insist on the exceptional harm of popcorn. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

How often does popcorn appear on your menu? The benefits and harms of your favorite treat are inextricably linked with the component composition. It's no secret that popcorn is made from a special variety of corn. The grains are first dried, then subjected to additional processing, as a result of which moisture is completely removed from them. This is what determines the airiness of a crispy treat. If your younger household loves to eat popcorn, the benefits and harms of it for children will most likely interest you.

On a note! Despite the specific processing of corn grains, popcorn retains a maximum of nutrients.

Component composition:

  • tocopherol;
  • cellulose;
  • B vitamins;
  • polyphenols;
  • antioxidants.

Many of us cook our own popcorn from semi-finished raw materials in the microwave. Does such a treat bring harm or benefit? It all depends on the quality of the selected product. It is worth paying special attention to the nutritional value of popcorn. In its pure form, corn kernels contain about 400 kilocalories per serving weighing 100 g. But since corn is very light, it is still necessary to manage to eat that amount of popcorn.

In its pure form, few of us like popcorn. Useful properties and possible harm of popcorn for human health are also associated with various additives, which include granulated sugar, caramel, flavor enhancers, flavorings, salt and vegetable oil.

On a note! On average, the nutritional value of popcorn with additives varies from 420 to 470 kilocalories.

It's time to discuss the benefits and harms of your favorite crunchy treat. Salted popcorn is especially popular with people. This dietary supplement helps to increase blood pressure levels, which is ideal for people suffering from hypotension. But with hypertension, it is better to replace such a dish with alternative options. For example, eat popcorn with caramel. This sweet will perfectly affect your mood.

Beneficial features:

  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • promoting tissue rejuvenation;
  • prevention of the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • increasing the digestibility of food;
  • prevention of osteoporosis development;
  • suppression of pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • constipation treatment;
  • preventing the development of decay processes in the intestinal cavity;
  • improvement of the psycho-emotional state.

You were able to see how high-calorie popcorn is. The benefits and harms of losing weight are of interest to many. Despite the high nutritional value, puffed corn kernels can be safely included in the diet. Thanks to the increase in mood, activation of intestinal motility, you can support your body in the process of weight loss, protect yourself from emotional breakdowns. In addition, the product has the richest component composition. All mineral compounds, vitamins, micro and macro elements contained in popcorn are absorbed by the human body almost completely.

The composition, as already mentioned, contains vitamin E. Scientists have determined that corn kernels also contain vitamin A. Together, these components have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, curls and nail plates.

Don't underestimate the health benefits of popcorn. Sweet or salty popcorn is considered an effective preventive measure for cardiovascular pathologies. Eating a small amount of popcorn, you can clean the vessels, strengthen their walls. All this is an excellent protection against varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

Popcorn, even after heat treatment, does not lose antioxidants, which have not only cleansing properties. Thanks to these components, the outflow of bile is normalized, and the functioning of the liver is also stabilized.

On a note! Scientists in the course of long-term studies have found that a serving of popcorn contains much more antioxidant substances than vegetables or fruits.

"Corn" secrets

Experts do not advise eating popcorn purchased in parks or movie theaters. In this case, you risk getting a portion of empty carbohydrates in combination with various preservatives, carcinogens and palm oil. It is with this that the health risks of popcorn are often associated. The composition of semi-finished popcorn may contain an additive that has a negative effect on the organs of the respiratory system.

Interesting! Nutritionists say that eating popcorn more than once a month is categorically contraindicated. Otherwise, such a treat can be addictive.

A poor-quality corn product can cause diseases of the digestive tract. These include gastric ulcer, pancreatitis and gastritis.

Important! Unscrupulous competitors often use palm oil in the process of making popcorn. Under the influence of high temperature, this product releases carcinogens that are dangerous to the human body.

The American Indians were the first to try popcorn. When kindling a fire, the cob fell into the fire, frightened people with its pops. Having tasted the puffed grain, the ancient inhabitants appreciated the taste and aroma. They began to add it to the first dishes, fry it in oil, decorate their hair, and use it to make accessories.

The Indians shared their discovery with the British. In 1885, C. Keethors invented a specialized popcorn maker. It was called "Popper". The miracle machine was equipped with wheels, could move around the city, treating residents with a delicious treat.

Many people wonder why corn bursts loud enough? The cause of the explosion is simple, it is due to the smooth and dense skin, which is inherent in this particular variety of maize. When in contact with hot oils, the pressure inside increases, which leads to a loud pop and the opening of the grain. For corn to pop, the kernel must have a whole shell.

Popcorn is a favorite treat for many people, regardless of age. That is why everyone is interested in the benefits and harms of popcorn, what effect does it have on the human body?

Useful properties of popcorn

Popcorn is made from corn. It contains many nutritional compounds, including starchy components. Calorie content is determined by the method of preparation. During cooking, the liquid evaporates, which makes the "opened flowers" almost weightless.

After drying corn cobs, they do not lose their beneficial properties. There are about 80 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. At the same time, the calorie content of the snack is 400 calories. In the cooking process, vegetable oils are used, which increase the calorie content of the product. As well as granulated sugar, caramel, table salt and other ingredients.

What is the benefit of popcorn? A treat with salt helps to increase blood pressure, which is important for people suffering from hypotension. Popcorn with caramel is uplifting; removes excess "dangerous" cholesterol from the body. In addition, puffed corn improves intestinal motility, improves digestibility of food. It can be eaten without harm to the figure, despite the high calorie content, since 100 g is a fairly large volume.

Is popcorn healthy? Certainly yes. Its useful properties are as follows:

  1. Corn grains abound in B vitamins, plant fiber, and mineral elements. Fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents constipation. Systematic use improves the process of assimilation of food, prevents decay in the intestines.
  2. B vitamins have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of men and women. They struggle with increased anxiety, sleep disturbance, apathy, as they have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system.
  3. Tocopherol and retinol are the most powerful combination of natural antioxidants. They prevent the natural aging of tissues, improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates.
  4. Sweet corn contains special elements that cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. Accordingly, popcorn is a good prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  5. Air corn slightly dilates blood vessels, which increases blood circulation in the body, as a result, internal organs and tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients.
  6. Popcorn has a low glycemic index, so it can be consumed by people with diabetes.
  7. A small serving of popcorn contains more antioxidants than 100 g of vegetables or fruits. This effect allows you to remove free radicals that destroy cells from the body.

Practicing cardiologists note that corn in any form, including popcorn, is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Puffed corn prevents the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage.

Possible harm from popcorn

Popcorn is a delicacy that adults and children like. It can be eaten on a diet. Nutritionists note that it perfectly satisfies cravings for sweets, while it does not affect the process of losing weight. Of course, only in small quantities. It should be borne in mind that various additives - sugar, caramel, etc., significantly increase the calorie content.

It would seem that popcorn is a “healing” product. But this is on the one hand, on the other hand, like other food, it is harmful. Why is popcorn bad? It has been proven that popcorn is addictive, so doctors do not recommend eating sweets more than twice a month.

As part of the finished product, which is sold in cinemas and in stores, there is such an additive as diacetyl. It adversely affects the respiratory system, health in general. With abuse for a long time, not only the state of health worsens, but also the risk of pulmonary fibrosis increases.

Popcorn Harm:

  • Quite often commercial-scale popcorn is prepared with the addition of palm oil. It is famous for its negative impact on the human body. When heated, dangerous carcinogens are released that contribute to the development of oncological processes;
  • The additives contained in the finished product can lead to stomach diseases - gastritis, erosive or ulcerative lesions.

Definitely, the benefits of popcorn for the body are undeniable, if eaten in moderation. Children are happy to eat popcorn while watching cartoons, and adults cannot deny themselves a treat in cinemas. Due to the high calorie content, it is not recommended to eat often and a lot. That's the only way to benefit.

Popcorn poisoning and possible complications

Anyone can get poisoned by popcorn - both an adult and a child. Despite the fact that corn does not belong to products with a short shelf life, bacteria and fungi can start in it against the background of long-term storage. Also, poisoning is possible if sanitary standards are not observed during the cooking process. Dirty hands of staff increase the risk of infections and bacterial diseases.

The clinic of intoxication develops within 12 hours after consumption. The patient is sick, vomiting is observed, there are painful sensations in the abdomen. Also, increased gas formation, loose stools are detected. In severe intoxication, subfebrile temperature may be observed.

Sweet corn poisoning can lead to negative consequences. They are caused by the harmful effects of toxins on the stomach. Possible consequences include:

  1. Gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach).
  2. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
  3. Acetonemic syndrome (a complication that develops in children).

Treatment of poisoning involves the use of sorbents, drinking regimen - you need to drink plenty of clean water. Within 10 days, it is recommended to follow a diet - the rejection of fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods.

Popcorn during pregnancy and for children

During the bearing of a child, popcorn should be eaten carefully, since in this case the benefits and harms of the product are in doubt. It is better to completely refuse a purchased product, since it always contains harmful food additives and dyes. That is why it is undesirable to consume popcorn during pregnancy.

If you want treats, you can cook it yourself at home. It is better to cook in a pan or in a deep saucepan, rather than using a microwave, as microwaves adversely affect the grains.

Almost all kids love popcorn. But in entertainment centers, corn is sold, which is always "flavored" with synthetic additives, flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers. Namely, these components are completely unhealthy for the child's body, on the contrary, they have a negative impact.

Is popcorn good for the body? The answer is yes, but on the condition that the popcorn was cooked at home. It is not difficult at all, and the result is a tasty and safe product. "Snow-white flowers" can be sprinkled with caramel syrup - this is an option for lovers of sweets or sprinkled with salt while still warm.

Walks in the parks, visits to cafes, entertainment centers and other entertainment rarely do without the use of various delicacies. It is especially difficult to leave without sweet or salty children. But such food is not healthy. French fries, chips, salted nuts, hamburgers - pleasure and harm at the same time. Popcorn stands out among most street snacks. Popped corn does not do so much harm to the body, and going to the movies without it is hard to imagine. Doctors do not prohibit a treat, but they do not recommend abusing it. So what are the benefits and harms of popcorn?

History of popcorn

In fact, popcorn did not start its history from Hollywood. Many decades before, the Indians saw that there was a variety of corn that exploded when heated. And its secret is simple: little starch and water. And still popcorn is made from this variety.

But such a phenomenon was used for decoration and in rituals. And already in the late 1930s, Samuel Rubin combined delicacy and cinemas. And in 1945, it turned out that microwaves cause grains to explode. This was the beginning of the development of microwave ovens. True, back in 1885 a machine appeared that was designed specifically for blasting corn. Later, popcorn became the main profit of cinemas, and even ticket sales did not provide so much income. Therefore, it is worth figuring out whether popcorn is useful or harmful.

Chemical composition and types of popcorn

There are different flavors of popcorn. Salted, sweet, and caramelized corn are found in movie theaters and on store shelves. Flavorings and various flavoring additives are added to salty to achieve the taste of cheese, bacon, etc. But earlier, pure popcorn was used abroad as an additive to soups and main courses.

The product has almost all the useful properties of corn and a composition similar to it. But oil and food additives for taste change the chemical composition.

Vitamins B in the composition are contained in moderate amounts and have a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. But calcium strengthens teeth and bones. It also contains a lot of fiber.

How many calories are in popcorn

Popcorn is high in calories. And this indicator depends on the type. Sweet corn will be the most harmful in this regard.

Attention! Often there are 1,300 calories in one bucket of movie theater popcorn.

This is almost a daily rate. Therefore, everything should be consumed in moderation.

Benefits of popcorn for the body

Popcorn has a number of useful properties for the human body:

  1. Improves skin condition.
  2. Normalizes metabolism.
  3. Lowers blood sugar levels.
  4. Popcorn with honey is good for the liver.

Can pregnant and lactating women eat popcorn?

Popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited. Chemical additives negatively affect the development of the baby, threaten pregnancy, salt is harmful to metabolic processes. And sugar is undesirable for the pancreas. Air corn is not useful in this case.

At what age can popcorn be given to children

Clean balloons are only useful. But popcorn with flavors is even dangerous for the child's body. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to treat the baby with a treat, then it is advisable to make it at home on your own. This way you can regulate the quality and quantity of products and additives.

Up to three years it is not recommended to give even the most useful popcorn. At this age, the baby still does not know how to swallow well, and his digestive system is not ready for such a product. Therefore, the benefits of popcorn for children are less than the harm.

Popcorn for weight loss

If popcorn is prepared correctly, then it will benefit even with a diet. The product is high-calorie, but during dietary restrictions it is still eaten during snacks in a limited amount. It is difficult to go over calories in this case. In addition, you need to understand that you should not add a large amount of oil, salt, and even more so sugar! The main thing is the measure, and then even popcorn will not be harmful to the figure. Corn itself only has a positive effect on weight loss. The fiber in it helps with digestion.

Is popcorn bad for health?

It is worth talking not only about the benefits, but also the dangers of popcorn for the human body. If you choose between chips, crackers and other snacks, then popcorn wins. It is less harmful. But this does not mean that it does not have such properties.

The product is not used very often. Mostly during trips to the cinema, circus, park. But if you eat often, you can get problems. Salt, oil, flavorings and other additives can cause allergic reactions, complications of existing diseases of the digestive tract, kidney disease, obesity.

Large amount of salt

A lot of people love salt. Of course, this taste attracts. So salt is added to the popcorn. And if you do not abuse the product, then problems can be avoided. In general, salt negatively affects the state of the body. The kidneys are the first to suffer. Water is retained in the body. In addition, experts from Japan claim that it harms the stomach, increasing the risk of organ cancer.

Dangerous fats

It is the presence of vegetable oil that makes popcorn dangerous and high-calorie. At home, its amount can be controlled, but in cinemas it can be too much. And if the buyer sees that the oil was not spared, this does not mean that the manufacturer has become generous. It is quite possible that a plant product of dubious quality is used many times in a row and is completely expired. In this case, excess weight is one of the slightest consequences. As a gift, you can get diseases of the liver, stomach.

Flavoring additives and flavors

It is flavors and flavorings that are the main problem of air grains. Because of the addition of these elements, popcorn is forbidden to children. But not everyone thinks about their harm. Of course, there are fewer of them than in chips or crackers, but they act on the body. Doctors assure that if you do not eat such food often, then you should not expect something terrible.

Flavors are divided into natural and artificial. The first group does not bring so much harm. But to rely that it is a natural additive in popcorn is naive. Such substances are expensive, but corn kernels are quite an affordable product. Artificial additives are cheap, but when consumed in large quantities, they lead to problems with the liver and stomach.

popcorn poisoning

Useful properties of popcorn are preserved during quick preparation. But this happens if it was cooked on an open natural fire, in extreme cases, on a gas stove. It has been proven that the microwave oven depresses beneficial qualities. And special machines can even lead to poisoning. After all, they contain vegetable oil with diacetyl.

Attention! If you eat the product immediately after preparation, then it is difficult to avoid feeling unwell after. It is worth waiting until the temperature drops.

You can get sick with popcorn. And in most cases, low-quality oil is to blame for this. Less often seasonings. If food poisoning has occurred, a person feels pain in the abdomen, he is haunted by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. The result can be gastritis and pancreatitis.

How to reduce the harm from eating popcorn

Popcorn is harmful due to the addition of oil, flavors, flavor enhancers, salt, sugar, caramel. To reduce the negative impact, but also enjoy the taste, you just need to remove harmful additives. The only thing without which balls will not work is oil. But for cooking, you can take olive, refined. But if you do not add a flavor enhancer and other chemical components, then the taste will not be lost from this. After all, popcorn has its own unique smell and taste.

How to make popcorn at home

Special devices have been created for the production of popcorn in large quantities. But making a treat at home is easy. However, there are nuances here too.

Conventional varieties of corn, which are used for canning, cooking, feeding livestock, are not suitable. They have a shell that does not burst at a temperature of 175 degrees. Balloons are not available. And they have a lot of starch. The maize variety is ideal. Such grains burst well. Cook in a frying pan, microwave, oven and even a slow cooker.

in the microwave

Everything is cooked in the microwave: dumplings, instant soups, cakes, omelettes. But not cooking popcorn in it is a big mistake, although it has more harm from the microwave. There is nothing easier. Both purchased special grains and homemade corn are used. In the first case, they are placed in a special package and pre-lubricated with oil, spices, and additives. One has only to leave the package in the microwave for a certain time, which is indicated in the instructions.

If the desired variety of corn was found on the market, then that’s also good. The grains are separated, cleaned and dried. Not only vegetable oil is suitable for frying, but also butter. It gives the beans an interesting taste. If necessary, add spices. Be sure to close the container with grains. It takes 4 minutes to get balloons.

in a frying pan

The microwave oven was invented after it was found out that the grains are torn under the influence of microwaves. But not everyone has this miracle device in the kitchen. In this case, you can limit yourself to a frying pan. The process is no more difficult. The material from which the pan is made can be any. But it is better if there is cast iron. It retains heat well. This means that most of the grains will crack. And if there is a glass lid, then you can also observe such an interesting process:

  1. Corn grains are lubricated with vegetable oil. But it is undesirable to drown them in fat. The corn just needs to be oiled.
  2. The pan is heated up.
  3. Put raw materials and close tightly with a lid. You don't need to make the fire smaller. If there is a desire to give taste, then add sugar or seasonings to taste.
  4. Periodically shake the pan, but do not open it to stir the popcorn. So the heat will go away, the balloons will not work.


The benefits and harms of popcorn are discussed differently than crackers or chips. Popped corn certainly has more health benefits. But it must also be used with caution. Flavors and other food additives, as well as oil, sugar, and salt, are dangerous when popcorn is consumed frequently.

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Popcorn is the most popular delicacy in the world, without which it is impossible to imagine going to the cinema, and which is very loved by both children and adults.

Nowadays, there are many varieties of it - these are traditional sweet and salty, as well as popcorn with a variety of flavors: fruit, cheese or chocolate.

History of popcorn

The history of popcorn begins about 7 thousand years ago. It was then that the cultivation of corn began in the mountainous parts of Mexico. Over time, at the beginning of our era, corn became a staple food in America.

The ancient Indians of those years discovered that a certain type of corn puffed up when heated. This is due to the fact that inside the grain there is a small amount of starch in liquid form.

After boiling this water, steam is formed that breaks the shell of the grain, after which it, having opened, increases in volume.

The process of making popcorn determined its name. The word "corn" in English sounds like "corn", and "pop" means "burst". The literal translation of the word "popcorn" is "popped corn".

In Europe, popcorn appeared approximately in the 15th century, but it did not begin to be produced in the modern way until the late 19th century, when a machine for frying corn kernels was invented in the United States.

The inventor of this device was Charles Cretors. To this day, the operation of popcorn machines is based on the principles of those devices.

Composition and calories

As you know, popcorn is made from corn. But not all of its varieties are suitable for making delicacies. In order for the grains to burst properly, they need to have a stronger shell that can hold moisture inside for a certain amount of time.

During this time, the resulting steam is evenly distributed over the grain, and at the time of the explosion in a certain way opens the corn pulp.

If you try to make popcorn from ordinary food corn, its shell will tear immediately and you will get just a bursting corn kernel.

In addition to grains, some manufacturers add additional components to popcorn: food additives, sugar, salt and fat. The use of flavors allows you to prepare a delicacy that has a variety of tastes.

In its pure form, without additives and flavorings, popcorn contains about 400 kcal per 100 g of product. Sweetening or salting this snack increases the calorie content to 500 kcal (sugar) and 410 kcal (salt).

That is, in one film session, you can use almost the daily norm of kcal - about 1.3 thousand.

Despite such a significant calorie content, the delicacy contains numerous vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins B1 and B2 are important for the health of nails and hair.

Calcium has a beneficial effect on the teeth, muscles and bones of a person. Potassium is good for the cardiovascular system.

In addition to these substances, popcorn contains vegetable fiber, which helps normalize digestion. Foods containing fiber move faster through the digestive tract, preventing constipation.

Of course, being a fairly high-calorie food, popcorn can harm the figure, but if you use this product with a minimum content of salt, sugar and fat, you can only benefit.

Popcorn - the benefits and harms of its use

In fact, being ordinary corn, popcorn has many useful properties. Its use in food contributes to the normalization of the intestines, lowers blood sugar levels, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Of all the "quick" snacks, such as chips, salted nuts, chocolates, popcorn is considered the most harmless. It quickly gives a feeling of fullness and is easily excreted from the body.

But there is also a negative impact of popcorn on the human body. The main harm is brought by the methods of preparation of this dish.

The oil it is made from in most movie theaters and in the food industry contains the chemical diacetyl. It has been scientifically proven that this flavoring, when heated, adversely affects the human respiratory tract.

If we consider the method of making popcorn at home, then microwave ovens are often used for this.

And eating food that has been exposed to microwaves can adversely affect human health, because it contains microwave energy, which is not found in traditionally cooked foods.

In addition, flavoring additives and flavor enhancers, often used in the production of popcorn, are harmful to health and provoke cancer.

Use during pregnancy and diet

The question of the possibility of eating popcorn in dietary nutrition arises quite often. Of course, high-calorie popcorn made with enough oil, sugary or cheesy popcorn can't help you lose weight.

But a product prepared at home is healthy and contains a small amount of calories. In small quantities, it can be used as a snack, as well as a substitute for bread.

Another argument in favor of eating popcorn on a diet menu is its high fiber content. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, salts and other toxic substances.

Despite the numerous advantages of popcorn, its use during pregnancy is undesirable.

Since the woman's body is weakened during this period, and given the peculiarities of the production and preparation of popcorn by doctors, it is not recommended to use not only the product in packaged form, but also home-made.

The taste enhancer monosodium glutamate, which is everywhere included in this dish, is also banned for pregnant women. And nutritional supplements jeopardize the health of the expectant mother and child.

Salt disrupts the body's water balance, and sugar affects the functioning of the pancreas.

It has long been known that bee products are useful and help a person solve many health problems. Here is such a medicine!

Thinking of a day of unloading? Spend it on the water. you will learn how to do it right.

Read about the use of olive oil on an empty stomach to improve health and lose weight. Just one spoon of oil every day in the morning literally works wonders!

Who is contraindicated in popcorn

Undoubtedly, corn, which is the main product from which popcorn is made, is very useful. But it also has contraindications for eating.

In addition, having in its composition vitamin K, which enhances the ability of blood to clot, popcorn is not recommended for people suffering from increased blood clotting and vascular thrombosis.

People who are prone to allergic reactions should also use this food with caution. Often, corn is grown in unclean areas and with the use of chemicals - and this can cause allergies.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should also not eat corn and popcorn made from it. The same applies to people with acute peptic ulcer and gastritis.

In the presence of all these diseases, as well as the intention to use corn for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor.

Delicious homemade popcorn

Cooking popcorn at home allows you to get a tasty and healthy product, as well as save a lot.

There are three ways to prepare this dish at home: on the stove, using a microwave oven and in a special device for making popcorn.

Microwave cooking is the easiest and most common way. To do this, you need a bag of popcorn (semi-finished product). It must be placed in the oven and heated for several minutes until cooked.

If the preparation of popcorn is planned not from portioned bags, but from grains, it is necessary to place them in a dish that can withstand a temperature of 200 degrees.

Pour refined vegetable oil into the bottom of the dish and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, after the characteristic pops subside, the delicacy is ready.

To cook on the stove, you will need a pot or pan with high sides, as well as a glass lid. The bottom of the dishes must be greased with oil and heated. Only refined vegetable oil is used.

After heating the dishes to the required temperature, the grains should be immersed there and covered with a lid. As soon as they begin to burst and "shoot", the fire must be turned off. As soon as all the grains open and turn into popcorn, you can remove the lid.

The popcorn maker is very easy to use. It heats the corn kernels evenly and does not consume much oil. In a few minutes, this machine allows you to cook puffed corn that does not contain harmful food additives.

The only disadvantage of this machine is the need to purchase it, as well as the need to purchase a non-stick additive, without which sugar added to corn can ruin the device.

Popcorn made from corn kernels is a snack for all occasions. With proper preparation and moderate consumption, this delicacy will bring only pleasure and benefit.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Popcorn came to us from America. In the US, this product has been chewed in movie theaters for over 100 years. In our country, it is not yet as popular as in the West. But there are many people who cannot imagine going to the circus or cinema without popcorn. Does this product affect health? Most websites and books claim that it is harmful. From some sources of information, you can find out that popcorn is good for health. Where is the truth?

The benefits of popcorn

Popcorn is corn, which, due to exposure to high temperatures, bursts and expands in volume. Have you seen publications about the health risks of corn? Hardly. Vegetables are considered to be healthy. In this case, why do newspapers, magazines and the Internet present popcorn as a clearly harmful product?

There are quite a few publications claiming that popcorn is healthy. True, they also go to extremes and assign too many positive health properties to popcorn. The benefits of the product are associated with the presence in its composition:

  • vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • trace elements;
  • antioxidants;
  • starch;
  • protein.

Popcorn is said to lower blood sugar levels and prevent cardiovascular disease. It stimulates the growth of "beneficial microbes" in the gut and even promotes weight loss. Does popcorn really have these properties?

In fact, most publications simply list the therapeutic benefits that come with increasing dietary fiber. Yes, it's actually in popcorn. But fiber is also present in any other plant foods. Popcorn in this respect is no different from potatoes, buckwheat porridge or tomatoes.

It cannot lower blood sugar levels in any way, because it has a lot of starch. And starch itself is hardly worth mentioning in the list of useful ingredients of the product, because it is a common polysaccharide, which is a source of energy and causes a high calorie content of the product. Starch is present in any food of plant origin.

There are too few vitamins, minerals, proteins in popcorn. The main sources of proteins are food of animal origin. Corn is not the best source of protein. If its grains burst under the influence of temperature, this does not mean that at that moment they were suddenly saturated with vitamins and enriched with proteins.

Most of the health benefits of popcorn are sucked out of your finger. Here is a real list of the health benefits of the product:

1. It is a source of energy, therefore it does not allow a person to die of hunger.

2. Contains fiber, the regular consumption of which allows you to maintain a normal functional state of the intestine and control the level of cholesterol in the blood.

3. It has a pleasant taste, which has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

There is currently no reliable information about the impact of regular popcorn consumption on the risk of certain diseases. On some sites you can find out that the product reduces the risk of heart disease and has an antitumor effect. Such claims have no scientific basis. Once invented by someone, this information was retold many times, as a result of which many people took this information for granted.

Harm of popcorn

There is much more information in the media about the dangers of popcorn than about the benefits of this product. It is not recommended to use it for the following reasons:
  • high calorie;
  • the presence in the composition of food additives (flavors, dyes, etc.);
  • increases the risk of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

On almost any site where there is an article about the dangers of popcorn, you can read that the product negatively affects the state of the bronchopulmonary system. We are critical of such statements.

There are several reasons for this:

1. Nowhere is it said what kind of lung disease popcorn causes.

2. There is no proven link between popcorn consumption and the incidence of respiratory disease.

3. It is not the popcorn itself that is accused of causing harm to the bronchopulmonary system, but one of the flavors that some manufacturers add to the product.

Rumors that popcorn can cause lung disease, appeared only on the grounds that one of the American doctors revealed addiction to this product in his coughing patient. The patient prepared it at home. After the patient refused popcorn, there was no trace of coughing. The doctor immediately trumpeted his “discovery” in the media, after which the horrors about this product migrated to Russian newspapers, magazines, and Internet portals.

Each author of articles about the dangers of popcorn for the lungs added one head to this “gorynych”. As a result, publications of frankly stupid content appeared. They claim that prolonged eating of popcorn completely destroys the lungs, as a result of which the patient needs their transplantation. According to other data, popcorn provokes lung cancer.

In fact, some manufacturers do add flavoring to the product, which is harmful to the lungs. But you should not be afraid of it for several reasons:

1. Not all popcorn manufacturers use this flavor (diacetyl).

2. It is harmful only in high concentrations, and therefore only those people who are involved in the industrial production of popcorn can suffer.

3. The harmful effects of flavoring affect only after several decades of its regular inhalation.

The only thing you should be wary of when eating popcorn is its high calorie content. People who are prone to overweight should avoid this product. Everyone else can use it without health risk.

popcorn calories

The calorie content of popcorn is about 400 kcal per 100 g. Sometimes it reaches 500 kcal per 100 g if too much sugar or fat is added to the product. Salty popcorn has a lower energy value than sweet popcorn. It is less dangerous for the figure also for the reason that it has a low glycemic index.

The main danger of popcorn for a figure is not its calorie content. If it were an ordinary food product that could be eaten for lunch or dinner, we would call it a healthy food for losing weight. At first glance, popcorn does have certain advantages that could be used in dietary nutrition:

  • low fat content;
  • high glycemic index;
  • high fiber content;
  • low content of simple carbohydrates.

Naturally, we are talking about popcorn, in which the manufacturers did not add too much sugar or fat. But even in this case, the product will be harmful to the figure. The fact is that popcorn is consumed in addition to the main meal. They do not have lunch, do not have breakfast and do not have dinner. It is eaten between meals, and therefore popcorn always increases the total daily calorie content of the diet.

The second danger of the product is that it is consumed mainly during entertainment. It can be a trip to the circus, a movie, a walk in the park or sitting at home watching TV. In any case, the attention of a person is not focused on popcorn, but on a certain occupation. This means that the product is consumed "on the machine". Under these conditions, you can eat a lot of popcorn and not even notice it.


Popcorn is a food product. It is neither harmful nor beneficial to the human body. The chemical composition of popcorn without additives is similar to the corn from which it is made. It does not contain components that could restore or, on the contrary, destroy your health. But for the figure, popcorn is harmful. It is consumed between main meals, and therefore always increases the total calorie content of the daily diet.


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