
Why mastic breaks when covering the cake. How to work with confectionery mastic


How to use sugar fondant to turn an ordinary cake into a piece of culinary art? They cover the surface of baking with it, make figurines, decorative elements for decorating sweet dishes. You can buy ready-made mastic in the store or make your own. For this you need:

  • 4 full teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 4 teaspoons of glucose;
  • a teaspoon of glycerin;
  • 60-70 ml of boiling water;
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin into a cup, pour cold water to make the powder swell. Dilute with a certain amount of boiling water, mix thoroughly until dissolved. Add glucose to it, stir until smooth.
  2. Pour the gelatin-glucose mixture into the powdered sugar, add the glycerin, start kneading everything. The process will take several minutes. The contents should have the consistency of soft plasticine, if necessary, add sugar, a little hot water. It is necessary to knead the contents for at least 5 minutes, which is necessary for the complete connection of the components.

The presented number of components is enough to cover a cake with a diameter of about 25 cm, make some decorations on it, such as a ribbon around, a figurine, an inscription. Depending on your wishes for the decor and size of the product, you increase or decrease the proportions. The excess can be frozen and reused.

Features of working with sugar mastic

  • the cake on which we plan to put the decoration cannot be covered with whipped cream. Unfortunately, such a cream dissolves the mass. If you want to cover the dough, then the top layer should consist of butter. It is also good to grease the cake a few hours before decorating. It will harden and there will be no danger that the cream will flow out from under the decor.
  • Vegetarians can use agar instead of gelatin.
  • Glycerin is not necessarily necessary to create a mass, the component increases plasticity, prolongs the time of work with mastic. The liquid is added when the consistency is slightly dry and begins to crumble when rocked. When making figures, it is also worth introducing glycerin - it will be easier for you to sculpt small details. Secret: you do not need to buy glycerin in a specialized store, you can use a drug from a pharmacy - it costs less.
  • If we are working with only part of the volume, the rest of the sugar mastic should be tightly wrapped in food foil or a plastic bag. Then it will not dry out and crumble. The product protected in this way can be used when needed. Without coating, the mastic will dry out in 15-20 minutes and become unusable.

The coloring of the sugar mass can be done in several ways. There are several types of dyes - gley or in powder form. Dry mixes are more effective, but novice cooks may have trouble achieving the desired color saturation when using them.

How to work with sugar mastic:

  • In order for the cake to be covered with an even layer of mass, it is necessary to roll out the thinnest “pie” with a diameter several centimeters larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe culinary product (these few cm are the height of the cake). Such a mass should be homogeneous and without holes. For this job, you need a rolling pin and a flat, smooth work table. You can use a silicone mat lightly dusted with icing sugar to prevent sticking. If you plan to use the mass frequently, it is recommended to purchase a professional set. It includes a plastic board and a roller, a set of curly cutters and molds.
  • For gluing individual elements, water, glycerin, a little butter are used. The liquid holds the parts well, but you must remember not to use too much of it so that the mass does not dissolve. Glycerin is useful for jewelry that has begun to dry slightly. With larger elements, when you need to attach the figurine to the cake, grease the bottom with buttercream. Edible glues exist, but they are rarely used in home cooking.

How to make sugar paste decorations

Beginners are advised to purchase a small roller, a stamp with interchangeable tips, a sharp knife to use on our table, a set of tools for finer decorations, long rulers of various thicknesses (useful for cutting mass, for example, to create a ribbon around a cake). For the manufacture of volumetric flowers, moldings are used. Accessories are purchased at kitchen supply stores.

What could be more beautiful than a cake? It is customary to give this wonderful confectionery for various special occasions, for example, for a wedding, anniversary, Christmas, Christening, engagement day or any other event. But it's one thing when a cake has a simple and unpresentable appearance, and quite another when it becomes a real work of art. Such a cake is not only not ashamed to show guests, but sometimes it is even a pity to eat. How to turn your cake or pie into a masterpiece with mastic - this will be the topic of our conversation. But first, we will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice confectioners.

While working with adhesive bases, many novice craftsmen are faced with a problem spreading of mastic layers over cakes. Also, as a result of staining, the base of the cake may show through or the top coating will completely dissolve. To avoid this, you should not use a wet-based lubricant (that is, if your confectionery is covered with butter, milk or butter cream). If you still use this cream, then just before applying the mastic on it, you need to let it dry or additionally use a special neutral cream made from marzipan, condensed milk or ganache (you must first put it in a cold place). As a result, between the oily oil base and the mastic, you will apply a protective layer of cream, which prevent spreading and the formation of smudges of the adhesive base (tested by us, mastic lies simply flawlessly on a marzipan-covered cake).

But do not choose overly dry cakes. On this basis sweet putty can warp and crack, and the cake itself will break and crumble. If you do not have the opportunity to make your own cake, you can always purchase ready-made biscuit cakes in stores or other outlets.

In order for the mastic surface of the product, which was previously placed in the refrigerator or any other cool place, to become even, it is recommended smooth with a red-hot knife. If, immediately after making the cake, you did not put it in the refrigerator, you can level the mastic with a regular butter cream, after sprinkling it with small crumbs of cookies or biscuits.

If, when modeling figures, you need to glue some parts together, then for this you can use plain water. Chicken egg protein, as well as a mixture of powdered sugar and protein, can also serve as a kind of catalyst for two identical products. Wet the product a little and it will show its adhesive properties. To give the product a special color and shine, you can use a special brush. To do this, you need to apply a small layer of alcohol on top of it. You can also use a solution of honey and alcohol (in a ratio of 1: 1).

If you need to paint very small details, then it is better to use not a brush, but a toothpick or a cotton swab. Feel free to dip impromptu brushes in food coloring and accurately apply the pattern along visible contours. In order for the mastic layer to be easily rolled out, it must first be kneaded well, and then thinly rolled out with an ordinary rolling pin. According to Arno Faye(the best among French chefs), it is recommended to first dip the rolling pin in starch or powdered sugar. Then sticky mastic will not stick to it and you can quickly give the desired shape to your products.

There are times when mastic dough literally breaks into pieces. In such situations, it is not the grease itself that should be blamed, but large sugar crystals, which, in contact with the dough, scratch it, thereby creating gaps. To prevent this from happening, during the preparation of the adhesive mass, it is necessary to carefully grind the powdered sugar.

If your confectionery product as a base, on which there was mastic for the cake, does not harden for a long time, then it can be taken out to fresh air. There, the coating will harden faster and be covered with an even crust. In order for small figures to be solid and not absorb moisture, they must be made in advance, while allowing them to dry properly. It is better not to attach large flower arrangements and separate large items, for example, houses, dress shoes and other weighty details to finished confectionery immediately. This will allow them to retain their shape for a long time and not lose their adhesive properties. Pre-prepared mastic, so that it does not lose its plastic properties, should be placed in the oven or microwave for several minutes.

How to roll out the mastic correctly?

When rolling out the putty mass, you need to take into account its maximum thickness (the maximum layer thickness should not be less than 2-3 mm). Then she won't tear or flake. There are even several ways to roll out a kind of sweet plasticine. The first is to roll out the dough on the table with a rolling pin. We have already mentioned this above. The second way is in rolling out a layer of adhesive backing between large sheets of polyethylene. Interestingly, when using the second method, the mastic can not even be separated from polyethylene or cling film. After the thickness of the dough becomes 2-3 mm, you remove the upper part of the sheet and transfer it to the confectionery product together with polyethylene. And when the mastic layer completely covers your cake, then it will be possible to get rid of polyethylene. And here it is worth noting that the thickness of the cling film or polyethylene and their length must be calculated correctly(according to the size of the test). Otherwise, the surface of the film will move out and form folds, which will bring you a lot of additional inconvenience.

How to mix colors correctly?

In order for your culinary masterpieces to look appetizing, you need to use dyes correctly. And most importantly - learn how to mix them correctly. And, of course, we will help you. Here we will consider options for coloring mastic products in black.

So to get neutral black color you can use one part red, two parts blue and
one part yellow dyes. For you to get blue-black color, you can use the ratio of one part blue, one part red and one part yellow dyes. To get an unusual black-green tint you will need red, blue and yellow dyes (in a ratio of 1:1:2). Accordingly, in order for your black color to acquire reddish tint, dyes should be diluted in a ratio (2: 1: 1). In this case, use all the same red, blue and yellow colors.
The second way to dye mastic black is very simple. You can get the shade you want by using regular burnt sugar. You can also add to the dough and chocolate mass. Then the effect of staining will be the same. But if you don’t have time to experiment, then it’s easier to buy a ready-made dye and use it for its intended purpose.

Summing up, let's say that all the tips that we have provided in this article are based on the personal experience of professional confectioners. Whether or not you listen to them is up to you. The main thing is that your work in the confectionery business brings joy to you and the people around you!

The desire of any person to eat tasty and beautiful is increasing every day. Confectioners are masters of their craft, they can create masterpieces thanks to mastic. With the help of this wonderful product, they decorate cakes, making them extraordinary.

For the first time, mastic was known in the 16th century, and this mixture was called glaze, it was flexible and plastic and was preserved for a long time. It became popular in 1950, it began to be used directly to decorate the design of confectionery pastries, mainly for cakes.

Cake mastic is a magical material with which desserts acquire sophistication and originality. With its help, you can both cover the cake, and make any composition in the form of animals, flowers, people, inscriptions, and whatever your heart desires. The main desire, purpose and great imagination.

Modern mastic can be different, it can have a specific color, shape, decorated with shiny powder, pearls, poured with syrup or smeared with chocolate.

Types of mastic: milk, jelly, marzipan and honey.

The most popular is milk mastic, reminiscent of soft plasticine. It is very easy to use. In general, it is used for sculpting and covering confectionery.

Special tools for making mastic

To work with mastic, you need to use certain tools, with their help even small details will be obtained without problems:

  • Silicone board. It serves for rolling and sculpting, while preventing the mastic from moving, which is important in work. For beginners, you can use a table with a smooth surface;
  • Shoulder blade. It is needed for the correct distribution and alignment of the cream on the cake;
  • Plastic rolling pin. Used for rolling out the main coating of the cake;
  • Iron. Level the mastic;
  • Brush. Serves for applying paint and gluing parts;
  • Stick to create a pattern;
  • Custom rugs that create texture;
  • Roller knife. One with a cutting ball for wavy edges, the other with teeth to simulate a seam;
  • Metal or plastic molds (cutters) for design.
  • Due to the above tools, you can create irresistible culinary masterpieces.

How to use mastic correctly

Mastic is best stored at room temperature in a dark place. Put it in a container with a lid or cling film, it will not be able to come into contact with air and moisture and thus retain its properties for a long time. If water gets in, it will deteriorate and will not be suitable for further work.

To cover the cakes use sugar mastic. She is very capricious when drops of water fall on her, and therefore, before covering the cake, make sure that the biscuit is not wet. It is best to use dry biscuit bases or butter cake. In moderation, use syrup impregnation so that the mastic does not begin to dissolve.

In no case do not put a wet cake in the refrigerator, let the mastic completely harden. If it is overdried, then most likely the cake will deteriorate and crack. More time will be saved in a cold place, and in the heat the period will decrease by several days.

When rolling, sugar mastic should not be less than 3 mm. If you wake up less dense, then it can show all the irregularities of the biscuit or tear.

Painting mastic

Natural mastic white or light color. For painting, food colorings of different colors are used in tubes, in the form of a gel or paste. It is not recommended to paint with liquid dyes, they are categorically not suitable for this process.

Nuances when staining:

  • Knead the mass well so that it is elastic and soft;
  • In the middle of the circle, make a small indentation with your finger;
  • Dip the stick in the paint and anoint the notches in the nutria. The main stick to use only once;
  • Make a new ball and knead until a uniform color;
  • Use powdered sugar or starch, no matter what the mastic sticks to your hands.

And to get a marble color, you will need to smooth the mastic into a tube, then two parts into one and roll it out, repeat several times. Finally, fold in a spiral and roll out.

How to roll out mastic

The main thing in rolling out the mastic is that it is even, smooth and fits well on the product. Basic Rules:

  • Use a table with a smooth surface or a special board made of plastic. It is necessary for better rolling and will not stick to the surface;
  • Roll out the mastic with a rolling pin. Be sure to sprinkle it and the board with powder or starch;
  • Polyethylene sheets. A great way for a beginner, it allows you to roll out the mastic evenly and thinly. And with the help of one sheet, carefully lay it on the cake.

Cake coating process

Jewelry making for beginners

Making fondant and coating it on a cake is quite an exciting process. But it is no less interesting to decorate your work with various decorations. The made mass is like plasticine, you can mold unusual fragments, make flowers, bows, multi-colored circles from them. The most important thing here is your imagination.

Flower making. Take a ball of mastic, of any color, and attach the sticks to the base, lubricate it with water in advance and let it dry. Using special shapes, cut out the petals, make waves at the edges using a special stick that resembles a stick from a drum. Connect them to the ball by sticking them with water. Place the petals on top of each other. Let the result dry.

If the flower is white, then it can be painted. Large parts must be done in advance, let them dry well. Decorations in the form of flowers or any other figurines are laid out on the cake some time before serving. If they are in the refrigerator for a long time, they can absorb moisture and lose their shape.

Cakes decorated with fondant are very popular today. And if earlier such a culinary masterpiece could only be ordered from a professional confectioner, now the variety of ingredients and devices for working with them allows you to bring your ideas to life on your own.

But this does not mean at all that you will be able to achieve the desired result the first time. You need to learn how to work with mastic, mastery can only be achieved through mistakes and trials, and of course there are some tricks that we will tell you about.

Methods for rolling mastic

Most often, confectioners roll out mastic, which can be purchased at pro-konditer.com, on the surface lightly sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar. But this method is quite complicated, since the rolled layer must be periodically turned over so that it does not stick to the surface. To facilitate the task, you can grease two sheets of dense polyethylene with odorless vegetable oil and roll the mastic between them. Or a mat with a non-stick surface can be a great option.

Mastic is constantly torn, what should I do?

The ideal thickness of the rolled layer is 2 - 3 mm. If it is thinner, then the mastic will tear, and all defects will be clearly visible. Rupture can also be caused by the use of coarse powdered sugar, the cause in this case can be whole sugar crystals. If, nevertheless, the mastic is torn on the cake, and there is no way to redo it, use vegetable fat and a special confectionery iron.

How to cover a cake?

To avoid unaesthetic folds on the sides of the confectionery, roll out the mastic with a margin of 5-7 cm around the entire circumference. The rolled layer, covering the cake, will evenly stretch under its own weight, after which the excess residue can be cut off with a round knife.

What to choose cakes and cream?

Best for mastic cakes is a biscuit smeared with ganache or butter cream. Other creams can infuse the cake with extra moisture, causing it to sag. The finished cake is covered with mastic only after the cream has completely solidified, otherwise cavities may form on its surface.

How to give the mask color?

For coloring, only gel food colors are used, liquid ones can change the structure of the mastic, which will make it difficult to work with.

Mastic does not shine, what should I do?

A solution of honey and vodka in a ratio of 1 to 1 will help solve this problem. Moreover, you should not worry about the smell of alcohol, alcohol will quickly disappear and will not affect the taste of the product.

Rules for storing finished mastic

Sugar mastic can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months, but first it must be placed in an airtight food container or wrapped tightly with polyethylene.

There are several popular recipes for mastic for cakes. Each hostess can choose her favorite. Someone buys ready-made mastic in pastry shops, some prefer making it from powdered sugar with water or milk. Creating a work of art from your own cake is also a matter of fantasy, it can be floral or children's, or any other theme. But there is a moment that interests everyone - how to make mastic shiny?

In order to give a smooth, beautiful gloss to the surface of the cake, there are a couple of proven methods. The most convenient and inexpensive is to cover the mastic with a mixture of honey and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. Before use, honey must be thoroughly dissolved so that there are no lumps, then you can start applying. Lubricate the mastic with this mixture using a brush with soft hairs. When the vodka evaporates, only a shining sheen will remain on the cake.

If a certain amount of excess mastic is bought or made, the question arises of how to store the mastic? Mastic is not a perishable product, the main thing is to protect it from moisture and drying out. A regular plastic bag is well suited for this purpose, if desired, a plastic container with a tight lid. Store in the refrigerator, ideally no more than a week.

Many are interested in how to make marshmallow mastic, as this product has become very popular with confectioners. Marshmallows are poured over with water or lemon juice and melted in the microwave. Powdered sugar is added to the liquid mass and kneaded to a solid dough. Such mastic can be made shiny by smearing its surface with a liquor with a pleasant fruity aroma. You can also add shine to parts molded from mastic, such as lilies.

There is also nothing complicated in how to make a lily from mastic. There are many master classes on making flowers on the Internet, the main thing is to give the finished product an attractive look. To do this, the prepared flower petals, laid to dry, must be covered with a mixture of honey and vodka; for this purpose, a thin soft brush is also used so as not to leave unpainted areas. Many housewives are interested in how to make marshmallow mastic if there is no microwave? Marshmallow melts perfectly on a conventional electric and gas stove, as well as in the oven. The only condition is to make sure that the mass does not burn and stir constantly.

So, the main secrets of how to make mastic shiny have been clarified! Now it's up to the small - next weekend we bake a delicious cake and decorate it with our own mastic, giving it a great gloss! And let the first "pancake" not be lumpy!
