
Why sausage is called sausage: history and interesting facts. Classification and assortment of sausages

Sausage is the most popular and favorite product of every modern person. Few people imagine their breakfast or snack at work without sausage sandwiches. However, we did not even think about why sausage is called sausage.

"Sausage and politics: if you want to enjoy them, don't watch them being made" - Otto von Bismarck

Undoubtedly, sausage has a huge number of both disadvantages and advantages. Initially, this product was an ordinary minced meat, which was mixed with spices, salt and fat. Moreover, this unique product was intended for a quick dinner or lunch.

However, physically active and healthy people consider sausage an excellent addition to the main course. After all, this product is able to fully satisfy the energy costs per day.

"Sausage" story

The first mention of such a unique product appeared in 500 BC. After that, the description of the sausage could be found in Homer's famous Odyssey. And Epicharm even dedicated a comedy of the same name to the sausage. Therefore, the culinary discovery - sausage - can be safely attributed to the Greeks because of the passion and desire to fix everything.

The very word "sausage" is interpreted in different ways. According to the main version, the word was borrowed from the Turkic language. So, in Turkic külbastı - "k'ol" means hand, and "bass" - to crush. In Hebrew, kolbāsār (כלבשר) means "all flesh". Of course, this value is far from the truth. Since the Jews do not eat pork (it is she who is part of most of the sausage).

For a long time it was believed that sausage appeared in Russia thanks to the Germans. However, this fact cannot be considered reliable. Indeed, even in the Birch-bark letter, which was found in Veliky Novgorod, it was written that in the 12th century sausage was considered a commonly used product. Letter No. 842 contains the following text: “From the clerk and from Ilka. Here we [two] sent 16 lukon (obviously, honey), and three pots of oil. And on Wednesday, two pigs, two ridges (apparently, the spinal part of the carcass), Yes, three hares and black grouse and sausage, and two horses, and healthy ones.

If you plunge into historical sources, it is clear that the Novgorodians did not have close economic ties with the Turkic people. On the contrary, they were actively trading with northern Europe. One can draw a completely logical conclusion: the word "sausage" is of common Slavic origin. The first part of the word can deservedly be considered Slavic, and the second - foreign (borrowed).

Germans and Austrians are considered to be world-renowned "sausage" masters. After all, it is in these countries that a huge number of different varieties are produced. By the way, the cities of Vienna in Austria and the German city of Frankfurt am Main are still competing for the right to call themselves the birthplace of sausages.

Who called the sausage sausage is not known for certain. It is only known that Johan Georg Laner is considered the author of sausages. He studied sausage business in Germany and traded in new food products in Vienna.

Why is sausage called sausage?

It is known that in ancient times, the product still loved by everyone (sausage) meant canned salted meat. By the way, it had nothing to do with the modern type of sausage.

According to official data, it is known that the word "sausage" as a name came to us from the Latin language. "flask" means round and resembles the shape of a flask.

"Doctor's" - truly curative?

Doctor's sausage... Doctor and sausage... What do they have in common? Seems like a paradoxical combination of words. One American, Phil, thought about this in an advertisement for the TNT channel. He said that he was afraid of this phrase. So why is the sausage called doctor's? Not by chance.

If you open the pages of the history of our country, then in post-revolutionary Russia it was very difficult with food. There was no mention of meat at all. Only in the 30s of the twentieth century, the shelves in stores began to fill up, at least a little, with the most necessary products. However, the meat was tight.

The health of the citizens also suffered. The primary reason is poor nutrition. The government of the country faced a difficult task - to solve the problem with meat or to produce a product that would replace it. So gradually boiled sausages began to appear on sale.

The composition of such a sausage included about 40-50% of meat, the rest was occupied by flour, starch and various spices. However, skins and even various connective tissues were used to make a cheap version of sausage.

Directly, the variety of "Doctor" sausage was developed in 1936 at the meat processing plant named after. Mikoyan. It was a special technology that made it possible to create a dietary product that was ideally suited for use by those people who suffered from diseases of the liver and stomach, since the Doctor's sausage contained 60% minced meat (pork, beef), milk, eggs, a minimum amount of starch and cardamom. Of course, now it is unlikely that any of the nutritionists will call this sausage "doctoral" (medical).

Raw smoked sausage - tasty and expensive

Previously, it was called a deficit, today it is rightfully considered a delicacy ... A sharp smell, a salty taste, a high content of fat and protein are the main characteristics of a real meat sausage.

Why is sausage called raw smoked? The answer is simple. After all, the name immediately reveals the manufacturing technology. This type of sausage is subjected to cold smoking and a long drying process. This is how meat dehydrates. Thanks to this, raw smoked sausages can be safely called "sausage centenarians". The shelf life can be up to several months.

In ancient Italy, this particular sausage was cooked for a very long time. Sometimes maturation reached 3 months. Of course, in modern conditions, maturation does not last more than 40 days. And every day the taste of raw smoked sausage is only getting better.


The technology for making salami dates back to the 15th century. It was then that the Italian peasants took lard and various types of meat, ground it into minced meat and added spices.

Why is sausage called salami? The Italian word salame is synonymous with almost any kind of sausage. And if we start to "disassemble" the word into parts, then sale means salt, and ame is the ending that is used to designate a noun in the singular. And if translated into Russian, then literally salame - corned beef, salted sausage.

In the Middle Ages in European countries, sausage was considered the food of aristocrats. After all, only high-quality meat was used for its manufacture. Therefore, not everyone could purchase this product. I really want our manufacturers to provide us with a unique combination of price and quality: affordable and useful.

Such a beloved product as sausage has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Initially, the dish was invented as one of the ways to preserve meat for a longer time. It is mentioned both in ancient China and in Babylon. And the ancient Greeks and Romans also used it during the feasts of the nobility. In Slavic sources, it has been mentioned since the 12th century - in the Novgorod charter, written on birch bark. And in Russia, workshops where smoked sausage was produced appear only from the 17th century. This was due, according to culinary historians, with the spread of mini-smokers in the estates.

Types of sausage

Previously, sausage was made by hand, stuffing lamb intestines with a variety of minced meat, sometimes using additives and all kinds of spices. Today, of course, the process is automated, and quite a few types of product are distinguished by the method of production, among which smoked sausage is not the last. It, in turn, is divided into several subspecies, which we will discuss in more detail.

Cooked-smoked sausage

It is initially prepared as boiled, and then subjected to the smoking process. As a rule, this kind of product contains a little more spices than ordinary boiled. Cooked-smoked sausage can also consist of small pieces, and not just minced meat, which is a homogeneous mass. In addition, additives such as flour and starch, bacon and milk are actively used (this is in the best cases if soy and seitan are not mixed). Interestingly, this kind of smoked sausage can be stored in the refrigerator for only 15 days. And it usually contains up to 15-20% proteins, up to 40% fats, calorie content is up to 400 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the variety.

A striking representative of this species is the smoked sausage "Moskovskaya". It has a unique taste, which provides nutmeg and black pepper. The main part of its composition is beef with the addition of pork lard (the size of the inclusions is not more than 5-6 millimeters). By the way, they also produce a variation of smoked "Moskovskaya".


Semi-smoked sausages have a slightly longer shelf life. The semi-finished product is first fried, then boiled and then smoked. The taste of such a product is almost indistinguishable from the previous version. The difference is in a slightly higher price and cooking method. However, with such heat treatment, less useful weight is lost, and the smack of smoking becomes less pronounced.


Smoked sausage made in a similar way was previously called hard-smoked. It, according to the manufacturing technology, is not subjected to thermal effects at high temperatures. Smoking takes place in a cold way, at 20 or a maximum of 25 degrees plus. And meat or minced meat is subjected to enzymatic treatment and dehydrated. In order for such a sausage to fully and properly ripen, it takes from a month to one and a half. During all these days, excess water leaves, and the meat is saturated with a characteristic aroma and acquires an amazing aftertaste (although, using new, more modern technologies, raw-smoked meat is also produced in a shorter period - 20 days). Here, the food additive E575 is used, which changes the pH of the product, spices in sufficient quantities, sometimes a little cognac. It is also characteristic to use the effects of yeast cultures, which can feed on sugars that are included in the ingredients. This is how the fermentation process characteristic of this technology is obtained. Smoked sausage of this type has the highest energy value of all varieties - up to 600 kcal per 100 grams (for some varieties). It has less protein (up to 25%), but more fat (up to 60% sometimes).

Types of smoking

Everyone knows that in order to smoke a product, it is necessary to expose it to smoke. But not everyone knows that smoking is cold and hot, depending on the temperature at which the process itself occurs. These two methods also differ in the duration of production. So, cold smoking is a rather long process and proceeds at fairly low temperatures (20-25 degrees usually). And hot smoking is a faster process, and it takes place at rather high temperatures, such that the smoked product itself can sometimes ignite (this must be constantly monitored, taking appropriate measures).

GOST R5545 from 2013

According to the rather new requirements of GOST, smoked sausage can contain pork, beef, horse meat, lamb - optionally or a mix. It may also include by-products such as tongue, liver; lard, lard lateral and spinal. The presence of milk powder, salt, sugar, glucose is also allowed. From spices - garlic and spices. From food additives - antioxidants, regulators of taste, aroma and acidity. So, as they say, if you really love sausage, then you better not be interested in what it is made of!

Homemade smoked sausage

And, of course, it is best to cook sausage with your own hands, at home, on your own. So, at least, you will definitely be sure that it will fall into it. And yes, it can be much tastier. If there is no specially equipped smokehouse - it does not matter. You can use an ordinary chimney or a couple of barrels that do not have a bottom, separated by a grate for hanging sausages. In general, there are a lot of existing options. For successful smoking, several conditions must be observed.

  1. Regardless of the method of smoking, meat and other ingredients for sausages must be well prepared and salted.
  2. Smoke should be the weakest smoke, gradually increasing smoke. Make sure that when hot, for example, smoking, the fire does not flare up too actively.
  3. For the process, it is best to use sawdust from deciduous trees, not raw. Resinous (tree, pine) can give smoking a bitter taste.
  4. The best result is obtained with slow smoldering of sawdust.
  5. You can use mint and juniper for flavoring.
  6. Hot smoking is carried out for no more than an hour or two, otherwise the taste and aroma of the product is lost.

Doctors classify it as a harmful and sometimes dangerous food. In the modern world, unfortunately, this is most often the case, but many families do not refuse this tasty product, because it provides both a quick breakfast and a light dinner. Who doesn’t like to reminisce about the distant Soviet past, when a school bun with doctor’s sausage and a bottle of kefir in a glass bottle were considered the best light snacks. Today, you will learn how to choose only high-quality, tasty sausage, without dyes, chemical additives dangerous to the human body, learn to recognize a good "meat" sausage from a low-quality "chemical" fake.

Sausage varieties

Sausage, like all food products, is divided into several grades: the highest, the first, the unsorted and the second.
  • Top grade sausage does not contain connective tissue (muscles), or this percentage is negligible.
  • First grade contains from 10-15% connective tissue.
  • Second grade contains 20 to 30% muscle.
  • Assorted sausage may contain up to 50% connective tissue.
That's all the differences. The highest grade differs only in a more delicate texture and more expensive raw materials.

Sausage type:

Sausages are divided into meat, meat-containing, meat-and-vegetable.
  • Meat sausages(as the name suggests) consist mainly of meat.
  • Meat containing sausages contain a small amount of additives.
  • Meat-vegetables contain the least amount of meat and the largest amount of soy, starch, semolina and rice cereals. Such a product contains a lot of chemical additives, dyes, and the price of such a sample will be much lower than its natural counterparts.

Types of sausages:

Sausages are boiled, raw-smoked, boiled-smoked, semi-smoked, dry-cured, liver. Each of the presented types of sausage differs in its composition and cooking technology. boiled sausage prepared from minced meat, which is pre-salted, spices are added and boiled at a temperature of 80 ° C. It may contain eggs, milk. Boiled smoked sausage(usually referred to as smoked sausage) are prepared from minced meat with the addition of bacon. It is pre-boiled and then smoked. Cream, milk, flour, starch, a large amount of spices are added to such a sausage. Smoked sausage not subjected to heat treatment. For its preparation only meat of the highest grade is used. First, the meat is dehydrated, after which it is cooked by cold smoking at a temperature of 20-25°C. It is aged like cheese for about 30-40 days until fully ripened. Cognac and a large amount of spices are often added to such a sausage. Liverwurst prepared from offal - liver, kidneys, heart. Minced meat is prepared from offal, spices are added and boiled in water. Produced only in natural casing. It is also worth considering the fact that if you want to arrange a good vacation for yourself, be it a wedding or a birthday, then you can organize this through the services of offsite banquets fl-catering.ru/vyezdnoi-banket Original and beautiful, there is even an opportunity for each guest to have their own individual waiter. In any case, this approach will be one of the best for those who want to organize everything at the highest level and for your guests to appreciate it… dried sausage, like raw smoked, it is prepared only from the highest grade meat, which is dried for a long time. This type of sausage is not smoked, brandy, seasonings, spices, and even honey are added to it. Half-smoked sausage cooked in the same way as boiled-smoked. But, unlike boiled-smoked sausage, semi-smoked sausage is produced only in a natural casing.

Choice of sausage

When choosing a sausage, special attention should be paid to the type and composition of the product.

Sausage is a meat product, with or without casing, consisting of minced meat. Sausages very quickly became one of the favorite dishes for everyone who eats meat.

Classification of sausages:

According to the composition of raw materials: meat, blood, offal;

According to the minced meat pattern - sausages with a homogeneous structure and with pieces of cloth, tongue or bacon;

By type of meat: horse meat, pork, sheep, rabbit or special mixtures of several types of meat;

By the way they are processed: boiled, smoked, fried, semi-smoked and so on;

By the quality of raw materials: first, second, third grades; there are also products for which the grade is not determined - unsorted;

By type of casing: in natural and artificial casing; there are sausages without casing;

By appointment: sausage products of wide application, for diet food, baby food;

Types of sausages:

  • Boiled sausage.
  • Boiled smoked sausage.
  • Half smoked sausage.
  • Smoked sausage.
  • Raw sausage.
  1. Boiled sausage This is a type of sausage that is made from salted minced meat. It is boiled at a temperature not lower than eighty degrees. Usually boiled sausage consists of a large amount of soy. Sometimes even, meat is completely replaced with seitan or soy. Boiled sausage contains a lot of water. That is why it cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. Boiled-smoked sausage There are two stages during production: boiling and smoking. The composition of boiled-smoked sausage includes a large number of spices and seasonings. What is the difference between boiled-smoked sausage and boiled sausage? The fact is that the composition of boiled-smoked sausage can contain starch, bacon, cream, and even milk.
  3. Half-smoked sausage goes through several stages. First it is fried, then boiled and smoked.
  4. Smoked sausage it is also called hard-smoked sausage. According to the production technology, it should not be heat treated at high temperatures. Among all sausages, raw smoked sausage contains more spices.
  5. Dried sausage made from marinated meat. It is smoked for three to four days.

The technological process of sausage production can consist of the following stages and operations:

  1. deboning. All types of sausages pass through this stage: the meat is cut and separated from the bones.
  2. Zhilovka This is meat sorting.
  3. minced meat preparation- mix the various components of minced meat.
  4. molding- sausage flasks are filled with minced meat and fixed on clippers.
  5. heat treatment- roasting, smoking, cooking sausages.

By the way, to choose a quality sausage, you should pay attention to the casing. Currently, manufacturers have learned to produce not only natural, but also artificial casings. In addition, there are also barrier and permeable shells. For example, barriers significantly increase the shelf life of sausages. Thanks to them, the sausage can be stored for ninety days. Permeable casings are used for sausages that have been processed.

Depending on the production technology, sausages may contain additional food additives. Most often, they are added in order to prevent the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in the product.

How to store sausage depending on its type:

  • Boiled smoked sausages can be stored at a temperature of twelve to fifteen degrees. They should be stored for no more than fifteen days. However, if frozen, they can be stored for up to four months.
  • Half-smoked sausages can be stored for no more than ten days, and at a temperature of -9 - for three months!
  • Raw smoked sausages keep from four to nine months.
  • Wieners and sausages can only be stored for forty-eight hours.

To date, sausages are quite popular and undoubtedly very tasty. But, nevertheless, regardless of their classification, it is also worth remembering that this is a very high-calorie dish that should not be abused.

Products made from minced meat, offal, fat, spices, subjected to heat treatment and brought to full readiness for consumption, are called sausages.

Sausages are divided into:

By type of products - for boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, meat loaves, semi-smoked, smoked and boiled-smoked and raw smoked sausages, liver, stuffed, jellies, brawns, pates, etc.

According to the composition of raw materials - for meat, blood, offal, dietary;

By type of shell - natural and artificial, as well as without a shell;

According to the pattern of minced meat on the cut - with a homogeneous structure and heterogeneous (pieces of tongue, bacon, other raw materials);

By type of meat - for beef, pork, lamb, horse, camel, from the meat of other animals and birds, beef, pork and horse mixed with pork and lard;

By the quality of raw materials - the highest, first, second, third grade.

Boiled sausages. The range of boiled sausages includes sausages of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. The highest grades of boiled sausages, as a rule, contain more bacon and Pork than sausages of the 1st and 2nd grade, they do not have starch and flour, they have a lighter color of minced meat.

Sausages of the highest quality. These sausages are made from premium beef, lean pork and back fat. The moisture content in them is 53--65%. Their assortment includes the following sausages: Amateur, Amateur pork, Russian, Stolichnaya, Dairy, Doctor's, Veal, Estonian, Krasnodar, Diabetic, Beef. They differ in the ratio of the main types of raw materials in the recipe, the characteristics of taste and smell, the size and shape of bacon pieces, the pattern in the section, the shape and size of the loaf, the nature of the knitting.

Amateur sausage contains premium beef, lean pork (40%) and back fat (25%) in the form of 6X6 mm cubes. The loaf is narrow, straight, with one dressing.

Amateur pork sausage is made from lean pork and bacon, garlic is added to the minced meat.

Russian sausage is made from premium beef (50%), semi-fat pork (25%) and bacon (25%). The lard is cut into cubes 6x6 mm in size. The loaf is straight, narrow, with one dressing.

Capital sausage, in addition to premium beef (15%), contains lean and semi-fat pork (65%), as well as semi-solid bacon (20%), cut into pieces 8X12 mm. After cooling, Stolichnaya sausage is smoked to increase storage stability and enhance flavor. The loaf is wide, oval, with one transverse and longitudinal bandaging.

Milk sausage is prepared from beef of the 1st grade (36%), pork (60%), with the addition of eggs (2%) and powdered milk (3%). The stuffing is homogeneous, without pieces of bacon, the shape of the loaf is narrow, straight, with two dressings.

Doctor's and Diabetic sausages also have a homogeneous minced meat without pieces of bacon. Doktorskaya sausage contains top-grade beef (25%), semi-fat pork (70%), eggs or egg melange (3%) and milk powder (2%). Long loaf straight, narrow with two bandages.

Diabetic sausage mince, in addition to premium beef (20%), contains veal (20%), bold pork (55%), eggs (2%) and butter (3%). Straight narrow long loaf with three dressings, has a piece of twine at the end up to 7 cm long.

Veal sausage is made from premium beef (25%), lean and fatty pork (45%), bacon (18%), beef tongues (10%) and eggs.

The lard is cut into pieces 4x4 mm in size. The loaf is wide, curved, with dressings every 5 cm.

Krasnodar sausage has the same loaf shape as Veal. Minced meat, in addition to premium beef (30%), includes bold pork (15%), brisket (25%) and tongue (30%), cut into 6X6 mm cubes.

Beef sausage is made from beef of the highest (40%) and 1st (35%) grades with the addition of beef and pork brains (20%) and eggs or egg melange (5%).

Estonian sausage contains 1st grade beef, semi-fat pork and hard bacon. Starch or wheat flour (5%) is added to minced meat.

Sausages of the 1st grade. These sausages are made mainly from beef of the 1st grade, bold pork and side fat. From boiled sausages of the highest grade, minced sausages of the 1st grade differ in a coarser texture, pepper-garlic taste and aroma. They contain 63-68% moisture. They produce sausages of the 1st grade of the following names: Separate, Separate lamb, Moscow, Pork, Table, Diet, with sorbitol, Ordinary.

A separate sausage is made from beef of the 1st grade (60%), bold pork (25%) and bacon (15%). The lard is cut into cubes 6x6 mm in size. The loaf is narrow, straight, with three bandages.

A separate lamb sausage is produced mainly from lamb.

Moscow sausage contains beef of the 1st grade (81%) and semi-solid bacon, cut into pieces, 6X6 mm in size. Dried milk (1%) is added to minced meat. The shape of the loaf is straight, narrow. The button has two bandages.

Sausages Dietary, Pork, Table, Ordinary and with minced meat sorbitol are made without bacon. Dietary sausage is produced from beef of the 1st grade (90%) with the addition of margarine (7%) and skimmed milk powder (3%). The color of minced meat in this sausage is darker than in other types of sausages, since it does not contain pork. Long loaf of narrow, straight shape with three bandages.

Table sausage is prepared from beef of the 1st grade (40%), semi-fat pork and powdered milk (1%). The loaf is narrow, straight, without dressings.

Pork sausage is made from semi-fat pork: minced meat is coarsely chopped (crumbs size 12X12 mm). The color of minced meat is lighter than that of sausages of other types, the taste is spicier, since the product contains more pepper and garlic. The loaf is straight, narrow, with four bandages.

Ordinary sausage is obtained from fatty beef, bold pork with the addition of powdered milk or starch.

Sausage with sorbitol, in addition to beef of the 1st grade and powdered milk, contains sorbitol or xylitol (2%).

Sausages of the 2nd grade. These sausages are made from 2nd grade beef, trimmings, semi-fat pork and bacon or tail fat. The moisture content in them is up to 72%. The most common tea sausage. It consists of beef of the 2nd grade (70%), pork (20%) and bacon (10%). The loaf is narrow, straight, with two bandages.

Sausages and sausages. These products are a type of boiled sausages and differ from them in a smaller shell diameter and the absence of pieces of bacon in the minced meat. Sausages and sausages are characterized by juiciness, good taste and high digestibility. The volume of their production in the country is about 15% of the total output of sausages.

Minced meat for sausages is filled with lamb or narrow pork intestines or cellulose casings. To obtain sausages, minced meat is injected into pork or narrow beef intestines. According to the new technology for the production of sausages without a casing, minced meat is coagulated by electric current or steam heating.

Sausages and sausages, depending on the minced meat recipe, are divided into the highest and 1st grade. The salt content in sausages is 2.2 - 2.5%, in sausages - 2.2 - 3%. The range of sausages and wieners is presented in Appendix 3.

Sausages belong to the highest grade Dairy, Creamy, Amateur, Special, to the 1st grade - Beef and Russian.

Milk sausages are made from 1st grade beef and fatty pork with the addition of powdered milk (5%) and eggs. The length of the bars is up to 8 cm, the diameter is 1.5-2 cm.

Amateur sausages of a larger size (length 12-13 cm, diameter 3 cm). Minced meat consists of beef of the 1st grade, bold pork and bacon trimmings.

Creamy sausages are made from premium beef and bold pork with the addition of cream (up to 40%) with 20% fat content. Their size is the same as Amateur sausages.

Special sausages are prepared without casings from premium beef and bold pork in equal parts. The length of sausages is 13 cm, the diameter is 2.5 cm. They are packed with vacuum water in a gas-tight film in 2-5 pieces.

Beef sausages are made from 1st grade beef and beef fat or raw lard. The minced sausages are dark, the taste is spicy, as garlic is included in the recipe. The length of the sausages is 12-13 cm, the diameter is about 2 cm.

Russian sausages contain equal parts of 1st grade beef and fatty pork. Their size is the same as beef.

Sausages of the highest grade include Spikachki and Pork, 1st grade - beef. The moisture content in sausages of the highest grade is 65--70% (in Shpikachki - up to 55%), 1st grade - 70--75%.

Spikachki are made from premium beef (40%), pork (30%) and hard bacon (30%). Unlike other types of sausages minced Spikaczek contains finely chopped bacon and garlic.

Pork sausages are made from bold pork; they have a light color of minced meat and a characteristic taste of pork meat.

Beef sausages are made from beef of the 1st and 2nd grades and raw beef or pork fat. Sausages of the 1st grade are made from beef of the 2nd grade and fatty pork.

Stuffed sausages These are sausages, the various components of which are placed in a shell according to a certain pattern, resulting in a specific pattern on the cut. The variety of the pattern is achieved through the use of components of various types: puff and crumbled bacon, tongues, blood mass and minced meat.

The range of stuffed sausages includes Language, Puff and Kharkiv sausages.

Tongue sausage is made from premium beef, lean pork, hard bacon and tongue. Semi-solid bacon is used to wrap minced meat. Spices and pistachios are added to the minced meat.

Sausage Extra consists of blanched veal, pork with bacon, butter, eggs, milk, spices and wheat flour.

Liver sausages. Liver sausages are divided into four grades: superior, first, second, third. Sausages belong to the highest grade:

Liver egg - made from beef liver, butter, fresh eggs, spices.

Liver liver - made from pork liver, bold pork cheeks, eggs and spices.

Liver sausages of the first grade. These include: Ordinary, Smoked.

Second grade sausages include Livernaya with bacon.

Sausages of the third grade include Livernaya sausages of the third grade and vegetable. As raw materials, offal of the second category, connective tissue and cartilage from meat trimming, pork skin, flour, salt, nutmeg or cardamom are used.

Pates. Pates are made from raw materials used for liver sausages. Minced meat is baked in the same forms as meat loaves. The pates taste like liver sausages, but have a denser buttery texture with a fairly pronounced aroma of spices, the color on the cut is dark gray or brown. Moisture content in pates - 50--60%, salt - 2%. The range of pates is limited: the highest grade - Delicious, Stolichny, Ham; 1st grade - Ukrainian, Liverny, Grafsky pate, pork liver pate, Tenderness, Liver.

Greens and studs. They are prepared from offal, pre-boiled and chopped. Minced meat is stuffed into pork stomachs or bladders, boiled at a temperature of 75--85. °C, cooled and lightly pressed to give the products an oval shape, compressed on both sides.

Zeltsy produce higher (Red, Delicious, Russian),

1st (White), 2nd (Red head) and 3rd grades (Red and Gray). Jellies are of the highest (assorted), 1st and 2nd grades.

Blood sausages. Blood sausages are prepared from defibrinated blood (from which the fibrin protein has been removed), bacon, pork, beef, offal (ears, skin), spices. Blood sausages are distinguished by the dark color of the casings, the dark red color of the minced meat and the pleasant taste of blood and spices.

Blood sausage is produced of the highest grade - Blood smoked; Home; first grade - Boiled, Smoked, Peasant; the second grade - Smoked, the third grade - Smoked vegetable, Darnitskaya.

Meat loaves. Meat loaves are prepared from minced meat according to the recipe of the corresponding names of boiled sausages. Cooked minced meat is baked in metal molds. The surface of the finished bread is with a smooth and evenly fried crust, reminiscent of the crust of rye pan bread. The consistency of minced meat is denser than that of boiled sausages of the corresponding names. The taste is specific, slightly salty, with a pronounced aroma of spices. Moisture content in meat loaves - from 57 to 75%, salt - 3%. They produce meat loaves of the following names: premium - Custom, Amateur; 1st grade - Ham, Separate, Beef, Spicy; 2nd grade - Tea.

Semi-smoked sausages. The range of semi-smoked sausages includes sausages of the highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. Semi-smoked sausages intended for local sale must contain moisture: premium sausages - 35--50%; 1st grade - 48 - 52, 2nd grade - 52 - 55; 3rd grade - 60%. For sausages intended for shipment, the moisture content should be lower by 3--5%.

Sausages of the highest quality. These include Poltava, Krakow, Hunting sausages, Tallinn, Armavir, Ukrainian fried and other sausages.

Poltava sausage is made from beef of the 1st grade (30%), pork (30%) and brisket (40%), cut into rectangles 25X30X5-6 mm. The loaf is narrow with one dressing.

Krakow sausage contains 1st grade beef (30%), pork (40%) and brisket (30%). It differs from the Poltava sausage in the shape of the loaf (ring) and in the sectional view (the brisket is cut into cubes 6X6 mm).

Hunting sausages and Tallinn sausage contain finely chopped bacon (4X4 mm) instead of brisket. Hunting Sausages are made from beef of the 1st grade (30%), semi-fat pork (45%). They are shaped like sausages. Tallinn sausage has a higher content of beef (55%) and lower content of pork (20%), which determines the darker color of minced meat. On the section of a long loaf of Tallinn sausage, you can see caraway seeds, which are added only to this type of semi-smoked sausages.

Armavir sausage is distinguished by a high content of pork (50%), as a result of which the minced meat is lighter. In addition to pork, the composition of the Armavir sausage includes beef of the 1st grade (20%) and brisket (30%), cut into pieces 6x6 mm. This sausage has a characteristic loaf shape - it is wide, slightly curved, with two dressings.

Ukrainian fried sausage is made from one pork, cut into 14X20 mm pieces. It differs from other types of sausages in the shape of a loaf (a spiral of 3-4 turns with a cross-shaped dressing), as well as a high content of garlic and pepper. This sausage is not smoked.

Sausages of the 1st grade. These sausages contain more beef and less pork and brisket compared to premium sausages. These include Minsk, Odessa, Svinaya and Ukrainian.

Minsk sausage is made entirely from fatty beef of the 1st grade (98%) with the addition of starch (2%). The color of minced meat on the cut is dark; pieces of beef 8x8 mm in size are visible on it. The loaf is narrow with one dressing and at the bottom with a piece of twine up to 7 cm long.

Odessa sausage contains 2nd grade beef (65%), pork (10%) and bacon (25%), cut into 4X4 mm pieces. Long loaf straight with two bandages. This is the only one of the semi-smoked sausages, which includes solid bacon.

Pork sausage is made entirely from pork, cut into 8X8 mm pieces. It is produced in the form of unscrewed bars 30-35 cm long.

Ukrainian sausage is made from beef of the 2nd grade (50%) and an equal amount of pork (25%) and brisket (25%). The brisket is cut into pieces 6X6 mm. The shape of the long loaf is narrow, at the ends there are two dressings.

Sausages of the 2nd grade. These include sausages Semipalatinsk, Polish and Lamb. They are made from beef of the 2nd grade, pork and lamb with the addition of bacon. These types of sausages are in the form of long bars; 15--25 cm with dressing on the first bar.

Semipalatinsk sausage contains 2nd grade beef (58%), pork (13%), bacon (7%), trimmings (20%), starch. On the first bar it has three dressings.

The Polish sausage differs from the Semipalatinsk sausage in the increased content of beef (67%), pork (15%) and bacon (18%), as well as the absence of starch. There is one dressing on the first bar.

Lamb sausage contains 80% lamb and 10% beef of the 2nd grade. Side fat or fat tail fat (10%) is added to the minced meat. There are two dressings on the first bar.

Smoked sausages. Smoked sausages, depending on the method of manufacture, are divided into semi-smoked, raw-smoked, boiled-smoked. Semi-smoked sausages contain less moisture than boiled sausages, are better preserved, have a pleasant smell of smoked meats. The minced meat of these sausages includes brisket. These sausages are divided into the highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.

Semi-smoked sausages contain a lot of fat (30--40%) and are highly nutritious. They contain 35-60% moisture and 2.5-4% salt.

To give a delicate texture and plasticity, a sufficient amount of bacon or brisket is introduced into the minced meat of these sausages, since with a low fat content and significant moisture losses, semi-smoked sausages turn out to be dry and tasteless. The recipe for premium sausages includes mainly trimmed beef meat of the 1st grade, semi-fat pork and pork fat. In the manufacture of sausages of lower grades, meat trimmings, pork and beef heads, protein stabilizer, starch or wheat flour are additionally used.

The most common semi-smoked sausages of the highest grade are Armavir, Krakow, Poltava, Tallinn, Hunting sausages, Ukrainian fried; 1st grade - Minsk, Odessa, Pork, Ukrainian; 2nd grade - Semipalatinsk, Lamb, Polish; 3rd grade - Special offal, which is made from the meat of heads, lips, scars and meat offal of the 2nd category.

Raw smoked sausages contain 30-40% moisture and 3-6% salt. They have a high nutritional value, a dense texture, a peculiar aroma and a pungent taste. The low moisture content and the presence of smoked products determine the long shelf life of these sausages. The most common raw smoked sausages of the highest grade are Soviet, Grainy, Pork, Moscow, Nevskaya, Servelat, Maykopskaya, Special, Stolichnaya, Braunschweig, Tourist sausages, sujuk. They are made from premium beef, lean pork, bacon or brisket; black and allspice, nutmeg or cardamom are added from spices. Cognac is added to the minced meat of Maikop, Pork, Soviet and Stolichnaya sausages; Special - Madeira.

Sausage of the 1st grade - Amateur - is prepared from beef of the 1st grade and pork belly. Boiled-smoked sausages differ from raw-smoked sausages in a less spicy taste and a softer, but rather elastic texture. The moisture content in them is 38--40%, salt - up to 5%. They produce boiled-smoked sausages of the following names: the highest grade - Delicacy, Moscow, Servelat; 1st grade - Amateur, Lamb. Delicacy is prepared from beef, bold pork and brisket; spices add pepper and nutmeg; Rostov - from lean beef, pork and bacon; beef and beef tallow are ordered for custom orders, black pepper and garlic are added from spices.
