
Why pancakes are badly removed from the pan. Why pancakes stick and what to do

Probably everyone loves pancakes. This is a very ancient and very tasty Slavic dish, symbolizing the sun in pagan times. Sweet, fragrant, piping hot pancakes are a great option for breakfast or dessert. However, it is important here to ensure that the pancakes do not burn, do not stick or tear during turning. Unfortunately, this is not possible for everyone. But in order to avoid all these annoying troubles, you just need to add one completely ordinary ingredient to the dough.

The thing is that the dough tends to burn and stick even to a good frying pan. To prevent this from happening, some housewives prefer to pour too much oil. This often works, but it should be noted that pancakes are too greasy and oily, less tasty, and it is also very harmful. In order not to harm yourself and your guests, as well as to preserve the taste and appearance of pancakes, use a single ingredient: banal starch.

It is in starch that the secret of successful and very tasty, and most importantly - not burnt pancakes, lies. Starch makes the dough such in structure that it no longer sticks even to a not very good pan. In addition, with it pancakes are more magnificent, ruddy and tasty.

Making pancakes may seem like a simple process, but in fact, not everyone succeeds in creating a good dish the first time. The process of baking thin and fragrant pancakes has a lot of nuances and details, without knowing which the result will be unsatisfactory. The most common difficulty is the dough sticking to the pan and tearing when trying to turn it over. There are several reasons.

Poorly heated frying pan

The saying about “the first pancake is lumpy” went because of the insufficiently heated surface for baking. During the heating of the oil, a protective film forms on the surface, its uniform distribution does not allow the dough to stick. If the pan is not too hot and the oil does not have enough temperature, then the pancake will definitely stick to it and tear when turning over.

The reason for a poorly heated surface is haste or lack of experience. It is important to start preheating the pan in advance, and wait for the first haze from the greased oil - both the first and subsequent pancakes will easily leave the pan.

Problematic dish coating

If the pancakes are constantly sticking and falling apart, you should pay attention to the coating of the pan. For pancakes, there should be a separate frying pan, preferably made of cast iron or aluminum. Constant cooking of the dough on the surface of such pans forms a fatty film that prevents sticking. If you cook something else in the pan, then in the process of constant washing, the film will gradually be washed off, and the pancakes will not turn out. It is not recommended to fry pancakes in a new cast-iron pan - pre-calcination is required.

Cooking pancakes is also possible on non-stick and ceramic coatings. Only first it is necessary to lubricate the surface with a piece of lard or a potato dipped in vegetable oil. It is not worth cooking in an aluminum frying pan that is too thin - it overheats easily and the pancakes start to burn.

Non-compliance with the recipe

To prevent pancakes from sticking, it is important to follow the correct dough recipe. Many housewives make the same mistake - a lot of water, lack of eggs and fat. In addition, there are other reasons for an unsuccessful dessert.

  1. Too much oil has the opposite effect - it begins to boil when the pancakes are baked, as a result of which they do not turn over due to integrity violations.
  2. Excess sugar. Pancake quickly blushes from below, and remains raw on top - it will be very difficult to turn it over.
  3. Lots of soda. If your recipe calls for the use of soda, then you must clearly follow the description. Too much baking soda can spoil the taste of pancakes, saturate them with an unnatural yellow color and destroy the stickiness of the dough.
  4. Adding spices. If you put a lot of cinnamon, vanilla and cardamom into the dough, the strength of the dough may decrease, as a result of which it will not be possible to bake whole cakes.

Advice: When the pancake sticks strongly and breaks, it is worth adding another egg to the dough, as this is a kind of “cement” that holds all the components of the pancake batch together. Also add vegetable oil (no more than 40 ml of oil per standard recipe is considered optimal). If this does not eliminate sticking, then it is better to redo the dough completely, preparing it clearly according to the recipe.

Incorrect dough consistency

It doesn’t matter what you cook pancakes on (milk, water or kefir), since the main role in the recipe is given to flour, which forms its consistency.

  1. With an excess of flour, the pancakes will turn out to be undercooked, and due to the thickness they will fall apart.
  2. Not enough flour will cause the pancake to stick to the surface.

The correct consistency implies a viscous runoff of the dough from the ladle, but not too thick a stream. This state can be achieved only when the batch stands for half an hour. During this time, the dough will have time to release the gluten, which will give the pancakes more elasticity.

The most pressing question that many housewives ask on various culinary forums is what to add so that the pancakes do not tear. Also, many are interested in how to make pancakes not stick to the pan.

What to do so that the pancakes are not torn

  • You need to give the test time to pass. Then the gluten contained in the flour will manifest itself, and the pancakes will not tear;
  • You can add an egg to the dough, but you must remember that the more eggs are added to the dough, the harder the finished pancakes are;
  • You can make the dough with a little warm milk. Milk must be diluted with water in equal proportions;

What to do so that pancakes do not burn and do not stick to the pan

  • A responsible housewife always has a separate pan for pancakes, which is not used for frying other foods;
  • If the pan is made of cast iron, then it must be thoroughly heated before starting cooking;
  • Pancakes often stick to a Teflon-coated pan. Therefore, it is better to use choux pastry on kefir for baking pancakes;
  • If there are traces of the previous preparation of pancakes on the cast iron pan, they do not need to be washed. It is enough to carefully rub the traces with a soft cloth in which the salt will be wrapped;
  • Before baking, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough;
  • Oil does not need to be poured into the pan, the pan must be lubricated with oil every few pancakes.
  • It is convenient to grease the pan with half a potato, planted on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil.

Now you know not only what to add so that the pancakes do not tear and do not stick to the pan. Please yourself and your any pancakes more often, and not just on Maslenitsa.

As you know from the popular saying - the first pancake is always lumpy. But what if the second, third and fourth comes out as a lump?

Errors in the recipe, low-quality flour can be the cause of the problem. Read why pancakes stick to the pan and what to do.

The most common reasons include not knowing how to cook a dish. To prepare thin openwork pancakes, it is important to follow the recipe.

But there are other factors that can get in the way of making the perfect breakfast.

Check out the reasons why pancakes stick, and learn how to grease the pan:

Cause Description What to do so that the pancake does not stick
The pan is not heated Every housewife knows that it is impossible to fry a dish on cold dishes. The pan must be hot beforehand. Wash the damaged dishes and start frying properly. The temperature should be slightly above average
Wrong utensils It is important to cook in a good pan. Non-stick or cast iron cookware is an excellent choice. You can buy a cheap option - a pancake maker, on which thin pancakes never burn
Dough consistency Not thick, not liquid - this is the description that any housewife will give. Thick pancakes will turn out from a thick mass, but it will not be possible to fry a liquid Add a little milk to the thick dough, and flour to the liquid
Recipe Many women use a tricky life hack that helps them cook tomorrow even on bad dishes. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the recipe If all the ingredients are already mixed, but do not take out the mixer again. Shake the dough by hand with a fork. Periodically stir the resulting mass
Grease the frying pan Even for the preparation of pancakes, you need to grease the dishes a little.

Do not forget that you need to apply fat in a thin layer, you can use a pastry brush. Grease a dry frying pan periodically

You can grease the dishes not only with sunflower oil, but also with any vegetable, coconut, olive, suitable for frying.

You can melt a piece of creamy product, apply a thin layer of pork fat or treat the pan with lard

Important! The people call thin openwork pancakes pancakes.

And don't use new cookware to make your favorite breakfast. The purchased crepe maker must first be thoroughly washed, treated with a soda solution and the fried first dough should be discarded.

Dishes may stick to scratched dishes. It is important not to use forks or iron tools to turn over. Buy a wooden or silicone spatula.

Recipes on milk and kefir so that pancakes do not stick

The right recipe is half the battle. To prepare delicious and delicate pancakes, it will take a little time and the simplest products. This recipe makes breakfast for the whole family.

The kitchen should have the following ingredients:

  • Kefir and milk - 200 milliliters each.
  • Sugar - 40 grams.
  • Vegetable oil 20 - 30 milliliters.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Salt, soda.

A versatile option that is suitable for stuffing sweet and savory options. Sugar can be used less than indicated. Follow the sequence to prepare the dough without lumps.

Advice! Without eggs, pancakes will tear, but you can replace them with a ripe banana.


  1. First, mix milk and kefir in equal proportions in a tall bowl. Add a mixture of beaten eggs with salt and sugar.
  2. Flour is better to choose the highest grade. To avoid lumps, add loose ingredients one tablespoon at a time.

    When mixing with a mixer, you can immediately mix all the ingredients in one bowl.

  3. Add soda on the tip of a knife to the finished mass. The dough will start to bubble. Some housewives extinguish it with vinegar.
  4. To prevent the pancake from turning into a lump, add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. Thoroughly beat the mass.

Now it remains only to fry the pancakes. Heat up a frying pan, brush with oil.

Scoop up the dough, keep in mind that the mass should spread easily and quickly, adjust the amount at one time. Spread the batter all over the pan in a quick motion.

For the filling, you can use jam, melted chocolate or ham with cheese.

Put your favorite foods in the middle, close the edges and heat the envelope in a pan or in the microwave. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes on the water

Women often go on a diet and do not allow themselves to eat extra calories. But lean pancakes will not harm the figure.

This recipe can be used even by vegetarians, because eggs are not used for cooking.

All you need is to mix a glass of ice water with the same amount of flour. To taste, add sugar, salt, on the tip of a knife - baking powder or soda.

Vegetable oil will need 40-50 ml, no less, otherwise the pancakes will tear.

Advice! In order not to stain the dishes, mix all the ingredients obtained in a liter plastic bottle.

Shake well and pour into the hot skillet.

Fry the dish in the classic way. Instead of regular flour, you can add rye and 1 tablespoon of fiber - breakfast will become even healthier.

For the filling, knead the cottage cheese or add fresh chopped herbs.

What is missing in the test if pancakes are torn

Do you follow the exact recipe, but breakfast does not work out? So something didn't go according to plan. Check the recipe is correct and all ingredients are mixed.

There are several reasons why this happens and what is missing:

  • flour. The dough is not thick enough, there is little gluten, so the sheets are torn.
  • eggs. According to the classic recipe for yellow pancakes, it is better to take at least two homemade chicken eggs.

The pan may not have warmed up enough or you turned the pan over too early.

Also, poor-quality flour can be the culprit. In order not to make a mistake and cook pancakes quickly and tasty, follow the recipe.

Useful video

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and burn? This question is asked by inexperienced, and sometimes experienced housewives. Actually, there may not be many reasons. Some of them relate to the dough, and others to the pan and the temperature of its heating. Consider all possible options for correcting the situation. What should be added to the dough so that the pancakes do not burn?

Reason number 1 - the wrong consistency of the test

It often happens like this: the hostess took a new recipe and decided to try it. She kept all the proportions, measured everything with spoons, kneaded the dough, heated the pan and greased it. But why do pancakes burn and stubbornly refuse to turn over to the other side?

It's all about lack of experience and errors in the recipe. Some housewives claim that different flours require different amounts of liquid.

The dough can be very liquid or very thick. For thin pancakes, you need a composition similar to liquid sour cream.


You can easily fix the error:

  • With a thick dough, dilute it with the liquid on which it was kneaded (milk, kefir, water). It is better if the liquid is at room temperature or slightly warm.
  • If the dough is liquid, then without fear add flour and mix thoroughly.

Reason number 2 - non-compliance with the recipe

Housewives who love to cook everything to taste and by eye often face such a problem. So, an excess of soda leads to the fact that pancakes stick to the pan and tear immediately after an attempt to turn over. Eggs are an important element in the dough, binding all the ingredients. The lack of this product makes pancakes pale and loose.


What to do if pancakes stick to the pan for this very reason?

  • Try adding one egg and frying one pancake. If history repeats itself, then you can add more.
  • Is the result still missing? So it's all about the soda. Correcting this situation will be more difficult. It is necessary to knead another portion of the dough already without soda and add to the main part of the batch.

Reason number 3 - a new frying pan

Suppose the hostess has extensive experience in making pancakes according to her favorite recipe. He prepares them, always following the recipe, and knows exactly what the consistency of the dough should be. But her beloved husband gave her a new cast-iron frying pan, and then problems began (for her husband too). My wife's mood is spoiled, and at the same time half of the test went down the drain. But why do pancakes stick to a new cast-iron skillet, and how to deal with it?


The easiest solution is not to use a new pan when baking pancakes. But if the old frying pan is scrapped, then you can ignite new dishes. In fact, cast iron is recommended for pancakes. After all, the temperature on the surface of such a pan is distributed evenly.

A cast iron or aluminum pan is calcined as follows:

  1. Pour a layer of salt into a cold pan so that the bottom is not visible.
  2. Add a tablespoon of soda.
  3. Stir and put the pan on the fire
  4. As soon as the salt becomes creamy, turn off the heat, pour out the contents.
  5. Rinse the dishes with water and always wash without any detergents and coarse washcloths.

Before baking, be sure to grease the pan with fat, preferably with a piece of lard.

Reason number 4 - insufficient heating of the pan

This problem arises from impatience or inexperience. Hence the proverb about the first pancake. And so it happens, the first pancake is fried in an insufficiently hot pan and therefore comes out lumpy. And the subsequent flour products are already well removed from the pan and do not stick.


Start heating the pan at the same time as you knead the dough. First, heat it without lubrication. Then smear with fat or oil a thin layer and leave on fire until the first smoke appears.

Reason #5 - Not enough oil

You should not save oil for a dish like pancakes. Recipes that do not include a clause about adding oil are either erroneous or given to the hostess by an envious friend.

It often happens that the test turns out more than stated in the recipe. For example, if the culinary specialist achieved the desired consistency and added certain products every now and then. In this case, you need to consider that more vegetable oil needs to be poured into the dough. Here the rule applies: it is better to overfill than not to top up.

  • Ungreased frying pan

Of course, you can not lubricate Teflon and non-stick surfaces, but this will not affect the taste of pancakes for the better. But cast-iron and other pans need to be lubricated with fat or vegetable oil.

Sometimes it is enough to coat the pan every three or four pancakes. But if the pan is new, then this must be done every time before a new filling of dough.

  • Incorrectly selected and poor quality grease for lubrication

Our ancestors had no problem with pancakes sticking because they only used animal fat for frying. Grandmothers in the villages continue the tradition and grease the dishes with lard. To do this, they prick a piece of this fat on a fork and coat the hot frying pan before each pancake. By the way, this is how you can check the degree of heating of the pan. Fat will not be heated if the surface is not hot enough.

Why do pancakes stick on kefir?

on kefir they are always tasty and tender, but a common problem for them is sticking and burning.

  • Firstly, this is due to the tenderness of the flour product. It is worth arming yourself with a good spatula for turning over. You need to act carefully so as not to tear the pancake.
  • Secondly, the problem may lie in the cleanliness of the pan, or rather, in its absence. It is necessary to wash the surface well, wipe it dry with a cloth. You can use the old advice and rub the pan with salt as well.

Sometimes you can solve the problem by simply adding another egg to such a dough. Be sure to include vegetable oil in the composition of kefir dough.

Why do pancakes still burn, and how to fix it quickly

Why do pancakes burn when everything has already been tried and nothing helps? Below are a few more tips to help the hostess bake thin, even pancakes without sticking.

What to do if pancakes stick - video

Recipe for potato pancakes that never stick



  1. Peeled potatoes cut into four parts. Pour in water and boil until tender in salted water. Cool slightly and put into a blender bowl with water. Grind potatoes to a paste.
  2. Add garlic, crushed through a press, eggs, flour, cow's milk. Add vegetable oil (three tablespoons) and salt. Mix everything well and let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. Grease a hot frying pan with a small amount of oil and bake thin flour products over medium heat. The size should not be large, otherwise the pancakes will be difficult to turn over. Serve with herbs or sour cream.
