
Wasabi food supplement for dried fish. Wasabi sauce at home

Is it correct to compare wasabi with vigorous Russian horseradish? Botanists will answer in the affirmative, because Eutrema japonicum, the plant from which wasabi sauce is prepared, is directly related to horseradish and cabbage.

Unlike Russian relatives, this amazing root is grown not in gardens, but on mountain slopes. In order to get a burning root, the Japanese carefully equip the terraces, placing them close to mountain streams. Pure water and mountain air give the plant an extraordinary taste and strength.

The process of growing a plant is laborious and long. First, the seeds are germinated in greenhouses, then transferred to prepared terraces. The root grows for a long time, adding 2-3 centimeters per year. It takes four years for a small seed to grow into a beautiful, strong and ready-to-eat wasabi root.

The collection of the plant is carried out manually so that not a single root is damaged. Only whole and fresh roots are suitable for making the famous hot sauce.

Real or fake wasabi

Authentic wasabin sauce is called "Honwasabi" in Japan. It is prepared from roots grown according to all the rules. The seasoning that we buy in supermarkets is grown on an industrial scale in ordinary irrigated fields. In terms of taste, it is far from Honwasabi.

The classic serving of sauce with dishes is as magical as growing it. If you go to a Japanese restaurant, you will see how the chef carefully rubs the root on the dried shark skin right into the plate. The master measures exactly as much wasabi as it is necessary for a harmonious combination with the main course.

On the shelves of stores you can find a similar product from different countries, where it is prepared from mustard powder, horseradish and other ingredients. They have nothing to do with the real Japanese culinary miracle. We offer you a wasabi recipe that you can cook at home.

Wasabi recipe

It's great if you can somehow get fresh wasabi root. Then you just have to grate it on a fine grater, roll it into a ball, and let it lie for about 15 minutes, then you can serve it with dishes. We don’t have a root, so we will prepare seasoning from powder, which can be purchased at the store. For the sauce we need to take:

  • wasabi powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • pure water - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Just mix the powder and water until smooth. Then we form a ball and transfer to a plate with a side dish.

Keep in mind that freshly prepared seasoning should be consumed immediately; it loses its taste and pungency from long storage.

Wasabi horseradish and mustard

If you do not have any opportunity to get hold of an exotic root, do not be discouraged. The sauce can be obtained from the usual ingredients for us. We will need:

  • mustard (powder) - 50 grams;
  • horseradish root (grated) - 50 grams;
  • green food coloring - 5 grams.


  1. My horseradish root, clean, rub, and measure 50 grams.
  2. Mix horseradish with mustard powder so that a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Add coloring to the gruel to give the sauce its natural color.

The paste is thick and quite spicy.

On the basis of wasabi, many housewives prepare amazing mayonnaise, which is great for shrimp, refreshes them and brings a pleasant spice. For cooking we need:

  • wasabi powder - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) - 200 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • boiled water (room temperature) - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a deep bowl, pour oil into it and beat in the egg.
  2. Dilute wasabi powder with water to a paste. The consistency should be smooth.
  3. Put the resulting paste in a bowl with butter and egg. Take a blender and beat all the ingredients. Keep in mind that wasabi mayonnaise thickens quickly, in just a few seconds.
  4. Add lemon juice, pepper and salt to the whipped mass. Knead again by hand. Seasoning is ready.

This wasabi sauce goes well with shrimp and other seafood.

What dishes are served with sauce?

In Japan, wasabi is an indispensable culinary attribute served with sushi and rolls. However, its combination with dishes does not end there. The sauce amazingly colors the taste of small fried fish, which is used as a cold appetizer.

Fans of hot spices will love a sandwich spread with a thin layer of thick green sauce. Add delicious smoked mackerel pieces, some cream cheese and thin slices of tomatoes to bread and sauce, and you have an original sandwich with a multi-faceted spicy smoked taste.

From the powder, you can make an unusual salad dressing if you dilute it with plenty of water. Japanese gourmets easily fill them with ice cream.

Wasabi paste came to us along with such a dish as sushi. This paste is similar in taste to mustard, which is why it is called Japanese mustard.

The wasabi plant belongs to the cabbage family. But the seasoning itself is not made from the leaves, but from the root of the plant. Moreover, the root should not be older than three years. You can buy wasabi in stores in the form of a ready-made paste or in the form of a powder.

Natural wasabi seasoning is expensive, which is why cafes, restaurants and bars offer imitation pasta. It is made by combining various spices, wasabi daikon and dyes.

Wasabi storage.
Since ready-made pasta can contain a minimum amount of wasabi, it is better to purchase wasabi powder, from which it is quite easy to make pasta at home.

It is better to buy wasabi powder in small portions, as its taste has deteriorated over time.

Wasabi powder should be stored in a dry place in glass containers for no more than two years. At the same time, sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the powder.

Unlike powder, wasabi root should be stored in the refrigerator. Before placing there, the root should be wrapped with cling film.

Benefits of Wasabi Powder:

1. Antioxidant property. This is the most important property of wasabi powder. A large number of different antioxidants endows wasabi powder with the ability to prevent the onset of cancer, as well as inhibit the development of metastases.

2. Cleansing action. Wasabi helps cleanse the liver, removes toxic substances and toxins from the body.

3. Antibacterial effect. Wasabi spice is able to destroy E. coli and pathogenic bacteria. Wasabi reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, being a prevention of the development of caries. This is also facilitated by substances such as isothiocyanins, which are contained in natural wasabi and prevent the destruction of tooth enamel.

5. Prevents the formation of blood clots. Therefore, wasabi is useful for people with heart disease and all the elderly.

Wasabi in cooking

The popularity of wasabi is growing every day. This spice, unlike mustard, initially affects the nose, not the tongue.
Most often, wasabi is served with oriental dishes. Wasabi powder is combined with other spices to make unusual dressings and sauces for fish, meat and salads.

Wasabi paste at home.

Wasabi paste is fairly easy to make. It is best to purchase a fresh plant root for this. This way you can be sure that the paste will be 100% natural.

To prepare the paste, you first need to peel the wasabi root, rinse it and grate it on a fine grater in a circular motion. It is better to use only the amount of root that can be eaten in the near future. You don't have to cook pasta.

The prepared powder is combined with warm water in equal amounts, mixed well and left to infuse for 10 minutes.

Wasabi in cosmetology.

In addition to cooking, wasabi has another area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication - cosmetology. The active ingredients of wasabi help to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

Antioxidants play the most important role in this. They effectively fight free radicals, which are the main cause of aging.

Beauticians use wasabi as a component of a mixture used in anti-cellulite treatments. Wasabi improves blood circulation, relieves vascular spasms, reduces joint pain.

Scrub with wasabi helps to cleanse the skin of dead cells, smoothing it and making it smooth and silky.

Contraindications to the use of wasabi powder.
Like any seasoning, wasabi has contraindications.

This is the second time I have purchased Sen Soi Wasabi Powder. I like that I can cook it myself, in the consistency I need. The powder is sold in serious packaging: a small glass jar with a wide mouth and a screw cap. All the necessary information is provided on the lid: composition and method of preparation.

Cooking method:

1. Mix Wasabi powder with warm water in a ratio of 1:1.5 based on the calculation of 1 teaspoon - 1 serving.

2. Stir vigorously to make a thick paste. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before use, so that the paste dries a little and a sharp aroma appears brighter.

Compound: Japanese horseradish powder, mustard powder, synthetic color (E 133)

By the way, what they sell to us is not real wasabi, this confirms the presence of a dye in the powder and its low price. Real wasabi is called honwasabi and costs many times more.

The sharpness and pungency of wasabi from Sen Soi is quite enough for me, often the intensity of the taste turns out to be different, apparently a lot depends on the method of diluting the powder; but for me, wasabi does not play a decisive role, so I do not focus much attention on the method and nuances of its preparation. I breed it all the time a little differently: either more or less water, then immediately before the sushi meal, then in advance. As a rule, the resulting seasoning suits me quite well.

I cook wasabi - liquid, because the paste needs more powder and it seems to me that from a large amount of powder - the seasoning will be too hot. Water for breeding should be boiled, but not hot. Lately I've been breeding wasabi "Frutonyan baby water" simply because it was on hand: clean and at room temperature. Proportion: 1:1, a teaspoon of powder and the same amount of water; sometimes there was a little more water.

I don't steep the wasabi for the recommended 10 minutes, but I often end up making it ahead of time because I use it when making sushi. In many recipes, before laying out the filling, it is recommended to coat the wasabi rice, and it is very convenient to do this with liquid wasabi. I do this either with a spoon or just with my finger. In my opinion, “smeared” rolls turn out to be tastier than “not missed”, the main thing is not to overdo it with wasabi, otherwise it will be too hot and it will be impossible to eat.

But you can influence the taste of wasabi yourself: soften it by adding soy sauce to the powder, or make it sharper by adding rice vinegar. I haven't done any such experiments yet.

In general, Sen Soi wasabi completely suits me, both in the way of preparation and in the resulting taste. I see no reason not to recommend it to you.

All lovers of juicy meat know. But with the popularity of Japanese cuisine, the culture of eating sushi and rolls also came to us. How to breed wasabi, which is invariably served with this delicacy from the land of the rising sun? It is much easier to just buy it in a tube, but the price is often just scary, and not always a good imported wasabi is on sale on the shelf with goods for making sushi. So you have to buy it in powder, after which the question arises - how to dilute the wasabi powder to the consistency of a paste.

How to dilute wasabi powder

As you know, wasabi is often called "Japanese horseradish", and scientifically this plant is called "Japanese eutrema". The roots of this plant have a rich and unique spicy taste that has made it so popular. For more than five hundred years, recipes have been known in Japan where this powder is added, but you need to know how to properly dilute wasabi to get the perfect consistency from it.

In its pure natural form, wasabi powder is a very expensive product. In Japan, cooks use it raw, the upper part of the root is the sharpest, while the lower part has a milder taste. It is not customary to breed wasabi in Japanese restaurants, this practice appeared with the widespread popularization of themed restaurants. Salt and spices are added to the dry powder of the root, and the resulting mass is diluted with boiling water to the desired consistency.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of wasabi powder with ½ cup of boiling water

This is a classic proportion, how to dilute wasabi powder to get a paste for sushi and rolls. Some lovers of Japanese cuisine make it more liquid by adding salt and a little broth to the wasabi. This is not accepted in the original, but is also considered a good option for serving wasabi as a dip.

In the form of wasabi sauce, it is more suitable as a serving for sashimi, but in order to beautifully arrange wasabi peas the way they are served in sushi bars, you need to dilute the dry wasabi powder in a different way.

For breeding, you can take both boiling water and heated broth from fish. The proportion is very simple: for 1 part of the powder exactly the same amount of water or broth. You can add hot white pepper or salt to this mixture, or you can add a little grated ginger for piquancy.

But no matter how much we eat sushi and rolls, we still want something familiar and homemade. And what could be easier than mashed potatoes baked with homemade compote.

It is difficult to imagine Japanese cuisine without rice. But it is also impossible to imagine it without a burning additive of a greenish color - wasabi, which is made from the root of the plant of the same name. The process itself is so simple that it is available to everyone at home.

Wasabi Powder: It Couldn't Be Easier

For those who live far from Japan, it is difficult to find a fresh plant root. However, this is not at all a reason to be upset, because in almost every supermarket you can buy wasabi in powder form. As a rule, it is located in departments where sets and components for sushi are sold.

Suppose we have found the right powder. The matter remains small: to breed it correctly.

First you need to make sure that the wasabi package is completely sealed and has no defects. Be sure to check the expiration date. Otherwise, the final dish may disappoint with its taste.

Everything is fine? Let's start cooking. All you need is:

Wasabi recipe

  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tablespoon prepared wasabi powder

In a small bowl, combine both ingredients and mix well until the mass reaches the desired consistency. There should be no lumps or residues of dry powder as a result.

Are you planning to serve the supplement immediately to the table? Fill a small glass with it, wait about 10 minutes and invert onto a plate. Wasabi will take on an aesthetic shape and will look more attractive.

A Few Secrets to Good Wasabi

No matter how much effort is put into the preparation of wasabi, in rare cases the result is similar to the dish of a sushi master. This is because there are several secrets in the arsenal of professionals, which we will talk about now. Use only cold, purified water. Warm water provokes emollient processes and wasabi loses its original sharpness;

Use only cold, purified water. Warm water provokes emollient processes and wasabi loses its original sharpness;

For a more burning taste, you can add a little mustard, for a gentle one - mayonnaise;

The best way to stir wasabi is with wooden sticks.

When choosing dishes for cooking, prefer ceramics or glass;

Do not prepare wasabi “for later”, as over time the supplement loses its unique taste

Did you know? You can easily determine the freshness of wasabi

A slight bitterness suggests that the supplement has been prepared for a long time. In turn, a burning mixture is a sign of a fresh product.

You can store ready-made wasabi in the refrigerator, but not for long. Be sure to use a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Making wasabi for sushi is easy and fun. Feel free to experiment, discovering the world of Japanese cuisine anew
