
Pies with rice and onions - hearty and inexpensive! Cooking pies with rice, onions, eggs from different types of dough, fried and baked. Pies with rice, egg and onion


  • Rice - 1.5 cups boiled
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pieces,
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Green onions - optional.


  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Margarine - 2 tablespoons,
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon,
  • Water (boiling water) - 300 ml,
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons,
  • Flour - 600 grams,
  • Fast-acting yeast half a pack of 6 grams,

Egg for greasing pies.

Cooking process:

First, prepare the yeast dough. I showed everything step by step in this photo recipe, there is nothing complicated. The dough is prepared quickly and easily, and pleasant to work with. Any filling for pies is suitable, not just rice and eggs. To begin with, we take a large cup and pour sugar, salt into it, pour in vegetable oil, add mayonnaise and margarine (you can use butter).

Sift the flour in advance so that it is ready, since the dough needs to be kneaded quickly. Pour hot water into the bowl, and immediately add two glasses of flour. Sprinkle instant dry yeast on top of the flour, and pour the rest of the flour. We do this so that the yeast does not come into contact with boiling water, otherwise they will die.

Choux yeast dough in boiling water is cooked quickly, even a novice cook will be able to cope with its preparation. We leave the finished dough for pies to approach in a warm place, covering it with a kitchen napkin so that the surface does not wind up.

While the dough is rising, let's make the filling. Hard boil eggs, peel and cut into cubes.

It is convenient to cook rice for pies in a slow cooker on the “pilaf” mode. Send boiled rice to eggs, salt and pepper to taste. At this stage, you can add green onions, as I did for closed pies.

When the dough rises, it needs to be kneaded. And let it rise again.

Then proceed to the formation of beautiful pies. Divide the dough into small balls.

Roll out each lump into a thin cake on a dusted work surface. At the circles, make parallel cuts along the edges and lay out the rice filling.

Pull one side of the cake over the filling so that it looks through the cut window.

Overlap the second line of the dough.

Pinch all open slices of dough and lay the pies on a baking sheet, greased with oil or dusted with flour.

For pies of the classical form, the rice-egg-green onion filling was used. It is laid out on the center of the cake.

Opposite edges are pinched. This dough is very good to work with, it does not stick to your hands. Cakes can even be made without a rolling pin.

It turned out two baking sheets: one with closed pies, the second with open ones. Give time for proofing, grease the surface of the pies with a loose egg. Turn on the oven in advance and preheat it to 180 degrees.

Oven baked pies with rice and egg are baked for 25 minutes. We take out one baking sheet and put the next one in the oven.

The smell of fresh homemade cakes is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Brewing fresh tea while we wait for the second batch of rice pies. We shift the soft pies on a dish and serve to the table.

To be honest, I worked with choux pastry for pies for the first time, and I really liked it!

Pies quickly scattered, I advise you to try to cook them. And I'm sure you'll visit this page again and again.

Bon appetit!

And an egg as a child? Probably, there will be few such people. The aroma of grandmother's culinary masterpieces made all family members run to the kitchen.

Now young housewives are less and less resorting to baking at home. But simple recipes for rice and egg pies will help treat your household with a delicious snack.

Fragrant baking in the oven: dough preparation

Not every housewife knows how to work with dough. For proper kneading, you need to have some experience and love for this business. But it's never too late to learn how to bake delicious products.

To prepare yeast pies with egg and rice, you first need to put a dough. To do this, 50 g of fresh yeast must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of milk. Then you need to wait 20 minutes for them to rise.

1 tsp of salt and 2 tbsp are added here. l vegetable oil, odorless. Then the flour is gradually introduced until a soft dough is kneaded and sticks to the hands.

It is deposited in a warm place. After 1-1.5 hours, the dough doubles in size.

Filling preparation

It is necessary to boil 4-5 eggs and 2-3 cups of rice in different saucepans. At this time, a bunch of greens is washed out and finely chopped. Boiled eggs are peeled and finely chopped.

Ready rice is removed from the fire. It does not need to be washed. The consistency should be mushy. All ingredients for the filling mix well.

Formation of pies

The dough is punched down and divided into even balls of approximately 60 g of weight. Each piece is rolled into a small cake. A spoonful of the cooled filling is placed in the center, and the dough is pinched on top.

With your hands, you then need to give the pie with rice and egg an even shape without a scar from tucks. This must be done carefully so that the dough does not spread and the filling does not fall out.

The baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil, and pies are laid out on it. They are sent to the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Pies with rice and egg in a pan

For such a dish, it is necessary to knead the dough in a non-dough way. To do this, sift 800 g of flour. 3 art. l. Melt flour over low heat in a small saucepan.

In two glasses of warm milk, 25 g of fresh yeast is diluted. Sugar (1 tablespoon), salt (1 teaspoon) and 3 eggs are added here. The mass is well mixed, and flour is introduced into it. The dough is kneaded. In the end, it should not absolutely stick to your hands.

The dough is placed in a bowl in a warm place and covered with a light and clean towel. It should fit 3.5 hours.

The filling is prepared according to the principle from the recipe above.


The table is covered with flour. The dough is divided into circles the size of an egg. They are rolled into cakes 5 mm thick. A spoonful of filling is laid out in the center, and they are pinched.

A frying pan with vegetable oil is put on the fire and warms up well. The pies are placed seam side down. They are fried on both sides over medium heat until a crust appears ruddy.

They can be served warm or cold with sour cream.

Lush pies with rice and egg in the oven

Baking prepared in this way will become a favorite snack for children and not only. This recipe for rice and egg patties will help make them fluffy and soft. They stay that way for several days.

To knead the dough you will need:

  • 180 ml of milk;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 1 yolk;
  • sesame, salt, sugar.

First you need to heat the milk to about 35 degrees. Dry yeast and a pinch of sugar are also sent here. Now you need to wait a bit for bubbles to begin to form.

The flour is sifted and mixed with a small pinch of salt. A recess is formed inside, and milk with yeast dissolved in it is poured into it. 35 g of butter are melted in a water bath and poured into the same place.

The table is sprinkled with flour, and the dough is kneaded on it for approximately 10 minutes. Then it is transferred to a bowl and cleaned in a warm place for 40 minutes. It is covered with a wet towel.

Filling and baking

Round rice is put to boil. Long does not need to be used. It turns out crumbly, and this consistency is not suitable for the formation of pies with rice, with eggs and onions.

At this time, you can do other ingredients. Eggs (3 pcs.) Are put to boil. They should turn out to be hard-boiled. The onion is peeled and cut into small cubes.

It is put to fry in a pan with vegetable oil until soft. At this time, the eggs should be ready. They are cut fairly small. All ingredients for the filling are mixed with salt and a small amount of black pepper.

The dough will be ready by now. It is kneaded by hands and divided into nine equal-sized balls. A wooden cutting board is greased with vegetable oil. On it, cakes are rolled out of each ball.

In the center of each is placed 1 tbsp. l. cooled stuffing. An oval pie is formed. They are laid out on a dry baking sheet. There should be enough space between the pies so that they have somewhere to fit.

With a culinary brush, baked goods are smeared with yolk whipped with a fork so that a golden crust forms during baking. Top the pies with white sesame seeds.

The baking sheet is removed in a warm place for 30 minutes. At this time, the oven heats up to 180 degrees. Now the baking sheet goes to the middle level for baking pies for 20 minutes.

The pastries are then transferred to a bowl and covered with a towel for 30 minutes. Thus, pies with rice and egg in the oven will become soft and "airy", they will remain so for 2-3 days.

Secrets of kneading yeast dough

There are several rules that will help prepare delicious pastries. Good pies with rice and egg can only be obtained if a quality dough is kneaded. Here are some tips:

  1. When buying fresh yeast, always check the expiration date. It depends on whether the dough is suitable.
  2. The more eggs and sugar in the mix, the harder it grows. Therefore, if there is a lot of muffin in the recipe, then more yeast is put in the dough.
  3. The dough should rise in a warm place and without drafts.
  4. At temperatures of 50 degrees and above, the yeast stops fermenting and dies. If melted butter is used in the recipe, then before it is sent to the batch, it cools. Otherwise, the yeast will die from the hot.
  5. The dough must be salted, even if sweet pastries are provided.
  6. Vegetable oil is added to the batch. Then the dough becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands.
  7. While the batch is coming up, you need to knead it with your hands several times. Thus, carbon dioxide escapes, and the dough is enriched with oxygen.
  8. To check whether the batch has completely approached, you need to make a small notch in it with your finger. If the dough does not fall into place within a few minutes, then it is ready to be rolled out.

These simple tips will help any novice housewife to properly prepare pastries without any problems. And then working with the dough will become a pleasure, and the pies will be distinguished by their splendor and aroma.

  • 1.5 cups (or a little more) of already cooked and chilled boiled rice;
  • 5 boiled eggs;
  • salt, black pepper, fresh herbs are added to taste (green onions are best).

For soft and tasty yeast dough:

  • 600 g of sifted flour;
  • 6 g instant yeast (usually half a package of dry yeast, which is sold in any grocery store);
  • 300 ml of boiled hot water;
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp margarine;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • salt to taste, but usually about 1 tbsp is required.

Cooking process:

The dough for pies according to this recipe is prepared very quickly, so you will need to knead it carefully, but without pauses. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients except flour, yeast and water. Try to bring the mass to uniformity as quickly as possible. Then hot water is poured into this cream, 2 cups of flour are carefully poured and yeast is poured on top. You need to add products in this order, otherwise the dough will not rise. Start the second stage of mixing after adding water, flour and yeast in layers.

When the dough is elastic enough, cover it with a towel or napkin and leave it to reach a warm place.

At the stage of cooking rice for the filling, you do not need to add salt or add any spices; it is best to cook in plain water. Finely chopped eggs are added to boiled rice, and, if desired, green onions. These three points will be enough to prepare the filling for pies. All that is required is to simply mix the indicated products, salt and add your favorite spices.

After a couple of hours, when the dough has increased, it will need to be kneaded a little with your hands and left for the second stage of “rest” in a warm place. When the dough rises a second time, you should start sculpting pies.

For convenience, the whole dough can immediately be divided into small lumps, which are rolled out not too thinly into a cake.

You can cook an open or closed version of pies with rice and an egg. For a closed form, a spoonful of filling is immediately added to the rolled dough cake, after which the edges must be pinched with your fingers.

And for open pies such as pies, two cuts are made on both sides of the filling in the cake.

Opposite sides are overlapped (one slot is under the other, forming a "pouch" in which the filling is visible.

Open sections must be carefully molded with your hands so that the shape is perfect.

The pies are not immediately sent to the oven, they should lie down a little on the baking sheet (at least 15-20 minutes), after which they are smeared with an egg and baked at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. The oven must be preheated.

The first baking sheet turned out with open pies, in the form of pies with rice.

On the second sheet - baked pies with eggs and rice of the classical form.

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If there is no desire to make pies or fillings, boil rice and eggs. The filling of boiled rice and eggs is the simplest one you can think of. It is impossible to spoil it, but to make it tastier - this is please! Add dill, a little pepper for spiciness and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream for juiciness. And you will be surprised how delicious the filling of rice and eggs will turn out!
We will make the dough for pies with rice and egg on a yeast dough, we will bake them in the oven. You will learn all the details of cooking from a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Pies do not stale for a long time, remain soft and fresh for several days.


- fresh yeast - 15 gr;
- sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- milk - 1 glass;
- flour - 180 gr.

- flour - 240 gr;
- egg - 1 pc;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

- rice - 1 glass;
- eggs - 3-4 pieces;
- dill - a bunch;
- salt - to taste;
- ground pepper - 2-3 pinches (optional);
- mayonnaise or sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For dough, mix fresh yeast with salt and sugar. Lightly grind everything to the consistency of a liquid slurry.

Pour in the warmed milk, dissolve the yeast and add the sifted flour. Mix with a whisk or a spoon, the mass will turn out homogeneous and not very thick. Cover, remove the dough for half an hour in a warm place.

In the warmth of the dough, it will work well, rise and increase several times.

Stir the dough, add two tablespoons of sugar. We drive in the egg (it can be beaten or added whole - there is no difference).

Sift the flour into the bowl. First, mix with a spoon, then, when the dough becomes sticky and loose, spread it out of the bowl on a table lightly sprinkled with flour.

We continue to knead the dough with our hands, adding two tablespoons of vegetable oil during kneading. After about ten minutes, the dough will become homogeneous, smooth. We roll it into a ball, cover the dishes with a lid. Let rise for one hour or until tripled in size.

Preparing the stuffing for pies. Pour rice cereal with water, boil until soft. Let's chill a little. Hard boil the eggs. Finely chop the dill greens. Add salt and pepper to warm rice, pour dill, sliced ​​eggs. Adding mayonnaise or sour cream will make the filling juicy, but melted butter can also be added. Mix everything thoroughly, leave the filling to cool.

In an hour, the yeast sponge dough should rise well, become soft, airy. If it doesn’t fit well for you, leave for another half hour.

We divide the dough into small pieces, roll into round blanks for pies. Cover with foil and let rest for 12-15 minutes.

Knead or roll into a cake. Place a spoonful of filling in the middle. Raising the edges, tightly connect over the filling to make a scallop.

We pinch the seam again, do not leave open areas. Turn over and place seam side down on a baking sheet. While the oven is preheating to 200 degrees, leave the pies under a towel for proofing. Then we move it to a hot oven and bake for about 20 minutes, until golden brown.

Lubricate the finished pies with oil, cover with baking paper, put a towel on top. After 10-15 minutes, the crust will become soft and you can serve pies with tea or leave to cool completely. Bon appetit!
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