
Fresh puff pie in a slow cooker. Puff pastry pies with apples cooked in a slow cooker

Puff pastry pies are loved by many. They are softer and more airy than usual. And although the preparation of puff pastry is a rather laborious process, the matter is simplified by the fact that it is now freely available in the store. Let's stock up on everything we need and bake in a slow cooker puff pastry with minced meat.

A slow cooker is a great baking tool. It perfectly turns out muffins and biscuits, charlottes and pizza. And baking puff pastry pies in a slow cooker is not difficult at all. And in many different ways. Today I chose a rather original recipe, which I hasten to introduce you to.

The originality of the recipe lies in the fact that first sausages are made from minced meat and puff pastry, which turn into a pie already in the multicooker bowl. And when we cut such a pie into portioned pieces, minced meat and dough form bizarre patterns. It turns out delicious, beautiful and original!

Ingredients for mince puff pastry pie:

  • 300 grams yeast puff pastry
  • 300 grams minced meat
  • 1 head of onion
  • salt, spices
  • 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil

How to cook a puff pastry with minced meat in a slow cooker:

Fry minced meat with chopped onions in vegetable oil in a slow cooker or in a pan, breaking up large lumps.
It is advisable to evaporate all the liquid, especially if you fry in a slow cooker. Cool the fried minced meat, salt, pepper, add spices.

Roll out puff pastry and cut into strips. Spoon the minced meat onto the dough.

We close the edges in such a way as in the photo to get sausages.

In a greased bowl, lay out the resulting sausages in the form of a snail.

I got 4 sausages. It turned out a tyutelka in a tyutelka. We try to lay it compactly so that the cake does not crumble later.

I turned on the heat for 15 minutes to let the dough rise a little.

We bake puff pastry with minced meat in a slow cooker 60 minutes. I browned it on the other side too for 10 minutes.

Pie from puff pastry with minced meat in a slow cooker ready! We get it with a container.

Cut into serving pieces.

And we bring it to the table. Bon appetit!

An amazingly tasty and easy-to-make option for dessert - puffs. They can be prepared with absolutely any filling. Let's get the details of cooking puffs in a slow cooker.

We prepare products

First you need to purchase frozen puff or puff-yeast dough. Take the sheets out of the package and dust them liberally with flour. Do the same with the surface on which you will spread the dough. Now cover them with a clean towel and wait until they thaw.

After that, roll out the plates as thin as you like and cut them into squares, triangles or extrude circles.

Now put any filling in the middle of each piece. It can be chopped fruits with sugar, cottage cheese, fried minced meat with herbs, or the simplest option - sausage and cheese. In general, put what you have.

Then beat one egg well and brush the edges of the dough with it. Then glue the puffs stronger.

You can not roll out the dough, but immediately cut it as you like, grease with a beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar and, for example, sesame seeds.

Puffs in a multicooker

Lubricate the bowl of the gadget with oil and put semi-finished products on the bottom in one layer. Close the lid and set the "Multi-Cook" (180 degrees) or "Baking" mode. The cooking time will take 25-30 minutes.

With the forms of puffs and fillings, you can experiment as much as you like and never repeat.

Recently, I have become a big fan of puff pastry. After all, such a dough can be bought in almost every store, and baking from it always turns out to be very tasty and interesting in taste.

Puffs (jam), I cook when I don’t have time to prepare a dish that needs to be cooked for a long time. They cook very quickly, and they taste crumbly, tasty, fragrant, and very tender. My whole family just loves them. I hope you will like it too.

Puffs in a slow cooker: recipe


Puff pastry (yeast-free) - 250 grams

Jam (thick, or jam) - to taste

Chicken egg - 1 piece

Sugar - for sprinkling

Cooking method:

1. Take a plate of yeast-free puff pastry and defrost it in the microwave. It is not necessary to defrost the dough too much so that its edges do not dry out. Then we divide the dough into 4 parts. You should end up with 4 even squares.

2. Each square needs to be thinly rolled into a strip. You don't need to roll out the dough too thin. To do this, the dough needs to be rolled out only in one direction. If the strip turned out to be uneven, then the irregularities need to be cut off with a knife.

3. Put jam or jam on one half of the dough. It is better not to use too liquid jam. The jam should be thick. If you use liquid jam, then your puffs will flow very much.

4. We clamp the dough on all sides with a fork. And in the middle of the dough you need to make several cuts. They should be about 3-4 pieces.

5. Break one chicken egg and beat it with a whisk.

6. Then each puff needs to be greased with an egg, and then sprinkled with sugar. We spread the puffs in a slow cooker, and bake them in the "Baking" mode for 50-60 minutes.

It seems to me, or rather, I am sure that store-bought puff pastry has made life easier for many housewives. After all, puff pastry is very difficult to cook at home, and baking with it is almost always very tasty. For example, puff pastry puffs in a slow cooker, with the recipe of which I will now introduce you.

From puff pastry, you can cook a huge amount of sweet and savory pastries. For example, I like to make triangles, and a variety of puffs from such dough. I'm just crazy about puffs with cottage cheese and raspberries. Sometimes it seems to me that I can use these puffs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Puffs with cottage cheese and raspberries from puff pastry are very easy to cook in a slow cooker, and their taste is just on top. Cottage cheese puffs with raspberries according to my recipe are very tasty, tender and fragrant. They can be consumed warm or cold. Personally, I clean them after cooking in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. When the puffs are cooled, they taste like puff pastries with curd cream.

Ingredients for puffs with cottage cheese and raspberries

  1. Puff pastry - 1 plate
  2. Raspberries - 70 grams
  3. Cottage cheese - 300 grams
  4. Sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
  5. Egg - 2 pieces
  6. Vanillin - 1 pinch

How to cook puffs in a slow cooker from puff pastry with cottage cheese and raspberries

Let's start cooking puffs with cottage cheese and raspberries. First of all, we will need to prepare a very tasty and sweet filling. In a deep bowl, we mix cottage cheese, one chicken egg and granulated sugar. When I cook puffs, I use paste-like cottage cheese for their preparation. And if I have only granular cottage cheese in my refrigerator, then I grind it in a blender.

In the resulting curd mass, we add vanillin and raspberries. If you are going to use frozen raspberries, you will need to thaw them first.

Take one plate of puff pastry. In my recipe, I use yeast-free dough. I divide the dough into four equal parts. Roll out each piece of dough into a rectangle. On one half of the dough, we make many small cuts with a sharp knife. Brush the edges of the pastry with beaten egg.

We spread the curd-raspberry filling on the part of the dough on which there are no cuts.

We form a puff.

Lubricate puffs with cottage cheese and raspberries with a beaten egg. This must be done in order for the puffs to acquire a golden color. Put a couple of layers in a bowl. We bake them on the “Baking” mode for about 80 minutes.

You can turn them over 10-15 minutes before cooking. But this should be done only if the puffs on top are poorly baked. Bon appetit!

The slow cooker has some design features, due to which the preparation of puff pastry in it is somewhat difficult. But everything is solvable, so it’s worth talking about some dishes, the recipes of which will be presented below.

Baking puff pastry in a conventional oven is very fast, for example, it takes no more than 15 minutes to make a large puff cake for Napoleon in a preheated oven. But the oven bakes both from above and below, and in the slow cooker the heating element is only from below. For this reason, puff pastry Napoleon is baked with the lid open, as 7 minutes on one side, then turn over and another seven minutes on the other side.

In addition, the cake is not very large in size. Tall, but with a small diameter. Therefore, I rarely bake Napoleon in a slow cooker.

But I will still present the recipe from the finished puff pastry for your judgment.

For me, this is some dish that can be made in the summer during hot days. Since 11-12 cakes in the oven take 4 hours of oven operation, and with a constantly working oven, the temperature in a small kitchen rises to 28-30 degrees. After the standard preparation of this pastry, you crawl out of the kitchen on half-bent legs.

I either cook puff pastry according to the recipe presented on this site in the Napoleon Cake article - simple recipes for the best treat, or I buy it at a local bakery. I never take frozen ready-made puff pastry, because no matter how much I tried to make something out of it, it never worked out. And I really like the local, today's production.

What do we need besides puff pastry:

  • Vegetable oil 50 gr.;
  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.

Now let's deal with Napoleon himself.

I divide the dough immediately into equal small parts, and roll out everything at once, too, so that I don’t have to wash the kitchen several times later. I spread the cakes on baking paper, and sprinkle with flour. I cut the dough immediately with a pizza cutter, applying the multicooker bowl turned upside down. The bottom is slightly smaller, but when the dough is toasted, it rises and becomes slightly smaller in diameter.

After the preparatory work, I grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil or line the bottom with baking paper. I warm up the multicooker in the open form for 15 minutes in the baking mode. After I bake for 7 minutes on one side and the same on the other. I again put the cakes on a dish to cool. After 2 cakes have cooled, you can prepare the cream. To do this, beat the softened butter, and then pour the condensed milk into it in a thin stream. Immediately coat the cooled cakes.

The last cake needs to be held a little longer on both sides so that it crumbles more easily for sprinkling the cake. When the penultimate layer is ready, we coat Napoleon from the sides and top. Finely chop the latter and sprinkle on all sides.

Then I put the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and after that you can serve it to the table.

But making pastries in a slow cooker in the form of cakes from such a dough is an ignoble and dreary business. There are some recipes for burgers or for baking small cakes. These types are more interesting than cakes.

Imagine a recipe for a closed pie from what was in the refrigerator.

This is how pizza is usually prepared, but you can also make a closed pie.

In addition to the test mass, you will need:

  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sausage - 200 gr.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pieces of medium size;
  • Green onion - 1 bunch (small)
  • Boiled rice - 300 gr.

To prepare, roll out the cake from the dough, but its diameter should be 3-4 cm larger than the diameter of the multicooker bowl. We coat the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and put the bottom of our pie. The edges are neatly distributed on the sides.

We prepare the filling - sausage, potatoes and eggs are cut finely.

Also chop the green onion. All products are mixed with rice. Then spread the filling on a layer of dough. We roll out another part, no more than 0.7 cm thick and close the pie. We pinch the edges of the cake around the entire perimeter very carefully.

We set the baking mode and 25 minutes, close the lid and wait. Then, after the multicooker signal, open the lid, insert the steam cooking grate and turn the entire structure over with the bowl. Then very carefully put the cake with the top layer down and turn on the baking mode again for 15 minutes. After that, just as we turned it over, we take out the pie from the multicooker and mix it on a dish.

If this recipe seems too dry, then you can try adding a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to the filling. Then the cake in the slow cooker will become more saturated, but at the same time add calories to it.

There are also recipes for cakes, but like a cake, it takes a lot of time, since the multicooker bowl does not hold a large number of cakes.

For cooking, you will need a ready-made piece of dough weighing 500 gr., As well as cottage cheese - 360 gr.; sugar - 2-3 tablespoons and 1 chicken egg.

If the cottage cheese is grainy, then we wipe it through a sieve or beat it in a blender with sugar and an egg. Then we roll out a layer of dough and coat it with a filling no more than 0.5 cm thick. Then we roll the prepared layer into a roll and, using a very sharp knife, cut it into identical pieces no more than 4-5 cm.

In this case, it is better to use a pizza cutter, as it does not pull the layers along with it. We line the bottom of the multicooker bowl with parchment and place our curds at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Close the unit and set the baking mode and time to 30 minutes. After the multicooker signal, we take out the first batch and load the next one. And so on until the blanks run out.

Baking turns out delicious and low-calorie, just cook it in a slow cooker for a very long time, since no more than 7 roses are placed on the bottom.

The recipes for many dishes prepared in a slow cooker are distinguished by their simplicity, but this does not mean that tasteless pastries are obtained in a slow cooker. Quite the contrary, some recipes are as specially created for this unit.

I think that these recipes, the preparation of which will not make it very difficult to cook, it will only take a lot of time, they will be useful to you.
