
Pie with boiled condensed milk in the oven. Shortbread pie with boiled condensed milk

I recommend that all novice housewives try to make this pie with boiled condensed milk - it is simple, very tasty and effective. Oh, what a delicious pie it turned out to be. My son really loves condensed milk and I found this recipe! Where are the baked goods and condensed milk! Well, I think he will not leave anyone indifferent.

Let's knead the dough. I always take good dry yeast and pitch it straight. Add yeast and all other products to warm milk. Remove the dough for 2 hours. This is how it turned out for me.

Pinch off a piece of dough and add cocoa to it. Let's knead. And divide the rest of the dough into two parts.

Roll out the light dough into a layer. Divide the brown dough in half. And we put such small pieces on the dough.

And roll out the dough again.

Grease the dough with condensed milk.

Roll the dough into a roll.

Let's do the same with the other half of the dough. And we will twist two rolls in the same way as in the photo, in the form of a pigtail.

And then into such a ring. Place in any form or simply on a sheet, brush with beaten egg. Let it stand for 30 minutes and put it in the oven for 20 minutes, bake at 180 degrees.

You can leave it like that and you can top it with glaze. Mix powdered sugar with a spoon of water.

Those with a sweet tooth who are ready to sell their souls for condensed milk will definitely appreciate the sweet and tender “Burenka” pie prepared on its basis. It’s easy to bake such a delicacy for the family on a regular day off and, at the same time, slightly decorated, it’s not a shame to serve it to guests on the holiday table.

Note: boiled condensed milk can be bought ready-made in the store or, if you have time, boil it yourself. To do this, fill a jar of condensed milk (preferably according to GOST) with a large amount of cold water and cook over medium heat for about 2 hours after boiling. Water should be added to the pan periodically so that the jar is always completely covered.

So, in order to prepare an amazingly delicious pie with condensed milk, you will need the following ingredients:


  • boiled condensed milk – 180 grams,
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams,
  • vegetable oil (odorless) – 100 ml,
  • walnut kernels – 100 grams,
  • wheat flour – 180 grams,
  • vanillin 2-3 grams,
  • baking powder – 10 grams.

In addition, to turn the pie into a birthday cake, you need to additionally prepare:

  • boiled condensed milk – 75 grams,
  • liquid cream – 50 ml,
  • multi-colored confectionery powder - to taste.

Cooking process:

Combine and use a whisk to beat raw eggs, sugar and vanillin into a homogeneous fluffy mass, then pour in vegetable oil and add condensed milk.

Mix flour with baking powder, sifting both ingredients through a sieve if possible. Chop the walnuts finely with a knife. Add them to the dough and mix thoroughly.

Grease the baking dish with butter or vegetable oil and fill no more than a third with dough. If you initially plan to turn the pie into a cake, you can divide the dough into 2-3 parts and bake each of the layers separately. If not, then it’s never too late to divide the finished cake into pieces using a sharp knife or a special metal thread.

Bake the pie with boiled condensed milk at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. If baking 2 or 3 thinner cakes, reduce the time spent in the oven, checking readiness with a wooden toothpick. Remove the cake from the mold and leave to cool completely.

When cold, cut it into 2-3 parts and soak each of them with cream. Place the cakes one by one on a flat dish, spreading with boiled condensed milk or any other cream.

Decorate the top with multi-colored confectionery powder and leave the Burenka or Korovka pie for 3-4 hours at room temperature so that the cream is absorbed and makes the cakes tender and slightly moist.

Step 1: prepare the flour.

To make a pie, the first thing you need to do is prepare the flour. To do this, pour it into a sieve and sift it into a small bowl. Thanks to this process, the component will be saturated with oxygen, and the dough will be soft, tender and without lumps.

Step 2: prepare condensed milk.

Using a can opener, open the can of condensed milk and leave the component aside for a while.

Step 3: Prepare the pie dough.

Break eggs into a medium bowl and add baking soda. Using a hand whisk, beat the ingredients until smooth.

Immediately after this, pour the condensed milk here and continue mixing with available equipment. At the end, pour in the sifted flour in small portions and continue whisking at the same time so that no lumps form. We should have a slightly runny dough.

Step 4: prepare a quick condensed milk pie.

Using a pastry brush, grease the bottom and sides of the baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil. Pour the dough here and level its surface with a tablespoon. Preheat the oven to temperature 150-170 °C. Immediately after this, place the container with the cake on the middle level and bake for 25-30 minutes until a golden crust forms. After the allotted time, use oven mitts to remove the baking sheet and check the dough with a toothpick. Let's pierce it in the center and see: if the wooden stick is dry, then the pie is ready. If there are still wet lumps on the toothpick, then you need to extend the cooking time by another 7-10 minutes. After everything, turn off the oven, take out the pie and leave it aside to cool slightly. Through 8-10 minutes transfer it to a wire rack and wait for it to become slightly warm.

Step 5: serve a quick pie with condensed milk.

Place the quick condensed milk pie on a flat plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into portions using a knife.

We serve this airy and very tender pastry to the dessert table along with hot tea or coffee.
Enjoy your meal!

To prepare the dough, use premium flour, finely ground and a trusted brand;

Before baking the pie, you can add any berries to your taste to the dough. For example, it could be blueberries, strawberry pieces, blackberries or currants. Then the baked goods will take on a slightly sour tint;

If you use homemade eggs, then the dough will be bright yellow in color and more aromatic.

If you are looking for something to quickly prepare for tea, bake a simple and very tasty pie with boiled condensed milk from puff pastry. You can buy boiled condensed milk for the pie ready-made or make it yourself from ordinary milk. This tender and sweet delicacy can also be made in the form of croissants.


1. Divide the puff pastry into two equal parts. Roll out each piece into a layer 0.5 cm high. Using a plate, cut out a circle from the dough.

2. Place the dough on baking paper and grease it generously with boiled condensed milk.

3. Cover the condensed milk with a second layer on top of the condensed milk.

4. Using a glass, cut out a circle in the center of the pie.

5. We make longitudinal cuts along the perimeter of the pie, not cutting 1-2 cm to the circle.

7. From the remaining pieces of dough you can make several croissants with condensed milk. To do this, roll out the dough thinly and cut out long triangles. Spread some condensed milk on the triangle.

8. Roll up the croissant.

9. Brush the cake and croissants with beaten egg.

10. Bake the pie in the oven for 25 minutes. The baking temperature for the pie is 200 degrees. Cut the pie and serve with tea or coffee.

Be sure to try baking a pie using this recipe!

Every housewife has probably encountered such a situation when guests suddenly appeared on the doorstep. It is clear that tea can be found in every home, but what to serve with a hot drink is another question. Therefore, the fastest and easiest way to get out of this situation is to whip up a pie.

Pie with condensed milk

The dish is prepared quickly and easily. The taste is tender and airy. The key point of this recipe is boiled condensed milk.


  • a glass of flour;
  • 1 pack of baking powder;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of milk;
  • about 4 eggs;
  • 0.5 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 50 grams of raisins.


  1. First you need to beat the eggs with 2/3 of the condensed milk. It is better to use a mixer or blender. It will be difficult to achieve the desired result manually.
  2. Sift the flour there and add raisins, previously washed with boiling water. Beat.
  3. Pour the batter into the mold and bake over low heat for about half an hour.
  4. Lightly heat the remaining condensed milk and pour over the top of the finished cake. Place in a switched off warm oven for soaking.

After complete cooling, the finished pie with boiled condensed milk can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or grated chocolate. Everything ingenious is simple!

Chocolate pie

To prepare such a dish, no special skills are required. It is enough to strictly follow the recipe, dosages and tips that will be given below.


  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of soda/vinegar;
  • 100 grams of sugar or powder;
  • a couple of spoons of cocoa;
  • 100 grams of margarine/butter;
  • a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • flour (such an amount that the dough becomes similar in consistency to sour cream);
  • condensed milk (boiled).


  1. First you need to thoroughly beat the sugar and eggs.
  2. After complete dissolution, you can add melted creamy margarine or butter.
  3. The next step is kefir. Add and mix.
  4. Next, pour cocoa into the mixture and quench the soda with vinegar.
  5. Flour is the final stage. It is important to make sure that there are no lumps left in the dough.
  6. The batter is visually divided into 2-3 parts and baked alternately for about 45 minutes.
  7. The cooled cakes are coated with boiled condensed milk and left for several hours in a cool place to soak.

Kefir pie with boiled condensed milk turns out very tasty. As a cream, you can use purchased (ready-made) condensed milk. Or you can cook it yourself, it’s much tastier, although you’ll have to spend at least three hours preparing it.

Pie with condensed milk and nuts

What better accompaniment to tea than a piece of pie? We bring to your attention a simple recipe that will not take much time to prepare.


  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • butter or margarine - 1 pack (180-200 gr.);
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • vanilla - 1 sachet;
  • flour;
  • cocoa - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Peeled and chopped walnuts - 1 cup.


  1. Combine sugar with eggs and beat as long as possible.
  2. Next, pour melted liquid butter/margarine and vanilla into this mixture.
  3. Sour cream will follow after them. Everything gets mixed up.
  4. Finally, flour is added. You need to achieve a liquid dough.
  5. Divide the resulting mixture into two and put cocoa into one of them. Mix.
  6. Bake alternately for 25 minutes.
  7. We prepare condensed milk. To do this, you need to warm it up a little.
  8. Spread condensed milk onto one cooled cake layer and sprinkle with nuts on top.
  9. Then the second cake is placed on top and the procedure is repeated.

Shortbread pie with condensed milk

Even a beginner can handle making this pie. The shortbread delicacy is very easy to prepare. And most importantly, this activity will not take much time and you won’t have to spend the whole day in the kitchen.


  • 200 grams of any sweet cookies;
  • 50 grams of creamy margarine;
  • 1.5 cups boiled condensed milk;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 3 eggs (yolk);
  • a couple of spoons of roasted peanuts;


  1. The first step is to crush the cookies into fine crumbs. You can perform this task manually or using a blender.
  2. Next, take softened creamy margarine (you can use butter) and thoroughly rub it into the crumbled cookies until the mixture becomes more or less homogeneous.
  3. After this, the mold is taken and greased. A kind of cake is laid out and evenly distributed over the entire area.
  4. The condensed milk is heated separately (not too much) to make it softer. Yolks, chopped peanuts and the juice of half a lemon are added to it. Stirs.
  5. The resulting mixture is poured into the cake and placed in the oven for baking, which takes about 30 minutes.

This shortbread pie with boiled condensed milk will surprise anyone with its extraordinary taste. Everything works out for those who try and strive. Good luck!

Biscuit with condensed milk

Sponge cake is both a simple and difficult pie to prepare. Not everyone gets it fluffy, tall, without the taste of soda. This recipe will reveal all the secrets and subtleties of its successful preparation.


  • 5 medium eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1.5 cups boiled condensed milk.


  1. To begin with, it should be said that the eggs should be from the refrigerator (cool). They are placed in a narrow but tall container along with sugar. You need to beat long and hard. It is best to use a powerful blender. You can take breaks while whipping, but in the end the mixture should double in quantity.
  2. As soon as the foam has increased, you can carefully add flour and stir so that there are no lumps left.
  3. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for about 40 minutes.
  4. Wait until it cools completely, then cut the cake in half.
  5. Grease the middle with boiled condensed milk.

It’s best to prepare the cream yourself for a sponge cake with boiled condensed milk, it’s tastier. Having bought regular condensed milk in the store, you need to boil it for 3 hours and that’s it.

“Very tasty” wishes you a bon appetit! And be sure to try it too.
