
A spicy dessert and a home healer - viburnum jam. Viburnum jam

Snow-covered clusters of viburnum are a bewitching sight. In addition, this berry is very useful.

Usually some berries are left on the tree so that the birds can eat in the winter. The largest and most beautiful bunches are cut off, and then they cook delicious viburnum jam. A spoonful of pitted jam will decorate thick semolina porridge, add an unusual touch to brewed muesli.

Also try to cook viburnum with sugar for the winter or prepare viburnum for the winter.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • viburnum - 800 gr.
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • water - 250 ml.

    Step-by-step preparation of pitted viburnum jam:

    Harvesting of viburnum is started after the first night frosts. A light frost will eliminate the berry bitterness, leaving only a barely noticeable astringency.

    Berries are cut off, washed. In large-fruited viburnum, the berries are easily removed from the brushes and do not crack. Small berries have a very thin "fragile" shell. In this case, viburnum brushes are washed under running water, and then the berries are removed so that the viburnum juice from cracked berries does not prematurely dissolve in water during soaking.

    Kalina is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom. At the first stage of boiling, you need to get rid of the seeds: the berries are poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes.

    It is necessary to give the fruits the opportunity to boil so that the bones are completely separated from the pulp. When the viburnum has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered.

    A metal sieve is covered with two layers of gauze, the first portion of boiled viburnum is poured, the gauze is folded into a knot and squeezed, squeezing the viburnum juice into the pan. Only the skins and bones will remain in the gauze.

    The action is repeated twice, the whole pitted viburnum should turn into thick juice, which will resemble thick berry puree. Jam does not need to be further diluted with water; for a good consistency of medium density, the liquid that was added in the first stage is enough.

    Put sugar, stir the jam and put on fire. Boil the jam for 20-25 minutes at a slow boil. Viburnum jam is poured into sterile jars.

    No need to try to boil the jam to an unimaginable density, it can burn with a long boil. Hot it will seem liquid, but after cooling, the density will appear clearly. If you pour jam into small 100-gram jars, it will turn into a thick jelly in a few days. In a half-liter jar, the jam will not thicken completely, but will become thick enough.

“Autumn” viburnum jam is prepared when a gloomy autumn landscape is already visible outside the window, and drops of cold rain hit the glass. Of course, you can send a jar of viburnum to the far shelf, waiting for the winter cold. But it will be better for health if viburnum jam appears regularly on the table. After all, this berry strengthens the immune system, protects against colds. Thick jam can be spread on crispy wheat bread toasts, served with pancakes or cheesecakes.

The sweet and sour taste of viburnum seems very harmonious, there is no cloying and astringency in it. Fresh berries have a tonic effect, and jam "inherited" this useful property. There are different varieties of viburnum, but for blanks it is best to choose brushes with large berries.

Ingredients to make viburnum jam:

  • viburnum red - 700 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 200 ml

Recipe pitted viburnum jam:

In order for viburnum blanks to have a real “dessert” taste, you need to wait for the first night frosts. Then the berries will lose their tart bitterness. Brushes are cut, sorted out.

Kalina is washed, spoiled berries are removed. If the berries are slightly crushed, they are quite suitable for jam. It is necessary to remove only shriveled dried specimens.

The berries are poured into a saucepan, pour water. Kalina is boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat. At the same time, the berries burst, the water becomes a thick syrup. The pan is removed from the heat, the berry mass should cool to 50-60 degrees.

The second pan is covered with two layers of gauze. First, viburnum syrup is filtered, then pitted viburnum is squeezed through gauze. The pulp is easily separated from the bones, no significant effort is required. The skins and bones are discarded.

The contents of the pan are stirred so that the thick berry puree becomes homogeneous.

Kalina is combined with sugar, stirred.

Put the pan on the stove, set a small fire. Viburnum jam for the winter should boil for 30 minutes. Foam bubbles will appear and disappear, no need to try to "catch" them. Jam should be stirred with a wooden spoon.

At the final stage of preparation, the jam acquires a rich burgundy color and a pleasant density.

Ready jam is poured into a sterile jar, rolled up with a sterile lid. The jar is wrapped in a thick towel and left to “steam” until the morning.

Fragrant and healthy viburnum jam is ready!

Bon appetit!

In late autumn, right after the first frosts, it's time to collect scarlet bunches of viburnum. This berry has long been famous for its beneficial properties for the body, pleasant and unusual taste. Kalina is widely used in folk medicine and cooking. Housewives at home prepare teas, decoctions, fruit drinks, and most importantly, jam with her participation. Viburnum jam has a delicate pleasant taste and slight sourness, which is easy to regulate with sugar. It is a useful and original dessert for tea and an effective way to boost immunity.

Red viburnum jam: benefits and harms

Berries of red viburnum are recommended to be consumed in any form: juice, fruit drink, fresh or as a filling for. It has long been treated with such diseases: colds, gastritis, hypertension, cough, heartburn. How useful is the use of viburnum? Its useful properties are numerous:

  • These berries contain vitamin C, in an amount twice that of citrus fruits;
  • The content of iron in viburnum is more than in oranges and lemons, approximately 5 times;
  • Kalina is rich in tannins, vitamins A, E, natural acids, antioxidants.


  • Doctors do not recommend eating the berry and its juice for people suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver;
  • Kalina has a strong effect on blood pressure, so people suffering from hypotension, that is, low blood pressure, should refrain from using it;
  • Before using viburnum during pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor.

Raw jam for the winter "through a meat grinder"

To preserve the maximum useful properties of viburnum, it is advisable not to heat treat it or minimize it. To this end, we came up with a recipe for a simple, tasty and healthy viburnum jam without cooking. It is important to collect the berry for such jam after the first frost - after that it will be noticeably less bitter. This delicacy is prepared quickly, but the shelf life is short. It must be stored in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. In winter, raw jam is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients!

Preparing raw jam:

  • Kalina must be carefully sorted out, freed from twigs, and also washed under running water, after which the viburnum berries must be rubbed through a meat grinder or using a blender;
  • Pour the resulting mass with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, mixing thoroughly;
  • Next, spread the resulting jam in clean, sterilized jars, closing with lids.

Such a delicacy can be used for effective prevention of sclerosis, strengthening immunity, successful treatment of colds and heartburn.

How to cook viburnum jam in a slow cooker

In the current age of technology, a multicooker has become a real help for housewives. With this unit, it is easy to cook many dishes, including viburnum jam. For this you need:

  • While stirring, boil water with sugar in the “Extinguishing” mode;
  • Put the washed viburnum there and cook for 5 minutes, with the multicooker lid open, stirring regularly;
  • Allow to cool, after which you need to boil again for 5 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode;
  • Then add the grated lemon with zest, and cook for another 5 minutes. Viburnum jam in a slow cooker is ready!

jam options

There are many options for making viburnum jam. For example, classic viburnum jam, five minutes, jam with pumpkin and honey, with citrus fruits (orange and lemon), raw viburnum jam, seedless jam, viburnum jam, viburnum confiture, apple jam with the addition of viburnum juice. These options will appeal to everyone - even those who considered the taste of viburnum unpleasant. Consider in more detail the recipes for preparing various options for viburnum jam below and choose the option you like.

How to make delicious pitted and pitted jam

Not all housewives make viburnum jam for the winter, often due to the presence of seeds. Knowing a few secrets, it will not be difficult for you to make delicious pitted jam. To do this, viburnum berries must be rubbed through a large sieve - as a result, you will get a homogeneous pitted viburnum gruel, to which you just have to add sugar. Boil this mass over low heat until thickened. For this purpose, viburnum juice is used, which is boiled with sugar and starch until confiture is obtained.

For clarity, watch the video recipe for making pitted viburnum jam:

Bones of viburnum contain a large amount of useful substances, so traditional medicine recommends making jam with seeds. If you pass whole berries through a meat grinder or beat with a blender, then the bones will be crushed, which means they will not be very noticeable. All you have to do is add sugar in a 1:1 ratio, grated orange with zest - you get a delicious, most healthy viburnum jam.

Viburnum jam with apples and honey

Viburnum jam with apples and honey is an original, healthy dessert that is suitable for those who follow diets. To prepare it, apples must be washed, peeled, cut into slices, put out to stew with a little water. When the apples are soft, add honey to taste. Using a juicer, make viburnum juice, add to apple jam, then boil a little over low heat. This dessert does not contain sugar, so people suffering from diabetes or obesity can consume it without harm.

With orange or lemon

To prepare this viburnum jam, make sugar syrup: take 800 g of sugar for 400 ml of water. Pour the pre-washed berries with syrup, leaving for 5-6 hours. Then separate the viburnum from the syrup, pour the juice of 1 lemon into it, add vanilla sugar, grated lemon or orange zest, boil the syrup for 5 minutes. After that, pour viburnum with syrup again, cook for 10 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat, leaving to infuse for 4 hours, after which, boil again until thickened. Pour it hot into sterilized jars, tightly closing the lids.

From viburnum and pumpkin

To prepare this unusual jam, take 1 kg of pumpkin, peel it, cut it into small pieces. Pour it with a glass of water and stew well in a saucepan until it becomes soft, then chop in a blender or rub with a crush. Rinse viburnum thoroughly, scald with boiling water, wipe through a sieve. Add viburnum and sugar to the pumpkin puree, in a ratio of 1:1. This mixture should be left to infuse for several hours. Then, the jam must be boiled for an hour, stirring constantly. The resulting delicacy has a delicate aroma and pleasant sourness.

How to cook viburnum jam: a recipe with a photo

In order to cook classic viburnum jam, you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh viburnum;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 800 gr sugar.

  • Rinse fresh viburnum thoroughly under running water and separate from the branches, sort it out, throwing out the spoiled one.
  • Put the berries in a heatproof dish, pour 1 cup of water. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, put a container with viburnum, and simmer until the berries become soft.
  • Use a separate saucepan to prepare syrup: pour sugar, pour it with the remaining glass of water, mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. You should get a thick homogeneous sugar syrup.

  • Remove the stewed berries, put in sugar syrup. Cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring constantly.
  • Remove the jams from the heat, leaving to infuse and cool for about 6 hours.

  • After the specified time, it should be put on fire again, brought to readiness, stirring regularly and removing the foam.
  • Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars, screwing the lids tightly. Classic viburnum jam is ready!

Blanks from viburnum - a vitamin charge for the winter. The article contains recipes for juice, compote, jam, marmalade and marmalade from healthy berries.

The berries of viburnum, which nature gives us in the fall, have a very specific taste, sour with bitterness. To tell the truth, few adults like them.

And getting a child to eat viburnum is generally a huge achievement. But viburnum has a huge benefit, only there is more vitamin C in it than in lemons. There is a way out - to make jam or other sweet preparation for the winter.

Red viburnum: useful properties. Harvesting for the winter

You can read about the benefits of not only viburnum berries, but also other parts of the plant in the article:

Obviously, the season of viburnum berries cannot be called short, and you can have time to eat fresh berries or be treated with one of the folk remedies based on them. But what about in winter and spring, when the body is in dire need of vitamins?

Viburnum berries can be harvested in various ways:

  • to freeze
  • dry up
  • grind with sugar
  • make jam, jam
  • make jelly
  • make syrup or sauce

IMPORTANT: When choosing a harvesting method, you need to understand what it will be used for, medicines or treats. In the first case, it is important to preserve the maximum of their useful properties in berries. In the second, even if some vitamin is destroyed during heat treatment, it will not be very scary.

How to freeze viburnum for the winter?

Frozen viburnum in winter can be used in the same way as fresh:

  • for food
  • as a pastry filling
  • for making juice, fruit drink, tea, decoction, infusion

This type of workpiece has many advantages:

  • the maximum benefit of berries is preserved
  • sugar and any other preservatives are not used
  • it is convenient to freeze viburnum in portion bags
  • freezing relieves berries from bitterness
  • the harvesting method is very fast and requires a minimum of effort from the hostess

  1. Everything about everything takes about 2 hours, with direct participation no more than 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare a colander, trays or dishes, kitchen paper or textile towels, freezer bags or containers.
  3. Kalina is thoroughly washed, twigs are removed.
  4. Berries are laid out on towels to dry.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, they are transferred to trays or dishes and sent to the freezer for 1 hour. Then later, in packages, they will not stick together.
  6. Pour frozen berries into containers or pacts for freezing.

IMPORTANT: Some housewives do not wash viburnum before freezing, but do it later, before eating it directly.

How to dry viburnum at home?

Dried viburnum is not used as widely as frozen. It can be eaten as a dried fruit, boil compote from berries, make infusions, add to pastries. The drying process is also quite simple, it has two options:

  • dry the berries in the oven
  • use a special dryer for fruits and berries

  1. From the washed berries, twigs and stalks are removed.
  2. They are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet or electric dryer grate.
  3. The temperature of the oven should be 50-60 degrees, with it the viburnum will begin to dry and wrinkle.
  4. If a dryer is used, it should simply be turned on.

IMPORTANT: Viburnum berries usually dry for 6-8 hours.

You can also dry them outdoors. They choose a secluded place where the direct rays of the sun do not hit, spread clean white paper in it, pour washed viburnum berries without branches and stalks on it, cover them with gauze. So they will dry for 7-14 days, while some of the berries may deteriorate.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter, mashed with sugar: recipe. Kalina - jam without cooking: recipe. Viburnum jelly for the winter in a cold way: recipe

  1. To prepare "vitamins" you need to take only viburnum berries (2 parts) and sugar (1 part).
  2. The berries are separated from the twigs, sorted out (only ripe, not crushed ones are suitable for harvesting), washed under running cold water, and dried on kitchen towels.
  3. Prepare berry puree. The method can be any convenient: crush with a crush, rub with a spoon through a fine sieve, pass through a meat grinder or use a blender.
  4. The bones are not separated.
  5. Mix viburnum puree with sugar.
  6. Lay out "vitamins" in sterile jars and send them to be stored in a refrigerator or cellar.

IMPORTANT: To make viburnum jelly that does not need to be boiled, berries and sugar must be taken in equal amounts. Moreover, I take into account the volume of not the berries themselves, but the puree obtained from them.

VIDEO: Kalina with sugar (cold preparation for the winter)

Viburnum jam for the winter: benefits and harms

In the form of jam, even after heat treatment, viburnum berries retain a lot of useful substances in the composition:

  • slow sugar
  • amino acids
  • ascorbic acid and other vitamins
  • tannins
  • essential oils
  • potassium, zinc, iron and other minerals

By consuming viburnum jam in winter, you can reap significant health and well-being benefits:

  • increase immunity, reduce the incidence of colds, viral infections
  • cleanse the liver and improve its functioning
  • improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract
  • improve skin condition
  • overcome depression
  • solve sleep problems
  • prevent the formation of kidney stones (if the jam is prepared with seeds)
  • get rid of heartburn

IMPORTANT: To make the benefits of viburnum jam even greater, it is advised to use not sugar, but honey as a preservative.

Five-minute viburnum jam: recipe

Jam "Five Minute" from viburnum is a quick way to prepare berries, but, of course, it takes more than 5 minutes.

Required products:

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 kg viburnum berries
  • 350 ml water

  1. Berries should be sorted, washed and dried.
  2. Bring water to a boil, add sugar to it and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Viburnum berries are poured into the syrup, boiled for another 5 minutes.
  4. Allow the workpiece to cool, it takes about 5 hours.
  5. Bring the workpiece back to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Lay out five-minute viburnum jam in sterile jars and close them.

IMPORTANT: 10 g of vanilla sugar can be added to regular sugar in this recipe.

VIDEO: Viburnum jam

Jam from viburnum for the winter: recipe

Thick homogeneous jam, a wonderful vitamin dessert, is prepared from:

  • 1 part viburnum berries (for example, 1 kg)
  • 0.8 parts sugar (800 g)

  1. Berries for jam should be taken the best, liquid, not spoiled.
  2. They are put in an enamel bowl and filled with water so that the viburnum is covered, but there is no excess.
  3. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and simmer the berries for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. They will be soft enough to be rubbed through a sieve.
  5. Water is not poured out. The cake from the berries is returned to it and insisted for an hour. After filtering through gauze. Syrup will be boiled on this water.
  6. Sugar is added to the boiled berry broth, boiled for 3 minutes.
  7. Pour berry puree into the syrup, cook until it becomes the desired thick, viscous consistency.
  8. Hot jam is laid out in pre-sterilized jars, closed, stored in the dark and cool, but not allowed to freeze.

Seedless Viburnum Jam: Recipe

Making pitted viburnum berry jam is very simple.

  1. For 1 kg of berries take 0.75 kg of sugar.
  2. The berries are removed from the branches, the stalks are removed from them, and they are washed thoroughly.
  3. Dried berries are put on a tray or in a tray and sent to the freezer for 30 minutes, then they will not be bitter.
  4. The berries are washed under a warm stream of water, spread in an enamel bowl.
  5. Sprinkle the viburnum with sugar and begin the process of languor: in the syrup of sugar and its own juice, the berries should boil for 20 minutes.
  6. They are laid out hot in a metal colander with a mesh and rubbed with a spoon. Bones and peel remain on the grid.
  7. Wiped viburnum jam is already boiled without stones for 5 minutes, after which it can be preserved.

VIDEO: Viburnum berry for the winter. How to make jam

Viburnum compote: a recipe for the winter

To close a 1 liter jar of compote for the winter, take:

  • 500 g viburnum berries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 500 ml water

  1. Washed, selected and slightly dried viburnum berries are laid out on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Syrup is made from water and sugar: sugar is poured into the water, slowly brought to a boil, after boiling, stir so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour hot syrup into a jar of viburnum.
  4. A towel is laid at the bottom of a large saucepan, a jar of viburnum compote is placed on top. Water is poured so that about a quarter of the can is not covered with it.
  5. The water is brought to a temperature of 90 degrees and maintained at this level for 10 minutes.
  6. Roll up a jar of viburnum compote with a sterile lid.

VIDEO: Viburnum compote for the winter

Compote for the winter from viburnum with apples: recipe

Apples and viburnum in compote are a very tasty and healthy combination. For 1 liter take:

  • 300 g viburnum berries
  • 300 g chopped apples
  • 250 g sugar

  1. Boil the sugar syrup for 5 minutes.
  2. Apples, cut into slices or cubes, and selected washed viburnum berries are laid out in sterile liter jars.
  3. Pour syrup into jars.
  4. Compote is pasteurized for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Roll up jars with sterile lids.

Viburnum sauce for the winter: recipe

Sweet and sour viburnum sauce is served with meat and poultry dishes. To prepare for the winter you need:

  • 250 g viburnum berry puree
  • 5 star cloves
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 3 pots of pepper
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g vegetable oil
  • 1 st. bite spoon

  1. Washed, separated from the twigs, viburnum berries are blanched for 2-3 minutes. Make a puree out of them.
  2. Clove, peppercorns and coriander are ground in a mortar.
  3. Berry puree is mixed with seasonings, vegetable oil, sugar and garlic passed through a press. Put the mass on the fire, it boils and boils, ate burl, 10 minutes.
  4. Add vinegar to the sauce.
  5. They pour it into jars. For the sauce, it is better to sterilize mayonnaise jars or baby food jars.
  6. The jars are closed and, after they have cooled, they are sent to be stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

VIDEO: Mind-blowing viburnum sauce

Viburnum soaked for the winter: recipes

In order to prepare soaked Kalinka, take:

  • 1 kg of berries without twigs and stalk
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 liter of water

  1. The syrup is made from water, sugar and salt.
  2. Kalina is laid out in jars, when the syrup has cooled slightly, pour it over.
  3. Close the tops of the jars with gauze, leave the workpiece at room temperature for 21 days, after which you can already close it with lids and move it to the refrigerator.

Viburnum juice for the winter without boiling through a juicer

Viburnum juice through a juicer is made without sugar, it turns out to be concentrated. It is used in winter for sauces, added to tea, diluted with water and drunk with honey, etc.

  • berries are passed through a juicer
  • juice is poured into sterile jars and pasteurized for 20 minutes
  • roll up the cans
  • if the juice will be stored for less than a month in the refrigerator, it does not need to be pasteurized

Viburnum syrup for the winter: recipes

For viburnum syrup you need a lot of sugar - 2 kg per 1 kg of berries. They can be seasoned with ice cream, fruit salads, strudel, pancakes, and other desserts.

  1. Puree is made from blanched berries with a blender.
  2. The puree of viburnum berries is transferred to an enamel bowl, covered with sugar and slowly brought to a boil.
  3. 5 minutes after boiling, the syrup is poured into jars washed with soda, allowed to cool and hidden in the refrigerator.

VIDEO: Viburnum juice
