
Pizza "Margherita": recipe. Tasty pizza

The most popular pizza in the world is called Margherita: the easiest to prepare, this pizza with mozzarella and basil is loved by everyone, especially children. In Naples, the birthplace of pizza, stone ovens are used for baking, the temperature inside of which is much higher than in a conventional oven, and Margherita pizza is cooked in just one to two minutes. Of course, you cannot make such pizza at home, but this is no reason to deny yourself and your family and friends the pleasure of eating delicious pizza in a warm company. This pizza Margherita recipe has been polished for several years, so you can be sure of it.

Pizza Margherita


1 hour 30 minutes


for the test:

250 g flour

160 g of water

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 bag of yeast

for the sauce:

250 g. pureed tomatoes

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp dried oregano

For filling:

125 g mozzarella cheese

Build a “well” of flour on a clean surface of the table, pour in some of the water, add dry yeast (just in case, check the required amount on the package) and stir by mixing part of the flour into the water until thick sour cream. Add the rest of the water and salt and begin to move the flour from the inside edges of the "well" to the middle, stirring the dough vigorously. After mixing in all the flour, mix vigorously, fold and beat the dough for about 10 more minutes, until it becomes elastic and elastic. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes to double in size. Put the dough back on the table, knock out all the air from it, form two neat balls and let them rest for 15-20 minutes in a warm place. For this recipe, you can use both regular wheat flour and typo 00 flour, which is used to make the traditional Margherita in Naples, and if you don't have much time, I showed you how to make it in 10 minutes.

Authentic Margherita pizza is baked in a wood-fired oven that reaches 450 degrees inside, but we don’t have one, so set the oven to 250 degrees, placing a pizza stone or an inverted baking sheet in the center of the oven. When the oven is hot, switch it to the top grill mode to the maximum. While the dough is gaining strength and the oven is warming up, it's time to work on the margarita pizza sauce. Mince the garlic and fry it in olive oil for a minute or two, then add the tomato pulp and dried oregano to the pan. Simmer the sauce over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, then season with salt, freshly ground black pepper, and, if desired, a pinch of sugar for more flavor.

Take one of the two balls of dough and stretch it with your hands into a thin, flat and conditionally round pancake. Brush this pizza base with a thin layer of tomato sauce, leaving the edge intact. Top with thinly sliced ​​or shredded mozzarella (I recommend using cheese in brine rather than hard mozzarella for pizza), open the oven, carefully transfer the Margherita to a stone or hot baking sheet and bake until the pastry is browned and the cheese is completely melted ( it took about 7 minutes in my oven). Remove pizza, top with basil leaves, drizzle with olive oil and serve, repeating the same process with the remaining dough, sauce and cheese.

It is easy to prepare, and many consider it the basis for the invention of new versions of the traditional Italian dish. Indeed, the filling of Margherita - tomatoes, mozzarella, tomato sauce and basil - can be supplemented with almost any product. Ham, mushrooms, vegetables, meat, salami - any of these ingredients will turn this pizza into a unique culinary masterpiece. However, experienced chefs manage to diversify the Margarita recipe without going beyond it. As a rule, it is possible to achieve variability in taste through the use of various variants of tomato sauce, prepared, of course, with your own hands.

Delicious Margherita Pizza Sauce can be prepared in three different ways:

1. Garlic margarita sauce


  • tomatoes
  • garlic
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive)
  • salt, black pepper, sugar - to taste

For five medium-sized tomatoes, we make cross-shaped incisions on the stem and immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for two minutes. Then we clean them from the skin, cut them into medium-sized cubes and turn them into puree using a blender. Peel four large cloves of garlic and finely chop them. Pour a little vegetable (sunflower, olive) oil into a deep frying pan, put tomato puree here and simmer the mixture over low heat for about 40 minutes (until it thickens). Add salt, black pepper, sugar, garlic and simmer the sauce for a few more minutes. Before applying to the dough, the dressing must be cooled.

2. Basil Margarita Sauce


  • tomatoes
  • vegetable oil (olive)
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • basil leaves

We rub one large tomato on a grater, after cutting it into two halves. As a result, the skin will simply remain in the hand and can be thrown away. We shift the puree into a blender, add 150 g of sun-dried tomatoes, a tablespoon of olive oil, pepper, salt and five basil leaves. Whisk in a blender - and the sauce is ready!

3. Classic margarita sauce


  • tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • sugar, salt, pepper - to taste

We remove the stalks from four large tomatoes and use a blender to turn them into puree. Then put the tomato mass in a pan, add a teaspoon of olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper - to taste, bring to a boil and cook on a small fire for 15 minutes.

For pizza, we use only chilled sauce!

For dinner I had a Margherita pizza. Pizza is perhaps the most famous dish of Italian cuisine and, for sure, the most popular fast food dish. At its core, pizza is an open pie. In my opinion, pizza is dough, cheese, basil and tomatoes. Pizza Margherita fits in perfectly with that.

As one friend from Siberia said, a hefty cheesecake, on the floor of the table, with filling, but very thin. Well, yes, thin, although I have seen pizza the size of a Ferrari wheel.

One can argue for a long time about the discoverer of pizza, but most agree that pizza comes from Naples. It is in Naples that the oldest pizzeria in the world Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba (Antica pizzeria Port Alba) operates. They say that it was opened in 1830, although the number 1738 is above the entrance. And the most famous pizza in Naples is Margherita.

Pizza Margherita is a symbol of Italy, the culinary flag of the country. The white color of the pizza is mozzarella cheese, a young Italian cheese from the Campania region. Red - tomato sauce or ripe red tomatoes. Green - basil, the main culinary herb of Italy.

But, the real "Margarita" - Pizza Margherita, is served only in Pizzeria Port'Alba. Local pizza masters are pizzaiolo, worthy, almost holy people, and they cook Margherita exclusively in a special wood-fired oven. Their "Margherita", baked in a special oven, with mozzarella di bufala mozzarella, oval tomatoes, Mediterranean basil, is beyond imitation. No matter how hard you try, your Margarita will only look like it. The Pizza Margherita recipe is the basis of pizza, almost all other pizzas are just similar.

Pizza Margherita. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (pizza 34 cm)

  • Pizza dough 400 gr
  • Green basil 5-6 sprigs
  • Tomato sauce 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato 2 pcs
  • Mozzarella 150 gr
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oregano Spices
  1. Classically pizza Margherita is baked in a Pompeian wood-fired oven, in the form of a hemisphere, where the firewood burns from the side, and the heat from them is reflected from the arch and falls on the pizza. Moreover, the pizza is baked exceptionally quickly, in just a few minutes.

    Margarita needs tomatoes, mozzarella and basil

  2. It is worth saying that pizzerias in Italy are as common as pigeons. And there are millions of pigeons. To order pizza in Italy, you do not have to go anywhere. You just need to turn your head and look for the inscription Pizzeria.
  3. And even better is Pizzeria forno a legna, which means there is an oven, and the pizza is not cooked in the oven.
  4. The secret to a good margherita pizza, be it homemade or classic, is always the dough. Often in our pizzerias they bring a huge overdried chip, with a minimum of toppings. Anyway. I like it when pizza dough is soft, fresh and slightly crunchy. When there is not much filling, but not “traces”.
  5. Prepare - yeast or yeast-free. After the dough has risen, knead it and roll it into a cake 5-7 mm thick.

    Prepare pizza dough

  6. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil. Literally 2-3 drops to smear with your finger. Lay out the dough on a baking sheet.
  7. I read Italian versions of Margherita pizza. Honestly - who is in what much. What a classic recipe is impossible to understand. Perhaps my "in-depth" knowledge of Italian does not allow me to determine exactly what's what. But, sorry, "fresh tomatoes" from "tomato sauce" is easy to distinguish.
  8. Given the local, i.e. our peculiarities, and the ambiguity of the recipes of Italian primary sources, it was decided: to cook "Margarita" in our own way.
  9. Tomatoes. Exceptionally ripe and fresh! No "brown", underripe, overripe. Tomatoes should be such that I would like to bite off them.
  10. Basil. Only green! Although, we can often find purple basil.
  11. Mozzarella. Classic mozzarella (Mozzarella di bufala campana) is made from the milk of black buffaloes. Do not panic. We sell it from normal cow's milk (Mozzarella Fior di Latte). In the form of white, or almost white balls (large or small), in brine. Mozzarella has a very short shelf life. So look at the date.
  12. For the filling you need a little, only three ingredients.
  13. Cut the tomatoes into thin and flat slices. Seeds can not be removed, although this is not for everybody.
  14. Drain the brine from the mozzarella cheese and grate the balls on a coarse grater.
  15. Remove all the leaves from half of the basil sprigs and chop them with a knife.
  16. Lubricate the dough with homemade.

    Brush dough with homemade tomato sauce

  17. Sprinkle chopped basil on top, evenly. Try to distribute over the entire area.

    Sprinkle with chopped basil

  18. Put half of the slices of tomatoes on the prepared dough, trying to ensure that the tomatoes completely cover the dough.

    Spread half of the tomato slices on the prepared dough.

  19. Salt to taste with coarse salt, you can sea and sprinkle with dry oregano - a couple of pinches.
  20. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella cheese, trying to ensure that the cheese lies on the pizza without gaps.

    Sprinkle with grated mozzarella cheese

  21. Scatter the remaining tomatoes.

    Scatter the remaining tomatoes

  22. In many recipes, it is very vaguely written about the sequence of laying the filling. Everyone sullenly alludes to the Italian flag, and no recommendations are given.
  23. The simplest and most correct option is not to fool yourself and people, and arrange everything in sequence: tomatoes, basil, mozzarella. And in any order, but it is better not to spread the basil on top, otherwise it will dry out during baking and burn.
  24. Drizzle the entire margherita pizza with olive oil.
  25. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Let warm up 15 min.
  26. Place the pizza pan in the oven and bake for up to 20 minutes. The mozzarella cheese will melt very quickly. The dough, as soon as it starts to brown on the bottom, is guaranteed to be ready! Pizza Margherita is prepared quickly.

    Put the pizza pan in the oven and bake for up to 20 minutes

  27. Scatter a handful of green basil leaves over the finished pizza.
  28. Margherita pizza is usually cut with a special knife into 6-8 parts.


Pizza "Margherita" is a crispy and tender flatbread covered with spicy tomato sauce and fragrant melted cheese. It is in this form that pizza is most often prepared in Italy, and this type of pizza is still one of the most beloved and popular among Italians.

You will find our detailed Margherita pizza recipe with a photo below. The instructions are given step by step. From it you will learn all the subtleties of making a hearty dough, as well as the secret of creating a unique pizza sauce. To prepare such a sauce, we need tomatoes in their own juice, basil and garlic. After roasting and thickening, the sauce will be ideally combined with the taste of cream cheese.

It is very easy to make Margherita pizza at home. To create it, you need a minimum of ingredients and effort expended. The pizza itself is cooked within half an hour, more time is needed to infuse the dough. Use only a set of the indicated spices for cooking, and then you can enjoy the taste of real Italian Margherita pizza.

Let's start cooking.


  • (2 tsp)

  • (10 g)

  • (400 ml)

  • (15 g)

  • (3 tablespoons)

  • (450 g)

  • (300 g)

  • (20 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (3 g)

  • (100 g)

Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    Pour water at room temperature into a bowl and pour all the yeast we have into it. Mix the ingredients and add salt and sugar to them.

    Gently sift the flour into a dry and deep bowl so that it is saturated with oxygen.

    Gradually add the diluted water to the flour and mix the ingredients until smooth. Knead the dough with your hands in the same bowl or on a clean countertop.

    In the almost finished product, add a tablespoon of olive oil.

    The resulting dough is enough for us to prepare 4-5 cakes. We roll the product into a ball and wrap it in cling film, send the dough to the refrigerator for half an hour.

    In order for the garlic to give juice, crush the cloves with the flat side of the knife.

    In this form, fry the garlic cloves until golden brown in a frying pan heated with olive oil. Grind oregano and add to the pan, pour two tablespoons of water there.

    Add tomatoes to the boiling mixture and simmer over medium heat for 4-5 minutes.

    Grind the tomatoes in a saucepan with a fork, mix with the rest of the ingredients, add basil to them. We bring the finished mixture to a homogeneous mass with a blender.

    We tear off about 180-200 grams of dough from a common piece and roll it into a thin cake of large diameter.

    Cover the surface of the dough with prepared sauce.

    We rub the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it with a tortilla with sauce. We heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the pizza into it, bake the dish for 4-5 minutes until cooked.

    We cut the finished dish into convenient large pieces, decorate with a leaf of basil and serve. The classic Margherita pizza is ready.

    Bon appetit!

The history of cooking is inextricably linked with the history of countries and peoples. And here's what is remarkable: every famous and respected dish has its own history, and even more than one. For example, the famous Italian pizza Margherita. Do you know why it is called that way and what big names it is associated with?

This pizza owes its name to the name of the wife of the King of Italy, Umberto the First, Margherita of Savoy. One version of the origin of Margherita pizza claims that its author was the owner of the most popular pizzeria in Naples, Raffaello Esposito. According to another version, his wife Rosina prepared this pizza for the queen, and the third version gives authorship to the chef Pappino Brandi. By the way, it was the latest version that was documented in the form of a royal charter issued by Pappino.

Be that as it may, the pizza is really named after Margherita of Savoy and differs from all other pizzas in that it is colored like the Italian flag: green, white and red. Here is such a patriotic pizza - the food of the poor with the name of the queen and the colors of the national flag. And we just have to find out the recipe for its preparation and evaluate the appearance and taste.

Classic Pizza Margherita

It is believed that the recipe for the classic "Margarita" is the simplest, and its calorie content is so low that pizza is "safe" even for those who are on a diet. However, the low calorie content of pizza is a controversial statement, after all, it is baking. But the composition of the filling is really quite dietary. To prepare the classic Margarita, we need very specific ingredients:

  • Cereal flour (with the addition of cornmeal) - 2 cups;
  • Yeast - 7 g;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.

For filling:

  • Mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • Parmesan cheese (grated) - 50 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.


To prepare the dough, mix dry yeast with sugar and pour them with four tablespoons. Stir the dough and leave in a warm place for fifteen minutes. During this time, the yeast will fit: the dough will foam and rise with a “cap”. Then mix the sifted flour with salt, put it in a bowl in a slide, and make a small depression in the center of the slide. Pour the dough, vegetable oil into this recess and, gradually adding the remaining water, knead the dough. The dough should be dense, but soft, so the amount of water may be slightly different from that indicated in the recipe (different flours have different amounts of gluten).

Cover the prepared dough with a towel or cling film and leave to rise for half an hour. While the dough is ripening, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, cut the tomatoes and mozzarella cheese balls into circles, and finely chop the basil leaves. Put the risen dough, which should “grow” twice, on the table and knead, then form a round cake out of it, transfer it to a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and stretch it with our hands to the desired size.

Remember that the pizza base should not be too thick - five to seven millimeters will be enough. Grease the dough with olive oil, spread slices of tomatoes and cheese on it, season with pepper and salt, and sprinkle with basil and parmesan cheese on top. Drizzle the pizza again with olive oil and send it to the oven for twenty minutes.


Some housewives advise to let the pizza stand for another fifteen minutes before baking. During this time, the dough will have time to rise again, and the pizza will turn out softer and tastier.

"Margarita" with canned tomatoes

The recipe for the classic Margherita is far from the only version of this famous pizza. And if the composition of the filling is practically unchanged (tomatoes, cheese, basil), then the methods of its preparation differ greatly. We offer you a Margarita recipe, which includes canned tomatoes.


  • Yeast dough - half a kilo;
  • Canned tomatoes - 1 can (250-300 g);
  • Mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt is up to you.


Cooking yeast dough for pizza according to the traditional version: flour, yeast, water, oil, salt. But the filling recipe here is special: we need to cook it in the form of a sauce. First you need to remove the canned tomatoes from the jar and peel them (if this is not done, then the lumps of skins in the sauce will spoil the taste and appearance of the finished pizza). Next, you need to chop (or chop in a blender) the tomatoes and put them in a pan with heated olive oil. Let the tomatoes boil, add salt, garlic, sugar and cook the sauce until it thickens.

Then you need to do the following. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper or simply grease it with vegetable oil, put the dough on a baking sheet, form a round pizza base out of it and generously grease it with sauce. It remains only to sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese on a coarse grater and bake in the oven.


This recipe is one of the options for pizza sauce. And you can make such a sauce with both canned and fresh tomatoes.

Russian version of Margarita pizza

Any recipe of national cuisine adapts sooner or later: it is not always possible to find original ingredients, and not everyone likes them. Margarita is no exception. In our country, they don’t see much difference between cheeses yet. Especially when it comes to pizza cheese. For our inexperienced taste, pizza with any cheese is good. Therefore, many do not bother looking for special cheeses (parmesan, mozzarella, ricotta) and add any hard cheese to the pizza.


  • Wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 1 incomplete glass;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.

For filling:

  • Hard cheese - 250 g;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Green basil leaves - a handful;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.


To prepare the dough, pour the yeast into three tablespoons of sweetened water and let it rise (foam and rise). Mix flour with salt, add olive oil and suitable yeast there, and then, gradually adding water, knead a dense soft dough. Let's leave it to ripen for another half an hour.

Before cooking pizza, wash the tomatoes and cut them into rings, chop the cheese on a grater, and grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil or cover with baking paper. From the dough we will form a round or rectangular pizza base and put it on a baking sheet, and then grease the dough with oil, spread the tomato slices on it and sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Then we put the pizza pan in the oven, bake for twenty minutes, and decorate the finished pizza with basil leaves.

As you can see, Margherita pizza is very easy to make, and its recipe is one of the most famous pizza recipes for a reason. Therefore, cook the classic Margarita with mozzarella and parmesan, with sauce or fresh tomatoes, and if you want, try the Russian version of the famous Italian pizza. Better yet, try all the recipes and, as they say, feel the difference. Enjoy your meal!
