
The first feeding fish how to cook. Fish food for baby

Fish contains a lot of useful and nutritious substances. These are such important trace elements as zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine; this is the polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the proper development of the crumbs and a complete protein, which is very well absorbed by the delicate children's digestive tract. Moreover, proteins from fish are absorbed better than from meat: the former by 93–98%, and the latter only by 87–89%. This means that fish puree is a more dietary product than meat puree.

But fish also have negative qualities. First of all, we must remember that this is a very allergenic product. That is why children prone to diathesis should not be offered fish at all in the first year of life. And all other children can be given fish only from 8 months and no more than twice a week.

Culinary secrets: how to cook fish for a child

If you cook fish for the child yourself, then it is advisable to use unfrozen and in the form of a fillet, that is, without any bones whatsoever.

Until the baby is one year old, he will only eat fish in the form of fish puree, so you won’t have to bother with its preparation. You just need to boil fish for feeding, and it cooks very quickly. Just keep in mind: in order for the fish for the child to retain all its nutritional and taste properties, there should be as little water in the pan as possible. To prevent the fillet from breaking into fragments during cooking, put it in a shallow bowl of boiling salted water so that it covers the fish by 4-5 cm. To improve the taste, put bay leaves, parsley, and onions in the water. Boil the fish over high heat until it boils, and cook over low heat.

Make sure it's well cooked. Pierce a piece of fillet with a fork to determine doneness. Cloudy juice coming out? Send the fillets back to the pot to cook. Is the juice clear and colorless? So, the fish for the child is ready!

Mash it with a fork on a saucer, carefully checking if there are any small bones left in it. You should get a homogeneous homogeneous fish puree without pieces. If you cannot achieve a puree-like consistency with a fork, use a blender.

And also keep in mind that the resulting broth should not be given to a child in any case because of the abundance of extractive substances in it.

Fish for a child. Feeding by Science

The first serving of fish puree should be literally a quarter of a teaspoon. After that, wait 2-3 days, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body. If the baby has not “bloomed” and everything is in order with the stool, give him half a teaspoon of fish puree, and after the same time - a whole spoonful. And so, offering a fish dish to an eight-month-old peanut every 3-4 days and gradually increasing the dose, bring its amount from 5 to 30 g during the month, and from 30 to 60 g during the next month. More than a year old is not required.

But what if the capricious categorically refuses to eat fish puree? Go for the trick: mix it with your baby's already familiar and favorite food, such as mashed potatoes. Gradually reduce the proportion of potatoes, and fish - increase, and gradually the child will get used to the new taste.

It turns out very tasty fish for a child in combination with onions and carrots. Onions are introduced into the diet of crumbs from 10 months. Chop it very finely and stew it together with grated carrots, then mash with a fork to a homogeneous consistency and mix with fish puree.

Just do not forget that the fish dish must be diluted in time with the dairy one. You can not give fish puree and porridge with milk (or breast, or an adapted mixture) in one feeding. The fact is that one does not go well with the other and usually ends with a "revolution" in the children's digestive tract.

The right choice of fish for feeding

When buying fish for feeding, you need to be very careful.

  • No expensive varieties - sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon are banned, as they are extremely allergenic and too oily.
  • For the same reason, and also because of the red-pink color, which is an additional sensitization factor, it is not recommended to give salmon, trout, salmon puree to babies.
  • Not only the substances that give the fish pulp a characteristic bright color, but also fish oil can cause a strong allergic reaction in a small child. That is why pediatricians abandoned its use at an early age, replacing it with safer preparations containing vitamin D.
  • But hake, pike perch, perch (just keep in mind that there are a lot of bones in it!), cod, pike are perfect for feeding crumbs.
  • First, let's give a fish of one kind, for example, cod, and then start accustoming the baby to another, then to a third, etc.

It is unlikely that someone will treat the baby with lobsters or even shrimp, which are popular with us. But many mothers, for some reason, without any hesitation mix fish caviar with their babies, for example, in mashed potatoes, because they consider this type of food to be extremely useful. In fact, the introduction of caviar into the diet of crumbs should be postponed. It is indeed very nutritious and rich in vitamins, but all the benefits of a valuable product are offset by its high allergenicity, especially for children under one year old.

You will need

  • - white sea fish;
  • - breast milk or formula;
  • - White bread;
  • - cow's milk;
  • - butter;
  • - salt;
  • - meat grinder;
  • - blender;
  • - steamer.


Fish puree should be included in the baby's diet from 10-. It is advisable to do this not earlier than after the introduction of meat complementary foods. The first dose is 5-10 g of fish, which corresponds to half a teaspoon. Increase the portion gradually, bringing it to 40-50 g to 12 (no more than 1-2 times a week). A two-year-old baby should receive 100 g of fish per day 2 times a week.

Start with a new dish in the morning. Carefully observe the child's reaction to the introduced product. If, after feeding fish, the crumbs have a skin rash, vomiting, and the general state of health has deteriorated sharply, cancel the new dish and be sure to consult a pediatrician. Perhaps the inclusion of fish in the baby's diet will have to be postponed.

Prepare low-fat varieties of white sea fish (cod, hake, pollock). Thaw the frozen carcass on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Not worth it all the way. When the fish is freed from ice, take it out and rinse it under running cold water. Thoroughly clean the fish from bones and skin. Put it in a double boiler and keep it there until ready. Then puree in a blender and add some expressed breast milk or adapted formula. Serve alone or mixed with vegetable puree or porridge.

Offer a delicious fish cake to a one-year-old baby who has already acquired a sufficient number of milk teeth. Pass the fillet of white sea fish through a meat grinder. Add white bread or a loaf soaked in milk to the resulting mass. Scroll the minced meat through the meat grinder again. Salt it and mix until a homogeneous lush mass is obtained. Shape into small patties and steam them for 20-25 minutes. Serve the dish on the table, adding a little butter to it.

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Fish is one of the healthiest foods. Therefore, it must be included in diet small child. The main thing is to know at what age and in what quantity.


Fish contains a large amount of protein, which is responsible for the structure of the cells of the child's body. In addition, it is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Pediatricians advise sea fish(salmon, hake, cod,). It rarely causes allergic reactions and contains a large amount of trace elements useful for the development of the child. From river species, it is better to give preference to trout, pike perch or silver carp. They have very tender meat and large bones.

Fish dishes are best cooked on their own. To do this, purchase only fresh and thawed fish in specialized stores. Try not to buy ready-made canned fish and mashed potatoes, the fish in them may not be chopped enough and of poor quality.

Fish is a very useful product, but, despite the large number of advantages, it also has a significant drawback. Fish can cause allergies. Therefore, be careful when introducing it into diet your baby. Carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to this product. If you find any allergic manifestations, contact your pediatrician immediately. You may have to postpone the introduction of fish dishes in diet baby until they are 3 years old.

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Fish must be included in the child's diet, as it contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve metabolism in the body. Fish meat contains high-grade animal proteins that are easily digestible, but not all types of fish will bring unambiguous benefits to the child.

Sea fish on the child's menu

An invaluable role in the nutrition of a child is played by sea fish, since it is rich in iodine, which ensures full mental and physical development, as well as the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in any fish, strengthen the immune system.

Fish is indispensable in the children's menu, it is rich in vitamins and minerals.
However, nutritionists do not recommend serving fish to the table every day. It lacks iron, which is so necessary for the health of the child.
River fish is more likely to cause allergies in children.

Fish in the diet of a child up to a year

Fish dishes often cause an allergic reaction, so this type of complementary food should be introduced gradually. Do not rush to give your child fish, start with meat supplements. For the first time, it is recommended to give the baby a taste of fish no earlier than 9 months. It is optimal to feed your children once or twice a week.
Until your child is two or three years old, do not include fatty fish such as herring and mackerel in his diet. Skinny varieties (pink salmon, saffron cod, carp) or medium-fat varieties (catfish, bream, carp, perch) are also very tasty. The kid will surely like the tender juicy cod meat.
The most delicious and healthy low-fat types of fish that you can treat your child to are trout, hake, pollock, pike perch, cod and flounder.
If the child has only recently become acquainted with such a product as fish for the first time, you should not give more than 100g in one feeding. Do not force the baby to eat fish if he categorically refuses. Maybe he's just not ready for a new dish yet. In the end, even if the child does not fall in love with fish, he may prefer fish caviar or seafood.

Cooking methods

Fried and smoked fish, as well as canned fish, are not allowed on the baby's menu. If the child is already a year old and has at least a couple of teeth, you can cook steamed fish cakes, meatballs, fish roll, but it’s better not to rush with fish broth. For a smaller baby, boil or stew the fish and mash it into a puree. Put the fish fillet in boiled water, otherwise some of the beneficial properties will be lost.
The easiest option that saves time is ready-made baby fish puree. As a rule, it also contains vegetables or cereals (“hake potatoes”, “trout vegetables”). Some of the most famous manufacturers of specialized canned food for children are Heinz and Babushkino Lukoshko.

To ensure strong immunity, which is the key to good children's health, it is necessary to introduce various foods into the diet of a growing child in time. One of the main complementary foods is feeding a child with fish. But what kind of fish to introduce first into complementary foods, because there are so many of its varieties.

If for an adult fish is one of the most indispensable products, then for a child's body even more so. It contains a lot of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats necessary for the body, which are responsible for the strong immunity of the baby.

In addition, fish meat contains such important trace elements as iodine and zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, in combination with vitamins A and D. It is this set of useful substances that is responsible for providing the baby’s growing body with reliable heart and brain function, bone strength and good vision.

The first feeding with fish, on the advice of pediatricians, should be introduced no later than nine months. However, fish is considered a strong allergen, therefore, if there is a corresponding reaction to complementary foods, it is necessary to postpone it until the child is at least two years old. This product is introduced into the children's menu only after cereals, vegetables, meat and sour-milk products appeared in the children's diet.

Listening to the words of experts, mothers should begin to introduce the baby to fish from marine varieties. The composition of river and sea representatives differ, so it is advisable to gradually let the baby try both types of fish.

If the parents have made their choice and settled on river species of fish, then the first feeding is best to start with trout, which is found in exceptionally clean reservoirs. Being sure of where the pike or pike perch was caught, you can cook these varieties of fish for your child. It is also allowed to use bream or perch for feeding, having cleaned the fillet of bones well, because there are too many of them in such river fish.

Giving preference to marine fish, you need to choose the least fatty varieties. For the first children's acquaintance with the taste of fish, pollock, sea bass, hake or blue whiting are suitable. The main thing is that when buying a product, it is fresh and of high quality. Frozen goods are best avoided, because it is not known how long the fish has already been in this state.

In no case should mothers allow the use of various fish-based semi-finished products as complementary foods. In such products, raw materials of poor quality are most often used, and also contain too much salt, which allows the product to be stored longer.

It is necessary to start complementary foods gradually, with a teaspoon, and then gradually increase the amount of food consumed. Like all new products, it is important to give fish for breakfast in order to be able to follow the reaction of the body throughout the day. The normal dose of the product per day for a child who has successfully passed the acquaintance with fish is considered to be no more than forty grams.

Purchased fish must be fresh. It is important to prepare the product before cooking - wash, peel, cut into small pieces. If it is not possible to often buy fresh fish, prepared pieces can be frozen.

Cooked portions of fish are sent to boiling water, this allows you to save the maximum useful properties in it. To make the taste acceptable, it is best to cook the product over low heat. For the first feeding, it is important to cook the fish for about thirty minutes to get a soft texture, it will be easier to remove all the bones from the fillet. Completely cleaned of excess fish, they are placed together with vegetables in a blender and mashed without adding salt.

The most suitable vegetables for mashed fish are carrots or potatoes. Stewed and chopped onions go well with seafood.

During the preparation of river fish, it will be correct to change the broth a couple of times with fresh boiling water in order to extract harmful substances from the product to the maximum, which are more in river representatives.

Puree can be prepared with the addition of vegetable oil. In no case should you mix and feed a child at the same time different varieties of fish.

Supplementing new complementary foods is allowed only with those products that are already known to the baby, so as not to get an undesirable reaction of the body. If possible, complementary foods should be prepared fresh each time, but if necessary, it is allowed to keep the cooked dish in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

After the baby gets acquainted with the fish and reacts normally to this product, you can also enter steam cutlets with fish fillet meatballs into the menu for the child. It is unacceptable to feed a child with fried or smoked fish meat, because the digestive system is still immature for such "heavy" foods.

When can a child fish? Fish is a very useful food., it contains a lot of high quality and easily digestible protein. All essential amino acids are present in fish proteins.

Especially, it has a high content of the essential amino acid methionine. Fish proteins are easier to digest and better absorbed than meat proteins.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil. It contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids necessary for the development of the child's nervous system and many other useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K and trace elements.

But at the same time, fish is highly allergenic, therefore, it is introduced into the child's diet after other types of complementary foods: vegetable puree, cereal, fruit puree, juices, meat puree and cottage cheese.

Fish is introduced into the child's diet no earlier than 8 months - if started at 4 months, and from 9 months - if complementary foods started at 6 months.

If the child is prone to allergies, especially if parents or other relatives are allergic to fish, then it is better to start giving fish to the child after 1 year.

And if a child has an allergy to fish, it should be excluded from the diet and the child should be allowed to try again after 2-3 years.

Fish for a child What can I do?

Sea fish considered more useful and environmentally friendly. It has fewer bones and is easier to separate. Sea fish is easier to cook for a child, with the guarantee that the bones do not get into mashed potatoes or fish meatballs.

Red fish is a very strong allergen, and white fish is considered less allergenic, so it is recommended for complementary foods. white fish.

lean fish digested and absorbed more easily than fat.

So, the first fish for feeding: pollock, cod, tuna, hake, horse mackerel.

From river fish to baby food up to 1 year old, only trout, as the most environmentally friendly (trout lives only in the cleanest reservoirs).

How many fish can a child

Begin to introduce fish into the diet with 1/2-1 teaspoon. The recommended amount of fish in 1 year is 30 g or 6 teaspoons.

How much fish to give a child in grams depending on age

Fish for a child after 1 year

After a year, fish and meat can be given to a child on the same day, but it is recommended that the total amount of fish + meat in one day be within the amounts given in the table.

Salted herring is allowed to be given to children over 3 years old as a snack.

Fish broths and soups are allowed for children from 3 years old.

A child is also allowed to give fried fish from the age of 3, and before that it is better to cook it for a couple, boiled or baked.

Smoked fish, fish caviar, as well as canned fish (such as sprats, sprats in tomato, etc.) are not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Prepared fish puree

As follows from the above, fish is introduced into the diet of a child late, if complementary foods are started according to WHO recommendations from 6 months, for the first time fish is given to a child not earlier than 9 months, and many mothers do this later.

Therefore, it is difficult to find ready-made purely fish puree for baby food (I did not manage to do this), apparently, it is not profitable to produce it.

But you can find baby puree: fish with vegetables, fish there is 8 - 20% (not all manufacturers indicate the content of fish in their purees on the packaging). Many manufacturers of baby food have such products. This is convenient for those mothers who feed their babies with ready-made vegetable puree of the same brand. Such mothers only need to make sure that the vegetables contained in the puree have already been tried by the child and well tolerated.

What to look for when choosing ready-made fish puree

  • Not all manufacturers indicate the name of the fish on jars of mashed potatoes. If a child is allergic to fish puree, and the name of the fish is not indicated on the jar, it will not be possible to establish which fish is allergic to, and all types of fish will have to be excluded from the diet. Therefore, it is more convenient to use ready-made purees, where the name of the fish is indicated on the jars.
  • Puree is better to choose in glass jars, such packaging is considered the most environmentally friendly. In a glass jar, you can evaluate the appearance of the product.
  • There are fish and vegetable purees marked or bio - this is an indicator of environmental friendliness and high quality of the product.
  • You need to carefully read the composition, in addition to fish and vegetables, mashed potatoes may contain salt, water, broth, starch, flour, spices, vegetable oil, milk. Puree can be homogenized (of a uniform consistency) or contain soft pieces. If any component in the composition does not suit you, the modern assortment of baby food will allow you to choose a product of another brand that suits you.

Fish and vegetable purees of the most famous brands


Semper purees are produced only in glass jars, the content of fish in puree is about 12%

Semper fish and vegetable purees are varied, but up to 1 year old are recommended only

  • Potato with flounder. From 8 months, 125g. Ingredients: fish fillet, vegetables, flour, vegetable oil, lemon juice, onion, dill, white pepper, water.
  • Vegetable stew with salmon and rice. From 9 months, 190g. Added to the composition milk and salt.
  • Potatoes with cod in a creamy sauce,
  • Mashed potatoes with salmon in a creamy sauce,
  • Mashed potatoes with cod whiting,
  • Vegetables with cod fillet.

Puree from 1 year old differs more a variety of vegetable composition and seasonings: celery, dill, parsley.



  • Trout vegetables,
  • Hake with potatoes.



Fish and vegetable puree Bellakt from 8 months, in glass jars, 130g

  • Trout with potatoes and greens,
  • salmon with vegetables,
  • Cod with rice and vegetables

Contains fish fillets, vegetables, potatoes or starch, applesauce, skimmed milk powder, dill, salt, water, may contain vegetable oil, parsley.

Grandma's basket


Fish and vegetable puree Babushkino basket is additionally enriched with vitamins A, D, E, B and omega3 and omega6 fatty acids, produced in glass jars of 100 g, recommended from 8 months.

  • Cod-potato and pink salmon-potato, contain potatoes, fish fillet, vegetable oil, rice, water, skimmed milk powder.
  • Salmon vegetables, contains: potatoes, zucchini, salmon fillet, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, vegetable protein, salt, water.


Hipp fish and vegetable puree contains only marine fish (about 12%), but the name of the fish is not indicated on the jars. Hipp - organic puree. Hipp puree is additionally enriched with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Produced in glass jars.

From 8 months homogenized puree

  • Fish with potatoes, fish with vegetables, 125g each.
  • Potatoes with sea fish and assorted vegetables in a jar 220g.

Ingredients: water, sea fish, vegetable oil (corn, rapeseed), reconstituted lemon juice, iodized salt, rice, vegetables.

From the age of 10 months, the puree has chunks to develop chewing skills, noodles and cream for a variety of flavors.

  • Sea fish noodles in cream and broccoli sauce.

From 12 months— pasta with sea fish and vegetables in tomato sauce — different composition of vegetables.



Recommended from 8 months, in glass jars of 100 g - Cod fillet with vegetables and rice, puree is additionally enriched with beta-carotene and ascorbic acid.
Ingredients: cod fillet (13.0%), zucchini, rice flour, carrot, vegetable oil, starch, potato flakes, soy protein isolate, onion, salt, ß-carotene, ascorbic acid, spices (cumin, dill), water.

Russia Ivanovo

  • cod with rice and vegetables,
  • trout with potatoes and greens,
  • salmon with vegetables.

Ingredients: fish fillet, vegetables or rice, sunflower oil, potato starch, skimmed milk powder, onion, lemon juice, dill, parsley, salt, water. The content of fish in mashed potatoes is about 20%.

How to make fish puree for kids

The fish must be washed, thoroughly cleaned of bones and boiled in a small amount of water until soft. Then you need to get the fish out of the broth, again carefully clean it from the bones and rub through a sieve or chop in a blender. In puree, you can add breast milk or a mixture to which the child is accustomed or vegetable broth. You can add vegetable oil (5 ml per 100 g of puree), salt to taste. Puree should be brought to a boil, cool and give to the child.

I hope you give fish to a child? Stay healthy!

Pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods from 6 months. You should start with vegetable purees containing one component. It can be cauliflower and broccoli, pumpkin and zucchini, potatoes and other light-colored natural products, with the exception of white cabbage. Such cabbage can be given to a child only after a year.

When and how to give the baby fish

Fish is a tasty and nutritious product that fills the body with vitamins and minerals. This is a diet food that normalizes material metabolism and does not lead to excess weight. Fish protein is digested by 93-99%, while meat protein is approximately 88%. Due to this property, such food is easier to digest in the baby's body, however, due to allergenicity, the product can be included in the baby's menu after the introduction of meat closer to a year.

Fish is very important for the growth and development of a small child. It is an excellent source of protein and amino acids, phosphorus and calcium, B vitamins. It performs the following useful functions:

  • Normalizes blood clotting;
  • Lowers cholesterol levels;
  • Forms new cells and participates in the structure of tissues;
  • Improves eyesight;
  • Stimulates brain activity and improves memory;
  • Improves the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Strengthens nails, teeth and hair;
  • Positively affects the condition of the skin;
  • Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Strengthens immunity.

You can start giving fish to a child at 9-10 months, when the baby does not have an allergy or a predisposition to this disease. Otherwise, such food can be eaten only after two years.

Fish begin to be introduced after vegetables, cottage cheese, egg yolk and meat. For the first feeding, add the product to vegetable purees. Fish is perfectly digested with zucchini and potatoes, carrots and cauliflower. By the way, zucchini and cauliflower are hypoallergenic and the safest vegetables that are easily and quickly digested.

Start giving fish dishes with half a teaspoon and gradually increase the dose by the year to 50 grams. Carefully monitor the well-being of the baby, because fish is a very allergenic food. Therefore, when a baby is allergic to any other product, delay the introduction until at least two years of age.

The daily norm for a one-year-old child of fish “in its pure form” is 50 grams, mashed potatoes with fish and vegetables - up to 150 grams.

Don't force your child to eat when he doesn't want to. If he doesn't want to eat fish, put off solid foods and try again in one to two weeks. When the baby grows up, you can add fish cakes and casseroles, soups and broths, regular stewed and fried fish to the menu.

Suitable types of fish for babies

Many parents are worried about what kind of fish can be given to a child. You need to feed the baby both sea and river, but it is better to start with the sea. Opt for less fatty varieties, including hake, cod, pollock, and sea bass. From river fish, choose freshwater trout, pike and walleye. Perch, bream and crucian should be given with caution due to excessive bony. Therefore, thoroughly clean the product before use.

How to cook fish for feeding

Choose your fish carefully. Take only fresh or freshly frozen product, do not use semi-finished products! The fins must be damaged, and the eyes must be sunken and without a film! To prepare fresh fish, clean and cut into pieces. Place the pieces in boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove the remaining bones and turn the fillet in a blender. You can mix fish with vegetables and make a puree.

It is advisable not to give fish broth or soup to children under three years of age, since extractive substances in the composition of the product are released during cooking. They give a strong burden on digestion and are difficult to digest. When preparing sea varieties, do not fully defrost the product. Rinse, cut into pieces and send to boil in boiling water. When preparing river varieties, drain the water after five minutes of boiling and add fresh boiling water.

When preparing complementary foods, a child should not mix different varieties of fish!

It is advisable to prepare a new fresh complementary food every time. In exceptional cases, food can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. The most common dish for babies is mashed fish. To prepare it, the fish is ground in a blender or with a fork. You can add a little vegetable oil to the puree. However, there are other interesting dishes with fish for infants.

fish soufflé

  • Fillet - 50 gr;
  • Boiled egg yolk - 1/2 pc.;
  • White bread - 1/3 slice;
  • A piece of butter.

Steam the fillet or boil it, put it in a blender. Add egg yolk and bread, beat. If desired, you can add half the protein, half a boiled egg, but beat separately and add to the already prepared puree. Mix the mass and put into molds, previously greased with butter. Cook in a slow cooker for 20 minutes.


  • Fillet - 300 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • A piece of butter.

Boil the fillet or steam it. Separately, mash the cottage cheese and the finished fillet with a fork. Break the eggs into the curd and mix the mass. Put the chopped fillet into a mold greased with butter. Top the mass with a mixture of cottage cheese and eggs. Bake in the oven until the crust is golden brown.

If you do not want to cook fish, you can buy special food in a glass jar or canned baby food. But from the usual canned food you need to give up at least three years of age of the baby! What else you can not eat a child under three years old, read.
