
Peaches in syrup. How to close peach compote for the winter at home

Canned peaches can now be bought at any store, and every summer and autumn, while enjoying fresh fruit, we think: "It will be in time. In an emergency, I will buy it." And in winter, opening the factory jar and inhaling the still tangible aroma of peaches, we bitterly regret our laziness. And so from year to year. Break the vicious circle and make homemade peaches in syrup for the winter yourself. Believe me, the result will inspire you so much that you will stop using factory preservation. And think about the prospects!

By making the preparations yourself, you are free to add what you see fit to them and adjust the ingredients according to your needs! Don't know where to start? We will tell.

Peaches in syrup for the winter classic

Let's start with the basic recipe. For it you will need:

    peaches - 1.5 kg;

    water - 1 liter;

    sugar - 500 grams.


Wash and sterilize jars with lids.

Boil the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes.

Rinse the peaches, cut the skin crosswise and pour boiling water for 30 seconds. Transfer to ice water. As a result of all these manipulations, you can easily remove the skin. For peeled peaches, remove the stone and cut the fruit as you like - into halves, quarters, slices, etc.

This recipe allows you to cook peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilizing the fruits themselves. Just arrange the fruit in jars and pour boiling syrup over it. Wrap with a warm blanket with the lids down, leave to cool completely. Move the jars to a dry and cool place.

Peaches in syrup for the winter. Recipe with cinnamon

Without exaggeration, delicious peaches. They can become a full-fledged dessert, and if you add them to a sponge cake and lemon cream, then the triumph will be complete. Yes, there are a lot of lemons in the recipe at first glance, but do not be greedy - the result will pay for itself completely:

    peaches - 3 kilograms;

    water - 1.5 liters;

    lemons - 10 pcs;

    sugar - 800 grams;

    cinnamon - 2 sticks.


How to cook peaches in syrup for the winter so that they are remembered?

To start, wash the peaches, cut the skin crosswise and pour plenty of boiling water for 30 seconds. Plunge into ice water and peel off the skin. Remove the bone and leave in halves.

Squeeze juice from lemons. Mix it with water, sugar and cinnamon. Bring to a boil over low heat. Sugar should be completely dissolved. Place the peaches in the boiling syrup and remove from heat. Let it brew for 5-6 hours.

Sterilize jars with lids.

Remove the peaches from the syrup, spread evenly among the jars.

Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the peaches.

Roll up the jars, insulate them with lids down and, after completely cooling, move them to a cool, dry place.

Peaches "Malba"

The classic peach "Malba" is a fruit dessert originally from Australia. He gave us a wonderful combination of peach and raspberry, it would be unacceptable to ignore him. Therefore, when making peaches in syrup for the winter, we will add some berries. You will be amazed, we promise. You will need:

    peaches - 2 kilograms;

    raspberries - 800 grams;

    water - 800 grams;

    sugar - 800 grams;

    peeled almonds - 200 grams.


Sterilize jars and lids.

Peel the skin off the peaches as described in the recipes above. Cut into quarters.

Push almond kernels into peach slices and spread evenly among prepared jars along with raspberries. Again, these raspberry peaches are prepared in syrup for the winter without sterilizing the fruits themselves.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

Pour syrup over fruit and nut mixture. Roll up the jars, turn the lids upside down, wrap and let cool completely. Store as usual.

From the information above, it can be seen that the preservation methods are basically the same, the taste changes dramatically only due to details and additives. Below we will give some recommendations that will help diversify the taste of the blanks, and clarify a couple of technical points:

  • During the preservation process, try replacing some of the peaches with nectarines. Due to this, the taste will become more intense and rich.
  • It is not recommended to preserve peaches in syrup for the winter with a pit if you are going to store them for more than a year. However, the fruits themselves, if the seeds are preserved, are stronger and more fragrant.
  • Experiment with flavors while making peach syrup. Try adding herbs - rosemary or thyme (separately).
  • The larger the pieces of fruit drenched in syrup, the greater the chance that they will retain their shape and not turn into puree due to heat treatment and subsequent storage.

  • Fruit can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, they do not need to be filled with boiling liquid. Just take peaches in syrup for the winter (any recipe), pour cold syrup into heat-resistant containers, place fresh fruit slices in the same place and freeze. The fruits will retain their bright and fresh taste.
  • Don't be afraid to combine flavors. In addition to the indicated raspberries and nectarines, peaches will perfectly show themselves in the company of fragrant plums.

Bright, sweet, juicy peaches are always popular and desired by everyone. Closing peach compote for the winter means stocking up on a jar of homemade vitamins without preservatives. After all, peaches are not only attractive in appearance, they contain a lot of beneficial microelements on the body. In winter, there will be an opportunity to enjoy not only sweet compote, but also eat the pulp of peaches. Canned fruits in compote can be consumed whole and used in pies or cakes. There are many recipes with a photo of peach compote for the winter so that novice hostesses understand how to close this excellent drink. Hostesses with experience in conservation will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things from the photo presentation of the process of rolling fruit and berry preparations.

What are the benefits of peach?

Peach is a useful fruit for humans. It consists of: vitamins B, C, T, K, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Among the favorable components, pectins and essential oil can also be distinguished. Even the peach pit and its leaves have positive properties. The stone is processed into almond oil, which is widely used in cosmetology, and decoctions are made from the leaves of the tree to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Fragrant pulp is easily digested in any form. It can be consumed not only fresh, but also resort to a simple recipe for peach compote for the winter. Whether it's juice, compote or peach flesh, they all equally normalize the secretory activity of the stomach, help digest food, improve appetite, and also treat kidney disease, cardiovascular ailments, rheumatism, gout.

Preserving peach compote

Asking the question: "How to cook compote from peaches?" - there is a simple description of this process. In a saucepan with cold water, mix the desired amount of pitted peaches, add sugar to taste and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool and the compote is ready to use. Before serving, you can put a few ice cubes in the glass to make the drink refreshing and cooling. And, here, if you want to preserve peach compote for the winter, then several unsurpassed recipes are provided below. It takes about an hour to make such provisions, but the result is excellent and tasty. The list of main ingredients includes peach, water and sugar. Of the kitchen utensils, only a saucepan is needed. For those who do not want to suffer even with a saucepan, you can get a slow cooker. Compote comes out of it no worse than cooked in a saucepan.

Peach compote without sterilization - video

Pitted peach compote for the winter

Step by step description:

In one 3-liter jar, 0.9-1 kg of medium-sized peaches with pits are placed to the top, and 1-1.2 kg without pits.

A delicious, sweet drink can be closed with more than just peaches. This sweetness can be diluted with another fruit or berry that has a more sour taste. Such an additional ingredient can be: apple, plum, raspberry, mountain ash,. The cooking steps will not differ much, but to be sure, it is better to introduce a sterilization point for fruit cans. This procedure will allow you to store provisions much longer and prevent from a possible breakdown. Below are a couple of such recipes with delicious results.

Peach compote with and without sugar - video

Compote of apples and peaches

Step by step description:

Clogged and cooled compote should not be immediately moved to a pantry or other poorly ventilated room, because the lid may break. For a couple of weeks, provisions should stand in an open place.

Two similar fruits just need to be combined together: peaches and plums. The beneficial components of the plum are added to the positive properties of the peach. In addition to what the peach has, the plum contains vitamin A, ascorbic acid, chromium, copper, and fluorine. These components improve vision, strengthen blood vessels, give strength. Be sure to close this vitamin drink.

Peach and blackberry compote - video

Compote of plums and peaches

Step by step description:

According to the latest recipe for making compote from plums and peaches, other fruits can be preserved. Peach can be combined with pear for a nice sweet taste. Berries, blueberries, currants will perfectly dilute the sweetness of the peach with their acid. A beautiful and fragrant compote will come out of the fruit in question with the addition of orange slices or lemon slices. There is no limit to the imagination for preserving peach compote for the winter. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions and do not forget the procedure for sterilizing jars with contents before rolling them up.

Peach compote according to Georgian recipe - video

Easy canning and delicious preparations for you!

Peaches are the most fragrant, fragrant and insanely delicious fruit among all the others. This year, the peach harvest, like the apricot, turned out to be very large. So we will harvest this fruit for the winter and in large quantities.

Since we don't have a peach orchard, we'll have to buy from the market. I was at the vegetable market to pick peaches and what do you think, the peaches have grown so big that they will soon overtake the melon. There are a lot of peaches, but I want to make compote from whole peaches, but they don’t fit into a jar.

He twisted and turned and had to walk around the entire bazaar. In the far corner, to the side, I saw a grandmother with peaches, I was attracted to her by such a fragrant, fragrant smell. Peaches. so average, nondescript and I ask my grandmother why she has such peaches.

Grandmother in response, says: my son, so I did not grow for the market. This year the harvest is large and I decided to sell the surplus. Yes, what does chemistry do, the market is large, there are many peaches, but the smell of peach is not felt, maybe it is somewhere, but not in our market.

I bought her leftovers from my grandmother, they just fit into a jar and went home to make compote.

My advice: approach the issue with all responsibility - the more carefully you select fruits for preservation, the more pleasant it will be to open a jar in winter. You need special peaches.

Fragrant - this is the time: only expressively smelling fruits are worthy to please you on long frosty evenings. Others will not give a characteristic flavor, the canned syrup will remain just a syrup of sugar and water.

Ripe ones are two: unripe peaches are suitable for jam in the form of candied fruits, but not for compote. Slightly firm are three: if you want to end up with whole canned peaches in a delicious syrup, you need dense, elastic fruits. Overripe soft peaches will easily turn into porridge.

And now think about how and where to find fragrant, firm, but ripe fruits that you can greedily hide in jars in order to enjoy summer in winter. We will assume that the peaches are in your pocket and go to the kitchen to start cooking.

Quick peach compote in 3 liter jars without sterilization

So let's get to our recipe:
To prepare peach compote you will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  1. Slightly unripe peaches (dense).
  2. 1 st. sugar (250 ml.).
  3. Water.

Recipe for peach compote:

Thoroughly wash the peaches selected for canning from fluff.
Pour the fruits into the prepared jar by about 1/3 -1/2 of its total volume. Pour freshly boiled water over the peaches, cover with a tin lid and leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar to it and boil again. Who likes peaches to be softer, pour three times ...
Pour the resulting syrup over the peaches, roll up and leave to air cool, turning upside down. Such a delicious homemade preparation will definitely cheer you up in a cold winter!

Eating compote peaches in winter is an incredible pleasure! And to preserve them ... not that difficult, but a little longer than other fruits. The wonderful velvety skin of peaches in compote becomes tasteless. Therefore, before harvesting, peaches for compotes, jams and jams must be blanched - dipped in boiling water for half a minute, and then cooled in cold water and tightened the skin. A little patience and fingertips burned with impatience - and a wonderful peach compote is closed!

Peach compote with a bone - a simple recipe with a photo

Peach compote for the winter must be closed in the summer, when this fruit ripens and is a natural product without additives. Compote from such ripe juicy peaches will turn out just incredibly rich and tasty.

A step-by-step recipe for peach compote for the winter with a photo will clearly and in detail tell you about each stage of creating a natural dessert drink. There is nothing better than making your own sweet drink for a holiday or just for dessert on a weekday!

At home, peach compote with stones is prepared very simply, but today we will tell you not only about the method of cooking the compote itself. Also in this recipe you will learn how to sterilize jars with peaches inside.

Compote is better than any other drink only because in the process of harvesting it fully retains its vitamins and minerals. The concentration of such a peach taste is quite high, but at the same time, the compote will still not be oversaturated and it will be easy to quench your thirst.

So, let's start as soon as possible to prepare a delicious compote of peaches for the winter!


  • Peach (5-6 pieces per 2-liter jar)
  • Sugar (1-1.5 cups per 2 liter jar)

Cooking steps

1. Purchase ripe and dense fruits to close the peach compote for the winter, which will not spread during their preparation. Rinse all peaches thoroughly in cold water.

2. Prepare 2-liter jars for blocking, rinse them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place the prepared peaches in each jar, add sugar there: its amount depends on your personal preferences.

3. Fill each jar almost to the very top with prepared boiling water.

4. The sterilization process, unlike other compote recipes, will take place directly with peaches in jars. Pour water into a wide voluminous bowl so that when the jar of peaches is immersed in it, the water reaches exactly half or slightly higher. Bring the water in a saucepan or a selected bowl to a boil, put a soft cloth on the base of the saucepan: this way, when the iron bottom and the glass jar come into contact, the latter will not burst. Dip a jar of peaches into boiling water on a cloth.

5. Now add the missing volume of boiling water to the jar.

6. Very carefully fill the lid for clogging with the same boiling water.

7. Cover the neck of the jar of peaches in the saucepan with the prepared lid.

9. Within 10-15 minutes, the jar in boiling water will be sterilized, after which it can be taken out and corked very quickly.

10. Shake the finished jar lightly and check for tightness of the lid.

11. Shake the jar until the sugar at the bottom is completely dissolved in boiling water.

12. Put the jar upside down and leave it until it cools completely. After cooling, we transfer the blanks from peach compote to a dark, dry and cool place: they will be stored there until winter.

A simple and, at the same time, delicious compote of peaches closed for the winter is ready!

Peach compote for the winter in a liter jar

The conservation process was invented by the Frenchman Nicolas François Appert in the late 18th century. He discovered and described a long-term method of storing vegetables, fruits and meat in hermetically sealed glass containers. This invention was immediately introduced into the warring French army, which completely solved the issue of storing provisions for soldiers.

Did Upper know how to can peaches? Maybe yes. By that time, they were already a recognized fruit throughout France. In the 1st century, the peach from Persia came to Europe, where it gained popularity among cooks and fruit lovers. And China is considered the birthplace of fragrant peach. From it, he got to Iran, and then spread throughout the globe. The French chef's discovery still helps preserve canned peaches and other fruits for many months.


  • Peaches - 300 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Citric acid - ¼ tsp.
  • Water - 500 ml

Cook canned peaches with us. The recipe with a photo will clearly show the main steps in the process of preserving these fragrant fruits.

The very first thing before canning peaches is to prepare jars for seaming fruit. To do this, take a liter jar, wash it well with soda, and then rinse with water. Now let's sterilize the jar. To do this, fill the pan ¼ of the volume with water. We put a liter jar in it with the neck down. Then boil the jar in water for 5 minutes. Boil the canning lid in water for 1 minute or wipe it with alcohol.

Wash jars and lids for harvesting peaches and sterilize for 5 minutes.

We wash the peaches well in water with the addition of soda.

After washing, rinse each fruit with running water. Then rinse the already washed peaches thoroughly under running water.

We put the washed peaches in sterilized jars.

Then pour ¼ tsp of citric acid into the jar.

Now we are preparing the syrup for pouring peaches. Pour 0.150 kg of sugar into the pan.

Then fill it with 500 ml of water. Mix sugar in water with a spoon.

Add half a liter of water to sugar. Stir the syrup until the sugar dissolves, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over peaches in a jar.

We cover each jar with a sterile lid.

Now we will sterilize the jar of peaches in syrup. Place a clean rag in the bottom of the pot. We put a jar of peaches on it and pour hot water up to 2/3 of the height of the jar. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize the peaches for 10 minutes.

  • Sterilized peaches are rolled up with a lid for conservation.

  • Turn the canned jar upside down and cover with a towel or blanket. We rearrange the cooled canned peaches to the place of conservation storage.

Until completely cooled, we place the finished compotes in a blanket, placing the jars on the neck. When canned food has cooled, they should be placed in a cool place and stored until serving.

Bon appetit.

Everyone in my family loves it, without exception. And peaches from compote are eaten too. But putting these peaches in a pie or using them as a filling for cakes is not good. They give all the aroma and taste to the water in which they are located.

And I really want to cook a cake with peaches in winter! In the store today you can buy almost everything, but home stays home!

Friends, let's cook canned peaches at home - simply, quickly and without chemicals! Take ripe fruits so that they are easily separated from the stone. Rinse under running water.

It is better to use liter jars for such a dessert. Wash them with baking soda, rinse well and pour over boiling water. So that the jar does not burst, dip a spoon into it and then pour in water.

When the water in the jars has cooled slightly, drain it, and turn the jars upside down on a towel. Let them flock. Lids can also be doused with boiling water, but recently I just wipe them with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

Banks are ready. Cut the peaches in two and remove the pit. To quickly divide the fruit, I make a notch in a circle with a knife, and then scroll one part of the fruit against the other.

Fill jars with halves, as in the photo. I have 6 peaches in one jar. If the peaches are smaller, then 7.

While you are working on peaches, put a kettle on the fire and preferably a 2-liter one. As soon as the water boils, pour it into each jar of peaches.

Cover the jars with lids and it would be nice to cover them with something. Let stand for 15 minutes.

Then pour the water from the cans into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Next, pour out all the sugar and again wait until the water boils in the pan.

In the meantime, add a pinch of citric acid (at the tip of a teaspoon) to each jar. If you are not a supporter of lemon, feel free to take a lemon. You only need half of it.

Pour boiling syrup over jars with doggies and roll up in the usual way.

Wrap hot jars in a blanket, setting them with the lids down. Once the jars of canned peaches are cool, add them to your collection of homemade preparations for the winter or take them out to the cellar.

I hope the recipe for canned peaches for the winter did not seem complicated to you and you put it into practice.

Good luck preparing for the winter! And if you have any questions, write in the comments.

Peach fruits of any variety, filled with vitamins and other useful microelements, are a real find for lovers of delicious food. But you won’t indulge in them for a long time, since the sales season for such fruits is short, but there is another solution - to make canned peaches and enjoy them in the winter. We will learn how to prepare these fruits according to the best recipes, one of which corresponds to the Soviet GOST, in order to enjoy sunny fruits in winter.


  • Peach fruits - 3 kg
  • Sugar - 28 tablespoons

We take sugar at the rate of 7 tbsp. for a 0.5 liter jar. We use only ripe fruits with dense pulp.

How to preserve peaches

Many people like juicy peach pulp with a unique taste and aroma: it smells like sunshine! If you want to remember your childhood and prepare fruits according to the traditional Soviet recipe, follow the step-by-step culinary instructions:

  • We place the peaches in a basin, fill with cold water and leave for an hour. After rinsing the fruits with clean water.
  • Without removing the peel, we make one longitudinal section on the fruit, divide it into halves and take out the seeds.
  • Cut the peaches as you like (you can leave as is).
  • Pour 0.5 liter jars with boiling water.
  • We fall asleep in scalded containers of 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, add a layer of peaches, then again sugar and peaches, and so on - to the neck.
  • We take a wide pan, put a towel on the bottom, put part of the jars on it.
  • Pour water into the container so that it covers the shoulders of the cans, and put on fire. When it boils, sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. During sterilization, a sugar-peach syrup is formed.
  • We take out the banks, immediately roll up and turn over.

When the blanks have cooled, we store them in a cellar or other cool place.


  • Peach fruits - 3 kg;
  • Water - 3.4 l;

  • Sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp

For this preparation, ripe fruits of medium size are suitable, the main thing is that they are not soft. For canning peaches, it is better to use jars with a volume of 0.7-1 l, otherwise the fruits will flatten out under their own weight and syrupy weight.

How to preserve peaches at home

It is desirable to harvest peaches in the winter without pits. Such fruits retain their characteristic peach taste longer, do not soften and are well stored. We can preserve fruits in syrup using the following technology:

  • We wash and dry the peach fruits: as little villi as possible should remain on their skin. The skin remains in place, since the bulk of valuable trace elements are located in it.
  • We remove the stalks, cut the fruit into halves and remove the drupes. If the peaches are very large, and the half does not fit into the jar, cut the fruits into quarters.
  • We pierce the skin with a toothpick in different places: the syrup is better absorbed into the fetus.
  • We put peach slices in sterile jars, without pressing on them, otherwise they will wrinkle and lose their attractive appearance.
  • We boil water, pour it into a container with fruit, cover and hold for 30 minutes so that juice appears.
  • Pour the water into a saucepan and prepare the syrup: mix some water with citric acid and sugar, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Sugar should dissolve.
  • We fill containers with fruits with hot syrup, cork, turn over, wrap and wait for natural cooling.

Peaches canned in sugar syrup are ready to eat after three days, when they are well soaked in it.

Canned peaches are a favorite treat, especially for those who grew up in Soviet times. They can be eaten on their own or added to cake toppings and toppings, ice cream, and raw fruit salads. Peach syrup is an excellent base for jellies and mousses.
