
Pelmeni with pork calories per 100 grams. Calorie dumplings (boiled, fried, beef, pork, chicken, homemade)

Russian cuisine has always been rich in hearty and delicious dishes. No wonder many foreigners come to Russia just to try one of them.

One of these dishes are dumplings, which have many types and are great for any table. But it's not a secret for anyone that this product consists of dough and meat, and, therefore, it is difficult to call it dietary. Therefore, those who are closely watching their figure, before eating, you need to find out what is the calorie content of different types of dumplings.

Like any product, dumplings can both negatively and positively affect the body. Keeping in mind only homemade dumplings, we can say that their composition is rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins.

Wheat flour, which is the basis for the dough, contains a lot of zinc, fiber, copper, magnesium and phosphorus. All of them are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

And the filling, since it consists of meat, contains a lot of protein, as well as lysine, which serves to strengthen bone tissue. And, of course, the delicious taste of this food will satisfy your hunger and cheer you up.

And tasty, and seemingly healthy, but they are able to cause some harm. Firstly, the calorie content of dumplings can negatively affect the figure of people. Especially those who tend to be overweight.

Secondly, many nutritionists argue that the presence of animal proteins and carbohydrates in them can harm the body. These substances are poorly digested by the stomach, so those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys should avoid this product.

Calorie dish with filling

People who are closely watching the figure should understand once and for all that the calorie content of dumplings in any form is high. And it depends on the meat chosen for minced meat. But if the energy value is indicated on the packaging of a store product, then how to determine the number of calories in 100 grams. boiled homemade dumplings, this remains to be seen.

This parameter is the sum of the calorie content of all products separately. Considering that the weight of 1 pc. equal to 10-14 grams, then in 100 gr. product about 7-8 pieces.

A dish with beef filling has an energy value of 270 kcal per hundred grams. So, it turns out that the nutritional value of a serving of 10-15 pieces is 550 kcal. For a losing weight person, this is more than half of the norm intended per day. But, it is worth noting that this dish made from beef is lighter than the same product stuffed with pork.

Now you need to determine the calorie content per 100 grams of this pork product. It is about 280 kcal, so if you eat 10 pieces, then the nutritional value will be greater. And considering that in addition to pork, other components (onion, soy, bacon) can be added there, it is very difficult to accurately determine the energy value.

Chicken dumplings are considered the lowest calorie. One hundred grams of this product with such a filling contains approximately 210 kcal. Thus, in a serving of 12 pieces there will be only 300 kcal. But even such a calorie content of dumplings is not suitable for a person who follows the figure.

By mixing fatty meat with less fatty meat, you can reduce the calorie content. Therefore, many make chicken with the addition of pork or beef. And those who want to reduce the calorie content of dumplings as much as possible can use cabbage and mushrooms as a filling. A serving of 10 pieces will contain about 200 kcal.

You also need to take into account the fact that the number of calories will depend on the method of its preparation. For example, boiled chicken dumplings in the amount of 10 pieces will turn out to be less high-calorie than fried ones. Since in this case the product adds about 100 kcal.

Who should refuse this dish?

Of course, many are ready to eat them all day long.

But there are certain categories of people who would like to limit their consumption of this dish:

  • obese people;
  • ulcer patients;
  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

It doesn’t matter if it’s chicken dumplings or beef dumplings, this is a completely non-diet food that you can cook every day. And in order not to provoke the above diseases, it is necessary to sculpt dumplings no more than a few times a month.

Dumplings - a dish of thin unleavened dough with minced meat inside. It has long been prepared in the Urals. The dough for real Ural dumplings was kneaded on the eggs of wild steppe birds - partridges and bustards, but quails were also used. The original minced meat was made in a clear ratio: beef - 45%, lamb - 35%, pork - 20%. In addition to filling with meat, they used mushrooms, cabbage and turnips.

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There is no fiber in dumplings, since the traditional preparation uses premium flour and meat. However, dumplings of different types differ in calorie content. It is permissible to use them during a diet, but in this case, products should be prepared according to a special recipe.

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    nutritional value

    To calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), based on the content of these substances in 100 grams of raw food. Classic dumplings are made using white dough and minced beef and pork. The ratio of BJU is 10.9 / 7.8 / 23.3 g. Calorie content is approximately 203.9 kcal. Boiled dumplings increase in volume, the number of kilocalories per 100 g in this case will be about 163 kcal. If the meat is fatty, the nutritional value rises to 275 kcal, and the percentage of fat - up to 12 g.

    The nutritional value of the product depends on the ingredients and the method of preparation. Depending on the type of filling, a dish boiled on water has the following properties (per 100 g):

    When dumplings are cooked not in water, but in broth, the nutritional value increases by 15-20 kcal. Fried products will be 2-3 times more caloric.

    How to calculate the calorie content of a serving

    The standard portion includes from 10 to 12 pieces. The average weight of 1 piece in finished form is 12-13 g, in 100 g of the product - 8 pieces.

    Based on this, the calories in the dish are calculated. For example, a serving of turkey dumplings contains 12 items. You can find out how much one dumpling weighs by breaking the average calorie content of 100 g into 8.245: 8 = 30.6 kcal. Multiply the resulting number by 12.30.6 * 12 = 367.2 kcal.

    Dumplings are used as a second dish, seasoned with butter, mayonnaise or other sauce. Some families traditionally serve products in meat or vegetable broth, adding sour cream and herbs.

    Depending on the additives, the same composition of dumplings will have differences in nutritional value.

    Why dumplings are useful

    Two main components - wheat flour and meat - are good for the body:

    1. 1. Wheat is a source of a whole mineral-vitamin complex. It enriches tissues with potassium, zinc, magnesium, sodium. Contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B7, B9) involved in the regulation of metabolism and nervous activity, and PP, which improves skin condition.
    2. 2. Meat provides a person with complete proteins, which are made up of essential amino acids. Thanks to protein, muscle mass increases, hemoglobin levels increase. Red meat is a reserve of trace elements: zinc, magnesium, potassium, cobalt. Vitamins in its composition stimulate the work of the central nervous system and immunity.

    Mussels - calories and BJU, health benefits and harms

    Negative Properties

    Dumplings can harm the body. Negative properties of the product:

    1. 1. Lack of fiber. Coarse dietary fiber, which regulates the smooth functioning of the intestines, is not included in minced meat. When processing grain, the upper shell containing fiber is removed in the form of bran, and it is often the highest grade flour that is used for modeling. For this reason, many dough lovers have constipation.
    2. 2. High cholesterol. Chicken dumplings contain less animal fat than pork dumplings, but they are just as harmful to vessels in large quantities as products with other types of meat filling. Excess fat is deposited on the vascular walls, causing blockages in the capillaries and leading to the risk of heart attack and stroke.
    3. 3. Lots of calories. This is especially true for fatty dumplings served with a nutritious sauce. This item excludes the use of such dishes for weight loss and sparing diets.

    When purchasing or preparing minced meat for dumplings, be sure to pay attention to its fat content. The same type of meat contains a different percentage of animal fats depending on the part from which it is made. For example, lean veal is inferior in calories to chicken - from 80 kcal, and fatty beef is almost equal to pork meat - 270-275 kcal. If you grind chicken fillet - in 100 g of dumplings you get about 180 kcal. Pieces of skin and internal fat can be added to ready-made minced meat, which increases nutritional value up to 230 kcal.

    Homemade dumplings with meat have a lot of advantages. Minced meat is prepared without the use of preservatives and special flavoring additives. Such a dish will bring more benefits.

    In what cases it is impossible to eat dumplings

    Contraindications to the use of dumplings:

    • gastric and duodenal ulcer during the period of exacerbation;
    • cholecystitis and pancreatitis (diseases of the biliary tract and pancreas);
    • diabetes;
    • kidney disease;
    • hypertension;
    • gluten intolerance, celiac disease.

    Even for a healthy person, it is better to use dumplings in moderation so as not to provoke disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Following a few rules, you can include your favorite dish in the diet:

    • use no more than 7-12 pieces at a time;
    • combine the product with dishes containing fiber - for example, vegetable salad;
    • do not eat dumplings in the evening, so as not to cause heaviness in the stomach;
    • do not use fatty meats and rich sauces.

    For those on a diet

    Even those who have contraindications to the use of flour products can cook diet dumplings and add them to their diet. More fresh onions and parsley are added to the filling of such a product. Unusual and tasty dumplings with lentils, beans, mushrooms.

    The dish will be less high-calorie and more useful if you prepare the dough from second-grade flour or add wheat bran to it.

    dumplings with beans

    You can use whole wheat flour for this recipe.

    Test Ingredients:

    • flour - 2.5 cups;
    • water - 1 glass;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • salt - a small pinch.

    Ground meat:

    • beans - 1.5 cups;
    • boiled potatoes of medium size - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 2-3 heads;
    • salt, parsley - to taste.

    Minced meat preparation:

    1. 1. Beans are soaked overnight in warm water.
    2. 2. Washed, poured with cold water and put on fire.
    3. 3. Boil in 2-3 waters, draining each after 10-15 minutes and pouring cold water again.
    4. 4. Ready beans are twisted through a meat grinder with a fine mesh, adding onions and potatoes.
    5. 5. Add salt and herbs. The filling should not be too hard; for softness, add the water in which the beans were cooked.
    6. 6. Cook finished products over low heat.
    7. 7. Continue stirring for 3-4 minutes after they float to the top.
    8. 8. After draining the water, rinse and transfer to a dish, pouring soy or other lean sauce.

    If a person does not tolerate the coarse fiber of bean shells, you can clean it after cooking (before grinding minced meat). Whole flour gives dumplings a gray tint, but is much healthier than white.

Over the years, the development of culinary arts has taken place. Since ancient times, people have been looking for new recipes and embodied them in their kitchens. Over time, these skills began to improve, and this has led to the fact that now a person can try a dish of almost any cuisine in the world without leaving his home.

Varieties of fillings for dumplings

One of these dishes was dumplings. The incredible taste of this dish hides behind itself rather high calorie content, which is harmful to our health. We will consider different options for the dish and, based on this, we will be able to find out the calorie content of homemade dumplings.

So, you need to be aware that the filling will mainly affect the number of calories. Because of this, we can highlight the following list of toppings:

  • beef filling;
  • chicken;
  • pork;
  • turkey;
  • dumplings with other types of fillings.

You need to deal with each type separately. We will evaluate the harm caused to the body not only by dry numbers indicating the number of calories, but we will also take into account the taste of various fillings. Also, it will take into account cooking method, since any adult understands that the calorie content of fried dumplings exceeds the same figure for boiled dumplings.

with beef

One of the most popular toppings today is beef. The calorie content of beef dumplings is not very high. In fact, the taste of beef is slightly inferior to pork, as beef meat makes the dish dry. Most often, minced meat is simply mixed with pork, getting quite tasty and hearty dish. But back to calorie counting.

For dumplings, the calorie content per 100 grams with beef filling is 275 calories. The calculation is based on the fact that no spices other than salt were added to the minced meat.

Some peoples prefer not to eat pork. In this case, the acute question arises of how to remove the negative effect of beef meat. In fact, the only direct minus of beef meat is excessive dryness. An easy way to remove this dryness is spices and a small amount of onions, but they also contribute to a small increase in damage to the body.

With Chiken

The second most popular filling is chicken.. There is an opinion that such dumplings are rather insipid, and therefore they are often tried to diversify with the same spices and onions. Compared to other meats, chicken is quite low in calories. For 100 grams of boiled dumplings with chicken, there are 210 kcal.

Some people prefer to create dishes that differ in taste from the standard ones. Cooks add cheese for minced chicken which significantly increases the calorie content. The number of calories per 100 grams of cheese filling is 250, which may seem like an unforgivably high number to people who monitor the calorie content of their food.

with turkey

One of the main advantages of turkey meat in comparison with other types is its incredibly low calorie content. When it comes to the taste of this product stuffed with turkey meat, the closest option for comparison is chicken. Turkey does not taste like pork or beef at all.. As we understand, this option is not the most impressive in terms of its taste, but at the same time its calorie content is only 187 kcal per 100 grams of the dish.

Of course, this was far from the most complete list of products that are used for stuffing in a dish. Other types of meat (lamb, venison and others), game, fish are also suitable. Some people use vegetables. If you look at it in terms of calorie content, then such options look clearly better compared to their competitors, because the calorie content of dumplings with veal is only 165 kcal per 100 grams of the dish. If mushrooms are used as an example of vegetable fillings, then their calorie content is minimal in comparison with all other options - only 100 kcal per 100 grams of boiled dumplings!

After doing a little research, you can compile a small table that will help you decide on the type of filling for your dumplings, if Are you watching calories?. A table of 100 grams of homemade dumplings looks like this:

  • beef - 275 kcal;
  • pork - 280 kcal;
  • combination of beef and pork - 277 kcal;
  • minced chicken - 210 kcal;
  • turkey - 187 kcal;
  • minced chicken with cheese - 250 kcal;
  • mushroom filling - 100 kcal;
  • lamb - 281 kcal;
  • veal - 165 kcal;
  • minced fish - 252 kcal.

Health is the most important thing a person has, and even maintaining it with a simple calorie count can improve your quality of life. Now you can not only find out which option will be more beneficial for your body, but also have an idea about the taste of each individual filling. The benefits of this approach are very significant.
