
Baked apples in a slow cooker diet recipe. Baked apples in a slow cooker - whole, sliced, with different fillings

Everyone knows the fact that apples contain a large amount of useful substances - calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins and others. Baking apples in a slow cooker is a great solution. This dish has tremendous beneficial properties for the liver and stomach. In addition, the whole vitamin complex and beneficial properties are preserved in baked fruits.

How and what kind of apples can be baked

Baking apples in a slow cooker is easy. To do this, it is enough to clean them, fill them with some filling and put them in a multicooker bowl, then the multicooker will do everything by itself.

Baked apples are a wonderful dietary dessert. They can be baked with cottage cheese, nuts, honey, berries and dried fruits. They are incredibly tasty, fragrant and tender, literally melting in your mouth. Apples baked with cottage cheese in a slow cooker will decorate any table, whether it is a family dinner, a meeting with friends or a special event.

Fruits for baking should be firm, not friable, with a strong skin and not too sweet. Simirenko and Antonovka varieties are considered excellent varieties for baking.

Baked apples in a slow cooker: recipe

A quick and tasty recipe, the result is something magical. Baked fruits can even replace cakes. Such a healthy delicacy will be appreciated by everyone.

In order to bake apples in the Redmond slow cooker, you will need very few products.


  • medium-sized durum apples - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • walnut kernels - 50 grams.

Cooking method:

Recipe note

You can bake apples in a slow cooker with cottage cheese not only with nuts, but also with chopped dried apricots or raisins - there are many options for the filling - fantasize, experiment. And one more thing: this delicacy is great for people on a diet, but in this case it is better to replace sugar with a spoonful of honey.

If you bake apples in a slow cooker according to the above recipe, they will not fall apart, the skin will not crack, and the curd filling will not leak out.

Variety of toppings for baked apples

Try baking your favorite fruits with other toppings. Or you can make a whole assorted baking sheet, and everyone will choose the one they like the most.

Here are some of them:

  • Apples baked with cinnamon - for one apple, take a tablespoon of sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • Apples with nuts and raisins - for one fruit you will need 30 grams of raisins, 10 grams of chopped nuts and 10 grams of sugar.
  • Baked fruits with berries - take 30 grams of raspberries and blueberries and a tablespoon of honey for one apple.
  • And this amazingly tasty filling will appeal to those who love dates: here for one fruit you need a small spoonful of brown sugar, two finely chopped dates and a tablespoon of oatmeal, a pinch of cinnamon and a little butter.

Ready-made baked apples are delicious both cold and hot. Apples can be cut into pieces or spread whole. They can be served sprinkled with powdered sugar, liquid caramel or chocolate icing.

Bon appetit!

Baked apples in a slow cooker are an easy and healthy dessert that even a novice hostess can cook. For baking, strong, not overripe apples with a dense peel are best suited. Fruits should be chosen the same size, so they will bake the same way.

If you want to cook stuffed apples, then you need to cut off the top of the apple and carefully remove part of the pulp with the seed chamber. The main thing is not to make a through hole to the bottom. In this case, all the juice and filling will simply flow out of the apple.

As a filling, you can use sugar, cinnamon, dried fruits, poppy seeds, nuts, cottage cheese, dried berries, etc. In this case, you will get a fairly high-calorie, rather than a light dessert.

Stuffed Baked Apples: A Step-by-Step Recipe

  • Medium-sized apples - 6 pieces;
  • Dates - 6 pieces;
  • Cinnamon - 1 small spoon;
  • Cooking poppy - 1 small spoon.

How to bake apples in a slow cooker with dates, cinnamon and poppy seeds

Rinse strong apples thoroughly.

Cut off the top with a knife and carefully remove the pulp with a teaspoon.

Place the prepared apples in the multicooker bowl.

For the filling, take dates. Wash and remove the pits from the dates.

Place one date per apple.

Sprinkle with ground cinnamon and poppy seeds. If the apples are not sweet enough, then sprinkle them with sugar.

Pour about 1/4 cup of hot water into the bowl to keep the apples from burning while baking.

Place the bowl in the multicooker and set the “Baking” mode. In the Polaris multicooker, this mode lasts 1 hour by default. But for baking apples, 30 minutes will be enough.

I continue the theme of dietary dishes! Did you know that they can be boring, but healthy and tasty? What can we say about desserts. Who said that they can not be cooked for those who are on a diet! Can. Just half an hour or a little less or more, and you will prepare a delicious and at the same time healthy dessert. Such a unit as a slow cooker will cook it smartly.

Your children will be waiting for this yummy. Especially if you also involve them in the case.

How to stuff apples? You may or may not ask such a question. And you can use cottage cheese, berries, rice, oatmeal, like me, i.e. what you can afford.

Cooking time: 15 minutes (or 35-40-45, because it depends on the multicooker, its power)

Complexity: below the average


    water - 70 ml


Which apples to choose? Although I prefer the softer ones - they are both tender and cook faster, they quickly turn into a puree. But this is for taste. If you like whole apples, take firm varieties. We wash them with water, and then wipe them with a towel or let them dry naturally.

To put honey (and the filling, if you decide to cook like me), we need to make deep vertical cuts around the stem with a sharp knife, without reaching the end, and carefully choose the middle. You can not violate the integrity of the fruit! But, if the apples are small in size, you can only make a small hole.

I had everything ready in three minutes. I decided to pour a quarter teaspoon of honey into these holes. At first it dripped a little. Then I added some oatmeal. Tampered them.

Then lightly sprinkled with honey. It is better if the honey is liquid. If anything, melt it in a water bath. We will trample this filling so that it is not then pushed out with hot vapors.

Next, cover the bottom of the multicooker with foil, it’s more reliable. I decided to add some water to make the apples super soft and tender (this is required by the diet). Because I didn’t want them to burn (my cartoon knows how to do this). And put the apples in. Remember that they should be laid in only one layer.

They can also be pierced with a toothpick in several places so that they do not crack. But this applies only to hard varieties!

It remains for us to cover the multi with a lid and, by setting the “Baking” mode, set the time. How many? It depends not only on your device, but also on the variety of apples, their sizes, etc. Therefore, setting 40 minutes will not go wrong.

Check back here in 15-20 minutes. When everything is ready, you can turn off the device. If not, continue on. My apples looked like this in ten minutes. Eating them with a spoon is a pleasure!

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An original and healthy dessert - baked or stewed apples. Anyone can easily prepare this dish. everything becomes even easier. Let's look at the details.

We prepare products

Take any apples you prefer. It is important that they are not damaged. Then wash the fruits and dry them. After that, using a small sharp knife, get rid of the inner part that contains the seeds. At the same time, do not pierce the apple through. The result should be a "basket" of a whole juicy fruit.

We bake apples in a slow cooker

First, decide what you will fill the inside of the apples with. It can be cottage cheese, nuts, jam, sugar, honey, dried fruits. From spices, ground cinnamon, cloves, a drop of nutmeg are perfect. You can also put literally a quarter teaspoon of butter on top of each apple.

So. Fill the void inside the fruit with the selected ingredients. Then it is recommended to grease the multicooker bowl with oil (vegetable or creamy). Place the apples on the bottom in a single layer. Now close the lid and select the "Baking" mode. Set the timer for 30-40 minutes. Much depends on the variety, the degree of fruit ripening, the power of your gadget and the desired result. So after trying a few times, the time can be set more accurately.

Stew apples in a slow cooker

Just as described above, fill the voids of the prepared apples with any delicious ingredients. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable or butter and pour 50-100 ml of water (you can immediately hot). Put the apples in one layer and close the lid of the gadget. Then select the "Extinguishing" mode. The cooking time will be 1 hour.

Apples can also be cut into small pieces. Put them in a multicooker bowl and add a little sugar or honey. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Then pour 100 ml of water. You can put a teaspoon of butter. Then close the lid. Also install the "Extinguishing" program. Cooking time will be about 40 minutes. Here, the variety, fruit density and the expected result are also important.

Serve the fruit warm or cold. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and garnish with berries or nuts.

Fortunately for housewives, our favorite multifunctional kitchen assistant can cook not only meat, fish, cereals or vegetables. The slow cooker is also good because it perfectly turns out to cook a wide variety of fruits. For example, apples!

At first glance, one of the most ordinary products, however, if you dig deeper, you can find an endless list of the most diverse, delicious, fragrant, simply amazing dishes. Apples in a slow cooker can be cooked in many modes, combined with a variety of products, which is an indisputable plus for any cook.

Popular dishes from apples in a slow cooker

Indeed, apples occupy a leading position among all fruits. Not surprising, because they are very useful for the body, tasty, affordable. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that there are a lot of different recipes.

Charlotte is one of the most popular types of pie. The minimum number of products, and the taste is simply divine. It's even easier to bake this apple pie in a slow cooker. The most important thing, keeping the proportions, is to properly prepare the dough, and your kitchen assistant, in turn, will bake the charlotte in the right mode, at the right temperature.

Another fairly popular dish, especially among young mothers who want their children to eat not only healthy, but also tasty, is apple casserole with cottage cheese. In fact, apples in any form go very well with cottage cheese, especially if it is a sour variety and the dairy product is mixed with sugar or honey. By the way, whole baked apples with cottage cheese not only taste good, but also look very appetizing.

Duck with apples will delight meat lovers. This dish is quite spicy and satisfying, at first glance it is not easy, which can scare off an amateur in the kitchen, but the slow cooker simplifies everything to the incredible here, so fears aside, try and everything will work out!

Lovers of sweets in a slow cooker can cook amazing marmalade or jam for the winter, which will delight them on long cold evenings.

Even for the smallest, the multicooker has prepared recipes. For the first feeding, you can cook healthy and tasty apple purees in it, if you wish, you can combine apples with carrots or other products.

We bake apples in a slow cooker: the easiest recipe

Before starting, I would like to clarify three elementary rules, thanks to which your dish will be doomed to success.

  1. Apples should be thick-skinned.
  2. The variety of apples should be sour, because sweet is absolutely not suitable for baking (by the way, the same applies to charlotte).
  3. There should be no damage to the peel.

Now that we have made sure that none of the above rules is violated, we can start cooking.

We will need:

  • apples - 5 pieces;
  • honey - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • oil - 1 teaspoon.
  1. The first step is to thoroughly wash the apples. Then carefully remove the core from them, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the bottom.
  2. After that, pour honey into the middle in a thin stream, by the way, ordinary sugar can also be used instead of honey, but the honey version is considered to be more useful.
  3. Sprinkle apples with spices on top of honey. You can use cinnamon, vanillin or cardamom, although even without spices, apples with honey turn out to be very fragrant and tasty.
  4. Now let's get to the multicooker. The bowl needs to be lubricated with oil, it is best to take odorless vegetable oil, or butter. Then we put our apples here and select the “Baking” mode, the cooking time is 30-40 minutes (it all depends on how hard the apples you had).
  5. That's all! After the final signal, remove the dish from the multicooker and enjoy!

You can cook apples in a slow cooker in a variety of ways. You will find detailed step-by-step recipes with photos below. Bon appetit!
