
Chicken liver calories per 100. Diet rules

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Chicken liver is a meat offal obtained from domestic chickens. This is an instant by-product, it is used as a dietary dish for obesity, for various diseases. Chicken liver is rich in vitamins and minerals.

100 g of boiled chicken liver contains vitamins: , PP, vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid), B12, vitamin C. Micro and macro elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and others.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, chicken liver has been considered a dietary product. Indeed, with a low calorie content, it is very rich in protein and contains vitamins and minerals important for the body. For example, 100 g of it contains almost a daily norm of iron and half the norm of vitamin C. That is why people suffering from anemia are advised to consume it in parallel with medications. Vitamin B9 is of great importance for the immune and hematopoietic systems. A significant content of vitamin A makes it useful for vision. Vitamins E, PP and others are also no less important for people.
Chicken liver is advised to eat more often even for pregnant women, its beneficial substances are involved in intrauterine development. And in Korea, it is used for chronic fatigue syndrome, for problems with the respiratory system. Thus, the benefits of chicken liver are undeniable.
True, there is an opinion that the liver of any animal, including chicken, is harmful, since it is an organ that filters the blood from harmful substances that have entered the body in one way or another. And it should be recalled that there is a lot of cholesterol in the liver. It is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.


Since chicken liver loses a lot of moisture during frying, it is better to boil it. To remove excess blood from it (and with it some of the harmful substances), you should soak it in cold water before cooking the liver. This will take 15 - 20 minutes. It also boils quickly. This is also a positive point, because with prolonged heat treatment, products lose their useful properties. It is undesirable to digest also because it becomes more rigid. The readiness of the liver is determined by piercing: when piercing the finished liver, a clear liquid should stand out.
Boiled liver is a very tender and juicy product that has a sweetish-salty taste with a slight bitterness. It can be eaten as a ready dish with any traditional side dish. It goes well with potatoes, mushrooms, various vegetables and cereals. Boiled chicken liver can be used to make salads, casseroles, pates, pancakes and other dishes. The broth in which the liver was boiled can be used in sauces, soups, and when stewing vegetables.

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In the national cuisine of almost any country, there are certainly several dozen dishes based on chicken liver. And almost everywhere they are considered delicacies. And, after all, not in vain. not only tasty, but also useful for our body. For example, in Korea they use it to restore strength after a difficult birth or a serious illness, it is used to restore impaired vision, with chronic fatigue and overwork.

Oddly enough, but one of the products that can satisfy hunger is chicken liver. Its calorie content is so high that it is considered an excellent alternative to beef. And not only in terms of calories, but also in taste.

When choosing this semi-finished product in the store, you should know that high-quality chicken liver has a smooth, shiny brown surface. It should not have any growths or inclusions, it should not have any blood clots or large blood vessels. If the product offered to you is poorly cleaned, and also has numerous foreign inclusions and a loose consistency, it cannot be considered benign. Regardless of how the seller plays this situation. In the event that the proposed liver crumbles into pieces - therefore, it has been repeatedly subjected to the freezing process. This also suggests that the purchase is highly undesirable. The orange color of the product suggests that it was severely frozen before being sold.

How many calories are in chicken liver? Since it can be prepared in various variations, their quantity is somewhat different. Boiled chicken liver, for example, contains 152 kcal / 100 g, stewed liver has a calorie content of 164 kcal / 100 g, but the calorie content has 181 kcal / 100 g.

One of the very useful products for our body is chicken liver. Its calorie content in its raw form is 140 kcal for every 100 g. In the same portion, there is a daily norm of such a trace element as iron. After all, it is he who takes the most direct part in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, chicken liver contains such useful trace elements as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium.

Chicken liver, whose calorie content is quite high, is very close to chicken meat in its nutritional value. Let's take a chicken breast for comparison.

What do you think, which of them is more useful: chicken breast or chicken liver? The calorie content of both products is approximately the same. In terms of fat content, they should not be compared, since the content of the latter in the breast varies greatly depending on its category. The lower the category, the more fat. They are approximately equal in potassium and calcium content. But in terms of the content of such trace elements as phosphorus, magnesium and iron, chicken liver is in the lead. Its calorie content in boiled form is also slightly higher. It is also richer in vitamin A content. Chicken liver contains ten times more of it than in any piece of chicken meat.

But the most valuable element in the chicken liver is, of course, folic acid. It is directly involved in the formation of blood vessels and blood-forming organs. Its presence in the body is very important, especially in the early stages of its development. That is why doctors always recommend adding chicken liver to the diet of young children. True, ideally, it should be a fresh liver.

The cuisines of various peoples of the world, including dietary ones, have not ignored such a product as chicken liver, the calorie content of which allows it to be eaten without unnecessary concern about health.

First of all, you need to choose a fresh and healthy liver. In this case, its surface is glossy, with a dark brown tint, and no blood clots or blood vessels are visible on it. Based on these signs, you can already protect yourself from acquiring an unsuitable product.

It is considered dietary for the reason that the calorie content of chicken liver is low and is approximately 136 kcal for every 100 grams of weight. For this reason, it normalizes metabolism and belongs to healthy and wholesome food.

At the same time, the liver contains a significant amount of trace elements and vitamins so necessary for the body. So, vitamin A improves our vision and has a beneficial effect on skin health. Folic acids will help keep the immune system in good shape.

Chemical composition and healthy properties

And every 100 grams of the product satisfies the body's daily need for iron, which is successful in the treatment of anemia. Doctors unanimously recommend eating chicken liver for pregnant women.

In addition to the above, it has the following useful properties:

  • in terms of protein content, it is not inferior to dietary chicken meat, for example, breast;
  • vitamin B stimulates the circulatory and immune systems;
  • a large amount of riboflavin accelerates the absorption of iron;
  • selenium and iodine normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • we need the antioxidant contained in vitamin C for DNA synthesis;
  • fried liver improves memory, stimulates brain activity, positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product is also rich in macro- and microelements:

  • magnesium and calcium;
  • sodium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • zinc, copper;
  • manganese, chromium, etc.

How not to harm yourself?

A variety of flavors are prepared from this part of the chicken. The boiled product is not only tender and juicy, but is also able to absorb fats of various origins. Most often, pates, rolls, casseroles, salads are prepared from the liver. Delicious taste of liver stewed in sour cream.

It goes well with potatoes and any vegetables, cereals, mushrooms. In order not to digest, the product must be thrown into boiling water and boiled for no more than 10-15 minutes. The degree of readiness is determined by the clear juice when pierced with a knife.

However, even perfectly cooked fried liver can cause unwanted side effects. This is due to the high content of cholesterol in it, which causes aging and blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, you should not oversaturate your diet with the regular use of this product - it is enough to eat chicken liver no more than 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

You should not get carried away with it and people of age: due to the content of extractive substances, do not exceed the weekly intake of 100 grams of the product. Despite the relatively low calorie content of chicken liver, it would be useful for those people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis or kidney disease to refrain from using it in the diet, given the high protein content.

Choosing the Right

As you know, any kind of this offal has a slight bitterness. If the stewed liver prepared according to the recipe by the hostess is still very bitter, there is a high probability that the meat has been waiting for its buyer for too long on the store counter. This threatens indigestion or even food poisoning.

Well, and most importantly, you do not need to buy a brown or orange product, which will mean its freezing. If this does not harm the body, then there are no more useful substances in such a product.

Poorly cleansed, bleeding, with the presence of adipose tissue, the liver is also better to set aside. Only a fresh and properly prepared product can bring benefits to the body.

The principles of proper nutrition, in recent years, have gained incredible popularity around the world. Chicken liver, whose calorie content is quite low, is quite often included in the list of recommended foods when following various kinds of diets. Today we will talk about what is the energy value of this offal, what are its benefits and what low-calorie dish can be prepared with poultry liver.

Useful properties of chicken liver cooked at home

Chicken liver is a truly unique and, most importantly, versatile product. In fact, this is all the same dietary meat, like, for example, chicken breast, which, at the same time, is devoid of the disadvantages of white meat.

  • The most important feature of chicken liver is the high concentration of iron in it. This trace element is necessary for the human body, since it is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.
  • It is also impossible not to note the presence in the chicken liver of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It also contains essential fatty acids. All these compounds help the human body to function properly and ensure the normal functioning of all systems in the body.
  • The last thing that must be mentioned is the concentration of protein in the chicken liver. This product is high in protein, and it is with this feature that such a frequent inclusion of this by-product in various diets based on the principles of proper nutrition is associated.

Nutritional value and BJU of chicken liver cooked in different ways

As you know, the final composition of the dish largely depends on how it was made. So, for example, boiled and fried chicken liver will differ not only in calories, but also in the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, since some of these compounds break down during cooking, while others, on the contrary, are concentrated.

How many calories per 100 grams in raw chicken liver

To begin with, you should consider the calorie content of raw giblets. Of course, in this form, the liver is not eaten, but this information is necessary in order to understand which type of product this offal can be attributed to.

The raw calorie content of chicken liver is 136 kilocalories. For 100 grams of pure product, there are about 19 grams of animal protein, 6.5 grams of fat and only 0.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Calories in fried chicken liver

Frying is undoubtedly very suitable for chicken liver as a cooking method. The giblets are fried quite quickly, and at the same time their taste increases several times.

Despite this, the fried offal has a significant disadvantage - it can be called dietary at a stretch.

100 grams of this meat treat contains more than 200 calories. The amount of protein is 31 grams, since part of the liquid evaporates during the frying process and the mass of the liver becomes smaller. The volume of fats and carbohydrates increases due to oil and is 9 and 2 grams, respectively.

How many kcal in chicken liver stewed in water without oil

Braising is a kind of golden mean in terms of cooking chicken giblets. The dish turns out to be both juicy, tasty, but at the same time not greasy and dietary.

The calorie content of 100 grams of liver stewed in water is only 165 kcal. If you add onions to this dish, then the total energy value will be even less and will be only 137 calories. BJU is distributed as 17 grams, 6 grams and 1.7 grams, respectively.

Calories in boiled and steamed chicken liver

This method of cooking chicken offal is intended to a greater extent for those gourmets who strictly adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. Of course, he also has his minus - the taste of boiled liver is in many ways inferior to the qualities of a fried or stewed product.

However, this cooking method also has a significant plus - the concentration of protein in a steam or boiled liver is comparable to a fried variety of food.

The energy value of boiled liver is 160 kcal. Protein in such an offal contains 26 grams, and fats and carbohydrates - 6 grams and 2 grams.

Nutritional value of oven baked chicken liver

It is impossible not to mention such a method of cooking chicken offal as baking. It all depends on which dish the chicken liver is part of.

If you cook it in its pure form and grease the form and pieces with vegetable oil, then the energy value of such a dish will be similar to the calorie content of a fried meal. The liver baked with vegetables will be a little more nutritious than stew due to the preliminary frying of the ingredients.

Recipe for a low-calorie stewed chicken liver dish with a diet


  • - 0.6 kg + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 slices + -
  • Greens - bunch + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - taste + -

How to make a dietary chicken liver with vegetables

  1. Wash the liver well, remove various veins and films from it. Cut into pieces 1-2 centimeters thick and fold into a colander.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. We clean the onion and carrot, cut the onion into half rings, and the carrot into quarters or rub it on a coarse grater.
  3. Mince the garlic cloves with a sharp knife.
  4. Tomatoes must be poured over with boiling water, and then peeled from them.
  5. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it into small squares.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron (quite a bit), heat it up and fry the onion and carrot until “gold”.
  7. Add the liver to this. Fry it with vegetables, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.
  8. Chop the tomatoes and add them to the bowl. Pour finely chopped greens, chopped garlic and bell pepper here. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes.
  9. Before the end of the stew, add salt and your favorite seasonings. Mix well again and let it brew for 5 minutes under the lid.

Chicken liver prepared in this way has a very low calorie content, even though sunflower oil was used in the recipe. The abundance of vegetables makes this dish not only dietary, but also incredibly satisfying, so you can eat it alone or with a low-calorie side dish.


Chicken liver dishes are very tasty and also healthy. In the cuisines of some countries of the world, this food product is considered dietary. Dishes prepared from chicken will serve perfectly to satisfy hunger and will become a source of pleasure for noteworthy gourmets. In our today's article, we will consider such questions: how chicken liver is useful, what is the calorie content of chicken liver, and also a little about what can be cooked from it. So what is this product?

You should start with the fact that chicken liver is actually a dietary product. Its properties strongly resemble chicken breast: it is also low in calories and very nutritious. However, when comparing these products, the liver is ahead of the breast in the content of phosphorus and magnesium, as well as in the amount of some vitamins. Chicken liver is a rich source of vitamin A, which is necessary for normal vision and skin.

In terms of protein content, chicken breast and liver are approximately equivalent. Folic acid (vitamin B9), which is part of the liver, has a beneficial effect on the development of the immune system and hematopoietic functions. The rich composition determines many of the beneficial properties of a product such as chicken liver. Calorie content is not the only thing for which it is valued. It is also advised to use it during pregnancy, as it has a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the child.


As can be seen from all this, chicken liver dishes are very useful. Even for overweight people, chicken liver is not contraindicated, although it is better to use it boiled or stewed. At the same time, useful substances are not lost, and the number of calories will be minimal. It will also be useful for anemia and other ailments of the circulatory system, for those suffering from atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Chicken liver is an important and valuable ingredient in a considerable number of recipes in the national cuisines of almost all peoples of the Earth. Its nutritional value is determined by the fats that are placed under its outer layers.

In addition, chicken liver:

  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • stimulates the active work of the hematopoietic organs;
  • stabilizes the work of the heart;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic - this serves as a preventive measure for the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enhances intestinal perilstatics;
  • stabilizes the hormonal background in the body;
  • supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improves memory and stimulates the brain.

But one of the most important properties of chicken liver is the saturation of the body with iron, which serves to prevent the development of anemia. Moreover, even if iron deficiency anemia has already been diagnosed by doctors, regular use of the product in question helps to correct the level of hemoglobin. Interestingly, chicken liver is one of those rare foods that maximize iron absorption due to the combination of riboflavin and iron in the composition.

But even with all the positive aspects, there is a risk of negative health effects when eating chicken liver. This is possible due to the significant content of cholesterol in it.

Contraindications are:

  • Elevated blood cholesterol
  • Elderly age
  • Chicken liver harms people with ulcers and kidney disease
  • The age of the child is up to 3 years.
  • It is impossible to store chicken liver for a long time after its purchase, as harmful substances accumulate in it, making the product hazardous to health.

Well, what, specifically, does chicken liver have calories? But this one:

On average, the calorie content of chicken liver is 140 kcal per 100 grams

It successfully replaces beef, given that chicken liver is inferior in calories to beef liver, although it also has less iron. All calculations are taken for 100 grams of the product.

So, the nutritional value of chicken liver is not a problem, but rather, on the contrary, helping the body, taking into account all its beneficial properties.

And what is the calorie content of chicken liver cooked in different ways? But this one:

Chicken liver calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of chicken liver cooked in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of chicken liver (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Product Squirrels, c. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr.
boiled liver 26,5 6,0 2,0
for a couple 18,0 5,0 1,2
stewed 17,0 5,5 1,7
fried 14,0 10,0 3,0
in sour cream 15,0 9,0 1,3

What can be cooked with chicken liver? Yes, a lot. Here is an example of a pâté recipe:

Liver paste:

The recipe is quite simple. The quantities listed here are based on 10 servings.

Required products:

  • - Chicken liver -800 grams
  • - Onion (medium size) - two pieces
  • - Carrots (large size) - one piece.
  • - Salt - to taste.
  • - Butter -50 grams, another tablespoon for frying
  • - Greens - just to decorate the dish


The liver is fried (in butter) until it changes color. About a couple of minutes. Then removed from the pan.

Carrots and onions are cut into large cubes, sautéed in the oil left after frying the liver until the onion becomes transparent.

The liver is again placed in the pan, covered with a lid and stewed for 15 minutes over medium heat.

We beat the weight of the component to the state of pate (using a blender or meat grinder).

While the pate is hot, add finely chopped butter, salt, mix and place the dish in the refrigerator to cool. Enjoy the result!

Chicken liver for weight loss

What is useful chicken liver for weight loss? First of all, it normalizes metabolism, which is very important for losing weight. In addition, the liver contains a lot of protein, so it saturates well, and protein is easily absorbed by the body, unlike meat. 100 g of chicken liver contains only 140 kcal, which is not so much, given that the product relieves hunger for a long time. As you can see, the liver is really suitable for weight loss, so you can safely use this product for a diet.

However, the normal use of chicken liver is considered once every five days. It has invaluable benefits for the body, as it contains a lot of vitamin A. It is not very high in calories, and the protein content can be equated to chicken breast. But a pure chicken liver diet is not recommended, it is better if it is an integral part of a balanced diet.

The fact is that 100 grams of liver contains almost 600 milligrams of cholesterol. The daily norm of its consumption is not more than 300 grams. Cholesterol is needed by the body primarily for cell membranes, it provides their strength and regulates permeability. Its excess in the body leads to vasoconstriction, which complicates the blood supply to the brain. As a result, atherosclerosis develops.
