
Chicken breast pate with vegetables. Delicious chicken pate at home: surprise loved ones with culinary art

Many housewives, not trusting the quality of store products, cook various pâtés themselves. For some reason, it is generally accepted that only offal is suitable for this. However, it is not. Today we will prepare a delicious and tender chicken breast pate.

Such a simple dish at first glance, like chicken breast pate, can actually be quite capricious. If the proportions of the ingredients are incorrectly calculated, then it is easy to end up with a dry pate. To learn all the subtleties of this culinary process, the advice of experienced chefs will help us:

  • So that the pate does not turn out dry, you need to add butter or vegetable oil or lard to it.
  • In the dietary version, chicken pate is diluted with cream or milk.
  • It is best to grind the ingredients with a blender. So we get a homogeneous and tender mass.
  • Add bright spices such as paprika and curry to add color to the pâté. A good solution would be chopped Bulgarian pepper, besides, it will give a lot of juice.
  • Chicken breast does not need long-term heat treatment, as this will make it tough. And if the meat turned out to be undercooked, bring it to readiness in the microwave oven.

You can diversify the taste of chicken pate with the following ingredients:

  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • cheese;
  • dried fruits.

And remember that chicken pate can be stored for no more than 72 hours, so do not prepare it for future use. And if you have a little product left, use it as a filling for pancakes or pies.

Chicken pate: an exotic recipe

How can an ordinary chicken pate be exotic, you ask. It's simple: we put orange zest in it, and the familiar dish will sparkle with new flavor notes. And if you are not a fan of culinary experiments, just do not add this ingredient.


  • 0.5 kg of chicken breast;
  • 250 g mushrooms;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 art. l. cream;
  • 3-4 st. l. breadcrumbs for breading;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • ground black pepper;
  • orange.


  • We wash the breast, dry it and grind it in a meat grinder.

  • We clean the mushrooms, wash them, cut them in a convenient way and pass them through a meat grinder. If you want the mushroom pieces to be felt in the pâté, just chop them finely.

  • We clean the orange with a brush and rinse, and then pour boiling water over it. Cut off the zest and rub it finely. We need 2 tsp. zest.

  • Whisk the eggs lightly.

  • Now mix all the prepared ingredients, salt and season with pepper. You can put chopped greens.
  • Add breadcrumbs to the minced meat and pour in the cream. Mix it thoroughly. We should get a homogeneous mass.

  • We take a deep baking dish, cover it with parchment, and grease it with butter. Lay out minced meat.
  • Cover the mold with foil and place in the oven. We bake the pate at a temperature threshold of 180 degrees for 50 minutes. Then remove the foil and continue to cook the dish for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Cool the pate and serve.

Delicate pate in a hurry

The easiest way to cook chicken breast pate in a blender. Boil the meat and carrots in advance and beat all the ingredients. The whole process will take about half an hour.


  • 0.6 kg chicken breast;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • carrot;
  • 200 g of shelled walnuts;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 50 ml of broth;
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves.


  • We thoroughly wash the meat and boil it in lightly salted water.
  • We clean the carrots and cook them too. By the way, this can be done in one pan with breast.
  • Put the diced boiled breast, carrots, garlic cloves and walnuts into the blender bowl.
  • Add a little broth and beat all the ingredients with a blender until smooth.
  • Now salt the pate and season with pepper and nutmeg, mix.
  • We clean the bulbs, chop and sauté in vegetable oil.
  • We spread the onion in the pate and beat with a blender, sparing no effort.
  • Cool and serve the pate to the table. A little secret: if the pate turned out to be dry, add a little melted butter and beat it with a blender again.

Pate-sausage for a dietary diet

Chicken pate at home can be cooked in the form of sausages. Such a dish will become a favorite breakfast of your household and a highlight of any holiday table.


  • 0.5 kg of chicken breast;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1-2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp ground paprika;
  • 1 tsp potato starch;
  • ½ tsp ground chili pepper.


  • We wash the breast, dry it and finely chop. Grind the meat with a blender.
  • We spread paprika, potato starch and chili to the breast. The amount of the latter varies depending on your taste preferences.
  • Salt the resulting mass and put garlic in it.
  • Of the eggs, we only need whites, so we separate them from the yolks. It is most convenient to do this with the help of a special device.
  • Add egg whites to the mass, pour in the cream. Beat the minced meat with a blender until smooth.
  • In the center of a sheet of parchment paper, lay out the resulting minced chicken and distribute along the entire length.

  • We cover the minced meat on one side with parchment, and then carefully wrap the sausage. Tip: if the parchment tears, you can simply wrap the sausage on top with a new sheet, and then you don’t have to start all over again.

  • We roll up the so-called roller and tie it on both sides with a thread, like candy.
  • On one side we tie a long thread and tie it around the sausage, as shown in the photo.

  • We tightly wrap our sausage-pate with a baking bag and tie it well so that no water gets inside during cooking.
  • We lower the workpiece into hot water and cook for 20 minutes, turning it over, on both sides. Of course, we need a large pot.
  • Remove the food film from the finished sausage and leave it to cool for an hour.
  • Then we put the pate-sausage in the refrigerator for several hours, and you can serve the dish to the table.

Attention: you can store such a pate for no longer than five days. And so that the sausage does not weather, do not remove the parchment paper.

Chicken pate made from boiled and fried chicken is radically different in taste. Boiled meat is less nutritious and more suitable for a dietary and children's table.

Aromatic meat puree is not only the basis of cereal casseroles and an excellent filling for baked vegetables with a strong skin - eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini. A layer of finished pate can be rolled up with a napkin, stuffed with hard-boiled eggs or large slices of boiled carrots.

An unsealed product, especially with fresh herbs, is not stored for more than two days, even in the refrigerator.


  • 3-4 boiled drumsticks, thighs or fillets
  • 50-80 g butter
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 3-4 pinches of ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch ground nutmeg
  • 3-4 stalks of green onions
  • 1-2 garlic cloves

How to make chicken pate

1. Clean the boiled chicken meat from the drumsticks or thighs into the bowl of a food processor. It is desirable to separate it from the peel and lived. Rinse the green onion stalks and chop them with a knife. Also pour into a bowl.

2. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a microwave. Pour half of the melted fat into the bowl over the chicken meat.

3. Add salt, ground black pepper and ground nutmeg. Grind the whole mass with a combine for 10-15 minutes, including a pulsating mode and slightly scraping off the sticky mass on the walls of the bowl with a spatula.

4. When the contents of the bowl are completely crushed and mixed, transfer the finished meat puree to another container.

5. Then fill a jar or container with a lid with chicken pate, lightly tamping it down. Pour remaining melted butter over the top of the pâté and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

6. After the specified time, your pâté will cool completely and be ready for tasting. Such an appetizer can be stored for 1-2 days, and even better - immediately served at the table.

Note to the owner

1. There is no food processor, but the recipe for this pate attracted? No problem. Firstly, even an ordinary submersible blender will be able to chop chicken, because in boiled form it is supple and soft. Secondly, in modern manual meat grinders there is a sufficient choice of nozzles. By passing poultry meat twice through the one that has miniature cells, the hostess will receive a mass of acceptable consistency.

2. Half of the specified dose of butter can be replaced with thick, like sour cream, cream with maximum fat content. They need to be strongly heated and poured into the semi-finished product at the stage of its grinding. But it is necessary to cover the finished pate in a jar only with ghee - this is required for reasons of safety of the meat product.

3. In a snack, veins and lumps of cartilage are undesirable. To get rid of everything that can spoil the snack, you need to carefully probe each piece of meat with your fingers - centimeter by centimeter. Chicken bones are hollow, and therefore, on the break, their fragments are very sharp. Such dangerous fragments must also be completely removed.

4. Homemade chicken pate is an excellent filling for stuffing many products: boiled eggs, cut into "boats", baked zucchini and eggplant, small squash. They make pasta and cereal casseroles with it.

Recipe 1: Homemade chicken breast pate with vegetables

The easiest version of a very tasty and simple chicken breast pate. If you replace the oil with broth, you get an excellent diet dish.


600 grams of breast;

1 carrot;

150 grams of butter (we take butter);

3-4 onion heads;

Salt, nutmeg;

2 cloves (or more) garlic


1. Fill the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbreast with water, put the carrots peeled and cut into washers, cook together for 30-35 minutes. No longer is needed, otherwise the white meat will become tough. At the end, you can add salt.

2. Shred the onion. The shape and size of the pieces does not matter. We fry with a part of the oil, at the end we put chopped cloves of garlic, we do not cook it for a long time.

3. We combine boiled carrots, breast and fried onions, put the remaining oil. It is desirable to soften it, puree it in any convenient way.

4. Add spices, a little nutmeg, evaluate the consistency.

5. Remember that the pate will still harden. So you don't have to make it too thick. We dilute to the desired consistency with the broth and beat again.

Recipe 2: Homemade Chicken Pate with Nuts

Walnuts are used for this fragrant chicken pate at home. But there are also options with pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts. We make according to your taste and the availability of products.


Half a kilo of fillet;

80 grams of nuts (or more);

100 grams of oil;

Dill green;

Salt, paprika, black pepper.


1. Boil the chicken or cut into pieces, add water and simmer. Can also be steamed. In general, we choose the most convenient option for ourselves.

2. We dry the nuts in a pan, do not fry much, so that there are no scorch marks. Then cool well, chop a small part into pieces.

3. Grind the boiled chicken and the remaining nuts. Add spices, soft butter. We beat well.

4. Put chopped dill. It is better to cut it, not grind it. Otherwise, the color of the paste will become strange.

5. We adjust the density of the pate with broth, boiled water. You can add milk or cream.

Recipe 3: Chicken pate at home with mushrooms

For mushroom chicken pate at home, you can take chanterelles, boletus, honey mushrooms. But if there are no forest mushrooms, then we use champignons. Of course, they are not so fragrant, but also tasty.


300 grams of mushrooms;

300 grams of chicken;

120 grams of butter (butter);

1 tsp homemade mustard;

Salt, spices;

3 spoons of sour cream;

2 bulbs onions.


1. We cut the fillet arbitrarily, cook until tender. We put any spices, bay leaf, peppercorns in the broth to make the chicken fragrant.

2. Boil the mushrooms separately. We drain the water.

3. You need to heat half the oil in a frying pan.

4. Shred the onion heads, put in a pan, fry.

5. As soon as the pieces become transparent, add the mushrooms. Let's cook together for a few minutes.

6. Combine the boiled chicken with mushrooms, beat with a blender.

7. Add spices, the rest of the oil, put sour cream and beat well again. If you want, then part of the fried mushrooms can be set aside, cut and added like this. The pate will be more beautiful.

Recipe 4: Chicken pate at home with prunes

Chicken and prunes are an amazing combination. So why not use it in pâté? The dish is very tasty, has a slight sourness and is ideal for sandwiches. Prepared with the addition of liver, you can also take chicken offal.


1 head of onion;

350 grams of chicken;

150 grams of chicken liver;

100 ml of milk;

12 pieces of prunes;

Spices, some oil.


1. Cut the chicken into cubes, twice the size of the liver. Everything must be washed and dried beforehand.

2. Shred the onion in half rings. Throw in a cauldron or large frying pan, fry for a minute. You can add more onion to taste.

3. Add chicken and liver, fry for another minute. Pour in the milk, cover and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.

4. While the curtain is being prepared, cut the prunes into small cubes.

5. We cool the cooked products, puree them. We put spices, but not very much, so that they do not interrupt the taste of prunes.

6. If the mass is too thick, then you can pour in more milk.

7. Add chopped prunes and you're done!

Recipe 5: Homemade Chicken Liver Pate

Liver pate is one of my favorites. Especially if it is made from tender chicken offal. And stewed vegetables will dilute the taste.


0.5 kg of liver;

150 grams of fat;

2 carrots;

2 onions;



1. We immediately wash the liver and throw it into the cauldron, you can not cut it. Add chopped bacon. If you wish, you can fry it a little first. It will taste even better.

2. Shred the onion in half rings, peeled carrots in thin rings and send to the liver.

3. Pour half a glass of water, put on the stove.

4. Stew for half an hour over low heat.

5. Then open, salt and pepper, you can throw a couple of cloves of garlic, spices. Put a leaf of laurel on top, but it is better not to deepen it. In general, complete freedom in the composition of spices.

6. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes.

7. Grind in any convenient way. But! If there is a lot of broth at the bottom of the cauldron, then do not pour it all out. The vegetables are juicy and the pâté can be weak.

8. If, on the contrary, the mass is steep, then dilute with vegetable oil, cream, milk. In general, anything!

Recipe 6: Homemade Chicken Pate with Cheese

A wonderful spread for sandwiches, which will require any soft cheese. It is not necessary to use the expensive one, we take the simplest one, and the chicken and spices will ennoble its taste.


400 grams of chicken fillet;

120 grams of soft cheese;

A mixture of peppers;

1 leaf of laurel;

1 onion;

50 grams of butter.


1. Cook chicken with bay leaf. It is not necessary to use the breast. You can take the tenderloin from the thigh, legs.

2. Fry the onion in oil until soft and transparent. As soon as the pieces begin to blush, you immediately need to turn it off.

3. Put the boiled fillet into the blender container, beat.

4. Add the onion, beat together.

5. Now put the cheese, beat and taste. Add salt and pepper.

6. Cheese gives a creamy texture and usually does not need to dilute the pâté. But if desired, it can always be made thinner.

Recipe 7: Chicken pate at home "Bright" with an egg

A variant of a really bright and beautiful pate that will decorate even the most boring crust of bread.


400 grams of fillet;

1 carrot;

0.5 tsp turmeric;

0.5 tsp paprika;

Salt pepper;

Oils 50 grams;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Boil the chicken, cut into pieces, put in a blender container.

2. We also put boiled, peeled chicken eggs there. We cook hard.

3. Shred the carrot and fry in oil until completely soft, the root crop should not crunch. You can pour a little water and simmer under the lid.

4. We send the carrot to the chicken, throw the garlic, all the other spices, do not forget to salt and beat. That's all!

Chicken pate at home - tips and tricks

You should not cook a lot of chicken pate, as it does not last longer than 72 hours in the refrigerator. And if fresh herbs are added, then only a day. Therefore, if you see a surplus, it is better to freeze them immediately. Or put in the filling for pies, pancakes.

The color of the pate will be more cheerful if bright spices are added to it: curry, paprika and others. You can finely chop the bell pepper. It does not give much juice and dilutes the gray mass.

And the taste of the pate will become more fun if you add chopped pickled cucumber, pickled mushroom, any grated cheese, smoked bacon to it. By the way, this way you can ennoble even store-bought pate, which seems boring.

Chicken liver and breast do not need long-term heat treatment. From this they only become drier and tougher. But if suddenly the product turned out to be undercooked, then you can send the pieces to the microwave for a few minutes. They will get ready.

Pate recipes

Very fragrant, tasty and tender chicken breast pate - try it and you can cook it according to our recipe at home with detailed photos and videos

45 min

255 kcal

5/5 (2)

I don’t know about you, but I just love tender meat pates, which seem to me an incredibly useful invention. Indeed, what would we do without pâté? How many times fragrant, delicious substance, spread on bread and butter, rescued us in difficult situations, when it was not possible to have a full meal!

My family knows how to cook pates, and my mother reached the most impressive heights of skill - her pates are always unrealistically tasty and are perceived as a full-fledged, main dish, and not just an additive “for a snack”. So today, having decided to prepare for you a step-by-step recipe for making homemade chicken pate, I used my mother's cookbooks. So let's get started!

Did you know? This is surprising, but originally the word "pate" was used to refer to the Strasbourg pie - a round product made of puff pastry with minced meat inside, which Pushkin mentioned in the novel "Eugene Onegin". A little later, the test component of the pate simply went out of fashion, and a great many options for “minced meat” were added - now the dish is prepared from any meat, as well as eggs, mushrooms or seafood, so you can choose absolutely any to your taste and budget.

Kitchen appliances

If possible, prepare ahead of time the dishes, tools and appliances that you will need in the process of making chicken breast pate:

  • a saucepan or stewpan with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom with a volume of 3 liters or more,
  • a large frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm,
  • deep bowls (several pieces) with a capacity of 450 to 900 ml,
  • teaspoons,
  • tablespoons,
  • linen or cotton towels,
  • sharp knife,
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale
  • grater medium and large,
  • cutting board,
  • wooden spatula,
  • kitchen potholders,
  • in addition, keep your blender or food processor with a chopper ready to prepare the ingredients more correctly and quickly.

You will need

The basis


  • 3 - 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 8 g black ground pepper.

The classic, “same” chicken breast pate is made from the above ingredients, so if you want to add additional components to the base, do it wisely - for example, it’s better not to include sweet bell pepper in the list, because it doesn’t fit well with other ingredients and can make your pâté less dense in texture.

Instead of sunflower oil, I recommend using extra virgin olive oil, as it is more neutral in taste and will in no way affect the aromatic properties of your dish. In addition, the taste of the pate can be enhanced with your favorite spices - for example, I often add ground garlic, dried basil or coriander.

Cooking sequence


Important! Some chefs advise not to boil the chicken breast, but simply stew it in a pan along with carrots and onions. However, I consider this method uneconomical, because the broth can then be used as the basis for soup, and the stewed chicken fillet is not as tender in pate as boiled.

The first stage of preparation

Did you know? With the help of a multicooker, you can cook just an excellent frying. To do this, heat the sunflower oil in the bowl of the device using the “Frying” or “Stew” program, and then pour the chopped onion into it. Simmer the mass in the same mode for about five minutes, then add the prepared garlic and immediately cancel the program. Stir the frying and leave it to cool under the closed lid of the multicooker.

The second stage of preparation

That's all! Your exceptionally delicious and fragrant homemade chicken breast pate is completely ready! To make your dish even more attractive, I advise you to mix in a little fresh herbs, chopped in a blender, as well as red sweet pepper, chopped into small strips.

Also, remember that chicken pate is a very perishable dish, so do not keep it on the table for a long time, especially during the hot season. If the pate gives off sourness, then it has deteriorated, and you can’t use it, even if you really want to.

Chicken breast pate video recipe

In the video below you can see the step-by-step preparation of a delicious chicken breast pate.

The world of pates is very diverse, so it would be wrong not to learn about other recipes for this delicious dish, which are sure to come in handy for every housewife. For example, cook an amazingly delicious home-made chicken liver pate, which we all remember from childhood, when such delicacies were in short supply in Soviet stores.

In addition, do not miss a very unusual, yet not very common in our area - pork liver pate, famous for its indescribably delicate structure. In addition, I can’t help but mention the classic “goose liver pate” - this type of pate was invented first, so you should definitely try it.

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