
Easter cottage cheese is delicious to eat. Curd Royal Custard

If your family loves and celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, you know that the main symbols of the holiday should be in the center of the table - krashenka, Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter. Much has been written and read about why and why eggs are dyed, how best to bake Easter cakes and what secrets to use to make them incomparable, but do you know why Easter cottage cheese is prepared, where this tradition came from, how such desserts are decorated, what form is chosen for them and how to cook the most delicious cottage cheese Easter in the world? If you feel that you have a gap in this area of ​​knowledge, be sure to look through the proposed note - you will find a lot of interesting things and make a lot of discoveries!


What are Easter cottage cheese made of?

What is cottage cheese Easter? In fact, these are rich curd desserts that are usually prepared for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. In order for Easter to come out perfect and extraordinarily tasty, they take the best cottage cheese that can be found, use farm eggs with the most orange yolks that exist. The composition of the dessert includes heavy cream, butter, candied fruits, nuts, natural vanilla. Cottage cheese Easter is not the case when savings and a rational approach to housekeeping are appropriate, cottage cheese Easter is a holiday, luxury and beauty.

What are cottage cheese Easter?

In general, all curd Easter can be divided into three main types:

- raw cottage cheese Easter;

- custard curd Easter;

- baked cottage cheese Easter.

Raw cottage cheese Easter is prepared in the simplest way - by mixing the ingredients and placing the mass under a press. Standing for a long time in a cool place, the curd Easter gives off excess whey, resulting in a rather dense substance that can be cut with a knife without much difficulty and served on the table almost like a piece of cake.

Custard curd Easter - these are the same components that are boiled in a water bath to a temperature of 70-90 degrees before laying out under oppression. Thermally processed foods have a different taste - such Easters are no better and no worse than raw ones, they are just a little different.

Cooking baked curd Easter is also not particularly difficult: cottage cheese, eggs, cream, candied fruits, raisins are mixed, laid out in a baking dish and placed in the oven. After baking, Easter must cool down.

What to cook?

To prepare a cottage cheese Easter, you need a special form - a pasochnik. These are 4 wooden (and often plastic) plates that are assembled into a truncated cone. For convenience, the inside of the mold is lined with a thin cotton cloth or damp gauze, which facilitates the process of separating the mold from the finished Easter. The curd mass is spread in the middle, covered with gauze or cloth, and then the Easter is placed under a press to separate the whey.

If you do not have a special pastor, this is not a reason to refuse to cook Easter cottage cheese for the holiday. Instead, you can take an ordinary deep sieve - Easter will turn out, of course, in a different, non-classical form, but it will turn out - and it will be just as tasty and appetizing as in the case of the "correct" beekeeper. In addition to the sieve, we recommend that you think in the direction of a new ceramic flower pot or a regular disposable glass with holes in it.

What shape, how to decorate?

Well, about the form. The canonical cottage cheese Easter is made in the form of a truncated pyramid - according to some sources, it repeats the shape of the Holy Sepulcher, in which Jesus Christ was resurrected, according to others, this is a reference to Mount Zion, the foundation of New Jerusalem. Whatever version each individual believer adheres to, in general, everyone accepts the deep symbolism of Easter and decorates it with the obligatory letters ХВ, which means “Christ is Risen!”. In most industrial or craft Easter forms, the letters X and B are already cut out, which are imprinted on the finished cottage cheese Easter, but if they are not there, you can write it yourself - using small dried fruits, chopped pistachios or almonds, sugar mastic.

In addition to the letter symbol, it is customary to decorate curd Easter with candied fruits, nuts, candied fruits and sugar decor, colorful sprinkles. They depict the simplest Easter symbols - a cross, a temple, a spear, sprouted grains, flowers, sprouts. Less often (and very rarely) curd Easter is poured with glazes and chocolate ganache.

Where did the tradition of cooking Easter cottage cheese come from?

The “thickened milk” is rooted in the old days, when the bulk of the population was not rich enough to afford cottage cheese, cream and butter regularly and on an ongoing basis. Expensive products did not often appear in the house, so Easter was exactly the holiday for which they saved money to please the family with a delicious treat.

By the way, initially Easter was prepared not on cottage cheese, but on sour milk - yogurt. The tradition of using cottage cheese came later - with the growth of the general well-being of the people.

In general, dairy products have always been of particular importance for Christian and Slavic culture. Milk symbolizes fertility, health, many folk rituals in the old days were performed with its help, it is widely featured in folklore and folk tales. The importance of milk for nutrition in those days could not be overestimated, and Easter cottage cheese only emphasized its importance.

Cottage cheese Easter: recipes

Raw curd Easter

The recipe is simple, almost elementary, which, meanwhile, does not affect the taste of curd Easter in any way: it turns out unusually tender, creamy, luxurious. Products are not subjected to additional heat treatment, you will spend a minimum of time preparing Easter.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 50 g coconut flakes;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 100 ml of heavy cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2/3 cup sugar;
  • 1/2 cup candied fruits;
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped pistachios.

Grind cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with sugar, yolks and butter. Add cream. Knead, add coconut, candied fruits, nuts. We spread the resulting mass in the pasochniks covered with gauze, hide under the press in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Royal cottage cheese Easter

The name of cottage cheese Easter speaks for itself - it is immediately clear: it is unusually tasty, luxurious, rich and simply royal! But to try this treat, it is not at all necessary to be a royal chef - just carefully study the recipe and do a little magic in your own kitchen.


  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 8 yolks (preferably from farm chickens - so that the yolk is orange);
  • 200 g butter;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2/3 cup raisins;
  • 1/2 cup almonds;
  • 1/2 cup candied fruits;
  • 1 tsp lemon peel;
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence.

We grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, preferably twice. Mix with yolks and sugar, grind into a homogeneous paste. Add butter and zest, rub again - it is convenient to work with a wooden spoon. At the very end, we introduce sour cream, stir and put all this mass in a water bath. Boil until the first bubbles appear, very slowly and delicately, with constant stirring and at minimum heat - boil for a long time, at least 1 hour. Remove from heat, add candied fruits, raisins, chopped almonds and vanilla essence to the mass and pour the mass into pastry boxes lined with gauze. We put in the refrigerator, on top - oppression. Royal cottage cheese Easter can be cut after 2 days.

Boiled cottage cheese Easter

For those who are terrified of eating raw chicken eggs, it is recommended to implement recipes for custard curds. You need to play with them a little more than with raw Easter, however, they taste more tender, affectionate, velvety. Well, they don't contain raw eggs.


  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 200 g nuts and candied fruits to taste.

We spread the cottage cheese in a bowl, add sour cream, half the sugar and egg whites, pierce with a blender until completely homogeneous and increase the mass in volume.

Grind the egg yolks with the second half of the sugar, add the butter. We connect both masses.

We put a bowl of curd cream in a water bath, boil with constant stirring until the first bubbles appear, which form on the surface of the curd (up to about 70 degrees).

We cover the pasochnik with several layers of gauze, pour the resulting cream inside. Cover with gauze, put under pressure and put in the refrigerator for two days.

Baked cottage cheese Easter

In some regions, cottage cheese Easter is cooked in the oven - it turns out an incredibly rich dessert, tasty and rich in taste. A special advantage of baked curd Easter is that its shelf life is longer than the shelf life of raw Easter. During the holidays, when the tables are already bursting with all sorts of treats, this is an important moment.


  • 800 g of dry fatty cottage cheese;
  • 7 eggs;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 40 g of starch;
  • 100 g candied fruits;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

We spread the cottage cheese in a piece of clean cotton cloth, hang it over the sink. After a day, we take out a well-squeezed mass, mix it with heavy cream, eggs, softened butter, sugar and starch. At the end, add candied fruits.

Put the resulting mass into a greased baking dish, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes. After the specified time, we turn off the oven, but we don’t get Easter, we rearrange it in the refrigerator only after it has completely cooled. We stand in the cold for at least 10 hours, after which we cut.

Red cottage cheese Easter

Looking for an original, authentic recipe for red Easter is a thankless task: there will always be those who say: “But my grandmother ....” Let's not claim the ultimate truth - but just cook a red curd Easter, which, according to some sources, got its name because of the elusive shade of red that baked products give (yes, it is baked milk that makes such an Easter) . Or maybe the name was born simply due to the fact that this is actually a great version of the Easter treat - beautiful, in other words - red?

This recipe is based on boiled condensed milk. Rich, intense, red.


  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g almonds;
  • 500 g of well-squeezed fatty cottage cheese;
  • 300 g boiled condensed milk.

We rub the cottage cheese twice through a sieve, rub it with softened butter, add condensed milk and coarsely chopped almonds. We mix everything, put the mass in a pasochnik covered with gauze and put it under oppression for two days.

pink cottage cheese easter

According to some opinions, pink curd Easter is another name for red. And according to others, this is Easter, to which red berries are added during cooking, which results in a beautiful product of a delicate pink color. Let's cook Easter with raspberries?


  • 1 kg of fatty dry cottage cheese;
  • 200 g thick raspberry jam;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g of heavy cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 eggs.

Cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder, rubbed with eggs and sugar. We introduce softened butter, add cream, mix. At the end, we combine the resulting cream with raspberry jam. We spread the mass in a pasochnik covered with two or three layers of gauze. We put it in the refrigerator for a day, put oppression on top.

Children's cottage cheese Easter

Of course, everyone loves the Easter holidays, however, it is the children who are waiting for it in a special way - with bated breath, with touching joy, with sincere warmth. For them, it is worth preparing a separate table - treats designed to be perceived more with the eyes than with taste buds. However, we do not forget that children's cottage cheese Easter should be, first of all, useful - we decisively remove cognac and spices from a possible recipe, add berries and nuts. In addition, it is worth taking care that Easter cottage cheese for children is tender and light, not too big, not very dry, not too sour. In general, childish.


  • 700 g ricotta;
  • 1 orange;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 ml of heavy cream;
  • 180 g sugar.

We spread the ricotta in several layers of gauze, put it under oppression.

We clean the orange, separate the pulp from the films. Melt the butter in a frying pan, sprinkle with sugar, stirring, boil for several minutes, then add the peeled orange slices and the juice that has separated. Boil until the mass thickens. Remove from heat, add cream to hot mixture, mix well. After cooling, carefully combine with ricotta, put in a bowl, put in the refrigerator for 15-20 hours.

Multi-colored cottage cheese Easter

Bright and stylish! This is a treat that is designed to surprise, delight and cheer up. You will have to tinker a little more than usual, but the result is worth it.


  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 1 st. l. matches;
  • 1 st. l. turmeric;
  • 1 st. l. blueberry jam;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa;
  • 1 st. l. cherry jam.

Fresh high-quality cottage cheese is rubbed twice through a sieve. Combine with butter.

Beat eggs with sugar, add cream. We put the mass in a water bath and, with constant stirring, boil until thickened.

We combine the resulting cream with cottage cheese and vanilla extract, divide into 5 equal parts. In each of the parts we add a natural dye - jam, matcha, cocoa, turmeric. Mix thoroughly. In a pasochnik, covered with several layers of gauze, lay out multi-colored curd masses in layers, put them in the refrigerator under the press for a day.

Easter with gelatin

It's no secret to anyone: in order for the cottage cheese Easter to turn out as it should, so that when serving it it can be cut into portioned pieces, and not put with a spoon into a cup, you should take good cottage cheese, which will be able to completely give up the whey. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, make sure with the help of gelatin: of course, in the end you will get a far from canonical Easter treat, but at the same time it will be tasty and beautiful, and sometimes this is more than enough.

Cottage cheese Easter with gelatin is raw - for its preparation it is recommended to take proven farm eggs that will not cause you anxiety. An alternative is quail eggs.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 cup heavy cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 100 g hazelnuts;
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence.

We pass the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. Combine with softened butter. Beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla essence. We combine with the curd mass.

Pour the gelatin into a saucepan, pour half a glass of water, leave for 10 minutes, then put the saucepan on the stove and dissolve the gelatin over low heat until smooth. In a thin stream, we introduce into the curd mass.

The resulting cream is divided into three parts. In the first, add nuts and cocoa chopped into small pieces, mix, beating well with a mixer, put in a detachable form of small diameter. We hide in the refrigerator.

Mix the second third of the cream with cocoa, put it on top of the first. The remaining cottage cheese is mixed with melted chocolate, carefully spreading the cream on top of the second layer. Put in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

Chocolate curd Easter

If you consider cottage cheese Easter more like a delicious dessert than a must-have Easter dish, you will surely love the idea of ​​making chocolate cottage cheese Easter. She is elegant and beautiful!


  • 700 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream;
  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 2/3 cup sugar;
  • 5 boiled yolks;
  • 2/3 cup candied oranges;
  • 1/2 cup almonds.

Grind cottage cheese with sugar, puree with a blender until completely smooth, adding boiled yolks and cream. We melt the chocolate, introduce it into the curd mass in a thin stream, without stopping working with a blender. When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove the blender, add candied fruits and chopped nuts. We cover the pasochnitsy with several layers of gauze soaked in water, pour the resulting mass. Cover with gauze and put under oppression for a day.

  1. For the preparation of cottage cheese Easter, only high-quality cottage cheese should be used, which must be passed through a sieve, and preferably twice, so that there are no grains at all in the finished mass.
  2. Cottage cheese should be fatty, this is another guarantee of a successful Easter: a dry fat-free product will give a dry, uninteresting result.
  3. If the recipe for making cottage cheese Easter calls for cream, be sure to taste it - they should be sweet, and only sweet.
  4. Butter should be taken exclusively with high fat content, expensive: neither sandwich pastes, nor spreads, nor cheap low-fat products are suitable.
  5. We remember that cottage cheese Easter is important in form, and not just in content, so we show the wonders of creativity and strive for a truncated pyramid.
  6. Raw and custard Easter must be kept under pressure for at least 10 hours.
  7. In the process of preparing custard curd Easter, in no case should you boil the mass, you just need to bring it to the highest possible temperature.
  8. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar - so the curd Easter will be more tender and delicate in taste.
  9. Cottage cheese Easter loves delicious additives - candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits should be chopped into pieces of equal size, the cottage cheese must be mixed well so that all additives are evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  10. Do not neglect the spices, cottage cheese Easter is the case when they will be perceived positively: cardamom, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves are great for this dessert.

10 ideas for unusual curd pastries:

  1. In the process of preparing any cottage cheese Easter, prepare the poppy seed mixture in parallel - grind the grains with sugar, nuts, raisins. Spreading the curd cream in a pastry box, first spread it along the bottom and walls of the mold, put the poppy seed filling in the middle, cover with cottage cheese on top. After the dessert has stood for the right amount of time, you will receive Easter with a surprise - an interesting middle.
  2. Easter with jelly looks curious. First, the curd mass is laid out in the mold, it is weighed and settled, after a day a layer of jelly with fruit is poured on top, and it comes out especially interesting if the jelly is not poured onto an even curd layer. Such an Easter is served after the jelly has completely solidified.
  3. Striped Easter looks quite interesting, but at the same time it is quite simple to prepare. To do this, you just need to divide the curd cream in half, add any coloring component to one part - spinach juice, turmeric, carrot puree, green tea, leave the other white. Such Easter is poured into the form in equal portions alternately.
  4. In the same way, you can collect a striped Easter from curd cream and any fruit jelly. A non-standard option, however, is very, very effective on the cut.
  5. Traditionally, curd Easter is not decorated with anything, however, if you want to cook an unusual treat, try pouring chocolate ganache or icing over Easter.
  6. Having made two curd creams of contrasting color, you can prepare Zebra Easter: pouring the mass in small portions into the pasochnik in turn, try to pour the cream exclusively in the center - in this embodiment, it will disperse through the pasochnik with thin two-color stripes.
  7. Non-trivial decorations for curd Easter look interesting - cocktail cherries, glazed nuts, homemade candied orange slices.
  8. In the middle of cottage cheese Easter, you can hide chocolate eggs - it will be unexpected and funny.
  9. Portioned cottage cheese Easter looks very stylish - small, miniature, neat. Of course, you hardly have the right amount of tiny pastry molds at home, but you can get out of the situation with the help of ordinary glasses - by preparing Easter in them, in them and serving.
  10. Huge opportunities for decorating cottage cheese desserts are opened by homemade mastic. Having mastered its preparation, you can decorate Easter with tender spring grass, snowdrops, migratory birds, and willow twigs.

Easter is a holiday of miracles. When preparing cottage cheese Easter, be sure to think about this - and may your table and your food always be magical!

1. We prepare the necessary products for our Easter.

2. You need to take care of the butter in advance, get it out of the refrigerator so that it has time to melt. We transfer the raisins to a plate, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, turn over in a colander, let the water drain, remove excess moisture with a towel. We turn to candied fruits, if they are large, then cut into small cubes.

2. Mix high-fat sour cream with granulated sugar, add vanilla. Stir well, leave for 5 minutes, then mix again, as a result, the sugar grains should completely dissolve.

Culinary advice

I advise you to take homemade sour cream, in which the spoon stands, it will definitely not allow Easter to spread. If there is none, 20% fat will do, but no less.

3. We wipe the granular cottage cheese through a fine strainer, the process is laborious, but it's worth it. Of course, you can use a blender and kill everything in a minute, but not every home has this wonderful device. I do not recommend scrolling through a meat grinder, because the grains will only become smaller, and we need to achieve a uniform consistency.

4. Add butter to the cottage cheese. If you didn’t have time or forgot to get it out of the refrigerator in advance, then use the microwave, it will leak a little, but it’s okay, it will still freeze in a cold place.

5. Add the sour cream-sugar mixture to the curd mass.

6. Mix everything well, you can use the blender again.

7. Add raisins and candied fruit.

8. Mix the curd mass again for Easter.

Culinary advice

In addition to raisins and candied fruits, nuts and orange zest can be added to the dough, after chopping them.

9. In a shallow plate, put the bean bag upside down and cover with gauze.

10. We fill a special form with curd dough, tamping tightly.

11. We fold the edges of the gauze inward, closing the curd mass.

12. In order for raw Easter to release excess moisture, it is necessary to put a load on it. I used dumbbells, but a jar filled with liquid will also work. We place the structure in the refrigerator for 11 hours. From time to time, the resulting whey is drained.

13. After the specified time, we get rid of the load, but we don’t get the curd Easter. Let it still stand in the refrigerator at least overnight.

14. Easter without eggs is ready. It remains only to remove the form and gauze.

15. We store Easter cottage cheese in the refrigerator. Before serving, don't forget to garnish with grated chocolate or fresh mint.

To make the festive table look more elegant, I suggest you bake

Cottage cheese Easter is the main dish of the Easter table. In previous articles, we have prepared. Many people call them Easter. But this is wrong, even ours is very similar, but this is also not Easter.

Kulich is a rich bread-like pastry with all kinds of fillings. And Easter is a dish of cottage cheese. As a rule, it is made in the form of a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher.

True, in Ukraine there is no word for Easter cake. In Ukraine, Easter cake is Easter, and curd Easter is Easter Sirna. The name may be different, but it is prepared in the same way.

What to cook for Easter. Easter cottage cheese recipes with photos step by step

Easter is not baked, it is formed. Here we will form various options for Easter.

  1. Easter cottage cheese recipe with honey

The dimensions of the bead box are: lower - 4 cm by 4 cm, height - 17 cm, upper size - 11 cm by 11 cm.
In 100 g - 240 kcal.


  • Cottage cheese 9-15% fat - 700 g
  • Sugar - 70 g
  • Honey - 50 g
  • Sour cream 25-30% fat - 150 g
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Raisins - 50 g
  • Candied orange peels - 100 g
  • Lemon peel - 1 teaspoon
For decoration:
  • confectionery dressing


1. Pour 50 g of raisins with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

2. Grind 70 g of sugar with a teaspoon of lemon zest.

3. Mix grated fat cottage cheese with fat sour cream and butter. Blend everything well with a blender.

4. Add sugar mixed with zest and 50 g of honey. Mix everything with a blender until smooth.

5. Add 100 g of candied lemon peels and 50 g of raisins squeezed from the water. Mix everything well by hand with a spoon.

6. We take the form in which we will prepare our cottage cheese Easter, put it on a plate, line it inside with two layers of gauze, which we previously boiled for 20 minutes.

7. Spread gauze so that the edges hang on the table from all sides of the form. We will then cover the mixture in the form with it.

8. Put the curd mixture into a mold. A little ramming with a spoon when laying.

9. Fill to the top. Pour the mixture on top.

10. We cover with gauze, picking up the hanging end of the gauze on one side, then we also pick it up from all sides.

11. Lay at the top so that we get a gauze pad.

12. Cover with a plate on top and put a load on the plate (a jar of water). We send our design to the refrigerator for 12 hours. By the way, it will be more convenient to cover with a plate and put the load already in the refrigerator, otherwise you can break it while you are carrying it. Don't forget to take the bottom plate with the shape.

13. During this time, you need to drain the whey, which flows into the plate under the mold.

14, 12 hours have passed. We take out Easter, unfold the upper layers of gauze.

15. Holding the top plate with your hand, turn Easter onto it.

16. Open the collapsible form.

17. Carefully remove the gauze.

18. Pour honey on top and decorate with sprinkles.

Lay the white chocolate eggs on a plate. OK it's all over Now. Our simple but very tasty Easter with honey is ready.

Bon appetit!


  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (5 g)
  • Cocoa - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Dried fruits, nuts - 200 g
  • colored sprinkles


1. We take a deep cup and grind the cottage cheese into it through a sieve.

2. Add butter to grated cottage cheese, it should be at room temperature. Thoroughly mix the cottage cheese with butter with a spoon until a homogeneous mass.

3. Pour the sour cream and mix again until smooth. Pour vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. Again, knead everything slowly, slowly.

4. The mass is ready. Separate about one-third into another cup.

5. Pour dried fruits into a small cup. We pre-washed them and soaked them for about 20 minutes. We mix.

6. Add cocoa here. We mix.

7. Everything is ready. Let's get started with Easter.

8. We put the collapsible form for Easter on a plate and lay it inside with clean gauze so that the gauze hangs around the edges.

9. We put the curd mass in the form. The first layer, slowly tamping, is laid from the white mass. The second layer, also ramming from the dark. And so we alternate white-dark, white-dark. We close the top with a white mass. So the form was filled out.

10. Now picking up gauze from the sides, close the top. We put a plate on top and put the load. We put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Do not forget to drain the whey that has drained into the plate from Easter.

11. We take Easter out of the refrigerator, unfold the gauze, carefully remove the form. And very carefully, slowly, remove the gauze from Easter.

Easter is ready. Decorate with some sprinkles. Just sprinkle a little on top, it already looks noble. And how appetizing.

Bon appetit!


  • Cottage cheese - 400 g.
  • Butter, softened - 70 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 3 tablespoons
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1/3 can (≈ 120 g)
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • Dried cranberries - 50 g (can be replaced with raisins, candied fruits)
  • Cookies - 50 g.


1. Add vanilla sugar, softened butter and sour cream to the cottage cheese. All this must be turned into a homogeneous mass, in any way convenient for you. We'll do it with a blender.

2. The resulting mass must be divided into two equal parts. Add sugar to one part, boiled condensed milk to the other. Condensed milk must first be held in hot water to make it softer. Mix everything again with a blender.

3. We got two different, but homogeneous curd masses.

4. Break the cookies into crumbs with your hands. We add cookies to the mass with condensed milk, mix, and cranberries, to the mass with sugar and also mix.

5. Special forms for Easter were all busy at that moment, so we took an ordinary plastic container with holes in the bottom.

6. We line the bottom with gauze, hanging it on the sides of the form. First, we wetted the gauze, then squeezed it well to make it easier to style.

7. Lay out the curd mass in layers in the order that you like. We spread the whole mass into the form. We close with gauze, picking up its ends from the sides. We cover with a plate, put the load and send it to the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. Don't forget to drain the whey from the bottom plate.

8. We take it out of the refrigerator, remove the load, or vice versa, remove the load and then take it out of the refrigerator, as you prefer. Invert Easter on a plate. First, cover Easter with a plate on top, and then holding the plate, turn it over.

9. Carefully remove the gauze. Our Easter is ready. It remains only to decorate it.

10. We decorated Easter on top with nuts and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

11. Let's cut it open and take a look inside. Inside is also good and beautiful.

Be sure to prepare such an Easter. It's very simple and fast, apart from the settling time.

Bon appetit!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 g.
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g.
  • Cocoa - powder - 50 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g.
  • Chocolate drops (flat round chocolates) - 65 g.
  • Vanillin - 1/2 tsp
  • Chocolate syrup for decoration


1. Pour cocoa powder, powdered sugar into a deep bowl, add mascarpone cheese. Stir until smooth, add a few drops of vanilla extract and continue to mix until completely homogeneous.

2. Using a sieve, wipe the cottage cheese directly into a cup with a mixture of cocoa. This procedure is mandatory. It is necessary that the cottage cheese becomes soft, fluffy, without lumps.

3. Thoroughly mix the cottage cheese and cocoa mixture until smooth. Add chocolate drops to this mass. If you don't have them, just cut the chocolate into small pieces. If you don't like chocolate, you can substitute nuts. We mix everything well.

4. We take small portioned silicone molds and fill them with a mixture, constantly tamping the mixture. The molds are ready, we send them to the refrigerator to freeze. An hour passed, the curd Easter froze.

5. Slightly trim the edges between the mold and the mixture with a knife and take it out of the mold.

6. We turned the form over and gently shake Easter out of it. We do the same with others.

7. Pour chocolate over our portioned pastries.

It is convenient to cut it into pieces, and serve each one on a plate to his Easter. Beautiful, delicious.

Bon appetit!

What do you think of these recipes? Write your opinion in the comments. For you, this is 10 seconds, but for me it is very useful and pleasant to hear your opinion.

  1. Curd Custard Royal Easter



1. Wash the raisins in water and pour boiling water over and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. You can also grind it in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder 2 times

3. Add yolks, sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar to the cottage cheese. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass.

4. Add diced butter at room temperature and mix the butter well into the curd mass.

5. Beat the mass with a mixer so that it mixes well and becomes fluffy, tender.

6. We shift our mass into a saucepan, preferably thick-walled and with a thick bottom.

7. We put on a small fire and cook our Easter until the first bubbles. Those. until boiling. Under no circumstances should you boil. The mass during cooking must be constantly stirred.

8. After we have removed the mass from the stove, put it in a bowl or a large saucepan with ice water, you can even throw ice there and cool until the mass becomes cold and thickens. After that, we take it out of cold water and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

9. Drain the water from the raisins and dry them on a paper towel. We take out the mixture from the refrigerator, add raisins, nuts to it, you can add any nuts that you like. We mix everything well.

10. We take the form in which we will cook. We ran out of all branded ones, took a wooden one. You can take any, for example, a new flower pot, as long as there are holes in the bottom for the serum to drain. We cover the form from the inside with moistened and well-wrung gauze, preferably in 2 layers, so that the edges of the gauze hang down and lie on the table and fill with our mixture, lightly tamping with a spoon.

11. As soon as the form is filled, wrap the ends of the gauze up from all sides. We will get such a pillow made of gauze, cover it with a plank or plate, put a load on top and put it in the refrigerator for a day or even two. Do not forget to put down, under the form, a plate or cup where the whey will drain. Also, do not forget to drain this serum.

12. Easter stood in the refrigerator for about 2 days, we take it out and remove the form.

Carefully remove the gauze. Easter beauty is ready.

Bon appetit!

  1. Raw curd Easter without eggs



1. Leave the butter at room temperature so that it softens. Chop the nuts a little. Pour the washed raisins with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then you need to drain the water, squeeze the raisins and leave to dry.

2. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve so that it becomes small and airy. This can be done with a blender or passed through a meat grinder 2 times. The finished cottage cheese looks very fluffy.

3. Mix sour cream with regular and vanilla sugar. Mix until sugar dissolves. Pour the resulting sweet mixture into the curd and stir.

4. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the cottage cheese and mix well with a mixer.

5. Add nuts, candied fruits and raisins. For more flavor, you can add more lemon and orange zest.

6. Mix everything well.

7. We put the form for Easter on a plate. Inside, we lay out gauze in two layers, so that the ends of the gauze fall on the outside on the sides on the table and fill the form with our curd mixture. We wrap the gauze from the sides to the top, install some kind of load. In extreme cases, a jar of water.

8. We put in a cool place for 10-12 hours. Periodically, we drain the whey that has leaked onto a plate or cup that stands under our form. Easter stood in our kitchen for 10 hours.

9. Now carefully remove the form and gauze and put Easter for a few more hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

We take Easter out of the refrigerator and decorate with colorful sprinkles and candied fruits.

Bon appetit!

  1. Raw curd Easter with nuts


  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg
  • Sour cream 20% - 200 grams
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Vanilla
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Dried ginger - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Lemon zest - about a dessert spoon
  • Sugar - 250 g.
  • Cream 25% - 200 g.
  • Yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Raisins - 200 g.
  • Nuts - 100 g.


1. Pour nuts into a thick pan and put on a small fire. They need to be lightly fried. Pour raisins with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Boiling water should be much larger than raisins, 3-4 times.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins and send them to the mixer cup. The yolks must be ground together with sugar. Immediately add a little sugar, then we will gradually add.

3. Of course, we won’t grind the sugar, no matter how hard we try, but we will get a white thick mass, which has increased in volume.

4. Add vanilla sugar here, spices - nutmeg and dried ginger, you can add cinnamon if you like. Pour the cream over here. Cream should be cold, from the refrigerator. We beat everything. Add half a teaspoon of fine salt and rub the lemon zest directly into the mixture. Mix everything at high speed, about 1 minute.

If you are cooking Easter with raisins, add only lemon zest. If you are making dried apricots or candied fruits, for example, you can add orange zest as well.

5. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour our mixture of cream and yolks into a smaller saucepan and place on a large saucepan. Cook in a water bath, stirring constantly. Do not leave the stove at this time. Get in the way. The mixture should not boil. We will cook it for 5 minutes until thickened. It will not be too thick, but note 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, remove from the large pot and set aside to cool.

6. The nuts are a little toasted. They stood on the stove for about 3-4 minutes. We take a little and grind them in our hands so that all the husks crumble. The one that has not crumbled, do not specially clean it.

7. Pour the nuts into a blender and chop so that there is an average crumb. No need to grind into flour.

8. Drain the water from the raisins and blot well with paper towels. Let's dry. We need it to be dry.

9. We take on the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese should be very fatty and dryish, if wet, it must be squeezed out. Cottage cheese must either be grated on a sieve, or chopped in a blender.

10. We put softened butter into the grated cottage cheese, it stood in our kitchen at room temperature overnight, cut into pieces and sour cream. We mix everything with a mixer, first at a slow speed, then we accelerate. Mix for at least 3-4 minutes.

11. We send whipped cream with yolks to cottage cheese. Mix everything until smooth, also at least 3-4 minutes.

12. We got a completely homogeneous smooth light mass. And delicious...! Don't eat before Passover is ready.

13. Put raisins in a separate cup, add nuts to it and put a part of the curd mass that we whipped to them.

14. Mix everything thoroughly. Of course, you can add raisins and nuts to the whole mass at once. But we will do just that, you will find out why below. Once again I want to remind you that you can take not only raisins, but also dried fruits, candied fruits, etc.

15. Soak gauze in water and squeeze well so that it is wet. We set the form on a plate with a narrow edge down. We begin to fill the form with the curd mixture, which we have without raisins. We spread the mixture on the bottom, up to about 1/3 of the mold, tamping it a little with a spoon and on the sides, leaving free space in the middle, a recess.

16. Having laid out the recess, fill it with curd mass with raisins and nuts.

17. We close everything with a second layer of curd mass without raisins, also leaving a recess and fill this recess again with a mass of raisins and nuts.

18. Align the mass. It turned out that we will have a beautiful white surface around the edges, and a filler inside.

19. Picking up gauze from the edges, close the top, put a plate on top and put some kind of load. We put all this structure in the refrigerator, I usually do this structure in the refrigerator, because it is inconvenient to carry. We put at least 6 hours, but better for a day or even two. Easter will only get better. Don't forget to drain the whey from the bottom plate.

20. Time has passed, we take Easter out of the refrigerator, open the gauze, put the dish on top in which we will serve Easter on the table and holding the dish with our hand, turn Easter over it.

21. We remove the form, it should be removed easily and carefully, slowly remove the gauze. Do not pull sharply, you can break Easter.

22. It remains only to decorate. We take different sprinkles, various other molds (they are sold in stores), colored eggs.

What a beautiful, fragrant one she turned out to be.

Let's cut. Look, the edges are white, and inside the filling.

Serve on the festive table. Everyone will be amazed.

Bon appetit!

  1. Custard curd Easter with honey and candied fruit


  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Candied fruits - 150 g.
  • Raisins - 150 g.


  1. We put the milk on the stove for heating.
  2. Steam the raisins in boiling water for a few minutes.
  3. Break 3 eggs into a deep bowl, beat well with a whisk.
  4. Add hot milk in a very thin stream, whisking continuously, to the eggs. You need to mix vigorously so that the eggs do not curl.
  5. Having poured out all the milk, pour everything back into the pan, where this milk was heated and put on the stove.
  6. We will cook until the mass thickens.
  7. Stir constantly so that it does not burn, otherwise you will ruin everything.
  8. The mass has thickened, you can remove from the fire. Now we need the mass to cool down, become cold. You can put in cold water.
  9. When the mixture has cooled completely, transfer it to the curd.
  10. Add vanilla sugar and a couple of tablespoons of honey. We mix everything a little.
  11. Grind cottage cheese with a blender.
  12. We get a plastic, homogeneous, smooth mass.
  13. Add raisins and candied fruits to the curd mass.
  14. Mix very well.
  15. Our curd mass is ready. We take the form. We line the inside with gauze and fill the form with our mass. Do not forget that the form must necessarily be with a hole at the bottom so that the serum can drain, and under the form there was a container where this serum could drain.
  16. From above we put a load of 2-3 kg. and put it all in the refrigerator from 6 hours to 2 days.
  17. We take Easter out of the refrigerator, unfold the gauze, remove the form, put the Easter on a dish.
  18. We decorate Easter with candied fruits, raisins, sprinkles, or other decorations as you wish.

Get ready. It's simple and delicious.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Curd Easter

Cottage cheese Easter is a tender, airy, very tasty dish of the Easter table. We have all the cooking secrets!

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 150 g sour cream 30%
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1-1.5 cups raisins
  • dried apricots and prunes for decoration

Wipe the curd.

In a separate bowl, add sugar to the egg yolks.

Grind sugar with yolks, add salt.

Add the egg mass to the curd, mix.

Release sour cream. If store-bought sour cream, then it is better to take fatter - 30%.

Rinse the raisins, let them dry a little. Combine with curd.

Stir until smooth.

Get ready for Easter. You can use any dish that has a hole for draining excess liquid.

Put a colander on a bowl (or, for example, a salad bowl), into which whey will drain.

Put a clean gauze folded in half in a colander. The gauze should be enough to completely cover Easter with it.

Put the entire curd mass on cheesecloth, smooth the top.

Cover Easter with gauze.

Place a press on top.

Put Easter to drain in the cold for several hours (or a day). Open gauze.

Place the dish upside down on top of the colander and carefully turn the colander over. Remove gauze.

Decorate Easter with dried apricots and prunes.

Recipe 2: cottage cheese Easter with boiled condensed milk

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr
  • butter - 150 gr
  • sour cream - 150 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 gr
  • raisins - 100 gr

Pour hot water over raisins and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Combine cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and condensed milk in a bowl. All foods must be at room temperature.

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Rinse the raisins and add to the curd mass.

Line a pasochnik, bowl, colander or sieve with gauze in several layers.

Put the curd mass in cheesecloth.

Put the pasochnik in a deep bowl, wrap the gauze, put a plate on top, and put a load on it. Put in a cool place for a day.

Unwrap the cheesecloth and invert the easter onto a platter. Carefully remove the bean bag and remove the gauze. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: cream cheese Easter

Very simple and fast enough recipe.

  • cottage cheese 1 kg
  • granulated sugar 200 g
  • egg yolks 4 pcs.
  • homemade cream half liter jar
  • additives to your taste: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • you can add berries, bananas, oranges, kiwi, peach whatever you like
  • butter 300 grams
  • sachet of vanillin or vanilla sugar

Wrap the cottage cheese in two layers of gauze and put it under a press for about 6 hours, excess liquid should go away.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Mix homemade cream 250 g with four yolks. Heat the second part (another 250 g) of cream over a fire, but do not bring to a boil.

Introduce the creamy-egg mixture into well-warmed cream, mix and hold on fire for a few more 2-3 minutes, the mass should thicken. We take it off the fire. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly with sugar.

Pour raisins with boiling water, then put on a napkin to dry. Cut dried apricots and fruits into small cubes.

Add the butter mass and vanilla sugar to the mashed cottage cheese, mix, pour in the cream and beat thoroughly with a mixer to form a fluffy mass of a uniform consistency. Pour candied fruits, raisins.

Stir again so that they are evenly distributed throughout the curd mass.

Line the molds with damp gauze.

Tamp the curd mass into prepared forms for Easter, put oppression on top and keep in the refrigerator for 11 hours.

After getting the cottage cheese Easter out of the mold, decorate with fruit or sweets on top and serve.

Recipe 4: cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots and candied fruit

  • cottage cheese - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • sour cream 25% fat (it is better to use homemade) - 0.5 liters;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • raisins - 2 cups (more can be - for an amateur);
  • dried apricots, candied fruits.

Rub the cottage cheese on a coarse grater or through a sieve until smooth.

We beat the eggs into a separate container.

Add sugar to the eggs, beat with a whisk until smooth.

The resulting mass is added to the curd.

Mix well.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave, add to the cottage cheese.

Mix all the ingredients gently and put on a minimum fire. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a hot state, avoiding boiling.

After cooling a little, pour the contents into a cloth bag (you can use a clean pillowcase or gauze folded in several layers) and hang it for at least 12 hours to remove excess moisture (if the cottage cheese is very wet, you can use oppression).

Rinse raisins thoroughly under running water, dry. We wash the dried apricots, cut into small pieces.

We spread the cottage cheese Easter in a vase in layers, alternating with raisins.

The top layer of Easter is raisins. Add dried apricots and candied fruit.

Curd Easter is ready to eat! It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Easter with Custard Fudge (Step by Step Photos)

  • 500 g of fatty cottage cheese (it is better not to take sour cottage cheese),
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 200 ml cream
  • juice of half a lemon
  • vanillin,
  • raisin,
  • dried fruits,
  • candied fruit,
  • 100 g butter

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or scroll 2 times in a meat grinder. The easiest way is to grind the cottage cheese for Easter with a blender to a paste-like state.

Dried fruits are poured over with boiling water so that all chemicals come out of them. We wash. We grind with a knife. If you add chopped prunes to the cottage cheese Easter, keep in mind that this will give the cottage cheese a creamy shade. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and remove the seeds if they got there.

Add dried fruits, candied fruits, raisins and lemon juice to the grated cottage cheese.

We mix everything.

For the fudge, beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy (about 5 minutes). Add cream to them, mix. We put on a water bath or just on a slow fire. Add vanilla, about one small bag.

Stirring constantly, boil the custard fudge for cottage cheese Easter to the state of liquid mashed potatoes.

Remove and immediately pour the hot fudge into the curd. This is the brewing process. Mix quickly. In the cooled mass for the custard cottage cheese Easter, put the softened butter and knead.

We line the form with several layers of gauze, leaving long ends. We spread the curd mass into it, close the top with the ends of gauze.

We put under pressure in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time, excess moisture will drain through the holes in the mold.

We turn the cottage cheese Easter on a dish and decorate.

You can decorate with candied fruits, marmalade, nuts or just melted chocolate from a pastry bag or cream syringe to draw a pattern.

Recipe 6: royal curd Easter (with photo)

  • 0.5 kg cottage cheese
  • 100 gr butter
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 100 gr sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • ¼ cup raisins
  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • Lemon and orange peel

Grind half a kilogram of fresh good cottage cheese together with 100 g of granulated sugar until smooth (you can use a fork, spoon). Grind the softened butter until white with vanilla sugar.

Tip: Be sure to soften the butter at room temperature, naturally, not in a microwave oven or on gas.

Wash lemon and orange thoroughly, wipe dry. Grate lemon and orange zest on a fine grater or with a special tool. Finely chop the walnuts with a knife or chop in a blender.

Add 2 chicken eggs and 3 tablespoons of chilled sour cream to the curd mass (the fatter the sour cream, the thicker it will be, so take it into service). Mix everything well with a tablespoon.

Add whipped butter with vanilla sugar. Mix again.

Add chopped walnuts, pre-soaked raisins and citrus zest. Mix well.

Take the form for Easter. Line the mold with damp gauze, folded in half or with cotton cloth so that the edges hang down (the moisture content of the gauze is needed so that the finished cottage cheese Easter can be easily removed and completely retain its original appearance). Put the curd-citrus mixture tightly into the prepared pastry bowl.

Cover the mixture with the remaining corners of gauze. Put everything under oppression overnight in a cool place (in the refrigerator). For good, Easter should be under the yoke of at least 12 hours.

Recipe 7: simple cottage cheese Easter (step by step with photo)

The sweet, creamy texture of cottage cheese Easter is very similar to ice cream. Despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to cook it, the curd Easter ripens for 2 days.

  • Cottage cheese - 450 grams;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 170 grams (or to taste);
  • Yolks - 3 pcs;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Candied fruits - 30 grams;
  • Raisins - 70 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Rub the cottage cheese 2 times through a sieve to get rid of grains and achieve a smooth, creamy texture. Even if you buy cottage cheese without grains, it still needs to be rubbed through a sieve.

Beat the yolks with a little sugar until white.

Add softened butter, sugar and beat everything together again until smooth.

Combine the whipped mass with mashed cottage cheese.

Separately, whip the cream to stiff peaks.

Add cream to curd mixture, stir until smooth.

Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits.

Try to distribute everything as evenly as possible so that the raisins and candied fruits do not sink to the bottom or rise to the top.

Wash the form for cottage cheese Easter, collect and lay out the inside with wet gauze.

Spread the gauze evenly, without gathering, as the printed pattern will depend on this. The form will be turned upside down. Place it on a plate or tray.

Slowly, one spoon at a time, spread the curd mass inside the mold. This must be done so that voids do not form inside, so that all free space is filled evenly.

Fill the form to the end, leave a few tablespoons of the filling. Easter will sag under the weight of the load and you will need to add cottage cheese.

Lay the hanging parts of gauze neatly and evenly on top of the filling. Put a plank on top, and on it a load of at least 500 grams. And put the whole structure in the refrigerator.

Liquid will be released from below, it must be removed immediately, the plate should be wiped dry. Check the top of the mold, if the filling has sagged, then add the remaining cottage cheese, put the plank and load on top again. Usually the next day the liquid is no longer allocated.

After two days, take Easter out of the refrigerator, free from the form and gauze. Curd Easter is ready for the holiday!

Recipe 8: Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits

  • Curd - 500 g
  • Eggs (only yolks) - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sour cream (cream) - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Dried fruits (candied fruits) - 100 g

Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender (submersible nozzle). The curd will become airy and even more tender.

Soak candied fruits for Easter well with hot water and let stand for about 30 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the swollen dried fruits and, if necessary, cut.

Mix all other ingredients (yolks, sour cream, butter, sugar) until smooth and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Stir for about three to five minutes, the mixture should begin to thicken.

Then let it cool and mix with cottage cheese and candied fruits.

Wet clean gauze and wring out. This is necessary so that it is convenient to line the pasochnik, removing deep folds.

Put the paster in a deep bowl upside down, cover with gauze, leaving the edges hanging down. Lay out the curd mass.

Close the edges with gauze on top, put a plate of a suitable size on top and put oppression (2-3-liter jar of water). Put in a cold place for at least 12 hours. During this time, excess liquid will drain into a bowl, it must be constantly drained.

Then we open the gauze, substitute the dish where the Easter will stand, and carefully turn it over and disassemble it, remove the bean box. Now the cottage cheese Easter is ready, you can decorate with candied fruits.

Recipe 9: Easter cottage cheese with poppy seed filling

The combination of poppy and cottage cheese is very harmonious, the curd layer is airy and tender.

  • Cottage cheese - 400 g (fatty)
  • Cream - 200 ml (33-35%)
  • Gelatin - 9 g (powdered)
  • Sugar - 275 g (125 g for cottage cheese, 150 g for poppy seed filling)
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp (in cottage cheese and in poppy seed filling 0.5 tsp each)
  • Poppy - 300 g
  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp (can be excluded)
  • Water - 50 ml and a little more for gelatin

Soak the raisins in warm water to swell a little. Chop nuts into small pieces. Remove the zest from the lemon with a fine grater.

Grind poppy seeds, you can do it with a coffee grinder, pour milk, add sugar, vanilla sugar, zest, raisins and nuts. Mix the mass thoroughly, then heat.

Set the poppy seed mixture aside for 30 minutes to ripen.

For cooking Easter, it is better to use fatty cottage cheese. First, using a hand blender, grind it to a smooth, homogeneous state, and then add sugar, vanilla sugar and mix.

Gelatin pour 50 ml of water. As soon as the gelatin swells, add a little more warm water. On low heat, heat the gelatin until it is completely dissolved, then strain the liquid.

Whip cream until stiff peaks.

Add gelatin and whipped cream to the prepared cottage cheese, gently mix everything with a silicone spatula.

You can use a special form for Easter (pasochnik). In this case, using a pastry bag, distribute the curd mass in shape, leaving the middle unfilled. Put the poppy seed filling in the center, you can spread another curd layer on top, level it. Send Easter in the refrigerator for a day.

If there is no special form, then take a colander, line it with gauze. Put the colander itself on a pan of a suitable size. Pour ¾ of the curd mass into an improvised form. Put the poppy seed filling in the center of the mold. Since it is heavier than cottage cheese, it will sink a little. Top the poppy seeds with a layer of cottage cheese. Carefully level the surface. Send to freeze in the refrigerator for a day.

Curd dessert called "Easter" in our country is one of the traditional attributes of the Bright Sunday of Christ. Easter is prepared according to a variety of recipes with the addition of candied fruits and dried fruits, aromatic spices, custard on yolks or even cocoa. Cooking methods are sometimes not inferior in complexity to the most skillful examples of haute cuisine. However, for the first experience, I want to take a recipe that certainly will not fail. Especially for beginners, we offer the simplest cottage cheese Easter recipe. A small set of ingredients: cottage cheese, butter, sugar and vanillin. Such an Easter is guaranteed to keep its shape, will not crumble, will not crack or delaminate. Optionally, you can add small raisins, diced candied fruits to it. I made a basic version without additives so that nothing distracts you from mastering the technology. We will make Easter in a special form - a beekeeper. Now, before Easter, you can buy it in any dishware department.

To prepare a classic cottage cheese Easter, prepare the following products:

  • Cottage cheese natural granular - 700 gr.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 120 gr.
  • Vanillin - to taste.

Advice: to make the cottage cheese Easter a success, try not to save on cottage cheese. Ideally, buy cottage cheese on the market from a trusted supplier. Or choose a reliable brand. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is of good quality - from natural milk, without the addition of vegetable fats.

Also you will need beekeeper volume of 1 l. and a piece of clean cotton or linen fabric measuring approximately 40x40 cm.

How easy it is to cook Easter from cottage cheese

First you need to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. If you have creamy dense cottage cheese, then you can skip this step and immediately proceed to the next one. The recipe says grainy cottage cheese, I rubbed it by hand, but if you wish, you can use a blender.

Add butter at room temperature, sugar (it is better to prepare powder from it first or take ready-made powder, which must be sifted through a sieve) and vanillin into the grated cottage cheese.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients with a fork or wooden spatula until a uniform mass is obtained, reminiscent of the consistency of the filling for glazed curds. If desired, you can use the mixer by turning it on at low speed. Knead the mass until it becomes soft and smooth. Taste for sweetness and add more sugar if needed.

When the mass is ready, assemble the pastry box and put a slightly moistened cloth inside it, this must be done so that the curd mass is evenly distributed inside the pastry box. Fill the pasta box with curd mass and carefully compact with a spoon.

Wrap the edges of the fabric inside, press it on top with some kind of load and send Easter to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. The time spent in the refrigerator depends on the moisture content of the curd. Periodically drain the whey that forms on the plate under Easter.

When the whey stops accumulating, Easter is ready. Gently invert it onto a plate and remove the cloth.

Decorate the finished Easter as you wish, for example, with confectionery beads, chocolate, nuts or candied fruits.

Serve ready-made Easter to the festive table.
