
Easter from cottage cheese with chocolate recipe. Easter from cottage cheese - a solemn delicacy! Recipes for custard and simple cottage cheese Easter with raisins, candied fruit, chocolate, nuts

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, we share with you a recipe for a delicious chocolate Easter. This special and very symbolic treat of the Easter table is prepared in a special form - a beekeeper - and its shape resembles a four-sided pyramid. Chocolate Easter according to this recipe is very easy to prepare. The recipe does not contain eggs and a lot of butter. It tastes like delicious glazed cheese. We are sure that you and your children will love this dessert.

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Author and founder of the website project - a culinary portal about simple and delicious food. With the help of the site unites all lovers of homemade food. Together with other food bloggers, he shares delicious recipes with detailed step-by-step descriptions. She loves to cook and translates her culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day he tries to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom of Anya and Kirill.

  • Recipe author: Olesya Fisenko
  • After cooking, you will receive 1 pc.
  • Cooking time: 14 hours


  • 500 gr cottage cheese
  • 120 gr powdered sugar
  • 50 gr butter
  • 130 gr dark chocolate
  • 100 ml cream 33%

Cooking method

    You can use any cottage cheese for Easter, but if you have doubts about its quality, you can put it in a triple layer of gauze and put it in a colander or sieve - all excess whey will drain in 2-3 hours. Butter must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Put cottage cheese, butter and powdered sugar into a bowl.

    Puree the mixture with an immersion blender.

    Break dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa into a bowl. In the microwave or in a saucepan over low heat, heat the cream without boiling.

    Immediately pour the cream into the chocolate. Stir vigorously with a whisk until smooth. Set aside to cool.

    Add the cooled chocolate to the curd. If desired, you can add dried cranberries or cherries, after mixing them with 10 g of powdered sugar. Stir the curd mass with a spatula until smooth. You need to knead thoroughly so that the mass has a uniform color without white patches.

    The recipe is designed for a 0.8 liter pasochnik. Place the pasta bowl upside down in a deep bowl so that liquid can easily drain from Easter. Fold gauze in 3-4 layers, wet, squeeze and put in a bean bag turned upside down so that the edges of the gauze hang down from all sides.

    Very tightly, avoiding voids, fill the pasta box with curd mass to the brim, tamp with a spatula and wrap the edges of gauze.

    Put a small saucer on top and a weight on it. Remove for 14-18 hours in the refrigerator (periodically drain the liquid).

    Remove the load from the beaker, remove it from the bowl, unfold the edges of the gauze.

    Cover the pasochnitsa with a serving plate turned upside down and turn Easter with it - its wide base will be on a dish. Free the easter from the pasochnik and carefully, so as not to damage the pattern, remove the gauze. Important: do not leave Easter in the form for longer than 28 hours, otherwise it may become dry. chocolate easter ready.

    Store ready-made Easter in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

The advantage of cottage cheese Easter is that it is prepared quite quickly and simply, so you can have time to try several types. Cottage cheese Easter with chocolate turns out to be tender, with a pleasant creamy chocolate taste. And although the curd Easter contains not so many ingredients and all of them are not too expensive, you need to remember that the key to a delicious Easter is good cottage cheese, butter with a fat content of at least 72.5%, and preferably 82.5%, high-quality chocolate and sour cream.

List of ingredients:

  • butter - 50 g,
  • sour cream - 100 g,
  • milk chocolate - 50 g,
  • cottage cheese - 500 g,
  • sugar - 200 g,
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.


1. Pour fresh cottage cheese into a bowl, put a few pieces of melted butter here.

2. You can twist the cottage cheese with butter to a pasty state using a blender or food processor. The mass must be homogeneous.

3. Pour granulated sugar or powdered sugar into a bowl.

4. Now add vanillin (do not confuse with vanilla sugar) and sour cream of any fat content. Stir. There should be no lumps in the curd mass.

5. It is advisable to freeze milk chocolate before rubbing, and when you rub, do not unfold the bar completely, but keep it in foil so that it does not melt from the heat of your hands. Grate chocolate on a fine grater.

6. Transfer the chocolate chips to the bowl with the curd mass and mix.

7. Moisten gauze or a piece of clean thin cloth with water. Turn the mold over with a narrow hole down and cover it with gauze, the edges should hang down. Fill the form with curd mass, wrap the edges of gauze.

There are several technologies for making cottage cheese Easter. According to one version, Easter will be raw, according to another - boiled. Chocolate Easter in this photo recipe is not cooked for long on fire. From this, it will become similar in taste to sweet glazed cheese. Only it will be even tastier and much healthier, because the products will be only natural.

Easter chocolate custard

In addition to fatty cottage cheese, the composition includes: chocolate, raw chicken eggs, cream and butter. You can be sure that the curd mass will turn out tender and tasty.

chocolate easter recipe


  • cottage cheese, fat content 18-30% - 500 grams;
  • cream, fat content not less than 20% - 200 ml;
  • high-quality butter 82% fat - 100 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp. l.;
  • dark bitter chocolate - 150 grams.

Cooking process:

For Easter, it is advisable to buy real homemade cottage cheese. It is delicious, and the curd mass will be the best. Put the cottage cheese in parts in a sieve and wipe, pressing down with a spoon.

Thanks to this method, the cottage cheese will become a homogeneous consistency. A couple of hours before preparing this treat, the butter should lie down at room temperature and melt well. Then add it to the mashed cottage cheese.

Rinse the eggs under water before breaking them into the curd mass. Cleanliness doesn't hurt. Beat in the eggs and start stirring the curd.

Pour in the sugar.

And then pour in heavy cream.

Pour all this mass into an iron bowl and put on fire. Whisking constantly, watch for bubbles to form on the surface and remove from heat immediately.

Melt the chocolate in advance in a water bath.

Then pour it into the cooled curd mixture.

Mix well until the color becomes uniform brown.

Spread wet gauze into a special plastic mold (pasochnik) and start spreading the chocolate-curd mixture with a spoon.

Cover the ends of the gauze and put some oppression on the mold. Also, the form must be placed in a deep plate so that there is a place where the whey from the cottage cheese will drain. Send the form with the contents to the refrigerator for 12 hours so that the Easter becomes knocked down and keeps its shape well. Custard Easter is freed from the form and gauze and served at the festive Easter table. The dish can be decorated with small chocolate eggs. Bon appetit!


1) Cottage cheese Easter without eggs

● cottage cheese - 650 g
● powdered sugar - 250 g
● sour cream - 200 g
● butter - 250 g
● vanillin
● raisins - 80 g
● dried apricots - 80 g
● prunes - 80 g

1. We scroll the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, but it is better to rub it through a sieve (2 times), because after a meat grinder it can become crumpled, crushed and viscous. And the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve will be lush, airy and saturated with air. Then add softened butter and mix.
2. Wash dried apricots, raisins and prunes and pour boiling water for about 15-20 minutes. Then cut dried apricots and prunes into pieces.
3. Mix vanillin with powdered sugar and add to the curd mass.
4. Add sour cream and mix in a blender.
5. Add dried apricots, prunes and raisins, mix again.
6. We prepare the pasochnik (if it is not there, you can use a sieve, colander). We cover the form for Easter with gauze in 2 layers and put it in a container (it is possible in a plastic bowl).
7. We spread the curd mass in the pastry box, press it well. We wrap the ends of the gauze on top crosswise and put the load. If you are using a different form, place a deep plate underneath to drain the liquid. We put Easter in the refrigerator for 10-15 hours. Easter is ready!

2) Cottage cheese Easter with chocolate

● sour cream - 800 g
● chocolate - 200 g
● eggs - 6 pcs
● sugar - 350 g
● cream - 100 ml
● butter - 400 g
● cottage cheese - 200 g
● vanilla sugar - 5 g
● almonds - 70 g
● lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
● powdered sugar - 300 g

1. We spread the sour cream on cheesecloth, twist it and hang it for several hours - this is necessary in order for excess liquid to glass. While the whey is draining, separate the eggs into yolks and whites.
2. Three shah fine grater chocolate, beat the yolks with sugar, vanilla and chocolate, add the cream. We put the resulting mixture in a water bath, stirring, let it boil, and then cool.
3. Cut the butter into small pieces and let stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to make it soft. After that, mix it with settled sour cream, egg-cream mixture and beat.
4. Finely chop the almonds (can be chopped in a blender), wipe the cottage cheese until smooth, mix all the ingredients, beat with a mixer.
5. Prepare forms for Easter, line them with gauze in several layers. Put the resulting mass into the molds, cover with the ends of gauze, put a load on top and refrigerate. Easter will be ready in 24 hours.
6. Prepare the glaze: beat the whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice to make a thick white foam. We cover Easter with this glaze, sprinkle with grated chocolate, let it harden. Easter is ready!

3) Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruit

● cottage cheese - 1 kg
● eggs — 3 pcs.
● sugar (powdered sugar) - 200 g
● candied fruits - 300 g
● vanilla sugar - 2 sachets
● cream - 100 ml
● candied fruits and marmalade for decoration - to taste

1. If the curd is wet, it must be transferred to any thin cloth (or gauze folded in two layers), the gauze or cloth must be tied in a knot and the curd must be hung over a plate in order to make whey out of it. Then it is necessary to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, preferably twice. The result should be an airy and crumbly curd mass.
2. Then we separate the proteins from the yolks and then rub the yolks with sugar in a water bath until a pale cream color. It is necessary to make sure that the yolks do not stick to the bottom of the dish.
3. Cottage cheese is mixed with vanilla sugar and candied fruit. And again, everything is well mixed.
4. After mixing, add 1 tablespoon of cream, 1 tablespoon of softened butter and 1 tablespoon of egg yolks. Again, everything is thoroughly mixed until the curd mass becomes completely homogeneous.
5. A special form for cottage cheese Easter (we mentioned it above) is placed upside down on a plate and laid with a double layer of gauze, part of which should remain outside the edges of the form.
6. Then the curd mass is transferred to this form. The ends of the gauze are placed on top of the cottage cheese, a plate or saucer is placed on them, and a small load (about 500-800 g) is placed on top. Excess whey will flow out through a special hole in the top of the form.
7. After that, the form is removed overnight (or about 12 hours) in the refrigerator.
8. Ready-made Easter is decorated with candied fruit or marmalade.

4) Cottage cheese Easter with chocolate and nuts

● cottage cheese - 600 g
● butter - 100 g
● sour cream (25%) - 150 g
● sugar - 200 g
● vanilla sugar - 40 g
● powdered sugar - 50 g
● walnuts - 70 g
● chocolate - 150 g

1. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve several times. This is done so that the curd becomes airy. If there is no sieve, you can scroll the cottage cheese in a meat grinder.
2. Soften the butter. I don't always remember to take it out of the fridge, so I usually soften it up a bit in the microwave before cooking.
3. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream and butter in a separate bowl. Mix well.
4. Then add sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly with a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass. If there is vanillin, you can take 1 g and add it instead of vanilla sugar.
5. Rub the chocolate on a coarse grater into a separate plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.
6. Let's remove the grated chocolate in the freezer for 5 minutes, it should cool well so as not to color our Easter in chocolate color.
7. Chop the peeled walnuts into small pieces.
8. First add walnuts to the curd mass, mix well.
9. Then add the grated chocolate and mix quickly.
10. Take the form for Easter and lay it out with gauze folded in several layers.
11. Lay out the curd mass, tie gauze on top.
12. Put a load on top (I used a small jar of water).
13. Place a plate under the bottom of the form with Easter so that the resulting whey flows there.
14. Keep the cottage cheese Easter with chocolate and nuts in the refrigerator for about 12 hours.
15. Carefully take out the easter from the mold. Decorate it with the remains of nuts or chocolate.

5) Easter cottage cheese with cocoa

● cottage cheese - 1 kg
● sugar - 2 tbsp.
● butter - 300 g
● sour cream - 6 tbsp.
● cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.
● chocolate - to taste
● vanillin - to taste
● salt - 1/4 tsp.

1. Grind the softened butter until sour cream is thick. Add sugar, vanillin, cocoa powder and salt, grind thoroughly.
2. We take fresh and dry cottage cheese, wipe it through a sieve.
3. Add sour cream and mix well.
4. Add in small portions a mixture of butter, cocoa and sugar. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous uniform color of the mass is obtained.
5. We spread the resulting mass in the pasochnik and put it under oppression
6. Put in the refrigerator for about a day.
7. We turn the frozen Easter on a dish and decorate with grated dark chocolate.

6) Easter curd with poppy seed filling

● cottage cheese - 400 g
● gelatin - 1 tbsp.
● sugar - 150 g
● cream - 50 ml
● vanilla sugar

For poppy seed filling:
● poppy - 1/3 tbsp.
● milk - 1 tbsp.
● sugar - 5 tbsp.

1. So, soak the gelatin in cold water.
2. We are engaged in poppy. You can grind it in a blender, but if you like a whole poppy, then leave it like that. We wash it thoroughly, put it in a ladle and fill it with milk. It is important that the milk completely covers the poppy in the ladle. Then add sugar and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let cool.
3. We dissolve gelatin in a small amount of water in a water bath or in a microwave oven.
4. For our cottage cheese Easter, it is necessary to use the freshest cottage cheese. Put cottage cheese, gelatin, cream, sugar and vanilla sugar in a blender bowl, beat well.
5. Cooking Easter is best in a pastry box, but if you don’t have one, you can use a tall bowl. If you have a pastry, then distribute the cottage cheese with a pastry bag, fill the form halfway, put the poppy seed filling in the center. Then lay out the remaining cottage cheese.
6. If you are preparing Easter in a different form, then you need to cover it with cling film and grease with a little odorless vegetable oil. Then you can spread the cottage cheese - first half, then the poppy seed filling and the remaining cottage cheese.
7. We leave the cottage cheese in the form for 3-5 hours, and preferably overnight.
8. Then we take out the cottage cheese Easter from the mold and decorate as we wish (sugar sprinkles, dried fruits, chocolate, flowers.

7) Custard Easter "Gentle cottage cheese"

● market cottage cheese - 500 g
● egg yolks - 2 pcs.
● sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
● milk - 2.5 tbsp.
● butter - 100 g
● vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
● colorful candied fruits - 100 g
● chopped walnuts - 2 tbsp.

1. Squeeze the curd through two layers of gauze, then wipe through a sieve.
2. Rub the yolks with sugar, pour in the milk. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat, stirring, until thick (do not boil).
3. Pour the hot mixture into a large bowl, add the butter, stir. Add vanilla sugar, candied fruits and walnuts. Stir again.
4. Add cottage cheese to the mixture in small portions, mixing thoroughly each time.
5. Fold the mass into a gauze bag and hang for 10-12 hours.
6. After that, transfer the curd mass to the pastry box, give it the desired shape and decorate.


It is also very useful, since the best ingredients are selected for its preparation, in the list of which there is no sugar. We bring to your attention the recipe for making chocolate curd Easter, as well as its possible options.

Curd Easter

Cottage cheese Easter is somewhat easier to prepare than dough Easter, but it is also not inferior in the number of recipes.

There are two main ways to prepare cottage cheese Easter: hot and cold.

  1. Hot method: mix the necessary ingredients and heat them over low heat.
  2. Cold method: the ingredients are mixed, but not boiled, but put in the refrigerator. Such a chocolate Easter is also called raw.

Any kind of Easter can be given. But most often, housewives choose a ready-made form that looks like a truncated pyramid. And this is not accidental, because it is this kind that symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. Also, various patterns and symbols are engraved on the walls of this form: grains and spikelets, letters ХВ, crosses, spears, and so on.

Chocolate cottage cheese Easter: ingredients and necessary equipment

List of ingredients for eight servings:

Required culinary equipment:

  • whisk;
  • Bowl;
  • sieve;
  • mixer;
  • special Easter uniform.

You will also need a piece of gauze.

Easter Chocolate Recipe: Recipe

The sequence of steps for preparing chocolate Easter:

  1. From cottage cheese make a homogeneous mass without lumps. To do this, wipe it a couple of times through a sieve.
  2. Beat with a mixer (100 grams).
  3. Add cottage cheese to butter and beat everything together.
  4. Set up a water bath.
  5. Whisk the egg yolks and powdered sugar in the bath with a whisk. You need to beat until the mixture increases (like a biscuit).
  6. Mix the beaten yolks with the curd mass.
  7. Break the chocolate (100 grams) into small pieces in a bowl.
  8. Put 20 grams of butter on the chocolate.
  9. Put the butter and chocolate in a water bath and melt everything. The mass must be stirred all the time with a spoon.
  10. Let the chocolate mixture cool down a bit.
  11. Finely chop the remaining 50 grams of chocolate.
  12. Whip cream with a mixer or whisk.
  13. Mix the curd and chocolate mass, add chopped chocolate, citrus zest and whipped cream.
  14. Assemble the Easter mold and turn it upside down.
  15. Cover all the walls of the mold with gauze folded in several layers (at least three).
  16. Spoon all of the curd mixture into the tin. Try to press the mass tightly to the edges. To do this, fill the form with the mixture gradually, spoon by spoon.
  17. When the form is completely filled, cover the curd with the edges of gauze.
  18. The filled form should be placed on a deep plate, and a container filled with something (for example, a saucepan with water) should be placed on top.
  19. Put the design in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, all the liquid should flow out of the Easter. Therefore, make sure that the plate in which the form stands does not overflow.
  20. After the time has elapsed, remove the structure from the refrigerator and disassemble the form. Then carefully detach the gauze from the easter.

Chocolate Easter is ready! You can decorate it if you like.

Variety in Easter cottage cheese recipes

There are many variations of recipes. The main difference in them is the list of additional ingredients that are added to the main curd mass:

  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.);
  • vanillin or other essences (for example, the aroma of baked milk);
  • peanuts, hazelnuts, and so on);
  • fruit puree raspberry and so on).

Culinary tips and secrets for making cottage cheese chocolate Easter

  1. You can store cottage cheese Easter for no more than four days.
  2. If you decide that your chocolate Easter will be with dried fruits, then first soak them in boiling water for several hours.
  3. Chocolate should be used with a high content of cocoa beans (at least 75%).
  4. Chocolate Easter is decorated with candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits, marmalade, Easter sprinkles.
  5. Chocolate Easter will look more like some kind of dessert if you pour icing on top of it.
  6. Choose non-sour cottage cheese for Easter.
  7. Instead of chocolate, you can use boiled condensed milk.
  8. If there is no gauze, then you can take it by first making several small holes at the bottom so that the liquid can drain.
  9. To wipe the cottage cheese, you can use not a sieve, but a meat grinder or a blender at low speed.
  10. The minimum period for holding Easter in the refrigerator, when it is still in shape, is 12 hours.
  11. To better move away from gauze, pre-moisten the latter in some water.

Happy cooking and bright Easter holidays with your family and loved ones!
