
Vegetable salad "Panicle" (Brush) for weight loss and bowel cleansing. Salad panicle for weight loss and bowel cleansing

Metelka salad is a light vitamin dish, and it's just a godsend for losing weight. This salad is very tasty and healthy, it cleanses the body of everything unnecessary, killing two birds with one stone: panicle heals and helps to lose weight. This effect is achieved due to the vegetables and fruits included in its composition, rich in fiber and pectin, which are necessary for normal digestion.

The salad is incredibly easy to make. Its main component is raw or sauerkraut. Any other chopped raw vegetables and greens are added to chopped cabbage. Easy dressing, a little soaking time, and voila - our whisk is ready to use.

Trying to get a little spicy out of a salad, but don't want to add garlic and ruin your breath before a date or an important meeting? Just rub the dishes with garlic - the dish will become fragrant, and the breath will remain fresh.

There are many options for preparing this salad. The most interesting of them are listed below:

How to cook panicle salad - 15 varieties

Classic panicle recipe. Simple and delicious.

  • Cabbage - 390 g.
  • Beets - 390 g.
  • Carrot - 390 g.
  • Green apples - 3 pieces


Finely chop the cabbage. Grate beets, carrots and apples, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice.

This is a type of diet salad using celery and a spoonful of water. Lose weight delicious!

For cooking you will need:

  • Raw beets - 1 pc.
  • Raw carrots - 1 pc.
  • Several leaves of cabbage
  • Some fresh greens
  • Piece of celery stalk
  • Lemon juice - to taste
  • Tablespoon of water
  • A pinch of salt - to taste


Grate thoroughly peeled vegetables on a large grater, cut cabbage and greens medium.

We mix it all and season with lemon juice, add a tablespoon of water (so the salad will be juicier, but there will be no extra calories), salt.

We eat and reduce the tummy!

Differs in special juiciness, due to addition of water.

For cooking you will need:

  • White cabbage - 220 g.
  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Beets - 300 g.
  • Garlic - 20 g.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 40 ml.
  • Green onion
  • Parsley
  • lemon juice


Finely chop cabbage and greens. Grate beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Put the vegetables in a bowl, add water, lemon juice and mix well. Remove to refrigerator. After half an hour, when the salad is soaked enough, we take it out, season it with olive oil and serve it on the table.

This recipe uses garlic. Great for treating colds!

For cooking you will need:

  • Carrots - 3 pcs
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Greens (dill, parsley, onion, you can another to taste) - 1 bunch
  • Sour cream (not very greasy) - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Walnut - 1 tbsp.


Grate beets and apples on the largest grater, carrots on Korean or medium.

Squeeze the garlic through a press and add a little salt to taste.

Season everything with delicious sour cream and mix.

Crush the nuts, pour into the salad.

Ready! Enjoy your diet food.

In this version, the dressing is prepared separately. An elegant and simple version with garlic.

For cooking you will need:

  • White cabbage - 250 g.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste


Shred the cabbage and grind with salt to extract the juice.

Grate carrots and beets and transfer to a bowl.

Season with a mixture of olive oil, mix lemon juice, add grated garlic.

Mix well, salt and pepper.

Bon appetit!

After thoroughly washing the greens and vegetables, it is recommended to dry them thoroughly - otherwise your dressing will not linger on them.

This variety is surprisingly good for weight loss. You can have a snack with such a salad after an intense workout.

For cooking you will need:

  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 25 g.
  • Linseed oil - 25 g.
  • Cabbage - 350 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Bran - 200 g.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Salt - to taste


We clean and rub the beets on a coarse grater.

I put it in a bowl.

Season with vinegar.

Add linseed oil.

We cut our cabbage with a thin straw.

Peel and cut into strips carrots and onions.

We clean the apple - at the same time we remove the seeds (in general, all the insides).

Cut into strips like cabbage.

We spread the apple, onion, cabbage, carrots, beets in a bowl.

Add a few bunches of dill and pour wheat bran.

Add some salt and sugar to taste.

Season with oil and vinegar according to your taste. We mix.

Serve on the table - preferably with chopsticks.

If you pour boiling water over chopped onions before directly laying them in a salad, then it will acquire a pleasant flavor.

The name speaks for itself. It will suit even the most strict adherents of a healthy lifestyle to their diet.

For cooking you will need:

  • Red beets - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Pine nuts - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice
  • Greens to taste


Grated beets and carrots are added to the chopped cabbage.

Prepare dressing: grind pine nuts with lemon juice with a blender.

We dress the salad, decorate with herbs.

When preparing this option, you need to use only olive oil. Salad - overeating.

For cooking you will need:

  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tsp (taste).
  • Cabbage - 550 g.
  • Salt - to taste


Grate your carrots on a grater for Korean carrots (you can use any grater, but preferably a medium one).

Thinly slice the cabbage and squeeze it.

Grate raw beets.

Mix everything and add salt.

Add oil and lemon juice, do not forget to mix everything again.

Enjoy a delicious and healthy salad.

A great snack option for a low carb diet.

For cooking you will need:

  • Celery - 500 g.
  • Cucumbers - 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Greenery


Mix peeled and grated celery with grated cucumber, add greens, oil and lemon juice.

This type of panicle uses more celery than usual, which makes it more nutritious and healthy, and the apple adds a pleasant sourness.

For cooking you will need:

  • Celery - 300 g.
  • Beets - 550 g.
  • Green apples - 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.


Celery root must be peeled and grated along with beets and apples.

Drizzle with a mixture of lemon juice and oil.

It is better not to peel beets and apples, but simply rinse well before use.

This magnificent salad surprises with its simplicity and taste. Lose weight in style.

For cooking you will need:

  • Cabbage - 300-500 g
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Semerenko apple (or any sour) - 1 pc.
  • Water - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Vinegar - 2-3 teaspoons
  • Sunflower oil - 1 spoon


Gently wash all vegetables, that is, cabbage and carrots.

We also carefully wash the apple, peel it.

Finely-finely cut everything into straws.

Mix it all up in a large salad bowl. Don't hesitate - stir well.

Add vinegar, sugar, water, salt to a small bowl. This is how we make the filling.

We dress the salad. We pour oil.

Om-Nom-nom! A delicious and healthy vitamin salad according to a great recipe is ready!

The composition of this panicle includes only fruits.

For cooking you will need:

  • Grapefruit (large) - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Prunes - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Dried apricots - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Apple - 1 pc.


Soak prunes and dried apricots.

We clean the grapefruit, take out the pulp and divide it into small pieces with our hands.

We clean the apple, take out the core, cut into small slices.

We clean the pomegranate, squeeze the juice from the grains.

Mix grapefruit with soaked chopped dried fruits and add apples.

Topped with pomegranate juice.

Salad ready.

Making a salad of citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines or grapefruit? Be sure to remove the bones - if you leave them, your dish will become unpleasantly bitter.

Salad panicle "Superfit - bowel cleansing"

For cooking you will need:

  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 20 g.
  • Linseed oil - 30 g.
  • Cabbage - 350 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon - 1 slice


Cut the cabbage into small squares.

Grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater.

We put everything in layers in the prepared dishes - you can even put it in a jar.

For spiciness, you can throw hot peppers into the salad.

Bon appetit!

Salad panicle "Health"

A healthy diet salad with cabbage and beets also tastes pretty good. Done in minutes!

For cooking you will need:

  • White cabbage - 200 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 0.5 pcs
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - to taste


Finely chop the cabbage and remember it well along with the salt.

Grate carrots and peeled apple (largely!).

Cut the bell pepper into pieces.

Grate beets on a large grater (do not cook! Use raw).

Mayonnaise in this case softens the taste of our raw beets.

Everything is very simple and nutritious! Eat and stock up on vitamins for a long time.

Salad panicle "Brush of calories"

Cleansing salad for weight loss. Perhaps one of the lowest calorie salads in nature. No condiments!

For cooking you will need:

  • Raw cabbage - 500 gr.
  • Raw beets - 500 gr.
  • Raw carrots - 500 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp


Cabbage, carrots and beets are thoroughly washed and cleaned.

All this three on a very fine grater.

Mash the cabbage so that it gives juice.

We mix everything. You can add greens.

Add a tablespoon of olive oil.

Enjoy! Calorie content - only 32 kilocalories per 100 grams of lettuce.

Good afternoon.

Today on my analysis is a very popular dish - salad "Brush". Or "Metelka". Both names are used equally often, so just keep in mind they are the same thing.

As the name suggests, this dish is designed to cleanse your intestines of waste, remove toxins and make you feel a pleasant lightness in the body.

I will now criticize all this, but as you read this, remember that Brush salad can really benefit the body. With the right approach, there will be sense, but one should not expect a miracle from him.

Well, at the end of the article I will give as an example 2 recipes - a classic and popular recipe from Elena Malysheva. If you are reluctant to read about the meaning and proper use of salad, then scroll down immediately.

Medicinal properties of lettuce Brush (Panicle)

So, we are promised that when we eat this salad, our intestines will be cleansed. All stale waste will go away, as well as slags and toxins will be removed. Directly not a salad, but a pipe cleaner. Of course, all this is complete nonsense. I have written many times about:

  • - substances, the existence of which has not been confirmed by official science
  • The intestines are not a system of sewer pipes, on the walls of which garbage can accumulate, which needs to be “cleaned” somehow. It is a living, constantly shrinking tissue. Undigested food remains cannot be “deposited” in it, they will be removed in any case.

Therefore, to say that the salad "Brush" cleanses the intestines is fundamentally wrong.

Acceleration of waste disposal - yes. cleansing - no

The beneficial properties of the salad are due to the fact that fresh vegetables rich in fiber are used in its preparation. I will not delve into the subtleties and differences of this or that kind of fiber now, I recently wrote about this, I will only say that the ingredients used carry the type of fiber - soluble and insoluble.

What does this give us:

Significant reduction in carbohydrate intake. Therefore, the caloric content of the diet will be greatly reduced. You will not start to lose weight rapidly from this, but if you eat only a “brush” all day, then the next day you can find minus 1-2 kg on the scales. But this trick will only work on the first day. Perhaps the second day spent on the salad will give another minus 1 kg. But that's all. Further weight loss will go much more slowly and there will no longer be any point in eating salad.

Soluble fiber (in beets) absorbs water in the colon, gels, bulks up waste, and helps it move faster.

Insoluble fiber (in cabbage) contributes to the formation of the correct consistency of feces, accelerates the passage of waste through the intestines.

Slimming Recipe and Calorie Brushes

Now let's think about what weight loss options this salad can be used on.

Firstly: this is a great option for a fasting day after a plentiful feast. Evening feasts with a lot of food probably contributed to the retention of a large amount of excess fluid in the body and a large amount of waste in the intestines. "Brush" in this case will be just right. This simple and light meal will help to quickly remove all the excess from your body.

The best option in this case is the use of "panicle" throughout the day. Do not eat any other food on this day - this will destroy all the expected effect. But you can eat it as much as you want. It does not bring a feeling of satiety for a long time, so a slight feeling of hunger will haunt you all day. This is fine. This is payment for yesterday. You don't have to worry too much about calories. 100 grams of lettuce contains about 130 calories if you season with oil, and about 50 kcal if you do without it. But again, don't worry about it, since most of these calories are fiber, which is not absorbed. And fat is an indispensable substance for the body and saving calories at the expense of oil is at least unreasonable.

Secondly: this is a good way to reduce daily calorie content while complying. Replace it with a side dish that you eat for lunch and dinner and cut calories by almost half! Yes, a salad instead of pasta and potatoes is quite capable of this.

Results and how much they throw off on the Brush

As I already wrote, days spent exclusively on the “brush” can help you lose 1 to 2 kg of weight on the first day, the same amount or a little less on the second, and almost nothing on the third and subsequent days. This is due to the fact that in the first two days, excess fluid and waste accumulated in the intestines leave the body. By the third day of cleansing on a salad, there is no more excess water and waste in the body, so further weight loss will only come from burning fat and muscle mass. And this process is not fast, further weight loss will occur at a rate of 100-200 grams per day. Therefore, observing unloading on the “brush” for more than two days in a row, in my opinion, is irrational.

Well, with the theory finished, we go directly to the recipes.

Classic brush salad recipe

This recipe involves the preparation of about 1.2 kg of salad. This amount is enough for 6 two-hundred-gram servings - the most for a fasting day.



Salad Brush: a recipe for weight loss from Elena Malysheva

The recipe from Elena Malysheva does not contain olive oil and salt. So we can say that this is an even more strict recipe.


  • Raw cabbage - 0.5 kg.
  • Raw carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Raw beets - 0.5 kg.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon.


The cooking process is similar to the previous one, but in no case should you add any spices! Only lemon juice.

As you can see, nothing complicated and nothing special. So next time you are going to an important event with a visit to a restaurant, make sure that your refrigerator has the products necessary for the “brush” and walk with a clear conscience knowing that tomorrow you will fix everything.

P.S. I am by no means a supporter of gluttony. Just understand correctly - we can not always control our desires, sometimes they are stronger than us. And such unloading is a good way to minimize the harm to the body from an excessive amount of food.

That's all for today. Thank you for your attention.

Every woman in her life has a moment when she just needs to urgently reduce her waist by a few centimeters. To this end, many resort to help, which have a laxative and diuretic effect on the body. But their intake has a negative effect on the stomach, causing the development and exacerbation of various diseases. Therefore, for quick body shaping, many women use Panicle salad for weight loss.

It contains only vegetables that improve the functionality of the intestines and contribute to the removal of all "excess" from the body. In terms of weight loss, this salad is really effective, as practice has repeatedly convinced us. But is it safe for health? We will try to answer this question.

You can't lose weight to the detriment of your health. And everyone should know about it. No matter how the situation in the country develops, health cannot be bought for any money.

Using the Panicle salad to cleanse the intestines and lose weight, a person acts on it bilaterally. On the one hand, it helps your body, and on the other, it causes severe harm.

Colon cleansing, regardless of which method is used, whether it is panicle salad or, is very beneficial to health. The thing is that after the food enters the stomach, it goes straight to the intestines, where it is divided into “bad” and “good” substances. Bad ones are excreted from the body along with feces. Good ones are absorbed into the intestinal walls, penetrate the circulatory system and spread to all organs and tissues.

Over time, the walls of the intestines begin to become clogged, as a result of which metabolic processes are disturbed and good substances begin to be absorbed worse, which will certainly affect the appearance of a person and his health. Periodic bowel cleansing prevents clogging and normalizes the functioning of the body.

But the main thing here is not to overdo it. Using the panicle salad for weight loss, the recipe of which is discussed below, contains raw beets, which are a strong laxative. With its regular impact on the body, the intestines begin to remove not only bad substances, but also useful ones. As a result, hypovitaminosis begins. This is a condition in which the body begins to experience a severe lack of vitamins and minerals, which causes the development of many diseases and a deterioration in the appearance of a person - the hair becomes brittle, the skin acquires an unhealthy shade, etc.

In view of this, doctors do not recommend getting involved in such salads. You can use them for a maximum of 3 days in a row (this time is enough to lose 3-4 kg). If you eat such salads constantly, the consequences can be sad. Not only will the body suffer from hypovitaminosis, but the intestines will also become addictive, as a result of which a person will have to resort to medications or, again, to this salad in order to go to the toilet normally.

Therefore, if you are attracted to the panicle lettuce diet, remember that you cannot stick to it for a long time. It's in your best interest.

It is also worth noting that every person who wants to quickly lose weight with this dish should understand that weight loss occurs due to cleansing the body, that is, as a result of removing intestinal contents and excess fluid from the body. The breakdown of fat cells does not occur. Therefore, after the abolition of this salad, in just a couple of days, the water-salt balance in the body returns to normal and the weight will return with it.

Therefore, if you really want to lose weight, then you need to carry out such a cleaning before you go on any diet. This will normalize metabolic processes and contribute to rapid weight loss.

Salad "panicle" for weight loss can be prepared in different ways. The classic recipe says that you need to cook it from three vegetables - beets (necessarily raw), carrots (also do not boil it) and white cabbage. All vegetables are taken raw, peeled. Carrots and beets are rubbed on a coarse grater, cabbage is chopped and pressed with hands until juice appears. At the same time, cabbage should be almost 3 times more than other vegetables.

After that, all the ingredients are mixed in one bowl, seasoned with a small amount of any vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Other salad options involve replacing carrots with fresh apples and celery root. If the salad is used simply for the purpose of cleansing the body, and not for weight loss, walnuts can also be added to it, and sauerkraut can be used instead of fresh white cabbage.

How much and when should you eat salad?

To prevent dehydration and not provoke severe diarrhea, this salad should be eaten in small portions no more than 2 times a day, for example, for breakfast and lunch. The action of the salad comes, as a rule, 1.5-2 hours after consumption, for this reason it should not be eaten before bedtime.

This dish has a strong stimulating effect on the body. You can even say that it works in the same way as a medicinal laxative. In view of this, it should not be used by people suffering from intestinal obstruction. Also, the panicle salad is contraindicated for women "in position" and during lactation for very obvious reasons.

This salad contains beets, which contain a lot of sugar, which provokes a sharp jump in blood glucose. Therefore, people with diabetes should better refrain from using it.

In addition, the salad contains vegetables that contain allergens - carrots and beets. If you have an allergic reaction to these ingredients, you should not use such a salad.

Side effects

The use of lettuce "panicle" can provoke bloating, increased gas formation and nausea. In addition, there is a possibility of severe diarrhea, dehydration and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Frequent trips to the toilet can provoke irritation of the intestinal mucosa and skin around the anus. It is also possible to exacerbate chronic diseases and constipation after stopping the use of lettuce.

Be attentive to the signals your body is giving you. If side effects occur, you should stop using lettuce as a means to cleanse the body and lose weight, and see a doctor.

Salad "Metelka" really helps to lose weight, this has been proven more than once by practice. But remember that health is much more important than a slim figure. And if you have time, it is better to use more gentle and really effective diets.

Video with the recipe for salad "Metelka"

Everyone who lives in modern megacities sometimes just needs to rid their body of excessive slagging and remove unnecessary toxins that settle in the intestines due to poor ecology, malnutrition, and an insufficiently healthy lifestyle. One of the most gentle and healthy ways to cleanse the intestines is delicious vitamin salads. These include the Broom salad, the reviews of those who have already tried this dish confirm its effectiveness.

Salad "Broom" for cleansing the intestines and improving the appearance

What is Metla salad

The dish received this comic name for its exceptionally useful properties, since it, like a good broom, cleanses the body of unnecessary and harmful substances. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the salad contains a lot of useful vitamins and fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines.

It is recommended to use Broom salad for bowel cleansing during the week, replacing them with an evening meal. After dinner, you can no longer eat, you can only drink a glass of plain water.

salad recipe

Proper preparation of salad "Broom" consists of only three ingredients. All of them, of course, must be fresh, not canned and must not be subjected to heat treatment. Finely chop or grate one fresh beet, one carrot.

Then chop white cabbage, its volume should be one and a half to two times the amount of other vegetables. Remember the vegetables with your hands so that they give juice. You can’t dress the salad, but you can sprinkle the vegetables with fresh lemon juice. You can also add a little unrefined sunflower oil, but you should not mix both oil and lemon juice in the same bowl.

This is a classic salad recipe, but you can modify it to your liking, such as adding oatmeal or fresh apple wedges.

The benefits of lettuce and contraindications for use

Salad "Broom" can be eaten periodically just to prevent slagging of the intestines, because in itself it is not only a healthy dish, but also very tasty. Salad will help not only cleanse the body from the inside and stimulate the digestive tract, but also save you a couple of extra pounds that are formed due to insufficient bowel function. "Broom" will help normalize digestion and give freshness to the whole appearance.

Despite the peculiar name, Brush salad or, as it is also called, Panicle salad for weight loss and bowel cleansing is really very useful. Fortunately, in addition to the original recipe with raw beets and a seven-day diet on one salad, there are many options for its preparation and use. You can improve your gut microflora, relieve constipation, eliminate swelling, and even improve your complexion with this product. American naturopaths of the early 20th century invented the cleansing salad Brush, according to legend, Paul Bragg had a hand in creating this dish. Other sources name the authors of the Swiss doctor Bircher-Benner, and even the propagandist of separate nutrition Herbert Shelton. However, any housewife who was too lazy to cook beets could invent a salad.

What can be useful salad Brush for losing weight?

First of all, all brush salad recipes are pretty low-calorie.
Vegetables seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil rarely “pull out” more than 50 kcal per 100 g of product.
Well, fruit versions contain slightly more carbohydrates, and can be 20 calories heavier.
Agree, in comparison with the classic side dishes of potatoes or porridge, all this is nothing but trifles. Cleansing Panicle helps not only cleanse the intestines and gain vitamins, but also “save calories”, as well as diversify the diet.
This salad is very good as part of diets such as "Kremlin" or "Paleo". If you eat quite a lot of protein foods, and avoid complex carbohydrates in the form of coarse cereals, digestion can be disturbed. To defeat constipation without medication will help "Brush" for the intestines.
But this salad does not know how to burn fat, remove excess fats and carbohydrates from the body, and help to spend calories in the process of eating lunch. However, all other food products known to mankind are deprived of such abilities.

Salad Recipes Brush (Panicle)

Classic Salad Brush
Grate 400 g of red beets, carrots, green apples, season with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
Raw salad
200 g of red beets, 400 g of white cabbage, lemon juice, 200 g of carrots, half a glass of pine nuts.
Grate beets and carrots, chop cabbage, pine nuts, along with lemon juice, “process” with a blender. Season the salad with the resulting gruel, you can also add 1-2 apples and some greens.
Salad brush with celery for a low-carb diet
500 g stalk celery, 500 g fresh cucumbers, any garden greens, lemon juice (about 2/3 cup), 1 tablespoon olive oil.
Grate the stem celery, simply throw away the extra “fibers”, mix the green mass with grated cucumber, season with chopped herbs, lemon juice, and oil.
Panicle with celery and apple
200 g of celery root, preferably fresh, and not “from winter”, 500 g of red beets, 600 g of green apples, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of olive oil.
Celery root is peeled, rubbed on a grater along with an apple and beets. Topped with lemon juice and oil. "Adepts" of wellness methods often advise eating beets "as is", with a peel, just thoroughly washing it with a stiff brush. And, of course, do not peel apples.
Fruit salad Panicle
1 large grapefruit, half a glass of pomegranate seeds, half a glass of prunes, half a glass of dried apricots.
Juice is squeezed out of the grains, dried fruits are soaked. The grapefruit is peeled, the pulp is taken out and “disassembled” into small pieces by hand. Soaked dried fruits are cut into small pieces, mixed with grapefruit and poured with pomegranate juice.
Fruit brush with bran
1 apple, 1 orange, 2 kiwifruit, 1 tablespoon oat bran powder, 4 tablespoons low-fat yogurt or kefir, 1 teaspoon honey or fructose (optional).
An apple is rubbed on a grater, the rest of the fruit is cut into bran, poured with kefir or yogurt and left for a few minutes. Then kefir with bran and honey are mixed, and fruit is seasoned with the mixture.

Diet on Lettuce Brush

As you could understand, there are a lot of salads with this name. The same applies to salad diets - someone advises to sit on a "brush" for 7-10 days for weight loss, someone arranges 1-2 unloading days a week with the rest of the days of a balanced low-calorie diet. The main thing here is not to go to extremes.
And for weight loss with a brush, protein-carbohydrate alternation is often used. With this regimen, they sit on the following diet for 7-14 days:
1 protein day - 1 kg of chicken fillet, white fish, 500-700 g of lean beef, in 5 doses, choose one type of product, or alternate, but so as not to eat more than 1 kg of food per day;
1 day on a salad brush, any recipes are taken, but fruit recipes - no more than 1 time per day, similarly 5 meals, and 1.5 kg of salad per day.

This diet does not slow down metabolism as much as a lettuce mono-diet, but it can be dangerous for the kidneys, intestines and liver, especially if there are violations in the work of these organs.
In any case, you can just eat the Brush instead of your first breakfast or second dinner and enjoy easy weight loss. Combined with a low-calorie diet and exercise system, this simple measure will speed up the process of weight loss and avoid “vitamin hunger”. The only point is that you should not overeat "Brushes", this can result in diarrhea and painful sensations in the intestines. In the end, gastroenterologists recommend eating no more than 500 g of fresh fruits and the same amount of vegetables per day, and not forgetting, for example, vegetable soups and stews.
The brush is contraindicated:
with flatulence, a tendency to diarrhea, immediately after a course of antibiotics, while you have not yet drunk a restorative course of prebiotics;
with gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers;
with diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas;
fruit salads and "beet brush" are contraindicated for diabetics.
Naturally, a lettuce mono-diet, when 1-1, 5 kg of lettuce is consumed per day for 1 week and nothing else, is contraindicated in eating disorders. You can not use it and those who are actively involved in sports, or simply have a very mobile job.

Salad brush for weight loss: reviews of those who have tried

Karina, 45 years old. Great salad! I got this recipe from my mom. When I left home to study at the university, stomach problems began, due to improper and irregular nutrition. Yes, and with the chair problems began. I felt terrible. Until I started eating this “Brush” for dinner! I cooked myself a panicle of raw beets, carrots, cabbage and added pumpkin (when the season was). Filled with unrefined sunflower or olive oil. Stomach problems gradually resolved, as I, in general, revised my diet, and began to take this salad as a snack for lunch.
Tatyana, 28 years old. I’m really not very fat, but there are floating 5 kilograms, which I periodically get rid of, and after a while they still come back to me. I try to diet, sometimes I put myself in order with sports, but I don’t have enough for a long time, as soon as I lose my extra pounds, I return to my usual lifestyle and the pounds return. I love sweets very much, I simply cannot imagine life without buns and cakes. Now I try to eat them in the first half of the day, and for dinner I always have a brush salad in different versions, sometimes with a piece of chicken or fish, and sometimes just like that, depending on the feeling of hunger. What I liked was that the work of the intestines improved, now everything works like clockwork, and without diets the weight is kept and does not creep up.
