
Opening of the salt room. Adhesive for salt tiles and plaster

Opening a salt cave is easy, but preventing it from closing is a whole science! There are several ways to open a salt cave, consider them all:

There are several ways to open a salt cave:

The first way to open a salt cave

Simplest - It's buying a franchise. Suitable for executive people who do not want to go into all the details of starting a business. For a lump-sum fee, the franchisor company carries out all the preparatory work to launch, promote and support the business, including the search for premises, construction, staff training and other details specified in the contract. In fact, you pay not to work, and you get a ready-made business.

From the moment of launch, now your business, it will need to make a profit in order to pay royalties. The most interesting thing is that such a business scheme is one of the quick to understand, i.e. having worked in it for about 3-6 months, or about a year, you will understand all the pitfalls and subtleties, but deductions (royalties) will need to be paid for some more time specified in the contract.

The franchisor needs it! Initially, you pay for the idea and experience itself. Then simply for the fact that this business model is one of the most successful in the world. Of course, you are obliged to maintain the standards of the franchisor, in fact, you pay for your workplace, where there are more responsibilities than you think (read the franchise agreement carefully). The cost of a franchise, in the full understanding of this value, costs approximately 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

The second way to open a salt cave

Make a salt cave with your own hands. The advantages of this method are savings of up to 1,000,000 rubles and a detailed understanding of all the subtleties. However, you will have to spend time researching all aspects, finding contractors, salt cave equipment, etc. It happens that while you are doing all this, someone opens a salt room, not far from the place you planned, which makes it pointless to open your salt cave.

There is also a high chance of experiencing the saying “the miser pays twice”. This is mainly due to the small analysis of contractors. Unskilled, but supposedly economical contractors learn from you, thus they can spoil the building material, the halogenerator, or even worse, they will apply a salt coating of poor quality, which can lead to injury to visitors.

The cost of a salt cave with this option is 500,000 - 800,000 rubles. Yes, you will get the result and open a salt cave, but what quality and at what price? In the most deplorable case, the salt cave can simply be closed, and you can be sued if you opened a salt cave without a license and violate the laws of Russia. Is more needed.
But even with this option, our company will be able to correct all the mistakes of a negligent contractor and provide detailed advice on all emerging issues.

An example of correcting work for unscrupulous performers:

The third option is to open a salt cave

contact our company Global Group! Why is it better? Our company focuses on reputation! and social projects. Turning to us, you can build and open a salt cave, for a smaller amount than you think and in the shortest possible time - 20-25 days. , where the main point is a marketing plan, a step-by-step algorithm for building a profitable business in a short period of time, which, even before the opening of the salt cave, will allow you to make a profit and much, much more. We have our own salt caves, and more than 3 years of experience in running such a business. Believe me, this is not all that we offer to our numerous clients.

Fill out the application below and you will receive and you will understand that everything written above is the true truth.

Salt room business attracts aspiring entrepreneurs with its relevance and potentially large profits. This business is especially in demand in large cities of Russia, where people need to improve their health, cleanse their lungs from city dust and dirt, and especially need peace and relaxation. In addition, the advantage of this business is that it does not require millions of investments, and profitability can be quite impressive. We offer a salt cave business plan, an example of which will help you draw up your plan.

Project Summary

We are opening a salt room (halocenter) in a big city, in a large residential area. We rent a room on the ground floor in an active place, not far from the metro station and public transport stops. It is desirable that there are beauty salons and pharmacies nearby. The equipment in our salt room meets modern quality standards. There will be room for 7 visitors in the city salt cave.

Opening hours of the salt room: 10:00 to 21:00 every day, seven days a week.

The salt room is suitable for children and adults. For children, a children's corner is equipped with a table, chairs, coloring books and kinetic sand, so that it would be fun for them to undergo salt procedures.

It is preferable that schools, gardens and government offices, as well as office buildings, be nearby.

Our clients:

  • Women from 30 to 50 years old (40%).
  • Men from 30 to 50 years old (40%).
  • Children (10%).
  • Elderly people (10%).

Main business risks:

Our business plan for a salt cave with calculations will indicate start-up and weekly costs, take into account the costs of an advertising campaign and an anti-crisis strategy, and allow you to calculate the estimated profit.


To get started, we will register with the tax authority. Submit an application for a Certification. We choose this form of entrepreneurial activity, because Our organization is small, we need to save time and money on reporting and paying income tax.

It is also necessary to select the appropriate OKVED code 93.04 "Physical and recreational activities", which allows us to act in order to improve the physical condition and ensure the comfort of our clients. In addition, it is necessary to take a certificate of no criminal record in order to obtain permission to conduct activities under OKVED 93.04, and it is done for about a month, this must be taken into account.

When choosing a form of entrepreneurial activity, we immediately choose a simplified taxation system and 15% tax deductions (income minus expenses).

We will need about 20 thousand rubles for registration and registration.

Room search

We choose a non-residential premises on the ground floor of a building with a total area of ​​85 sq. m.

Room zoning:

  • We allocate 2 rooms for treatment rooms (halochambers): 20 sq. m for a children's halochamber and 30 sq. m - for an adult.
  • The reception area with a reception desk and a sofa for waiting is allocated 15 sq. m.
  • For the bathroom - 10 sq. m.
  • Staff room - 10 sq. m.

The cost of the premises will be 50 thousand rubles per month.

Be sure to make appropriate repairs in the future salt room.

Purchase of equipment

There are many requirements for arranging a salt room. It is important to ensure the correct temperature regime in the halochamber, there should not be excessive humidity, install reliable waterproofing, and also provide a modern ventilation system and air filters. Also monthly it will be necessary to pay utility bills in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

We will line the walls and ceiling with salt bricks and decorate our halochamber in the form of a real salt cave. It looks especially bright if we add a design with scattered salt crystals. It attracts buyers and causes positive emotions when visiting the halochamber. Also considered is the option of creating a transparent starry sky on the ceiling, which, in tandem with salt crystals, looks incredibly beautiful.

This, of course, will require significant investments in the amount of at least 300 thousand rubles, but it's worth it.

Required equipment and materials:

Name Price
Dry salt aerosol therapy apparatus (halogenerator) 250 000
Equipment installation costs 100 000
Backlight 100 000
Acoustic system 100 000
Soft sun loungers (9 pcs.) 10 000
Table and chairs for children 4 000
Reception desk (used) 3 000
TV 30 000
Additional expenses 20 000
Total 587 000

The main equipment costs are of fundamental importance, because the result of the procedure, and, accordingly, customer loyalty and profit, depends on the quality of the halogenerator. Therefore, we will spend as much as necessary on the equipment and spectacular repairs of the salt room, because. our potential profitability depends on it.


For the normal functioning of this business, employees will be required, preferably with experience, otherwise they will need to be trained.

The benchmark for the staffing table is presented in the table:

Employees will work on a 5/2 schedule with floating days off. On weekends, their duties will be performed by the owner of the salt cave.

Also, the owner independently generates reports and submits them to the tax office, and is engaged in advertising.

Marketing and Advertising

In the process of business development, it is necessary to analyze the level of demand for the service and choose the right place for opening a cave with the maximum concentration of consumers. The advantage would be to place the salt room in a large residential area of ​​a big city, so that there are schools, kindergartens and densely populated microdistricts nearby.

There is a problem of lack of knowledge among potential consumers about the benefits of salt caves. Our task is to popularize this service, to inform people about how residents of large industrial and polluted cities need it. While registration of activities will be carried out, it will be possible to start creating Internet resources.

We need a website (landing page) and groups in social networks. In addition, medical centers, clinics, etc. will be a good channel for promoting the salt service. It is possible to conclude an agreement with the administration on a discount on visits to the salt cave for staff.

The main tools to attract buyers at the initial stage:

Every month we will spend 15,000 rubles on Internet promotion, and 10,000 rubles on offline destinations. In total, about 25 thousand rubles will be spent on advertising.

Expenses and income

In this part of the plan, we will make summary tables of starting and monthly costs, calculate the potential revenue for the service for the month, determine the net profit, profitability and payback period.

Starting costs

Monthly expenses


It takes time to attract a normal volume of visitors. Starting from the third month of the work of the salt cave, we plan the attendance plan.

Pricing policy and estimated volume of customers:

Name of service Price Quantity Amount, rub.
Adults and children over 18 years old 400 70 28 000
"Mother with a child up to 7 years old" 400 50 20 000
Children under 7 200 50 10 000
Schoolchildren from 7 to 16 years old 300 50 15 000
Family (2 adults and one child under 7) 700 20 14 000
Children's group (10 children under 7 + 1 adult free of charge) 2 000 10 20 000
Subscription for 10 sessions for adults (-10% discount). Valid for 30 days 2 700 5 13 500
Subscription for a child under 7 years old for 10 sessions (-10% discount). Valid for 30 days 900 10 9 000
Renting the entire cave for 1 session 2 500 5 12 000
Subscription for 20 sessions for adults (-15% discount) 6 500 5 32 500
Subscription for 20 sessions for a child under 7 years old (-15%) 3 400 5 17 000
191 000

Estimated attendance and options for choosing sessions are in the table. It is planned to double the number of active sessions within 6-8 months by attracting more customers (flyers, promotions, active promotion in social networks, advertising on forums and promotion of the landing page throughout the city).

We calculate the difference between income and monthly expenses to calculate the tax:

191 000 – 140 000 = 51 000.

We calculate the tax payment:

51,000 x 0.15 = 7,650 rubles.

Accordingly, the net profit of our salt cave per month will be:

51,000 - 7,650 = 43,350 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the return on monthly investment:

(43,350 / 140,000) x 100 = 30.96%.

This profitability for a salt cave can be considered satisfactory. As the data show, quick profitability from this business is not to be expected. We plan to raise the profitability level to 100% by the end of the year, actively working on the image of the cave, promoting the service on the Web and offering profitable options for visiting the salt cave.

Let's calculate the payback period of the salt cave:

1,107,000 / 43,350 = 2 years.

The payback period of the project will be about 2 years. This is a fairly long period for a return on investment, however, with an expected increase in demand for the service, it can be reduced by one and a half to two times.


The salt cave is a business, first of all, for personal use, and then for additional income. It is better to create it based on personal needs, for example, asthmatics or people with other diseases. respiratory tract. This will be a good incentive to work well and understand your target audience. In this case, it will be much easier to achieve a productive result.

In entrepreneurship, it is extremely important to constantly look for unusual and interesting business ideas, especially those that have not been developed before, but have great prospects. One of these options is the opening of a halochamber, once especially popular in the CIS. How to open a salt cave from scratch? Calculations, nuances, reviews, as well as recommendations for modernizing the project and drawing up a financial business plan, we will analyze today in this article.

What is this project?

These establishments have a long history dating back to the 19th century in our country, so the halochambers are quite famous. They are believed to help heal people. Basically, they struggled with the following ailments:

  1. Bronchial asthma.
  2. Rhinitis.
  3. sinusitis.
  4. Bronchitis.
  5. hay fever.
  6. Cold.
  7. Stress conditions, insomnia, etc.

Now it is not difficult to open a business project to open your own salt chamber, because the competition has already subsided, but the demand is still there. It is important to do competent marketing of the place in your region in order to increase the potential audience, think over the internal and external design of the site, and also prepare documented. The sphere has extremely high potential.

Define the audience

The greatest demand is in large regional cities with an environmentally harmful climate, for example, in Chelyabinsk or Norilsk. The most profitable business will be to open salt rooms in cities that are satellites of large industrial enterprises.

Such places will help workers and ordinary residents improve their health through regular visits to the cell, and you will receive a regular income. In addition to workers, the client base most often includes:

  • Children (under 18) - suffering from allergic reactions, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, as well as other ENT diseases. A regular trip with a child to such a haloroom will help to recover from a disease like a runny nose, and will also serve as a prevention of re-infection.
  • Mature adults (30-50) are the main population of such industrial, and simply large regional cities. Often in the former they were smokers, so they probably have problems with the lungs and bronchi. Stress is also not alien to an adult, therefore a regular trip to salt caves helps such people to relax from the bustle of the city and improve their health.
  • Elderly people (50 and older) - usually mini-salt mines are opened with a great expectation of these people. They have a whole “bouquet” of diseases, they just want to relax and, as far as possible, improve their health. They do not like to be treated with medicines and medicines once again, as they are afraid of chemistry, therefore they trust folk recipes and natural “medicines”, including salt caves.

We draw up documentation

If you open a business alone and do not deal directly with legal entities, then registration of an Individual Entrepreneur is enough.

But in order to be able to expand to a whole network of halochambers in the future, it is necessary to register an LLC. When choosing a tax system, a beginner should choose a simplified one. It is also necessary to indicate the OKVD codes. For this project, this is 2 93.29.

We will also have to issue a license, because the project works, in a sense, for medical purposes. The license will cost 6 thousand rubles.

In addition, it will be necessary to bring the site to the requirements of the SES and the fire authority.

Choosing a profitable site

The site should be located near a developed transport hub or somewhere in the cultural center of the city, so that there is a high passability of people. It is enough to rent an establishment with an area of ​​50 square meters in order to subsequently divide it into several zones:

  1. Haloroom.
  2. Room for staff.
  3. Waiting room for visitors.
  4. Toilet room.

When drawing up a rough plan for a salt cave, one should not forget that it must be organized in accordance with certain requirements. It must maintain a certain temperature inside itself, must not have an excessively humid atmosphere, must be well ventilated with ventilation and be equipped with special air filters.

At the same time, the premises cannot be connected to the general sewerage and water supply. Among other things, you can not paint or whitewash the ceiling and walls of the room, you can only veneer with blocks of sea salt, salt bricks are also suitable.

The design looks beautiful with scattered salt crystals and stalagmites, as if in caves. As you expand your project, keep in mind that you are opening your project to established adults and very young children, so if possible, set up a small children's room or a separate play area in the salt room. For it, by the way, you can charge a separate fee.

The main thing is that children are under the supervision of an adult. In addition to children, it is worth taking care of people with disabilities by providing them with special conditions.

We buy equipment

In order to properly equip the halochamber room, you will have to turn to specially trained people. Of the devices you will need:

  • Halogenerator - supplies salt aerosol in the desired concentration. The same device controls the maintenance of a certain temperature in a given room (about 20 degrees), as well as the level of humidity (at 50 percent). It has several types: ultrasonic and grinding salt. It is better to take an ultrasonic halogenerator in order to improve the level of comfort for visitors.
  • Backlight - they serve as an excellent option for relaxing after a busy day or a whole week. Properly selected lighting in this case can help a person quickly relax. Where possible, light bulbs are needed, the brightness of which can be adjusted independently depending on the preferences of customers.
  • The music system is essential to maintain a calm atmosphere inside the room. Allows you to turn on music for meditation, which sets the visitors in a certain way. It is worth buying several speakers and placing them around the perimeter.

A separate item is the purchase of salt. It is worth buying it from a large supplier with a good reputation, or looking for really worthwhile offers from newcomers who sell goods at low prices.

Recruiting staff

The salt room as a business needs help, namely in hiring a certain staff. Typically, such projects hold the following vacancies:

  1. Administrator - monitors the clear organization of work, is responsible for recording clients, scheduling the room and receiving payment for services. Often, at first, the owner himself administers his business.
  2. Consultant - works directly with visitors. Accepts all medical indications from clients in order to prevent people with contraindications from accessing the service. Must have a medical background. It is recommended to hire sociable, patient and charming people for the position, who will be able to give detailed and accessible information about the activities of the project to any visitor. In addition, his qualifications should be enough for the prompt provision of medical care.
  3. Operator - for this vacancy they take people who are versed in technology and have a special technical education. He monitors the room, or rather, its equipment, fixes breakdowns, selects music for the background and sets up the right moments.
  4. A marketer is a must for a developing project that is going to become really profitable. The reason has already been described above: the mandatory attraction of new customers.
  5. Accountant - controls the financial transactions made, fulfills the requirements and obligations of the project, as well as draws up the necessary documents.

It is worth hiring additional attendants such as a cleaner and a security guard. You should especially take care of security by hiring two specially trained people or by concluding an agreement with the security service.

As an option, develop the idea of ​​the usefulness of halorooms through cooperation with real medical institutions. Be sure to compose well-designed brochures and business cards.

Doctors themselves can also advertise. It is they who will offer patients to participate in your promotions like a free trial consultation and will give detailed information about the organization. But you must be prepared to pay them interest.

It will be absolutely useful to create your own website for the project, which should contain complete information about the salt caves themselves, about the project, as well as about discounts and offers.

Give the opportunity to order a session through the site, which is convenient for many modern people. By the way, it would be a good idea to give a discount for leaving a review on the site.

We calculate the costs at the start

It helps the business owner understand how profitable it is to work with the idea he has chosen, how much it costs to open it, and what costs will be needed to maintain it.

So that you can at least approximately understand what starting capital is required, we have compiled a table of costs for a standard halochamber. As a sample - a salt room for 10 people, located in the center of a large regional city.

Expense Line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Initial rent for two months 100
2 Installation of equipment and repair of premises 125
3 Procurement of materials for repairs 60
4 Procurement of inventory and equipment 100
5 Paperwork 26
6 Administrator salary 40
7 Physician consultant salary 25
8 advertising manager salary 20
9 cleaner salary 10
10 Accountant salary 25
11 Marketing Campaign 20
12 Unexpected expenses 5
Total: 556

We determine profitability

To understand whether the project will be profitable or not, the calculation of approximate income from each client will help. This is easy enough to do if a cost table has been previously compiled. On average, the price of one hour session is 200 rubles per person.

In one day, a project that works 7 hours a day and accepts 10 people per session will bring about 10 thousand. This means that monthly income will be approximately 260 thousand. Monthly expenses are about 150 thousand rubles.

Net profit is 110 thousand rubles. The payback of the project will come in about six months. In the future, you can expand the area or even rent another site.

Video: five mistakes when opening a salt cave on your own.

“The most important thing is to first consult with those who already successfully own such a business. They will tell you who to contact. At one time I was lucky: they recommended a company for the manufacture of salt rooms, and everything went well. And then the clumsy and scammers are a dime a dozen ”- Vasily.

“Once there was an experience. The profit was very small, even though they worked with their wife themselves, there was nothing to hire employees. In my opinion, the salt caves have exhausted themselves long ago” – Igor.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

1 014 000 ₽

Starting investments

11 months

Payback period

497 000 ₽


Profitability of sales

Salt caves are one of the most promising types of small business in the field of recreational and health services. This is a simple and understandable business model, small investments and low competition.

1. Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a salt cave operating on the principle of a halochamber in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The demand for halotherapy services in the selected region is high. According to statistics, respiratory diseases are one of the most common. The potential audience is expanding thanks to people visiting the salt room as a means of preventing respiratory, skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

The main services of the salt cave are:

    Conducting aerosol therapy sessions for adults and the elderly;

    Carrying out sessions of aerosol therapy for children.

An assessment of the factors and phenomena influencing the development of the project, as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the project, showed that its implementation is a profitable investment. The total investment will amount to 1.14 million rubles. According to the established sales plan, the indicator of 497 thousand rubles of monthly revenue is achieved for 3 months. work. The payback period is planned to reach 11 months of work.

2. Description of the industry and company

The purpose of the project is the construction of a salt cave (a room with a salt room with the principle of operation of a halochamber) in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The halochamber imitates a natural salt cave and is used for recreational and recreational purposes. The main therapeutic value is the air of the salt cave, which in a certain concentration is saturated with a finely dispersed salt aerosol.

The advantage of a salt cave is that its creation does not require binding to any medical institution, SPA-salon or sports complex. To organize it, you do not need to obtain a medical license, as well as hiring personnel with higher medical education - you do not need to have any special skills and abilities to work. The salt cave is focused on a wide target audience. The business is family owned. The main clients are mothers with children, families and elderly people suffering from broncho-pulmonary, skin diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, or who wish to carry out prophylaxis to prevent these diseases and strengthen general and local immunity.

The salt cave market is considered one of the most promising areas in the field of recreational and health services and is at the stage of its formation. This explains the rapid capture of free market zones by network projects. The competition in this area of ​​business is still low. Basically, salt rooms operate at medical and SPA centers and are one of the components of a whole range of services, which makes it difficult to position salt caves as an independent business.

Speleotherapy is more popular in the middle zone of the country, where the level of competition among salt caves is much higher than in the South. In part, this can be explained by competition with wildlife - the Don region does not experience a lack of recreation. However, in such a large metropolis as Rostov-on-Don, a relatively new and unfamiliar way of recovery and recreation for the general population seems to be underestimated. A big city means polluted air, large crowds of people, chronic fatigue of the population. The problem for citizens is that people do not go to hospitals with such problems, preferring to rest at home instead of queues and wasting nerves. Consequently, an institution that offers health and recreational services at a low price, but radically differs from the image of a hospital halochamber by a high level of effect from the services provided due to the unique atmosphere created by the institution, will be popular.

The salt cave itself is a room with a total area of ​​40 sq. meters, located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building and has a separate entrance. Area of ​​20 sq. meter is directly occupied by the salt room, where aerosol therapy sessions take place. 11 sq. meters is occupied by the reception and waiting area. 5 sq. meters falls on the technical area - the so-called "operator's room", where the halogenerator is located and aerosol reserves are stored. Another 4 sq. meters occupies a bathroom. The location of the salt cave is a large multi-storey residential area with the expectation of 100 thousand people per salt cave. Location 150 m from a public transport stop, with parking available for visitors.

The management structure of the salt room is simple. Management is carried out by the owner of the project, who can manage the business without a permanent presence at the point. Most of the functions are performed by the administrator, who prepares the provision of the halotherapy service, advises visitors on emerging issues, keeps records and records of visits and receives incoming calls. The work schedule of employees is in shifts, in 2/2 mode, full time from 10:00 to 22:00.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Investment costs for the repair and decoration of the salt cave are calculated based on the average market prices of companies involved in the construction of salt caves - and amount to 530 thousand rubles. The cost of equipping the salt room, the reception area and the technical area and the bathroom is 410 thousand rubles. Total, together with the cost of delivery - 1.14 million rubles, which are taken from personal savings (credit funds are not used).

As a form of ownership, an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system was chosen (the object of taxation is income). The main commercial and management functions are assigned to the owner.

3. Description of salt cave services

First of all, the salt cave is designed to provide services for the provision of healing and relaxation procedures, which are carried out in a salt room, designed for 6 visitors per session. The break between sessions is 20 minutes. The duration of one session is 40 minutes. The salt cave is open 7 days a week, sessions are held at the beginning of every hour. There are 12 sessions per day. The salt chamber is open 358 days a year (the salt cave is closed on January 1-3, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9). As a competitive advantage, visitors are provided with a number of additional services that do not require significant costs. For customers, there is the possibility of both one-time visits and the possibility of buying subscriptions at a discount. The average check of the institution is 300 rubles. The full list of services is presented in Table. 1. The project operates in the middle price segment and is available to a wide category of the population.

Table 1. List of salt cave services

Name Description Cost, rub.

Aerosol therapy session for adults

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for children under 3 years old

for free

Aerosol therapy session for children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit. Accompanied by adults


Aerosol therapy session for children from 7 to 15 years old

1 visit. Upon presentation of an identity document or student


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + a child up to 3 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + a child from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + 2 children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Subscription "10+1"

10 sessions+1 session for free

2 500

Subscription "15+1"

15 sessions+1 session for free

3 900

Subscription "20+2"

20 sessions+2 sessions for free

5 000

Salt room rental

For 1 session

2 100

Using a massage chair cover

Provided in addition to the standard session


This type of service does not require a medical license, as it involves the use of household equipment (halogen generator), which is installed in fitness complexes and spa centers. Business is registered under OKPD 2 93.29 - Other entertainment and recreation services. Despite the direction of activity related to the health of the population, the business does not claim to be medical, does not give professional medical advice, does not prescribe any prescriptions and courses, focusing only on disease prevention, strengthening immunity, providing relaxation services and entertaining customers.

4. Salt room sales and marketing

According to Rostovstat for a five-year period (from 2010 to 2014), the most “popular” type of disease in the region is respiratory diseases. As of 2014, 1,512,300 people suffering from such diseases were recorded in the region. On average, this is 357 cases per 1000 population. In addition, the services of salt rooms can be useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous system and skin diseases. They affect 97,480 and 137,200 people respectively (i.e. 22 and 39 people per 1,000 people). That is, more than 1.7 million residents of the Rostov region can be potential clients of salt caves, making up the bulk of the client flow.

The target audience can be divided into several categories. Firstly, these are children suffering from allergies, bronchopulmonary and ENT diseases, which are now widespread. Secondly, these are elderly people from 55 years old who want to improve their well-being and slow down the aging process of the body. Thirdly, these are middle-aged people (35-55 years old) who visit salt caves to relax with their family or in company, “cleanse themselves” and strengthen their immunity. Also, visitors to the salt rooms can be pregnant women, athletes, people who monitor their tone and health, smokers who cannot give up their addiction, etc. In this business, the share of returning customers is high, which, with a positive effect from the sessions, can reach 60%.

Among the competitors in the region under consideration, two large SPA centers can be named, which include a visit to the salt room, several salt caves within the city and beyond, as well as halochambers as part of the sanatorium of the dispensary and the medical and health center. Among the disadvantages of competitors, one can single out the relative “closedness” of salt rooms for the general population (available only to clients of SPA centers), the simplicity of cave design, and a weak marketing policy.

Sales are made by prior telephone appointment. Visits without registration are subject to availability. In marketing promotion, the main emphasis is on social networks and the promotion of groups through outsourcing. Key platforms are Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. This is the development of groups and publics, targeted advertising in communities dedicated to health and a healthy lifestyle. It is planned to allocate an average of 30,000 rubles per month for advertising purposes. The budget will change seasonally, presumably increasing before and at the end of the summer period. Additional clients (up to 15-25%) are attracted by intermediaries - employees of medical institutions who recommend the services of a salt cave and receive a reward in the form of a percentage for each client brought.

5. Production plan

Geographically, the salt cave is located in a large area of ​​the city of Rostov-on-Don with a population of more than 150 thousand people, on a high-traffic street, 150 meters from a public transport stop, from where you can get to various parts of the city. The rented premises have a total area of ​​40 sq. meters, two rooms, an area of ​​20 and 11 sq. meters, a utility room and a working bathroom, which is the best option for arranging a typical salt cave. The premises were originally supplied with electricity and a heating system, the walls, flooring and ceiling were repaired, which helps to reduce the cost of decorating the reception area.

Required costs for applying salt coating, halo design and building equipment - 940 thousand rubles. The area of ​​the salt room is 20 square meters. meters. The room is intended for a one-time visit of 6 people, which fits into the standards accepted in this business area of ​​​​2-3 square meters. meters per visitor.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Due to the specifics of the type of activity and its relative novelty, it is planned to attract a specialized organization for the construction of a salt cave with the installation of a salt cave on a turnkey basis. The criterion for choosing companies was the use of modern technologies and a rich case with a large number of high-quality work, as well as an affordable cost of services. As a competitive advantage, a halo design was chosen with a stream and wall decor that imitates the space of a cave with the formation of stalactites and stalagmites (it was decided to translate the word “cave” in the literal sense), faults between walls and ceiling. In Table. Figure 2 shows the costs for the halo design of a turnkey salt room.

Table 2. Repair and halo design costs

Name price, rub. Quantitative indicator Cost, rub.
Walls. Halodesign "Cave"
Salt tile walkway with curvilinear cladding
Ceiling. Halodesign "Cave"
Walls. Halo design mirror "Infinity"
Cosmetic renovation of the reception area
Facade works, installation of signs
Installation of a halogenerator
Light design
Acoustic room preparation
Installation of ventilation

The planned term for finishing the building is 30 days, after which it is actually possible to start work (training will not require long time costs). In addition to these expenses, minor expenses are also assumed, such as Internet access and other expenses.

The costs of equipping the salt cave are given in Table. 3. The list does not include the cost of delivery of equipment and finishing materials from Moscow, amounting to 200 thousand rubles, as well as the purchase of a starter kit of consumables - highly dispersed sodium chloride powder for the first 1000 sessions - 36 thousand rubles (variable costs).

Table 3. Salt cave equipment costs without salt coating

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
1 Device for group aerosol therapy (halogenerator) with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz, a power of up to 50 W, with an air filter 210 000 1 210 000

High back chair + footstool

9 500 4 38 000

Chaise lounge chair

5 000 5 25 000

Administrator computer

22 000 1 22 000

Set of children's toys

18 000 1 18 000

5.1 type speaker system

15 000 1 15 000

split system

13 500 1 13 500

Massage cape for chairs

3 000 4 12 000


10 000 1 10 000
10 9 000 1 9 000

salt lamp

3 500 2 7 000

Computer desk

6 000 1 6 000

Exhaust fan

4 000 1 4 000

Coffee table

2 500 1 2 500

office chair

1 700 1 1 700

Psychosuggestive programs on CD

250 4 1 000
17 800 1 800

Wall hanger

600 1 600

other expenses

up to 10% of the total cost 37 000
410 000

Responsibilities for ensuring the functioning are assigned to the project manager. Visitors are received by two administrators working in shifts (Table 4). The position of an administrator includes the combination of an operator and a consultant and does not require any special skills from employees. Equipment training is provided by the supplier on site after installation. Office employees and their family members (no more than 3 people) have the opportunity to use the services of the salt room for free 2 times a month, subject to availability. In case of illness, vacation and other circumstances, hired workers are involved. Accounting outsourced.

Table 4. Staffing and payroll

The main items of current expenses are rent (35 thousand rubles) and salaries of full-time employees (together with deductions - 65.1 thousand rubles). The variable part depends on the flow of visitors and the seasonality factor. This includes the purchase of consumables - a highly dispersed sodium chloride powder with a particle fraction of 1-5 microns (including delivery from Moscow, the cost of the powder for 1000 sessions will be 36 thousand rubles), spending on advertising promotion and maintaining groups on social networks (30 thousand rubles). rub.). The traditional decrease in demand for salt cave services occurs in the summer (up to 15-20%). It is expected that as the salt room is recognized, so will attendance. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume for the 3rd month of work. The seasonally adjusted sales plan is presented in the Appendices (see Statement of Financial Results).

6. Organizational plan

Management, commercial and marketing functions are carried out by the project owner. His activities include strategic planning, market research, interaction with intermediaries. In fact, he is the manager of the salt room. Due to the relative simplicity of the business and the small number of employees, no hierarchically complex structure is provided. Regular and hired employees are directly subordinate to the project owner.

7. Salt Cave Financial Plan

The investment period costs include investment costs for the construction and decoration of the premises, the purchase and delivery of equipment, which will amount to 1.14 million rubles. The costs of the main period include rent, payroll, housing and communal services, the purchase of sodium chloride powder, marketing expenses and interaction with intermediaries. All the main financial indicators of the project, including cash flow, profits, costs can be seen in the Annexes (see Report on financial results).

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

Despite its novelty, the project is characterized by a democratic level of costs, both investment and main period. The advantages of the project include a low level of fixed costs and the absence of impressive spending on consumables. In fact, the only such material is salt, which is used for sessions. For 1 session, 1 bottle of powder is required, costing 36 rubles. The payback period of the project is 11 months. Project performance indicators are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9. Risks and guarantees of the salt room business

The project to organize a salt cave cannot be called a tried and tested time. For the majority of the population, visiting artificially created salt caves may be a novelty, therefore, in order to minimize the risks, it is planned to undertake marketing training (social networks) even at the stage of opening the cave. Positioning of halotherapy as a useful way of recovery and relaxation “for everyone”, reaching the target audience through social platforms, as well as the availability of services, can significantly increase the planned occupancy rates, and in the future increase the cost of services by 15-20% without negative consequences for the elasticity of demand . The main risks are reflected in Table. 6

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences

Risk Probability of occurrence The severity of the consequences Prevention measures
Increase in construction time and cost Conclusion of a contract with a fixed term for the construction of a halochamber and with a fixed estimate
Unprepared Audience

