
Sharp oil. Flavored Vegetable Oil Pepper Oil Recipe

Spicy pizza oil Fans of Italian restaurants often admire not only delicious, hearty and appetizing Italian dishes, but also aromatic oils that are served with pizza or pasta. Garlic cloves, small peppers and fragrant herbs sometimes float in them. But, if many people now cook pizza at home, then not everyone knows how to insist such a tasty and spicy oil on their own. We want to help you and publish a recipe for a spicy oil that will change the taste of any dish for the better. The recipe is very simple, requiring absolutely no skills and knowledge, only patience. In addition to the fact that fragrant spicy oil will perfectly set off the taste of your dishes, it is also good for health, since in the process of infusion it draws in a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Our oil, for example, has anthelmintic and antimicrobial effects, improves blood circulation and digestion, because it is infused with garlic and hot peppers. You can also make your own butter by adding other herbs and spices to it. For example, rosemary or sage will add a very unusual aroma and piquant taste to olive oil, which, moreover, will take care of your women's health.

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Photo Gallery: Spicy Butter

Spicy pizza oil Fans of Italian restaurants often admire not only delicious, hearty and appetizing Italian dishes, but also aromatic oils that are served with pizza or pasta. Garlic cloves, small peppers and fragrant herbs sometimes float in them. But, if many people now cook pizza at home, then not everyone knows how to insist such a tasty and spicy oil on their own. We want to help you and publish a recipe for a spicy oil that will change the taste of any dish for the better. The recipe is very simple, requiring absolutely no skills and knowledge, only patience. In addition to the fact that fragrant spicy oil will perfectly set off the taste of your dishes, it is also good for health, since in the process of infusion it draws in a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Our oil, for example, has anthelmintic and antimicrobial effects, improves blood circulation and digestion, because it is infused with garlic and hot peppers. You can also make your own butter by adding other herbs and spices to it. For example, rosemary or sage will add a very unusual aroma and piquant taste to olive oil, which, moreover, will take care of your women's health.

  • Olive oil 250 ml
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Dry oregano 2 tsp
  • Step 1 To make hot oil, take olive oil, hot pepper, a large clove of garlic and dried oregano (oregano).
  • Step 2 In a clean, dry container that can be sealed tightly, pour in the olive oil and add the garlic, oregano and pepper. Pierce the hot pepper pod beforehand so that it does not pop up.
  • Step 3 Close the bottle tightly and put in a dark place, infuse for 7-10 days at room temperature. Shake the oil daily. Store the finished oil, tightly closed, in a cool place.

Those who like to sit in an Italian restaurant often admire not only delicious, hearty and mouth-watering Italian dishes, but also aromatic oils that are served with pizza or pasta. Garlic cloves, small peppers and fragrant herbs sometimes float in them.

But, if many people now cook pizza at home, then not everyone knows how to insist such a tasty and spicy oil on their own. We want to help you and publish a recipe for a spicy oil that will change the taste of any dish for the better.

The recipe is very simple, requiring absolutely no skills and knowledge, only patience. In addition to the fact that fragrant spicy oil will perfectly set off the taste of your dishes, it is also good for health, since in the process of infusion it draws in a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Our oil, for example, has anthelmintic and antimicrobial effects, improves blood circulation and digestion, because it is infused with garlic and hot peppers.

You can also make your own butter by adding other herbs and spices to it. For example, rosemary or sage will add a very unusual aroma and piquant taste to olive oil, which, moreover, will take care of your women's health.

A very simple recipe for spicy Italian cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 20 minutes. Contains only 331 kilocalories. Author's recipe of Italian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 19 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 331 kilocalories
  • Servings: 1 portion
  • Occasion: Fasting, Dinner, Lunch
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Italian Cuisine
  • Dish type: Sauces

Ingredients per serving

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250 ml
  • Dry oregano 2 tsp
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove

Step by step cooking

  1. To prepare a spicy oil, take olive oil, hot pepper, a large clove of garlic and dried oregano (oregano).
  2. In a clean, dry container that can be sealed tightly, pour in the olive oil and add the garlic, oregano and pepper. Pierce the hot pepper pod beforehand so that it does not pop up.

Flavoring vegetable oil is one of the common culinary techniques for preserving the flavors of spices and herbs.

Such vegetable oil serves as an excellent flavoring additive to many hot dishes, salads, marinades and sauces. Any self-respecting culinary specialist has in stock several types of flavored vegetable oils prepared on the basis of their favorite spices, spices or their combinations.

In this article, I will talk about the technology of making flavored vegetable oil at home and share 5 of my favorite recipes for such oils.

The basic recipe for making flavored vegetable oil is simple: the selected flavoring ingredients are cleaned, thoroughly washed and dried, the desired spicy spices are crushed or roasted for more intense flavor. You can choose any ingredients for flavoring, according to your taste preferences.

The most common vegetable oil that is flavored is extra virgin olive oil; it can be used at room temperature, but to achieve the best result, it is recommended to heat the oil to a temperature of 50-60 0 C - this way the aromas and flavors of spices will open up better and deeper.

Prepared herbs and spices are poured with oil and infused in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. After the required time has elapsed, the oil is filtered and poured into clean beautiful bottles. You can leave the spices in a container with oil, where they were infused, but in this case they must be completely covered with oil, otherwise they will deteriorate.

Flavored vegetable oil is stored for several months in tightly sealed containers, in a cool, dark place.

And now I will share with you 5 of my favorite recipes for flavored vegetable oil, which I use very often in my dishes.

Garlic oil. The simplest and most often used oil in various recipes. The amount of garlic on which the oil will be infused, I determine the desired depth of taste and aroma of the oil.

Spicy vegetable oil.For this oil, I choose my favorite spicy spices - allspice and black pepper, cloves, cardamom and star anise. Before pouring spices with hot oil, and crush them or fry them in order to reveal their aroma.

Hot chili oil.This oil is number three on my list of commonly used flavored vegetable oils. The amount of chili I infuse the oil with is also determined by the desired depth of flavor and aroma, but in this recipe I also take into account the degree of peppery spiciness.

Basil oil.I really like to use this oil in salads made from fresh herbs and vegetables (it goes especially well with tomatoes). The ingredients for this oil are: fresh green basil leaves, raw lemon zest, a little garlic or chili pepper.

Mediterranean spice oil.This oil goes well with many pasta dishes, minced meat, grilled vegetables, and even pizza. I insist this oil on rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, garlic, black pepper and chili.

Of course, these are not all the recipes of flavored vegetable oils that I use, but these are the most beloved and often used.

I hope this article was interesting and inspired you to create and use flavored vegetable oils. Try to enrich your recipe with an original subtle touch, which will be added by the flavored vegetable oil created by you personally, and your dish will turn into a real culinary masterpiece!

I will also be glad to receive feedback on your cooking experience based on the materials of my article.
