
Nuts peanuts calories per 100 grams. The ratio of bju and calorie content of fresh, salted, roasted peanuts

The product is saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, choline, vitamin C, E, PP, as well as minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

Calorie content of peanuts in chocolate per 100 grams is 580 kcal. 100 g of product contains 13 g of proteins, 42 g of fats, 37 g of carbohydrates.

Chocolate covered peanuts are a sweet product that combines both benefits and harms. The benefits of such sweetness are associated with a high content of vitamins and minerals in nuts. The harm is due to the use of chocolate in the product, which contributes to weight gain, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.

The harmful properties of chocolate also include an increase in allergies with its help, the creation of an energy imbalance in the body.

Calorie roasted peanuts per 100 grams

Calorie roasted peanuts per 100 grams 603 kcal. In 100 g of nuts 26.9 g of protein, 49.8 g of fat, 13.2 g of carbohydrates.

To fry peanuts with salt, you need:

  • sort out the nuts and remove those that have already deteriorated;
  • rinse the peanuts in a colander;
  • leave the nuts on a towel to dry;
  • heat the pan, pour nuts on it with a thin layer;
  • it is important to remember that when frying peanuts, it should be constantly stirred. It is better to set a slow fire - the nuts will fry longer, but it is less likely that they will burn;
  • roasted nuts are poured into a bowl and left for 7 minutes. During this time, the nuts will reach.

Calories in salted peanuts per 100 grams

Calorie content of salted peanuts per 100 grams (we are talking about store-bought packaged peanuts) 633 kcal. In 100 g of snacks, there are 28.9 g of protein, 53 g of fat, 11.1 g of carbohydrates.

Salted peanuts are not a very healthy product. It is contraindicated for varicose veins, arthritis, gout, pregnancy (it can provoke allergic reactions in the baby), and a tendency to edema.

Calorie content of peanuts in glaze per 100 grams

Calorie content of peanuts in sugar glaze per 100 grams is 490 kcal. In 100 g of sweets, there are 18.5 g of protein, 32.9 g of fat, 29.1 g of carbohydrates. To prepare peanuts in sugar, you need 0.3 kg of peanuts, 8 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of water.

Cooking steps:

  • fresh peanuts are roasted without the use of oil in a pan;
  • roasted nuts are peeled (relevant if an unpeeled nut is being prepared);
  • sugar dissolves in water;
  • nuts are mixed with the resulting sweet liquid, fried again in a pan;
  • the frying process does not stop until the nuts are completely dry;
  • the result of cooking is the fruit of a nut with a sugar crust.

The high calorie content of raw peanuts, but with weight loss you can

Despite the fact that the calorie content of raw peanuts is quite high, nutritionists do not recommend completely abandoning them when losing weight. The fact is that this product is characterized by a high content of B, PP, D vitamins, which are indispensable for the health of the heart, blood vessels, brain, and nervous system.

For people who have switched to a vegetarian diet, it is peanuts that can become the main source of protein and healthy vegetable fats.

At normal weight, you should not eat more than 30 g of peanuts per day. If there are extra kilos, then the consumption of nuts is reduced to 15 g per day.

The benefits of peanuts

The following beneficial properties of peanuts have been proven:

  • the product is used as a prophylactic against heart disease, blood vessels (studies have shown that regular eating of nuts reduces the likelihood of premature strokes by about 9-11%);
  • showing peanuts for the prevention of blood clots;
  • the product inhibits the development of hemophilia due to its properties to improve blood clotting;
  • nuts are saturated with B vitamins, therefore they help improve the health of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress;
  • peanuts are rich in antioxidants that remove toxins from the body;
  • the product improves the condition of the female reproductive system.

Harm of peanut

Contraindications to the use of nuts are:

  • tendency to flatulence, constipation, spasms of the stomach and intestines;
  • overweight;
  • allergic reactions to nuts, manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, skin itching, swelling;
  • varicose veins;
  • arthrosis and arthritis (due to the high content of protein in the product).

Although the peanut is called a nut, it nevertheless belongs to the legume family. But even here it was not without oddities - after all, this fruit grows underground, which is why they call it "peanut".

All nuts are very high in calories, and ground nuts are no exception. Although the calorie content is in last place. But in its legume family, it ranks at the top of the calorie scale.

Should You Eat Peanuts To Lose Weight?

On the one hand, eating a nut accelerates the appearance of a feeling of satiety. This is due to the very high amount of proteins it contains. This feature of the product is successfully used by nutritionists in the preparation of weight loss programs. Such diets are especially popular, regardless of how many calories are in peanuts, among models and show business stars.

In fact, the calorie content of raw peanuts is 548 kcal per 100 grams of product. For comparison: 100 g of boiled beef contains 110 kcal, boiled pike perch contains only 30 kcal, and durum wheat pasta contains 153 kcal.

The comparisons are impressive, especially since the calorie content of roasted peanuts is even higher - as much as 626 kcal per 100 g of product. Why then do nutritionists include it in the diet of their clients?

Any diet should not only be low-calorie, but also contain a complete set of essential nutrients. Peanuts are just a storehouse of easily digestible proteins and vitamins. Of the 13 vitamins necessary for life, these delicious legumes contain 6. And the amount of protein is such that they can fully replace meat - a source of animal proteins. Moreover, the nut protein is of vegetable origin, therefore, it is more easily absorbed by the body. In addition, in the light of the fight against cholesterol, this fruit is just a godsend - there is no cholesterol in it at all.

What is useful peanut?

Peanuts - in addition to being tasty, it is also a very useful product:

  1. It contains a large amount of folic acid, which promotes active cell renewal.
  2. Its fats are a weak choleretic agent and have a beneficial effect on the body with peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  3. The fruit serves as an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, and as a result, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system in general, attention and memory in particular.
  4. Peanuts provoke an increased formation of platelets, which leads to an increase in blood clotting.
  5. It is indicated for general strengthening diets in cases of severe chronic diseases and large weight loss - this is where the calorie content of peanuts will only benefit.

How to eat?

Raw peanuts have a pronounced bean flavor and are not commonly consumed. Most often it is fried - and here gourmets have a place to roam. The nut is fried with salt - which is appreciated by beer lovers, although the calorie content of salted peanuts is very significant - 611.5 kcal per 100 g.

A delicious dessert is a nut fried in glaze - it can be just sugar, chocolate or a sesame-honey mixture. Peanuts are used as an original additive in confectionery and bakery products, added to chocolate, sweets and halva. The oil extracted from it is also a valuable product - it is used both in medicine and in industry.

Dangers in use

Unfortunately, the peanut so beloved by everyone is a powerful allergy provocateur: it contains about 30 allergens. The effect on the allergic organism can vary from mild allergic scabies to Quincke's edema.

Intemperance in the use of peanuts, so beloved by everyone, can lead to overweight and obesity - because everything is good in moderation.

The rapid pace of modern life has changed the approach to organizing a daily diet. A person does not want to be fat, sick, always in a bad mood. People tried to switch to a mathematical approach to assessing the energy needs of their body. In the proposed tables of energy capabilities of products, calorie content of peanuts, which is in the first positions, correctly reflects all their properties. Thanks to the tables, it has become easy to create a menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Take into account the physical load, the state of the body, the type of activity.

The energy value of food products is usually determined in a physical unit called a kilocalorie, which literally means “heat”. In the terminology of physics, one kcal corresponds to the amount of energy required to heat one liter of water by one degree. The digestive processes of the body create conditions for the release of a certain value of energy depending on the type of product, providing a person with the energy released in this case. They are similar to the work of a natural furnace, in which food is used as fuel. Energy value, caloric content of each product has its own. You can find out the calorie content of peanuts in 100 g of mass, for example, by carefully reading the factory packaging of the product. The total amount of energy received per day is easy to calculate, knowing the energy value of all components, for example, how many calories are in peanuts, especially for lovers of a tasty, healthy nut.


The nutritional value of any product is confirmed by the chemical composition carried out in modern specialized laboratories. The list of substances contained includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Vitamins, macroelements, microelements, water. The effect of each on the human body is specific, important. However, only the first three types of compounds give energy to a person. From chemical concepts, this is due to the number of non-oxidized carbon atoms, hydrogen. Their number is largest in fats. Studies have confirmed the following results: 1 g of fat forms 9.3 kcal, the same amount of carbohydrates, proteins produce only 4.1 kcal each. Knowing the energy coefficient, the content of these components of the product, it is easy to calculate their calorie content. So, the composition of peanuts includes 26.3 g of proteins, 45.2 g of fat, 9.9 g of carbohydrates. The theoretical estimate of calories in peanuts gives a value of 551 kcal per 100 g of mass. This is the calorie content of raw peanuts. Much blanched. The calorie content of roasted peanuts is higher and amounts to 626 kcal. It is necessary to take into account the approximate value, depending on the conditions of heat treatment of peanuts. In the process of frying in oil, the exact calorie value may be higher than indicated. Fans of strict diets to determine how many calories in roasted peanuts need to know the conditions for its preparation. Moreover, to obtain a piquant taste during frying, salt, sugar, spices are added, which contribute their additives to the final calorie value of peanuts. The chemical composition of peanuts is different due to a change in the percentage of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in peanuts. Together with them, the caloric content, the energy value of peanuts changes. The table shows the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the values ​​\u200b\u200bof peanut bju, its calorie content.

Raw4,8 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
Fried0 26 52 13,4 626
Salty2 13,8 59,7 10,2 611,5

Beer lovers with salted nuts should take into account that the calorie content of salted peanuts is high, so you can quickly gain weight with a big belly, which will be difficult to get rid of. The same applies to supporters of delicious treats peanuts in chocolate icing. 100 g of tasty mass contains 558 kcal, obtained from 32 g of fat, 16 g of protein, 45 g of carbohydrates. But the usual handful of roasted nuts is 30 g of mass, has 180 kcal and is quite suitable for a snack before a full meal, instead of an afternoon snack. All the calories eaten will be quickly processed. A person feels cheerful, does not suffer from the desire to sleep, and continues mental activity.


The nutritional value of peanuts, like any other product, is determined by the ability to satisfy the physiological need of a person to replenish his internal energy reserves. This is ensured by the presence of diverse elements, compounds that are useful to people. The harmonious interaction of vitamins, microelements, fats, carbohydrates of peanuts makes it indispensable, for example, in the nutrition of athletes. The amount of protein in peanuts, products made from it, which is involved in the need to build muscle mass, depends on their diet. Easily digestible vegetable fats, vitamins of different groups, protein, trace elements of peanuts, calories, which are quickly burned in the body, are used in the recommendations of nutritionists. The high protein content creates a feeling of satiety even with a small amount of nuts eaten. This is effectively used in diet recipes for weight loss. Despite the high calorie content of peanuts, such diets are common among models, artists involved in show business. They completely replace meat, provide the body with the necessary vitamins in the complete absence of harmful cholesterol.

The nutritional value of 100 g of popular roasted peanuts is: 26 g of protein, 52 g of fat, 13.4 g of carbohydrates, 4.8 g of dietary fiber. Among the vitamins, PP contains the most. Its amount is 13.5 mg. 7.9 mg vitamin E, 0.43 mg thiamine. Trace element iron 1.7 mg. Macroelements magnesium 38 mg, calcium 15 mg, sodium 38 mg.

Benefit and harm

All substances from the composition of peanuts perform their important function. Even 8% of fiber that is not digested by the body helps in the work of the digestive organs. Absorbs, removes harmful compounds, slags, unwanted water, excess salt. Due to the high amount of proteins, the passage of chemical reactions involved in the synthesis of complex enzymes, amino acids, and the creation of renewed cells is accelerated. A set of important vitamins facilitates the work of the brain, cells of the nervous system. Regular servings of peanuts improve sleep, memory, and alertness. The body copes with fatigue, depression, and stress more easily. The presence of antioxidants slow down aging, help prevent the development of cancer, actively participate in the fight against active radicals. Globulin, located in the nut, supports immunity, increases blood clotting, which must be taken into account for people with vascular diseases. Biotin strengthens hair, smoothes wrinkles, helps to cope with baldness. The complex of beneficial peanut compounds regulates the hormonal background of men and women, creating conditions that positively affect the conception of a child. Folic acid will help in the renewal of body cells, fats with their mild choleretic effect will come to the rescue in time for ulcers and gastritis.

The main thing is not to overeat, to know the characteristics of the body, for example, a tendency to allergies. And then even large calories of peanuts will only benefit the body. The right one will help in the prevention of many diseases. This is not just a delicacy given by nature, but a very useful, healing food product.

Peanut(Chinese walnut, peanut, Chinese pistachio) belongs to the legume family, cultivated for seeds similar to the nut kernel.

The name "peanut" itself most likely came from the Greek word, which means "spider" in translation, by the similarity of the mesh pattern of the fruit with the cobweb.

The homeland of growth has remained unknown. But it is believed that it was previously grown in the Western Hemisphere. Peanuts were found in ancient storages located on the territory of Peru. There is no consensus on how it spread. Scientists believe that it was brought to Europe from China around the 16th century. And peanuts came to Russia at the end of the 18th century.

At the present time, the peanut grows on virtually all continents in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones. The leading countries - producers of delicious nuts - China, Indonesia, USA, Nigeria, Burma.

This product is the second most important legume after soybeans. arichis is a healthy, nutritious, high-calorie product, considered a valuable oilseed crop. It is good as a raw material for many industries, as well as medicine.

Peanuts contain approximately 42% oil, up to 22-30% proteins and approximately 13% carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements. The calorie content of this type of nut is quite high.

The peanut is used as food as an independent dish. Especially relevant are roasted salted peanuts, which are often used as a healthy snack. It is also used in confectionery.

Peanut is a source of ultra-quality vegetable oil. The oil has a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which is very valuable for a complete healthy diet. Peanut butter is used as a dressing for salads, and for many dishes.

Useful properties of peanuts

Useful properties of peanuts know all lovers of plant foods. Peanuts are a very nutritious product, but it is difficult to get better from it, which is where its beneficial properties are manifested.

The composition of peanuts contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements that are so necessary for the human body, which proves the beneficial properties of peanuts. Peanuts contain almost half of the 13 vitamins and 35% of trace elements so necessary for the development and growth of the body. Peanuts are 50% fat and 30% protein. The unsaturated fatty acids found in peanut fats contain 47.8% amino acids and 28.5% polyacids, which express the beneficial properties of peanuts. Peanut proteins contain various minerals, amino acids, both saturated and unsaturated, and vital vitamins, such as: B1, B2, PP and D, proving the beneficial properties of peanuts. The energy value of peanuts is 610 kcal / 100 grams - these are the dietary benefits of peanuts.

Eating 20-25 peanuts a day contributes to the normal functioning of the circulatory system. According to the recommendation of American scientists, it is necessary to consume about 28 grams per day in order to experience the beneficial properties of peanuts.

The benefits of peanuts undeniable. Its use can significantly reduce wrinkles. Due to the high protein content, peanuts quickly saturate the body. It is included in the menu of diets used by fashion models. Therefore, if your goal is to lose weight, replace high-calorie and fatty foods with a handful of peanuts. Peanuts are useful not only for beauty, but also for the overall health of the body. Because of their unsaturated fat content, peanuts and peanut butter can lower blood cholesterol levels. Significantly lowering the occurrence of various cardiovascular diseases, the beneficial properties of peanuts are indispensable. For vegetarians, it should generally be considered the main dish, as it can completely replace meat. Due to the substances contained in it, the functioning of the nervous tissue, liver and heart is normalized. In men, the consumption of peanuts has a beneficial effect on potency. It is very useful for pregnant women, as it contains a large amount of folic acid, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. It is also considered a good choleretic agent. Improves brain function, memory and attention.

For all its genius, peanuts have their contraindications. According to nutritionists, if you abuse it a lot, you can gain weight. Eating raw peanuts can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and constipation. Peanut dust and skins cause allergies. Therefore, peanuts should not be consumed by children under 5 years of age and lactating women.

An allergic reaction to peanuts most often manifests itself in the form of itching all over the body, abdominal pain, nausea, swelling of the larynx and mouth. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur. If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately stop the use of peanuts and products containing them.

calorie content of peanuts

The calorie content of peanuts is quite high at 551 kcal, so if you are trying to get rid of excess weight, do not consume peanuts in large quantities. During a weight loss diet, when you limit your diet from fatty foods, just peanuts can give you the necessary nutrients and fats that your body does not receive.

Who doesn't love peanuts? And in what form can it be used? Today, such a kind of nut as peanuts is in rather high demand among all generations of mankind. Peanuts are quite nutritious and very tasty. With it, you can very easily have a snack or use it as a snack. As a component in baking, making up dishes, and also just eat on their own, like a tasty and satisfying nut. There are many applications for peanuts and in all cases it turns out just an impeccable option.

How many calories are roasted and salted peanuts without oil

Can peanuts be eaten raw or is it better to roast them? Of course, it will be tastier fried, and if you add seasonings and spices to it, the taste will be just amazing. Roasted peanuts in oil - very satisfying and tasty. At the same time, not everyone can afford to eat it. Ladies on a diet will try to avoid such a treat so that it does not leave a mark on their figure. For men and children, calorie content is only in hand, because they need strength and activity all the time, and they don’t particularly care about the figure. Of course, it is not recommended to abuse nuts with beer. But to indulge, sometimes, even useful.

Children especially love to indulge in such a delicacy. It is important to know how many calories are in roasted peanuts and is there any benefit from eating them? The calorie content of the finished roasted product is slightly different from the calorie content of raw peanuts. By itself, the nutritional value of nuts is quite high and is about 550 calories raw. Roasted peanuts have 626 calories. The calorie content increases due to the fact that the calorie content of the oil is added to the calorie content of the nut itself.

And how many kilocalories are in fried peanuts without oil? Naturally, its nutritional value in 100 grams of the product will be slightly less. You can also eat peanuts in chocolate, the calorie content of which will be even less than the calorie content of the raw product, and is only 430 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product. How many calories are in roasted and salted peanuts? Such peanuts are most often used by connoisseurs of beer. The calorie content of such a product is 598 kilocalories per 100 grams. The calorie content is high, but not critical. Even a person who is on a diet can treat himself to such a product once.

Benefit or harm?

In addition to its calorie content, peanuts are also highly valued for their beneficial vitamin composition. Minerals and vitamins simply saturate this nut with many useful substances. Here are present:

  • vitamins of group B, A, D, E, C;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid;
  • choline;
  • neotsyn.

This composition will allow a person to get rid of constant headaches, migraines, help improve sleep, relieve stress and depression, nervous breakdown and anxiety. It also significantly improves the performance of the body. Vitamins A, D, E, C will help the body carry out many metabolic processes. Peanuts also contain a lot of iron, calcium, fluorine and phosphorus. Such a useful composition will allow you to completely get rid of the annoying feeling of hunger between breakfast and lunch. Peanuts are quite suitable for a light snack and snack.

In the East, absolutely everyone likes to eat peanuts and this is one of the most common and popular types of snacks. It is served on the table simply as a platter and eaten. Also used in baking and cooking other dishes. The benefits and nutritional value of peanuts are high, so the taste and effect on the body will be immediately noticeable.
