
Description of sunflower honey. Choosing sunflower honey

The sunflower is an annual plant native to North America. It was brought to Russia by Peter the Great, back in the 16th century, and since that time the "sunny flower" has become an integral part of the domestic agricultural sector. The value of the plant lies not only in its seeds and oil, but also in very nutritious honey.

Sunflower honey is considered one of the most useful and easily digestible varieties, therefore it is very much appreciated by beekeepers. Known for its unique medicinal properties, it is often used in medicine. The period of honey collection falls at the end of July - the beginning of August.

Characteristics and distinguishing features

Sunflower honey is considered a more affordable and common variety. Its cost in the market is not very high, and this is due to great competition. But this does not reduce the useful properties of the product. One of the main distinguishing characteristics of sunflower honey is fast crystallization. Also, I would like to note the not very sticky structure. A natural product in a thickened state looks like dough and plays with light colors.


Recently pumped nectar has a light color scheme. In the process of crystallization, the color range shifts towards hot mustard shades. Crystallized honey forms a thin crust of white glucose.


This is one of those varieties that cannot boast of a rich honey aroma. Instead, it has a pleasant smell of hay and wet pollen. Some beekeepers note a pronounced smell of fried potatoes. It is worth noting that after crystallization, the aroma becomes even less noticeable.

Taste qualities

Sunflower honey has a pleasant honey taste, in which there is a slight bitterness. A teaspoon of the product is enough to leave a tart taste in the mouth for a long time.


Sunflower honey is one of those varieties that crystallize very quickly. Already 2-3 weeks after pumping, it becomes thick and covered with a sugar crust. In a thickened state, it resembles lard in consistency, with small sugar crystals. However, once in the honeycomb, honey takes longer to crystallize. But even despite this, it is undesirable to use sunflower honey as a winter food for bees.

The process of rapid crystallization is explained by the content of a large amount of glucose in the composition.


As we said above, sunflower honey contains a large amount of glucose. In all other aspects, it is practically no different from other varieties of bee products. Oily consistency indicates the presence of vitamins E, PP, as well as beta-carotene.


100 g of sunflower honey contains 320 kcal. This is a very high calorie content, therefore, it is advisable to use this product in small quantities. The daily norm directly depends on body weight, and is usually set in the range of 50-90 g.

The nutritional value

Natural sunflower honey contains 79% carbohydrates, 17% water, 3% proteins and vitamins, and 1% minerals.

Vitamins and minerals

Sunflower nectar contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Experts read about 300 compounds that are easily absorbed and have a beneficial effect on the body. Among them, we note such bioactive substances:

  • Vitamins C, H, K, as well as beta-carotene;
  • proteins and amino acids;
  • minerals.

The composition of the plant includes such unique substances as choline, betaine, and also solantic acid. All of them are transferred to honey made from the sunflower. Also note the high content of organic acids.

This grade contains 27 amino acids necessary for a human body.

Beneficial features

Why is honey useful? Regular consumption of sunflower nectar strengthens the immune system and also improves the overall health of a person. Among the main properties of sunflower honey, we note:

  1. An excellent restoring effect that allows you to normalize the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.
  2. The product strengthens the immune system and has established itself as a very effective remedy in the fight against colds and flu.
  3. Prevention of arthrosis and atherosclerosis.
  4. Sunflower nectar is an effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Cardiologists often use this product in the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

Medicinal properties:

  1. The high content of glucose in the product makes it an effective tool in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases.
  2. The product is an excellent cleanser that removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  3. Regular intake of sunflower honey helps to lower cholesterol.

The benefits of the product extend to the digestive system. Its reception accelerates cell regeneration, and also helps to get rid of gastritis, ulcers and colic.

This variety of honey has diuretic properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Contraindications and harm

Despite its usefulness, sunflower honey has a number of contraindications:

  1. Sunflower pollen causes severe allergic reactions in some people. It is logical that the same reaction of the body will be to honey from this plant. Before use, it is necessary to apply a drop of nectar on the wrist. The appearance of redness and itching suggests that you are allergic to this product.
  2. Sunflower honey should be removed from your diet for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  3. The product is contraindicated in children's diathesis.
  4. The presence of glucose and sucrose in the composition makes the product dangerous for people with diabetes.
  5. The product is contraindicated in people who are actively fighting obesity.

You can find more detailed information by watching the video "Sunflower honey - useful properties and contraindications."

If an infant does not have an allergic reaction, sunflower nectar can be safely added to his diet. But you need to start with small portions.


For preventive purposes and in the treatment of viral diseases, honey should be taken in small doses - no more than two teaspoons per day. To increase the effectiveness of a sweet medicine, cinnamon can be added to it. It is advisable to consume medicinal nectar on an empty stomach, while drinking water.

We do not recommend adding the product to tea or pastries for medicinal purposes. The fact is that at a temperature of 50 degrees or more, honey loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to take the product in its natural form and not to experiment.

Sunflower honey is actively used in cosmetology. On its basis, hair masks, face creams and moisturizing balms are made. These products allow you to tighten the skin of the face, make the hair more voluminous and get rid of dandruff.

Compresses from sunflower nectar have a good healing effect. However, it is advisable to use it in treatment only after consulting a doctor.

Application in traditional medicine

The chemical composition of sunflower honey leads to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood, so it is advisable to take the product for people suffering from anemia. The duration of the course of treatment is 1 month. The daily norm is 100-150 g. To enhance the effect, medicinal nectar should be washed down with sour milk or kefir. For the entire period of treatment, you need to consume at least 3 kg of "bee gift".

As we said above, sunflower honey has good healing properties, so it is actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. There are several application options:

  • In the form of lotions;
  • through microclysters;
  • in the form of an ointment.

Sunflower bee gift is an effective remedy in the treatment of cracked heels. For this, two cakes of dough containing nectar are prepared, which are applied to sore spots at night. 5-6 procedures are enough for the skin on the heels to return to its normal state.

Another method of treating cracked heels is with an ointment. To prepare it, you need to mix 80 g of honey, 20 g of fat and 3 g of Xeroform. The ointment is applied to diseased areas of the skin, once every two to three days. The duration of the course of treatment is three weeks.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions for sunflower honey are the same as for other varieties. In order for the product not to lose its medicinal properties, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • store the product in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • the recommended temperature regime is from 4 to 20 degrees;
  • the maximum humidity indicator is 75%.

With any violations of the temperature regime, the product is deprived of the lion's share of its useful components.

The bee gift should be stored in a thoroughly washed and disinfected container. It is advisable to use glass, clay or porcelain containers. It is strongly not recommended to store the product in metal containers, because due to oxidation it becomes harmful to health.

Experienced beekeepers store the product in glass jars that can be tightly closed with a lid. If this is not done, honey will absorb the smells of other products. Therefore, it is undesirable to store it near chemicals (paint, gasoline, glue).

How to choose honey?

When buying a product, it is important to pay attention to its appearance and taste. It must meet all the characteristics described above. It is advisable to purchase honey only from trusted beekeepers, so as not to stumble upon a fake.


Glycemic index (GI) – 30.

Calorie content - 314 kcal.

Sunflower honey is the record holder for the presence of flower pollen, one of the most popular and affordable. It is called differently: sunflower, sunflower honey. It has all the useful properties of honey products. It is widespread in the southern regions of Russia. It is very popular in China, Japan, South Korea, it is included in the mandatory menu of children's institutions. Main producing countries: Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, France, USA.

Useful properties of honey

Natural sunflower honey is the leader in the spectrum of phytohormones, contains at least 51% of honey sunflower pollen. It ranks first among light honeys in terms of enzymatic activity. In the presence of a rich spectrum of minerals, flavonoids, organic acids, nitrogenous compounds.

The beneficial properties of sunflower honey include high levels of vitamins PP, E, C, the minimum proportions of sucrose (3%) and a large amount of reducing sugars. The balanced composition contributes to the rapid absorption of glucose, the amount of which reaches record levels (48%). There are no fats in the composition of honey, proteins occupy 1%, carbohydrates 99%.

How honey affects the body

Sunflower honey has a high biological activity, antioxidant, firming, antibacterial and tonic effect. Especially appreciated by people suffering from anemia, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, neuralgia.

With regular use of honey, the composition of the blood improves, normal pressure is restored, the airways and bronchi are cleared, problems in the gastrointestinal tract are removed, gastritis and ulcers are cured. Sunflower honey is useful for strengthening the heart muscle, blood vessels, nervous system. Improves blood circulation, removes toxins, increases hemoglobin. Helps relieve symptoms of colds, acute respiratory infections, flu.

Honey has a healing effect on the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, kidneys, eliminates problems with sleep disturbance and digestion. Reduces the likelihood of swelling, has a diuretic effect. Treats cancer in the early stages. Gives energy, vivacity, helps in the fight against viral infections, improves immunity. It is a useful product for a growing body, athletes, the elderly.

How to choose

Sunflower honey has a light color, most often light amber, golden yellow, sometimes it can have a thick mustard greenish tint. The taste does not have an intense aroma, there is a slightly acidic bitterness, slight astringency and a fruity aftertaste. It goes on sale most often in a crystalline mass with fine grains, reminiscent of ghee. It always compares favorably with price characteristics from elite varieties, while not inferior to them in terms of therapeutic and nutritional qualities.

Storage methods

Contact with air leads to rapid crystallization. In a liquid-viscous form, it remains after pumping for 2-3 weeks. The ideal method of exposure is unopened honeycombs.

Sunflower honey is best stored in the dark, cool or in a room with a temperature not exceeding +30, the container is glass, ceramics with a lid. In order to avoid alkaline reactions, oxidation, galvanized, copper containers are prohibited. Under appropriate conditions, it does not lose its medicinal qualities for several years.

What is combined with in cooking

Sunflower honey reveals its gastronomic characteristics in baking. When added to the dough for bread, pies, cakes, it saturates finished products with a spicy aroma. Used in meat, poultry, desserts. Serves as a natural sweetener for any drinks (herbal, fruit teas, berry juice, compote).

Sunflower honey is combined with milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt. Harmoniously combines with nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, especially popular with spices: cinnamon and cardamom. It is used in sauces for pork and beef using balsamic vinegar, horseradish, mustard, pumpkin oil.

Useful food combination

Sunflower honey in dosed proportions is used for weight loss. It has a healing effect, speeds up metabolism, cleanses the intestines, removes excess fluid. Seven-day honey diets help to lose weight by 2-4 kg. For weight correction, a drink with cinnamon and lemon juice is popular.


High levels of pollen can cause allergies. The dosage is limited for diabetes mellitus, obesity. Children of preschool age are introduced into the diet carefully, starting with minimal doses.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Sunflower honey is used for colds, to fight viral infections. They are treated with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory organs, and the genitourinary system. Assign with warm milk for insomnia. It is recommended to include in the diet to increase blood flow, stabilize blood pressure, to remove toxins and normalize the water-alkaline balance. They are included in the complex therapy of neuroses, atherosclerosis, neuralgia, oncological diseases. To increase immunity, they drink a honey solution with apple cider vinegar in courses.

In modern medicine, it is used to treat cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, prostatitis. On its basis, warm compresses are made on the area of ​​​​the kidneys and liver. Warm drinks with sunflower honey help with sore throat, runny nose. An aqueous solution relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, promotes the healing of bleeding gums, helps to cope with stomatitis, periodontal disease. A warm honey drink relieves nervous tension, eliminates increased excitability.

In cosmetology, sunflower honey is popular in nail and face care procedures. Used with essential oils for bathing, used in scrubs, anti-cellulite programs (massage, body wraps).

Perhaps the most popular of all varieties can be called sunflower honey. It is distinguished by its availability - it is produced by many beekeepers, and the price for this delicacy is usually lower than for many other varieties. Find out what beneficial properties and contraindications sunflower honey has and how it looks.

Origin of honey

Sunflower honey is extracted by bees from pollen and the nectar of bright yellow flowers known to everyone as sunflowers. The bees cultivate the flowering fields all summer long, and by mid-September the beekeepers are already getting an attractive sweetness. It is this healthy sunflower treat that is considered one of the earliest varieties, since often in early September the sweetness is ready for use, unlike other options that “ripen” only closer to October.

Characteristics of honey

This variety of honey can be recognized by the following features:

  • Color. This sweetness is characterized by a whole palette of sunny shades - from bright yellow, golden to rich mustard hue. After crystallization, the color fades, acquires a light white tint.
  • Taste. Sunflower honey is very sweet with a slight fruity and floral flavor. After crystallization, the taste becomes more tart.
  • Crystallization. This delicacy belongs to those varieties that are candied very quickly, but if the storage conditions are observed, it can “hold out” for about three weeks. Such rapid crystallization does not affect the beneficial properties of sunflower honey in any way - even in this form it remains of high quality and useful. Sometimes it is covered with a thin light coating, which forms the glucose contained in it.
  • Aroma. The sunflower treat smells barely perceptible, its aroma is subtle, light floral with a possible pleasant apricot sourness, unobtrusive. After crystallization, the product becomes less pronounced.
  • Compound. Sunflower delicacy contains vitamins of five groups at once, including vitamin A, in the form of beta-carotene known to everyone, the content of which in this variety exceeds the content in the same beef by 60 times. The content of enzymes characteristic of natural food, organic acids and amino acids, which are the basis of protein, is high.

How to choose

You need to choose the freshest product, produced most recently and immediately poured into jars. It is better to purchase a healthy sunflower delicacy from a trusted manufacturer - either a large brand that sells honey, or small producers that have proven themselves among friends and acquaintances. Particular attention should be paid to those companies and those beekeepers for whom this particular treat occupies a sufficient percentage of the entire production.

Useful and medicinal properties

Useful and medicinal properties of sunflower honey are surprising. So, the undoubted advantages of treats include:

  1. is an excellent natural "energy", since the sweetness of sunflower perfectly saturates the body, leaves a feeling of satiety;
  2. the amino acids contained in the composition contribute to protein synthesis, the work of the digestive tract improves;
  3. helps to strengthen blood vessels, improves blood flow, normalizes blood pressure;
  4. perfectly tones, strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is perfect as a "secret" remedy in the treatment of colds;
  5. sunflower honey is used for cosmetic purposes - it helps to strengthen hair and nails, has a positive effect on skin rejuvenation.

Use: indications and contraindications

Sunflower treats are best consumed in fairly limited quantities - two or three dessert spoons a day will be enough (for greater benefit, you need to take it in the morning, on an empty stomach). The maximum dose per day is 50 grams, eating more will bring the body one negative.

Like all other bee products, sunflower honey, in addition to benefits, can harm the human body. It is a fairly strong allergen, so you need to use it, and even more so try it for the first time, very carefully.

An allergy caused by sunflower honey manifests itself quite standardly - a rash and redness on the skin, so it is better to postpone the use of sweets at the first signs of such a reaction. It is better to try replacing it, for example, with a clover delicacy - these two varieties are very similar in taste, but the second option contains less pollen.

Children should be given this treat with caution, after consulting with a doctor.

Storage rules

Sunflower honey is stored for a long time, although it crystallizes very quickly. For no more than a month in a dark, cool place, this variety should retain its liquid consistency. There is no need to melt candied honey into a liquid form, since all the healing and beneficial properties of sunflower honey are preserved.

Use for wintering bees

The wintering of bees on sunflower honey is complicated by its rapid crystallization, which affects the poor digestibility of the product by these beneficial insects. A good substitute for honey is sugar syrup, on which the wintering of bees becomes easier.

However, some beekeepers believe that sunflower delicacy is quite suitable for feeding bees during the cold season. But this applies only to those areas that have a mild climate and warm winters with constant high humidity - in such conditions, honey will not crystallize quickly and will serve as an excellent basis for feeding insects in the winter months. But in order not to put the bees at great risk, it is better to choose a more suitable grade of honey.

The rapid crystallization of sunflower honey is not at all considered a significant drawback of this sweetness; it does not affect a huge number of useful properties. Honey made by bees from pollen and sunflower nectar is very easy to digest, it belongs to one of the varieties that have a low calorie content, so you can safely use this delicacy both separately and adding to various dishes.

Sunflower is an amazingly beautiful, bright and extremely useful plant from which many valuable products are obtained, such as seeds, oil and, of course, honey. About him and will be discussed in today's article. It is produced almost all over the world, and more precisely in France, Russia, the USA, Spain and Bulgaria.

Experienced beekeepers say that the sweet delicacy is in no way inferior to other varieties in terms of useful properties, and in some moments even surpasses them. So why is sunflower honey not popular with our compatriots? To dispel the myth about the uselessness of this product, let's analyze all its features.

Main signs

Undeservedly, sunflower honey, whose properties are due to the high content of valuable substances, has received a low reputation. Many people even consider it an artificially created product of beekeeping. The reason for the unflattering reviews was the non-specific biochemical composition, due to which honey quickly crystallizes. It's all about the abundant content of natural glucose, leading to accelerated solidification.

Uninformed users perceive this fact as confirmation of the presence of chemical components. It is quite easy to distinguish a real product from a counterfeit one. In liquid it has a bright yellow or amber tint, with a possible admixture of a greenish color. It has a dense and very delicate crystalline structure and a characteristic fruity aroma with light notes of green tomatoes, pollen and apricots.

Unlike other varieties, sunflower honey has a lower stickiness. After thickening, the taste and appearance change dramatically. The smell becomes weaker, and the taste becomes more tart. This scares away potential buyers. Although the fears are unfounded. It should be remembered and known that only a natural product of beekeeping is subject to crystallization. When sugar syrup is added, a sharp souring and an unpleasant aftertaste are observed.

useful properties and chemical composition

In the process of crystallization, a hard whitish crust forms on its surface - this is pure glucose. The substance has a wide medicinal range. Glucose has antimicrobial, sedative, disinfectant and diuretic effects.

The composition is dominated by a large number of amino acids responsible for protein synthesis. At the same time, there is a low sugar content (only 3%) and a rich set of vitamins A, E and PP. Sunflower honey is also enriched with lecithin, its role is in immune protection. Deficiency of this substance leads to dysfunction of all important internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver).

Pharmacological properties

There is a scientific evidence base confirming the high therapeutic efficacy of sunflower honey. Clinical trials indicate that the sweet treat prevents oncological pathologies and arthrosis. These facts have long been known outside the Russian Federation. For example, in Japan, China and Korea, the product of beekeeping is given in all children's institutions. A valuable dessert improves well-being and prolongs life.

Regular use allows you to completely normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. In addition, the bee product helps cell renewal and improves blood flow. Doctors consider it the best natural remedy in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza, especially during the epidemic.

Sunflower honey, the beneficial properties of which are highly appreciated by folk healers, has a psychotherapeutic effect. It has long been credited with antidepressant qualities. People who consume a dessert spoon daily are much more energetic, less prone to stress and nervous excitability.

It is used as a diuretic and to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Honey has a bactericidal effect, therefore it is indicated for diarrhea, respiratory diseases and malaria. It can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, especially in old age. Delicacy perfectly tones, soothes and cleanses from toxins.


Why sunflower honey is useful, we managed to find out, but how to use it correctly so as not to harm the body and get the maximum benefit? To prevent an allergic reaction, you should not lean on the product, you must follow the measure - a few dessert spoons a day will be enough. If the skin develops a rash, itching or burning, then stop taking it. For children under one year old, it is better not to give it or add it little by little to porridge, drinks or fruit puree.

In this form, it is better and faster absorbed. The daily norm for an adult is no more than 50 gr. in a day. To stimulate the immune system, it is recommended to mix it with apple cider vinegar: in a glass of warm water, dissolve a large spoonful of vinegar and honey. Healing immunomodulatory drink to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is 60 days, after which a two-week break is made.

Clinical studies have proven that the combination of cinnamon and sunflower honey provides excellent therapeutic results. A medicinal mixture of components is the best natural prevention in the fight against oncology and arthrosis. To do this, consume 25-30 grams of seasoning and a sweet dessert daily.

The following recipe will help speed up recovery from acute respiratory infections: combine one hundred grams of natural honey with lemon juice (one citrus).

Mucolytic agent (to improve sputum discharge): stir a dessert spoon of plantain leaves in a glass of water. Put the liquid on the stove, boil for 7-10 minutes, then let the broth cool and put sunflower honey (two large spoons). Use ten grams - three times a day.

In the pathological process of the lungs: prepare a mixture of two hundred grams of carrot juice (red), a glass of honey, ten grams of beet and horseradish juice, a glass of vodka (30 ml). Drink the resulting remedy daily in a tablespoon - half an hour before meals.

Calorie content, cost and storage conditions

Sunflower honey has a rather large energy value. The price for a liter jar ranges from 300 rubles (depending on the region). You should know that 100 grams of the product contains 328 kcal. Therefore, it is not recommended to lean on a sweet dessert. It is better to store in a tightly closed glass container, in a dark place for about two years and do not expose to heat. Crystallization is observed in a month.

  • 1. Calorie calculation
  • 2. Composition
  • 3. Usage
  • 4. Contraindications
  • 5. How to choose real honey?

Honey card

Colorin liquid form - light, from golden to amber. After crystallization - light yellow.
Tastepleasant, fruity, with a specific sunflower aftertaste.
Aromalight, pleasant, characteristic of a honey plant.
Crystallization timehardens very quickly from five to seven days.
Viscositysparse. After crystallization, it acquires a dense coarse-grained structure.
calories314 kcal per 100 g
Collection geographyendemic to North and South America. Distributed everywhere, grown on an industrial scale as an oilseed, industrial and fodder crop.
Collection periodmass flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of August. Active honey collection occurs in August.

A plant that meets and sees off the rays of the sun with its huge flowers is an integral part of our life. Not everyone is able to distinguish, say, mustard from rapeseed, while sunflower is known to everyone. A grateful sun worshiper gives us himself in almost all areas. An irreplaceable culture of food, fodder, technical, medicinal, and simply decorative nature, at the same time it is a generous honey plant. Sunflower honey is taken from it for bribes.

The productivity of nectar is low - up to 30 kg per hectare, however, the value for beekeepers is not only to get sunflower honey, but also pollen - sunflower is famous for its abundant pollen.

Calorie calculation

When using such a nutritious and carbohydrate-rich product as sunflower honey, you need to review your diet well and calculate its calorie content based on the table:

* - nutritional value directly depends on the region of collection and the presence of other honey plants, may have a deviation of no more than 10%.


Bees are happy to collect nectar and pollen from sunflowers during the hottest and driest time of the year, when other honey plants, if not stop, then greatly reduce nectar production.

Sunflower honey is truly monofloral, if it contains nectar and pollen of other plants, then in a small amount. However, its composition is still quite heterogeneous, and depends on the region of collection, variety or hybrid of the main honey plant and the presence of other plants. Thus, the composition of sunflower honey can be quite different for different beekeepers. But for him, as for all flower natural varieties, the obligatory components are characteristic, which have the following ratio:

Natural, including sunflower honey, have a composition consisting of more than three hundred compounds. Chemical analysis showed that all of them are in a form easily absorbed by the human body and close in composition to blood plasma.

Among the components found in the composition of flower varieties, the main biologically active compounds should be listed, namely:

  • vitamins (ascorbic acid and an almost complete list of B vitamins, vitamin PP, H, E and K);
  • enzymes, proteins, amino acids and antioxidants;
  • micro and macro elements (most of all, honey ash contains potassium and iodine, less - various compounds of copper, manganese, sodium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, cobalt, aluminum and other metals).

Sunflower honey differs from other varieties in the content of a significant amount of β-carotene (one of the forms of vitamin A, which in other varieties may contain only traces).

Sunflower honey contains specific bases that are characteristic only for sunflowers - choline, betaine, solantic acid.

In addition, it contains enzymes - enzymes, namely: invertase, catalase, phosphatase, diastase, with which nectar is enriched during processing by bees.

Of course, sunflower honey contains all kinds of organic and amino acids, which are the building material for tissue cells of the human body. Among the characteristic for him, it is necessary to note the combination:

  • linoleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • arachidic;
  • linoceric acids.

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The rich composition of enzymes, organic and inorganic acids, as well as vitamins and minerals makes sunflower honey one of the most valuable products in terms of its beneficial properties. Thanks to them, it has long been used not only in traditional medicine and is famous for such features:

  1. The unique composition, capable of catalyzing the processes of protein reactions, helps to quickly regenerate tissues, start the immune system, regulate salt metabolism and metabolism. It is used both externally and internally: for cuts, wounds, burns, ulcers, abscesses, as well as in the presence of intestinal dysfunctions; it is prescribed for gastritis and ulcers, disorders in the work of internal organs.
  2. Bactericidal properties have a good effect on inflammatory processes caused by colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis.
  3. The content of potassium, iodine, vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, endocrine and vascular systems.

Sunflower honey, due to the content of easily digestible carbohydrates, is useful for strong physical exertion. It is indispensable in the presence of nervous tension and heavy mental work. If you eat at least a couple of spoons of honey every day, you can get effective prevention of depression and insomnia.


Despite the seeming harmlessness of sunflower, honey from it has a number of contraindications. Their list is standard for all natural varieties, due to the pollen content and a significant proportion of carbohydrates:

  1. The presence of allergies. It can be tested with a test at home by applying a drop of honey on the wrist and lightly rubbing it into the skin. If redness and itching appear, then it is better to refuse honey. Do not use honey for lactating and pregnant women. Even if they do not have allergies, then in children it can manifest itself in full. Honey is contraindicated for small children.
  2. Diabetes. The sweet medicine contains not only fructose, but also glucose and sucrose. Their daily intake should be strictly limited on the recommendation of the attending physician.
  3. Obesity. Excess carbohydrates will only exacerbate weight problems.

How to choose real honey?

Sunflower honey is quite rare in the market. Despite the good taste and pleasant honey aroma, it has one feature that is not the most convenient for sale: it quickly hardens. The frozen mass has a very dense solid coarse-grained structure characteristic only of it. That is why it is difficult to pack it after pumping out: already at this moment it begins to settle.

Therefore, having met a liquid product with this name on sale, it is better to pass by. It is, of course, preferable to buy it from beekeepers. If this is not possible, it will help to study the certificate, which a bona fide seller will have without fail.
