
Omelet pancake recipe. Omelette pancakes stuffed with chicken

How to cook an omelette in the form of a pancake recipe with a photo - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Pancakes are close in composition to pancakes, cheesecakes and omelettes - they are all made with the addition of eggs, flour, in fact, all these are pancakes, only the proportions of the initial products are different. An omelette wins over all pancakes due to taste. It cannot be sweet, but in a salty version, you can get delicious omelet rolls, which you can wrap different ingredients and even a salad in. This dish is easy to display and also convenient to eat. Therefore, omelette pancakes can be a simple breakfast, and those cooked with herbs and complex fillings can become a decoration for a festive table.

The ingredients for the dish are very simple:

  • 5 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Mayonnaise can be made homemade - one egg yolk, half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar and mustard, mix at a slow speed with a blender and pour in a little vegetable oil (100 grams) in a thin stream. When the mayonnaise thickens, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice and mix again.

  • 3 tablespoons of soft milk cheese (cottage cheese mixed with a blender is also suitable)
  • 100 grams of ham
  • 100 grams bacon, shredded
  • one tomato
  • greenery.

It is better to fry omelet pancakes in a small frying pan, so the omelet will be easier to fry and turn over, the optimal diameter is up to 20 centimeters, but in principle any other frying pan will do.

Cooking pancakes from an omelet:

  1. Salt the eggs, add sugar, beat with a fork.
  2. Add mayonnaise and mix again.
  3. We fry in a frying pan.
  1. Soft milk cheese or cottage cheese knead with a fork.
  2. Cut the ham into small pieces and mix with finely chopped tomato, herbs.
  3. We put bacon on the pancake, cut the greens inside, add the filling and make rolls.
  4. Cut the rolls into pieces in this form, serve on the table in a wide plate.

You can experiment with the filling - it can be made from caviar, red fish, and other ingredients to taste.

Eggs contain cholesterol, its excess can harm the body, but this substance in small doses strengthens the immune system. Only an allergy or an excess of cholesterol in the body can serve as a contraindication. Eggs contain a lot of protein, which is easily digestible, calcium and other useful microelements, and vitamins. Due to the fact that eggs are convenient to store and cook quickly, they are included in our daily menu. This product is not only a delicious independent dish, but also an essential addition to pastries, salads, and, of course, various omelettes.

omelette pancakes are prepared from a minimum set of products, they come in several types. They can be made with just eggs, baked, or baked in the oven. Also, these pancakes can be prepared with various fillings. As a filling for omelet pancakes, you can take any food, for example: cheese with garlic, boiled eggs, boiled meat and fish. At the same time, the filling should not be liquid and did not flow out of the pancakes, and you can choose the products for it to your taste. And so, we will directly begin to consider the recipe for preparing this simple, but unusually tasty dish. They are as unusual as pancakes made from whole grain flour. Therefore, you need to try everything and then draw conclusions about your preferences.

To make these pancakes, you will need the following simple ingredients:

  • chicken egg - four pieces;
  • boiled water (a little);
  • salt, ground pepper (to your taste).

The preparation of these pancakes is carried out in a very simple way:

First you need to make an omelet mixture. To do this, break the eggs in a cup, add a little boiled water, salt, ground pepper to them and beat everything well so that the mixture foams. That's all, the omelette dough is ready, you can start baking. We put the pan on the stove, heat it up, grease it with sunflower oil. Pour the omelette mixture into the pan, as soon as bubbles begin to appear on the pancake, turn it over with a spatula and fry until cooked on the other side. After the omelet pancakes are all fried, they can be made with some kind of baking or wrapping some stuffing in them. Also, these pancakes can be served without filling, just put them on a plate in a pile. Omelette pancakes can be served with cocoa or ginger tea. If you invite your friends to your home and feed them with such pancakes, they will be very surprised by such a simple and tasty recipe for egg pancakes and will definitely ask for more. We also recommend trying millet pancakes. you will like them too!

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An omelet with a piece of fresh bread toasted in a toaster is a modern breakfast classic. You can diversify your daily menu by preparing a Japanese omelette or egg pancakes, which are easy to stuff with your favorite ingredients. I will be happy to tell you how to make pancakes from an omelet in this recipe, demonstrating the cooking process with step-by-step photos taken.

How to make a Japanese omelette

Whisk together three eggs in a deep bowl. There is no need to beat them, it is enough to achieve a homogeneous mass.

It is important to strain the resulting liquid through a sieve to remove the clot that is near the yolk, otherwise the body will digest it for a whole week.

We introduce soy sauce into the filtered mass, which replaces salt, water and spices well to taste. If there is no desire to fantasize, just pepper is enough.

We put the pancake pan on the fire and when it heats up, we begin to pour the egg mass with a ladle so that it is evenly distributed over the pan. So that the pancakes do not burn, the pan must be greased with sunflower oil.

Omelette pancakes will easily separate from the surface if you pry their edges around the entire perimeter with a knife.

In Japan, they often use such pancakes when cooking Tamago-yaki. The country is the leader in the consumption of this product. On average, every Japanese eats one egg a day. At the same time, the French are leading in the variety of recipes based on eggs.

Pancakes are prepared very quickly, you do not need to turn them over. As soon as they dry, immediately throw them on a plate. Three eggs will make 5 pieces.

You can diversify the taste of omelette pancakes with the help of spices, herbs, cheese or finely chopped champignons, adding the ingredients directly to the dough. They look original when serving omelette rolls. stuffed with your favorite toppings. You can fantasize endlessly.

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These delicious omelette pancakes can help you out when you need to make a quick snack, a delicious salad or serve an interesting and mouth-watering breakfast. They are prepared very simply, quickly and even a novice housewife can handle it. It is best to make them in a small diameter (15 - 17 cm) frying pan, so they will be easier to turn over. My favorite option for serving such pancakes is omelette rolls. You can use any filling for them, everything is at the discretion of your culinary imagination and those products that are at hand.
  • 6 large eggs
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

We knead the omelette dough for pancakes in the traditional way, for this we combine raw eggs, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, beat everything well with a fork as for an omelet. Then fry the pancakes in a preheated pan on both sides for several minutes until cooked and golden brown. Their thickness depends on how much dough you will pour into the pan.

While they are cooling, we make the fillings: we grind the milk cheese with a fork, cut the ham finely and mix it separately with chopped tomato and herbs. We stuff the cooled pancakes and form them into tight rolls, we also do the same with bacon - just lay it out, sprinkle with herbs and roll it up. Before serving, cut the stuffed pancakes into small pieces and serve on a large flat plate. Bon appetit.
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Homeland omelet - France. According to the legend of the origin of this wonderful dish, one king, after another hunt, got hungry, went into the house of the poor and asked for food. The poor man, not having exquisite ingredients at hand, prepared food from what was - eggs, flour, milk, sugar, raisins. The king liked this dish very much, and the court chefs included it in the menu.

To date, there are hundreds of recipes for making omelettes, from simple breakfasts to delicate desserts. In this section, we share omelet recipes with photos and step-by-step cooking instructions.

See recipes / video recipes or rubric selections. Each collection contains from 3 recipes.

Air omelette in a pan

Airy omelet with milk in a pan is an incredibly tender chicken egg dish that can be served for breakfast and afternoon tea.

Lush omelette in a slow cooker

The simplest fluffy omelet with milk, which is suitable for serving for breakfast or dinner.

Lush omelette with milk in the oven

The omelette has a very fluffy, airy and tender structure. It takes a little over 30 minutes to prepare.

Omelet with broccoli in a pan

Delicious and satisfying milk omelette with broccoli from the “healthy food” series.

Omelet in a bag of milk

An omelette can be cooked in a pan. But cooking it in a bag is different in that we cook it without fat. He is dietary.

Omelet with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

We cook in pots in the oven a juicy, airy and tender omelette with tomatoes, cheese and herbs.

Omelet with sausage and tomatoes in the oven

Oven-cooked omelet with sausage and tomatoes is a hearty, tasty dish. The omelet is fluffy and juicy.

Omelet with sausages and tomatoes

An omelette with sausages and tomatoes is a simple and quick dish, even a child can handle it.

Omelette with sausages in a slow cooker

Delicious omelette with milk sausages in a slow cooker. The dish is served for breakfast or dinner.

Omelette with broccoli in a slow cooker

Healthy vitamin omelette with milk with a pleasant taste. Great start to any day!

Omelette with waffle cakes in the microwave

Milk omelette with an unusual addition - waffle cakes. It turns out very tasty!

Fluffy omelet with milk in a frying pan

A lush omelette with milk in a pan will turn out for everyone! Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Omelet with cauliflower in a pan

A simple and delicious omelet with cauliflower in a pan will turn the beginning of any day into a holiday.

Omelet with mushrooms in a pan

Omelet with mushrooms in a pan is an excellent breakfast dish. Mushrooms can be used any.

Omelet with tomatoes in the oven

Light and fresh omelette with tomatoes and herbs (with milk). Delicious and healthy breakfast.

Omelet with cauliflower in the oven

Omelet with cauliflower, milk and greens is a dietary variation of the classic omelet that will appeal to both children and adults.

Omelet with potatoes in a pan

In less than an hour, we will prepare a delicious omelette! All you need is potatoes, eggs, a frying pan, 45 minutes and your good mood! :)

Diet omelet in the oven

The easiest omelette recipe that can be quickly made for breakfast with eggs and skim milk.

Omelette in the garden in the microwave

Microwaved kindergarten omelet really tastes just like it did when I was a kid.

Omelet with zucchini in a pan

Omelet with zucchini in a pan - quick, easy, tasty and juicy!

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Omelette pancakes stuffed with chicken

I present to your attention the recipe for one very tasty and satisfying snack, the preparation of which does not require a lot of products and does not take much time. Serve this dish well with sour cream.

  • For the omelette: Eggs - 4 pcs. milk - 1 cup, flour - 4 tsp.
  • For minced meat: Chicken fillet (breast) - 130 gr. onion - 1 head, margarine - 10 gr. egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper and salt - to your taste.


  1. First, make your own omelette pancakes. To do this, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Then rub the yolks with salt, adding milk and flour to them. Whisk the egg whites into a fluffy foam and, stirring constantly, add them to the yolks in a thin stream. Next, from this mixture, bake an omelet in the form of pancakes in a pan.
  2. Now let's get to the stuffing. Cut the chicken fillet into thin strips or twist it through a meat grinder. Chop the onion finely. Then fry the chopped chicken and onion together in margarine or butter, pouring salt and pepper to them.
  3. After all this, spread the prepared chicken and onion filling in portions on pancakes, which are then wrapped in tubes so that the filling is visible at the edges.
  4. Next, lay the chicken-stuffed pancakes on a baking sheet and drizzle them with a couple of beaten egg whites.
  5. Place the pan with the pancakes in the oven preheated to medium temperature. You need to bake them until the filling is slightly browned.
  6. Before serving this appetizer, cut it into slices. Although not necessary.
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  • Aspic of beef tongue with gelatin
  • Lean banana cake with nuts and raisins
  • Jellied eggs in eggshell
  • Charlotte with apples on kefir

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There are many ways to make an omelette. It can consist of only eggs, or it can be fried with broth or baked in the oven. In addition, an omelette can be prepared in the form of tender pancakes, which will serve as an excellent “shell” for mouth-watering rolls. As a rule, the basis of the filling for omelette pancakes is cheese, to which you can add garlic, eggs, boiled meat or fish. The main thing is that the filling should have a “sticky” consistency and hold tightly inside, and you can choose the components for it in accordance with your taste preferences. As an example, the recipes for stuffed omelette pancakes below will serve you.

Omelet pancakes with mushrooms and cheese.

To make omelette pancakes with mushrooms and cheese, you will need the following ingredients:

For test:

4 eggs
2 tsp milk or cream
A pinch of salt.

0.5 kg fresh champignons (or any other mushrooms)
200-250 g hard cheese
3 art. l. olive oil
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook omelette pancakes with mushrooms and cheese:

1. Beat eggs with salt, add cream to them, beat again. In a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, bake a few thin pancakes (you need to fry them on both sides, like any other pancakes). Transfer the pancakes from the omelet to a plate and cool slightly.
2. Finely chopped champignons, sprinkled with salt and pepper, fry in a well-heated pan until they acquire a golden hue. Add grated cheese on a coarse grater to the mushrooms and continue to fry until the cheese is melted.
3. Put 1-2 tablespoons of cheese and mushroom filling on each pancake, form rolls. Best served hot.

Omelet pancakes with garlic.

To make Garlic Omelet Pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

For test:

5 eggs
5 tsp mayonnaise
30 ml vegetable oil
A pinch of salt
Vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook omelet pancakes with garlic:

1. Beat eggs and mayonnaise with a mixer until smooth. Add salt and vegetable oil, mix well again. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil.
2. Peel and rub the garlic on a fine grater, put it in mayonnaise, beat with a fork. Put a filling on each pancake and form a roll. If the rolls are too large, they can be cut obliquely in half.

Omelet pancakes with cheese and saury

To cook omelette pancakes with cheese and saury, you will need the following ingredients:

5 eggs
5 st. l. mayonnaise
0.5 tsp dried dill
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil for frying

150 g sausage cheese
2 boiled eggs
100 g mayonnaise
3 garlic cloves
1 can of canned saury in oil.

How to prepare omelette pancakes with cheese and saury:

1. Mix eggs with mayonnaise, add salt and spices to the mixture. In a hot frying pan, greased with sunflower oil, fry pancakes (only on one side).
2. Grate cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Drain the liquid from the canned food, remove the bones from the fish, mash the fillets with a fork and mix with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Put the filling on ready-made warm pancakes, roll up the rolls.

To cook scrambled eggs in pancakes, we need (based on 3 servings):
3 large pancakes or 6 small ones
3 eggs;
250 g of cheese (I have 150 g of "Adyghe" and 100 g of "Russian");
greens (dill, parsley, green onion):

salt, pepper - to taste.

Prepare pancakes according to your favorite recipe. I bought ready made pancakes.

To prepare the filling, mix grated cheese and finely chopped greens. 3 small baking dishes (or portion molds) can be greased with oil before laying out the pancakes. We cover each form with a pancake (my pancakes were very small in diameter and I took 2 pancakes per serving). In the middle of the pancake, lay out a third of the cheese mass and distribute it over the pancake. Make a small hole in the center of the filling for the egg. Drive a raw egg into the recess, salt and pepper it. We turn the edges of the pancake towards the center. We send the forms to the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 4-5 minutes. Adjust the baking time of the scrambled eggs to your liking, depending on the desired consistency of the yolk. I kept it for about 7 minutes so that the yolk was completely ready. Delicious scrambled eggs in pancakes are ready to serve.

Lightly heat the pan, pour a small amount of egg mass, spread over the entire surface of the pan and fry at a low temperature. The omelette should be thin and not overcooked. As soon as the omelet "grabbed" turn it over to the other side, wait a few seconds and remove from heat. I didn't flip the omelette, I just fried the first side a little longer and then removed it from the pan.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

On the eve of Maslenitsa, I propose to bake pancakes with filling, the recipes of which are so diverse that even those who do not like this traditional Russian dish at all will like it. Having tried to cook pancakes on your own a couple of times, you will meet the holiday fully armed and surprise your family and friends with an unusual and tasty dish.

Spring rolls - recipes with photos

Before making a dish with different fillings, I want to introduce you to a few basic recipes for spring rolls with a photo. The possibility of using one or another filling often depends on their thickness - the more satisfying it is, the thicker the pancakes should be. And there are a lot of options for preparing delicacies - each housewife brings something of her own to the baking process or to the composition, which allows you to experiment and get dishes that are completely different in taste and density.

Pancakes with milk

You will need:

  • 2 raw eggs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • half a glass of kefir (it can be replaced with water, kefir makes the flour product more airy)
  • half a glass of milk (it should not be cold)
  • half a small spoon of soda (if you replace kefir with water, then you do not need to put soda)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 gr flour
  • 2 spoons of sunflower oil

First you need to combine the eggs with flour, and then pour in the rest of the liquid, finally adding soda and salt. Stir the dough more thoroughly, no lumps should remain in it. You need to pour the base into a hot frying pan in portions, after greasing it with oil (preferably creamy) or a piece of lard.

Thin pancakes

To make pancakes thinner, you need to remove kefir and soda from the composition:

  • 0.5 l milk,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 250 gr flour
  • sugar, salt - half a teaspoon,
  • a spoonful of sunflower oil.

First, eggs are beaten with a mixer or whisk (not too hard), then flour is poured in a stream. After you mix the resulting mass, pour in the milk and add bulk products.

omelette pancakes

These pancakes in themselves are quite a satisfying dish, which are optionally filled. Please note that you do not need to add sugar to the composition.

  • 5 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise (or sour cream)
  • a pinch of black pepper and salt.

Eggs with mayonnaise are mixed, they can be lightly beaten with a whisk. Bake in a hot skillet. If you want to diversify the delicacy with a filling, then you need to add it directly to the pancake dough. It can be ham, chopped greens, tomato or bell pepper - in general, everything that, by analogy, can be added to an omelette and it will not spoil it.

Spring roll recipe - step by step

Now I will teach you how to cook spring rolls step by step, the recipe with chicken is perfect for this.

  1. Take 200 grams of flour (or 1 glass without a slide).
  2. Sift the flour through a fine sieve.
  3. Make a small well and crack 2 eggs into it. Stir.
  4. Gradually pour in milk (its total amount is 500 ml).
  5. Stir so that there are no lumps left in the dough.
  6. Add half a small spoon of salt.
  7. Pour in a spoonful of oil. Mix well again.

Our dough is ready, but before baking the pancakes, let's prepare the filler mixture. Products with chicken filling are prepared according to the principle of envelopes - when the finished mixture is wrapped in a baked pancake. If you want to cook a more extravagant and unusual treat, take the recipe for omelette pancakes as a basis and add pieces of fried chicken directly to the dough.

I prefer to pre-marinate the chicken (breast is better) in a delicious sauce. For this, honey, soy sauce or regular mayonnaise is suitable. You can add spices (thyme, garlic, curry), but I like it when the taste of seasonings does not argue with pastries, so I put only black pepper and a little salt. Saute onion with chicken. Let her cool down a bit. You can spend this time on baking pancakes.

Put the chicken filling in the middle of the finished circle and wrap it with an envelope.

You can use this step-by-step recipe for spring rolls with almost any variation of this pastry.

Spring rolls recipe with photo - step by step

Do you know that pancakes can be made healthy? Let's learn how to bake healthy spring rolls, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help us with this.

Oat pancakes

This recipe differs from the main one in only one component replacement - instead of wheat flour, take oatmeal. It is very simple to make it - grind oatmeal flakes in a blender or coffee grinder. Be prepared for the fact that the finished dish will turn out not too lush and airy. That is why I advise you to dilute oatmeal in half with wheat flour - this combination will bring less harm to the figure.

Pancakes on the water

This recipe is used for baking lean pancakes, but if you are strictly watching your figure, then it is suitable as a variation of a less harmful meal. All you need is flour and mineral water.

  • Gradually pour mineral water (2 cups) into 300 grams of flour, constantly stirring the dough. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps left, salt a little, burn, sweeten with sugar.

These healthy variations can also be stuffed with different foods. For example, a recipe with mushroom filling is suitable. Cut the champignons into small cubes, mix with onions chopped in the same way and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Pancakes with cottage cheese - filling recipe

You can diversify recipes for pancakes with cottage cheese with various additives to the filling, for example, add to cottage cheese:

  • Candied fruit,
  • Dried fruits,
  • Fresh fruits,
  • Mix grainy cottage cheese with finely chopped dill and parsley and add a pinch of red sweet pepper.

Or you can go the hard way, which as a result will allow you to get unusual, but very tasty pancakes with cottage cheese. Keep two unique recipes!

chocolate pancakes

Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the already indicated milk recipe. In this case, the amount of flour needs to be slightly reduced - by those same 2 tablespoons. Pancakes are baked in the usual way. And make the filling like this: add a couple of pinches of vanillin, a spoonful of honey to soft cottage cheese. To make the consistency thicker, you can add sour cream. Spread thick paste on the pancake and roll it into an envelope or tube.

Baked pancakes with curd filling

Prepare 2 mixtures: bake pancakes from one (for this we take our traditional set of products) and the other we will grease the dish on top. To do this, we need an egg, 250 grams of sour cream, half a spoonful of sugar.

  • Bake thin pancakes in milk, put cottage cheese in the middle (raisins or dried apricots can be added) and fold into envelopes. Put all the envelopes in a baking dish, pour the prepared sour cream mixture on top. Send to the oven for 20 minutes. After you get it, you can sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Egg spring rolls - recipe with photo

It is very convenient to wrap any filling in egg pancakes, recipes with photos demonstrate various variations of such an appetizer. They turn out to be more saturated yellow, and the elastic surface allows them to be used as the basis for rolls.

To prepare egg pancakes, you need to beat 3 eggs with a mixer, mix them with flour (3 large spoons), add the same amount of water, add a little salt.

By mixing different products, you can get very interesting egg pancake snack options. Here are a few for you to choose from:

  • You can cook pancakes only with cheese filling by grating the cheese on a fine grater and mixing it with garlic and mayonnaise, but you get a more unusual and tasty dish if you add grated crab sticks and a boiled egg to the cheese.
  • Mix finely diced ham and tomato, grated cheese, chopped parsley.
  • Saute chicken breast with mushrooms and onions.

Delicious spring roll recipe

To surprise guests with an unusual serving, you can cook your favorite recipe for delicious spring rolls, but in a different way.

  • Make a pancake cake! To spread the "cakes", which are our main delicacy, it is better to take thick mixtures - cheese with mayonnaise and garlic, fried mushrooms or chicken breast marinated in soy sauce and fried with seasonings.

  • Snack pancakes can be a kind of rolls in the Russian style. To do this, the filling is wrapped in a pancake, making a roll. It is cut in half, placed as a slice on a plate, and topped with greens, vegetables or caviar.

  • Baggy pancakes are another unusual serving. Put the filling in the center, gather the edges, tie them with something edible (green onions or citrus zest are suitable for this).

  • Do you remember the recipe for sweet cocoa pancakes? A little imagination - and in front of you is a real work of culinary art. All that is needed for this is to bake flour products of two colors (chocolate and regular), take one of each, roll into a tube, smearing the layers with jam or boiled condensed milk. In order not to unwind - fix with a toothpick.

Recipes with photos are simple

When there is no time at all to prepare confusing and complex dishes, simple and tasty toppings can save you. Each of these photo recipes is so simple that it does not require any effort, time or material costs from you.

As a basis for baking the main delicacy, you can take any option - in milk, water or egg. By the way, these fillings are also good because they can revive yesterday's pancakes. You will see, not eaten in the evening, they will go away with a bang if the recipe for stuffed pancakes is simplified and added:

  • Jam or jam
  • Cheese with garlic
  • Cottage cheese with chopped fruits or berries,
  • And they can also be sprinkled with powdered sugar or smeared with honey and nuts.

With apple filling

Bake the dish in any way you like, and wrap apple slices mixed with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon inside. The role of the filling in pancakes with apples can also be played by fruit jam, in this case, you do not need to add honey.

Recipe with photo of pancakes with banana filling

Bake your main course. Lubricate each of the products with chocolate paste and lay half a banana. Roll up, top with syrup.

Delicious spring rolls recipe with photo

From pancakes you can create a semblance of pies. At the same time, the dish turns out to be no less tasty, and in unusualness there is little to argue with it. Let's try to make delicious spring rolls, the recipe with a photo of which you are guaranteed to be asked by all curious housewives.

  • Bake pancakes according to any proposed recipe, so that in the end they turn out to be thin and elastic. The recipe for pancakes on kefir is ideal, we will now decide on the filling. Take the frying pan as large as possible in diameter.
  • I recommend preparing a viscous and thick mixture. Therefore, cheese with mayonnaise, curd cheese with herbs or cottage cheese with additives would be appropriate. You can try twisting minced meat or mushrooms.
  • Next, we need to twist thin rolls, folding each of them into a kind of snail.
  • You can fix it with pigtail cheese - it tastes great and ties well.

Liver spring rolls - recipe with photo

Another independent dish is liver pancakes, you can add filling to the recipe, or you can make a cake out of them by smearing the layers with garlic mayonnaise.

  • Boil a pound of beef or chicken liver, pass through a meat grinder, and send a whole peeled onion there. Pour 3 eggs, 100 ml of milk into the resulting mixture and gradually add a glass of flour. Salt a little, add a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil. Fry on both sides.
  • As a filling for pancakes from the liver, you can take fried mushrooms with onions, curd cheese or meat filling.

Spring rolls recipes, with photos

Many filling recipes allow you to cook pancake rolls. It is very convenient and is one of the variations of light snacks from pancakes. They are all prepared according to the same scheme: pancakes are baked, the mixture is placed in the center, the product is folded into a tube and cut into pieces 4-5 cm thick. It is most convenient to make rolls from egg pancakes, but others can be adapted for such an appetizer.

  • Lubricate the base with curd cheese, lay slices of lightly salted salmon, Add a couple of lettuce leaves.

  • In the same way, you can serve pancakes with minced meat, adapt the mushroom filling recipe, or use the recipe from the photo with chicken filling.

Alternatively, you can make a multi-colored dish. To do this, add spinach or beetroot juice to the dough.

Spring rolls on the holiday table recipes

These flour products are so versatile that they can be a great appetizer for a festive table, almost all recipes for spring rolls will work for this.

See how unusual mesh pancakes look, which are wrapped in. In order to fill them, a recipe for meat filling or mushrooms is suitable. And they are baked very simply - you need to pour the dough into intersecting strips into a hot pan.

Sweet products can be diversified by adding zest and juice of an orange or lemon to the dough.

A hearty appetizer for the festive season can be made if you fill pancakes with ham and cheese filling, garlic and crushed walnuts can also be included in this recipe.

Spring rolls video recipe

You can use the most common recipes for a traditional Russian dish with different fillings, transforming them to your taste, serve them to a festive or everyday table. Spring rolls, whose recipes can surprise everyone, can become an economical or gourmet dish, decorate your celebration or dilute your usual diet. They will appeal to sweet tooth and lovers of hearty portions. Choose any to your taste and delight loved ones.

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Hi all! Ihuuu!!! Shrovetide week starts! 😀 I love making pancakes! So today's post with an actual recipe: pancakes with ham, cheese and scrambled eggs. Your men and children will kiss you for such delicious pancakes! And yes, they are very easy to prepare.

Earlier, I already posted my favorite recipe for thin pancakes, () - according to which pancakes really always turn out. Today we will cook pancakes according to the same recipe, and as a filling we have ham, cheddar cheese (you can replace it with your favorite) and scrambled eggs. A hearty protein breakfast!

And pancakes can be prepared in advance, but not fried, but put in the freezer. A good “magic wand” in case there is no time, and you need to feed your family with breakfast. Take the stuffed pancakes out of the freezer and fry! Great breakfast is ready!
These pancakes have only one small minus: it is better to eat them “hot, hot” while the cheese is still hot and viscous.

There are 10 eggs in the photo of the ingredients for the filling. But this is too much, 5 - 6 eggs is enough for 8 servings.

How to cook pancakes with ham, cheese and scrambled eggs:

x1. Let's make pancakes first. Melt the butter in the microwave for 15 seconds.

2. Place all pancake ingredients in a blender. Blend everything together until smooth.

3. Heat up the pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Start baking pancakes. Add the batter to the skillet and spread evenly throughout the skillet with quick, circular motions. Fry until golden and turn over. Fry for another 15 seconds and remove. On one side they will be golden in color, on the other paler. And so on, until the dough runs out.

4. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the ham into strips.

5. Prepare an omelet. To do this, beat the eggs with a whisk with cream or milk and add a pinch of salt.

6. Preheat the pan and cook the omelet.

7. Everything is ready! Now we begin to collect our pancakes. Nothing complicated. Place the pancake, pale side up, brush with Dijon mustard, top with cheese, top with ham and scrambled eggs. Roll up as shown in the photo. And so on, until all the ingredients for the filling run out.

8. Heat the pan, add a little vegetable oil and start frying the stuffed pancakes until golden brown. Ready!

  1. Let's make pancakes first. Melt the butter in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  2. Place all pancake ingredients in a blender. Blend everything together until smooth.
  3. Heat up a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Start baking pancakes. Add the batter to the skillet and spread evenly throughout the skillet with quick, circular motions. Fry until golden and turn over. Fry for another 15 seconds and remove. On one side they will be golden in color, on the other paler. And so on, until the dough runs out.
  4. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the ham into strips.
  5. Prepare an omelet. To do this, beat the eggs with a whisk with cream or milk and add a pinch of salt.
  6. Heat up the pan and cook the omelet.
  7. All is ready! Now we begin to collect our pancakes. Nothing complicated. Place the pancake, pale side up, brush with Dijon mustard, top with cheese, top with ham and scrambled eggs. Roll up as shown in the photo. And so on, until all the ingredients for the filling run out.
  8. Preheat the pan, add a little vegetable oil and start frying the pancakes until golden brown. Ready! Bon appetit!

The familiar omelette can be served in the form of omelette pancakes, which will make the dish unusual. Pancakes are obtained somewhat unusual in their appearance, but at the same time retain the classic taste.

Not only does the dish come out very fast and tasty, it is also very healthy. This is a great option for breakfast. And if you dream up and add various fillings to the recipe, then the pancakes will turn out even more delicious. This will be great

egg pancakes

In this article, we suggest that you not only master the simple recipe for omelette pancakes that has been proven by many housewives, but also add some interesting omelet salad recipes to your cookbook. And we will start with the basics, that is, with pancakes. For cooking, you need only 3 ingredients, which are sure to be found in the kitchen even for a novice hostess.

List of necessary products and cooking features

So, you will need:

  • chicken eggs (from 5 pieces or more);
  • milk (based on: a tablespoon per egg);
  • a pinch of salt.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Pour milk into a cup.
  2. We break the required number of eggs there.
  3. Salt lightly.
  4. Beat well with a whisk or fork.
  5. If you are preparing omelette pancakes for one person, then pour all the cooked egg mass immediately into the pan. If more pancakes are meant, then pour the egg dough with a ladle.
  6. We do not turn the dish! Just cover the omelet with a lid and leave for 2 minutes. After that, carefully spread on a plate, let cool and roll into a tube.

Salad of omelette pancakes with sausage

For this dish you will need:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 220 g smoked sausage;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 apple (you can use canned corn, fresh cucumber or Korean carrots).

The salad is prepared like this:

  1. First you need to prepare the main component of the salad - egg pancakes. This is done according to the recipe described above. The pancakes should be quite thin, so carefully control the amount of dough.
  2. Cooled pancakes wrapped in a roll are cut into very thin strips. In the same way, you need to chop an apple. If you want the salad to be more piquant and spicy, then instead of an apple, you can put Korean-style carrots in it. If, on the contrary, you want a more delicate and even sweetish taste, then we recommend using canned corn. Cucumber and apple just keep the salad fresh and add extra crunch.
  3. Fry the onion in a frying pan in a small amount of sunflower oil.
  4. As soon as it is browned, add cubes or straws of smoked sausage. It is advisable to fry the sausage until a persistent crisp appears.
  5. It remains to combine all the components: scrambled pancakes, apple, onion - and add a little mayonnaise.
  6. For more spice, you can flavor the salad with a little green onion, parsley or dill.

Diet salad with chicken

Perhaps a more delicious, satisfying and at the same time low-calorie protein dinner simply cannot be imagined.

If you go on a diet for a very long time or follow the rules of proper nutrition too diligently, then sooner or later the moment will come when the boiled chicken breast simply does not fit into your mouth. This is where this recipe comes in handy. Due to the presence of additional components with a bright taste, the bored chicken will appear in a different gastronomic light.

How to make a salad

You will need:

  • 280 g chicken fillet;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 onions;
  • canned corn;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • milk;
  • salt;
  • (low-fat yogurt, sour cream, or any other low-calorie salad dressing).

Let's get started:

  1. From milk, eggs, a pinch of salt, we prepare omelette pancakes.
  2. Cool them, roll them up, cut into thin strips.
  3. Lightly sauté the onion in a little oil. If frying foods is unacceptable on your menu, then you can replace the fried onions with green feathers.
  4. Chicken breast can be steamed, baked in the oven, boiled or fried. Any cooking method will do. The main thing is that it does not conflict with your nutrition program.
  5. We send an omelette pancake cut into thin strips into a container, add canned corn, chopped garlic, onion and chicken with a grater.
  6. We put a few tablespoons of lean mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly. Put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

When serving in a salad, you can add fresh herbs or a little pickled cucumber.

An omelet with a piece of fresh bread toasted in a toaster is a modern breakfast classic. You can diversify your daily menu by preparing a Japanese omelette or egg pancakes, which are easy to stuff with your favorite ingredients. I will be happy to tell you how to make pancakes from an omelet in this recipe, demonstrating the cooking process with step-by-step photos taken.

We will need:

  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper.

How to make a Japanese omelette

Whisk together three eggs in a deep bowl. There is no need to beat them, it is enough to achieve a homogeneous mass.

It is important to strain the resulting liquid through a sieve to remove the clot that is near the yolk, otherwise the body will digest it for a whole week.

We introduce soy sauce into the filtered mass, which replaces salt, water and spices well to taste. If there is no desire to fantasize, just pepper is enough.

We put the pancake pan on the fire and when it heats up, we begin to pour the egg mass with a ladle so that it is evenly distributed over the pan. So that the pancakes do not burn, the pan must be greased with sunflower oil.

Omelette pancakes will easily separate from the surface if you pry their edges around the entire perimeter with a knife.

In Japan, they often use such pancakes when cooking Tamago-yaki. The country is the leader in the consumption of this product. On average, every Japanese eats one egg a day. At the same time, the French are leading in the variety of recipes based on eggs.

Pancakes are prepared very quickly, you do not need to turn them over. As soon as they dry, immediately throw them on a plate. Three eggs will make 5 pieces.

You can diversify the taste of omelette pancakes with the help of spices, herbs, cheese or finely chopped champignons, adding the ingredients directly to the dough. They look original when served, stuffed with your favorite toppings. You can fantasize endlessly.
